Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 8

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TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS TORONTO By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 52 280 $52 40 (Quotations in cents uniess marked §. #~0dd lot, 3d -- Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials 2288 geeffais 100 Collieries 1205 Fed Grain pr 600 Ford 30 $55 Ford A Fr Pete pr Gatineau $573 339% $28% 28% $11% 11% $5% SW Un Gas 125 816% 16% g8Epss.2 = 3 F = Nat Pete Pac Pete Permo pr Petrol Phillips Prairie Oil Provo Gas Advocate Akaitcho E33 Base Metis 30100 7500 & FEE FF Brunsmas Buffad Calvit Cdn Astoria C N Inca Cdn NW Cardore Can Erin C ain Cent Pat C Morrison C Mosher C Northind C Red Pop Conwest Ceprnad 198 21% 130 Grandue slssssyslis 3! 20% wis 120 H of Lakes 300 198 1: 840 20% Stock Hollinger Hoyle Hud Bay Ind Lake Int Nickel © Sales High Low 11 a.m, ick 4 150 834% 34% 1300 889% 891% 31% 31% -- 3% 295 5 C Bank Com Bi Suyee Gen Imp Imp Imp Ind Int Nickel 70 125 Foundatn Frastr Fr Pet pr Dynam Home Oil B H Smith pr 100 $41% A 200 228 150 Inv oil Tob Accep 95 340 Iroquois pr 250 50 MacMill New Rouyn 1000 Nickel Ms 77 Nickel Ms rt 3056 Nipissing 550 Nisto 1000 Noranda Norgold Norpax N Golderst N Rank Norvalie Mtl 185 500 1000 2832 27025 Ont Pac Prov QN Que Mass Fer Molson A Molson B Loco Ogilvie Steel Pete Page Hers Trans at Gas Pow Robertson J Roe Roe Role AV Can 285 AV C pr 50 nd A 50 Roval Bank Royalite Sa'ac la § Shawin Shawin A Peerless Peron Pick Crow Steel Shawin 4 pr Simpsons Southam Can Steinbg A Texaco Can Abitca Beld C D 0 Cort pr z10 Ingersoll 8 ilcloth Ford A Inv Found Maclaren NQ Pow lpr Prem Steel Que U Asbestos Que Un Fort Upp Can Shop Savt Trans Mt U Amuse A U Amuse B Phone Phon wt 100 2105 200 176 20 U Corp A Algom Alta Anth Mines onian Augustus Au'l Bakre Tale Bate Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,375,000. man Bellechase Bonnyvie MONTREAL Cent Cartier Que De Chipman By The Canadian Press Stock E April 2 (Quotations In cents unless marked §. s--O0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Fx- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Frob Abitibi Atl Al oma 198 21% 21% -- W 30 130 +1 67! Orch Paud Pennbec Porcupine Que red Crest Cleveland Cominga isher Fundy Gaspe Oll Opemiska an ash 0 4000 700 1000 Smelt Ajax Students Gain Honors AJAX -- Spring term examina. Hons were held at Ajax High School recently, and the follow- GRADE 10 Sharon Bilcox, Cari Ann Rees, Joanne Bignell, Health Unit Shows Surplus COBOURG -- The annual re- port of the Northumberland and Durham Health Unit read to the United Counties Council at Co- COBOURG -- Napanee Comets Comets Square Playoff Series Peter Jones paced Napanee rman, bourg showed an operating gur- squared their Estern Ontario In- with a pair of goals. Pat Gilmour, Ing students obtained first class Glenda Varty, William Gowans, plus. Revenue totalled $153,991 termediate "A" semi-final play-|John Green and Tom Goodfel- honors as shown. First means an average of 75 per cent or better: GRADE 9 Fay Collins, Patrick Colgan, Phyllis Cameron, Rosemary Linck, John Rapsey Mary Pax- fon, Tilly Koendermann, Geof- frey Owen, Diane James Pike, Alan Dole. Richard Wigle, Adrian Fran- cey, Mary Clapham, Michael Wills, Michael Girvau, Carol Groves, Elena DePavla, Bruce Georgette Dutheil, Pamela Vick- Portation $19,123: maintenance, | Dobie, Renee John ton, George ers, Robert Falby, William Me. Supplies and operation of six Oxenholm, Mervyn Hail. Trinity Squad | Beats St. COBOURG -- Trinity Bantams Andrea Walker. Nicole Boucher, Shirley An. drew, Valerie Young, Carl Moore, Elinor Jack, Eric Foskett, Joanne Burleigh, GRADE 11 Richard Kirby Derek Watchorn, Winnifred Willmot, Raveney, pauline Nicholl, Bruce Hall, Rob- $6403; sale of two cars, $1045; ert Smyth, David Rapsey, Trevor Gleadhill. GRADE 12 Philip King, Janet Stratton, Kay Mikes Biocanier into goal, but Trinity class Terence Gadd, Marilyn Daniels, and expenditures amounted to0/off series with Lakefield at allow shared the rest of the