LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter No. 73, OES was {held In Masonic Temple, Miss § [Flora Purdie, worthy matron, presiding assisted by Mr, Wil- liam Henderson, worthy patron. After the opening ceremonies the marshall, Mrs. Dorothy Hal- ey, presented the flag and placed it in the East, Introductions by Mrs. Marion Girard, conductress, were as follows: Mrs, Ann Creigh- ton, PDDGM and an honorary member of Sunbeam, Mrs, Meta Moore, PDDGM. Past matrons and past patrons, Mrs. D. Haley, Mrs. B. Wight, Mrs, Moore, Mrs, A. Edwards, Miss 8. Langmaid, Mrs, E. Chambers, PM, Durham Chapter, Bowmanville; Mrs, M. Dunlop, Mr. H. Shelley and Mr. s were present, Mrs. surer, being on the §. Langmald tak-| ing trea office, Mrs, B. Me-| Kinstry assoclate matron. gave sick and sunshine report, Letters of anpreciation from| {members for flowers and gifts, [while ll also from families of bereaved for letters and flowers. |! A money doration was received [trom Mr. Elgin Glover for use of whee! chair, A donation was re-|; ceived from Mrs. J. Gow, Boat | ary member, Donations were given to Ben-| ome s Florence Nightingale| --Photo by Peter Elling MARRIED FIFTY YEARS Wide Circle of Friends Honors Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hutchison ~~ |jjnistion" accopea yore = i party, March 10; Port Hope Winiam h 11; Blue Ray, Port Perry Home also Estral fund, to assist young men in the ministry. A reception to WG matron and| her officers being held in Royal [York Hotel, Tuesday, March 6. | There will he 2 bus chartered for |this visit. Mrs. M, Alpin Is look- ling after same. | Mr. and Mrs, William Hanlan hostesses were Mrs, Hutchison were honored on Sat-| Burns and Mrs, Christopher Shef. Marc bs urday, February 14 by relatives|field. Also assisting were Mrs, NeW Masonic Temple, March 12: and friends on the occasion of [Charles Foster, Burlington; Mrs,| Whitby, Grand Officers Night, their golden wedding anniversary.|Peter Ellins and Miss Ann Day, March 26. A reception was held at the home| Whitby: Misses Helen aud Mar.| Chapter closed in regular form, le a Rogan Addn Betas, "THIS IS MY FIRST BIRTHDAY" One year old today Is Bar- | Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Sta- | cey avenue, Oshawa, and great. | granddaughter of Mrs. Henry | avenue. Barbara is the grand- | Hyman, Toronto, and Mr. Frank Bowmanville, --Photo by Ireland bara Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Scott Jr. Tecumseh daughter of Mr, John Maguire, Bowmanville and and Mrs, McIndoo, ~ | Maurice Hutchi-|son and Mrs. Cornell Hutcheson, |RIVing the farewell, Mrs. Alpin hy Mrs, L. Parkhill, Mrs. Sidney|tion and also a teacher of North THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, February 25, 1959 § Boosts Victoria For Superannuated VICTORIA (CP) -- Mrs, Avis "Florida, California and Ber- muda are not the only places with sun and nice weather. Vie- tora has everything old and young people want, . . Carrol Walton is making a tour of the Prairie provinces to urge people planning retirement to come to Victoria. I "There are not too many old| people here," she said In an In- terview before leaving. "In fact, Victoria could do with a lot more old people." Born in Winnipeg, Mrs. Walton is the proprietor of an advertis- ing agency here that drums up tbusiness by welcoming new resi- dents on behalf of local firms, woo the young as well as the old, CARPETS From the Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes an sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES | But in her campaign she will} and farmers who spend most of| their winters in California will] not be overlooked. | 174 Mery St. RA 5.0433 IS"IRON-HUNGRY BLOOD": MAKING YOU SO TIRED YOU'RE ASHAMED Feel Better Fast When You Suffer That Run-down, Weary Feeling! ; Tonic Made Especially For Women(; Take This Blood-improving iron How unfortunate when a woman is so tired, run-down, she feels guilty that she can't face the day's problems. Luckily, it's often due to "Iron-Hungry Blood" (*simple iron anemia) . Then it's needless for these women to suffer such awful wearin relieve this tion . . new your vitality! It' Pinkham's Tablets, an iron made {ally for women. With blood-improving iron, Pinkham's Tablets start to Often in women ,"Iron- Blood" 1s also AgETaval change-of-life . . . in youn FOR FEMALE AILMENTS Vegetable Compound (liquid) hly pain and ! Tests "iso comforts of t Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service 1.D.A. Brows | cop olL CAPSULES "* "+, 89¢ 1.D.A; Brand HALIBUT Liver Oil CAPSULES = 500s Reg. I.D.A, Brand IDAMALT 152-02 31-01. 62-02, Reg. Reg. Reg. 7%¢ 1.29 2.29 Your Druggist your doctor means that your vitamins and he is ready to VITAMINS Knows Vitamins! His acedemic training, close association with the pharma. ceutical manufacturers and his professional relationship with Independent druggist, too knows supply the vitamin supplements her committee served re: gharples, Mr. W. H. Trotter. The first door prize was an oil ond treatments recommended by the doctor for each Indi- 9. 1.15 2.29 4.29 89¢ 1.89 3.49 Simcoe School, door prizes were : painting, painted and donated by won by Mrs. Berwin Adams, Mrs. (Mrs. W. H. Trotter, Mrs. Trot. E. Brock, Mrs. C. Brown. Re-| ter Is a member of Queen Eliza: |freshments were served by Mrs. vidual. 63c 98¢c 1.69 Reg. Honey and of thelr wn and daughter-in-law, |garet Boddy, Miss Carol Hutche: (Miss F. Purdie, worthy matron, Mr. and Mrs, son, Masson street, who, In spite|Oshawa, The former bridal at |and of the inclement weather, had the|tendants, Mrs. Clarke Day, |freshments. pleasure of welcoming approxi-| (Blanche) Gananoque and Mr, RA Ta mately one hundred guests. | Marence Hutcheson, Brewers . . ers Pouring tea were Mrs, Clarke Mills, were both present. The P Ww Day pio Mrs. William Cotton, |ceremony, fifty years ago, was Ize nn Gananoque, sisters of the bride [performed by the Reverend and Mrs. Wilmer Nuttall and Mrs, (Henry Gracey, Gananoque t all arty Harmon Frayn, Kingston, sisters| Mr. Hutchison, who for 30 of the bridegroom. Dining-room years was the CNR agent in Osh-| The Queen Elizabeth Home and awa, and Mrs. Hutchison, the|School Association sponsored a H H S A jones Myrdle Hensler, Jeseived might of cards £3 Rody sven - ,/official congratulations from the ing. Which was held at the schoo! armony ssn |Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon.|under the convenership of Mrs.| ! 1 AT John B. Diefenbaker; the Hon. Nelson Wright. Founders Night {Leslie M. Frost; the Hon. Mi-| Guests were welcomed by the |chael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Mes- president, Mrs, Douglas Branton The February meeting of the Sages were also received from and Mrs. Carson Heard. 