Whitby Has | Finest Year By CHARLES CHAYTOR J expansion Whitby Industrial Commissioner|Couple of cases the increase was Looking k on 1958, the mar- el is not it was just greater than 1957 that any year could show a better period of develop- ment than did 1957. The same has applied to each of the past few years and some may have thought we were tongue in cheek when we forecast great things for the ensuing year. Not only was 1958 the year of greatest growth in Whitby, it was also the greatest percentage of growth for the 2000 increase in ation made the total jump y 25 per cent or so to about 10,500. A great success for Whitby was the securing of the Du Pont Com pany of Canada (1956) Ltd. They acquired a wonderful 160-acre site near Whitby Harbor and have already proceeded rapidly with the building of their first plant bac! vi that but Ralston Purina Co. Ltd., hav- ing completed their great new plant in Whitby, held a great party attended by many thou: perito say we told you so nor to cent to their modern plant in Whitby to make room for the con- tinued increase in the demand for their products. pansion growth in Whitby. Another completely new indus- try for Whitby, Colonial Alumin- um Industries, began full produc- tion on Brock streetjnorth, Whit- by. Beaver Lumber Company be- gan clearing their newly acquired land for the erection of their plant -- to be ready in the next month or two. Whitby Industrial Commission contacted all industries in Whit- by and was able to tabulate the most encouraging situation that, without exception, they had seen during 1958. True, in a only of the order of 2 per cent but some happily revealed better than 25 per cent and the odd one considerably more. Bathurst Containers Ltd., with- out adding to their huge 200,000 square feet of building, brought in both more men and machinery to achieve better than 25 per cent overlook small but virile Loft- house . Brass Mfg. Co. who pro- duce products which scarce an- other plant in Canada does. We can say that the future looks very good indeed and there are far more active prospects for| future industrial growth now than, at any other time. Thus, the great influx of new industries having] provided many hundreds of good | jobs for people of the town and district during the past, we can confidently forecast many hun- dreds more in the very near years ahead. | Whitby Harbor played a great part in the development of Whit: by, so too will the Whitby Harbor | of the future contribute enor-| mously to the Whitby of the near| future, for important steps are| already under way. To summarize: without wishing "stick out our neck" we are happy to see around us the real-| ization of healthy growth -- with increasing work opporfinity right | here -- and looking bol#y ahead, | see the even brighter day dawn-| ing. production increase. In a short article such as this, it is almost unfair to have men- tioned any names when we| should, in fact, mention them all -- for great and small they are all contributing to the welfare and growth of not only Whitby and district but all of Canada. If we omit mentioning even the, greatest employer of labor in| Whitby, Dunlop Canada Ltd.| (whose present employment fig-| ure is almost exactly one hun-| dred up over last year at this time) we did also inadvertently Whitby Has Big Boom Gone are the days when Whit- by was known as a town where people lived but travelled else- where to work. With an industrial boom in recent years, more than 2000 residents mow find employ- ment right here. An unofficial estimate by the Whitby Industrial Commission puts the number of persons em- ployed in industry at 2116. From a population of 10,235, this would indicate that there is enough em- ployment here for the head of the - town are manufacturing plants, lumber yards, transport companies and the Ontario Hos- phat which is still the second rgest employer in Whitby. Largest employer is Dunlop Canada with about 750 on the payroll in two Whitby plants. The Ontario Hospital has a working force of 717 permanent employes and another 20 casual employes. Nearly 200 are now employed | in the Bathurst Power and Paper| Co. plant in Port Whitby and be-| fore many months have passed. some 80 persons will find em-| ployment in the new DuPont of Canada plant, on Dunlop Drive. OTHER INDUSTRIES f Other industries of the town in-| clude Whitby Malleable Iron and | Brass, Ajax Lumber Co., Ltd..