\ {| Lambert-Litovchik Rites Bride Says No' Held In Double-Ring Ceremony, At The Altar - First Baptist Church, was thejand Miss Shirley Lambert, of ESTATE, 0. WE v, 4 k 84 4 iW bit setting for a wedding last Satur-| Oshawa, sister of the bridegroom. (ci. eq badly i 3 hh, 4 ; day afternoon when Jean Louise(They all wore Identical ballerina : 14 ; i fi. Vi y Whis, | Litovchik of Whitby was united|length gowns of pale green taf-| ta Fanning, the 22.year-ol bs Le : Jr in marriage with Jonathan Rich- feta featuring sabrina necklines(bride, fainted at the altar as in 4 bal HE. / Bi : "8 ard Lambert of Oshawa, |and" elbow length - sleeves, They(Ceremony was about to begin ' a i Ah G 8 The bride is the daughter of Wore matching Grecian caps and|Sturday. Mrs, A. Craford of Whitby, and|shoulder length veils and short| She was taken outside for fresh Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Diol RA 3-3474| Ll) o. 'aude Bd ow g 'he bridegroom is the son of Mr,|White gloves and carried cas. alr and quickly revived. ri : ini fyi. TOY. 'nd Mrs. John Lambert of Ogh- cades of white chrysanthemums.| With a sigh of relief, bride 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1959 bo! Bi ' awa. I The flower i whe Betty Ann [groom Derek Mannouch, 25, re i 5 4 ! The Reverend N. F, Swackham. | "¢WChuk 0 ndsor, who wore turned to the altar. ; i bw mer performed the double ring|p Bolt Jock of Haile {reen ut. Rev. Horace Pellatt gently n House At Woodcrest A y ul \ ceremony. Mrs, Mabel Joyce| id wire matching alo he ¢|asked Miss Fanning: "Wilt thou is ! played the wedding music and ac- Sess Barret 8 oseRay 3, have this man , . 7" companied Miss Norma Bowen jt roses. Master Billy Snunders| ina loud, clear voice, she re- ». I y 5 h Whi edd rayer", rE rd 'Followed By Pupils' Concert ik ol ho Yk he Wedding, Praver was ring bearer pled" "No, 1 won't : : STS ] 'he reception "Because" Mr, Vincant Walker was heat, { oh ro here : 'ma d the ushers were Mr, Displays of writing, workbooks, type of art work held a message ' ; Given in marriage by her bro. man, an « | spelling tests and art work de-(all its own. Bright-faced, excited / ther, Mr. Harry Lock of Oshawa, pom, pe richard og C A RPETS corated the classrooms of Wood-pupils guided interested parents 9. the bride wore a full length| = 0 | 3 crest Public School, recently, at(from classroom to classroom,| © oo gown of carnation white silk REL NecevHOn Way led i he the annual Open House, Pretty eagerly explaining the displays of | pi ganza over net and silk faille.|mother received wearing sap-§j From the cotton skirts, hand-sewn by the work and proudly pointing to y W v The short sleeved bodice was fa: hire blue silk crepe with a Four Corners of girls in the upper grades vied their own particular contribu-| b shioned with a scoop neckline and flower trimmed all white straw | with the boys' hand-carved book-| tions, | . the billowing skirt swept into a hat Assisting was the bride. | THE WORLD ends. BUSINESS MEETING $ 9 full eireular train. A plateau cap|groom's mother who chose a tur-| . Proudest of all perhaps were, When all the rooms had been of lace and pearls held her waist| gq oise figured erepe with an all- All she sizes those parents who viewed the viewed, the regular March meet- i length veil and she carried a cas white cloche straw hat. They pes an rooms. Thereling of Woodcrest Home and mg J . cade of red roses with feathered noth wore orchid corsages. INU WAY RUG [Seva Association wa Cated to] & ' white carnations and chrysanthe: For the honeymoon trip, the - order by president, Mrs. ; a mums, ibride travelled In a light blue h M E Myles ig -- Miss Doreen Hall was maid of suit with dark blue accessories, AND CARPET SALES | Jo n . Lvans Mrs. Lila Wilson, acting princl- gli "8, © iA Js.) honor and the other attendants and a yellow orchid corsage. On} 174 Mary St. RA 5-0433 8 | pal, welcomed the parents. | hn |were Mrs. Richard Ellenor, sis-|/thefr return, the couple will live [ Margret Harlow Home and School Association WEDDING PRINCIPAIS ter of the bride, of Scarborough'in Oshawa. | is a co-operative business," shel A EE goidas i 2: sald, "requiring the combined ef- Married recently at St. | daughter of the late Mr. and "THIS IS MY FIRST Bin T'HDAY" Wed In Whitby forts of parent, teacher andl George's Ukrainian Catholle | Mrs, Hopaliwsky aad 1: ' > | "At All Saints' Anglican Church, Child" Mrs. Wilson also express-| Church, Oshawa, were Peter | groom s the son of Mr. S. One year old today Is Paul | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sobil Sr, uube recently, John Michael ed regret concerning Mr. Higgs'| Dzikewicz of Oshawa and Mary { nooo and illiam, son of Mr. and Mrs, 1 p natu tiy Setolae Ma . ~Al.|lllness and hope for his return to, Hopallwsky of Hamilton. The | y po Taunton, and great-grandson of Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs, Al 00 00 principal in the immed-| couple are formerly from the | Dzikewlcz, Paul Sobil, Taunton. Paul is t 4 , took as fie grandson of Me, and Mrs, | M75. A. N. Dodwell, ushawa, [bert Evens Margret ene Har. late tore. Grog, UKTaIne. The bride is the ~Photo by Mary's Studio ) g| ha . d ~Photo by Irel wo! Master Ted Morrison, a Grad: -- ------ ---------- W. E. Dodwell, Oshawa, and to by Ireland low, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mowgli Bg Pe BE WHY, strong monies for the program, prepa' Is "iron-hungry blood'* GROUPS CLUBS AUXILIARIE officiated. The wedding music|ed a preshuied by the teach ! ' was played by Mrs. F. Marsh. jers and puplis. Given in marriage by her fa- LITTLE ENTERTAINERS making you sO tired RUNDLE PARK AUX Mrs. William Cook and Mrs. ther the bride Wore a fivar-Jength Carol Anne Brunton, Grade 8, eeting of Rundle/Nemis made a school banner tolgown of cloud Wh "eM plano solo, Toccatina and Grand Ha ey pe he'd be presented to the class with|broidered silk organza. The fit- father's Clock: David Potter you're ashamed? x by Monday evening, Mareh 30. at|the most parents In attendance at ted bodice featured a SUPPIeDa Grade 3, accordion solo, German TINTEX the club house with the president. Home and School mectings. Miss neckline pod Shesth sleeves, A Folk Song and The Brave In | 1 _ presiding and Elizabeth Nunn's class being thejtiara of iridescent sequins dian; Lois Bigwood, Grade 4, Nn. Jous Hamon, pe winners for March. Mrs. Arthur|pearls held, her fingertip vel usd plano solo, Legro in G and Scher \ DYES ALL FABRICS last meeting Peeling rend a poem entitled "Be/she carried a bouaue z0; Pupils of Grade 5, Chora! J : we outes oh a Crowell's the Best of Whatever You Are".