Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1959, p. 8

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Mrs the school is named, B. C. Colpus, for whom is seen with other officers of the Home | From left and School Association as she 3 " , hy § | cuts the birthday cake at the | association's first anniversary. to right are: Mrs. ! Normandy Rooke, publicity % ry | chairman; Mrs. George Luthala, Mrs. Ross Edmunds, president; Mrs. Harold Donald, district organizer; Mrs. Sidney JAE Sharples, past district organ- izer; Mrs. G. A. Wandless, edu- cation chairman. --Oshawa Times Photo Gertrude Colpus H&S Association LODGES AND Celebrates First Anniversary The first anniversary meetin of Gertrude Colpus Home an School Association was held re-| cently, with a record attendanc of mothers and fathers to hel celebrate the birthday. As a preliminary event to the It was decided to set up a com- @ model meeting for the parenfs mittee to start work on the out- Of the new pledges. the fits needed. teachers and had an opportunity| also business meeting, were invited to visit with to see the work their childrer had accomplished during the firs two terms of school. Mrs. Ross Edmunds, president,/and Mrs. L. Das vy were named to Helen Pardon guests Mrs Mrs. Mrs welcomed Gertrude Donald special Colpus, and Sidney Sharples, members of the Home Open House and said that he was treasurer, School Council. ites of the previous present. He also stressed that the over the past fc cad by Mrs Jd th Rob- POSSIPET Sheffield. G. Red- the pennant R ed Mr inning Harold g for having the most parents pres dent. Mr. Earl Brown gave a report e on his enquiries into the price of p ready-made shorts which are going to be used for field day. A committee was to look after the {nominations for elections -- Mr t|G. Reddick, Mrs. L. Perry, Mrs George Luhtala, Mrs. M. Oliphant set up .llook after this Mr. Reddick / those who had all share welcomed come to very pleased to see so many children were now going into the most important term of the school year wherei narent could help most by in home study with tl The attendance at Ge pus Scheol has now reached 408 | SOCIETIES BETA SIGMA PHI The Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chapter held a meeting at the home of Mrs. John Grose, Gib- ben street. The meeting took the form of the benefit] Miss Joyce, Powers presided. Mrs. J. W. Wil-| son called the roll and read the| minutes of the previous meeting. | needed." Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editer Dial RA 3-3474 |a man's world. He operates his out pletures and sound. They even push the big TV cameras around. TV Control Room "I discovered women when 1 started hiring them to run my radio operations back in 1944," Smith says. "In my opinion, they do the intricate, skilled tasks much better than men and they make the working conditions at the station ideal. They are solid as a rock and, by gosh, they don't make errors." The only men who come to the Staffed By Women CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex €AP) T. Frank Smith, owner of KRIS* TV, has a theory that a television control room is not necessarily station with a staff of 28 women. With ease and pleasant assur- ance, they do all the split-second, highly technical tasks that send THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 16, 1959 Inducements to LONDON (AP) Stenogra- phers are among the most pam- pered people in Britain today. There just aren't enough girls to fill all the jobs. * Said the manager of a London secretarial placement agency: "We've got 1,000 jobs for every, 100 applicants. It's frantic." Said the director of Britain's biggest secretarial college: "We have 8,000 girls through our colleges every year. But that's not nearly enough. "There's no sign of the boom | stopping. The number of secretar- ial jobs has quadrupled since the war--and still more girls are PNG Club Marks 32nd Birthday The Lend-a-Hand Club, PNG, Rebekah No. 3, celebrated its 32nd birthday with a dinner in [the TOOF dining hall, the table was adorned with spring flowers and favors and centred with a two-tier birthday cake. Sister Viola welcomed the mem- bers and guests. Guests were Sis- Mrs. Earl M. Kuntze gave the § history of Bela Sigma Phi. Miss ave a short r sume of the history of the local chapter since its formation four years ago. Mrs. J. R. Carson, gave a report on by the sorority years. | mith thanked all support in monies raised Mrs. D. W. § members for making the bridge a success. The proceeds of the bridge are to be formally presented to the Retard- ed Children's Fund CONVENER Mrs vening the committee which is making arrangements for the Jubilee Hoedown to be held in the recreation room at the Osh- Gregory Poirier is con- | ter Violet Pearce, past Rebekah assembly secretary and Sister Dress Allowance, Shopping Time Stenographers Employers are prepared to go to almost any lengths to attract secretaries. 