| Pal-O-Pak Limited, B and R| Transport, Andrew Antennal » u ) Munns | ; Shorgas Ltd., North American Steel Equipment Co., Ltd., Staf-| ford Bros. Monumental Works, | Whitby Welding Works, Price] Yards Ltd, Pickering Farms Ltd., Willlam J. Anderson Ltd.. McNamara Const., Canada Silica Corp., Stokely-Van Camp, Wood's Transport, Whitby Metal Prod- ucts, Lofthouse Brass Manufac- Industries. Promote In Police A member of the Whitby Police Department for the past two years, Cpl. Clifford Part- ington will be promoted to ser- geant, effective March 1, He will become the first sergeant on the Whitby force in several years. The new sergeant came to the Whitby department on July 1, 1957, as corperal. He had pre- viously served 5% years on the Ontario Provincial Police De- tachment at that, he had served two years on the Picton police department. Other promotions made by the Whitby Police Commis ion in- cluded promoting Constables 200 Attend Teen Dance Another successful Teen Dance was held in the Whitby Arena Friday night with more than 200 teenagers attending. Whitby. Prior to Officers | Dept. |Kenneth Edwards and Jack |Mason from third class con- |stables to second 'class con- stables. Their promotion takes place on March 1 also. The board decided that another constable will be added to the Whitby] force. He will be retained as oon as possible. This will bring! the force up to seven constables, one corporal, and one sergeant. Also to be retained will be a second despatcher to stand by, the telephones and radio at nights. BOWLING NEWS FRIDAY NIGHT BOWLING LEAGUE The ladies high single was) rolled by Marion Graham with] 275, and Alberta Hutchinson had the high triple with 614. Robert Brown took the men's high single| and triple with a 293 and 739. | Triples over 600 were rolled' by: Ed Hutchincon, 602; Robert {Brown, 739; Dink Bye, 600; {Phyllis Simpson, 608: Ron] One .of the Fastest Growing, Soundest Towns in All of Canada The TOWN of WHITBY KENNETH LEE Reeve Vice-Chairmuri of Whitby Industrial Commission, HARRY JERMYN es Mayor Also serves on Wiitly Industrial New, Diversified Industrial Development Yields Healthy and Stable Economy . . . Plus A DECLINING TAX RATE Since the inception of Whitby Industrial Commission with a fulltime Industrial Commissoner, almost six years ogo, Whitby has been singularly successful in attracting new industries. Widely diversified industries, representing a total of many millions of dollars investment, have chosen Whitby after very careful study of all possible sites, Established industries have grown greatly, too. Almost 700 acres of land still available for most types of industries here, Land prices, although increasingg, are still low. Much of the land has all, most or some of these services: raw water for cooling purposes, filtered woter, sanitary sewer, The Canadian National or Canadian Pacific Railways (lines are connected within the Town by direct interswitching), hydro power, gas service, road, harbour, ete, JA WILLARD DODD Councillor Whitby is only 11 miles east of Metropolitan Toronto. Within 100 miles of Metropolitan Toronto lies about one third of Canada's total market. A large and populous area of the U.S.A. is nearby. Whitby is the most central spot for serving ell of Canada's market and much of U.S.A. Super highway 401 passes through the town, also No. 2 main artery. Highway 12, to the north, passes through the Town. An international Airport is located barely four miles from the centre of Whitby, i CONFIDENTIAL [NFORMATION ABOUT INDUSTRIAL SITES AVAILABLE FROM: ONTARIO HOUSE, CHARLES 11 STREET LONDON, S.W. 1, ENG. OR INDUSTRIAL AGENTS OF CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS & BANKS OR DIRECT FROM WHITBY INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION in LIBRARY BUILDING, WHITBY, ONT. JOHN R. FROST TELEPHONE MO 8-2687 Town Clerk -- Treasurer ; ; W Home Of THE WHITBY DUNLOPS Winners for Canada of the World Amateur Hockey : a5 Championship -- Oslo, og Be Sl N in 1958 HARRY INKPEN erway in . Councillor CHARLES H. CHAYTOR Industriel Commissioner WILLIAM DAVIDSON Chairman Whitby Industiral Commission. JOHN M. ROBLIN Commissioner Whitby Industiral Commission. Soins The door prize was won by|Spencer, 651; Alberta Hutchin-| Sarin, Webber of Whitby. Xoo 614; Audrev Purish, 601: was a "ist watch, and was the Fred Stevenson, 600; Gene second time she has been a|\cLean, 641; Jack Scott. 