Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Baturday . mainly sunny with little change in temperatures, Winds south. THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 8-3492 All other calls ....... RA 38-8474 he Oshawa Sime Authorized As Second Closs Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy PO i ios dk yr 0 ah VOL. 88 -- NO. 78 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1959 FR dai] 4 FIRE IN BOWMANVILLE LEAVES SIX HOMELESS Mother Rescues Four Children "| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) After giving the alarm, she + [With flames licking the walls of grabbed the children and rushed | . |them into the street. By this the lower portion of her two-|;; 0 yo' Lioden structure was J |storey, six-room frame home, well ablaze. {Mrs. Helen Bowan, of 35 Tem. Bowmanville volunteer fire gri- |perance street, rushed her small gade were on the spot within a J [family to safety at 10.30 a.m.|few minutes, and fought the blaze {today. Aided by her 11-year-old for almost 45 minutes before get- son, Guy, she managed to get Al-iting it under control. The lower fred, aged 8: Paul, aged 2, and|portion of the house was com- George, aged 1, to safety before pletely gutted, while it is stated flames engulfed the whole of the|there is extensive damage to the building. | upper portion. No estimate of the | Mrs. 'Bowan, wife of George damage is available at the pres- Bowan, was getting ready to pre- ent time. pare the midday meal on an oil] Meanwhile Captain Norman cookstove. Some oil splashed on|Croll of the Salvation Army is {the top of the stove and flared up. attempting to find new quarters |The wall behind the stove caught|for the family, and is trying to fire, and despite efforts to ex- arrange with the newly-formed tinguish the blaze, Mrs. Bowan|branch of the Canadian Red {was unable to cope with the situ-|Cross to provide some sort of re |ation, 'lief for the homeless family, -- PARLIAMENT CHEERS India Grants Asylum To Tibet's Dalai Lama NEW DELHI (AP)--The Dalai safe arrival to a cheering Parlia-|rived at the Indian border in the Lama, 23-year-old god - king of ment toddy, indicated that he northeast frontier area of Assam Tibet, slipped across the border would quickly be given political state. | into India three nights ago in a|asylum. | The prime minister said that) successful escape from pursuing) 'Yes, he is in good health," the young ruler and his party had Chinese Communists, [Nehru declared in disclosing the actually crossed the border the | lend of a 'dramatic 13-day man-|night before but the message| TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters)--|p ut in which the Chinese Com-/from the remote area was slow The Chinese Nationalist govern: iets tried to head off thelin reaching him. ment is studying the possibility), ihrl monarch worshipped by) The Dalai Lama's emissary of bringing the Tibetan situaton mihetang as a living Buddha, asked the Indian political officer before the United Nations, Dr, : in Assam state for political asy- Kiang Yi Seng, a Nationalist for-80 IN ESCORT lum for the young monarch. eign ministry spokesman, told a| The Dalai Lama, reported trav- nohey said only that the Indian press conference today. elling in a party of 80, crossed rrinial had been told in advance Prime Minister Nehru, in an-/the border in extreme northeast nat to reply, a remark that was nouncing the Buddhist ruler's India near the village of To-(axen as an indication that asy- A PROFESSOR CROWE Further Hassl - LJ In Winnipeg - --|wang, approximately 500 miles/; nm would be granted. Crowe Dispute |north of Calcutta. Towang has Nehru said he did not know yet the largest Buddhist monastery| here the Dalal Lama would go| WINNIPEG (CP) -- Faculty Eugene Schaus, Luxembourg; and D, U. Stikker, Netherlands. Fourth row: Halvard Lange, THE 10th anniversary ses- | senhower and Paul Henrl sion of the North Atlantic | Spaak of Belgium, secretary- One member asked whether the over the dismissal apd resigna- |disclosing Thursday that their Dalai Lama would be granted tion of professors at the college CP) -- Livi . de clear that the Nehru replied that this was athe meantime several professorscloak a silent, mever - ending|line of the United States and Cane OTTAWA (CP) Living costs|liament made |""complicated matter" requiring had submitted their resignations struggle for leadership in navallada. , | The council representatives, opening a three-day meeting, gathered Thursday for brief open- ing ceremonies and then quickly went behind closed doors to hear these declarations by the major powers: 1. A warning by Britain's For: elgn Secretary Selwyn Lloyd that the West must accept no German settlement that would weaken NATO and lead to the departure of American and Canadian troops from European shores 2. A pledge by Acting U.S. State Secretary Christian Herter that the U.S. will use all the might of its arsenal of missiles and ai craft to defend its NAT if need be, to block further So- viet expansion 