'The wages they command," said the college director, "are among the best in the country for women. A capable secretary can earn about $23 (equivalent) weekly at age 23, and an exper- fenced private secretary can get £1,000--or nearly $3,000--a year." (These equivalent figures are based on the present value of about $2.80 to the pound sterling. But the dollar figure is not rep- resentative of equivalent living costs in the United Kingdom. In terms of dollars, the average wage in Britain is less than $1,750 annually, compared with about $4,000 in Canada. Thus a British secretary earning £1,000 a year would by London standards be al- most twice as well off as her Tor- onto or Montreal counterpart.) "And on top of that," adds the college director, "employers are offering some fantastic induce- ments." He told of firms that offer new stenographers a new typewriter of their choice. Many give their stenographers luncheon vouchers worth--again the equivalent--40 cents a day in neighborhood res- faurants. One firm even supplies a dress Treat your feet to Easter smartness, «+ + shoes trimly tapered for flattery, elegance. Choose here from lux. urious leathers, suedes «+. fabulous new spring colors! ND ITTEAES | BURNS The Better OT ATDRES | Shoe Prices Start From Pp il Guild | Leslie, both from Lindsay; Sister {May Dorrence from Seaforth and Miss Alma Frise of Oshawa. The birthday cake was cut by Sister Idella Spencer, oldest PNG of Rebekah Lodge No. 3. Lucky|are offering a 35-hour week with| draw prizes were won by Sister May Dorrence and Sister Alice Hayton. The business session opened with prayer, roll call and read- ing of minutes. Sister Alice Hayton reported on allowance and free train tickets |for girls commuting from the | suburbs. As a general rule, most firms (zo evening work and mo Satur- days. Many offer four weeks' [vacation with pay. 7.98 Wowntown | QOshama awa Airport on Friday, March 20, under the auspices of the CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY 1st Scout Mothers' Aux ital Aux. h Lodge t Mothers' Aux. 3 Mrs. Robert MacGowan pre- vhich means that the construc h x i ion of the addition to the school Senfed. the new slate of officers will be started at any time and 2% °° ; ; . {the extra rooms will be finished, Mrs. Douglas Wilson, presi- it is hoped, by August 15, in dent; Mrs. Arthur Bilton, vice- plenty of time for school open- president; Miss Betty Leask, re- ing. cording secretary; + Mrs. It was announced that Dr corresponding = secretary; {the CPT. There are hospital beds {and wheel chairs available to any citizen wishing the use of them. The president, Sister Viola bute birthday | |Keeler, will * distri |cake and favors to shutins and |those ill, | | The members were asked to Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE. [note the change in meeting night PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyde W. Rich-|first Wednesday of each month I) t 7. |Cole, Assn. Ww > ( , Sth Scout Mothegs® oh § Club Conant H ange g Assn. Coronal 1 and S Assn. Wille Workers AOE TOPS Club SA Home League Christ Church WA Fellowship Group Canadian Legion Aux. Holy Tr y W nd Aux. and S Assn WA suild Courtice | Westmount St. Paul's G Victoria Lec Albert St Kno syterian WMS Ont OW Assn, WEDNESDAY Girl Guide Ex-Council SA Prayer Meeting Circle ht Queen M ar I Pre A. Lauwery from Great Britain had been invited to take part in Education Week and would be speaking on Wednesday, March 18, at Central Collegiate. His sub- ject will be 'Education in Rus- and Mrs. K. J. Young, treasurer, Installation is to be held in April at the home of Miss Helen Pardon. Mrs. Carson introduced Mr. william 'Trotter, head of the sci-| ardson of Detroit visited Mr Richardson's sister," Mrs. E. A Henley and Mr. Henley, Alice street, on Saturday. Mrs. G. J. "Poirier, Glencairn sia", and all parents were invited once Department of OCCI, who street, convener for the square {to attend. | | Mrs. G. A. Wandless, parent education convener, then over the program, introducine |Mr. George K. Drynan, who with the 'Little Theatre Group' pre- sented a most enjovable play en- titled 'Scattered Showers'. The members of the groun were Mrs |Evelyn Richards, Mrs. Lucille {Munro, and Mrs. Lois Adam. and |they depicted the problems faced by three mothers of quite differ |ent personalities and how they {coped with the difficulties arising out of a day's outing with their children. Mrs. Perry thanked the iplavers. Following this, the school choir {under the direction of Mr. Jack |Hutcheson, sang. The first song, {which originated in Germany and | Hungary, 'A Gypsy's Life' and an encore of 'Si Lita Lindo', a musi |cal study of the gaiety of the | Mexican people Mrs. R. Edmunds compliment ed the choir and all the teachers for the work they had done | . ./helping to make the evening a St Geors Happy Dou t Mothers' Aux. WA Jaycettes |success. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils in Crade 3 and Grade 4 during which the first birthday cake was cut by Mrs. B. C. Colpus. | FRIGHTENING RIDE | BEXLEYHEATH, Eng. (CP)-- |Seven screaming wom-n sat |helpless in a double-decker bus |which ran out of control in this |Kent town. It smashed down a {tree and telegraph pole and {dropped two feet on to a front lawn. No one was hurt. Carp Well to-wall Brocdloom installed the modern way edge by Ross 2.ills €O0.LTS $88 Rugs RA.s-6218 took| gave a talk on 'Evolution'. The next regular meeting will be held on March 24 at the home of Mrs. K. J. Young, 120 Hunter street, at which time all new | pledges will be initiated. A pre- ising a capacity crowd next Fri-| on day at the Oshawa Airport. The ferential tea will be held March 14 at the home of Mrs Harry O. Perry, Rossland road east, in honor of the new pledges. REALLY STALE In 1936 the Metropolitan Mu- Gibbie and Mrs. Roy Sawyer. ! Emm BLACKS seum of Art expedition discover-| ed several loaves of bread which were 35 centuries old. They were discovered in the Asasif Valley of Egypt. It was found that some of the loaves had the physical char- acteristics of modern rye bread. | One' specimen was like present- day honey cake or honey bread, and another was similar to plum pudding. The women of those days obviously made dishes with "lasting" qualities. r : by Ronald Bilsky, D.t. Chiropractor Specialist In Palmer Specific Upper Cercical Method BLUEPRINY OF YOUR FUTURE The condition of your spine is the 'blueprint of your indiv- idual future. Your Chiroprac- tor can tell you whether you can look jaunty 75 or whether you will be miserable at 40. It's entirely a matter of whe- ther your spinal parts are ex- actly in the place nature meant them to be. If however your spine sags beyond its normal * position, and spinal bones are out of their correct position, don't be surprised if you suffer with somes chronic ailment. Misalignment is as bad in the human machine as it is in any kind of delicate machin- ery. It is particularly bad in a human body because the vital central station and switchboard of the nerve sys- tem are encased in the ver: tebral column. N as a miraculous righting itself, once S and cons tions are re- moved from the spine. Condi- tions such as backache neur- algia, anemia and indigestion commonly © corrected by ractic procedures. n help. Nature help you by resorting to Chiroprac- tic procedures. of One of a series of articles published in the public interest to explain and illustrate the practice of sciontfic chiropractic, written by Ronald W Bilsky, doctor of Chiropractic, whose office is located at 100 King Street East (Plazo Theatre Building), Tele phone RA B-5156 dance sponsored by the Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE, held a committee meeting at her home recently. Final plans were made with advance reservations prom- committee is composed of Mrs. S. T. Hopkins, tickets: Mrs. R. F. Kelly, prizes; Mrs. R. W. Burr, reservations; Mrs. R. S. Irwin, decorations, assisted by Mrs. Walter Libby, Mrs Robert beginning April 1. ll | f | BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . « « | See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES | RA 5.1202 || 174 MARY ST. A recreation room isn't just for fun... it's for... RELAXATION So many ways to cash in New Spring Shades ond Patterns SPORTRITE REVERSIBLE SKIRTS -- $25 00 Sizes 8 to 20 in +. + Buy now A de- Easter is early for best variety . , | posit will hold any article. Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. N. =Open Friday Ni wn Spring . . . in pleasing plaid Co-Ondinates . . . A wardrob LADIES' WEAR LTD. of wonders in wool. Authentic Ancient Tar- tans and French Provine cial Plaids blended into the nicest three - some ever, *10.96 12.95 .*16.96 JERKIN . ... SHEATH TAPEREL v RA 5.1912 ght Till 9 P.M. too! Yes you can relax in the solid comfort of your very own RECREATION ROOM and at the same Let Oshawa Wood Products show you how. FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER -- Expert ad- vice on planning and building your own RE- CREATION ROOM. Our know-how is at your disposal and we have two modern showrooms to serve you. time save wear and tear on your living room rugs and furniture. Oshawa Wood Products CONSTRUCTION & DIVISION will build it for you. Oshawa Wood : Products will give you a firm price including all sub-trades before work commences on your Recreation Room or any home improvement addition or repair. BUILD NOW . . . No Payments Til April 30 ) BAR pra Attention Ladies : LISTEN TO POLLOCK'S EACH THURSDAY MORNING AT 10:30 A.M. ON STATION CKLB "AT HOME WITH THE LADIES" BARA Your Recreation Room Headquarters OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST.S.-- BOWMANYVILLE--MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom RA 8-1617 LIMITED COURTICE--RA 8-1611 9 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.

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