a a ay ood de BR UE Refrigeration Service and 13 (45); Shipping 13 (49); Als B Rite) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, February 26, 1959 15 i » . od Fred's era - Norwich City Takes Role en Ll. » yi LJ] » . 3 Head Pins shut eut View| Group Ii: Head Pins 13 (4D); Bus.|'ZS2: Ede Nathan 627 (200.228), 20, B-Boba 20, Tasiors Satlors 19, High 16, 229), Balls Snack Bar to take the lead in Group 2ers 17 (49); Ridge View 13 ( There TIE 2 . hd one point ahead of Buzzers who 12 (40); Acadian 10 (48); Tony's handed 3 games. Claude Smoochers Downs En lish F RA Giant-Killers MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL We tad one lucky gal this week, she|3, Jets 21, Gutter Cutters 30, Schofield | 1anded Tony's Refreshments the same|0 30; FHoudaille § (4D); and SWANS erford 248, Rose Kelioe 238; Smaveters LTS Dawns 1s vie - *® The boys displayed great fighting bowled a mice 255 with a 283 and 267./16 and Pick Ups 11. , " Yourth 234, Wes Stata 233, John Rings 12, Gray Beards 11 and The spirit again this week to split the|Congratulations go to Ada Floody. Barbara George of Field Mice has | Al's Esso best Swan's Hardware 4.0 LOCAL '1817 LEAGUE 1233, Allen Smith 230, Bud Pipher and Oscars 7. h 'By M. McINTYRE HOO! points and stay closely bunched. The| Over 400 doubles -- Ede Brent 4g1/the Ladies spot with the high single|and Houdaille Industries who have Ford Bennett 229, Winnie Killen and| Bert Wi i y M. D Celtic and Clyde still have to Port 00° NE" anally came out of &|(207 - 277); Mae Jamieson 412(of 359, high triple of 755 and high failed to produce a 500 bowler in two wish triples: Clements 688, E. Barb Pisani 223, Joan Richards 221, this a far a Special fo The Oshawa Times |decide their second round Scot:|{long drastic slump and rolled the|217-195); Al Hill 411 (224-187); Ann average of 202. [weeks fell to Acadian Cleaners by a Westlake 671, T. Petrovicz 656, F.|Clif¢ stark 221-202, Harold Wilson 218, ed by Millie Corneal 771 (212319) and LONDON tish Cup tie. The wi high single of 1303 and also the high|Peters 410 (236-174); Ethel Freeman "Red" Hardie of Gutter Cutters has|similar score. Putor Sib H. Canfield 638, B, Adams py Eiliott 215-217, Len Dervent 214 Pat Jarvis 706 (234-306-266) : -- The third division up tie. nners of this|iriple of 3445 to garner a 21 win|406, (229, 177) and Helen sourlie 402,|the Men's spotlight with high single of Jack Cook 821 (359) and Doug Hodg. (35. P. Kit 629, R. Richard 626, R.\553 Ernie Kehoe 213, Keith Clark 211,| 600 triples were: Stan Turner 684 plant-killers, conquerors of Man-| Same will meet Glasgow Ranp-|oVer the Westmount team. D. Hooper (212, 190). 830, high triple of 830 and high aver- son 806 (332) were the big guns this enning 616, P. Hercia 614, I. Cream-|yo in ward 208, Wess Richards and|(341), Dot Paradise 680 (213-313-255 Eester Untied and Candift City, |§ers, on thelr home ground, In| Samm wer vers Haoressn or Lock 110, Bons Bion 7, irene SARTRE oo vo [eek Following in the fu" bracket c5, 7. i Creaticy ous W. Antonlcpk wail Tipper: 20. Tien Hireock 0. Harry Keys 6d (isles). Ed Less nl a; if 0 ie grou Brown were very impressive for Lock-|246, Edna Elllott 227, Irene Camp | were aylor 770 (318), Bob Strutt . 