Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1959, p. 7

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3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 23, 1959 7 New' oundland Jubilee Teenagers On Tenth Anniversary Hold Dance MRS, CHARLES WHITE THORNTON'S CORNERS doing things, which is part of his way of life. Teen-agers held a dance in the A score of people around St. Community Centre Saturday John's--businessmen, civil serv- Re settlement Jo lem 2» night. Chaperones for the dance t d oth indi were Mrs. Gordon Cummins and nts, sewspaper Men AAC oLi6rs hile New S| Mrs. Leonard Brash, Door prizes In touch with opinion. expressed costs, particularly in such serv-iwore won by Elmer Skinner and Views 29. eh diftetent ae ices as education, are going gn. Larry Ashmore. Spot dance prize Have of irritation with the main: |e joundianiders are fot emi went to Vickie Knox and 'Earl land. grating in the numbers they used Newell to. Sghool children totalled 75,000 ™ * : last" Sand THEY DRESS THE SAME! e high win last Sunday They noted, for example, that in 1949. Last year the province had 112,000 to provide schooling Bight did Sousidershle samage hs for. 3 e community by loosening si slums have been pictured and ™ . written about instead of Bowring TRADITIONS DIFFERENT |Sie8 and breaking wintos, Many Park or the rugged beauty of These are matters to be|chicken house. coast and forest; that an outdoor hand-pump which most St. John's threshed out between govern- d ments, Meantime thr is the| A. H. Dean is in Western Hos. residents did mot know existed|fact that whil the stream of Pital in Toronto where he u has been referred fo as repre-|tradition and history has been a Went surgery Monday. senting the city's way of life. national stream for nine prov-| A St. Patrick's dance was held And, as a reverse twist, that in the Community Centre Friday and to pay tribute to the man visiting mainlanders remark in inces for 90 years, as the original n provinces were joined by others night, Special Irish dances were chiefly responsible for its his- surprise: 'Why, you people dress performed by. six girls from toric significance. there will cer-|the same way we do. I can buy that grew out of them, the stream of Newfoundland's tradi-|Mary Mac's Dancing School in tainlv be many whose hearts aud jhe athe stilt here as I can get tion and history has been merged Whitby. minds are nagged by a sense of|in Montreal. n or only 10. To put it y, Hurt; a feeling that. this province| Small things, perhaps, some of |» mainland Canadian thinks of yay Sor mist: at Frank 23 eld is largely misunderstood by the|them, but multiplied to the point| Macdonald or Laurier or Blake; ne A Sg fog Rape Sb rest of Canada, slighted or of chronic irritation |a Newfoundlander, of Whiteway ma Hs 3 0 i i viewed with indifference. In short, some Newfoundland: or Morris or Bond The Canadian|activities at the community park. ers have seen some mainland think mv Ri Tew. y is IK h inland | thinks of Vimy Ridge, the New-|A Bala day is being planned with CARDS NOT TO LIKING Canadians acting and talking like|foundlander of Beaumont Hamel, |a parade and booths, Newfoundland is not a candi- the legendary Americans who There were 37 at the Sunday date for secession from Confed:|used to cross the border with skis fo can Jhe merging oie! sciool service. Easter story in eration. But the poker-player'siand toboggans strapped to their " Mas "|pictures will be shown the next half-joking plaint to the dealer: | cars, It isn't as funny when Wylie ) In tie Mew odie nd: two Sundays. Guest soloist will 'You're treating me like a one of your own countrymen who each other. Better communica.