|roses and white gladiolus petals. roading, Winds A'Blowing and Feel better fast when you suffer ) cluding Selon ond and treasurer's report was given| Mrs. Derek Simnson, nomina-| The bridal atteRaants Nhe Bingo Has An Eenemy: Dey that run-down, weary feeling) \ BUFFER] For fast relief from pain, Nylon. World's largest by Mrs. "Hanson and social con-tion chairmnn, asked all mem- MTs. Donald Olynyk, sister o Brownlee, Grade 4, soprano solo A Reg. 1.23 REL selling tints and dyes. : of Miss | wr Yu Bivy y T Mrs. Orville'hers to fill out their nination/bride, as matron of-honor, | {When Irish Fyes are Smilin' and Take this blood-impreving vener's report by M tify ro i lr. Bom "Adele Dawson, Mrs. Donald Around the World: Joan Hanes Muirhead. forms and return them to her, Mi Jane Harlow, | iron toni 2 3 Pi ay ot for the "CESS 4 Hann and ss Ja OW./land Lynn Barckley, duet, The iron tonic compounded! : s The Hoskey. Batigue gil ach successful bake sale ¥33 junior bridesmaid. The matron Bible Tells Me So: pupils © ; Richard Hudnut Rirchard Hudnut boys an eld throughout the evening with|oe) ow "ang the senior attend-|Grades 6 and 7, rhythm band an especially for women! Jedesday, April 22 a rs. Larry § B z= en 1.25 si. held on Wedesday, April 22 at nrg Larry Sleeman.as convenor ants all wore street - lenath po EGG CREME 25 size t meeting will be a 9 " fo ne nex pa luck sup-|, It Was announced Mr. G Reed! dresses of forget-me-not Blue and During the business meeting . N Light and Bright be husbasds are invited. 3 interested In conducting a six-ljjlac print designed with havem which followed Mrs. Smith pre. sii - per and the Be at 6 p.m week course In first ald in this|gkirts. They wore caps of veiling cided The secretary. Mrs. E. B - SHAMFOO plus 2-02, supper to beg area. Anyone wishing further Is- trimmed with silver blue T08€ 'Sood 'read the minutes and Mrs HOW unfortunate when a woman / : Hel Curt Monday, April 27 ; formation was asted to contact] ~arried bouquets of in j v.18 50 tired, so weak and run- wd energy so you feel fine nxain. eme Rinse ne Lurtis At the close of the meeting the y Fh petals ad carrie q Irvin Welsh gave the treasurer's gown, she feels guilty that she In women, "Iron-Hungry » te %e 95 open discussion Mr. Reed at RA 81232, {white chrysanthemums and €ar™ report, The nominating commi' can't face the day's problems, Blood" is often aggravated with BOTH zen joined club house to be built; Refreshments were served by nations. The junior bridesmald tea for the 1959-60 slate of offic: Luckily, it's often due to "Iron= change of life and hot flashes. RFG. 75¢ 5%c¢ 1 25 SPRAY NET ; on the new A committee the social convener, Mrs. Michael wore white nylon organdy trim- ore to he presented at the Mav Hungry Blood" (*simple tron de- And especially in younger | FOR ... . i te ye IS ig Mr. J. Nemisz, and her committee. med with lace with cPinoline re-imeeting included Mrs. R. A. Ar fictericy shenia), Thonits need- ~~ women Suh monthly pein and was set wp . t | ti » background, She , " rels < Gear 1088 for those women to go on - cramps. Pinkhom's unique lore H flecting a blue backero nold, Mrs, 1. Welsh, M's. Geor suffering such awful weariness mula can also bring blessed re- The magic mist ements, Mr. P. Walters asd Mr aE feet a oy ML ok I -- a Hobbs. The canvassing for new RENDEZVOUS CLUB [carried a nosegay of red rose Saunders Mr § D Arcy Smith anc without help. lief for these functionally -caused % 3 that keeps hair embers will begin in April. The regular meetiag of the buds. ted as Mrs. Jack Goulding. A special iron tonic can help female sufferings that can do so WHITE PAIN Regular 75¢ B 7 . Hem Rendezvous Club was held at| Mr. Arthur Gossman ac 25. The room prize was won by Mr, relieve this condition... .thus