Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1959, p. 20

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the newly-formed Guide Com-|/meeting. The girls saw how am pany. |enrolment is carried out, learned The program theme was St. ames, and sang songs at Valentine and consisted of scrip [pew dacves, Cookies and choco ture by Mrs. Cam Aldred, a Val-| = on brought a very interest: entine story by Mrs. Everett ing evening to an end Prentice and a Valentine poem to the Aldred. Sympathy is extended by Mrs, Dong der family ov the loss The Guide Company in Port Chas. Rea amiy Cha Pore entertained the new Ist|0f their "mother, Mrs. 5. Scugog Island Guide Company on|eader: mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner Fete Parents i 48 Years Wed i sratulations to Joyce and standing in their pianc examina- tions, IN TORONTO Mr. and Mrs . Fred Cameron visited at George Sonley's, Toron- to on Sunday. fes Por Sale ED sets 17" and 21" com pletely reconditioned. Free J0-day war. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap pliances, 50 Bond East, FOUR speed ' portable HI-FI record Player, automatic changer, excel- Lakefiehd Street, A In PET supplies, tropical fish, hamsters, By MRs, RUSHELL SPAIVION budgies, turtles, wild bird seed. All at big savings. Sportsman's Corner, 105/tertained her parents, Mr. and 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, February 27, 1959 ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) Grace Church WA Meets SCUGOG ISLAND -- Grace Church WA met at the parsonage for the February meeting. Presi- dent Mrs. June Crozier presided. 50--Articles For Sole Convention REFRIGERATOR 9 oy ator, $90. 50--Articles For Sale ' CONBINTTION 19 TV radio aph, bleached Foe a and mahogany, App) 720 431 Kelvin- | FREE Serta smooth Yop wi maiiley with the purchase of any suite. Lovely honey bedroom Dore agg PP nd Byrn, South, Whitby. Open till § p.m, Mrs, Norman Leach on their 48th ddi anniversary at John Mrs. dresser, chest and Wilson $239. This week only $133, Wi F 20 Church Street. 52--Legal Notices articles will be gold after The seven days from this date, Feb. 25, 1959 Kivell"s, Solina. Mrs. Douglas Flett and family, Solina and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman and Mr, and Mrs. Keith Stainton en- tertained some of their friends at a party on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Leather- conventions in Toronto this week Each member chose a m sister to send birthday and anni. versary greetings: to. A donation of $15 was given to In Torento MANCHESTER -- Attending Wednesday night. Captain Joan Godley welcomed the visitors and showed how regu- lar, established Gu 4 { a Pelgi ides bobbin | MAN' , size 40, daomauc) with coal Diack: "ah rity , never worn, char 49a owing to the under- settled within the above sons, Tyrone, were alsc present. dale, Midland, Mrs. Ron Jackson, are: Road Supt. Theo Stevens, H. HISTORIC UNIVERSITY The University of Louvain in was founded in 1426, to cover money 2 we 0. Dobson, Grant Christie, Mr. | and Mrs, Fred Lamb, Fred Chris-| tie and Alex Johns. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Taylor and | daughter, Serpent River, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier for a few days. Brian and Elwood Crosier, Toron- to, visited their grandparents on Sunday. The Woman's Association will | have their March meeting at Mrs, f H. 0. Dobson's on Thursday, | March 5, at 2 o'clock, The Municipal Council will meet on Monday, March 2, at 10:30 a.m. instead of 1:30 p.m. as usual. The WA is sponsoring aj Schneiders' meats party in the church on the evening of March 19. Films will also be shown. Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Braham will also show pictures of their recent trip to Florida and Jamaica. Gentle- | men are cordially invited to at-| tend with the ladies. Paris, were Sunday callers at Jim Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. James McMaster, Ashton and Billy, Millbrook, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Alex Mc- Master's. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Frank and David, Toronto, were week- end visitors at Robert Killen's, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher visit- ed at Roy Leach's, Epsom. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster and Alfred, Little Britain, visited at Allan Fisher's, Several school chi'dren have had the mumps, ion. Phone RA $363 | Sto Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Glaspell, Mrs. Donald Yellowlees and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell are on a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Metrailler, period: One showcase, one record case ad. 26980, --Signed P. Bolahood. 47¢ ANY person or company concerned with a '51 Pontiac, 1958 license num- ber 907-213, last known ~wner Allen | Bedford Gray, 11 Ontario Street, Ajax,|Hampton, are keeping house for please contact Shaw Rag and Metal the Ge: Glaspells, while thi Lo. 0, Soo East, Oshawa, Photie bie on Ty Cilasyel ey Miss Marion Glaspell is staying with her cousin, Joan McMaster, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS while her parents are away. Miss Betty Nunn spent the ATE OF JOHN weekend at Toronto. IN THE ESTATE Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mitchell GARFIELD TREVAIL. and Terry, Toronto, were Sunday All claims against the Estate of JOHN GARFIELD TREVAIL, Farmer, late of visitors at Russell Perkins'. the Township of East Whitby, DAILY CROSSWORD Ontario, who died on 27th Januery, 1959, must be filed with the undersigned Execu- 5. AChoss 4. Tool house 15. Sun. * tors on or before the 20th frontier day of March, 1959; after &. Eurots opin which date his Estate will be 10. Bursts ope distributed. 11. Knoblike Dated at Oshawa this 18th protuber. AXMINSTER rug, 9 x 8. Beautitn) con- dition, $45. Phone RA 8-3815. 451 FOUR burner heavy duty ry four old, RA 58182, 461 boat, 69" beam, wi Congratulations and Best HANNAN MARINE SALES ON YOUR GRAND RE-OPENING Oshawa Wood Products is proud to have supplied many of the quality materials. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. SHOW ROOM o MILL & YARD COAL furnace, M------ ir old, E. seats, ts, control, Suitable for water skiing. M 8-4866, paneled overhead garage door, size 7 x (7 reasonable, RA 8-0489. FRENCH for, complete with hard. ware and f ,» good condition; Two pair drapes, | compiote with crane, Ab ply 26 Patricia Avenue. BUDGIE bird and cage, also small radio, TV snack set, jive with stand, $25 for all. They can seen at 310 Pacific Avenue. 481 BEDDING bargains --for February, | $60 Spring filled mattresses, $14.98; con. tinental beds, oa maple finished mplete . $56. Chip foam Pillows: Free » Serta mattress with Hd, "bedroom : Sirest. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church USED tires, most all sizes 83 up, B, F. h Store, RA 5-4543, AUTOMATIC 0 Jitting machine, sessed, $5 down, balance $2 weekly. 48f| Phone RA 5- [1 1% HP motor, new, $89; portable air Ford car radio '53 coe Street South, RA 59216, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 85-1081 anytime. SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa's No, 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates $1 up, New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. DON'T miss Ed. Wilson's 'Bedroom BETTI] AJ oll ILIE] I COURTICE 4 SIMCOE S. WA SIMCOE RA 8-161 ISIE wii Ja CIERRA RA 8-1617 school of fish [FIO oda pL L1Y] (collog.) 19, Upon 8. Opposite the 20. Evie] RIETT] Siting middle of (RIELD 1 ail . HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- a 2. Kind of ture, also sell Contact » Community Furniture Store. 19 Prince w Street. Phone RA 8-1131. * NEW dresser § i h four drawers, half , price, must sell, to US.A. 100 .. Cromwell Avenue, wR 3. 4 State 17. Spawn ance (anat.) « $50 to $150 ahowance for your old tele- vision on any new Electrohome, Ad- miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park. PI way Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, Week" sale. Gorgeous m suites, walnut, blond and seamist, from $133, Tus a "Free Serta Smooth top mat. tress", Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. day of February, 1959. MARGUERITE ELLEN SKUCE, 140 Brock East, Oshawa, Onterio, and 12, Ends of hammer heads 'ship's side 4. Scorn 5. Bitter vetch hid 18, Wing. shaped 14. Petty SIDNEY GARFIELD TREVAIL, 79 Wolsley Street, Toronto, Ontario, Executors, By Messrs. McGibbon & Bostedo, their solicitors herein. BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26', See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX BUY NOW AND SAVE! Peierborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms. Free winter storoge on motors. Boot storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED" BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 quarrel 15. A gathered, CORPORATION 11. Concern of the d ' CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR SUPPLYING FIREMEN'S UNIFORM CLOTHING Tenders for the supplying of Firemen's Uniform Clothing, will be accepted up until 5:00 o'clock P.M., on FRI DAY, MARCH 13th, 1959. Tender forms and specifica- tions os to quantities, style ond materials, may be se- | cured from the: -- Office of the Fire Chief | 113 Simcoe Street North, | Oshawa. SPECIAL 12-foot car-top boat and 5 h.p. Scott-Atwater motor, $380. Also few left , .. 