THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 3, 1959 52--Legal Notices 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED EDVERTISING (Continued from Page 16) 5" --Articles For Sale CUESTERTIELD , two chairs, ke Further information and tender forms may be obtained ot the new, Phone RA 5 5 --Swap ar ! Barter SUMP pumps, pressure systems, 3- picce bath sets, steel sinks and ceb- inets, pop cooler. hamburg grill, roto- tiller, copper, steel, piastie pipe, and fittings Chinn's, RA 3-7 2--Leaal Notices TY WILL NOT be be responsible fo for any | debts contracted in my name by my wife, Mrs, V. Wannamaker, on or after | this date. April Wannamaker. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF IDA MAY CHRISTIE All persons having claims against the estate of Ida May Christie, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of December, 1957, ot the said City of Oshawa, are required tu file proof of the same with the urdor- signed on or before the 10th day of April, 1959, after which dute the Executors will preceed to distribute the es- tate, having regard only tc the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 16th doy of March, 1959. RAYMOND CHRISTIE, GERTRUDE CHRISTIE and VERNON KAPPLER, Executors of the Estate of Ida Ma Christie By: Manning F. Swartz, 26V2 King Street East, Oshawa, Srl their Solicitor, Adjudicator Finds Play Too French MONTREAL (CP) -- Drama adjudicator Richard Ainley wit- nessed a play about death Thurs- day night -- and complained it lacked life. The play was Plainte Contre Inconnu, written by Georges Ne-| veux and presented by I'Atelier Georges Groulx as the second of Montreal's quartet in the West- ern Quebec Drama Festival. Set in Russia in 1910, it i about six people who find life worthless, God vanished and self- destruction the oniy path to peace, The cast, said Mr. Ainley, was too sad about death, too gay about life--instead of the oppos- ite--and too French instead of TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY -- FIRE DEPARTMENT Tender for Truck Cab and Chassis Sealed Tenders will be received until 12 OC THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1959, For supplying one Fire Truck, Cob and Chassis. Township office, Brooklin, Ontario. MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Brooklin, Ontarie. GEORGE H. Brooklin, Ontario, LOCK NOON ON VICK, Fire Chief, 78b "TELEVISION LOG, |CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV 2, 19%. -- Flovd C. WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV ATON'S .12C New stylings in Satonic Channel 4--Buffalo FRIDAY EVENING 2:00 P.M, 5:00 P.M, 7-8ix Gun Theatre 11--Theatre; Sports 6--Feature Jim 6--Hidden Pages 2:80 5--Playhouse 1 Shock 4--Fun To Learn 3:00 P.M. 2-Three Stooges 7-Playhouse | 5:15 P.M. 2--Pro Basketlan 3:30 P.M. 4-Cartoon SYDOck [iy Wresting 7-6- Mighty Mouse eS-Bowling mM inner Date Theatre 5--Wrest] YE asad iid L Bn Hickock | 4:30 P.M. 1--Popeye M, News: | Oxford - Cambridge | 11 The: Weather --Rany Show f 7-- his Is Alice { 2--Abbott and Costello 6:15 WM. Colonel Flack Sint y ron. Parade SATURDAY EVE. 5:00 P.D 11-6 Zorve 7-5--All Star Golf 4-Golf Tournament 2---Bowling i PM. 116. Rin Tin Tin 2--Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M 11--Provincial Affairs 7 Early Show 6--Frontier of Space 5-~Dick Clark 4-- Wrestling 6:30 P.M, 11---Tennessee Ernie S5--Lawrence Welk 6 Mr. Fixit 6:45 P.M. 6-4--News: