a |everything p MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Family Panicked By Fear As Aged Father Nears Death Dear Mary Haworth: My dear 'ather, 84, is suffering from a |dread disease, and although I see visions of my dear father dead (I even shrink from the word) and laid out, and *t fright- me. I am sick with fear." is being d for him, we in the family know gl (what the end will be. But how a /much or how long he has yet to ™ suffer we do not knov'. STRIPED, CROCHET BERET | You will certainly need a new hat for the coming spring and you can crochet this one very easily. If you wish, you may add a flower, a feather, and a veil and you will have an ex- clusive and inexpensive hat for every occasion. Would you like structions? Simply send a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope, plus 10 cents for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting CRO- CHET HAT WITH CONTRAST- ING STRIPES, Leaflet No. C- 7062. ji He has had three operations '(and there won't be any more. I #/can't stand to see his suffering, 'land pray God every night for his i#|salvation or healing; and for courage for me. And just as it # hurts me, so does it hurt every member of the family. We are all irritable and some of the family avoids visiting him, him to the hospital -- and each one wants the other to go, as they can't stand the sights they see at the hospital. We are all enemies, even though we speak to one an- er. NEVER KNEW BEFORE We have never had sadness i |such as this in the family and we "(are all frightened. All of us are : |married with families of our own. because we share turns taking|D.D. When 1 was younger I used to visit relatives and lends be- reaved, and thought of death happ to other people--then realized it could h to us. How can I face such a horrible thing? I. have avoided ki since then, and have grown more fearful. I am afraid if this should hap- pen that I will crack up, and od will some of the others, Please|2 help me to see the light. Please do, not use my name. Thank you.-- HOW FACE Dear D.D.: How can I face such a thing, you ask, apropos your father's slowly approaching death. Well, if you are acquainted with the truths of Christian faith --and theoretically ours is a Christian society--you can face death with the conviction that passage through it, to life beyond, has been cleared by the redemp- fic on the point. Near the time of his departure, he told his faith- ful friends that he went to pre- pare a place for them in the house of his Father, where there are many mansions, he said-- "and if it were not so, have told you,' ad threw in by why your father's physical body wast- ing away, to release his spirit for rebirth into higher sciousness; (painful and piteous to minister to) that throws you into a horror| state, and makes your present living a waking nightmare. JUNGLE BRAND up ver gon of the family's thar. ing ee a spirit of stam- 3 ting soe ove Kin, performing duties] . sleeping, Our Lord was plain and. speci-|imp I would emphasis As of now, it isn't the fact of realms of con- it isn't thie ordeal Rather, your emotional turmoil this time is simply a in terms intentions (or won Being And it is in this realm of consciousness that you are going haywire, nowa- days. TRY READING PSALMS To secure peace and order, dignity and courage, strength calm, despite deep anguish in this |domain--(The anguish that fine souls always | feel, when death or, d by g but, alas, " without the animal's natural insulation against "men- tal suffering." You have sufficient higher telligence, darkened by ignorance though it is, to be able to sum-| mon your past, in terms of mem-! ories; and to invoke the future, fears and imaginings o Jopes ang based their love re- THE STARS SAY [ow By ESTRELLITA in- FOR TOMORROW This day should prove highly| da no stimulating. A spirit of optimism will prevail, and you should make good headway in all worthwhile eeayors. This is a time for ction. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your thoughts to the originating life force: namely, God. There is absolutely no other answer; no other "safe conduct" through the emotional storms of inevitable and|partings and loss in this life. Try reading the Psalms.-- through her column, not by or personal interview. Write her |lationships)--you have to attune in care of this newspaper. MH. Haworth counsels Mary during initiative, one the Fir ivi of| others, will help Jou 30 ach to achieve h. Whether yor pri about yf ohio home, August, and romance June, July and December. your horoscope posi Ta singer dea in 1919, was on the stage from 1859 to 1914. ay plans for Bid HE ERE 8 § i ik E g i H if i i : hildish way of meet: self-pity and fear of the worst; and wild desire to run out on test and leave the next fellow bearing the brunt. In short, in a spirit of jungle ignorance and primitive cowardice. As a family group, you aren't prayerful seekers of light and truth, concerning the meaning, purpose and ultimate sense sf man's existence. You simply exist in an external way, possible m HEE 1d EESERERE Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK I.D.A. Brand TINCTURE IODINE 2%2% ... to have the easy crochet in- A ----y a] | £ L R 4 Give Her the Gift of TIME With This Frigidaire Just once a day! Push the button -and walk away! With a New FRIGIDAIRE | DISHWASHER Frigidaire's unmatched capacity handles service for 12 plus pot and pons, bulky griddles, and awkward broiling pans-- all ot once! Just once-a-day washing for the average family, Frigidaire's powerful Turbo-Spray Washing Action gets every- thing sparkling clean, yet our finest crystal and china are perfectly safe. -- Little as 2.70 eo week after small down poyment Come in and see these years-chead Frigidaire features: Superior Turbo-Spray Washing Action ® Push-Button Starting e Un- motched Capacity ® Flexible, Easier Loading Pop-Up Screen Guard ® Radiant Heat Drying ® New, Easy, Low-Cost Installa- tion. (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 SIMCOE S. RA 5-5332 HOME APPLIANCES | * Installed and Serviced by Our Own Staff ROLL-UP SLEEVE COTTON BLOUSES Bringing you the BEST blouses buys for Valentine Gifts! Nifty pre-shrunk broadcloths in @ delightful assortment of colors, and white. Also, . rayon blouses in en assort- ment of chemise and tuck- in styles. Sizes: 32 to 38 SWEATERS Excellent gift choice . + in melt - In - your - hand Orlop. Pineapple stitched foncy coller end mock tull fashioned sleeves. White and assorted ¢ol- ors. Sizes: 14 to 20, Pullovers 2.98 Cardigans 3.98 R. HELANCA SWEATERS Soft texturized yearn, fancy knit coller ena mock full fashioned sleeves. White, Black ond lovely pastel shades. Sizes: 14 to 20. NYLONS First quality, SEAMLESS MESH, 400- Beautiful new Spring shades needle. to choose from. Each pair in phane envelope. Reg. 98¢ pr. SALE PRICE 67 pr. 3 PAIRS FOR Sizes 9.- 11, Pullovers 3.98 Cardigans 5.95 cello 1.97 What A Wonderful Decorated CHOCOLATE MARSH- MALLOW HEART CHOCOLATE HOL- LOW MOULD HEART : Kresge's will insert your VALENTINE'S nome on each heart and decorate it FREE. Surprise! di, 20 Classroom assortment, con- taining 36 Valentines and 6 Envelopes, including a special card for teacher, 36 Valentines in Pkg., only PACKAGE OF 36 VALENTINES vv"? 