Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1959, p. 13

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ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON a7 Move 3, Bote THE GOLDEN TEXT THE OIHAWA TIMES Sond, Api 4, 1999 13 Fraser Rogers of Minden with the Seripture--1 Samuel 3:19:21; 7. ; : ; MANCHESTER |fosch family: Mr. 'and Mrs. ham, with Mr, and Mrs, J. W, MANCHESTER -- Mrs, Grant Crosier; Mrs, Marion Croxall, Christie is spending a vacation in| Toronto, with her parents, Mr, England, and Mrs, H, Franklin; Mr, and r, and Mrs, James Cawker Mrs, W. 8. Taylor and Brenda of and family visited her parents in'Serpent River with Mr, and Mrs, Udora Sunday. |W. F. Crosier and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Dyke was in Port Perry Frank Way, Toronto, with Mrs, Hospital for treatment over the Dolly Roberts, weekend, Ma 3: Sulu serra, home Saturday from a holiday in . falo, Her sister, Mis. Selmar: The came home w er for the : Loy alle Roy Samuel son of Hannah and Elkanah, The Philistines defeated the Tsraclites The people admitted that they had Hearing that the Israelites were gath-| HEU ' Heong the Paster iaiters wih] MATHEW. 1246-80 grew to manhood, 'And all Israel in battle, Samuel gathered jhe Jeo- sine, ng gathered In Mispeh. Sam. grey 0kotiut, the Pil siney aitacked. | 7 his parents, Harry Cowan and] Invite seekers after Truth | ether, telling them that the; uel ered sacrifices to the Lord an h Lord's p, Israel defeated | . from Dan even (> Betrgheba knew ple together, leling He A prayed that He would help them, for them and drove thera. out. -- 1 Sam: | : jo_spply for Free Bible. that Samuel was established to he a returned to the Lord and put away prophet of the Lord." Who revealed idols, He would deliver them. -- 1 they feared the Philistines--1 Samiel uel 7:7-13 | ' i TBYNG AVE. CATON mn othe Lingr Who neces jdols, Ts 7:5, MEMORY VERSE--{ SAMUEL 2:26 | ik su mel lo Sam ue fs . We PENTECOSTAL Witte: I ll SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON vorsio ro ste. | FOR BETTER HEALTH =REE Min CHURCH | CHRISTADELPHIAN classes know what a religious re- "The a ¢ al. a , MORGAN . PASTOR The child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the c DIAL RA 5.1318 Post Office Box 121 vival is, such as Samuel held to Yo W oh Pel & i Lord, and aloo with men, fa 1 Samue 1 2:26, Oshawa, Ontario Christ Led His People ii: iii Select Your Own Doctor ah ran . : Ie gotpel of Chr Tn evi . . . ieti issionary Alliance [| 11 AM --Mormin To Spiritual Revival ~~ Fin' And Stick With Him! | The Christian and Missionary Allance || «vere = rer ony J {older, might be led to a discus- HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD |. You are the one who is bound RE M, == listie By NEWMAN CAMPBELL [put away Baalim and Ashtaroth. go, "ow ise men of our own gen-| Don't shop around for a family fo suffer. Paster; REV: Wl. J Newel, 7 PMS ange UNITED CHURCH The child Samuel grew to man-|and served God only." --I Samuel eration who might be called|doctor. Now there is another reason, ALL ARE WELCOME . On Floyd ot Gibbons St. Samuel as Judge hood, and his people knew that 7:3-4, i { . he "was established to be a|AT MIZPEH prophets. They would probably| It is your prerogative, of too, why you should have one doc-|| WELCOME -- CONVERTS OF WES. AARUM CAMPAIGN pp of he Lore." Samual, Samuel chore a lee, 0 omar ono cu compare want i: ar osu ni ou dolor -- ae commen a» | 7:00 PM--THEME BY THE PASTOR | ier. vi: G8 a Ree SRO py dat ao te Sa am i HARMONY Re ar ig fem, hy sph od By So LESKARD [yourself It oc ii doctor to ony Mult how past ines react in ~Fine Congregations! Singing | UNITED CHURCH NOR A: ip Hannah and Flkanah, who had "And they gathered together to jioetof Yicking Sylarem dseess bo food, Routh condition, upon 0 # 20 ER bo: ion SERVICE Rev. N, T, Joma, BA. BD. (Nursery during the Service) been childless until Hannah Mizpeh, an d drew water, and : led . io rearrange Se " a---- -- By MRS. C. MARTIN plaints treat you, he goes to work with a 9:45 AM. y Ross Metcalt, ARC.T, ens Ao ' VI RRR | ) background of valuable informa- MEMORY VERSE DOCTORS ARE HUMAN ; . a -- Organist and Cholrmaster Junior to Senior - \ | "The child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the LIPERARD a. Raid bik Doctors are human and they Lord, and also with men."--1 Samuel 2:26, tion | This is especially important in| an emergency SUNDAY "SéFiooL ET == | Princess Margaret Hospital in|they realize it far better than you HELPFUL KNOWLEDGE [ HAD RehooL nih nd GOSPEL HALL | endittriom | prayed to God to send her a|poured it out before the Lord, | Toronto. If you aren't satisfied with the For example, you may have a KINDERGARTEN CLASSES Nursery to Primary child. After Samuel was born, in and fasted on that day and said Mr. and Mrs. George Eade and| . oa: | we art orgy th i; gratitutde she dedicated him to|there, "We have sinned against family have moved to Austin| (OY ee Log meiny: Lit bi ease hg Herr al ow 40 NASSAU ST. MORNING WORSHIP Il "Your Community Church" the service of God and took in $e Lon, Jd Samuel luaged the Turner hh apartments, | orth boy other physician, Instead ask about, In .an emergency, a doc-| --. I| A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL || to Eli, the high priest of Shiloh, children of Israe peh. Newcastle. Roy Thomp 3 vour own doctor to obtain the ad-|tor seldom has time to check into|| SUNDAY, 10:30 AM.--REMEMBERING THE LORD | I | after spending a month at the don't know everything. Moreover, to be trained for his work. Samuel 7:6, | purchased the house owned by th Vice of another didn radia story . . af physician, if he your medic al history The enemies of Israel, the Phil- Eade family. [thinks it is necessary Isn't It much better to bu treat-| 12:15 P.M. --SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS "And Samuel grew. and the '! . thered! o : Lord was with him, and did let istines, heard they were gathered' npg Arthur Young and Mich-| "youu doctor is interested in ed by someone who already none of his words fall to the in Mizpeh, so they at'acked them, ael, Toronto, spent the Easter curing your ills, While he regards knows how you will react to var 7:00 P.M GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: J, H. BLACKWOOD, \ a ' U : d Ch h ground." --Samuel 3: 1v. The people cried 3 Samuel 10/\veekend with her parents, Mr.|y,, ac a human being, not as a lous drugn? Evangelist of Peterboro St. An Trew S nite urc Samuel married and had tw pray that God woul ave | In and Mrs. C. Martin. |business statistic, it stands to Because of this, 1 suggest you WED. 7:45 P.M Bible Stud |p M sons, Joel and Abiah, the names Samuel made a nll fice 0 ne Mrs, Norman Fee spent the reason that it is bad business to carry thes name, address and! y aid ible Study and Prayer Meeting MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A, D.D. meaning "Jehovah is God and Lord while he Philistines grew Easter weekend with Mr. and|jose a patient phone number of your doctor A VERY HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL Organist end Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, Jehovah is my Father," accord. N¢8r pattie a ey Lord Mrs. David Fee at Goderich. ppaupsT CONSULTATION lalong with your own identifica ing to Dr. Wilbur M. Smith's thundered wit a reat La Y Mrs. Earl Spry, Kathy, Tom-| r I : 1d tion papers In an emergency, I . . " commentaries in Peioubet's Se. On that day upon the | iligtines. my and Billy, are visiting her fa. m sure that your doctor would | go maone "can summon the doctor -- - -- ---- it -- -- 11:00 A*M.