@ THR OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, April 3, 1959 TWP. OF DARLINGTON-ZONING BY-LAW NO. 2111 Prepared by the Darlington Planning Board -- Approved by the Darlington Council, February 5, 1959 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL 3052. IN THE MATTER OF Section 390 of The Municipal Act (R50, 1950, C243), ~ ONG IN THE MATTER OF an application of The Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2111, posed the Sth day of February, 1959. Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 13th day of April, 1959, at the hour of half past ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Township of Darlington Council Chambers, In Mampton, Ontario, for the hearing of all parties Interested in support of or opposing this application. DATED at Toronte this 3rd day of March, 1959 0. R. CHAPMAN, Secretory TITLE This by-law may be cited as the Zoning By-Law DEFINITIONS In this by-law (a) "ACCESSORY BUILDING" means a subordinate building or sfructure whether separate or ottoched located on the same lot as the main building, the use of which is clearly incidental to that of the main building, end shall not he used for human habitation, and includes a private garage (6) "BUILDING, MAIN" means the building in which is carried on the principal purpose for which the building lot is used, and in the residential zone the dwelling is the main building. (e) "COVERAGE, LOT" means that percentage of the lot area covered by the area of all buildings Including accessory buildings (d) "DEPTH, LOT" means the horizontal distance between the front and reer lot lines. Where these lines are not parallel, it shall he the length of o line joining the mid points of the front and rear lot lines (e) "DWELLING CONVERTED means a dwelling altered to make a greater number of dwelling units which dwelling wos erected prior to the passing of this by-law . (f) "DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY" means a separate building containing only one dwelling unit (g) "DWELLING UNIT" means a room or a suite of two or more rooms, designed or intended for use by a person or family, in which sanitary convenien are provided and in which facilities are provided for cooking or the installa~ tion of cooking equipment (h) "FAMILY" means one or more persons living as a single and non-profit housekeeping unit in a dwelling-unit and includes domestic servants and/or roomers and/or boarders not exceeding two (i) "FLOOD PLAIN" means the horizontal area bordering a river, stream, of water course which is subject to flooding and the limifs of such flood plain as determined by an Ontario Land Surveyor (j) "FRONTAGE, LOT" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines where such lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be the distance between the side lot lines measured on a line twenty-five (25) feet back from the front lot line and parallel to It (k) "GARAGE, PUBLIC" means a building other than a private or neighborhood gorage which is used for the care, repair or equipping of motor vehicles, er where such vehicles are parked or stored for remuneration, hire or sale (1) "GOLF COURSE" means a.public or private area operated for the purpose of playing golf and does not include driving ranges, miniature courses ond similar uses operated for commercial purposes (m) "GROUND FLOOR AREA" means the maximum area measured to the outside walls, excluding, In the cose of a dwelling, any private garage, porch, verandah or sun room unless such. sun room is habitable ot all seaso (n) "HEIGHT, BUILDING" means the vertical distance between the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the front of the building nd, 1) in the case of a flat roof the highest point of the roof surface er the parapet, whichever is the greater i) in the cose of a mansard roof, the deck roof line, and il) In the case of @ gable, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between the eaves and ridge exclusive of any accessory roof cofstruction such as @ chimney, tow: ple, or television antenna ) "HOTEL" means a separate building or two or more connected buildings used mainly for the purpose of catering to the needs of the travelling publie by the supplying of food and also by the furnishing of sleeping aecommoda- tion of not less then six bedrooms; as distinguished from any other building or connected buildings used mainly for the purpose of supplying food and fodging hy the week or otherwise, commonly known as boarding houses or of furnished living quarters for families, and have a dining rem or restaurs ant commonly known as apartment houses or private hotels. (Pp) "HOUSING PROJECT" means a group of dwellings erected during a period of not more thon twe years In accordance with a development program or plan, (@) "LOT" means any parcel of land whether or not such parcel is described in registered deed or shown in a reg ed plan of subdivision a LOT AREA" means the horizontal erea within the boundary of @ lot 8) "LOT, CORNER" means a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two or more streets provided that the angle of Intersection of such streets is not more than 135 degrees (1) "LOT, INTERIOR" mears a lot other than o corner lot (uw) "PARKING SPACE' means