Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1959, p. 5

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IN I00F LEAGUE S ays Insurance | WHE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Apel 3, 1999 8 WHITBY and DISTRICT 'Whitby Wins Dart LitedBan High School Bd. | FBYPA Holds Progressive Party | Judgement has. been reserved esr at Roky $690,000 | ome vue ase a pener rg e ier ct man To " peopleof Faith Baptist Church A driving while under ssvension| The Whitby High School Board, /rooms; one art room; one music held their annua' weekly meet: It was dart baseball night in on base until the se ond ings because he had obtained proof | Wed; esday evening announced|rcom: one library-classroom: onc ing. As a progressive party to] Whitby at the regular Tuesday When Brooklin Divke trouE pu of finan~ial responsibility several plans to make formal request to commercial room; two laborator- planned for. the evening, the evening meeting of the Independ- no damage resu. un e days before the charge was laid.\the Whitby town council and ies; one shop; one home econom- young people went to the ent Order of Oddfellows, third innings when both teams Nicholas Brown. 21, of RRS3,Whithy township council to ap: ics room; one double gymnasium ; The good gathering of mem- started to pin point the pay-off Uxbridge, appeared before prove its plans to build a new assembly (60' x 80') and one Meader's home where a XY bers turned out for the first circles after which Whitby stead- nagistrate Frank ®hbe in Whit- high school on Anderson St. in| cafeteria. choruses were sung led by game of the finals in the dartiily forged ahead. by police cort on Tuesday. the east end of town at an esti-| A rough estimated cost of this Tavior. play-off series betwecn Brooklin| The Whitby team was minus PC Michael Mallon, of the mated cost of $650,000, |school is: Building contract $560,- Paul Dale opened the meeting and Whitby, as there was very some of last year's regular play. with, Detachment of the OPP, The new school will accommo: 000; architect's fees, $34,000; fur- in prayer, Becky Edwards $fd little regular lodge business to be ers, who have not regained their j 14 "the court he had first|date 400 pupils and be one of the niture and equipment $36,000 and David Cross fave their testi i aioe oui aloes, Sto ot ov Pe, Sit tres of soul vit lu hs" eevee oes oF tnd or 1 Vo iy eign committee rej 3 y el ' when nacsed him on the fthirooms costing approximately $30,000. L " Burdge who is progressing nice playing in their first play-off oonoession of Whitby Twp. He|$25,000 each to da ef It might be pointed out that the the Maeders for letting 'the ly, also Brother Couke who will competition, came through when enid that he stonned the car on|furnish. {Board of Education grant will be young neople come to thelr {return home this week. Brother runners were on bases. It is quite Highway 12 and found Brown to| The expense of this new school Ol an amount of $425.000, home, Crackers were served, as John Reader, Sr., is also expect evident the recent additions (0 ho the driver, Brown, he sald, will be shared by both Whitby | This leaves $255,000 estimated refre hments and the group went ed home from the hospital this the order will eventually 2 produced an ownership but n0|Township and the town of cost that will not be covered by on Jelr way to the Mme 9 ha week, much to the power ol the dart driver's licence. Whi any provincial grant akers where a swori Wi League president Brother Cyril baseball team and accordingly' ru wn Attorney Alex. €. Hall Whitby. The Whitby Sounel] will The cost of the site, it might Won by the girls by 11-2, Ag; French and his assistant, Brother give captain McLean some g00d oc introduced a certificate from tive approval for the necessary be noted, is also a figure that is the Bakers were thanked for Bill Lymer, were on hand for the bench strength reserves which ino' "mogistrar stating th at financial arrangements