$0. TE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, February 13, 1959 $0--Articles For Selo SKATES, new and used. No. 1 Skate Exc! "Used skates CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING [sick si winreit'si Conti from ERIZING treatments, Hi-Pro- ( aued Page 19) pi alth Foods, Sean Baths, Health fruit Juicers. ewood Health Studio, 204 King Hom Street East. RA 8.0511. UM oe i wmi-------- 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale FORNTIE T= aia s i . GOODRICH Stores, Mires, batter. iii room table, round, large|50 per cent! 2 pc, chesterfields, $89 up! carved legs, 54" clos- [3 pc. bedroom suites, $89 up! § pe. kit Thrifty budget plan. A 54543, " Tis fully extended, $250, RA 5-8122 (chen sets, $44 up' Ma Many table and floor _-- 343¢ |lamps, % price! Coffee and end tables, MANO accordion, 120 $7 up! Soringtillod mattresses -- all B very food condition, "yas. Apply hi WINE and cider barrels available, od sizes, $19 up! Rockers, hostess, swivel bruce Street sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, and recliner chairs, 20 per cent to 40 TIGHEST prices paid for used on 8 Church Street. RA 37634 a by ure, also sell and exchange. Contact| ATTENTION fishermen. Lake frouf de.|chests, luggage, smokers, hassocks, etc. Community Furniture Store. 19 Prince|coys for sale, 'also whitefish lines and = MM drastically Teduced! any jars treet. Phone RA 8-1131, stands. Contact Cec Pearn, RA sp 424 Simcoe Street South. "Where prices EASY spin dry washer and floor polish-| ___ are lower and quality higher -- or your wr, in excellent condition. 49 Burk|BED-chesterfield and chair, (wine money back!" Itreet. RA 5.7743. 31f| color), Phone RA 5-6191, 34 | BOATS, motors and trailers, new and ELECTRO ranges, all makes com-|USED washer parts, % HP motors, 3 used. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 jistsiy Jeconditioned, Joday wareantys up. Repairs to all wre type w. Bond Street West. rvine Appliances ond ers. Guaranteed reconditioned was! 5 F. Tost Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.2085, USED tires, most all sizes 83 up. B, USED television sets 17° and 21" com.|bowmanville. pletely reconditioned. Free J0-day war-['17 INCH RCA Victor, table model TV. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap-|Good condition. Apply 352 Highiand BUILD THAT pliances, 50 Bond East, Avenue. DIL painting, original Swiss landscape FIREWOOD $5 and $10 loads, delivered wy 2 i gigi ig canvas 30 x 40,[in 10-mile radius. For information. RA BOAT NOW 1326. slaborate 5-inch gold frame, Must sac-|8-1326. ut | h Ided hull 01 6 . 5c : s easy with a molded hull or rifice. RA 5-0195 a USED tires, $3, up. Terms, Dominion boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See | Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. ELECTRO refrigerators, a TE makes, Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. tompletely reconditioned, 90-day free 30.PIECE Wedgewood dinnerware, ne: warranty, from $69.80. 'Irvine API 835, Wil sell for $15. RA 5.3388. 3at PHONE 1266 AJAX ances, ast. COMBINATION | BUY NOW AND | ;prelRSON , Wi NDOWS SAVE! Open Lov 2» Weekends DOORS, AWNINGS, THE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Marin BEST FOR LESS. Motors -- budget terms. Free Brockiin Nai ie Srorage winter storage on motors. CALL A a Boat storage. Factory ap- PHONE 87 Whitb - proved. Service centre for Noy motor repairs, Open evenings |(51--Swap and Barter Manufactured in Whitby and weekends. CHESTERFIELD, electric coca cola COLONIAL | MARINE STORAGE & [chit far. sa tuar ot -pmsins ALUMINUM | SUPPLY LIMITED oS PHONE 87 50--Articles For Sale NEWS BRIEFS |5uv with CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES MODERN FERRY SELF STORING WINDOWS VICTORIA (CP) -- Construc- tion will start soon on a $3,000,000 ALUMINUM DOORS : § / 3 ; SPECIALI