an area of not less than two hundred (200) square feet, exclusive of driveways or aisles, for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles tv) "PERSON" means any individual, aestociation, firm, partnership or incorpors ated company, LVA ARD" means land of buildings used for an automobile wreckir and storing of paper bones, bottl tires, old metal Serap material and' saivap and where such materials are bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, he emembied or handled 00) "SANITARY SEWERS' means @ system of underground sonduits which carries sew to a place of treatment which meets with the approval of the Ontario grat Resources Commission, W) "SERVICE STATION, AUTOMOBILE" mears @ building or place where gesos line, oil, grease, antifreeze, tires, tubes, tire accessories, electric light bulbs, spark plugs and batteres for motor vehicles are stored or kept for sale, or where motor vehicles may be oiled, greased or washed, or have their ignition adjusted, tires inflated or batteries charged or where only miner of running repairs essential to the actual operation of motor vehicles ore executed or perform: "SHOP, SERVICE" means @ building and whether conducted in conjunction with retail shop or not, for the repair, shle or servicing of articles or materials at opposed to the manufacturing of the some fea) "SHOPPING CENTRE" meas @ group of commercial establishments § cone ceived, designed, developed and managed as a uit by o single ownér er tenant, or group of owners or tenants acting in collaboration in aceordonce with the provisions of this by-law and related in location, size and type io the surrounding' trade area which it serves as oppesed to a business aree SO RORE" unrelated individual commercial establishments. (xb) "STORE, RETAIL" mears a bullding where commodities of which at least 80 per cent are new, are stored, wared or kept for sale in limited quantities the wholesale disposal of such commodities. portion of the building other than the eellar which surface of the floor ond the surface of the next floar above It, or If there is no floor above It, then the space between such floor and the ceiling or roof next above it (ed) "STOREY, ONE HALF" means the portion of a building situated wholly er in part within the roof and in which there is sufficient space to provide a height between finished ficor end finished ceiling of aot least seven fe six Inches over a floor areq equal to at least 509; of the area of the oor next below ' (ze) "STREET" means a public highway having @ minimum width of 66 feet which affords a principal means of access to abutting lots, (ze) "STREET LINE' means the limit of the road or street allowance and Is the dividing line between a lot and a street means an open, uncovered and unoccupied space appurtenant te - FRONT" means a yard 'extending across the full width of the buildi lot between the street or front boundary of the lot and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot (21) "YARD, REAR" means a yard extending across the full' width of the building lot between the rear boundary of the lot and the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on the lot, (zi) "YARD, SIDE" means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side boundary of the building lot to the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot, or the nearest open storage use on (a) Clossitication 1) The provisions of this by-law shail apply to all lands within the limits of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington, which lands for the purpose of this by-law have been divided into various use zones as follows st Density Residentia econd Density Residential Third Density Residential Local Commercic Highway Commercial Restricted Industrial Open Ltcrage Industriel Greenbelt Zone Agricultural The extent and boundaries of all the said zones are shown on Schedule "A, which Schedule forms a part of this by-law and is attached hereto, The permissible es, the minimum size and dimensions of building lots, the minimum § t yard and the maximum percentage of building lof cupiad by buildings are set out herein for the respective wn on Schedule "A" have established in several Township lot |i nes, limits of ad allowances, limits limits of HEPC. easements, heights-of-land and When the location of zone boundaries os shown in Schedule "A" is uncertain then the following provisions shall apply As indicated os approximately parallel to any ty line and the distance from the street line or property such boundary shall be construed es being parallel r property line, and the distance therefrom shall be according to the scale shown on Schedule "A' Where a zone boundary is indicated as being the height-of-land bet watersheds such boundary shall be the limit of the watershed in which zone is located ii) Where a zone boundary for a Greenbelt Zone is shown on Schedule A the boundary of such zone shall be determined according to the scale shown on Schedule "A". In'no case shall the zone boundary be lscated to the centre of the river, stream, or watercourse than 100 feet. or cated bel thigh water isos! A determined by an Ontario Land AGRICULTURAL (A) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply (8) Uses Permitted