39- CANDY HEART SHAPES CHOCOLATES $11.35 CINNAMON HEARTS 39¢ Ib. JELLY BEANS 35c Ib. A. B. GUMS 29¢ Ib. SUCKERS 6c each BOXED 1Ib. box with assorted centres. TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE © DOWNTOWN OSHAWA TOILE ig Pink, Yellow. fe 27c . 9 for TISSUE 25° I.D.A. Brand IDASAL Reg. 89c: 59° NOXZEMA SKIN Giant CREAM 10-0z. rin 1.25 COLD CREAM SOAP Reg. 2 for 29¢c; 6 for 2 for 219, 6 for 10¢ Colgate Dental Cream 63¢c plus Liquid Lustre ~Ag Creme 45c. BOTH FOR HONEY ND ALMON CREAM Reg. é&5¢ ...s PEPSODENT Toathpaste. Reg. 89c plus choice 89¢ Deluxe or Club BOTH FOR of Ladies' Hairbrush, 98° Large Size BRYLCREEM 69¢ plus FREE Pocket Comb "UTILITY" HOT WATER BOTTLE Reg. ios. 1.49 I.D.A. Brand Saccharin Tablets V4 gr. 500's, CUTEX HAND CREAM 2 JARS HALO SHAMPOO Reg. 5c... TWO Cough Syrup Cold Capsules Chest Rub ....... New! by Shulton ® Banishes Odours ® Sprays Away Germs ® Cleans the Air you Breathe! In -efreshing FLORAL or SPICE. 89c 1.69 Don't get Sim in the Stock up with SYLVANIA i= Bulbs inside Frosted «+ Reg. value 1.08. Both For #46. Here are just a few of many valentine Gift sugges- tions available at your I.D.A. Drug Store. Leather Billfolds 98c¢, 1.79, 2.50 up S Cadbury's Milk Tray Chocolates .... 85¢, 1.60 Ronson Cigarette Lighters Other Lighters 49¢c, 1.98 wp Compacts ........ AR 1.50, 3.75, 4.50 De Vilbiss Perfume Atomizer Gillette Blue Blades in Dispenser ...". Jewelite Hair Brush .............. Other Hair Brushes shses tanto pas Hazel Bishop Ultramatic Lipstick Hazel Bishop Perfume Stick Eversharp Pens Paper-Mate Tu-Tone Paper-Mate Capri Waterman's Cartridge Filled Pen . . 2 95, 3.95 up Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets, 5.90 to 25.00 North-Rite Pens ....... sas civs nen 49¢, 98¢c North-Rite Sets ................ aa] 1.98 Rubberset Shaving Brushes, pure badger, 2.98 up Rubberset Special Shaving Brush, 4.00 value, 2.98 SHULTON FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Bubbling Bath Salts Toilet Water .............. teenies L.D.A. BRANDS Baby or Children's Cough Syrup .. 60c Cod Liver Oil 90¢c, 1.50 Cod Lived Oil Capsules .... 2.00 2.00 1.50 Idafer Capsules. . Idafer Liquid ... lodized Throat lodized Throat Tablets Milk of Magnesia 25¢, 35¢, 60c Mineral Oil . 55¢, 1.10, 1.98 SHULTON DESERT FLOWER Toilet Water Cologne (Spray container) ......... Shas Stick Cologne SHULTON OLD SPICE FOR MEN After Shave Lotion . 1.35, 2.00 Smooth Shave . Shaving MUG. . ..cs.svhanrsnesnnaivise "Rodger and Gallet" Soap 3 for 1.35 Sunbeam Ladies' Shaver .......... ves 12.95 Popular Brands of Men's Shavers Tweed Cologne ........ Crees asad ve Tweed Toilet Water Mist . Tweed Perfume William Ice Blue Aqua Velva ........ 79¢, 1.25 Guerlain Shalimar Cologne 3.00, 5.00 Shalimar Perfume ............ .+.. 5.00, 7.00 Guerlain' Special--Cologne Perfume 7.00 value for Canada's Finest Cigarette MACDONALD'S EXPORT I.D.A. Brand Halibut Liver Oil Capsules LECTRIC SHAVE| |. the before-shave lotion 1.50 Save 19¢c on JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Two large size tins, regular 73c each, : 2 CREAM-OIL Relieves dryness moves loose dandruff, For healthy handsome hair] Plain or Filter Tip 20 ...33c 25»... WILDROOT 41e ICE BLUE AQUA VELVA e- Grooms naturally, noh= 1.46 value for 1.29 a3¢ 98: 1.23 " After - Shave Lo- tion . . . you'll enjoy its clean masculine scent, invigerating tin- gle, cools razor [3 burns. 45¢ 19¢ 1.26 13¢ JAMEISON'S 241 King East RA 5-1169 KARN'S 28 R King East A 3-4621 POWELL'S 3572 Simcoe N. | 9 Simcoe North RA 5-4734 MITCHELL'S [ McCORDICK 128 Wilson Rd. S. RA 3-3431 RA 5-8711