'Harmony Home and School Asso-|2 number of former and pres-| Candy was sold by Mrs. Don- elation was dedicated to the foun: (ent CNR officials. Mr. and Mrs. ald White and her committee. ders of the Home and School Hutchison were the recipients ofl Mrs, Carson Heard and her movement, many gifts, flowers and cards committee were in charge of the Mrs. Ronald Ogden, president, from their numerous friends and home baking sale. announced that the Ontario Fed. relatives. The prize winners were: eration of Home and School Asso-| Mr. and Mis. Hulshison have quehre, We Sotrant. Mr. meet 'oronto one ; two ande ,|H, C. 3 | Slations ih 2 on | Nira. Ch and | Mrs, Thoma Hobbs, Mr. Charles | (11 on, [MIT ' a a. mt ong Lame Myrtle Stevens, Mr, Fred Ramely. Mrs. Norman V, Roe great-gran 3 ss usan | ams. and Mrs. Ronald Ogden. Sheffield. |" General draw prizes were won The minutes of the January meeting were read by Mrs, Ken- neth Willlams and the treasurer's report by Mrs. John Wheeler. ; ) [it & a J Miss Helen Roszel's room won ou the parent's attendance prize. ual 4 teshmness Mr. Rupert Harrison, principal, gave his report. He passed the Ma ke PEEK FREAN'S attendance shield over to Miss Carol McGirr's room for highest attendance during January. Mr. Harrison pointed out that educa- ation week in Oshawa will be March 7 - 14 and "Open House" at the school will be held on Monday, March 9. It was decided to forego the regular Home and } School meeting that evening so : that the parents will have the op- | 8 OL PACKETS portunity of meeting the teach-| jers and viewing the children's work. | Mr. John Francom's room Grade 8, will be taking the an-|! nual trip to Toronto shortly and the association decided that a sum be set aside to help defray S®kpenses. Marilyn Major, a Grade 8 student, played two plano solos. Mrs. Ogden briefly outlined the} and Pure Cane Sugar history of Home and School move- | ment and paid tributes to the . f DIGESTIVE | founders. An impressive candle : - A Meal Cookie | lighting service followed, the first . SHORTCAKE «9 candle was lit in memory of] A Rich Sweet Cookie FOR OVER 100 YEARS FREAN'S Waka off Jamas BISCUITS Cookies made with Finest Creamery Butter - i of the Home and School move- ment in Ontario. This was fol lowed by seven members of the association each lighting a candle, | outlining the seven points of the| educational program from the| standpoint of Home and School] work. | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bertram A. McCarl and| beth Home and School Associa-'Norman Wright, HINDS C Almond REAM TWO °. 98¢ WASHABLE SLACKS JO Spring The new slacks for men and boys are at John- ston's and they look and feel like spring +: . even if the weather doesn't. stripe cotton ..... 3.99 BOYS' 4 9% CRY . POLISH COTTON ... 4.95 BOYS' e 16 TO 18 WAIST NEW SADDLE BROWN 5.95 MEN'S POLISH coTTOM .... 5.95 e 28 TO 30 WAIST MEN'S SADDLE BROWN ' (OSHAWA) LTD. 8 Simcoe St. N. the, mothers of the pupils in ce SAVE 19¢ TEEN-AGE by Modes Specially designed to meet the teen-agers feminine hygiene needs, ® New, slim contour! ® Extra absorbency without extra bulk! Regular price 2 for 9 GET YOUR FREE COMB IN THE LARGE SIZE PACKAGE OF BRYLCREEM 8c 2 for 79¢ CUTEX cred 1.08 value .....u.. VICKS VAPORUB 1.09 PLUS 15¢ size Vitamin C COUGH DROPS Both for 1.09 Helene Curtis Women Hair Reg. 1.00 SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO TWO Reg. 75¢ 98c 10c Off WILDROOT CREAM OIL For EATON'S * DAZZLING GLAMOUR RINGS From New York ! Big Special Selling for Three Days Only . . Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, Hurry down 88 and see them . . bright, sparkling simulated stones beau- A. Wedding Band . . . seven small stones daintily set in old-filled or sterling silver mount, tifully set in sterling silver or Pre filled mounts, Sizes 5 to 9. C , Wedding Band (matches 'F') , . . Three small stones in gold-filled or sterling silver mount, C. Wedding Bond . . . Five small stones in gold-filled or sterling silver bond. D. Engagement Ring , . . "Solitaire" flanked by twe smaller stones on each shoulder. Gold-filled or sterling silver mount £. Dinner Ring Regal multi-stone setting with large, raised stone, gold-filled band only F. Engogement Ring Single large stone flanked by smaller stone on each shoulder. Sterling silver or gold- filled mount G. Engagement Ring . . . Lorge si one smaller stone on each shoulder, silver mount, MN. Birthstone Ring . . . large square-cut stone with carved shoulders, Gold-filled or sterling 'silver mount J. Birthstone Ring single square-cut stone with carved setting. Sterling silver or gole ed mourit EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 215 PHONE RA 5.7373 le stone flanked by old-filled or sterling in OSHAWA Acid Indigestion Sparkling CCRC ENO Wartime awnace - ta STOMACH UPSETS Good Tasting COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 63¢c plus 2 Cokes Palmolive Soap Both for 2 for 43e As pure es Lanolin NIVEA CREME the whole family, Tube 39 6% | Jor | 1.25 3.30 Provides perfect skin core for Man's Size 33¢, 2 for 65¢ Shampoo ewey your dendruff problems with HELENE CURTIS ENDEN Help control ond relieve itching and flaking. 98c 1.69 Abdel with € , . . 50's, 100', 250s .... 2.70, 4.95, 11.50 Allenbury's Haliberenge 1.19, 1.98, 3.49 Allenburys Heliborenge Tablets ............. 1.20, 3.00 RRR ONE-A-DAY Multiple Vitamins Have each member of your family take ene of these easy-to-swallow vitamin tablets doily. Each tablet contains 7 essentiol vitamins, . 1.40 2 months supply ... 2.50 25 days supply .,.. Ayerst Paramettes . Frost Beforte Tablets Froast N.C.F. Liquid . . 1.85, 3.95, 6.805 Frosst N.C.F. Copsules 1.95, 3.45, 7.65 Horner's Infantol Liquid ......... 1.25, 2.25, 3.50, 6.25 Horner's Infantel Drops ............., 1.50, 2.30, 4.10 Meed's 10-D Cod Liver Oil ., 1.00, 2.25 Mead's Muldin ++. 1.00, 1.75, 3.00, 5.50 Mead's Mulein Ceopsules . . 1.50, 4.00 Meed's Poly-ViSel ...., . 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 Scott's Emulsion .........o000000nn 1.00, 2.00 Seott's Copaules .........0c000iniininin.. 1.68, 3.00 Squibb 10-D Cod Liver OMI"... .... . 1.00, 2.28 Squibb Speciel Formule Capsules Vite Diet -- 30", 100"s . 1.95, 450 Viterre Plus (Pfizer) sressaasensens, 295, 478 Wampole's Cod Liver Extroet .............. 1.50, 2.78 defer -- Iron & Vitemin B . 2.00 KLEENEX in the SERV-A- TISSUE BOX! in pastel shades. Pink, Yellow, Aqua or White, 400's .... 0.0... 35c +. 1.60, 4.25 BE I I SA DEERE Sess senn SE RE Serene EE RT For Fast Relief From Coughs BRONCHIDA Cold Tablels Man's Size 33¢, 2 for 65¢ Controls wispy ends § and unrully hair -- controls ond curls permanent, CHASE'S COUGH SYRUP or TABLETS Safe, speedy relief from coughs due to colds or smoking. Jeon. .. 1.50 12% .. 1.28 JAMIESON'S 241 King East RA 5-1169 KARN'S 28 King East RA 3-4621 POWELL'S 352 Simcoe N. i RA 5.4734 MITCHELL'S | McCORDICK 9 Simcoe North RA 3-3431 128 Wilson Rd. S. RA 5.8711 3 months supply ..... 3.98 8 months supply ... 7.98 Ayerst Alphomettes ...... 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 'vee. 2,00, 3.50, 6.00 .. 3.98 Cough Syrup 85¢ & & adh A dd Edun Sr