|be Bruce Stevens. Easter Sunday stranger," is not a joke in thé carries the skis. tions, more visiting back and the second half will be shown in accent of Newfoundland. She | ¥ ; Ho pictures and special numbers will ' | CONTRIBUTIONS IGNORED |forth and--while time does its Pictu bie doesn't like the cards. They feel also that Canadians Work--patience and tolerance. be given by the children. Politically, of course, the jar- , , . There will be a dance in the ring note 5 federal reaction to don 1 know, ot are It mersiei/mrea FOR TOLERANCE community centre Saturday, the March 4 labor amendments, brobght into ir federation. For A folder issued by the New- March 21, sponsored by the Com- plus federal refusal to send re- Doug the nn wealth of foundland Tourist Development munity Association. quested RCMP reinforcements, yop a0 "po strategic situation| Office carries on its cover| The 11th Oshawa Boy Scout As- and certain hard words that were ¥ {the announcement: 'Newfound-|gociation will hold its Father and : as an Atlantic outpost, and her| said In the House oom Cini key position on the air' routes of land is almost ready to sayiSon banquet at Camp Samae 'Come and visit us in "59. But . . .|gatyrday night, March 21, at the crux is what happened this the world. Yhed. serious) please be tolerant.' ppp d The dinner will be oi month at Ottawa. But none AB lk ed er tion |. It then goes on to say that the|vided by the Scout Mothers Ase | Tn the larger area of relations about cancelling Confederation.|g, .. wijjjam Carson cane take|sociation. between peoples, which includes|To quote Mr, Butler: 'Most New-| oo © 00a" North Sydney. | - politics but goes far beyond it, foundlanders admire mainland N.S. to Port-aux-Basques in 6% the feeling--sparked into speech| Canada as progressive and pros- hours, and that it is possible to by mainland reaction to the log-|Perous, and are glad of the as-| 4.150' aoross the province to St. ging troubles--is that in 10 years|sociation. John's. It points out that it is an of union there has been for the] A woman who makes her living adventure road, in many places 10th province little warmth of as a housekeeper and has just rough, dustv and bumpy, 'but welcome, That Newfoundland has|visited Quebec and Ontario (she we're improving it all the time." been regarded in some sense as|thinks Toronto's too big, butiAnd it advises, since overnicht a curiosity, but not one in which| Kitchener's wonderful) put it this| accommodation is having trouble it was worthwhile to take much | way: {keeping up with the demand, constructive interest. 'Yes, 1 Jonk its god for us fo 'Bring your tent." STRESS WRONG THIN be part of Canada, For one thing| Mainland Canadians might also wi Butl gh NGS radio|there is security for old people. think about the unspoken wish Harold Ber St J this way. [People Who wouldn't take a cent|that is also at the heart's core nat ay Ay interested in,|Of charity can get the pensioniof N dland: 'Bring your id php Naas eca with without losing pride. because it's other people or with a country, a right. And that means their are differences. But the differ- children haven't got the burden| ences that visitors to Newfound- of support." MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) projects in 1958 and did 111,409 land have chosen to talk about ADJUSTMENT DELAYED AD Aa tay rl, ga Tiolerts 8 1053 ond dl and publicize have been her in. ) This leads us back for a min-chored by world mile record adequacies." ute to politics. The transitional holder Herb Elliott, broke the in| There is the further feeling 10-year grant to Newfoundland ternational mark for the four- | that mainland businessmen who CUSTOM-FITTING under the terms of union is down mile relay Sunday with a 16:25.6 have dealings with Newfoundland|to jts last million, and no pay-|clocking. The time broke the are impatient--and show it--with EYEGLASS HEARING AID" - Canadian Press Staff Writer ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- A week from Tuesday night they are holding a dinner here to mark the 10th anniversary of upion with Canada and to honor J. R. Smallwood, not as premier of the province, but as Newfound- land's chief father of Confedera- tion. There will be a certain shadow at the feast. | For, 10 years after Mr, Small- wood led this proud and anclent country into the family of Cana- dian provinces, he finds himself and his government bitterly at odds with the head of the house. And apart from