scor- $145,973. game each in Cobourg as they|ing. Ben Jones accounted for Both provincial department of Jaced the Lumbermen 5-1 in a Lakefield's lone counter. health and the United Counties roughhouse, penalty-studded af- contributed like amounts of fair watched by over 500 fans. $66,450 to the revenue of the [akefield won the opening health unit. Other revenue is de- game in Napanee last Saturday rived from Federal health grant,|h,, a 6.5 count but they were no $13.460: plumbing inspection fees, match for the defending Ontario champions this time out. Twenty- six penalties were called in the rugged playoff encounter, inclu- ding two misconducts and a game misconduct. | Napanee led 2-1 after 20 min- |utes, stretched it to 3-1 heading |into the third when they outscor- ed Lakefield 20 for a convincing victory. rentals, $300 and miscellaneous $80. Principal items of exvenditure included wages, $97,217; trans- offices, $13,829: capital expendi- Itnre, $4622: additional profession- lal services, $4609 and pension |furd allocation, $3020. Counties share of the vear' expenditure amounts to $6234" or 82.7 cents per capita base! {on a population figure of 75,371. Spent $9, Charge Boys Over 1958 Levy Lakefield's Paul Parnell was banished from the game in the third period when he objected vehemently to referee Vern Goy- er, Napanee held a 34-22 edge in shots on goal : NAPANEE Parrish, Good- fellow, Londry. Green, Jones, Brady, Gerow, Martin, McKeown, McAlister, White, Gilmour, Dou- glas, Jacklin. LAKEFJELD -- R. Wasson, B. Floyd, Wallace, McCracken, Twist, K. Hefferman, C. Heffer- man, Ferguson, Parnell, Rich- lark, Coyle 'N. Wasson. | | | 432 continued their amazing playoff| came alive and pelted him from streak Tuesday night at Cobourg 2! sides to fire the winning and Arena as they sen® St. Michael's| clinching goals in the final three to the sidelines for the seascn by ag Ed Campbell broke up turnine back the Iri h 5-3 with a He Jane Sete a break. ird-peri 4 y : ) we i ies yori pally, dias set triggered the clincher at 14:55. oss Burgess' crew didn't set - giner goaigetters for the win the league on fire over the Hg ners were Allan Ruggles, Barry lar schedule, finis| ng na I Dawe and John Brett. Sharing the vouths and caused police here place tie, - Tey gett V scoring for St. Mike's were John to appeal to parents to be more have surprised all and sundry primeay, Jim Hill and Gilbert careful about giving guns to chil- with their fine playoff record. Brocanier dren. Tuesdav's game was a sudden- AS : : : . death game arranced to break a a iy---Deéléey, - oe any trum ak Su BB Ld count on county rate, $3318; G. McAuliffe FR. 2-5349 three-way deadlock. , ¥ 4 printing, postage and stationery, Trinit y SivOr-of th Bazay, Boundy. Sui 91 2 Nasyemald ud (81225 and counties assessor, | = clash. ih ve enki gf Te hy ii gy Louis, Bocas dows at the rear of Coleman and ke + ti PORT HOPE drew's in the finals. St. Andrew's|ya, Hil ie | cau, Lana-[Philp Electric on Brogden's Lane Expenditure on protection lo jain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 ven the bos hecatise han, Hill, Niles. and the house of Mrs. A. Brown, Persons and property accounted oe a oh Sis 139 Mill street north, were report. for $87,636 on an increase of E iad ed damaged 'by Police Chief $5536. Principal increases were Turning point in the game THIEF STEALS C. W. Graham. for the counties jail at Cobourg came with St. Mike's leading 3-2 Under the Canada Criminal amounting to $6929. in the secon' period. Brian St. {Code no person under age 14 may Public work. highways and Louis, St. Mike's goalie, was DRIVING SHAFT | be sold, lent, or given an airgun bridges totalled $344,733 or 47 per ey oo entally kd Jota HAMILTON (CP) sgt without a valid permit. The chief cent of the total counties expen- 's ck, ing spar' iro hiss , - |said if necessary, he would prose- diture. Sole increase of $10,268 for a fight between the two play- Les Wheeler thought at jis cute any offenders to prevent went to roads and bridges. ers. Referee Pat Briand ejected Ww rll Fool's joke, damage to