3 Flo Tippett, have done it 5 the third round. Other first divi.]"ois While D. Wotton with 'he 304 2z. Doris Vaun' 23, Metie Poch'2ls| DUPLATE SOCIAL & SPORTS |i. Chuck Ford 78. Len Tymel Tog, High Singles: J. Perry 288, E. Ham. | 118 RU" Geore, "Morgan and Bert (ais at). Elsie. Smith 651 (S42) ve again. Norwich City round. er first divi-/ single and 804 big triple practically| Odie White 215, Nelda Thompson 217. yyitn the last night in this section Reg Hickey 721, Earl Jordan 706 and| €lko 259, J. Mitruk 248, J. MsConkéy| Cole 201 and George Killen 201. 206, |Ernie Hale 640 (201-231-217), Bruce have won their replay with Tot-/slon teams drawn against each|cariied Westmount by himself. W Jv |Mabel Moss 213, Lyn Barlow 209 and| .oming, we have a three-way tie for] George Otiver 701 She a ee D. Killen 206, E. Perrait BL R g ee al hd ep were or | Fairley uckley, 3 : , first place, The Rowdies, Bird- pe Nath Ld | Pionee: H | . Corneal tenham Hotspurs of the first divi-|other in the third round are St.|Acadian Cleaners as they pulled off Springs, Jury and Lovell, Crowell's ail pave bee Taking can 358 and Al Statham 303 with the 220, A. Hafner 220, 1. Nichol 217, D. garcks, Dragons 1; Exits and ie 0 a 1 on i 1 Mirren vs Motherwell and Hiber-|® 21 victory over Clarks Supertest who took all three points from Kinloch's, 270 "oi ong nid for the section, If remaining triples going to G. Russell O'Donnell 216, L. Haley 207, E. New- [liams 619 (216.351) 'A ren Wil. sion 1 to 0, and advanced to the erwel. an rolled a 1229 single f ne team 's, Motor City. Gold Medal and |697, G. Whyte 694, R. Murray 685, W,|hall 206, T. Mosodancky 206, K, Ross! : {Nam , Ev Ha 613 . gle for a fi m | Jordan's, Motor City a tie occurs, at end of the section, 4 a 3 he WW, { FRIENDLY 48 (230), and Howard Read 610 list eight teams in the English|nians vs Partick Thistle. In the effort. | Pooples. took two leaving Nu-Way and| fi (16 oectth @ C0 st' pinfall of Maeson 678, H. Lyzun 676, S. Himes 671, 205, A. Cooper 203, H. Topham 201 and Doubles: H. Farrow 496 (264.232). High singles irq Read oH (222-209). Cup. In & game of fantastic fury|other games, in each case, 9 Lady a nosha te | Frets "Fal Je {s vacationing in sunny |the evening will be the winner of the 2h anton oo Powel! 663 Polley lea R. Snelgrove 77, J.| J Sater 13 BO. 254, Glad 'Williams and Olive Morrison 0 yi r for sul e: | i , B. , B. : R, A | 940 at Norwich, Terry Bly, Norwich and first division teams clash. Git Gularas by the' score of 21. O.|Florids, Edna Elliot is acting secre: *SHO% + Yocke 730 (233.300),(864, D. Vann 863. B. Welsh 662, I | Laverane 74, ©. Nichol 83, A. Cochrane aon "300. | © A eh 231 centre forward, scored the only|These g are St. Johnstone Goguen was real good for Gillards. tary. | TiEn tpl Na5244), V. Soransky| Moore 663, D. Wilson 60. D. Bowler|82 and E. Perrault 97. Lemons: N. Welsh 97, V. Wood 93, Alexander 220, Bill Gutsell goal of the game, his 12th in the|Vs Aberdeen; Hamilton vs Kil-| Can't say that for Al though, His 82 was MEN'S MAJOR |719 (258.237), J. McCartney 696 (231.636, E. Branton G35. F. Fleming A TRA ig Te Group--Mistits 4/1. Ham 92. L. Gilbert 82, K. Bickle Fayle 225.214, Barb Glover Barb last eight games, after 63 min. [martoch; Dumferline vs Ayr; | the } at lemon_squsezer of the night.| The leading Bolahood's Real Estate| 219). 3. Dicune a6 (221-243-232), . Parry 653, A. Statham 651, G. Olli . » In-ig1, M. Ludlow 64, D. Cowle 59 and Shemilt 221 and Henry Bickle 220.207. ! 