provincial government ferry, one of two thé government plans to| FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 1 did ' WESTON'S run between wniand Peninsula LL 1 . here the mainland at Bou VERN GLASS CO. LTD. - FRUIT COOKIES YOUNG AND OLD 1216 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6214 VICTORIA (CP) -- Almost as ALL TYPES OF GLASS 'WORK | ; ibe 290: many adults as children are going ssiscurr to school in British Columbia After 6 p.m. call | There are 277,070 Shfidren and JACK McGRAW JOHN REID | To ee education taseee | MOHAWK 8.4633 WHITBY RA 3.7679 OSHAWA nn INDIAN PAGE : VICTORIA (CP)--Johnny Joe, Winter-Seal 18, is the first Indian to be ap- HOSTESS Joie 4 page in We BX Jat ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOGRS th PRICES MOCHA CREAMS here band, he attends St. Louis Kool Lite. Aluminum Awnings EFFECTIVE College here. OU FEB. 12,13, 14 20. USTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE }CUIT sono SE TREES hie - RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior : ; -- Jon #0 boi Fireplace Furnishings end Bathtub Enclosures JOBAW SROCHTRIAS es potent et LES EVENISS SALES LTD. drifti d soil Sroston, says the Alberta agricut| 1° PRINCE ST. RA 5.4632 | AL FOR A LENTEN TREAT... ° * w the Un veri, ik 2007 i Galbraith, RAS Heinz White Vinegar... 5: 16¢ Y Eres nf WAT a cain, wa $832 207 ......4%%% 18) o FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY o- JAR | [ FF | CALEAS SED OF es wet) Heinz Tartar Sauce .......... SPECIAL! GOLDEN FRIED -- JUST HEAT AND SERVE -- BOOTH BRAND gary police fficial. Few com-| aints were received by the po-| during a recent cold spell. | Toastmaster Breading +2" . 29c SOOTH PEAND , Banquet Fancy Corn $33) 2.27: 376 ey encanta 0 USED T.V.'s and APPLIANCES | Genuine Swiss Gruyere Cheese ews 35¢ CHOICE COD FILLETS tell a properly air - conditioned building in winter is to lift a tele- cHolcn 20-FL. c i 4 LL PONE Vier Bi ik a tele We are happy to announce the opening of Checker Tomatoes 22 TINS 37 fos an Ty Pg our exclusive store Brunswick Chicken Haddie. .. =o 27¢ || sca mma hy 35 ie humidity is all right. FANCY SOLID 7-0%. | | ign Tuna Mi ¢ | CHOICE SOLE FILLETS THE DUTCH MERCHANT ~~ Sovereig RE S | MEDICINE HAT. Alta. (CP) -- 633 ALBERT STREET Martins Apple Juice ..i3 wt aT ! AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS edicine Hat recorded a record ll SPECIAL] EMPRESS BRAND total of $305 000 n fire Iosses 4 In co-operation with several dealers of new T.V.' s and . . ° | 300. e esltimale a | g vious year was $130,000. Apbliances, ne will serve as a regular outlet for White Cross Toilet Tissue 2 ROLLS 27: | RAINBOW TROUT Shishi sier sae ra nkey eshibicavane 08S GONE GAVEL 3¢ OFF 15.02. il SPECIAL! GEORGIA GOLDEN SHORE PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)--| We are instructed to sell all their trade-ins for the Chum Boy Food .:i%a 4 aki 23c il Someone Walked of with hel : lowest prices, Zest Toilet Soap ee BS 330 SHRIMP CREOLE mayor's gavel in this Lakehea city. It was presented 30 years | ago by office employes to the 12 Refrigerators (as low as $60) Also for your selection Cohoe Selmon Steaks, Halibut Steaks, Whiefish, Pickerel, Smelts, Ocean Perch, chief magistrate of those days. | 7 Televisions (as low ds $65) FOR YOUR VALENTINE PARTY! il Jealions, Shiimpe, Kippers, Finnan Heddie and many additional varieties of Loke and Sea. Foods from | iwi oose. TouGH WINTER | 3 Ranges (as low as $60) PR Vr "elvie 3 Rangettes ; QUEEN ANNE | SPECIAL! GRADE"A" works department uses about 50 : . | rand 0 cbapeit 3. 5 Washing Machines Ae Wy eye ton: salt a ubic ya CHOCOLATES : v re r Wand, os Sreds. So Ja this All merchandise is checked and reconditioned by eur ewn service 3 I - esse ol ng ww fons of salt and 1.400 yards of men s are warranted for 30 doys. : - 4 Yy = | LB. ) ; SPECIAL! "IDEAL FOR BAKING, 'BOILING OR FRYING" -- LEAN cic eto . OPENING DATE FRIDAY, FEB. 13 | So Ta | WINDSOR, OW (CPA tuk py 7 P.M.--OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY | 87. Yo I P eamealed Back Bacon Ver Shced + driver went in hot pursuit when a wheel came off his truck and bounced up the municipal court | building steps. He was confronted CONVERSATION LOZENGES SPECIALI by Magistrate Angus MacMillan w " ; ! Db lici C tH Ch 19: who Asked; 'Trying to get into J DALY CROSSWORD pr 7 BERET) | Hostess Sweethearts ** PKG. | &@ CIOUS Oo age eese ete tury CONTAINER LOOKING AHEAD ACROSS 46. Golt pegs 18. Sl ae "0 = ! STIT EROS WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The 1A somer- DOWN Clan Cinnamon Hearts ............... 4 Windsor branch of the Essex seul Jom | EINES Lon Rll I: wosTass ® Fruit ry ie TOASTMASTER s and Vegetables o be di es Ca | [3 g 0 D eni n g q ale Treesweet Lemon Juice rows ..... 2.¢%, 19¢ || COOKED COD FISH STICKS... :: 7 County sportsmen's association is| offering free grain to residents| 8& Arab 3. Russian C C a chieftain . f Heart entre Ice ream -. suc« GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA | CRISP. SOLID HEADS | in the townships of Sandwich hame West, Sandwich South and Ander-| 9 Wanderer 4. Through . bi EOIN [7] son to feed pheasants and other| 11. EXcuse 8. Guido's NIAMS IH iC HOT CROSS No.1 GRADE... ooo Sue 0: sono eed pheasants and nier| LEXUS 8. Gulion RRR Head Lettuce i 29: 3. Seized note . HE ANITIELG " SUPER SAVINGS ® CALIFORNIA'S FINEST | No. 1 GRADE | FIRM AND GREEN | NEEDED STICKERS Male adults 6. Man's BUNS ST. THOMAS, Ont. (CP) -- Sev-| 15.Sound, as nickname = SP eRIALL REoULaR New Cabbage POUND 7c eral aldermen were surprised to a dove 7. Native find tickets for parking attached . Unit of of Spain MONARCH GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA | SWEET AND Yeupert . ana n BIRSO MARGARINE mn " Bunch Carrots. ow 3 Sih 29; at a sion. | n 8 astenie ¥ YA [ ey had forgotten to attach . Finds far't others ors RUSHED FROM SUNNY FLORIDA | CRISP AND SWEET | their new permit stickers. Id est (slang) 32. Unless (L.) 40. ri eccentrie | SPECIAL! 4 TARTING EARLY iil 32 Remember . 35 Wind {siang) KRAFT Celery Hearts »1onor 2 PACKAGES 29: 22. North or 11.0n top instrument 42. Cushion ALMA, Que. (CP) -- A commit- | South ---- F ONTARIO GROWN | FANCY GRADE | FINEST ALITY | Jue has Seen formed by the St. | 23.Rip DINNER Vanes teresmaesrserae Er earens 3 . LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE Ww 25: Jean Baptiste Society to plan| A sho 3-POUND hd hy uld EEE ERY elebrations for the centenary I} ee SPECIALS BLUEBERRY Delicious Apples POLY. BAG this town 35 miles west Raccoons ' regan. onl five a , Prison BICK S KOSHER PIE FLOWERS FOR YOUR VALENTINE! d'Alma. Yon compart. DILL PICKLES 3n-FL. 4 © FOTTED DAFFODILS: @ POTTED TULIPS @ POTTED HYACINTHS-- ment "1 1 23°01) 2° 1] | | esl ISA kel ..... adil pe bb tttttT OLJAR REG. PRICE 4% © POTTED MUMS @ POTTED KALANCHOES @ COLOURFUL MIXED PANS Bon, CHILE | re 1) SPECIAL | CHOICE CUT ® FRESHLY CUT TULIPS AND DAFFODILS Al Sy ue. ( - gi . Conrad Montambault, Brother Ar.| 31 Pry GARDEN PATCH special 44: AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES AT mand of the Roman Catholic or- Fellow VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICESI der of the Sacred Heart, plans to (slang) GREEN BEANS return to Chile this summer to | - Bend . resume missionary work there |" the head SPECIAL | PINK, YELLOW, WHITE With Other Canadian members of | 37: Piinung SCOTTIES e order. 1 nous oy vv | BE FACIAL TISSUES .... 2 =: 55. HALIFAX (CP)--"Some s.ows . Reflected on television are a good example picture SPECIAL! BR SIMONIZ VINYL uring a court hearing of emblem bird arse wih car het. People) 48.2 member LIQUID WAX ::.69::.1.29 Ze of some of these pro- Congress