private property. Public welfare showed a de- both players from the game. Wes Je lett the police de- " cline of $6886 from $197,950 to A special hearing of the inci- CAML 4 "he tounihce | MUSKRATS RAID HOMES $191063, while increases occur- dent was held Wednesday and al-| oan woulde'l move although LEAMINGTON (CP) -- This red in child welfare and hospital- though no further punishment 40 onoin t fi Lake' Erie north shore commun. ization of $3254 and $2695, respec- was meted out, league president Eine ran Jus ne, ity is being invaded--by musk. tively. ET LT Io whtreia Siete Tl Ee SIT SE i, JD Tt ene, vir py eep their temper in future or ha did r § to leave their compensate y a decrease in stiffer action will follow. thet" or ody had Sormal hapitat 8 Lake Erle nd Expenditure for the counties home . ! . arsh near here of $12.767, #t. Mike's inserted Gilbert hy in search of food. Other actual expenditures in- COBOURG -- Expenditures ofjcluded -- registry offices, $4613; $743,943 exceeded the countiesireforestation, $1640; scholarships, levy of $734,504 by $9432, D. C. $2200; wolf and fox bounty, |Stewart, of Glendinning, Jarrett|$1091; Cobourg general hospital and Campbell, Toronto, auditors! building grant, $13,500; contin- of the United Counties, told Unit- gencies, $4238 and debenture debt ed Counties council Tuesday. charges, $32,193. General government expendi- tures totalled $82,569, represent-| Ji 8 an increase of $6769 over TIMES BUREAUS 1957. ee no COBOURG Shooting Up Windows PORT HOPE shooting spree has the arrest of two Port Hope A weekend resulted in Brett, Dawe, Sayers RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG ane Carpet Sales 174 Mary RA 5.0433 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 2, 1939 7 Cobourg Will Heat Arena | COBOURG (Staff) Deputy- reeve Tom Jones disclosed this week that the Cobourg memorial arena will be heated next season. Two months ago, tenders were| | called for a natural gas heating plant, but the nroject was not| passed as council felt the matter| should he held over till the 1959 budget had been prepared. | The figures have been included |for an estimated '$4500. ! At present the town grant to the arena is $4000, but most of| this is used for insurance and operation expenses. It is felt that with the heating of the building, | the attendance will increase con- siderably. FIRE Fire completely gutted this four room cottage near Port | Hope Wednesday morning. The | family of Ed Bovan was waken- Won't Drop Port Hope PORT HOPE -- An article in | LEAVES FIVE HOMELESS | ed by dense smoke about 2.30 | The family dog, Tiny, was lost when he went back into the" building seeking his master, who was away at the time. i ~Times Staff Photo a.m. The four occupants of the house at the time had to fight | their way out through windows. {the Eldorado Mining and Refin- fining company magazine |"Refiner"" this month says that {Port Hope refinery operations 'will probably not be dropped for |some time to come. { It referred to an article carried 'by the Oshawa Times recently, |datelined Ottawa which said that Port Hope operations could be Response PORT HOPE -- Less than half Blood Donors Iron Curtain Oil Offers Made EDMONTON (CP) -- Calgary ° {oilman Carl O. Nickel says "Iron Poor zw | Curtain oil offers" have been" Several hundred cards have al- made to eastern refineries 'at make unnecessary by improving of the expected 250 donors for ready been distributed in town Prices competitive with Western |mine-site refining processes, The magazine story admits that donor campaign have registered | some of the short-cut processes to date. The organizers confess and women between 18 and 65 under investigation will probably that they are worried in view of with a free half-hour between 2 be feasible, but says that an ex- the fact that the clinic opens panding market will require all Thursday next. It was expected times, they lie back and feel Derment, H. J. C. Beatty, C. E.