08S] 9. T I j.fe 845. G. Smith 643, G. Paterson 640. |stizators 2 and All-In-One 2. |E. Frankl | utes play, Tottenham in spite of|Stirling Albion vs Morton and Dunns kept up their winning ways|club notched a brace of points from| plop, ® Bde Thisman. OPH, Newsome 63%. A. Buller 6%, C. BG iy . | roup. Hawkeves 5. Eight Balls| Flying Saucers whitewashed Lulu's i f Third Lanark vs Alloa. with a 21 win over Motor City to|Goldell Homes to give the reaitors a ) : | Moore 627, D. Marshall 626, G. Dun. 5 Try Hards 3, Beginners 3, Cellar|s, whil | R' F bringing their infernationals, J 8 I EE i Mh eve roint margin over the sec-|Woolley 688 (241), D, Pickering 635 TE0TE, 7%; Dropking 627, R._ Mistak Dwellers 3 and Jumpers 2. Stetkers ifewashed Sputniks. Sixers MPO TED FUEL Blancflower and Medwin, back|TOP SCORERS | standing. {ond place Lucky Strike Grill a), D, Crowder 63 (220244). C.|62. R. Gow 622, V. Conlin 623, G. - |look two points from Hot shots and) Denmark's fuel consumption, into the lineup, could not master| ice of Triples: D, Wotton 804 (304-295205),|" Oshawa Auto Trim kept the Lucky Shullman 637 (ash. M. AIaCOORUT Meknight 618, R. Mills 618, 8. Seneco| CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS| 'moam standing: Sixers 9, Hula Hoops M€t almost entirely by Imports the dogged and resolute Norwich eter Price of Ayr United DOW p_ Hooper 769 (313-207), R. McGillis|strike Grill club from crowding the 827 (230), E. Moni 623 (231, F. XS 617, and R, Welsh 615. The tant 'section' has siarted wilnils, Tym. Jianding: Sixers 9, Hula Hoops| 4') * oye and. oll, costs shout has 45 goals to his credit, and|700 (285-226), R. Jay 683 (308-226), edged the |L: » 1. Standing Group I: Can. Corps 18 Norm O'Reilly high bowler of the Hot S| 1 hots 5, 250,000,000 defence. Needs only 19 re to equal the O: Goguen 641 (241-231), K. Brown 640! Brockman 611, W. Morey 610 and vip 0. FOU ley 17 (52); Oshawa |evening with 729 (227-288): "Lucky" Sputniks §. Flying Saucers 5 and $250,000, annually, A » K. ) | i H | E 3 . * At Sheffield, the second division] tore cue semovs recon | 551.212.207), T. Barnes 635 (240-210), Drugs and Ed oth| Jim Snelgrove 600. ge, Appliances 16 (3); Tommy Goch 12 Wills 718 (201217); Del Wannamaker| United clear d all time one season record of 66) 5" white 634 (33), R. Buzminski 631 tightened up the gap in the standing Other single scores P. FCWARS 30039); Bergs 10 (48); Werners 8 (40); 659 (238-237); Mary Pipher 648 (227. PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES nl won a clear duty 30 vic-|geored by Jimmy Smith, who was (238), C. Winacott 602 (222-208). |by topping their respective opponents, 5 Baunyour 23. & Jude 35. R Giles (20); and Lacal $184 7 8). 222), Fred Glover 84s (120340), Jim! Team standings this week re Start tory over Arsenal in another|also an Ayr player. Easson of Ar-| Singles: Fo ze. 3 Har, <7: Dove's Fina Station and Jubilee Pa-| Pilon 243, Fo MesnZht To 2vvas,| Group 1: Pollards 14 (47); M & KNemish 647 (209-245); Art Brown 618 ers 24, Dots Do-Littles 21, Boomerangs shock result. Kelsey, Arsenal proath is now three goals behind, | tom mm. 'N. Oiers 308 H. Ford 232," Marry Gillard was top shooter for|R. Duncanson 233, J. Claus 232, J. goalkeeper, was injured in the with 42 for the season so far. | Lacyk 327 H. Doyle 226, J. Gow the mgt with 813 for his three games, Sabo 231, J. Bent 21, JW. Judge 20 13th minute of the game, and! [an St. John, Motherwell, scor-| 220. Se rams 216.202. N. ORellly 216, including 8 323 single game. reen Mullens 227, W. Tonkin 227, played on the wing with an arm eq f "coals against Airdrie to EF; Heory 216, D. Wilson 214, R. Doyle! Ed Wilson had one of his better N. McRae 25, L Patterson 2s, W.