Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 19

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18 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Apel 3, 1959 Cell the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY "SATURLAY 8 TO 12 loose Note INDEX now In ottect to fl TO WANT AD aw cn ol CLASSIFICATION Memorl . 4 | =Accountants AM. SAME DAY Barrer -- 3--=Chiropractor 1 AM. SAME DAY 4--Dentists DIAL RA 3-3492 Srtiuraing Services ists sini Je-- veterinarians 8--Building frades 9=--Building Material WYMAN -- Arnold and Audrey are to announce the arrival of their h ter on Monday, March 30, 1939, at me Oshawa General Hospital. A baby sister for David and Douglas. |0==Sharpening Service 1 ==Business Opportunities ROBINSON -- Alvin and Audrey are to announce the arrival of a the 11@=--Business Opportunities Wanted iter on March 31, 1950 at Ag General Hospital A sister for| Bryan Barry and Sandra RUNDLE -- Alan and Jessie are) to announce the arrival of a r on Tuesday, March 31, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital, DEATHS ANNAN, Theodore -- Entered into rest au the family residence on Wednes- day, A 1959, Theodore Annan in his 84th year, beloved husband of Martha Jane Boyes of RR 1, Pickering, and dear father of Frederick R. of Pickering: 3 Jean (Mrs. Sidney Wonna- 1 Pickering; L. John of Whith toy bg Marjorie (deceased). Mr, Annan is resting at McEachnie Funeral Home, Pickering. Funeral service in the chapel on Saturday, April 4 at 3.30 .m. Interment Erskine Cemetery. In ou of flowers please send donationy to Canadian Cancer Society. Ld LUCYK - Entered into rest in ti Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesda: Mareh 31, John Lucyk, beloved husband of Mary Smook, in his 74th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funer. | al Home, Wednesday and St, Mary's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Hall on Thursday with mass in the. Church Friday, April 3, at 9.30 am, Inter ment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oshawa, 6b |2==Dressmaking 13--Gardening & Supplies | 4==Household Repairs 15 -Instruction | 6==Insurance |7==Money to Loan |8~Loan Wante" | 8a--Mortgage' |9~Personal 20-~Cartage 21=Personal Service 42--Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24~--Market Basket 25 Pets and Livestock 26~Farmer's Column 27-~Fuel, Wood i8~~Summer Resorts 280-- Hunting 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Want 30--Lost and Found 31 --Articies For Rent 32-Articles Wanted 34-- Auction, Soles 35--Employment Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted 3/--Male Help Wanted 38-~Male or Female Help Wonted 39----Agents Wanted 40--~Qpportunities 4| =Room ana Board 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Reol Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 4/=--Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiies Wanted 49-~Automobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale 51 ~-Swap and Barter * 52-Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of less Cash Charge MANN, Stanley -- Suddenly at Cler. mont, Florida, on Friday, March 27, 1080, Stanley Mann of Pickering Beach Ontario, beloved husband of Dorothy Bryan, dear father of David and dear son Mrs, F. G. Jam, both of Pick. ro R , C. Town Funeral Chapel, for service in the chapel on Friday, April 3, at 3 p.m. Interment, Mount Lawn Cemetery, hawa NARD, Elisabeth M.-- After a short lines the Oshawa General Hos- al, - Wednesday, April 1, 1989, Martha Pearce (of Whitby), beloved wife of the late James Ward and dear stepmother of Earl of Black. | water, Elmer of Attica, ' rs. | J. Colleran (Elizabeth) and Mrs, A | O'Neill of Uxbridge in her 87th year. | Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the| shape! on Saturday, April 4th at 2| , Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, | ee Albert. ™ | 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 it not paid within / days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to ori ginal ord for consecutive inser. fions. Subsequent insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order Protessional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond c sign, figure, count as © word, Box charged |S additional. All Classitiea Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of ublication, Otfice hours: ily § turday 8-12. 2.2% 2.48 WATHINSON ~ Entered into rest in| Oshawa Hospital on Tuesday, | March a 1959, Francis W. Watkinson, beloved husband of Ethel Chilton and loving father of Mh Walter Lane Evelyn) Montreal, Mrs. Warner Wil. ed (Viola), Mrs. Daniel Normoyle , Oshawa, Frank, Toronto and) ee in his 78th year, The| de Bail Watkinson is resting at Me. | Funeral Home, Service on Fri- fay, April 3, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. 76b | (JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, | Telephone: dence, RA 8-5373 I Dial office RA 35-3741; 5542. | North, |HUMPHREYS |G Street East Murdoch, |Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446: 6 J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald lana Solicitor, | bridge 29. Res. | BOWMAN, David L.. tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5:9592, Resi: dence RA 8-0264. 