purely political considerations, among the citi. zens who come to mark the day ginning in 1957, Newfoundland sought $15,000,000. Pending some . qr CERTIFICATES OF ME Morley Smith (left) and Hud- | by, receive their Certificate of | sponsored by the Men's Cloth- son Marshall (centre) of Mer- | Merit for participating in the | ing Manufacturers Association cantile Department Store, Whit- | first annual Sales Seminar | of Ontario. Murray Levine, Tones uRERs Brooklin WS. Hold Meeting G. McAuliffe FR. 2-5349| By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT PORT HOPE BROOKLIN -- The Afternoon Iain Macdonald TU. 65-5787 Auxiliary of WMS met Wednes- Bowling At bo Gist IT AWARDED | president of the association, | would make sales personnel congratulating them, said the | better qualified to sell men's | seminar was held to provide clothing. Sixty retailers from | retailers with information that | all parts of Ontario attended. OUT OF DATE ABERDEEN, Scotland (CP)-- Farmers here got a chuckle over an order from the milk market. ing board, forbidding milkmaids to spit, chew tobacco or take snuff while at the milking stool. Aberdeen, like most of Britain, has no milkmaids. COBOURG BOWLING Mclvors Pace Men's League COBOURG -- Mclvor's showed struction 125; Training School Just why they are almost out of|116; Smith's Taxi 116; Spark sight in the Cobourg Men's bowl- Plugs 111; Bobcats 100; Red Dots {ng league the past week as they|80; Pavilion 72; Dutch Oven 65; rolled up a magniticent 3739 Strays 49; Bee Tees 42; City BUSY WORKERS WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The 1,025 members in 30 primary chapters of the Windsor and Es- sex County Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire spent RELAY RECORD $32,005 on various philanthropical clothing, blagkets, quilts for the supply bale to be packed for Korean Rellef. Secretary for younger groups, Mrs, S. J. Hilller, announced an Easter thankoffering meeting of the Mission Band for April 4 in the Sunday school room. New | hearts." be reviewed. The royal commis-|ran his mile leg in 4:04.6. Elliott sion that did the reviewing rec. said it would be his last mile run {ommended $8,000,000 a year, be- this season. . { Minstrel Show At Brooklin BROOKLIN -- Fathers of pu- pils of Meadowcrest School pre- sented a Minsrel Show Tuesday a he junior school. Their effors were crownd wih sucess eand Cigare girls Rober Heron and Kay Kennedy added oh gn- etral hilarity ien their frequent trips through the audience. The show was produced under ship service was led by Mrs. S. J. Hillier. Mrs. Frank Boothe iscussi eriod was led by|guest speaker for the WMS Sun- highest single game score of the Facey 348; Ladies: Gert Garner] PORT HOPE--In the Downtown dis OE Mrs. 5 day to be observed April 19. es 1 2 Bort B Mrs. Hilller assisted by "Mrs season, |258; High Triples -- Men: Bert/Ten Pin Men's League Brunner ments have been made on the ad-| mark of 16:30.6 set last Septem. the Newfoundlander's way of ' Mrs, F. Boothe read an article|will meet Wednesday, March 25 159; Cooeys 153; Tuckers 150; LADIES' LEAGUE Harris's Wi 13. ie Ors on the responsibility towards New (at 2.30 p.m. in the a of eight years the situation would the world mile mark of 3:54.5, Homelike 142; Sol Margles 140; eard A 3 $ inutes were Cleaners 83: | nadian Legion 4: and Chainway| "coo session and m {compile reports for the annual Eg aPRon Hlerista He: ; CGE 64; Begin-|in the cellar with three. read by Mrs. Bradley, with the meeting in April. 110; Ewarts 105; Cooey All-Stars|gs. y 55; Kellys 44. |average to 160, and has high dou-| "gtewardship Secretary Mrs. TORONTO (CP)---Lady Helena {ble with 408. |c. S. Thompson read an article nesday evening in the basement|Sauires. 