much to drain away strengthand | 9 or Cc 1 softly in place PMA CLUB Adelaide House with Mrs. Ralph best man Ushers yee Mer Robert Dargan. Refreshment: jenew Jour vitality! It's Lydia B. vitality too. No wonder so many | 8 day. ' ' phy / én g \l voy! n am we y y " iq Pinkham's Tablets, an iron tonic women fin inkham's Tablets . Mrs. George Lee tne président Cooper, president, presiding. Donald Olynyk a were served by mothers of Mis made especially for women, useful all through their lives! \ ) y ymn, » . linston, Alsop's and Mrs. Black's rooms ha ! je S------ ¢- opened the meeting with a hymn. | ape Bdward Carlton read the A reception was held In the and were convened by Grade With blood-improving iron, If "Iron-Hungry Blood" has 1.D.A. BRAND ~= 3.02, 6-01. f 19% lled the . " i | Pinkham's Tablets start t left you weak and run-down, g yh a : by iy attendance minutes of the previous meeting. |canadian Lesion Hall. To re- mothers Mrs. H. W. Bezzant and strengthen "Tron-Hungry Blood" Pinkham's Tablets at druggists: ARDIMATIC CASCARA Res, 29 4 roll | For the next meetiug on April ceive, the bride's mother wore a Mrs, Andrew Lockie, fast. Thus quickly help build rich, Then see if you don't soon feel 35, ole Cc hildren | 9¢ and five Vhitbread read 14 the group plans a tour of the navy crepe two - plece dress. The eee 000 DlOOM , , , tO restore strength more like yourself again! -- eoma------ : p------ the late Mrs. Mrs +s | McLaughlin Library, The week of bridegroom's moth er assisting pci he seripture Joowen, Set etary + April 12 to 18 being Canadian/was in blue and beige silk print Whig breaktasts are provided t- TOR FEMALE AILMENTS Toate prove Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegtable EPSOM SALT |.D.A. Brand 16- 19¢ - - J { p ize accessories and y AY 004 'ompound (liquid) also brings quick relief from discomforts of Ll) |Library Week the group will Both wore beige ace pupils in Oslo, Norway, or more monthly pain and chango-of-1ife oz, reg. 25¢ .. | D A P H 0 S Mrs. Meet at the Library on April 14 corsores of carnations. ide than half the total, given by Mrs. 4 | i s. Whit.|at 8 p.m. sharp, | For the wedding trip the bri pa. ee e.-.--, Ll l,.L..p -- -- 1.D.A. BRAND -- Reg. 20¢, 30c, 50¢ 'Readings were labo nd Mr: | . . §x x Sop * | Following the meeting there/Wore a blue - grav sheath dress| || HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 16e 24c Adc A Sevgral | toni oan: "Onward Christian Soldiers" | was a demonstration of plastic aarpation corsage. Mr. and Mrs. | i | s sung by Karen Bradley, iygare, {Evans will live in Toronto. b 1.50 ry i Ms Beri Mg i m---------- ---- \ I.D.A, "Economy" Brand Letter Size . ga S ex sunbeam Mes Willer WRITING PAD and 20 ENVELOPES 25¢ Volo. 19 | GOOD-AIRE solo was played by Mary Jay ONLY ments were served by sl sie in'e . ae natdaon and Mrs STORES LIMITED AIR DEODORANT F Kalar, 4 As 17¢ OFF EASY REDUCING Banishes Odours ! Sprays MITCHELL'S CORNERS "A 1 h . C Schoo Long uh it | Wiig ig Baring IRA oe Ae 3 B without hunger pangs away germs ! Cleans the Ny parents taking the oppor- . air you breathe ! Ry 3 en tie chert | : LARSON'S in | a Y SWEDISH MILK DIEY work n h S Johnson freshing \eachers. A short business meeting of the : ' hool Association fol- h ' I A h oy . Jd fs wa he poten i | 2 There's More Value At The "Met Rea CE Willlam Cook, presiding. f 4 > | : Mrs. William Nemis gave the} § ) ----- -- es POWDER secretary's report and Mrs. Fred 4 Boyce the treasurer's report. 