Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 9

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Ability to meet a challenge must be fostered in childhood and without this quality in its rising generation, a country and a civil- ization is in peril of obliteration, Mr. M. A. Sisco, principal of Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate, told the Oshawa and District Home and School Council at its march meet- ing. Mr. Sisco corroborated his statement by quotations from Ar- nold Toynbee, the renowned his- torian, citing the eclipse of the civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome, Declares Child's Future Lost If He Cannot Face a Challenge kind tends|e! hall. cannot respond to the there is a tendency to find it too difficult if it is a challenge to his intellect, By conceding, par- ents defeat what the school is trying to do. "If you, as parents, give your child Everything he asks for and let him loose a istic society, in which he will not strug- gle, whose fault'is it?"' Mr. Sisco asked. HOME ROUTINE [ He developed the point that children were not given enough| tary chores at home and "The history of to prove that we develop through struggle; this is necessary to suc- cess and response to civilization." The easiest road at school was not always the best one, the speaker declared. There was feel- ing, he said, that a child's brain . |was like a pail that he took to school to be filled. This was not a true concept. The brain was like a muscle that must be de- veloped to attain full mental pow- dent who found difficulty in learn- ing, to keep him striving and thus develop him into a good citi- challenged to a point to further development. THE EASY GOAL | "There is a terrible danger in | this age of materialism to forget |development through struggle. We tend to make material bene- fits an end in themselves. Par- ents who have suffered years of depression and war want their children to escape hardship and rough going. '""There is a problem in school today for the teachers of the child asking to drop a subject because he doesn't like it or it pulls his marks down. If a child ers. Options were given to a stu.| zen. A bright student had to be| were not encouraged sufficient] in the school work. "The prime duty of parents is to rear citizens of the future who are prepared to cope with the problems they will have to! face. If we fail as parents we will not be able to provide hard- ened citizens who can face the challenge of the future." Mrs. C. J. Wray, citizenship convener, thanked Mr. Sisco. Mrs. J. L. Gaskell presided for| the routine business. Mrs. Wil llam Baldwin played piano selec- tions. Mrs. James Barron reported that a bus would leave the Osh- awa terminal at 7.30 p.m. Thurs-| day, April 2, to take delegates to the Home and School convention | in Toronto. [ The nomination committee was named as follows: Mrs. David Hutchins, Mrs. Earl Hoy, Mrs. George Moss. . Mrs. B. D. Hitchens, newly- elected president of East Whit-| is the granddaughter of Mr, and by and Thornton's Corners Home| Mrs. J, W. Imeson and Mr. and One-year-old Lezlle Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Booth, Rosmere | street. Lezlie who celebrated her first birthday on March 2 LEZLIE ANN | Velma Broadbent, Barry Cornish! Married In Afternoon Ceremony At St. George's Anglican Church on Saturday afternoon |.ieorge's parish hall, where the|City, the bride travelled March 28, Velma Marie Broad bent and Barry Edward Cornis! exchanged nuptial vows. The bride, who is a graduatc|' chose sa] blue silk crepe with a brimmed hat of phinimum blue straw, Both wore corsages of pink roses, trip For the by The reception was held in St. motor to Montreal and Quebet ride's mother received wearing charcoal green wool sheath dress, champagne beige sheath of with a brown Persian lamb jack 'hantilly lace over satin, with a et, and matching accessories. OB lose fitting hat of beige silk|their return the couple will live the bridegroom's mother whe del- lof Oshawa General Hospital, is|'*#anza flowers, Assisting was'in Oshawa. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Broadbent of Oshawa, |and the bridegroom, a graduate of Toronto University, is the son lof Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cornish of Belleville. The Reverend Clinton Cross performed the ceremony and the wedding music was played by {Mr, Walter Jackson who accom- {panied Mr. Albert Wedgery who sang *'O Perfect Love" and "The Wedding Hymn." | Given in marriage by her fa- {ther the bride wore an ankle- |length princess gown of fros white peau-de-soie. The bodice |featured a scoop neckline, and short sleeves with mittens. The bouffant skirt ended in a chapel train. A cap encrusted with | pearls held her finger-tip veil and she carried a white prayer book crested with a white orchid. | Mrs. Donald Allewell of Bar- Irie was matron of honor, in a | cocktail - length dress of petal |pink organza over net and taf- feta, styling a portrait neckline] and short sleeves, with short gloves. Miss Anne Blasko and Miss Jean Cornish were brides- maids, in identical cocktail-length gowns of pale aqua silk organza over net and taffeta. All the at- tendants wore matching bow knot headdresses