80, one of the last re- Primeaus 97; Payne Brothers LITTLE AMATEUR LEAGUE, i {on . Wh : | A |single with a 234 and has the|(iti, Secret Mrs. E. lows: |and provincial status in New- $5; Wilson Motors 91: MacLarens| Strays 88; Strikers 84; Red phigh triple at 532. Citizenship Secretary rs Lo Td ee Is Mp Diy in Eg Wn J 0. = : s This is a tight race with all Mrs. Charles Pilkey reported eral Foods No. 1, 70; Indepen- 56; Peanuts 56; Gliders 46; King \ : | "hit ) minister of the then self-govern- dents 69; Wilson Contractors 68; Pins 30; Flyers 30; Cardinals 23. Clubs still in contention. Orioles three calls and on behalf of Sup- re shaves, 6; Mr. and iy ing Dominion of da Jenings Fuel 42; IOF 41; K of C| Russell Kennedy, Ray Med-|Jays 70 and Wrens in the base- ported a need for good used as a ber of the Newfound- [) (hurst, Joe White, Doug Daye, ment with 63. land legislature. Wilson. The president, Mrs. E. i d t| Mrs. Aylesworth, of Ontario three-game total. They started off Dairy $5. Port Hope read the Scripture and commen | A " Kay, Mrs, Arthur Elliott, Mrs. woMEN'S INSTITUTE Team standings are: |Medhurst 810; Ladies: June is leading with 19 points, Haggis justment to be provided for by|ber by a British-Northern Ire- A Sommervilles 136; Harnden and . '|Canadians. Township Hall, Standing commit- Lady Squ Matting 138; Jefferys 130; Leglon-|ging 123: 12 each; Bradford Hoshal, Cen res * maives 124; General Foods No. 2,105; Plaza 103; Dunn 2: Plaza A | {treasurer's report, presented by ners 58; Cooeys 58; Bowlaways |BROOKLIN BRIDGE CLUB 103; Sunoco 99; Chateau 98;| High Single: M. Marshall 275; John Harwood took over top|on Church Giving and Christlan|of Township Hall. Highest scores maining links between dominion - 86; Sawdust Kings 73; Homelike Wings 83; Pee Wees 71; Go-Get- |Acton reported on temperance. Mediand, Mrs. Stewart, 79%; 2/0, os the Widow of St- Ri: OPP 65; Beaver - Lumber 61:| lead at 83; Sparrows 77; Ravens|ply Secretary, Mrs. Charles FEl-|J. from 1919 to 1923 and 1928 to 1982. |Steve Back, Joan Robison, Bar-| Kay, was in charge and the wor- with a great 1406 team single,| High Singles Men: Gord| yas.0y Mrs. YW, G. Doldge Dial Tg Re Lloyd Bradley and Mrs. Doldge. | mye Brooklin Women's Institute Mclvors 177; Clarke Brothers Smith 645. Bowlers have 16, followed by wg term 29, a provision that after|land foursome. Elliott, who hold Grafton 108; Caldwells {lc and Sanitary each 11; Ca- _--, Kay presided for the bus-/tee conveners will be present to He: Sen Of Nfld. Dies | . Clint Branning has upped his pps, M. Routley. . | Brooklin Bridge Club met Wed: Nichol's Movers 98. |High Triple: J. Hare €78. orig r Gol. © wii. THURSDAY LADIES' LEAGUE | Associate Memt Secretary Indians 73; Bell Cleaners 71; Gen-|ters 65; Blue Birds 60; Whiz Kids Charles Pilkey reported|dan. 74: 3. Mrs. Robert Heron, chard Squires, Liberal prime | \ [ A Cooey Rangers 48; Cherneys 46; | JUNIOR TOURNEY |and Robins tied with 74 each;|liott, Mrs. C. 8. Thompson re- Kenneth Holliday, 65. She was the only Woman to serve bara Russell, Helen Bell, Marg|gle last week at 324, while Leona High Single: H. Sutton 342; High Triple: Bryan Hart 853; Righ Team Single: MclIvors 1406; High Team Triple: McIvors 3739; Hidden Score: Cooey Rangers members of a Cobourg delegation othy Deagle, 245, 211; Helen Mec- competing in the first annual Cavish 225, 211; Mary Linton 215, * 2480 (2501) junior bowling' tournament at 210; Shirley Evans 259; Joyce . Peterborough, Saturday organ- Grimshaw 244, and Jean Smith MIXED LEAGUE ized by the area recreational di- 220 Dark Horses 132; Central Con-|rectors. |BEWDLEY MIXED LEAGUE Marg Parks had a nice top sin- Fardella and Jane Moran will be| Phillips went 309 and 227. Dor- crest after 23 weeks of play. St. Lawrence Clouters are hanging on with 108 points, hotly pursued by Trouble Shooters with . Eldos 104, Atomics 103 and the Wilson Cleaners with 100 even. | AMF fell further into the bot-| tom slot with 28 points, 23 points behind the next-place club. | During the week Keith Rose of| the Foden's team rolled the top| «él NET EARNINGS hey were able o hand over $115 0 he reasurer of he Home and School Associaion owards oper- aing funds. The crowd of over 270 go full value = heir money. Inerlocu- or J. Fendo-Mumbo and he end province of Canada in 1949. men, Jack Wallace and Seve Cos- FUNERAL IN ST. JOHN'S grove kep he audience alive Funeral services will be in 8t.