Sports 7:00 P.M, McCoys 4--Colonel Flack 2--Rescue 8 | 7.5--Rin Tin Tin | 6--~Leave It To Beaver |' 4--Hit Parade { 2-D.A's Man 8:00 P.M. {11-6--Talent Caravan 7 Disney Presents 11---Rifleman 6--Ivanhoe 4-U of B Round Table : 2--African Patrol |11.6--Pioutte (Family 7:30 P.M 11-The Vise Homa oe 7-Dick Clark Show 7--Tombstone Territory | 6--Saturday Date 6--TBA 5.2 People Are Funny 5-2-M Squad Prey Mason 4--Phil Silvers 8:00 P. 9:30 P.M. 11,6.5,2-- Perry Come 11.6--Country Hoedown 7--Jubilee U.S.A, 7--177 Sunset Strip 8:30 P.M. 5-2---Thin Man &Wanted. Dead or Alive 4--Playhouse 0 P.M 10:00 P.M. 11-6-5-2--Cavalcade of Sports 4--The Line-up 10:15 P.M. 11,6---NH1 Hockey 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2--Black Saddle 4--Gale Storm 9:30 P.M. 11--Jim Coleman 5.2--Cimarron City 10:37 P.M, 4--Have Gun, will Trav- 7--John Daly el 4--Person To Person 10:00 P.M, 10:45 P.M, 7--~Playhouse 7--News; Weather 4---Gunsmoke 6--Jim Coleman 10: 5-2--Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M. 11-6-5-4-2-- News; 7--Playhouse | :15 P.M, 6 Naked City 6-- Viewpoint 5--Pat Boone 5--Movie 4--Silent Service 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--Premier Perform. | 11- 6-4- 2 News: ance Sports 4--M-G-M Theatre 7--Playhouse 2-Jack Paar SATURDAY io TA Sports 11--Frontier "Weather: 1 2 11--This Is The Life 11---The Christophers 6--~December 4--Camera Three :; 2~Western Round-UP 12:00 Noon 7--Bishop Pike 6--Music 5--Texas Rangers Weather 12:16 P.M, 6--U.N. Report 2--Senate Report 4--Look At Congress 12:30 P.M, 7--Command Perform. ance | 6--Good Life Theatre 5--Little Rascals 4--Playhouse 2--Chamber of Com- 11--Bravo Theatre 7--This is the Answer 7-1 wonder 6-Countiy « alendar 2--Playhouse §-- Bowling 2:00 P.M, 7-Bowling 6---Junior Magazine 4=The | Law and You 2:50 PM 11--The Living Word 5--Pro Basketball Great 11-6-- Moss ry "China 7--Billy Graham 4:30 P.M, 4--World Of Ideas 2---Sea Hunt 4:00 PM 11--Cowboy Theatre 7--Roller Derby 2--World Affairs 6--20th Century 4 -Face The "ation Cuslienge 11- Rev. Roberts 7--Canisius Forum 5--Sure as Death 6-- Lassie 4--Golf Tournament 2---Tactic 3:00 P.M. 11.6 News Magizine A 11-- Lassie 6--Frontiers 100 P.M. 11.6--Bob Cummings 7--Sergeant Preston 5--Meet The Press 4--Small World 2--Tugboat Annie 6:30 P.M 7--Walter Winchell 11-6--Father Knows Best 7--Marry 5--Maverick 2--Bishop Sheen a Millionaire 420th Century 1-1 Love Lucy 7--You Asked For It Bride 4 Lassle Two-Trouser Suits Cnly at EATON"S These Scring arrivals are already the "talk of the town!" RICH WOOL WORSTED FLANNELS in subtle tones of medium grey, char-grey, blue-grey, char-brown. NEW PATTERNED WOOL WORSTEDS in handsome stripes, checks and other muted Spring designs . . . blue, greys, browns. 5.00 The fabrics were specially selected for their luxurious texture and shape retaining EATONIA Value, 2-trouser suit qualities Carefully tailored by skilled Canadian craftsmen -- in slimming two- and three-button models with flapped pockets, centre vent. Sizes 36 to 46 includ- ing talls and shorts © Choose yours now, while our Spring ranges are at their best, EATON'S Budget Plan Terms with NO DOWN PAYMENT may be arranged, if desired EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEFT. 229 PHONE RA 5.7373 ° too Russian, Russian Offers To Refineries 8:00 AM. | Farm Hour 8:30 AM, { 3~Rumbus Room ime? li erin 4 Museum 11--Late Show 2---8aber of London 7:30 P.M. 6--Juliette 