\ment, he told : S| Port Hope's Red Cross' blood and 'many people have indicated|/Canada crude oil. heir willingness to dunate. Men| He made the statement Wed- nesday in proposing immediate quotas on imports of oil and re- and 5 p.m. and 6.30 and 9 p.m. fined products into Canada. He April 9 can still get a registr, available refined uranium oxides. that at least 200 donors would carq, ation did not elaborate. > Western oil and gas industries Members of the Port Hope are in serious difficulties and will committee are Mrs. E. Friesen,|lose their natural markets unless Most Mrs. E. W. Carr, Mrs. R. Mec-/quick action is taken by govern. the Edmonton « tephenson, and F. R., O'Neill. Chamber of Commerce. Port Hope operations would not have registered before this time. be helped by increased and im- is little discomfort, if any, ex- it adds. perienced by the donor. ays | nothing. ss t 100 had been re- US. Military | ie ten | Harry Mitchell, 192 Walton street. | Contracts For Mrs. Mitchell 'is in charge of| of when to appear at the clinic. "Register now -- and help Port WASHINGTON (AP)--The de- hospital!" appeals Mrs, George fence department has told U.S. Ward, transfusion service com-| ] their equipment makers to share Advance registration is neces-| some defence orders with Cana- gary says Mrs. Ward, to allow Defence Secretary Neil MCcEI- clinic, Having to register donors| roy disclosed the action in recent| gt the clinic slows down service resentatives' defence appropria-! plan in advance a time scheme] tions subcommittee, to prevent rush periods. derstanding between the two gov- , i 4 Hope's record of donations during ernments already has been car- Worll War Il. 'and added sho the case of Bomarc interceptor| "'-° © missiles and extension of a com- maintained. tie together distant warning sta. stems with Canadian industry. | tions with defence centres in Can-' Last Aug. 8, McElroy said McElroy testified that in re- Quarles directed the military de- cent months Canada has decided|partments to initiate a program weapons systems from the United Canadian department of defence States, !production. This program is in- be replaced, but instead would Organizers point out that there proved mine-site refining, |ceived Monday by registrar Mrs. notifying in advance all donors Canadian Fi anadlanrirms Hope fulfill its obligation to our| military services to encourage mittee chairman. dian industry. smooth flo'v of traffic through the j1estimony to the House of Rep-land makes the clinic unable to McElroy explained that an un- 0. wo 0 Lorerred to Port ried out to a limited extent in hoped this reputation would be munications network designed to ada and the United States. Deputy Defence Secretary Donald to acquire several complete of economic co-operation with the He added the United States con- tended to find ways for the'two Goby TRAIN and SAVE! April 14-15 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY BARGAIN COACH FARES BETWEEN OSHAWA ROUND TRIP YOU SAVE $ 1.40 $ 85 5.75 7.78 ONTO YOU SAVE $ 1.05 2.95 3.20 5.80 Return Limit--7 Days OTTAWA .... 9.05 MONTREAL 12.25 Bargain fares also apply between TOR AND ROUND TRIP HAMILTON LONDON vane OWEN SOUND WINDSOR Tickets validton all trains, Watch for Bargain Coach Fares effective May 12-13 Regular 150 Ib, baggage allowance. Children 5 and under 12 travel half-fare; under 5 free. = Canadian Grcftc / © r---- Enjoy \ «+. A Bold and Startling NEW. IDEA in electric range design and performance Liberal Terms Dramatic New Design of the TAPPAN Fabulous "400" Series Allows Custom Installation As A Smart Wall- Hung Unit--At The Correct Height for the Kitchen and the Homemaker. The "Four- Hundred" - Installs In Minutes -- either on a Wall Bracket or on Cabinets -- No Expensive Cutouts or Installation Expense with the completely New and Fabulous "400" --Today's Smartest, Most . Flexible Cooking Appliance Now On Display In Our King St. Window > Fabius The Dramatic "400" SERIES Trend Setting Styling That's New and Fresh « « + A More Than Modern Electric Range for to-day's Smartest Most functional Kitchens Makes You Want to Trade-in -- TODAY! WITH EXCLUSIVE "HIDE-AWAY" TOP :

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