--"IN THE BEGINNING and discomfited them: and they = "oy Bt eo Tat Stayner, Welcome the suggestion for a consi po "hoct knows how to treat you (BROADCAST BY CKLB) 9:50 A.M.--SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CLASSES lect Notes + " were smitten before (srael." = I |sultation with another physician, this week. Mig wo. QUESTION AND ANSWER 17 ERIE ST, DIAL RA 5-3872 REV, R ARGA P possibly a specialist, if you re. 5 » + RE DARGAN, Pastor I} \Ti00 AM NURSERY, BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY CLASSES The Ark of the Lord had been Samuel 7:10 : captured by the men of Bethshe- «go the Philistines were sub- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gimblett and quest it and he thinks it advis-, Mr. J. G.: What would cause . TA SR ; 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN ST ANDREW'S CHAPEL i ville, visited Mr. a 3 ou 19 ; mesh (the Philistines) who re- quod' and they came no more family, Bowmanville, "| able gray hai' in a 17-year-old girl? Is ) . " and Mrs, Ken. Gimblett Sunday. " ee / , skiaron me. sant] Dr tothe. nnabitaots of Kin i1o,the cout of lsract. and 1 Fe April meeting of the Lev ciara cons reat the patient for Ansar: Gray hair in 17 ieee METHODIST CHURCH | PE jath-Jearim to get it and take it pyiictines all th days of sam. kard W omen By 35onia yg [the same thing at the same time year-old is probably an hered. I Speaking will be REV, G. TELFORD again to the Israelites. --1 Samuel ;; "1 gamul 7:13. held at oy 8 me * ""lwithout knowing wha' the other|itary oh aracteristic und does not oo 6:21. {Alman pril 8, iis doing, or even that the other ordinarily indicate a deficiency of the NOT IDOLS | physician is on the job, any kil, 10 A.M. --SUNDAY- SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Samuel "spake unto all z | the civil world we| ELP ON HOUSEWORK uh ne -- EA house of Israel, saying, If ye do Today to i o.p 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP return unto the Lord with all your do mot bow down and. worhip| ppeTON, Man. (CP)--Two wor : : 3 : hearts, then put away the strange idols. But do not men and women on convinced a largely femin. "rr : THE TREE OF LIFE Alb S U d Ch h R bidet vi! J PM--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR ert Street United Lhurc gods and Ashtarotn (identical have their oh Mas viich thes ine audience that men should k Astart sometimes cheris ns help their wives with the house. RIGHT OR WRONG? hi po ee vour hearts worshiping God only? Sometimes|work when they debated the is. onteco atal hunch Yl 0 Aare pana tt Curd oki abt and REV, S. C. H, ATKINSON, Minister unto the Lord, and serve Him it is money. Sometimes it i don sue with two men at a home and Life Hour, Listen to 900 CHML 9 am. Every Sunday, || MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Chelr-letder : will deliver you cial position or prominence © (school meeting. A vote by the 3.243 Og dh ae) of the Philistines. political world, Whatever It is, let | audience declared the women the [ REV. JAS. S. PIERCE, Pastor Call RA 3-4477 - ------ I -- " - Then the children of Israel did | 11.00 AM. -- "WHITHER NOW rapa 0 d/A08 Wuidauet 489 inode 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 0) AM 7:00 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR BROOKLIN "1700 AM & 7:00 P M. THE SALVATION ARMY BROADCAST CKLB GRACE | | GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST DR. J. E. PURDIE SIMCOE AND OAK STREET 9:45 AM--PRIMARY TO SENIOR SS. LUTHERAN BAPTIST CHURCH OF WINNIPEG MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers [[ 11:00 A M.--NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN, BEGINNERS Dr. Purdie is the found nd former pr | of W Tr - -- CHURCH TOWNSHIP HALL I" ible College in Winnipeg, 11 AM --HOLINESS MEETING 150 Albert St. Pastor: BROOKLIN, ONTARIO "| 7 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC RALLY Pastor: Rev. A. G. E. Mitchell Rev. C. R. Nelson, Pastor 2 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASSES | Carl A. Kartechner - ~ . Nk 4 pa a bus AM King Street Pentefjostal Church JRA Ric NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 8:30 AM. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY scHOOL REV. J. M. Mag(KNIGHT | WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M.--PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY [| SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD 7500 P.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM WELCOME MINISTER -- REV, H. A, MELLOW, BA, ; : ORGANIST -- MR, J. A ROBERTSON 1)00 AM, 11:00 & 7:00 P.M "DEPTHS OF LOVE" 11.00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. wile ONFIRMATION Service . ,. : C Ss Al MR. & MRS. RAY. SMITH Communion § PASTOR REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSIONS -- 9:30 AM, AND 11:00 AM. : 7:00 P.M. « 21 Wh Alae ' 11:00 A M.--SERMON: "THE ORDER OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL || Missionaries on furlgugh from India HE COSY OF SIN" 10:00 A.M.--SUNDIAY SCHOOL THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH BURMING HEARTS" 10:00 AM. Lutheran Hour: CFRB APRIL 8--DR. A, JOHNSTON SPECIAL MUSIC ALL SERVICES IN SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM "THIS IS THE LIFE" World radio. Missionary fellowship ive FRIeNDLS EGRTH MASONIC TEMPLE | The favors of God are all-surrounding 7.00 P.M.--FRIENDLY HOUR IN THE LADIES' PARLOR Channel 11 -- 4PM 91 CENTRE ST. but should the conscious eye of the soul Topic: "YOUR QUESTIONS" THE CHURCH WHERE YOU AIRE NEVER A STRANGER of man remain veiled and darkened he || will be led to deny these universal signs ond remain deprived of these manifesta- THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA | pu A tions of divine bounty, NOX soppy. UCHRISTIAN SCILNGED suman | COIR ST LM7ED QRH Simcoe St. N. (four blocks from King St.) WILSON AND ROGERS FIRS? CHURCH -- 64 C'OLBORNE ST. EAST Mr, R, K, Kellington, Organist and Choir Master The Rev. Robert B, Milroy, MA, Minister Rey: DO ears. BA, TED Janata ------------------------ Secretary: 293 Gienview Ave, -- Phone RA 3.3281 Mr. David Jenkins, Musical Disector Mr. Frank Walter, Organist and Choir Master 10:00 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL == A Class for All Ages SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: { iI 11:00 AM --EASTER AFTERGLOW 9:45 AM. ~SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH, 1109 Cedar St. "" " 11:00 AM. 11:00 A®M, REALITY I Easter Communion and Reception of New Members . ; ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA on Profession of Faith and by Adult Baptism. COME HOLY SPIRIT MORNING I Wednesday svening Tegung o : 0 clock includes 2:30 P.M.