Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Feb 1959, p. 6

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PARE Dp lh 30 he sale of its holdings to fore 24 tale of te) The transfer will make the l- brary eligible for provincial grants. Gives Property [sine 5 To Library Bd. AJAX (Staff) The town council has passed a by-law au- thorizing the transfer o' the Li-|g brary building and the land on which: it stands to the Library] Twp. Council News Briefs BROUGHAM (Staff) -- Picker: ing Township council Monday night authorized payment of a 1958 grant of $1000 to Oshawa General Hospital. Clerk Norm Joh was instructed to send the hogpital a cheque for the amount immediately. EXTEND WATER SERVICE A bylaw for the extension of water services to part of West Rouge was passed. Cost of the extension will be $11,120. Plan Form New Welfare Group PICKERING -- Two important ventures were proposed at the annual meeting of the Pickering township and village branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society, which was attended by the larg- est crowd in the history of the branch here, - One project is a homemaker's service, and the other is the form- atio.. of a Pickering and District Welfare Council an which the of- ficial and voluntary agencies, in- cluding the service clubs and out- side agencies working in the township would be repr ted with a view: to co-ordinating and planning Welfare and social work of all kinds. Both ideas were presented to, the meeting by Mrs. F. S. Hertz- Cruelty Charge Is Dismissed LSOMMASVILLS ral) - Bax BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A|was Tuesday fined $10 and costs charge of cruelty to 14 cats laid |or 10 days when he appeared be- avainst Clarence O. Harran, 59, |fore Magistrate R. B. Baxter on of Caesarea, was dismissed Tues-|a charge of failing to allow half day by Magistrate R. B. Baxter |of the travelled portion of the in police court here. highway for on-coming traffic. Provincial Constable L. F. Dry-| James Barnes, 74 La Salle av- den stated he received a com-|enue, Oshawa, testified he was plaint from neighbors Jan. 28|proceeding north on Highway 35 that the accused had left his|near Kirby Dec. 19, when he saw premises and the cats had not|a car, southbound, cross over the been fed. He said on investiga-|centre line about two feet. He tion he found the accused had|said the vehicle driven by the left sufficient food for the ani-|accused, struck the side of his als but Hey eared to be|car. ungry. er Inyestigation| pp, Hermann, of Camp Bor- Showed Harta on Brove bom den, said he was following the 2|Barnes car, and saw the ac- neighbor Jack Neal to feed his|cysed's vehicle cross the centre pets, but Mr. Neal ahd gone line and sideswipe the 'Barnes away for two days after feeding |vehicle, The Hermann car was the cats. The animals appeared|also struck in the mishap. to have been without food for two TIMES BUREAUS or three days, he said. RJRY SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 It you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con. tact him 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. Only berg, welfare chairman, who has been pressing for the formation of sych a welfare council here for several years. The first step towards carrying out such a program, said Mrs. Hertzberg, would be to set up a 1 service survey which would provide factual knowledge of the overall conditions and needs of the population of the area. She stressed that it would not be an easy undertaking, but one that is very essential. The town- ship alone, she said, has an area of 70,576 acres and a population of 15,336. ) E) FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX It you have not received your Tines by 7 p.m call AJAX TAXI AJAX 333° All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. pi a TR eRe Hogged Road Draws Fine Personality Homes Famous for. Their Superior Distinction FUNCTIONAL HOMES CUSTOM BUILT FOR THE DISCRIMINATING AND DISCERNING BY H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED -- RA 5-9121 GRANDVIEW GARDENS, 2 miles from Downtown Oshuwe, East on King "FIGHT FLOODS IN OHIO waters rose dangerously high | side of the city which shortly from the rest of the city. fter heavy rains Monday. This a " Be py Mig in ey south | afterwards was entirely cut off | --AP Wirephoto Mount Vernon, Ohio, workers are seen making sandbag le- vees to contain a creek whose Ajax Turns Down Plan Joint Representation Therefore be it resolved that if the Metro Council appoints the aforesaid representative to the Metro Planning Board, he is not the representative of the town of Ajax, and has no authority to speak for or to represent the town in any planning or related matter, and further the town of Approves Red Cross Week AJAX (Staff) The Ajax branch of the Red Cross Society has been given permission to canvass for funds during the week of March 15 to 21 by the town council. The week will be declar- ed "Red Cross Week". Plans for the campaign are under way with Leslie Pearce as campaign manager. Area cap- tains have been named as fol- lows: North area, Graham Pink- Hurrah stated he found eight empty bread wrappers and four or five empty milk containers in the house, so he knew his pets had been cared for. Had he John Mills \jax 426 known Mr. Neal