7) h.p. motors at $240. "Alox Marine, No. 2 Highway. Phone 1266 Ajax, BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES SELF STORING WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS FREE ESTIMATES ~~ GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP VERN GLASS CO. LTD. 1216 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6214 ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK After 6 p.m. call JOHN REID, RA 3-7679 OSHAWA Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS-- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5.4632 Les Eveniss, RA 3.2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 Don Howe, RA 5-0313 APPLE SALE We have a few hundred bushels of apples which must 283. Part of leg 25. Disposition 28. Mine entrance 29, Man's name 30, Thus 31, Exclama. tion 82. Girl'sname 34. Beast of burden (S.A) 87. Tibetan priest 40, Liberace's medium 41, Tammany emblem 42. Glacial ridge 43. Moslem religion 44. Fret Dated ot SHA; February 26, 1959. si | HANNAN Chief. "MARINE SALES on your GRAND RE-OPENING 00 ROOFING CONTRACTOR W. F. BOWDEN & SON 54 BURK ST., OSHAWA RA 5-5533 GRAND RE-OPENIN 10th ANNIVERSAR Same Location: No we haven't moved . . . we're still in the same old spot but with a big new building with a great many items, including boats, on display. For those who don't know where we are . . . we're just one block west of Ritson Rd., just bet- ween King and Bond at 20 Ray St. A COMPLETE LINE OF BRAND NAME EQUIPMENT ® Evinrude Outboard Motors ® Canadian Canoe Moulded Mahogany and Cedar Strip Boats Tenders must be submitted, in sealed envelopes, and ad- dressed to; -- Alderman John Brady, Chairman, City Property & Fire Protection Comm.,, c/o Fire Department. Headquarters, 113 Simcoe Street North, OSHA Many Return From Vacation By MRS. A. L. HOOEY | BOWMANVILLE -- Cl. and! Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin are vaca- tioning at Daytona Beach, Flori- da. | Mr. and Mrs. E. V, Hoar have returned from a Caribbean! cruise, Mr. and Mrs. K. Micks and! daughter have returned from | motor trip to Florida. [ ® Tee Nee Boat Trailers ® Boatex Fiber Glass Boat Covering Kits © BRYDON BRASS BOAT FIT- TINGS ® MARINE PAINTS, VARN- ISHES, GLUES, ANCHOR FAST NAILS, : be moved to make room for renovations and repair- Ing. Macs, Spys, Cooking Apples. Less than Whole- sale Prices. @® Brunswick Pressure Moulded Fiber Glass Boats ¢- ® Lawn Boy and Jacobsen Ro- tary Mowers Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Reynolds, | Toronto, were weekend guests of MacMILLANS ORCHARDS OF ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey. Neil 1 mile north of Whitby on West side of No. 12 Hwy. [Hooey spent the weekend with 48¢c | Challice, Orono. 1--21" Dumont Console, blonde with new picture tube 1-21" condition G.E. Console, mahogany, in beautiful $159.00 ONLY $115.00 ONLY 1--21" Coronet Console, mahogany, completely fERonditioned $99.50 ONLY BOAT SHOW $79.00 ONLY $75.00 ONLY TWO FLOORS OF BOATS, MOTORS & ACCESSORIES ® PACESHIPS ® WATER SKIS ® MOULDED PLYWOOD BOATS @® FISHING TACKLE ® OUTBOARDS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS OF MARINE INTEREST ; soc Many More Bargdins-- 1--National 4-burner Range, free delivery and installation 1--Cormick-Smythe 4-burner, ond installation $58.00 ONLY $55.00 ONLY We have Washing Machines ot $17. , and up, Rangettes as low as $9.95 ad THE DUTCH MERCHANT Used T.V.'s and Appliances RA 8-6051 | | 48t GOOD LUCK! | MARINE SALES HANNAN on their MARINE SALES | GRAND RE-OP ENING on your 00 GRAND RE-OPENING ALBERT G. GROEN MASONRY WORK plumbing. R.R. NO. 3 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2970 Exclusive Dealer In Oshawa For VINRUDE See All The NEW 1959 MOTORS Now on display in our spacious boat showrooms. Service and Repair We are completely qualified and equipped to repair any type of outboard motor and lawn mower engine. Winter storage space for motors available. HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST. RA 8-8853 MURRAY MILLER CO. PLUMBERS 341 ATHOL EAST RA 3.9343

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