1--Accountants §. T, HOPKINS and Company, Certified Public Accountants. 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509. YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and "a and "auditors. Licenced] n Bankruptcy, 54 King Street| East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA: Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA. WERGER FRANKEL AND CO, ac- countants and auditors, 18% "King Street East. RA 3-0221, MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, A. B. Monteith, B, Comm., CA; G, W, Riehl, CA, RIA: R, F. Lightfoot, SAI George W, Trethewey, CA. RA 13135 Simcoe Street North, Whitby MO 8-5731, BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Services offer complete bookkeeping services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Roem 1, Office RA 5.0397; Residence, RA 37605, LEO GOODMAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 8 Colleye View Avenue, Toronto HUdson 5-6121 --Barristers tind Accounting Barrister, Office, 14% RA 8-8232; Solicitor, Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, Residence, RA 5-3405 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and solicitor, 26% King Street Business, RA 5.5501; East, Resi F. SWARTZ, Barrister, SoNcitor, Notary, Money to loan, Ass) ciate, Bruce V.. Mac , BA, Henry Block, 26'4 King Street East. RA 3.4697, residence, dial RA 3-4029. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soli: citor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North, residence, RA| MANNING McGIBBON and Bastedo, Solicitors. Clients' first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street , Charles C. McGib- ". Bastedo, QC and Boychyn, Barris ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys; QC, E. Boychyn, BA; W. A, Hillman, LL 6 King Street West, Phones: Office, RA 5-1177; Res., RA 5:4604; or Whitby, MO 8-276]. Money to loan JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrists and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North bon, QC B, | Phone RA 8-851] | JOHN A CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3-2260 NHA and private mort gages arranged. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers Solicitors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street Sou Dial RA 3.2278, Residence phones: M. Greer, BA, V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5832; Duncan R. Phillips, B, Comm. RA 8.1974 RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thimas H. Gre Associate Barristers ang a lcitors, 130 King Street RA | 8-6246. Mortgage loans ava THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, So citor and Notary Public, 3s Kin Phone RA 8.176: CREIGHTON, "FRASER, DR Barristers, Solicito ota | Public, Bank of Commerce Bu % [Greighion, RC N. C. Fraser, QC: G. K G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- Solicitors and Notaries Public, King Street E. RA 5-4717, Russell BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister Phones: Office--Ux- RA 8.6704 Barrister, Soliel- For Funeral Flower REGULA | IONS-- The Daily Times shall not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of ony ed vertisement, noi beyond 'he price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error oc- cupies, The publishers endeavour to advertisement are contained there- ony Inaccuracies in any form of reproduc. all dvanising matter correctly but assumes no liability if in, FLOWERS Phone: RA 8-6211 -- RA 8.6219 King St. East, Oshowa doors Kem's Drug GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service ot moderate prices. RA 8-6226 Hi evenings Simcoe Street So 5--Nursing Services | 4---Dentishs R. G. T. Seluk, Office hours 9 to 6 by appointment 259 uth. Phone RA §-2223 ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men ond Women). Nurses ond dieticians in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM GAY -- In loving memory of a dear mother and , grandmother, Gertrude Gay, who passed away April 2, 1954, Reating where no shadows fall, In perfect peace she awaits 3 aS. Our God will link the broke! As one by one we meet fain. ~Lovingly remembered by son daughter-in-law Mabel and LM Gary and Terry. Ontario Rpples © Go To B.C. In Trade Deal PENTICTON C. (CP)---Of- '|ficials of B.C. oe Fruits Ltd., growers' selling agency, have ex- {pressed no concern over a report] that 900 boxes of prime quality McIntosh apples are being "ive yours have passed away and chinned from Woodstock to Brit Since one we loved so well ish Columbia. Was taken from our Some on earth) "So far this year we have Ik i : 4 ay gwel per grave! Shipped something like 125,000 May wither and decay, boxes of our apples to Ontario," But the love of her sleeps a spokesman said. 