from the not settled as yet, since the High use of their home and Yefied opening game of the best two out has not been much in evidence Brown's licence was under sus- Ontario Municipal Board, (School Board is currently nego- ments of tomato juice £1] of three series for tne district during the past two to three nencion pending filing of proof tiating with the owners of the served, y championship, the winner to meet years. of financial responsibility, HAS 16 ROOMS land, having received a tentative The next home was the Mil. the champions from a district] Despite the overwhelming vie The accused in his own| The new school will contain 16'approval from the Dept, of Edu- burn's where George Tracy led west of Toronto, tory of 42 to 20 for Whitby, the|qarence "noted that his licence r00ms Which will be: six class-|cation, the group in a few Shorises Sie Brooklin arrived with a full Brooklin team cannot be counted |yoq hoon reinstated on Feb. 25. TTT m---- ------ (which the young people pl contingent of players and all ap- out of the running yet and, with He also showed an Insurance Bae A oh haf suigLand ' ' 1 i [] ° . peared hungry for a victory, the play-offs resuming during the nqjicy. showing that he had heen 4 siden, VY however after the toird innings open banquet in the JOOF tem: jngured on Jan, 81. He claimed nvi e 1111S ers This a er nd apis there was very little doubt as to/ple in Brooklin on Saturday eve-|that he was eligible for a licence This ume cookies Xu Piéh n a) TTQRTT "TY 13 Tu the final outcome. Both teams ning, April 11. Further competi-|at the time the charge was lald. I EK S V nl ) 10 WHITBY C! UB started off slowly and no one got 'tion should be very interesting. | hd Upon Jeaving, £0 MITTS i wi hw bave: "ph awrence Generating Plant a -- p ; Distr. 3 lie tenant OVI nor : | - n aD ve ob I awrence z one ting ¥ Jan ii PART ™mer NTIIQ | (0) ports 1g t people in, sh oo dor Count. of Uxbridge, on ! n, of the HPC public iy a = er) ini i 2 Thrsday evening, a film of the construc- nw denerim res ing SAAS [mom LEAGUE]. TWO cabinet Winisiers are list the town But ull other sports of ATTEN (PIA to the Kiwanis Club of | t the Robert Saunders St Oshawa Times Photo Singles over 200: Giadvs Wiles |ed among the honored guests to Whitby will be recognized and, FORT WILLIAM, nt, ------------------------ . CR) 286, 254, 206: Lil Peake. 283: | be invited to the Chamber of representatives of each will be Pioneer don D. Janke, 8; Vio 1 WDHS Activities 1 ween Mowat, 271, 264; Elaine Commerce First Antual Sports invited to attend, Hl ital i ry Yo he iy Ratep AVers P an HITBY Clarke, 20, LW Moore: Banquet, scheduled tor April 23| Included in the sports celeb- gloves, sweaters and scaryes wh a a ! : i pake 1 a1 i 2 i \ iti ill arvey Farla that his daughter - in - law, Mrs, ' PERSONALS From a 'Closed Stance', one Wrestling is an excellent condi- Peake, 238, 210; Marg McCoy, at the Whitby arena. All sports rities will be Harvey McFarland Da bie daughter « in - law, M1. _ boy moved into a 'Cross Ankle tioner for major sports such as 236 Bobbie Heron, 9233: organizations of the town will be and Ike Hildebrand, representing Knitting | problems. She taught Ld . ---- \ io " | i { n : \ : 3 Mr and Mrs. T. G. Longstatfe Pick Up', following tie action by football, track and field sports, Alice , Bradley, 232, 215; Alice represented and during the eve- the Belleville McFailands, hold- him in the first place, oCla 3.C 1V1 1€S5 Sei i to WONESTATE securing a position of advantage but it has a psychological factor Hewls, 228; Ethel Hancock, 225, ning, the town's Peter Perry for ers of the world amateur hockey eel a he) w lure Ir home gejbut 41 as a Pt : 209; Connle Denyer, 222, 212, 208: oe om Which" cotsequestly kept controllwhich is equally. important in 203, Doatle Donyer, 223, 212, 80:1,' wi he named. |title. Mr. McFarland, Mayor of Watts, 221; Joan Reed, 219;| Invitations to attend the ban.