3. A call by French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- ville for a strong front the West suffer diplomatic defeat over Berlin The three big-power spokesmen pastor of a |church. "When I have this today, {ther with other information, |tend to make a statement on the iving Cost Livin 0S |in India but is located in almost p.on Towang. {members of United College and L] inaccessible mountainous coun- , ; {the University of Manitoba traded t a t astes i i SPIRITUAL QUESTION statements Thursday in a dispute n 1C Index The Chinese Communists, in ry hed India, spiritual respect, an attempt ap-| The dispute stemmed from the . Ld pei he "as ghia gs by| parently to determine whether|dismissal last year of Professor 1 e en ar rebels who rose up against the|India would continue to recognize Harry S. Crowe after a letter he {Communist rule in Lhasa, the/him as the god-king of Tibet in-\ywrote to a colleague reached u new Tibetan capital, two weeks ago. stead of the rival Panchen Lama|United College authorities. Prof. NEW YORK (AP) -- The grey from America and extend the | But Nehru's statement to Par-|proclaimed by Communist China. Crowe later was reinstated but in wastes of the Atlantic today'Iron Curtain to the very shore- Treaty Organization council is | general of NATO. Second row: Norway: Marcelle Mathias y bel in Washing lerr Vigny i | Portugal: Fi 2 Zorlu > the J) his own I aing held = dating Floste a : {ami | Sonucal sain Rusty Zorlu Seclitey i gin Toe he yous yoy amu seeking further study but that the Dalai/in protest against the dismissal.|power, | "That is their goal, Our task In the top picture President Ei- | George R. Pearkes, Canada; | Turkey; Selwyn Lloyd, Great fourth consecutive Jaenth, Jed ne aster Hod s Lama will be given respecttull prof. Crowe submitted his res. wal Jerauid aw) rt » senhower poses with foreign | Maurice Couve de Murville, | Britain, and Christian Herter, |ing the consumer pr 2 Y 1 . 7 " Ls y: 3 them. leaders after a White House | France; and Heinrich von Bren- = United States. In the lower pic- |one-fifth of a point to 125.5 'on Nehru said that he first Jeursied treatment, od » omplity Mal RLStoD earlier this ionth be. Wright, top sea dos for the North| luncheon, Left to right, first | tano, West Germany. Third | ture, Acting Secretary of State March 1 from 125.7 on Feb. 1. |Wedutiizy Diab a a Tl & Sause tie colic iad ¢ Atlant) eaty Organ on, , row are: Joseph M. A, H, Lunds | row: Panayotis Canellopoulos, | Christian Herter opened the ses- The February decline was sary of the a » he ignatiol i. putts ! of the Netherlands, president of Greece: Hans G. Andersen, Ice- | sion of council. caused mainly by lower pat a PERE) Gl The text of & mo! pa - I 3 a the Nouth Atlantic Council, ii- | land; Giuseppe Pella, Italy; | ' Wirephoto Jpriees. includitgbost park; cof- i ' 1 the amociation of £16 '45 v4 aT om i #3 a pot ak Ana y : A nm ' ; | nu ¢ { i staff at the Vi a We kbrs oc pe ins we Further Probe In [ii ius Sim ony a covet s nse 56M Workers 'Threat In Berlin [home ™ SE fr he i, Po SL rs 4 ! tatistics re [tha , | 3 In the last four months the on | missal of P vob, Crowe, Su fhe "The defence of Noe America . { sumer price index, based on Pl oan ) from the threat attack by i hd {prices equalling 100, has dropped urc oO QAI conciliatory step to i 4 logical Pod missile Snares i ool CCl en arged With | G4, Jied By NATO Erion SAREE sat 2] Nov. 1, ; {of " Y 1958, The aa the decline] VANCOUVER (CP)--J. Stew- Equipment was taken to the main. scatter. whieh Bah Jhet anil a multitude of other. Oshawa's fivst traffic fatilily of e t arts JASHINGTON (CP) 7 was attributable mainly to alart Smith, British Columbia Si area by a group headed by| The Sige or a, 230, said it| problems in the day - to ~ day|1959 occurred Thursday night. NATO I aooll today OpeRy © lower food price 'most of which perintendent of brokers, to re.|James Harris McKee. The group |! eT "hat so long as the|checkerboard race for suprem. The victim, Andrew Soltes, 60, of AJAX (Staff). -- Five General coun day op was seasonal in nature." Thursday night he expects to re t {believes : lacy at sea are under constant 200 King street west, died shortly A study of the military implica. tat nt on a Toronto|took out options on eight gold attitude of the United College ad-|acy a y Motors employees have been yi,.¢ of the Soviet threat to drive [caive a wo I in venture claims. All have expired and the|ministration remains unchanged, study by 140 NATO officers at htt betng admitted to Oshawa charged with theft of automobile sys west out of Berlin and turn {clergyman ¢ cessful B.C gold. | machinery has been withdrawn.