i) Residentio! Single-family detached dwellings, dwellings for persons empl same lot, and converted awellings ' Ploved on. the i) Agricultural ral riculturol "uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare including farm buildings, field crops, gardening, nurseries, orchards, kennels. forestry and the processing of forestry products fishing, trapping and seasonal fruit, vegetable, flower and farm produce sales outlets 1) Institutional italy, clinics, libraries, churches, schools community centres, municipal buildings, cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums, or crematorium" estab lished with the approval of the Department of Health under the Cemeteries Act iv) Recreational arks, playgrounds, and golf courses. v) Sumenes Cott ummer cottages which are not occunied for W I months in any one calendar year Petioy Sxéaiding: tour vi) Yome Secupation offices of @ physcion dentist, or drugless practitioner lacan single-family detached dwelling used by hy proe an, de jocated practitioner os his private residence, such offices to be used fo tion and ame y treatment only, or the office of o ae na and premises for the amergency treatment of animals ®) Area Requirements No. person shall within any (A) Zone erect or structure ex pt 1" ace b . poi ) Converted Dwellings Bach of the dwelling unity nN converted building st hove @ mini net floor eree of 608 square feet, exclusive of pub! -- tv ublic or common halls end eirveys, and thickness of the eutaide voila Or use any building COUNCIL Reeve, R. W. NICHOLS; Deputy Re A. E. THOMPSON, E. B. TRULL G. B. RICKARD; F.G. SMITH; Clerk W. E. RUNDLE Consultants, MUNICIPAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS CO. LTD., Toronto PLANNING BOARD Chairman, M. D. WYMAN; V, E. COOKSON; R. McGiLL; C. EK. OSBORNE; F. G. SMITH; A. E. THOMPSON; T. R. VALLIERS; The Corporation of the Township of Darlington -- By-Law No. 2111 A BY.LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE CHARACTER: LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington enacts as follows: G ERAL PROVISIONS Publis Uses i) Nothing in this by-law shall prevent the use of any land as a public park, community pork, Nokground, rood allowance, or for any municipal purpose, b) Non-Conforming Uses othing in this by-law shall require any change In the plans, construction or use of any propoued building or structure for which an application for a building permit has been approved by the Township Building Inspector prior to the passing of this by-law, nor shall this by-law apply te any land, buildin or structure which on the day of passing of this by-law was used or erecte for any purpose prohibited by this by-law so long as it continues to be used for that purpose, iteble Lends © Uniuiteb shall be erected for residential or commercial uses on any land which due to its low lying, marshy or unstable character is considered unsuite able for the installation of proper sewage and drainage facilities (d) Greater Restrictions When the regulations or requirements of any Department of Government impose areater restrictions than the restrictions imposed by this by-low then such greater restrictions shall control H Lots Moving Less Ares Then Required here a building lot having a lesser frontage or area than that required herein Is held under distinct and separate ownership from adjacent building lots at the time of the passing of this by-law os shown by a registered con- veyance In the records of the Registry or Land Titles office, a dwelling may be erected and used on such smaller building lot provided that it conforms to all other requirements of this by-law, J] 0 PUIPOses this section registered lots on the following registered plans shall be considered os being held under parate ownership Registered Plans No. 630, No, 632, No, 634, No, 639, No, 645 No, 648, Plan of the Village of Charlesville (now Haydon) Jegitered July 3, 1855, Plan of Burketon Station by J, HW, Reid, registered September 1, 1894 Plan of the Village of Hampton, registered April 14, 1857, and Plan of Village of Hampton dated 1856 (f) Frontage on Public Street No person shall erect any building or structure in @ny zone unless the lot upon which such building or structure is erected, or is to be erected fronts upon an improved public street which has been graded and gravelled to the Township specifications to permit motor vehicle traffic at all times of the year and which hos a roid allowance width of 66 feet or more, In the event that the road allowance width is less than 66 feet then prior to any buildin or development, one half of the difference between the existing width or roa allowance and 66 feet shall be acquired by the Township for widening purposes, In the cose that a wider road allowance width is planned under Section 4 (m) then the greater restriction shall apply ) Redustion of Requirements he purpose for which any land or building is used shall not be changed, ne new Building or addition to any existing building shall be erected and ne land shall be severed from en existing building lot, If the effect of such cheange erection or severance Is to create @ situation In which any of these requirements of the by-law In regard to each Individual remaining bullding, accessory buildings or