|Picton, is the team's sponsor and TIMES monplace in the Whitby District compete against other boys be- iy dd es Idee cused are going out to Labor Ike Hildebrand is ihe playing High School gym, during the cause of being too small, too fat ,., 900: Marion Sturgess, 201:[Minister the Hon, Michael Starr, coach, \ p N 4 ap y ac . srwise handie. 4 Some 250 persons arc expec La officially known as Pa the community. Perhaps some of oman nian "ap and Mrs, ¢, Wrestling periods when coach or otherwise handicapped. Lena Bird, 200; Hazel Prescott, and Health Minister, the Hon. Dr. , . > Pe os an Specie) SUBSCRIBERS Gardens but, possi CO the readers have heard about the Waki f Codar ise Dave Clutchey is busy teaching It was pointed out that wrest- 200: Audrey Sharman. 200 Dy d. Al toetuded atten he dinner and watch Ww TBY a monly known a dville {onation that was presented to ns, of Cedar street the many art of unarmed combat ling in the Whitby high school : y Matthew Dymond. Also included the presentation of the award, IN Hi 4 2 riples over 550: Gi L | v - waterflats t totary Club, towards this are Woodward attended the to any and all high school stu-/was carried on at both the class oy ples over 390! Quads Wiles. in the guest list are 1'. D. Thomas, FOR MISSED PAPERS AND The people | with the Crippled {tome and School Convention held dents who may be interested and intra-mural level. giving all yyio een of HEE Denver 642: MLA, John Perry, of Toronto, WHITBY'S FINEST TAX! ' are by no means | vhen it Chil ; yer, 642; Hi tr i ir t n as gathered from a dance ing wrestling in the high school as long as they were normally paake 624: Bobbie Heron 606; | ebrand. ROR Service Juons : ! : hy oF deal is very much in the: limelight Chester, England, aboard the of his opponent. : building up the mental attitude of {with their requests to the town Empress of England sailing from Action sintilar to this is com- boys who ordinarily could not There has -been a ( of publicity direct around a relatively new sub-divi uncil, but, they do have a very Now York, after snending the last sion in the east side of W broad social standing as well in 10 months with their -on-in-la samnaign, Thi t the Roval York Hotel, Toronto, Coach Clutchey has been teach- hoys an opportunity to participate Elaine. Clarke, 636: Marlon Harvey McFarland and Ike Hild- = msored and or Mr. and Mrs Wm. Simpson [or three years and in that period physically fit. . Evelyn Fallow, 603: Alice Brad. Mr. Perry is a descendant of Creutod To BELL TAXI Age club, which is it- spent the Easter weekend in of time has not had any boys in: In order to make the wrestling ley, 601; Joan Reed, 580: Clare Peter Perry, in°whose name the § Individual A Requirements MO 8-3111 iW If you have not received your : \ ] | Times, phone your carrier first: come as a blessin The association can also boast joo 6 of son and daugh. Well as building it up." he stated, academically up to standard. 557. Perry, His Honor suggested that | 3 you phe 8 Your to contact The, point of interest which of a very active Dart League, a yo. inlaw. Mr. and Mrs. J, ©, 'and it also is very educational ' The exercise necessary for par- points {o date: Cameo, 45; there must be men and women STAFFORD BROS him by 7:00 p.m, should concern the people who Cribbage League and every week wap car of Byron street south, in @ sense of the word in refer- ticipation in the activity, It was pjavers, 43: Buckingham, 38:(in the town in this day and age| M ar may be ready to c i ese the ladies of the area enjoy an ence to sportsmanship, self con- further explained, is conducive to Exports, 87; Winston, 36; Win- who are contributing a great deal | M tal Work: PHONE BELL TAX citizens is, what is ( evening out at their own club Mr. and Mrs. B. Sharp and fidence and brings out a com- strengthening and development of chester, 35 |to the community. He decided to onumenta Orks tion, what are its objects and will 14 addition to these things, children, of