629; A VIEW OF WHITBY HARBOUR "You will find & grand "atmosphere," teamwork and co-operation in Do YOU KNOW THE ADVANTAGES OF door prize winner in the past two months. Friday all members will be admitted to the dance free. Non- members will pay the usual charge. Membership cards for 1059-60 will be on sale in the near future. They are valid to Mar. 31, 1960. Ruth Group Robert Simpson, 610. | Singles of more than 200 were| bowled by: Ed Hutchinson, 216, 219; Nancy Carter, 215; Robert Brown, 293, 203, 243; Glen Rora- beck, 217; Bill Mifflin, 223; Bob Sherman, 253; Ross Spencer, 229, 236; Alberta Hutchinson, 22, 229: Audrey Parish, 202, 237; Fred Stevenson 234, 231: Ruby Spammer. 214; Ab Samanski, 220; | Dirk Bye, 234: Grace Leonard, 265; Phyllis Simpson, 206, 232; Dave Morton, 207; Bill Spencer 200; Sheila Gordon, 223; Bill Fulton, 219; Chris Robinson. 209, 207; Gene McLean, 246, 233; Plans Tea The St. John's Anglican Church Ruth Group held its bi-monthly meéting last Wed- nesday at the Church Hall. In the absence of the president, Mrs. B. Bourne, vice-president Mrs. B. Sangwin presided. Re- ports were given by the treas- urer, Mrs. P. Bird. During the business session plans were discussed for the coming birthday tea and home baking sale to be held March 11 at the ing closed with prayer and light refreshments were served to the children under the super- vision of Mrs. Nicholson. Tea hostess was Mra. 8 church hall. The meet-|{ings of Buckingham Palace dur- land I have no regrets," she said.' Marion Graham, 275: Jack |Scott, 203; 217, 209; Bill Grylls, 204: Barbara Sherman, 202; Robert Simpson, 247. Team Standings: Black Labe's 15; Hoop La's 13; Braves 12; Shamrocks . 10; Simple Simons apd People Eaters 6; Painters land Red Caps 5. SUFFRAGETTE NOW 100 LONDON (Reuters) -- Maria Knill, one of the suffragettes who chained themselves to the rail ing the campaign to get the vote for women early in the 1900s, celebrated her 100th birthday Thursday. "I've had a full life Whitby (ask any industry olready here!) RECENT NEW INDUSTRIES FOR WHITBY INCLUDE: DUNLOP CANADA LIMITED (totalling over 300,000 sq. ft, in their huge ultra-modern tire ond "Pillofoam" plants). BATHURST POWER & PAPER CO. LTD. (BATHURST CONTAINERS) (first great unit of 200,000 sq. ft. raised production by over 25% during 1958). RALSTON PURINA CO. LTD. (officially opened during 1958, by Premier Leslie Frost and rapidly moving towards full production). NORTH AMERICA STEEL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. (just completed first year of operation in most attractive first unit -- of four -- to be built here), 5. COLONIAL ALUMINUM INDUSTRIES (began production in their new plant in Whitby at the end of 1958). WHITBY ONTARIO FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT? In Toronto Industrial area; One third Canada's mcrket within 100 miles this area; Excellent communications: Rail -- main lines Toronto-Montreal, Super Highway (Toronto-Montreal) pass through Whitby, etc. Whitby Harbour -- For overseas ship- ping, etc. 700 acres land, zoned for most types of industries; Prime lond with all services--low cost; Direct interswitching between main rail ways; Large pool of willing labor -- all types and rates; Charming residential County town -- with ample amenities; Genial climate -- no great extremes, Almost 2,000 hours sunshine -- and look! Healthy economic condition" with declining tax rate YOUR PLANT WILL GROW IN WHITBY! WHITBY IS A CHAMPION TOWN Confidential advice: -- WHITBY INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION, LIBRARY BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO -- MOhawk 8.2687 And now . .. DU PONT COMPANY OF CANADA (1956) LTD. having secured magnificent 160-acre site near Whitby Harbour in 1958, will have their Polyethylene producing plant in operation within o few weeks Other industries, large and small, ore about to join Whitby's impressive planned industrial development. They have learned that Whitby has ample (almost unlimited) water and power as well.. They watched Whitby's taxes go down these lost three years, too. WATCHED WHITBY? WELL, WHY WAIT? ANDREW ANTENNA CORP. EVERETT QUANTRILL Deputy-Reeve ALEX SCOTT Councillor SIDNEY CORRELL a .. JACK McAVOY Councillor Two of Whitby's New Indusiries NN DUNLOP OF CANADA LTD TWO PLANTS NOW IN PROD Seal UCTION BATHURST CONTAINERS LTD. (2,000,000 SQ. FT.) RALSTON PURINA €O. LTD. (Recents Conpicted) DU PONT CO. OF CANADA [1956] LTD. NOW BUILDING FIRST PLANT ON 160-ACRE SITE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Pebruery 27, 1959 § SR px aid £3 Ph) a 3