was going awa he would have returned sooner, | BOWMANVILLE he said. He said he ] away without first. arranging for R8¢ Hopkins Ma. 8.7282 Mayor Parish said 'There are 13 municipalities in the same boat as we are, and from the meeting it was apparent that there was a complete unanimity of opinion that each should have separate representation on the Metro Board. We are told that we are a part of the Metro Plan- AJAX (Staff) The town council has told the Metro Plan- ning Board that any representa- tive appointed by Metro Planning Board to act for Ajax and neigh- boring municipalities has no au- *Aember of the Oshawa Ruilders Association and the National Home Builders Association someone to feed the cats. ! rep- resentative chosen by the town of Ajax to act for the town alone. A resolution to this effect was passed at Monday's council meet- ing. Mayor Parish and members of council were all agreed that a joint representative "could not truly represent Ajax interests." Reports of a meeting at But- tonville by representatives of municipalities in the Metro area with the same problem were ven by Mayor William Par- , and Councillor Elwyn Smyth. Councillor Smyth said '"There is no question of vital impor- tance at the moment, but we don't know when such questions will arise. A joint representative of Ajax and its neighbors cannot truly represent us. Particularly if there is a difference of opinion between the municipalities he cratic right ning area. Therefore we must have a direct say in what is be- ing planned." Council passed the followi resolution which will be sent fo the Metro Planning Board and the municipalities who share the opinions expressed. "Whereas the town of Ajax has not consented to the appointment of a joint representative to the Metro Planning Board; and whereas the town of Ajax has re- solved jself that each municipal- ity in the Metro area should have as a right and a responsi- bility immediate individual rep- resentation on the Metro Board: and whereas the town of Ajax believes that as a basic demo- each - municipality should select and appoint its own representative to the Metro Plan- represents." ning Board; Ajax reserves its right to send its own representative to the Metro Planning Board." URBAN-RURAL PROBLEM Last year, the municipalities of Pickering township, Pickering vil- lage and Ajax appointed Grant Messer as the representative of the three municipalities. The town of Ajax now tédkes the position that one man cannot truly represent all three whose interests are widely divergent. They declare that Ajax is an in- dustrial town and from its be- ginning has been built under a fully - controlled plan. Of the other municipalities, one is pre- dominantly rural, and it is the unanimons opinion of the Ajax town council that it is not fair to either municipality to expect any one person to provide the necessary representation for all. Suggests Cats Be Impounded AJAX (Staff) -- A letter from the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. W. E. McBean regarding the danger of cats running at large provoked a discussion at Mon- day's council meeting regarding the of some dog owners who allow dogs to run at large Dr. McBean suggested that the dog control officer might pick up stray cats as well as dogs if suitable pound quarters are avail- able. Councillor Owen Ashley, chair- man of the police committee said the dog officer will have nothing to do with cats. In the discussion it was stated that many residents were letting Mayor Parish urged that the police be notified, and if the dogs can be identified charges can be laid against the owners for a breach of the dog control bylaw. "Charges have been laid under the by-law and the magistrate also takes a dim view of dogs running at large while the threat of rabies is still with us," said Mayor Parish. Wants Road Kept Open dogs out and as many as six had been seen on one street at one time. Veteran On Top Of Score Race COBOURG -- Napanee Comets may have wrapped up the East- ern Ontario Intermediate "A" Hockey League championship, but Bowmanville- Orono Combines have the league's top goal scor- er, the league's bad man and the league's leading goalie in their ranks. Statistics released Saturday show playing coach Syd Arnold of Boc's has closed with a rush to take over the leadership in goals with 29. Arnold has scored in his last 13 games. Defenceman Gary Copeland is the most penalized player in the loop with 66 min. utes in the sin bin but Cobourg. Port Hope's Bill Turland is press- ing him for this honor with 61 minutes. Ross Hawe of Bow- manville tops the regular goal- tenders with a 4.48 average, Team standings to Saturday: w Kingston Three Napanee players set the pace in the individuas scoring derby with Les Douglas, former pro ace, showing no signs of his 40-plus age, well in front with 64 points. Top ten scorers are: G A Pts. L. Douglas, Nap. ...... 21 43 64 J. Brady, Nap. ....... 26 31 87 J. White, Nap. 22 33 55 B. McDougall, C-P; 28 23 51 ire 21 28 49 29 18 47 . 