Campbellford, were petitive spirit." the pectoral, biceps, quadriceps, _. put. up a plaque which would be 318 Dundes East CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN it do any good after its problems there are also many social func. Easter guests at the home of Mr. This year marks the first time gastrocnemious, latissimus dorsi,| FRIDAY NITERS LEAGUE presented annually to the man or MO .8-3552 7-7:30 P.M ONLY ; : «WA, i mn far what wa o Teen me acty. df A s the function that was started by Parry Sound as the guests of j ped team the boys need to be well waits 585; Ethel Hancock, 574;|annual award is. made. The te is harmful from one | the association and actually oper- Mrs. Roy Land and family KEEP IN CONDITION advanced in their grades with no Lil Peake, 570; Mildred O'Dell, award was founded by Judge Eo of view, but to the people | ites unde the watchful eve of KF. Webster. of Toronto. This is a splendid method of boy being accepted or allowed to|569: Dorothy Quantrill, 568; John E. Pritchard, the donor, in| FAMILY in this area. the publicity the executive 1as._besn spending a few. davs at keeping the body in condition, as travel with the team who isn't Hazel Prescott, 561; Alice Hewls, 1955. Citing the history of Peter ONUMENTS rights as citizens are cleaned up _ tions coming up from time to and Mrs. Ivan Whalen, of Dunlop there has been any real inter- deltoins, and almost any of the Audrey Parish took all the woman in Whitby who has con-| TO SETTLE PROBLEMS time and one in particular, the street west school competition, but from the 600 muscles in the body of which honors for the ladies last week trihuted the most to the town dur-| ation children's Christmas party that Mrs. William Simpson and. Mi results it was learned, it is only approximately 100 are in the when she Ioned Ng 261 single ling the year. | 4 N y rs 8 h S$ anc 'S i Orv nelle ho was held in the Whitby arena (00 ac om mp on ane jibe the beginning of a very excellent arms and legs. 5 y same up wit! 2 New high Since then, the plaque has| av rgani atepav- last December, was a very great bs form of competition between Wrestling not only builds up the ple for the year w . Glen Donal Wilson, Eric have organized into a ratepay School Convention held at the 3 sross the provine 5 it al develops four|Rorabeck rolled a 324 for men's gone to nald y ers' association with the ex Royal York Hotel, Toronto, as the schools Bross the Prov Hee, body, but B50 seve oD I'm h sing) d Fred Steveh: n|Clarke and William Davidson, TOWN OF WHITBY purpose of cleaning up existing The association 1s 100King delegates of Dundas street The Onterie ederation o See. Ye important, ohiaracler|siics: of ot wn 654. | the present holder. | ST] 3 ich canno! ea » de sn a © | ; ndary Schools sponsore he the development of self confi- S: i i | . Jroblems whieh (Samos be Sead ty he day Ue 2 school, High Y schoo] Hh sib this dence; Bor will to win; good Bert Hutchinson, 630; Audrey| A group of judges, appointed ja ett wise fixed through silence. munity hall can be erected to y J the Cham- - a. ™ - - it Silence is golden, but not in this serve the whole town, but since Out of town 'guests who attend- year, which was held in Guelph, sportsmanship; respect for 0 a Wi TEL Jivenson (by « sommitive fog 4 already Municipal Engineerin Assistant' case, this is very much in the future, ed the Evans - Harlow wedding where Whitby High School wrest- others, | Bye, oy Ed Hutchinson. 800 mado the: selection of the Peter {] td After the problems are straigh- no concrete plans have been held at All Saints' Anglican|lers won the Ontario High School! Simply winning a match can oo Grylls 636; Glen Md Perry for 1958 but 'the »" -- away, the hopes made. Church, Whitby, on March 28 Championship. {build up a boy's ego immensely, nl ug J identity will remain unknown un-l on inceting office " A Duties to include go on to greater achievements, The association lately an- Were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Lepage,| Whitby took six wrestlers to|raising him out of the doldrums) Over 200: Chris Robinson, 250: [til April 23 at the banquet. That | utd Bing go g office requir Belt aD iiss Such as becoming a major social nounced they would be' only too MT. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. |Guelph and they all 'placed', four|of common place. Jack Scott, 209, 229; Bill Grylls, evening, Judge Pritchard willl] cants capable of draughting and field survey work, ost committee or at least a part of hapny to help but anywhere their and Mrs. John Hillis, Mr. andjof whom won indiviaual cham.| When one considers that out of 90g 2161 'Glen. Rorabeck, Jot. Syen 2 cealed envelope and an- Son Copa ped ye in. Wilton one, which will help make Whit- garvices are required, and in par. Mrs. Mike Cwalino, Mr. Peter- pionships. ~|284 contestants there are 142 peo- pot 'Minin, 200. 212: Andy Open 2 har choles, ih ll P 4 in by a better place in which to {jcylar, the work that is being Son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, Mr.| William Quan, Edward Wina- ple experiencing success AMONG rong 260; Bill Spencer, 201: " hi f live planned by the Rotary Club of and Mrs. P. John, Miss Doris cott, Ray Reeson and Glen whom may well be an Individual | 5%" oe © Snelgrove, 201. Ed/SPORTS BANQUET J. 5. McAVOY, iy What does the association con- \Wwhithy, : Johnston, Mrs. Grace Dawson. Brooks were the boys who who cannot shoot a setshot In Hutchinson, 211, 213: Lena Bye,| Special speaker at the sports| : Chairman, sist of? The association has an Much 2003. work can. be done Miss Flaine Dawson, Mr and brought the championship home basketball; throw a pass in foot-| 4. Marg McLean, 205: Robert banquet will be Wren Blair, gen-| ; : ow executive body which heads the n hy Mrs. Charles Wilce, Mrs, Sylvia to Whithy along with two other ball; or do the western roll in Brown, 201; Dink Bye, 204, 242: eral manager of the Whitby Dun- a Applications Committee, ry 3 bE ina adorchin DY any organized body of citi Cossme 5 % , : , ! | ) Town of Whitby. atm 5 around ay of fc. but ke anwhing tha" GSAT Ve; A Re Ja members af the ler, rh, ED J. vc he winner BL Soeltzve, | 22; Polaap. The Dunlap wil be sled J IY ie Ww, receive arge Neil only: fealy E Vion Simpson, : $ top spor the many pit-falls that come up. DEW; TeCOves & large amount of np Ney Metcalfe, Bowmanville, It was a repedt victory for Ed: must shake hands with his op- 242: Bert Ey aris We Rw Ra Applications clots. Ap. deh, 1959, : 2 re condemnation from others who yo." Aro . c NO) 4 Hold 4 ek 4 This executive consists of a - 0 GHC energetic or civic is Alvin Johnston, Mrs, N. Mc- ward Winacott and Glen Brooks ponent, helping him up if neces. Audrey Parish, 204, 261, | president, vice - president, treas- 4 an and daughter Ruth, Lind-'who had travelled to London, sary, which helps the boys learn Fred Stevenson, : : | d E t urer. corresponding secretary, Minded say, Mr. Don Hann, Mr, and Mrs. |Ont., where they won champion- to think of each other. Ruby Spanner, 227. 202. 216. mon S as er recording secretary, membership yalion Harlow, ia eis ships along with Wayne Brooks No one can deny the igaomin. Barbara Sherman, 251: Robert . | ¢ or wblic relations obert McGeorge, Mrs. Sadie who was also a winner ious feeling that comes from ginineon 294 i : H 1d officer. In addition to these offi- Margaret Harlow Harlow: a Dudale, ik E.! Dual matches were held with being beaten in single unarmed! mpsan, League: Winona Me- ervices e | : cc 5 there is the chairman of the . right, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Har-\restlers from Winston Churchill, combat especially when the op- mwen, 59: Glenna Kirkwood. 