'Now they're beneath, taki t t d shall never fade away. aking an opportunity to sen ~Llovingly remembered by husband some of their own back. That's and children. business." GAY -- Cherished memories of al The Ontario shipment is from dear mather, Queriride Hor. Gay, who the Oxford Fruit Co - operative away pri 5 bik t we would give if we could say Ltd. at Woodstock "Hello Mom" in the same old way, George Laird, manager of the To hear Jour Yolee, ae your smile, co-op, said that this was the first sit With YOU Bn hy mother e shipment of controlled atmos- phere apples to B.C. from that "the heartache area -- oof Bg renter "They haven't staried to use much controlled atmosphere stor- Helen, son-in-law Dennis. GAY -- In memory of a dear mother, age there yet, Mr. Laird ex- o Dblained Gertrude Elizabeth May Gay, The B.C. tree fruits spokes- passed away April 2, 1954 Suistly 3h deny Cae an SL man, however, said some B.C. Dearer to memory than words can McIntosh hel din coutrolled at-| tell, A McIntosh held in controlled at- The Jom of 3 mother we loved 80;,, shipped to market, mostly missed by daughters Ruth, Ar- nearby. Mas, Audrey ahd sons Ray and Ron: Controlled atmosphere storage ad. is more or less in the experi- oi -- In loving memory of a dear mental stage in B.C. It stops the 2 Garirude E. Gay, who passed rinaning of apples, inducing a ra ody a i SO 1 miss her, State of '"'controlled hibernation" Never shall her memory fade: which has enabled processors to loving thought shall ever wander | nn;iong the marketing season by the where she is laid i remembered by daughter June, /two months. OF THANES - Open All Winter and winoors. tor E33 Iroquois Locks i they ro the floral offerings during our eaw most 4 Dereavement, Special taviky Westerly lock open all winter h DUrses a e lock was kept free of ice also the Armstrong Fu-|},y. moving tugs and dredges [rack and forth through it weekly "while men kept the lock gates |elear with picks, pike poles and | paddles." Ice in the approach to the lock was 32 inches thick at peak. Cur- rent from nearby Iroquois Con. {trol Dam assisted in the feat, be- {lieved to be unique in Canadian, |canal history, | GAY -- In loving memory of my don wife who passed away five years who ' Iroquois Locks OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 6--Optometrists specinneing an ¥ |SHINGLING, chimneys, cement, P.; (Abramoff, RA 3.48 Barrister | Barristers, | funds available for| Sc. RA 5-368; is] ol (10--Sharpening Service |Work fully | ALL TYPES of building repairs; roof- ing and siding; chimney repairs. Phone 90. |8--Building Trade | RooFiNG; widing and repairs, fully | guaranteed, free estimates, RA 5-7780. stone | ¢ and block work, Carpentry and altera-| {tions Free estimates. RA 8-5350, ROOFING "and siding, e Bimhey repairs, new and 1 ht and archways, Free estimates. George 71, PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- stallations at reasonable rates, Infor- mation and estimates free on ony type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Fol y. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new. are reasonable. teed, Mattresses holstering '|Dial RA 35-0311, CALL | Painting and handym 14--Household Repai s recovered | Our s aran- Why pay more? Satisfaction rebuilt, Osh; Up- Co, 10 Bond Street West, JOE. RA 5.8018 for carpentry, DONT GAMBLE GET THe BEST FOR LESS Chesterfield, recovered and rebuilt better than new. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call Johnny Foch at Modern Up- holstering, 926V2 Simcoe Street North, RA 8-645], Evenings RA 3-4131, WOULD you like to have yoer house re-colored, Free estimates. 8.6315. . DRIVEWAY and cement gravel for sale by the yard or load. Phone RA 5.3756. GREEN DOOR \GIFT AND PAINT SHOP FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Labour, plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3-3443 Nights--RA 3-7944 Painting and Decorating 15--Instruction Commercial -- Residential Free Estimates -- Call BROOKLIN 240 Evenings-- BROOKLIN 6 Call NEW OIL FURNACES Buy it wholescle and have it installed by experts. E:sy terms Fue' oil, oil burners, furnaces. HARRY O. PERRY HEATING RA 3.3443, Nights RA 3.7944 EVERYTHING IN HEATING warm air, hot water and steam heating, coal, oil and gos. Expert ser- vice repairs. Enjoy the com- fort of modern automatic heating now with no money own, 5 yeurs to pay on oil and gas burners, furnaces and boilers. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL RA 5-7181 COMBUSTION CONTROL SERVICES PRE. CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING | | All parts for | PRIVATE funds available for 1st, ne reasonable rates, Lyndewood Investments, CLIENTS' and {agreements of sale purchased. App 1 15 years' experience, Appointme Ci LILLIAN Mae Marsh \ nach Dancing School, ballet. tap, baton, pre 10 all makes, school acrobatic Friday ana Saturday |BABYSITTING Masonic lemple. RA 3.7253 {HARVEY Dance "Academy. Baton, tap, |Royal Academy ballet, Highland Regi: ster 424 King PRIVATE now West RA 56122 I 19--Personal BEAUTIFUL bridal and Biniinade (hats, 85 up. Hats remodelled, $2 up. | RA 5.7908. IF YOU are not living a full and happy life because of Tension, Fear, Frus- |tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help, Also reduce weight, stop smoking, lieve nervous -pal in conf ete. Consult Edwin Heal | Ethntest Hypnosis consulting at Hotel, Oshawa, RA 13-4641, 13 Ontario St., are re |DANCE band available, four-, or five- |plece. Music for all occasions. BA For your convenience we are now able to serve you in all lines of DRY ANING | SHIRT LAUNDERING From 9 am. - 9 p.m, daily, For fast, efficient service in odorless dry cleaning, coll SPEE DEE CLEANERS RA 8-6221 CLE | "teacher, student II RA 5-1034, Dance Educator Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning | ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | New and Used Pianos Full selection of all instruments 477 Simcoe Street North For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You Can Actuall GO DANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS | 11a Simcoe St. S. RA 8-1681 jail and car radio service 1507 Sim. | LEARN TO DRIVE 16-- Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. |= For [call RA 5.7413 SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-5315 personal service at your home, 7 --Money to Loan M, | Public. 13.4697 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased. |Sreigtiten, Fraser, Drynan and |doch FIRST and second agreements purchased and sold. nicl BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 155 Brooklin POWER and hand mowers, sheers, scissors, ete, precisioned sharpened nteed, Pick-up and delivery, For isfaction and a sharp. |ening that lasts, call Jim Fudge, 207 | Church Street, RA 5.7616 C. H. TUCK, optometrist, le anomalties, gs; Mon., Wed. ined at home. RA "Seren. 31 King East 7 --Surveyors DONALD TROLLOPE, Ontario > Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5-688 1G. T. HORTON and Associates, On. tario Land Surveyors, Professional En gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax. Phone RA 8.0121 8--Building Trades CARPENTER work, framing, trim ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All work guaranteed. RA 3.3579. lumbing and heating supplies Ae RA 5-3521, Harold S. Stark, Ltd. plumbing, heating and engineering. 255 Simcoe Street South LAURIER McKENNA paperhanging; plastic, For expert painting; gyptexing; mastic, lino tiling. Phone RA 5-2851 ESTIMATES FREE. HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor exper's. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al terations. Kitchen cabinets our specialty CALL RA 3 7196 DODD & SOUTER PAINTS -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call-- DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St Ss. Whitby | CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Additions, * Alterations, Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH CROSSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 FRAME AND TRIMMING kitchen general C m bu It homes. For tree estimates ne Christensen Const, RA 5-6328. ations cup- ds repairs. ph Is FURNITURE 11--Business Opportunities ATTENTION Street East, 2nd rtgages, commercial, residential, Brooklin 303 \lable for first| monies Mortgages and | second mortg Barrister and Notary k Oshawa, RA Swartz, 26% King East, NHA mortgages arranged Mur: sale Hen- King mortgage, k and Hennick, Barristers, 31 RA 3.7232 MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up. .0 $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre- payment, no bonus, For Fast, Friendly Service, --call-- SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. 29V2 Simcow Street South RA 5-1121 (Formerly Bellvue) Route Open For Tobacco Delivery Can be operated on a part- time basis. Established ac- counts. Must have car or small truck, Minimum re- turns, $53 per week. $2,000 cash required for stock and inventory, For full details write giving name, address and telephone, to Postal Sta- tion Q, Box 247, Toronto | i [12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations, drapes, | zippers, button holes, mending, pant| | cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Dial RA 5-2638. | 13--Gardening & Supplies LEN Bowlers' landscaping and ga garden | ing service lawns seeded sodded, fer |tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed {otosiied Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs PLANT FOODS FOR LAWN OR GARDEN So-Green Evergreen--Shur- Gain Turt Special--Shur-Gain Garden Special--C.I.L, Triple Ten--C.1.L, 4.12-10--Milor- ganite Complete Gardening Supplies at COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 START NOW! TO HAVE YOUR TREES, SHEUBS, PRUNED Also tree removal Call or write for 1959 Cata- logue, RA 3-3222 Oshawa a Garden S Service | 14--Household Repairs | ROOMS papered, up, |{gyproc applied, ay seamless. 