|ihe confidence between the staff Admiral Wright's he ters (Fenera parts from an Ajax warehouse a nity v at Fak {for an unsuc LL. | iid an] A itv and of United/at Norfolk, Va. He is proud of The accident occured when Pol id the 'value of the stol the city over to its puppet East mining scheme. Mr. Smith said he has a "very of the university a [he Tt ic is the tin rr Soltes was struck by © war olice sa e value ll Gorman veins Rea ; i / ie s . y, Soltes " which en goods would exceed $7000 Golinan Pegime, witical chiets of OF THE TIMES | Mr. Smith met for two hours Lg iden id Hf ulge, aid we yin Allied military headquarters ever Police say was driven by William Cartons of brake shoes were the 13-nation Atlantic alliance [with Rev. Lastie Mila, Jormer be in California, |{the college . will remain established on United States soll. Fdvard Bagieson, 17, of 328 loaded on a rented truck which here to celebrate the pact's 10th Newspaper deliveries to o "| "rd certainly like to talk to/gravely impaired." : | "The tall, sparely built 60-year-| ge § os that the B was seized by police. Chief Con- anniversary, tackle the develop some readers of The Oshawa t him, but I'm not going to Tim-| Allan H. Watson, chairman of|old admiral has two jobs. | ice sald) a e Eagleson stable Howard Traves has with- ing German crisis on the heels Times has been late during DE bukto to see him." |the hoard of regents of the col-| As American naval commander Su pulling yin from a held the names of the men pend- of a call by the NATO big three the past few days as the n- The Ontario investigation into/1€8€: would make no comment on; the Atlantic, he guards the paring meter on Simcoe street ing further investigations Britain, France and the United paper moved its quarters A, the 'venture lias A the ques. (the statement. : eastern approaches to North and Jou . Sout House number 754, at It is understood that they will States--for a firm stand in the from Simcoe street south to [case : to lavelnl, vo eure huss opes he ques "However, a statement signed|gonth American continents from abou :55 p.m. appear in Whitby Police Court face of the threatened Soviet 86 King street east. | Mr Nlis 'y Sono0 from On were properly exempt from tax. DY 27 of 41 teachers and o Prot the North Pole to the South Pole.) {honing ho pe gg i Tuesds lockout > |rais t least $500, i \ id Ini sai | ; ; : 4 Bes That: ii TT i British Columbia Bap-|ation as charitable offerings. Bors at United Collene ald Dek As NATO's Atlantic comman- (thought was a stone lying on the Tate deliveries and asks [tists for the venture. The money| J. Gear McEntyre, deputy rev- iii' the knowledge that the res. der. Mis ships and men from the road when he looked back. He hd readers to be indulgent for a |was to be used in an attempt t0lenue minister for taxation, said|jgnations of Dr. J. H. S. Reid,|US: Buiain, Canada ny five stopped the car and went back brief period until the com. |extract gold from the sands of Thursday in Ottawa he is watch-|pr. K. W. K. McNaught and Prof [Other Allied navies patrol mil- to fing the injured Soltes. 1 © "4 lete sim to the new (the Fraser River near Lillooet, ing developments before deciding/Richard Stingle had been ac. Lions of square miles between the) goltes wae taken to hospital p psses is effected B.C. [whether the Freedom Foundation|cepted because the three de- Vest Indies and the North Pole| are emergency treatment by Pe xmmoth job of mov- Profits from the scheme Wereof Canada is in fact a charitable/manded not only the reinstate./8ll the vital sea lines that link py. A. Niete failed to save hie ing A Ta new quarters is |to have been used to finance the organization. {ment of Prof. Crowe but the re- Europe and North America. life. The deceased suffered head, almost complete. Thank you, (Freedom Foundation -- an antl wy. wep iore said he pre-jmoval of the dean of arts. It is the mightiest naval force chest and leg injuries in the accl. , Communist organization -- and) ed that donors claimed fed! ever assembled in peacetime. |dent. agen Wright feels an atmosphere of! Eddie Marry LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -- An ecstatic Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher today made plans for a private wedding that will take place probably May 11 "No one will know about it un til it's over," the joyful actress told a reporter Thursday night "We are both very grateful Debbie." She was Debbie Reynolds, Fi who an nounced Thursday she would not oppose Fisher's desire to get a quick Nevada divorce so that he could ma Miss Taylor "1 wish Liz and Eddie . happi mess," Debbie said she ar rived in rl after a transpolar movie location in Spa TOLD BY PRESS A reporter told Liz and Eddie of Debbie's statement while the to referring to Ss wile as a n performs nearby at a Hotel pping," said Fisher, over the room. I'm hat Debbie did this." Then Liz got and said' most passed Fisher said charge incompatibil n vorce suit against Debbie Debbie was smiling and grac- fous at the Los Angeles airpo Thursday. But her manner was matter-of-fact and her initial ar nouncement a crisp: Yes consent." She then expressed some bitter CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICF RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 on the telephone happy 1 al news." will s di at probably the V1 DEBBIE REYNOLDS