97: as ra e on Pw - . § § $ ' ' , 08 5 yO) | on vices were ' ento~ainment committee and Feted Bv Friends low Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tom: RH King, CCBT, and Peterbor- ponent is no bigger than oneself, | Nancy Carter, 89; Roly Pye, 98. Easter Say ser mond' [] L] chairman of the Teen-Age Club lin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fleming, ough schools competing in the| Consequently each boy is doing sds (well alien oF. Bamford| o who also are members of the Miss Margaret Harlow, whose Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Mr./ joie vans in Guelph his utmost to win. MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE |Church, Rev. A. &. executive marriage to Mr. John Evans and Mrs. John Kent, Mr. and ----------------| Saturday wound up another occupied the un Rowling. DECORATING CONTRACTORS i : x I : ix . | f Matthew The executive draws up the Tne All Saints' Ang- Mrs. Ed. Newman, Miss Mar. 00d season with v {from } e I agenda to be brought before the!'0%% Place in All Saints B* qaret Reilly, Mr. Don Taylor and & a big turkey coimon as Easter message was) | To begin with the assoc fs a group of homeowner ny uccess hd dinner at the Shriners' club, Io general membership at their 'can Church, Whitby, on March yp "ang Mrs. Ronald Gossman ms era te ere clubrooms «nfary was a transformed soul regular meetings and makes 28, was guest of honor at the of Oshawa, £20 nl of an a very sociable evening was| A full choir assisted in singing i home of Miss Elaine Dawson, enjoyed by all. The league ex- the anthems 'The Lillies and Toronto, at a miscellaneous The many friends of Mrs. How ecutive wishes to thank the fel- "They have taken away my AAA AANAAAP ANS Wallpaper A Specialty WAS 3 PHONES TO SERVE YOU .. suggestions and committee re . ports much as does the various Of Hin lows for thei eration fi red iNeas in & tow ihol shower ard Cowling are happy to learn or u 0 a ws for eir co-operation for ord'. Solo parts were render committees in a town council also/that she Is convalesoing at her Nl I bg] the season, also the management 1a Mrs, Joan Lee, Mrs. Carl To all intents ¢ purposes th Miss Mellie Kapuscinski oa Ment and pu the Nines ¢ . i Naneous home after a two weeks stay at g of the alley. ; | Pascoe, Ivan Barrett and of a council performing much the shower with 30° guests present. the Oshawa General Hospital. Whitby will have. two bands gaisfactonl, ad wil take part As usual the winner of the con-'poderick Pears. ) forming m 1 ih dsr, Q et Thev wish her a complete re- ti .r. says Bandmaster|in the coming band concert. |solation rolled more than the sec- ice at 1 am, same job with one exception e A rved ¥ I this summer, sa) i : Good Friday service Serviooe ate. oI ware. no A Tack aad Yi ccellaneous COVEry Eric Clarke, and if present plans|, H¢ also urges parents of Junior tion winner. Bassett's Jewellers G200 FTI SORTS on gance: WEST HILL WHITBY BROOKLIN,, salary ever is 'Dall am id : Rome yr: ahead &8 expected both and members to take as 'much won the consolation with Captain Bamford read from Mat. AT 2 0961 MO 8 3559 323) Salary ever Is paid any Ve 10ME 0 Afps. Nellie Wilson celebrated 80 aheac 5 F > i. interest as possible in their en-|George Sweet leading his team Rev, - - tive member Mr. and Mrs. Don Hann, of her 86th birthday on April 1, bands will be properly unig... i : thew chapter 27 verses 36-50. At the moment, the association Willowdale Aho. those attending a Famile formed. The newest band to "The parents can play an Dit 2 Bice ni for five games. | yi; germon was based ou the ~ munion were her great grand- y Eid 9oke's Esso won the cham. Bible reading He saves others, play before the public will be important role in this day and| ; " Children," grandchidren an the Whi Junior Brass, Bnd age 'when we'are hypnotised a |POTShP, with Dec Dafoe being imself He cannot saver. The ~~ WELITBY | 7m ot er fami hes Wi 316 1 38 cen toh (cle jon he sae, oo, many 5's very chose season all She me 'of Dunbarion Wa Et i h sen Feceivel 2 merous we . presented later this month in ©) 5 youngsters can get the way with very few pins be-/gyest soloist. wn Su RE Phone MO 8-3618 |! CANIS ANd IS nd enztie town, ball equipped With music which can|tVeen the Wier and the loser on palm Sunday, Rev. pan. i me EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 15. Premier and Mrs. Fr Mr. Clarke reported that band gustain them in future years every wig t. The high average ford held a reception jervice au BIG WALK-IN LY 1]3 DOORS A \ i : member are currentl raising and provide constant enjoyment Was the same with three men, received into membership 11] Ey Caturday Matinee 1:30 P.M, HIRREL 4 funds to purchase uniforms for and healthy recreation." [Bick Adams, Bo Brows, and Almonds' Chueh the, following: ee ™ sQu iL PETS the juniors, One of their fund "Adults are content to sit! e Reeson, ng right Mr. and Mrs, arles Pears, SETS A NEW SPENCER SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP)- raising projects will be the qown and absorb television en-/down to the last night, before the | Marilyn Harris, Janet Sleeves, HIGH F \ RID) ~~ y irrels named Pompon, operation of the town-ow ed tertainment but children should(old maestro (Myrle) winning by Rosaling Hoist, Donald Bell, OR 1 ? A( mponette and Fifine, pels of booth at Port Whitby, providing jn encouraged to take up a|43 pins over the whole season (8¢/ Wm. Bell, James Huxter, a, ™y» AVL aN A » Beaulieu family here, show "ng and the smelt get to hobby such as brass band work, games). Douglas Atkinson, Roderick HOLLYWOQ OD i y ERNEST ire to urn to a life in Whitby this year, to enable them to create enjoy.| The executive wishes to thank Pears. \ = SATURDAY REVIEW I eminowav's the woods. They are taken to the He seys that the juniors, under ment for themselves. It seems the Times and all the people con- The sacrament of the Lord's rtrrem AD ary immer cottage eat ear, bu their bandmaster Thomas Broad- the old TV has got them," he cerned for their co-operation for supper was administered at the "A TRIUMPH" I a always return to the family. bent, are progre:sing mo st said. |the season. |close of the reception service. ~NEWSWEEK - - [ fal IN DUTCHIE LINEUP TONIGHT ! In Color | 3. : VOLKSWA hx ¢ | ZN USPWEE USE THE DISC SHOP || IiiSemsbitmen: designed Volkswagen can cut your delivery costs OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | It loads faster, delivers more, in less time! 170 cu. ft. of uncluttered payload space only 13 RECORDS inches from the curb. Ideal for heavy goods crates, machinery, electrical appliances Efficient service coast to coast with a central POP SINGLES S-million dollar Parts Depot People who know are turning to Volksw agen 1c SALE ® VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. : - x BILL WYLIE BILL SAUNDERS KEN LAUFMAN The Whitby Dunlops and the lops lead the series 1 game to! casions, and our defence Golden Mile, Toronto 15, O: Kitchener Waterloo Dutchmen pir as a result of their 4-1 win | played brilliantly, otherwise BUY ONE RECORD FOR .... hook up in the second game of we would have been in real their All-Ontario Senior A" . trouble. Our forwards . will final tonight in Toronto's Maple Wednesday. However Manager have to play a better game 2 RECORDS FOR In Leaf Gardens. The important Wren Blair cautioned his team | tonight if we hope to win. | idol bhi ad did aba contest gets underway at 830 and fans against overconfi We'll also have to tie up those | > pm. and hundreds of hockey dence. "That was the toughest | speedy Dutchie forwards like SAB Y A MO H ORS a fans from Ontario County will geome we've played all sevson" | Ken Laufman, Wiggie Wylie " be on hand to cheer the "Dun. quoth Blair "and the Score | and Bill Saunders." 1000s OF RECORDS AT 334 RITSON RD. S nies" on. Plenty of good seats = certainly wasn't indicative of | Third game of the series | E DI | wv De Ks were reported available at the | the play. John Henderson kept | moves back to Kitchener to- THE DISC SHOP' TELEPHONE: RA 5.6233 in Kitchener in the first game

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