15-7297 repaired and re-uphol- stered See our materials for re-cover ing Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East, RA 37212 YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim neys built and repaired, gas linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti mates. RA 3.2997 INTERIOR - exterior painting and dec- |orating. For free Sitimates, contact | Murray's Painting, RA $96: | 18a--Mortgage: WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on gop ing first and second mortgages and pur. chase of agreements of sale. Louis §. |Hyman, QC, awa, RA 3-4943, 37 King Street East, Osh- 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES $1 Monthly For Every $100 Borrowed COSMOPOLITAN DISCOUNT Yonge Street, Toronto WA 3-0939 Open 9:00 to 5:30, Saturday 1:00 p.m. 641 Tuesday, Thursday till 9:00 Evenings: FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800 to $100,000. Home owners, residential property, summer cottages, suburban homes, factories and acre- age. Quotations by phone or mail. Prompt service. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE 19--Persono painting. HAVE RA Alcoholics CORP. LTD. 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Days--RA 5-3568 Ni Nights: RA 5.1386 or RA 3-9484 you a drinking problem? Anonymous, Box - 249, awa Times ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa Aprii 21 - 22. Phone Genosha Hote on these dates for appointment. nt only, | Save up fixed brokerage fees, | Write Osh- April 22| 21--Personal Service [SEWING machine repair Tig service, | a, RA 5-2! bureau, |perienced women for {home making. Mrs. R 13-4821 Closed Thursd A bie. ox: babysitting vi sney afternoon, JANE BLACK Slenderinzing Studio, Reduc- ing, Steam Bath and Mas- sage. 451 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-9602 for op- 10 p.m, Slenderizing, | | point, Open 10 a.m,- 22 tadio and T.V. Repairs SPECIALIZED radio and television [aervice. All makes Fred Thompson, 157 Elliot Street, Call RA 3.9792, |TV. TOWERS completely installed, 1 |year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, no |rivets, all welded All channel aerials {from $20.95: easy terms Kelly I'V. RA 121 coe North. Phone RA 8.0f PROMPT TV service, Years experience. RA | Electronics. any make, 10 8-5286, Oshawa T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Muved and Repaired 20-tt. aerial $29 and up. ROLLAND T.V. 30--Lost and Found LOST -- bottom Church Street and King Street West. Re LOST -- Beagle hound, female, black,|APPly stating age and experience to white and 75¢ southwest of Whitby, J, Lowe, Whithy. A MO 8-2143, LOST -- Light brown Water Spanie!| .| puppy, Saturday, March 28. Vicinity of | | Edward Avenue, Reward, RA 8-1493, SUMP-PUMP for rent, $30 up to buy. 73f |All repairs. spring thaws. RA 58563, Jim Hurvid. AIR compressor, |36--Female Help Wanted ,, vicinity of FULL time clerk in d ing store, 5-0904, 184 pleasing personality a ni ity, typing Applicants should be 25-45. (an assel, old, | Box 81¢. Oshawa Times, BUSINESS woman with two children, Scone school age, requires capable house keeper, good references needed. Write Box 728 Oshawa Times, 76c | AAPL woman to care for home and three children while mother in " |hospital, Will give room and board and $15 a week. Phone RA 5.6774, 76) " IWE require female personnel, prefer: Don't .be caught by the ably with ackground that would as, (sist in the delicate assembly open |ation, Wages commensurate with abil ity, clean working conditions, hospital. ization and group benefits, Apply Boe 620 Oshawa Times. LO PAY waitress wanted, good wager), Is: congenial working oni. tan, seven months 31---Articles For Rent RA 5.2001, Straight Zag. 8 RENT an Eina Zig Zag for spring sew- ing. Free instruction first, RA a 1.~Wanted to Rent FOUR young desire four-bedroom, unfurnished apartment or house with ine 10 miles of Oshawa, kitchen elee- tically equipped, Phone RA 5-5443 be. tea, 760 LADY would like day work, all day Lussduys, Thursdays, and Fridays, un JOUR or five-room house, Oshawa or Bowmanville, Phone RA 8-0084, ™ LIGHT housekeeping room, in quiet home, with parking space. Phone RA 5-7149 after 12 noon. 75 and APARTMENTS, houses res farms, good LY, 'McAuley, Reals tor, 26 Prince RA 3.2512, MO 8.3231, WANTED TO RENT -- Apartment or duplex within 10 minutes of Four Core ners, by couple with two-year-old, Best references. RA 57709 after 7 p.m. Webbing's Rental Service Sundays, Apply Pat cue, P. Road South at- Hillside. "in | Gime, to work in modern food store, five days a week. Experienced pre. ferred but not necessary, Apply in pea- 44--For Rent APARTMENT, two rooms, furnish refrigerator, sink and cupboards, lead-in, private entrance, Apply 184 Beatty Avenue, 770 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT H Stroud's Food Market, 54 Simcoe FOR RENT ue e 260 WOMAN to take care of elderly lndy (sick), live in if possib 603 Wing Street, Whitby. Phone MO 8-2373, 77¢ DEPENDABLE woman wanted {or baby sitting. Call RA 5.7545 after 4; p.m. 282 King St, West RA 3-4873 Ample Parking 32--Articles Wanted [ eo for spray png le, 1 rooklin 624-R-14, yoyan CR oF If| part-time. Experience helpful but not i1 | essential. Apply T. F. Cox RA 5.3501, |pay cash. State make d oe No 