|Wih hir quips and sallies. John's either Friday or Satur.| Ohers in he cas were Joe da STOCK MARKET She was referred to Sunday night by Liberal Premier Small wood of Newfoundland, as 'about the last remaining link between the old order and the new." Newfoundland became a 10th By THE CANADIAN PRESS . Canadian Marconi Co. year ended Dec, 31: 1958, net loss $386,844; 1957, net loss $1,479,547. Donohue Brothers Ltd., nded Dec. 381: . ,353, $1.47 a share; 1957, $872,720 $1.45. single of 304 while Jerry Poulin the Atomics put together scores of 272, 303 and 233 for the y. Buckley, Itrwin Gibson, song- Lady Helena was born on Little|sters; Chorus: Mark Lockyer, Bay Island, Nfld, where her Ken Greer, Don Mitchell, W. WRONG TRACK brother Hubert is still living. She|Fraser and Fred Brown. the Joint direction of school prin- cipal Jack Wallace, Steve Cos- grove and Walter Mittler. | | BACKACHE Rheumatic strong cloudy urine, irrital Leg and loss of energy due ch Blades CM uiion, of one y Li ey used bu +1 ty, success, ek bales ve safety, another day without asking your drug- vist for CYSTEX, ry to Kid- OYSTEX ENITH 4 QUALITY "CITATION" % WIMBLEDON, England (CP)-- A I Yearoid sir} told the magis- Fai |trates' court that she sat at \Single. Frotk Deverash Atom home smoking and reading mur- | Rays. 366: "Riv Bedch, Foden's |der stories while she stayed away Lae Th rs 5 Sifrom school. She missed school 366. Double, Clint Branning, Roy- |g} times in five months al Grill, 644; Tom Bland; Lake-| e i shore Cleaners, 614; Bill Thomp- son, Royal Grill, 604, Triples--Clint Branning, 918; WANGANUI, N.Z. (CP) -- A| Horace Baxter, Clouters, 911; magistrate here cancelled a mo-| Bert Wall, Lightle'8, 869. Team torist's licence for speeding, but single--Beta Rays, 1429; Wilson| when it was explained the man's top triple of 808. married in 1905, six years before| Calypso band: Don Roberts, J. Season's high scores to date-- her husband was called to the|Colley, C. Huston and Moly Mos- sel Newfoundland bar. T. Her husband, who was made a| Kitchen band: B. Marshall, W. Knight Commander of the Order|Graham, B. Lehman, W. Pitt, P, of St. Michael and St. George in|Purkiss and Chuck Richardson. J. Penfound was the elocution- 1921, died in 1940. In failing health, Lady Helena|ist while Martin Vylstra was bill- ed as a Dutch poet. David Bur- left Newfoundland 1% years ago. She spent six months in Florida leigh was costumier and make- up man, D. Bonneville was stage and moved here to be near Mrs. Hannah Smith, a friend of the manager and Walter Mittler| Can be "Custom- Contoured" to your individual head shape for more comfort, better fit! Temple bars inter changeable for use with other frames! NEEDS CAR Exclusive "Battery-Saver" feature gives up to 40% longer battery life! Variety of colors!\ ATTENTION EMPLOYERS! Call Canada's Most Complete Personnel Selection Service For skilled, unskilled or execu- tive and professional employees, either full or part-time, use the facilities of your local National Employment office. This free service, with its prelimi. nary screening of applicants, helps you eliminate costly, time- consuming interviews. A telephone call can solve your personnel problems when you get in touch with Canada's most complete personnel selec- tion service. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE { ONEY-BACK 10- DA ANTES 336; Dou- Austin Ferguson, (Ladies )--Dorothy Doug Fergu- (Ladies) (Men) - 2 PROTECTIVE 5 SERVICE PLAN | Do you need extra CASH |-.-. to pay ofl your bills? ir quai hosting ? aids, pric rom Sark down joyetonshoma? You purchase lenses and i repairs ame of your choice froi ih any purpose? . your own Eyeglass Specialist, 2 CALL YOUR ZENITH If so, visit Superior Finance, the fastest growing HEARING AID DEALER FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION. all-Canadian Loan Company. 1 did! Why don't you? He's Listed in the "Yellow Pages." $50 ro $5000 rile » without endorsers ; L AVAIRN or bankable security HEARING AIDS SUPERIOR IFINANCE 17 SIMCOE ST. N.