| {ed four goals against Airdrie t0|5y20, Rn. Howard 213, F. Hayward iriples, a 765 and almost knocked off Harmer 23 G. Gals 22% TH. in splints thereafter. Evans, as! | ) 223, 0. Thompson 221. challenge Joe Baker of Hibernian 212.207, F. Goguen 212, T. Monoghan the high single with a | ovis 0, v a wonderful way to live on 369. his deputy made a bad hash of| isi .!308, A. Cralg 205 and 1. Welsh 204. | The standing: Bolahood's Real Estate| Lemon League: things and lost three easy aly Lor the Hin Scomish Sivisiod lesa: Lemon League: §. Weeks 90 anda; Lucky Strike Grill =; Jubilee Pa | Tonkin %, and Winsome Tutin 98. | evi | : A d 0, Goguen 82, ilion 25; Ed ilson roiture Hl 'eam : 9 (38), Nevertheless, Sheffield United, behind Baker, and three ahead of ; | Kitemn Drags 22; Oshawa Auto Trim 21; | Bird-Dogs 19 (20), Tad Poles 19 (3D), who now meet Norwich in the THE PIN-HITTERS | Rove's Fina Station 19; Goldell Homes [pacers 17 (40), Packers 17 (36), Lucky ixth round full val | Bald of Heavts. Team standings --Coppin's 14, Me- 1g Six 16 (33), Bizzy Boys 15 (32), Lil's - Shel win ve Y ne for | girs AND PIECES {Kinstry's 13, McCarl's 11, Houston's| individual high scores: Harry Gil-|pills 15 (31), 01d Timers 14 (32), Five ir win. So one team from the 10, Gilmour's 8, Boorman's 4. lard 313 (325); Ed Wilson 765 (369); |g One 14 (27), Dominos 12 (32), second or third division will go| Jan Santesso, Italian-born for-| Men's. high single, Al Price 254. _ |Al Stovin 745 (314); E. Jordan 733; |Doodlers 12 (23), Hopefuls 10 (2), : r eauty and lux into the semi-finals for the cup. ward who played in Welland and| Men's high triple, Les Smale 38 Joe Ristich 723; Chuck Ford 706; Den-|Sputniks 10 (26), Whiz-Bangs 8 (29), ury St. i (218, 250, 190). ny Linton 701; Joe Kastner 700. and Bob's Bloopers 7 (21). STILL DRAWN {St. Catharines, Ontario, before "yp "ou. "200 -- MacMcKinstry 239. DAVE BLACK MEMORIAL : iy |coming to Scotland to join Glas- Ar Price 24, 218, Maurice Richards| The deadline for entries in the Dave AUX. 27 UAW --priced to invite you Two fifth round games are still gow Celtic, has made a very sat-|218, George Taylor 214 and Tabjglack Memorial Men's Singles event| Singles: R. Rockbrune 210 and R und i i i 1 Gearing 208. has been extended to ursday of Clapp % eeiaed, At the second time of istactory debut for his Dew team. | Ladies' bigh single, Molly Sinclair, this week. Toppers whitewashed Ace; Moon- * h h . trying, Birmingham and Notting- | Playing in a reserve side against | 1g. | "Bowling in this annual event will beams whitewashed Sputniks; Green- o the happiness ham, and Bolton and Preston Queen's Park Strollérs; he scor-| Ladies' high triple, Enid Hatt (148, | get underway » Saturday (ening {Bomnets took two pois from Rambl. wi 1 & 183, 191) 522, at 6 pm. and p.m. when e first ers an ets tool wo points from ore Jl tied, Ib each ing ed the only goal of the game to Ladies over 178 -- "Snooze" Smale | five games will be rolled. The sec- | Lucky Six. ' of fine home ownership after half an hour of extra time, |give Celtic a victory . . . Man-| 13, Edith Gearing 186 and Nat Boor. ond five games will be rolled on the| Team standing: Sputniks 13, Green and will have to try again. The chester City, Fulham, Chelsea | man 181. | following Saturday at 6 p.m. and 9 hornets 13, Moonbeams 13, Toppers 11, winners meet Only four for the lemon league -- p.m. | Aces 8, Jetts 6, Luck Six § and Ram. I) of these two games and Newcastle are bidding | 5," McKinstry, Tommy Thomas, Doi di far nineteen entries have been blers 4. Be sure son IFS Kassinger : hs r- in the sixth round. against San Sher i by othy Price and Nat Boorman. als eived from the Mount Dennis Wa SAW LEAGUE Other sixth round games see Robson 'est Bromwic on.