'Write | After 5 p.m., call RA 8-8102 Tie Box 620, Oshawa Times TY - shorthand prelael but not DESPERATELY needed. Fill and lots|¢s ential. Call RA 3:3663, Mr. Upsih of it. 26 Garrard Road North, evenings. for appointment, [SELLING furniture. We'll buy it, Re-|~ frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, i7- -Male Help Wanted, A stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact! COURTEOUS married man "wanted 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131, with car, willing to work 48 hours a WANTED -- Bedroom suite, large |week for $100, No sales exprrience grouping of 3-pleces or more and necded, we train, Phone or write F mattress, walnut or oak of recent |Beaulieu, 78 Aragon Ave, Aglnco dating preferred, but not essen. |Phone AXminster 3.3710, o Hal. Phone RA Sam, SALARY plus commission -- Colonial Bi "| requi three men to join our expand SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. ing sales staff with a good sound fu. ture, Experience not necessary but ; helpful, Car essential. Drop inte Colon. Wants cors for wrecking, also |ial, 134 Simcoe Street South or call RA scrap iron and metals, etc. a-asl. ¥ cite ahi ul bought. Open Saturday all |WANTED = immediately, m Re day. Phone:-- RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR ST. E. man far small dairy farm and meral farm work, Phone RA 52213, 75¢ SCRAP IRON, POULTRY MAN for small gas motor ~ repairs, share in profits. Age no barrier. Bond- AND FEATHER TICKS TURNER RA 3-2043 dence. Box 723, Oshawa Times. 751 (collect) painting car | PIANOS -- = 10. Any 7" HOTEL clerk, older man to live in, 73 ps ly Cadillac Hotel EATING salesman, sell in Oshawa Hd kering district, Phone TEmple 9-1721, Lf SALESMAN with connection in Building Materials Field Top wages ond benefits for right man. Replies held in confidence. CEDARDALE SCRAP RA 3 4849 PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROHOME R.C.AA VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest | in television and service, 918 Simcoe N -- RA 3-3043 T.V. AERIALS -- T.V. REPAIRS All-channel antenna, rust- proot material 20 ft. $24.00; 30 ft. $34.00; Rotor antenna $65.00; Towers $54.00, LEN & LOU'S T.V. RA 5-7844 Bowmanville MA 3.3942 123- Vomen's Column SPECIAL = heat permanents, cold waves, $5.50. Page Hairdre; 396 Pine Avenue, RA 5.5363. 24__Market Basket POTATOES -- $1.50 per 75.b, bag. Turnips and apples. Joe St. Thomas, | RA 5.2020. 1357 Ritson Road North, Five Points. 25--Pets and Livestock PART SPANIEL, male, old, black and white: good with children, Phone RA 8-0475, WANTED -- good home for kind male dog. Phone Whitby MO 8.3170. Te | BEAGLE, one year old, oculated, registered. $30. Phone Ajax| 9, 76¢ English Springer color liver and 1. 72 Je. seven months| house trained, |; $5 with licence. | | THOROUGHBRED Spaniel "pups, - mal white. Apply RA BOARDING, trimming, bathing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5-632! FOR best service when ordering Clas: | sified Ads accent the suggestions of one of our trained ad-visers. She'll help you get best results, Dial RA 3.3492. REGISTERED Pug puppies, also part Terrier puppies. Tropical fish, aquar. fums, plants, white worms, frozen| brine shrimp. Rabbits, budgies, cana. |ries, hampsters, white rats. Pet Stock| | Supply Co., 9 Celina Street. RA 5.0343, BEAUTIFUL baby budgi ready for training, talking strain Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, i REGISTERED miniature blac! "poodle Jupties, Real beauties, six weeks old, from champion stock, Cedarview Ken. | nels, RA 5-5062, Te 26--Farmer's mer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | Phone collect, Bowmanville, MA 3.2679 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone CLOVER hay for sale, Norman Allak, 837 Park Road South, 27 --Fuel Wood WOOD cutting by buz saw and chain |saw Snow plowing. Phone RA 5.9727 | 280--Trailers TRAILERS For carefree farnily holidays, See the GLENDETTES at Cook's Trailer 3Saies, Osh- awa 3 miles East on High- way No. 2. Telephone RA 3.9534 or RA 3-9017. | | | | 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted LOT 50 x 380 feet on lake in Oshawa, residential sub-divided for sale or trade for summer cottage within 70 miles of Oshawa. RA 35-0624 Lakeshore Cottage Lots -- "CHANDOS LAKE, only 98 miles from Oshawa to this gorgeous 17 mile long lake in Peterborough County. Choice of 8 beautfiully shad ed, level and surveyed lots 100" x 250° each with pri vate road, cleared, sand beach, sate for children. Hydro, excellent fishing, sal- mon, trout, black bass pick- erel and white fish. Only 1 mile in oft Highwdy No. 504, $995.00 each. Write to Jack Paris, Realtor, Young's Point Ont, for interview in you own home or phone Osha RA 5-4664." | [lieu, Montreal, IRON METAL LTD. IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS JPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 WRITE: OSHAWA TIMES BOX 725 | | + | possession, -- | With cooking privileges. Apply 66 PARTMENT "= four rooms, all close to hospital, bus {ideal ocution. 