--RA 5-6541 Open Friday till 8 p.m. Open Soturday till 12 noon Offices throughout Ontario . rr Eager Beavers increased their lead Monday to 81 points, 12 'DON'TDO IT AGAIN' ahead of the Muskies and Gutter Balls, who are tied with 69 each. Hi Taxes and Blowers each have ° |66; Hits and Misses 65; Wildcats In 1ans a Ss |60, and last, the Goofers with 56. | Marg Train took the high sin- gle with a 239 while Lieght Ben- Pi ' |son went 319 to top the males. Spoons were awarded Marg ean a £ Train, Mary Gowland and Ben- son for the high scores including BRANTFORD (CP) -- Attor- ping George Beaver, a school handicaps. High triples were ney-General Roberts told officials teacher "'arrested" during the Marg Train at 619 and Benson : " brief rule of the chiefs by Iro- with a 648. | of the Six Natlons Indian ™** | quois police on a charge of trea-| Following is the final standing ve Saturday Hisieelion of 21igon, {of the 50-50 Mixed Bowling Lea- charges against ndians in- { |gue with playoffs coming up -- : HE : volved in a skirmish with RCMP PMPERSONATION CHARGED Donners 36: Dashers' 83: Pranc. | Cleaners. 1413; Long Bros, Jug; wite was expecting twins, sen- officers last week, should be 0 nson and o ers are onc 7. Blitzens 70: Dancers. | os, 1497. 'Team trip es--Long| tence was postponed until the known within a few days. charged with impersonating po- Vixens, Comets 69, and Cupids Bros., 3883; Eldos, 3741; Wilson'wife had 'been taken to the ma- "However" Mr. Roberts said lice officers and the remainder gq id "Cleaners, 3785; Blazers, '3735. ternity home. "any thought of a repetition of with Jsirueting police, Yea Hen High scores--Gay Donaldson i ™ that method of assertion of au- 2poare Ra ral A % oun 635; Barb Beebe 275, 231647; | [I thority is quite unthinkable. If jt adjo Seay, oir cases |Anne Russell, 228-524; Doug Fer- did occur, it would be met with 2¢journed. guson 278, 233.716; George Cor- very severe measures." | Mr. Roberts said If assurance bett 258, 617; Ray Beech 246;| A hl . Mr. Roberts met the heredit-|Were given that the Indians Ollie Martin 227; Bud Downey ary chiefs, who earlier this Would se peacetd, he woold be 254; Mart Mcllvena 293; Marg nnouncing... month deposed the elected coun-|inclined to "wipe the slate clean, Mcllvena 231; Lois Brandwood | ell on the reserve and demanded as of this date." 227, and Betly Beech 247, f THE OPENING OF . .. a return of the traditional gov-| Mohawk Chief Melvin Johnson| Season's High Scores--Single,! " ernment of the Six Nations Con- told Mr. Roberts: "I think you| (Ladies) --Helen Fulford, OSHAWA'S NEWEST SUPPLY HOUSE federacy of North America, begin to realize now that the Six (Men)--Ray Beech, 404; which was yeplaced by an Nations are a people with a his- bles, (Ladies)--Dorothy 1 elected council under terms of tory and want to keep it." 807; (Men)--Doug HARLEIGH SUPPLIES IN THE For Sale ot all Drug Stores and Drug Counters Price $2.00 per Bottle FREE LUCKY DRAW PRIZES EMROVAE | COMMISSION 21 Day Treatment \ | , the Federal Indian Act 35 years| Meanwhile the elected council 601: Triples, . ago voted 10-2 against an amnesty re- Austin, 788; (Men) The chiefs were in turn de- quested by the hereditary chiefs son, 823; Average, . posed by the RCMP after they in. return for a guarantee of Dorothy Austin, 195; set up their own courts and the peace. It also suggested the "un- Doug Ferguson, 216. elected council' returned to/derdogs are taking the rap and| Five teams are battling it out , power. William Johnson, 26 not the actual instigators of the for fist place in the Up Town later was charged with kidnap-luprising." {Men's bowling league at Pine- MORISSEY'S STOMACH TONIC Are you one who is getting over @ heavy cold or an attack of grippe, your appetite is not right, your stomach is upset, just not right, feel rotten all over? NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BACK THAT OLD TIME PEP by taking a bottle of MORISSEY'S STOMACH TONIC 6G SOUNI IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22; Simcoe St. S. RA 5-174 UNEMPLOYMENT

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