| February 27 is the last of the third jor group; whose bowlers a ust | ackpool hom | section -- hi e will be out to] about on a par with the Oshawa Ma-| Canadian Corps shut out Local 23784 Bl at e to Luto n|With Albion now out of the cup, | 15 thelr vem ny Any local bowlers, not | to take a one point lead in Group I. Town and Aston Vila at home|they may sell-. . . With Arsenal, | necessary major bowlers, are cordially | Pleasure Valley Service Station edg- » | Manchester United, Wolverham MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE invited to compete in this annual ed Berg's Men's Wear 3.1 to occupy Bp Sanley Blackpool, at y to Fn eo a ok all mp With just one week left in this sec: event, with entries for the 6 p.m. runner.up spot and Oshawa Appliances ting, are now cup favor-| Bod 3 ' Hon there are two teams fighting for | shift preferred. Entry blanks at Motor slipped to third place as they were ites. Before the defeat at Shef-'of the English Cup, these four top place. Crowell's Shell Station and City Lanes, Iheld to a draw by Werner's, Tommy Gold Medal Cleaners are neck and neck Goch's Supertest beat Black's Men's A " field, Arsena) were second in the top-ranking teams will now con- Ge 3 " & 'i lists at 7 to 1, with the Sheffield |centrate on the race for the "pi an wallow with 18, Jury EA A A ny WO au 1, Pollard's. Shell Stat NM team quoted at 25 to 1 and Nor-|league championship. The Wolves, and Lovell 12, Jordans: Florist 12, rolls around we find a keen athe br late in Tani a) toer downey Shipping CONSTRUCTION LI ITED CIGAR ETTES wi to 1. Ni on|last year's champions, have an Spring Bros. Furniture 11, Nu-Way tween the two top teams with only 3-1. Three teams are tied for second ich i at he el oy Land on | a yea the prions three at the | Rus Cleaners 11, Motor City Bowling 9, three points difference, The stand- place, Harrison and Kinsman Hard team now lei the s! Tugge| ge a |Fred'd Drive-In and Kinloch's Ltd. |ings read as follows: Brokers 29, Af-|ware who lost to Joe Flynn's Sports for the cup, moment, but it is a close race. !tralling with 7 points each. |terburners 26, Jokers 24, Field Mice|Shop 3.1, Al's Bi-Rite who whitewash YOU HAVE 3 PRICE STAMPEDE jg CREDIT? JUST ASK! EN ADMIRING FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY fg cower ruice momma ros sis uss w E OF COMPARABLE QUALITY! These Luxurious m HOW'D YOU LIKE TO g HARRIS TWEED = SAVE 524.75 on - SPORY SUITS SPORT COATS § 2" SUITS 3 19.95 | 2375 mW \ bendriored dogence. op [I N LL OVER - \3 Sing oro ec boron Bo. i Save on These Specials! NELs 758 OUR PRICE ONLY : SNE! 4 'm SLACKS | SUBURBANS 4.99 9.99 \ " "SANFORIZED SHRUNK TWO $ 75 © gale: Jun Hl J DRILL PANTS | work smirts DAYS ® - 2.99 1.90 PARKING IN CITY PARKING LOT AT REAR OF STORE ONLY !! ALY! mmo B HOW'D YOU LIKE TO SAV oll gone!) UNTIL 9 P.M. No other fabric in the world n ie 7047 AILORS 1 5 25 Warmer pee ans // 4), " .23 on TOPCOATS ! size, we t : ive orth yi th oo enon Your neni ena oo" [I Ei worm REG. 55.00 - M. COME IN AND TAKE YOUR « 99. SUEDE cio =. PICK FROM THE WIDE SEL- WINDBREAKERS J] 45 Bl 16 SIMCOE ST. S. PD oom, Bl :crion on HAND, Finest f Reg. 19.95 " ws (OPPOSITE KRESGE'S) 1] FABRICS.