11-8--Showtime ayhouse NY Confidential 13:00 Midnight 11--Loretta Young Not Successful OTTAWA (CP) -- Russia has been offering low-priced oil to Eastern Canada refineries with- out much success, it was learned Thirsday, Trade officials here said the Russians have indicated to the Canadian government their in- terest in selling oil in Canada and have been told that like any other oil exporters, they are free to make whatever dezls they ean with the oil trade. The Russians have approached a number of Canadian importers --virtually every major refining interest in Montreal, {or example --with offers of oil at competitive prices. They evidently have offered oil at varying prices to different firms. have been quite attractive, offi- cials said. The offers were all In some cases, the prices i1--Range Roundup turned - 3~-Fanme a8 nian eto, Adventure Kangaroo 2--- ~"RUmMys3 Room 5-- cartoon Tysatre AM, s2-novy Doody AM, 7--Test Pattern n 8 Christian Science 5-2-- Rot "A Rready 9:15 AM, 4--Mighty Mouse 5--Man to Man 11:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 7---Uncle Al 5-'his 's the life 8-2--Fury 2--8im Sle Science 4--Heckle and Jeckle 10: % AM, 11:30 A.M. 5--Chris ophers 842-Cireus Boy 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 4--Robin Hood 2--Church Invitation 12:00 Noon 10:30 A.M, 7--Off To Adventure S~Datelne UN 1 5. Ine rig tid 2--Morning Gospel 12:30 P.M. 10:45 A 7--Air Force Story 5. Press Conference 5--Cartoon Theatre 2-Faith of Israel 1 4--Last of the Mohicans | 11:00 AM, 2--Detective's Diary 7~Living Word 1:00 P.M. 11--Church Service 7--Modern Science 5--Mr. Wizard 4---Film Featurette 2--Dance Party 4---Eye on New York 2--U.N. Dateline 11:15 AM, 1:30 P.M, 7---Miller Reports 7--Adventure 11:30 AM, 5--Feature Movie 7d. Hopkins File 4--Matinee 5--Kit Carson 8: M, 11 The Naked City 5--Lawless Years 2D AM, 9:00 A.M. 7--Lawman 4--let's Open The Door | 52 Chevy Show 4--G.E. Theatre 11,6-GM 7--Frontier 4--Alfred Hitchcock 7--Crusader 5-2--Loretta Young 4--Private Detective 7--Playhouse 3 5-4--What's My Line 1 2--Boots and Saddles 2--Sacred Heart Gd Maverick 6,4 Ed Sullivan 180 A's Man 00 P.M. 9: 6 World 5 Stage 7--Colt 45 9:30 P.M. Presents 10:00 P.M, 10:30 P.M, ,6--Fighting Words 11:00 P.M -6-4-2-- News; Weather; Sports 5--News Hilites 1:15 P.M, 3--Children's Corner 11--Late Show 6~This Week S--Feature Movie 3-Late Watch 11:30 PM, The 11:45 P.M, 6--Camera Three down, even though price advan- tages over existing oii sources in Venezuela and the United States were | proposed. Calf Illness Warming Given GUELPH (CP) -- The Ontario Veterinary College has warned farmers that a calf illness, known as white muscle disease, is likely to make an appearance on Ontario farms in the near fu- ture. | The disease is usually associ-| ated with a sudden increase in ponte noor nn th Calves are olin stricken shortly alu. being turned out to pasture and there is little chance of re- covery. Preventive measures, the col- lege said, include sound nutri. tional practices and use of vita-| min E supplements, | USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS RECORD SPECI ANY 1.98 RECORD AND GET AN EXTRA ONE FOR ONLY STORE AT THE PRICE OF SAME PRICE RANGE! Your choice of artists: PERCY FAITH, TU MORTON GOULD, MY FAIR LADY, THE DISC SHOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL R.C.A. CAMDEN RECORDS. SPECIAL ...BUY 2 LP's IN es 9 Each - AND YOU GET FREE -- ONE L. ETC., ETC, ALS BUY P. IN THE RK MURPHY, ONTARIO TRAILER SALES 1577 THE QUEENSWAY is pleased to announce the appointment in Oshawa of BILL KENT 94 JONES AVE. as their agent for the incomparable SHASTA AIR FLYTE TRAVEL TRAILER SHERWOOD Shirls for all Occasions Only at EATON'S Quality furnishings for men . . . at budget prices! "'Sherwood" . your guarantee od fit and smart shades of variety of Rese of fine workm ip, © from plain and a single cuff, sizes 14 to styling. ~ Choose white, blues or greys; striped potterns With short-point collar; neck EATON Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 PHONE RA 5.7373 Repeat Special Purchase! Boys' Washable Cotton Sheen Slacks with New "Flap Backs" Sturdy cotton slacks with the long-wearing qualities of jeans and the neat appearance of tailored slacks. Adding an individual touch are the "Flap backs" -- two neatly buttoned, flap pockets. Pre-shrunk cotton sheen, sturdy and washable, with slanted front pockets, zipper. fly, belt loops and double cuffs. Plain shades of sheen wheat or char- coal grey; or black striped. Sizes 8 to 14 years in the group. 1 48 [] EATON Special Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 PHONE RA 5-7373 Reg. 21.95 4 Price End-of-Line Clearance ""Metalex" Folding Doors Designed to save space . . . priced to save money! Excellent gq ality, attrac- tive folding doors in decor-wise shades of beige or ivory. ® Smooth, rust-proof aluminum track ® Eosy-running nylon glides © Masonite interior supporting core EATON Special Price, Each iin EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 ¢ Vinyl plastic finish with basket weave desig ® Sturdy metal latch handle ® Fits doorwoy 32 x 80" 10.97 PHONE RA 5.73783 Help for the hoard of hearing + + « ot EATON'S Hearing Aid Clinic Each Wednesday, Mr, J. Veer, EATON'S Hearing Aid Consultont, is on hand to analyse YOUR hearing. problem . . . and to help you select the hearing aid that's suited to YOUR partciular needs, If you already have a hearing aid, Mr, Veer will be happy to assist you in obtaining the utmost satisfaction from it, Phone RA 5.7373, Store Manager's Office, for an oppointment. [If you cannot come to the store, @ home appointment may be made. Private consultations Audiometric hearing tests Cords and batteries available in our Comers Department, Mall Level. Prompt repair service Ends-of-lines in Beautiful Broadloom Remnants--approx. 27 x 36" -- Greatly Reduced To Clear Hardtwist and Velvet pile scatter rugs for any room! And they're priced for savings you won't want to miss! In soft shades of grey, green, beige, mush- room or cinnamon. EATON Special Price, PHONE RA 5.7373 each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 "1 TECO "Specified" Paints . Available in five finishes! | Oniy ot EATON'S | HOUSE PAINT-- | ® Outside white © Ivory o Light buff e Shutter green ¢ Dark brown e Light grey e Indien Red Bright red © Bright grees 3 © White ® Niagara peach Light grey o Light | ivory © Sunshine yellow ® Powder blue ® Light @ creom eo Lime green o Light gre FAST-DRYING ENAMEL-- 4 ® White © White undercoating Ivory ® Daffodil yellow ® Sea green o Light blue ® Orange ® Bright red ® Black ® Dark green. FLOOR ENAMEL-- ® Battleship grey ® Golden brown ® Tile red © Medium green Quart Gallon © Orange yellow. 1.40 4.76 Tray and Roller Sets 1.98 to 3.39 { EATON EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE RA 5.7373 3 Price:--