building lots contrav h) Sight Triang in a corner lot within the triangular space formed by the street lines for @ distance of 40 feat from their point of intersection no hedge or fence shall be planted, maintained or erected which would obstruct the vision of vehicular traffic (1) Building Repair Nothing in this by<law shall prevent the strengthening to o safe condition of any building or structure or part of any such building or structure that is e non-conforming use, provided such alterations or repdir does not contravene the provisions of this by-law by inereoting the height, size or volume or chonge the use of such building or structure (I) Continuation of Agricultural Uses N=athing herein contained shall prevent the use of ary land, building or structure or additions te such building or structure for agricultural purposes, (kA ry Uses by-law provides that land may be used or a building er structure for a purpose, that purpose shall include any accessory use incidental Existing tered Plans Nes, 637 and 650 jential development will be permitted on lots in registered plans Numbers 637 apd 650 In accordance with the restrictions of the Third ensity Residential ! Zone. Where such a registered lot hos a lester frontage or area than required herein a dwelling may be erected ond used on such smaller Pullding lot provided that It conforms to all other requirements of this by-law, m . For the purpose of computing yard depths es required under this byslaw the following road allowance widths and building line set backs shall apply Minimum n ROAD PORTION Kishvay 0, A Entire Length oad No. 14 (Courtice) Highway 40) to County oad No. 1 County Road No, 87 Sowmanvile to Twe. mit \ or! | Roods No. 18 ond 16 Hwy, 0. 2 to County 1 County Road Ne. say N 0, Road No, 9 (Maple Grove) Base Line to Highway Ne, 2 Entire Length Road Ne. 10 (Molt) Lake to High Rood Ne. 12 (Selina Shway Ne. 2 Base Line to Highway Road No. 18 (Pickell Sou Line to Highwey 0. Bose Line Rood Bowmanville to Mighway No, 40) Town Line between East Hwy, No. 2 te County Reed Whithy and Darlington No, Fourth Line Road No. 14 to Road No. 16 Road No, 5 Bowmanville to Tyrone County Read Neo. 63 Enniskillen to Twp west limit Eighth Line Enniskillen to Mo n rm" All other roads ydos & "S00 alo Section 12 1n the case of conflict the greater restriction J (w Park ne Spece Regulation ' ' triton. 8hp:iss arking ties are required under this by-law, other than for single-famil detached dwellings, in accordance with the following regulations: 0 Tomily 1) The owner or occupant of every building or tfructure to be erected shall provide and maintain motor vehicle par! ing facilities as follows: TYPE OF use PARKING REQUIREMENT al pace par dwelling unit space per guest room N pace per unit Theatres ' space per 8 seats Assembly Malls pace for ry 6 seats or | space per . 100 sa. ft. whichever is the greater Churches space per 10 seats Undertaking Establishment space per 10 seats Hospitals space per 4 beds and | space for each 4 employees space per 100 sa. #. of floor space space per 4 seats space per 200 sq. ft. of floor space space per 100 sq. ft. of floor space Retail Stores ond service shops Restaurants Office Buildings Commercial Bldg, other than ' listed Ingthis table ndustrial Buildings ce per | Medical cpl ' haces per iy Ne OF Neer snace inies ark ing r Shope yl Sentra Floor ih 5.58 3 times Grauny i) Each parking space shall include an area of : . Sxclusive of driveways or aisles (being 10 foot " then 300 square fev! Iii) The parking space shall be maintained with @ stable surface which freated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose rticles, It may be constructed of crushed stone, slag, gravel or cinders, aving an asphaltic or portland cement binder, or any permanent type of surfacing with provisions for drainage facilities approved by the Township. Where a lot line of a porking area is part of the boundary between a Commercial or Industrial Zone and a Residential Zone on 8 foot wide planting strip shall be 'maintained. Such planting strip shall be planted with at least one hedge row of hardy shrubs not less than 4 feet in height placed along the boundary d Where ° parking oreo is lator to e Residential Zone the lighting ilities s e 30 arranged as " Joclitits Mal en grrang to direct and/or reflect the light away A parking req shall have ot Jaca one entrance and one exit provided rom of onto a street or lane adjoini ir x ll ARIELLE SLR ane adfo Ng or extending through the zone in A parking area shall he provided with a means of access or driveway at least 15 feet but not exceeding 25 feet in width, unless the driveway i 8, Din ingress and eo driveway, in which case the width shall be °e The distance between driveways on an. rest nn 2 Scan} in Residential Zones. Y Y Vey) ol be! eu 2s fen x) The distance between an intersection of str driveway shall be at least SO feet, SHY lids Ord wi rearen (0) Loading Space Regulations 1) Where a building or structure has been erected in & Commercial or Industrial Zone for a purpose involving the frequent shipping, loadi or unloading of persons, animals or gosds, the owner or occupant of "he building or structure shall provide ond maintain on land that is not part of a highway or public