--SOUTHMINSTER CHURCH -- Easter Music by the i estimonials of heal { t Se 3 : , HEAVENLY DOVE READING ROOM HOURS. IR CHURCH FoIFiCE -- A KT Helmet, B.D, of Harmony Umied Church Monday 7:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. Ere. WORSHIP Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ST GEORGE'S CHURCH EVERYBODY WELCOME AT ALL SERVICES Centre and Bagot Streets EXCEPTING 'HOLIDAYS Rev. Clinton D. Cross, BAA, L.Th RA 5.2386 L 7.00 PM "THE MAN | AM" E SACRAMENT OF . is re ---- . g EASTERONE Sunday Sencel 0: 9:45 3m, HOLY BAPTISM 1109 A ORIG AUNIEN aisHOR In raini rl 0 / -MORNING PR 3 BISH! » vd South Sunday School, Ukrainian Presbyterian 7:00 FM. EVENING PRAYER--REV, po TRANT |] inn Streel United Ghureh Church at 9:30 a.m. | une [* FIRST BA PrIst CHURCH (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) 812 HORTOP STREET CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH REV. MERVIN A, BURY, MA, B.D, Minister Rev. .N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister Mary and Hillcroft Streets Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist Mis M. Joyce, Director of Mus Rector, The Ven. H. D. Clverdon -- Phone $5798 [I on Duporier Nursery and Chur Shas 2 | + X 11:00 AM RA i 8:00 AM, -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M 10:00 a.m. Baby Creche 11:00 a.m, G A LV AR Y B A PTIST ; H u R CH EF COMAAUNION OF THE RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS | Ba LORD'S SUPPER HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 11:00 AM --"THOMAS: THE REALIST" CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS 7:00 P.M.-- Corner Court and Barrie Streets. one block east of Albert I Read: St. John 20: 19-31. ; Solo: "Teach Me To Pray" (Jewitt) FFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES i " ] REV "OR hn (AFFILIATE! 4 Por Sv : THE FAITH OF A REV. A. GORDON BAKER, Mus, Bac, B.D. Miss Hazel Rundle -- cen se-- REALIST' 11:00 AM. = 7:00 P.M. | Anthem: "Bless The Lord, O My Soul" (lvanoff) a ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH FOR BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED THROUGH FAITH; AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT 1S THE GIFT OF GOD; NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST. EPH. 2: 8,9. -- . ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE, " rE -- 9:45 A.M.---BIBLE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES Ls i Incumbent: The Rev. R. A, Sharp -- RA 5.7064 1100 AN. AND 7:00 PM | OSHAWA GOSPEL MISSION en A Ray, Ro erg os RAST SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Evangelistic, Non-Dy:nominational Independent ST. MARK'S CHURCH MINISTER: REV, JOMN K. MOFFAT, B.A, REV CLARENCE BASS Founder: REV. E. HW. ROTHENBUSH, Director STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. Director of Music: Mr R, G, Geen, L.T.C.M, > "WORDS CANNOT ADECIUATELY EXPRESS THE BLESS fy Bagh i gL V. ZIER OF V wi : : : ) E BLESSING 476 Beurling Ave, -- Priest in Ch 1 1: si] Missionary to India Preaching at both Services { WE ARE RECEIVING FROM THE WORD SOA oo ive St . a ae ror om 11:00 AM. --REV. HUGH G. CROZIER OF WHITBY hi : sin Sse : 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN ST. ANDREW'S WED.--7:45 P.M.--Prayer and Praise E aX -- MINISTERED BY VANGELIST, REV. ROBERT HARRI | CHAPEL THURS. --7:30 -- 9:00 P.M.--CHRISTIAN SERVICE BRIGADE, 0 Ris | ST. THOMAS CHURCH, BROOKLIN DR. GEORGE TELFORD will preach ALL BOYS AGES 12-18 ARE WELCOME | FULL GOSPEL REV. £. \v. FULLER, BA. 8.0. STM, RECT OL hihi REVIVAL YOUTH CENTRE Re Bd £ 31M, RECTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL SAT 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting TONIGHT AT 7:30 P.M. 10:00 A. M.--~MATTINS, 1st ond 3rd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH [| 9:48 AM JUNIOR. INTERMEDIATE AND YOUNG PEOPLE I 1000 AM EUCHARIST 20g ono ath SUNDAY OF THE |, 43 GREAT iat fou ut Worl a "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" ! at. Servs Senden 7 am MONTH . wy Monday, April 6, 8 pm: ~Travelogue in the Church You Had Better Come Early 10:00 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL "Switzerlond---Poradise on Earth

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