2 E. : SALE or NYLONS ohm 2 for 1.29 i) IN Sorc e IE ; fu) By Save 73c ninth Vi | Your Request | rum, 0008, 185 fy i/SRONCHIDA we have re-ordere Cough Syrup MOTH PROOFERS wng by elmost everyone in Canade Lo oo god BO ppd Bg EN SA NDIER MEN'S WATERPROOF 51, 60, 66 Gauge Nylons-- ' Chest Rub. ......5% \ plucking feathers oft o skylark The Seconds Pair ! Cold Capsules. .& 1.25 Bridgeport Math Proofer Bomb. NE EE TER 1.59 singer oplucks the head. beak. nose ; ia wade by . { : FUE RR \ is Fog || | STROLLER | su gone we gy) ioc ne Of ed) ely ! . Thitds. Pair # touch the same part of his body Ly quality shoamaken to Cencdion J pnp poor little oli ebout which EX-LAX : Sa <i COATS / The Chocolate Green Cross Moth Blaster. ......... 1.08, 1.78 "Alouette" is sung In every School . ry e pot eg nie Te Sp ig Yd Laxative Green Cross Aerosol Moth Bomb. ..... 89¢, 1 39 at division time in the Mouse of Com : : 3 Beige, na brown re mans: it represents Canada in mony p 9 vy r grey 3 | i Helps you towards your other! 'side the Dominion: eur ' B hls Sizes 3 4 to 46. " "A a) WRN normal regularity. A carried ity Tous YO U Vv E AN y NLS, - Y 4 for Constipation |.D.A. Brand Paradichlorbenzene Noe ed aren pg ie NEVER HA 2 | L ott : X iY wove iit posite, iy ot wom feo me wenn | SO COMEF | i na BY = 50c¢ Ege their household effects in storage, They entrusted oll their furniture hina, silver, bedding and rugs to OUR FAMOUS -- \ 18 IDA Pox Cartage and Storage Limited for syigiiesing. And Thay wars lo whe HANDCRAFTED SANDLER SHOES / Coax: Mok Profer Bat Wn doing so! Fox tokes such wonders / Ni core of vour furniture in their 'or supple softness... RAINAIDS Iron and Vitamin B Larvex ....ccuuvinven 149, 1.69, 249, 3.69 modern warehouses. Your chester a . | lp and choiis 'a Mcieg in ue exciting styling... AN Compound Moth Roald ii cveiainvasiininsriie 139 Bos jp 2 Phyl em wu on new young colors. CU BAN and ¢ DY SPECIAL 16-0z. bottle... 1.50 Wood's Moth Blockettes . ..... 15¢, 25¢ volled, wrapped, end iQ tubes Sessa 1] mo domage fo worp of wool. Silver Colors: brown, black ermine, red. Calf, $12.95 HIGH HEELS THIS WEEK ONLY Orange 2 y £ Capsules, 60's. . 2.00 || Larvex Liquid with Atomizer. ......ccee.. 1.98 tornish-free tissue. Furni- and L i " wapped in ' emon Slices Ib Sih Contain liver old Sb corfully _UiasAd. on. Mupiot Available in sizes 4 to 11 pallets -- then completely covered ana Sealed. And storage temperatures ore WIDTHS 4A TO B Sizes to fit5to 10 CHILDREN'S Fra DAVIDSON'S ¢ | PLASTIC PURSES whores, ||| Economy Moth Balls or Flakes por You'll tind them in Trenton test in Spring colors. 98c valve, 57 ! FLOOR WAX 23: 2 for 45 telephone La ot $3 Dundos Street East -- ond the ii : 1-POUND 59° 1-Ib. box number & ew. 2 3505 MEMBER OF: hae Swit, North Bev OPERATED BY SECONDS ™ GR. 4-2440, Vy mile west of Pem Bor 14, Pembrie SHAT E. A. SOUTHWELL wm See You At The "Met" SE a | | Sond Street, ows. RA n | Pren--Zon 3-1000 31 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Jamieson's | Karn's | Powell's | Mitchell's | McCordick Usten to our Redo Program "The ET , | T T { - CBO Belleville - od Philoucpher gy sh Aigo RA 5 3312 M RO | AN S R . 241 King Fost 28 King East | 351% Simcoe 9 Simcoe 128 Wilson Pambrok North North R South Mov end' CKLB Oshawe, See your paper oe OPEN FRI. EVE TILL 9 PM. | 60 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA [| RAS-1169 RA 34621 py 5.4734 | RA 3-3431 | RA 5-87M1 i"