and carried cres- cents of pink and white chrysan-| themums. Mr. William Hannaford of Mrs. Ernest Attersley and great - granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph Rampling and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Imeson, all of Oshawa. ~Photo by Ireland ae School Jssosiation, was in-|-- uced and welcomed. | Refreshments were served by members of the Duke of Edin-| TOPS Club Meets burgh and Sunset Heights Asso-| ciations. | Just For Fun GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Fun night was held recently by the Tuesday TOPS Club at the CRA Building, Gibb street. Mrs. George McCammond, hostess for FRIENDSHIP GROUP Members of the Fellowship Group of King Street United Church WA met at the Anglo Canadian Drug Company office - Lo Yolande Dora Mary Goguen, | is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Church. The bride is the daugh- | --Photo by Hornsby south, Mrs. Morris Winter, {Bay where they attended Miami Beach, Florida |nish - Broadbent wedding were Cancer Society, held recently at | Herbert Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin Hall on Wednesday/Terry Hollands, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William Joyce, Oshawa 534 Mes. A. E. Cornish, Mr. and Day, Mr. Ronald Fox, Mr. and weeks, Pratt, from Fort William. Madill, Peterborough; Mrs. J. E. ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES are pictured following their | James Bourgeois, all of Monc- Mrs, Claude Kewin, Windsor Salle avenue, and Mrs. Charles p, o.0) of the late Dr. B. F. Nott, Mrs. J. L. Beaton presided at Miss Gwen Broadbent, Mr. and the headquarters, Athol street Jon Kass, Mr, and Mrs. John afternoon, April 22. ed by Mr. plane on Saturday from Florida Mrs. (Mrs. William Hunt, Mr. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaton, Mrs. Neil Field, Ottawa; Mr. and Hunter, 8r., Goodherham; Mr. SOCIAL NOTICE Mr. Claude James Bourgeois | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arcade marriage recently at St. Mary's | ton, New Brunswick. The Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 avenue, the Misses Cheryl and Bruce Bradley, Simcoe Bowra, Simcoe street north, left] a meeting of the women's com. Mrs. Wilfred Bice, Misses Jane east, when plans were discussed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Read,|and Ronald Meakin, Raymon masley, Douglas Walmsley, Mr. and where they have been vacation-| Geen, Mr [Nayler, all of Belleville; Mr. and King street west, have as theirMrs, Gordon McGaughy, |and Mrs. Perce Gould, Peterbor- ENGAGEMENT i and his bride, the former Miss | Goguen and the bridegroom is of the People Roman Catholic | eouple will live in Oshawa, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 2, 1959 Janice Wilson, Harmony road| orth, have: returned from North last week to spend a vacation at) Out of town guests at the Cor- mittee, Ontario unit, Canadian/add Mary Bice, Mr. and Mrs. for a Daffodil Tea to be held at|Reinke, Mr. Morris Fine, Mr. Mary street, accompanied by Mr.| Jean Cornish, all of Toronto; Mr. Mrs. John Ronald ing In St. Petersburg for several) guest, their niece, Miss Phyllis prescott; Mr. and Mrs. Murray |ough; Mrs. Donald Southeott, Exeter; Mrs. Charles Johnson, |Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Donald e s d|Allewell, Barrie; Mr. William of Noreena Flaine, daughter of Hannaford, Chalk River; Mr. Al- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ravary of bert Edwards, Whitby; Mrs. Her- Whitby, to Mr. Harold Edward bert Woolley, Bowmanville. [ Mrs, Edgar Bradley and Mrs. | street the Bruce Blatherwick, Miss June Bickle, Miss Marion Harris, Mr. recently where an extensive tour of the plant and its facilities was conducted by three members of the staff, Later the group reconvened in the ladies lounge of the church for the March business meeting with the president, Mrs. Seymour Big- wood presiding. Mrs. Robert Lean was in charge of the devo- tional period with Mrs. Vernon| Johnston reading an Easter poem| and Mrs. Lean leading in prayer. Mrs. P. A. Tresise read the secretary's report and in the ab- sence of the treasurer, Mrs. Big- wood gave the treasurer's report. Date for the annual strawberry supper was set for Saturday, April 25, in centennial hall with Mrs. Glynn Pearse and her group convening. The cotton which group members collected for ship- ment to the Leprosy colony in Korea was stored in the locker to be sent following the April meeting. Mrs. Bigwood announced that Mrs. C. J. Wray and her (would be in charge of the April 21 meeting. Speaker at that time will be the Reverend C. D. {Cross. Refreshments were serv- ed by Mrs. Robert Lean and her| group. CANADIAN LEGION AUX. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday evening, March 31 with president, Mrs. Herbert Bathe, presiding. Bazaar goods were shown and some fine donations for this received. Tickets for.the draw on several fine prizes are {now available. The draw will take {place on the night of the bazaar, {May 5. | Fudge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vie- tor Fudge of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place at Albert * Street United Church on Satur- day, April 24, 1959, at 2 p.m. PIPE-SMOKING NATIVES Women of the Lotuka tribe in the southern Sudan smoke pipes, but their menfolk seldom use to- bacco, Special EVENTY Buy the original regular size Liquid end get this complimentary EAU DE A 2 TOILETTE in golden Enjoy unforgettable Chantilly Liquid Skin Sachet, the perfume with o lasting sochet bose. Also a charming flocon of matching Eou de Toilette. Cc / {11} 12 minimis No gros founds tion to mask... blotch ade, For rst time! That delicate glow, that wonder- ful loose-powder-look captured in a compact! Like a silken mist, Coty's FRENCH FLAIR covers flaws, shadows, lines, Discover FRENCH FLAIR today. It's the most exciting com= pact make-up you can wear! In 9 heavenly shades. metal case «+. streak or change French Fai 1's unepillable.... refillable... and it looks like fine jewelry! best . The ush- Gibb, Betty Harris, Ethel Sutton, Belleville was Edward Broadbent Jean Hurst, . Cyril Usher,|and Mr, m Hunt Mrs. P. Marcotte, Mrs. George the club, greeted members and bers wishing to go to the Bow |their friends. Mrs, W. Mitchell manville Auxiliary social on Apri)|opened the meeting with the 20 must have their names and theme song. fares paid not later than next| Mrs. Ethel Sutton read the min- Tuesday, April 7. A chartered utes and Mrs. Cyril Usher gave bus will leave the terminal at 7|the treasurer's report. Mrs. Vin- p.m, and Mrs, Robert Williams| cent Russell, weight recorder, is convener for transportation. weighed in all members. Prizes Tussfay, Avril 3 Yili be a sola) were given to the two best losers. evening an is hop: to have two Toronto Auxiliaries as visi-| --. Mitehel] spoke about the tors. A program is being prepar- Chica | go by all members of TOPS. ed by Mrs. Edward Bouckley, pour members from Alaska are It was announced that mem: | McCammond, Mrs, Mary McCon- STORAGE nell, Mrs. Olive Parfitt and Mrs. W. McKinstry. Phone RA 5-2722 Fun night closed with the sing- for FREE pick-up ing of folk songs and refresh- Fashion Uillage ments. DRAMATIC PART FUR SALON WINNIPEG (CP) -- Irena Kan- kova Collen, a model and profes- sional dancer, has been chosen from aimost 100 applicants to play the part of Anne Frank in a Winnipeg Little Theatre produc- tion of "The Diary of Anne Frank." Mrs. Cohen escaped a political camp in her native] Czechoslovakia after the Second JR. CHEST $69.00 JR. CABINET $84.50 Easy to live with . . . Easy to keep up . . . Easy to own $00 . . . At our budget prices! Why pay more for top quality like this? Come in--see ond buy et our special low prices. Beautifully fashioned of genuine Solid Ameri- can Walnut, distinctively accented with antique brass hardware, De- toiled with quality features throughout. "Precisionized" draw- World War, Ne lumew Se. ba expected to attend,' making the held on April 14 at 8 p.m Tickets trip by plane to Chicago then| are. now onsale or ean. be pur.| motoring back to Alaska by way chased at the door of California, Oregon and Wash-| Mrs. C. E Vermess 2ave a jpgton, then to Banff and Lake . CE. | Louise. catering report and profits from| Mrs, George Parfitt spoke on same were given over to the/the opening of the Port Perry] treasurer. Mrs. Minnie Close was TOPS Club under the leadership || reported sick at her home, |of Mrs. Bruce Espie. | Business meeting next Tuesday, Prizes were won by Betty April 7 at 7.30 p.m. IDodds, Pat McQuire, Mamie BURNS WARD'S present this... Bathroom Ensemble | Fabulous Zezay- Exciting Value for ' REGISTERED FLAWLESS ES gs Ra PN A RPE Lot the matchless beauty of Bluebird diamonds tell the story of your leve. Here are but 3 of the many ing Bluebird in our « flow Hew sreatioms 1n @ Hane by do. And insured PAY ONLY 10% DOWN No Interest or Carrying Charges TERMS: $437.50 $43.75 Down $10.78 Weekly $200.00 $20.00 Down $5.00 Weekly $150.00 $15.00 Dewn $3.75 Weekly CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED 32 KING ST. W. DIAL RA 3-7022 OPEN 'FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. Now you can dress up your bathroom elegantly with this stunning matched bathroom ensemble. Towels, face cloths, lid cover, bath sheet, bath mat and window curtains can be made from two Terry Towels. The charming "Hearts Delight' design is hand printed in lovely soft colors. The woven chen- ille bath rug is a handsome import of sturdy con- struction, Lid cover and window curtains are de- corated with nylon ruffles. Ensemble comes in pink, aqua or gold. TERRY LID COVER .............. TERRY BATH TOWEL TERRY HAND TOWEL 16" x 27" TERRY FINGER TOWEL 12" x 18" TERRY FACE CLOTH 12" x 12" .......... WOVEN BATH RUG 22" x 35" .......... We also have a stock of the "'Bucilla", 'Oui, Oui Madam" patterns, in all the above sizes and prices, See this, the Cute French Poodle Pattern, WARD'S SIMCOE AT ATHOL ceervie. 1.98 1.98 veniaveie )e@8 59¢ RA 5-1151 ers. Dust proofed construction guaranteed mirrors. © Your choice of over 20 decorator pieces. DOUBLE DRESSER $147.50 NIGHT STAND $33.50 SPINDLE $56.50 4-DR. CHEST $85.00 DESK £99.50 Ponel Bed, Double Dresser end Mirrer You'll cherish these pieces for years to come! BOOKCASE BED TRIPLE DRESSER AND MIRROR ' OPEN STOCK! BUNK BED OR TRUNDLE si AND DOUBLE 9 p Conveniently Located DOWNTOWN Oshawa

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