2719 46 L172 4 1723 40 831% | BROUGHAM -- A Dunbarton {woman has asked Pickering | Township council to keep the | Dixie road open as a footpath so |she can still use the road to get |to Dunbarton--~Post Office. Other- | wise she will have to walk a mile further. Mrs. Gladys Cossar made the request when she learned the de- partment of highways plans clos- ing of the road as part of the plan to make Highway 401 a con- {trolled access highway. Bpprove More Street Lights AJAX (Staff) -- Street lighting is to be improved in the north area with the installation of addi- tional units on Maple, Beech Elm and Cedar streets. . The estimated cost of the units is $200 each and at present seven will be installed. The hydro com- mission has been given anporova' by council to proceed with the Wj House, Senate View Legislation OTTAWA (CP) -- A conider- able volume of legislation to be proposed by the government at the current session of Parlia- ment will receive a detailed ex- amination by committees of the Commons and Senate. The Commons approved Tues- day a government motion estah- lishing membership of the 17 standing committees of the House. Senate committees were set up last month and have al- ready started to meet. Besides the standing commit- tees, two special committees and perhaps three will be established. The government already has given notice of a motion for a joint Commons-Senate committee {to study Indian affairs and the throne speech forecasts a special Couuniites on broadcasting poli- cles. Driver Fined For Parking On Highway BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--T. C. Ellis, RR 2, Lakefield, was Tues- day fined $10 and costs or flve days when he appeared before Magistrate R. B. Baxter on a charge of parking a motor ve- hicle on the travelled portion of Highway No. 2, Jan, 24. A second charge, of having liquor In a place other than his residence was dismissed. Donald Prout, 91 High street, said he passed a car east-bound near Maple Grove road He had to swerve to the right to avoid coming into collision with the Ellis vehicle, and in doing so on the Ellis car was burning. Roy Ishii, RR 4, Bowmanville, driving behind Prout. stated he saw the accused's car on the driving lane, The headlights were still on, but only one taillight was showing. | Provincial Constable D. G. Foulds said the visibility was poor due to heavy snow condi- tions. He stated there were three {or four inches of snow covering |the ground, making it difficult to {tell where the road and shoulder | met. Ellis had been drinking, but his condition was not impaired, said Constable Foulds. | Ellis said he though! he was off the road. He said he had stop- ped to, change windshield wiper blades because he could not keep his windshield clear. He had purchased the bottle of |liquor, which was seized un- opened, in Oshawa, and was tak- |ing it home. | Help Requested For Indians OTTAWA (CP) Canada's only Indian senator asked Tues- |day night that Indiar be |encouraged and helped to mix with non - Indians so they can better understand the modern country in which they live. Many of the Indians' problems, said Senator James (Jim) "ad- stone (PC--Alberta), are caused by the sudden transfer of powers to lpcal Indian council whose mernbers have had neither the education nor the experience to administer their economic and financial affairs. "It is well and good that su-h powers should be in the hands of our own people," he said in the| Senate throne speech debate. "but only when we have gained the kind of training which will make us capable of doing these things." He hoped this session's review of Indian problems by a joint Commons Senate. committee wou'd be the dawn of a new life struck a pole. Only one tail-light| * ney; Central area, Robert Ker- ton; Lake Vista Gardens, George Dunn; Industrial area, Leslie Pearce; Commercial area, Mrs. Jean Cain. The society is appealing for canvassers. Anyone who would like to assist can contact the cap- tain in the area or call the chairman, Les Pearce at 176 J. Jack Sanders reported to the branch that Principal Invest- ments Ltd., had made provision for the storage of the branch "Loan Cupboard" in one of its| baildings. In the cupboard are many items for use in a sick room. { Anyone in the town requiring the use -of these Pp contact Jack Sanders at the Hy- dro building. items should from Paris L a four century legend --s Ui [fabulous ¢ partum 7A0 = 32.50 cau de cologne perfamée 5.00 2 20.00 ECLSSON parfum: # for his people. E HAV WHAT YOU NEED! It will pay you many times room up to date. Come in fine selection of Wall Tile, Vi Get ing Shower Doors, etc. MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM A home with en out-dated bathroom loses value. For All Home over to bring this Free Delivery Free Estimates today ond see our nyl Floor Tile, Fold- a free estimate. BUY N Pay Nothing Until April 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. I OW! ADD-A-ROOM A well-planned, well-constructed addition to your home will increase its beauty ond value, We have all the materials for such an addition . . . roofing, lumber, etc. Se us today. MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Begin a remodeling job with the heart of your home . , « The Kitchen. Let us help you with your plans. We carry a complete line of Wall Tile, Lino-Floor Tile and Plywood ond Hardware for your cupboards. Let us give you a free estimate today. PAY US A VISIT NOW! YOU CAN GET ALL YOUR SUPPLIES AT "OSHAWA'S COMPLETE SUPPLY HOUSE" rk & Building Supplies Ltd. OSHAWA RA. 3-4694

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