18 Aberdeen, RA § |CENTRAL -- "upper peuplex, heated, Electric stove and re at | ston aerial, gar [8 -4583 after 6.3 3 |FURNISHED four - "room Apartm Would rent separately with kit privileges to young men, preferably office workers. Very central, m FOUR mn pat html, RA 5-03 FOUR - room, ant Ealaie upstairs (flat, Abstainers only, RA 54171, 7% {ONE or two rooms and kitchen, aise garage. Apply 268 Clark Street, SINGLE, furnished bedroom for bush nessman, Apply 38 Colborne West, THREE room self-contained apart ment, bus ep hg door. Adults only, |Phone RA "3.722 THRE room Re near GM, immediate ession, Apply so0 Thomas Street, ™ TWO unfurnished rooms, sink and oup- boards in kitchen, business couple, or one p preferred, Central. Abstainer. RA A KL «To immed' te Me THREE unfurnished rooms, middle. aged couple, or working couple pre |ferred, No children, 110 Albert Street, TWO medium furnished rooms, near Shopping Centre, $50 monthly, Washing facilities. Phone RA 5-888. LARGE room in private hom single beds, suit one or two, ool "0 Park Road South, KL SINGLE room for gentleman or, lady 66 'Ware ren Avenue, ™ HEATED, three - room apartment, overlooking city, private bath, ene trance, laundry, electric stove, refriger ator. Available April 18, Apply Box 623, {Oshawa Times, | IN BOWMANVILLE--fi detached house, centrally yo Available May 1, Write Box 631, Oshe awa Times, 78 NEWLY decorated, modern brick bun. galow, oil heated, now vacant, $88 {monthly, 207 Huron Street after 4.30 Tie pam, AVAILABLE now, four-room "apart ment with modern kitchen and bath, stove, 'frig, TV antenna, Apply 8% Wil liam Street West, " TWO large rooms, unfurnished, si and cupboards; adults, RA \ 5-4328, sink ™ 100 ANNIS STREET {38--Male or Female, FREE PICK-UP Help Wanted = 35 Employment WwW WE can vat Swe men oi women oy. STATIONARY engineer, fou A fourth class, lence necessary, No investment. secks night work, RA 3.7102, 9 a. m. for appointment between 3 and 6 pm only, RA 35-8580. MAN REAL estate si " . | Oshawa, Whitby course, group a aval Sasenndl A. J, Schats Reahot 83337 Whitby, hi 7 pm, 76: wishes Smployment, sing Tong Ho io C fers lincence. Write Box 721 Oshawa | Ane _-- uo Tim ACCOUNT" -- WaDtS Pe ~ | WHITBY three Phone | | MODERN, three-bedroom bung: wa Fernhill Boulevard, near Shopping Cen. tre. $100 monthly, RA 3.3707, " "bedroom home, | Northern Heights, reasonable, to Ott , MO "| transferred c ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail r a Ble nS private home, , Park . A 88071. home, coniral p.m, rin A private mattress: sult rontioman: Street Ea a A 1 AFA experienced in blag financial statements and balance sheets. Refer. ence available, Apply Box 724, Times. |LADY requires after § p.m, Phon ' [EXPERIENCED | typi t wil \do typ typing | [in her own home. Phone Whitb, 2:4300 |39--Agents Wanted Oshawa | SGENTS to sell tailored-ton clothes ig from maker to w sitting anytime Full or part 8-8397. wool cloth Sons, free suit bonuses, Experience n ary. Write now for | Montreal, - time. Larger range "i TH Low prices, high Sofmis tion. Phone RA 5-260. \ samples. v+ MO|Cioshy Company, Dept. X9, Box 3012, of DESIRABLE three rooms Hy th, heavy wiring, 'water; ba heat and sure town: adults only; oo! RA 817. EE . room apart nent; share bath, pi 517 Park Road South for lorie (ros Jot or Bale; 7 oom house, north [Phone MA Varn ™ WOMAN will care for children in n her| own home, daily, Monday till Friday. 3 Room: and Board RA 5-1829. 6 {ROOM or room and board for |3 Female H Help "Wanted | men. European meals, good | PART-TIME of full-time work for Wi |Sarking. Apply. 381" Simcoe oe [bitious ladies, aged 25 or over. For ap-| pointment and interview, RA 3.4451, | 7c DENTAL assista age 17 to 30. No experience necessary. State schooling and references. wonderful opportun- BRIGHT, ity for industrious person with initia. one Sentient tive. Apply Box 730, Oshawa Times. 77f tral. RA 8-177. sentle:/ for Kentiomen, snare single beds, {cellent me stainers, Parking, North oman " Phone RA 8:6718. 77 furnished meals optional, cen. female, in. | WAITRESS - experience mot neces. [ROOM and board for two gentlemen, | -- single beds, clean, private home, close TWO furnished rooms 76f | refrigerator. Apply it Sieoe wo sary, Must be neat, accurate at fig. ures. Apply 922 Simcoe Street North to south GM. Phone RA 5-4813 fier 3 pon. BRAND new bungalow, close to Shop: YOUNG women, neat, attractive, for|ping Centre, also three rooms. Clean, outside sales work. Average per no children. Phone RA 8-1439, | hour, six hours, five-day week, Write 2 . THREE . room heated apartment, suit Rawleigh's, Dept. D-310-32, 4005 Riche: |3,1e for a couple. Private bath and 778 entrance. North west section. $50 a HAIRDRESSER -- Stage age, experi: month, Possession April 15, Phone RA ence, phone number and address to 35-1400 between 5 and 7.p.m. {PO Box 131, Oshawa. 72{ [THREE - room apartment, unfurnish-| HOUSEKEEPER, live in, private room, |¢d. Use of washing machine. Apply 3 Must be fond of children, Phone RA Howard Street or RA 52256. {3-8425 evenings. 