street sedi facilities comprised of one or more spaces each at least 30 feet long and 12 feet wide and having a vertical elearance of not less than 14 feet with access to a lane not less than 20 feet wide as follows FLOOR AREA OF BUILDINGS 5,000 square feet or less 5.001 square NUMBER OF LOADING SPACES No leading spaces 1 leading space | square feet te hs 100.000 square feet 2 loading spaces 100 square feet or portion thereof in excess 0,001 square fee! | additional loading space (p) Sign Requietions 1) Residential Zone In Residential Zones the following signs shall be permitted 1. A sign not exceeding one square foot in area indicating the name ond profession of o doctor, dentist or drugless practitioner or the name of the resident 2. One non-illuminated real estote sign advertising the sale, rental er lease of 'any building, structure or iot, and. not exteeding four square feet in area One non-illuminated trespassing, safety or caution sign net exceeding six square feet in area H) Agricultural, and Greenbelt Zones In Agricultural and Greenbelt Zones the following signs shall be permitted: 1. All signs permitted in Residential Zones 2. A sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area advertising the farm products raised or produced on the premises, or recreational facilities. i) Commercial Zone In Commercial Zones the following signs shall be permitted |. All signs permitted in Residential Zones 2. A business sign not in excess of 300 square feet Iv) Council Authority In Residential, Agricultural, Commercial and Greanbelt Zones HENS other than those previously mentioned will only be permitted upon written authority from Council v) Lighting of Signs Vhere lighting facilities and/or illuminated signs are provided the, must be arranged so as to reflect away from abutting Residential Tones of uses and no flashing or intermittant imination shall be used ony zones wi) Projection Signe sholl be attached flat against the wall of the buildin ond shall net project mere thon twe fest from the wall of such ing. In the fo cose of automobile service stations one identification standard will be mitted not clo than 10 feet to the front lot line, (9) Us r Hexordous Purposes No land building or structure shall be used for such Commercial or Industrial purposes os are likely to create danger to health or danger from fire or explosion without the approval In writing of the Committes of Adjustment, er when no such committee is established, of the Planning Boord, FIRST, SECOND, AND THIRD DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R1, R2, AND R3) ZONES The following restrictions shell apply (a) Ui Permitted y 1) Resigéntial Single-family detached dwellings and converted dwellings. i) Institutional Hospitris, libraries, churches, schools, eommunity centres and nursing omes ill) Recreational Porks, playgrounds operated by the Township, and golf courses, iv) Home Occupation The offices of a physician, dentist or drugless practitioner located in the single-family detached dwelling used by such physician, dentist or drugless practitioner as his private residence, such offices fo be used for consultation and emergency treatment only, but shall not he in the nature of clinics or private hospitals, Nothing shall prevent a person from carrying on any domestic or houechold art in their own residence provided it does not affect the amenity of the neighborhood, (b) Area Requirements No person shall within any First, Second or Third Density Residential (R1, R2 or R3) Zone erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12, (¢c) Use of Residential Lots No person shall erect more than one single-family detached dwelling on any residential lot (d) External Design of Buildings No person shall erect on lots in a block within a housing project, dwellings of witich more than twenty per cent (20%) are similar in external design with respect to the following: size and location of openings, doors, windows, and color and type of surface materials, Buildings similar in external design shall not be built on adjoining lots, ' (8) Converted Dwellings Each of the dwelling units in @ converted building shall hove 8 minimum net floor' area of 600 square feet, exclusive of public or common halls and stairways o thickness of the ouiside walls LOCAL COMMERCIAL (C1) ZONE The following restrictions i apply (0) Uses Permi 1) Commercial Retall stores, service shops, shopping centres, offices, banks, studios, undertaking establishments, custom workshops, places of entertainment restaurants, and parking lots : Hi) Institutional Hospitals, libraries, churches, commercial schools community centres, munis cpa! buildings, private clubs, lodges, fraternities ond labor halls, Hi) Residential Dwellings in business buildings over stores or offices (b) Area Requirements No pereon shall within any local Commercial (C1) Zone erect or use an, building or siructure except in accordance with the provisions set out i (¢) Shopping Centres oui Section: 12 hopping centre may be established unless it is in eccordan | Hg o dance with on approved HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (C2) ZONE The following restrictions shall appyy (0) Uses Permitted 1) Commerciol ervice shops, banks, places of entertainment, restaurants