ness becawse she had learned of Fisher's latest entreaty from re porters. "This has cau surprise to say said. "However, last statement on the subject I'm sure everyone is exhausted by this topic as much as I am "1 wish Elizabeth and Eddie happiness." it me a little by the least," she this will be my 'Easy' Operation On Princess Grace LAUSANNE, Switzerland Princess Grace of Monaco will undergo an operation for ap Reut- ers Dr The the op pendicitis Saturday morning, Jar ma id today n said detailed their governments' views build a radio station near Prince|o o) tov avemptions on their gifts after giving the council a still: secret report of their delibera- tions here Tuesday and Wednes- day in preparation for the May East-West foreign ministers' George, B.C., beamed at China.|as"gonations to charity. But if it The accident was investigated THOUGHT FOR TODAY [constant alertness is essential to by Constable Dwight Smith of was found that the foundation was using donations for business purposes and not for charity and religious needs, then those ex- CHICAGO DIVERSION conference on the German prob- lem Conference briefi vfficers, re- porting on Thursday's delibera tions, said Herter told the council US. feels the Soviet Union will not risk war over West Ber- lin if she becomes convinced the West will military power to maintain its rights in the old Ger man capital Lloyd said the freedom of West Berlin must be maintained. He l¢ the ruled out disengagement of mili- tric power production should Chi-| in central that . any forces asserted tary and Europe 4 C. solution emptions would not apply. Ontario Loss Of Hydro $360,000 Commis- DETROIT (CP)--Ontario willjHydro-Electric Power yse $360,000 a year in hydro elec-|Sion. Mr. Bryce Thursday night told |a symposium here, called to con-| © ago be successful in its attempt | hig te opposition to the pro- that involved the neutralization of © divert additional water from posed diversion, that New York Germany would be the '"'worst!'L: possible" answer to the German|d problem, ake Michigan into the Chicago state would suffer an equal loss rainage canal, says JW. Bryce, at its hydro developments at senior engineer with the Ontario Niagara Falls and on the St Lawrence if the diversion is per- | mitted LATE NEWS FLASHES He added that Quebec would also suffer heavily from the di- version. attended by Grey And Bruce Counties Fear Flood OWEN SOUND (CP)---Heav, spring runoff and sent river levels inching steadily higher sections of Grey and areas, particularly area of Hanover, m many low-lying River in the Paisley, kept a wary eye on the river and the weather Liberals Blast PC Techniques TORONTO (CP) Progressive Conservatives are agency techniques to obscure election expected in May or James Scott told his party's annual convention that Premier r political machine using "cynical" "sell a political demagogue to the people of this Frost has a nstrous"™ tactics to province." Milk Separated From Strontium 90 OTTAWA (CP An Otta along Ontario Liberals i e Sy 3 |officials from seven Great Lakes . Istates and Ontario, was spon. | sored by 10 Canadian and Amer-| © {ican organizations, and has been| © endorsed Mw labor groups in both| countries. Provincial Lands and Forests Minister J. W. Spoouer said On| | tario "will stand firm in the pro.| [tection of our rights" should the proposed diversion prove deleter-! ious to the province. Mr. Spooner added, "in the exercise of their proprietory| rights, each community must| act with due regard to the rights and needs of the other com- munities. This is the golden rule in action." "The people of Ontario recog- {nize the magnitude of the prob-| lem faced by the Chicago Sani! tary District in adequately treat- ing the large volume of sewage vy rainfall today swelled the Bruce counties. Residents of the winding Saugeen Neustadt, Walkerton and A today were told planning to use advertising the issues in the provincial June. Provincial organizer bic mist has found a These children at Guiglia wa Ss |city police, Since cowboys revoked their | *Three-fourths of Russia's 450) Soltes is said to have worked taboo against kissing girls, [submarines are concentrated in'as a laborer at the Andy Nagy they have been singing fewer sad European waters. There they are Auto Body shop for the last three In position to try to sever Europe years. Lo AF NE SEERA TS NO SCHOOL BUS PROBLEM school. In fact, there has not | to make their way to school tween the town and the country- side across the river. --AP Wirephoto near Modena in northern Italy been a bridge over the Panaro A each day they use a chair lift ( have no bus to carry them to | River since World War IL So, ' arrangement, the only link be- and industrial waste in its metro Ipolitan area." er ut about 10 min to wa) some strontium-90 from milk without des- troying the milk as a food be "very easy."| remove HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ation MIC es and would

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