76c ROOM board optional, near pr |HOUSEKEPER to live in business. Phone RA 8-5643 6 man's home in Whitby; children, good ROOM and board for gentleman, close |surroundings and pleasant working to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street conditions, Call RA 8.8571 for inter-| East. Phone RA 3.7814, 758 Jew. f | TWO furnished rooms, single beds, gen: PART-TIME cashier, references need-|tlemen, breakfast optional, Phone RA ed, Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosha Hotel, | 3.6529, 5 Bi ROOM and board for gentlemen, seven T [days a week, south end, home privil- eges, hot alr, good meals, single beds. RA 5.3710. | ROOM or room week, good meals, Sepa ply 252 Arthur St RA FURNISHED roo! | Phone RA" 8-0598. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in private home, 82 Park !North, 5.7 p.m, RA 71. gd ROOM and board for gentlemen, con. ~|tinuous hot water, home privileges. Apply 241 Ritson Road South, 72 {PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen: good {meals, TV lounge, home privileges. close to South GM. RA 3.3993, ROOM and board, close to four corners | and GM. Good Europcan meals, RA! 8.5160 or 29 Elgin Street East {BEST in town, single beds, all mod ern conveniences. close to south GM 77b RA 5-429. Apply 53 Lorraine Street. | 137--Male Help Wanted BELL TELEPHONE CO. HAS OPENINGS FOR CLERK-TYPISTS Junior Matriculation Age 18-25 -- Single. PLEASE WRITE TO BOX 647 "and board, six-day 6 beds, Ap- 0723, board option®l 731 aval. | Roa Married woman for general office routine; balancing, handling cash, some contact with public, experience in credit interviews a help. Apply--MR, HOUSE Cherney Bros, 80 King St. E 37--Male Help Wanted DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT REQUIRES SHIPS' PILOTS (SEASONAL) AREA--Port Well - Sarnia SALARY $950 per month APPLICANTS must be Canadian and have served a numbér »f seasons as master or sailing master on the Great Lakes while 'olding a certificate not lower than Master Steamship (Unlimited) nland Waters and a thorough knowledge of the waters between Port Weller and Sarnia; satisfactory physical condition and eye- ght; age may be a determining factor reasunable travelling ex- leave; group hospital ENEFITS include permanent position, penses, generous pension, sick and holiday and surgical insurance available APPLY by letter before April 9, 1959, quoting Competition T-SP-1, stating age, certificote held, and outline of experience to director of Administration & Personnel, vepartment of Transport Ottawa, Ontario THOSE CALLED TO INTERVIEW will be required to prescnt testi- monials from former employers as to conduct and competency. COMFORTABLE room in lovely Dome "single room for ed apartment, 76f 'bath, TWO large housekeeping rooms, suit couple. two single girls or men, Phone | RA 8.6890, kt furnished houses ot | keeping rooms, sink, use of washi ¢ 'machine. Apply 48 Drew Street, R [3-4152 after 4 p.m. {FOUR rooms and bath, modern upper duplex. Rent $75. Phone RA 3.3985. 76¢ {| FOUR . room self-contained, unfurnishe stove and refrigerator, 1 , Apply 496 Simcoe {ONE or two partly | Ava.lable May 761 Street North, Apartment 4. RA 5.6309, e | nd_figor, rivate RA vet two - room apartment, unfurnished, adults, central, LARGE 85-5380. THREE . room and two . room aparts /ments for rent. Child welcome. Apnly 410 King Street East, ee TWO - room apartment, private ems |trance, kitchen cupboards, furnished or |unfurnished. Phone RA 8.5283 ee THREE - room. furnished Toei, private entrance, suitable for twe, north end. Phone RA 3.6608 afte p.m. ATTRACTIVE, three room, heated apartment, centrally Jocated in Bow manville, heavy wiri separate ene trance and bath, i ate possession, Phone MA 3. 2436, 760 LARGE, new, warm four rooms and bath, basement apartment, large win. dows, hardwood floors, bus line: heat and ot water supplied, $85, Phone RA 5-03 pus four - room apartment, central jlacation, washer, dryer, and TV outlet, or $100, including all furniture ad (TV set. RA 8.8 MODERN, --_ - bedroom = on Stevenson Road North. Available April 1, $95 a month. RA 3-383, kd THREE rooms furnished, stove and re |frigerator, good location. RA 8.0475 or | RA 8-120 ™ TWO room apartment, partly fun nished, private entrance. $50 monthly, 369 Drew Stree'. RA 5.8132 " THREE.room flat, unfurnished, adults, jon bus line, Available. Apply 301 Gib. {bons Street. RA 5.1613. THREE unfurnished rooms, central, Apply 1 7" Warren Avenue. "w ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Electrically equipped LA SALLE COURT RA 5-3815. SR ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte possession, elees trically eauipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor. RA 8.8676 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our tee is less than a va- cancy, only screened and re- liable tenants Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8.5123

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