ark autoriatile service stations, public gorages, car wash pd oh hotels, drive<in theatres, used ond new car lots ' {b) Area Requirements : 0 person shall within any Highway Commercial (C2) Zon bo je od one erect or use ony duildings structures except in accordance with the provisions set out in fe Julomaiiie Sarvice Station and Public Gerages otwithatanding the provisions of Section 12, the follow ' U dditional provisions shall opply to automobile service stations and ll orager 1) Pump, Location puslie goroy « The minimum distance fro: ; shal Human di m the face of pump island to the street line « The minimum distance from the l HF WR face of pump island to daylight triangle N) Remps Xx Te minimum width of ramp shall be 30 feet, « Ihe minimum distance between ramps shall 3 ne Jeri pi be 18 feet measured along + The minimum distance from the intersection of the street lines te a ramp shall be 15 feet measured along the street line id 4. The: minimum angle between ramp and street line shall be 30 degrees ee or CARTWAYNY "- J Fm Be 5 9 2 J RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL (M1) ZONE (0) Uses Permitted The following restrictions shell apply. ' Ne for i | ny bullding for industrial or warehousi UrpOses EXCH) shith from their nature or the materials Used therein ore et Health Act or regulation thereunder, declared to be a noxious trade, or manufacture and any open storage use that is accessory to the or warehouseing use provided that such open storage Is restricted to reer of the main bullding and not readily visible from the front of the let. Any use permitted under the Roliway Act or any other Statute of Prtarig or Conada governing railway operations, including trecks, industriel spum and other railway facilities, Commercial Offices Incidental to industry, banks resturants, parking lots, automobile service stations, public garages, car wash stations, a radio or television transmission establishment i) Recreational Park, playgrounds, ouditoriums, swimming pools or other recreational of educational uses which may be accessory and incidental to a commereiol or manufacturing use, iv) Residential No residential ases shall be permitted except dwellings for @ caretaker, watchman or other similar person employed on the premises concern and such person's family. (b) Area Requirements No person shall within any Restricted Industrial (M1) Zone erect or use eny buildings, or structures except in accordance with the provisions set out in Section 12 = OPEN STORAGE INDUSTRIAL (M2) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply. (a) Uses Permitted 1) Open Storage Open storage uses including salvage yards, wrecking yards, end bulk storage yards. Industrial Any building for industrial or warehousing purposes except those which from their nature or the materials therein are under The Public Health Act or regulations thereunder, declared to be @ noxious trade, ness, of manufacture, Any use permitted under the Railway Act or eny other Statute of Ontarle or Canada governing railway operations, including tracks, industrial spurs, and other railway facilities (b) Area Requirements No person shall within an Open Storage Industrial (M2) Zone erect of use ony # buildings or structures or use any land for open storage except In accordance J with the provisions set out in "action 12, J GREENBELT (G) ZONE The following restrictions shall apply (a) Uses Permitted i) Recreational Parks, playgrounds, golf courses, end eonservation projects, il) Agricultural Such general agricultural uses os are permitted in en Agricultural (A) Zone subject to Section 10 (¢) below. (b) Area Requirements No person shall within any Greenbelt (G) Zone erect or use ony building! of structure except In with the provisions set out in lon ¥ (e) Floor Lands i No bullding or structures other than conservation or floor control préjeety will ba permitted within the flood plain of any river, streem or wetersourss, (a) This by-law shall be administered by the Township Building Inspector ond no permit for the use of land or for the erection of any buildings or structurgs and no certificate of occupancy or approval of lication for any 3 licence shall be issued or given where such use is In viclation of eny = . 8 visions of this by-law, (6) No person shall use any land or erect or use any building " struct without first obtaining from the Building Inspector a certificate of eecul A written application for such certificate shall show the following particular i) Location and size of the land Ii) Location and size of the bullding, 1 iil) Proposed location of all future buildings. 3 Iv) All services to he used or installed. : 4 v) Statement by the owner of the intand use of the land and buildings. (c) By-laws Nos. 2003, 2022, 2085 end 210 repealed, PENALTY An person convicted Ld a breach of the provisions of this byslaw hell ond pay, et the discretion of conv evista penalty the sum of $300.00 for each offence, po rd eons. APPROVAL PW by Conall blest y inte effect on the ant 8 SM ited Pend Of k 1S BY-LAW given Its first, second and third teadings d finally passed on the fifth day ef February, ., 1989, ROY W. NICHOLS, Reeve, WB RUNDLE, Clerk, 6 be ond the some ere hereb | Towns NIp ° SARL Nera rowing PLaw