Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1959, p. 7

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WHITBY LEGION BANTAM All-Stars gained a four-goal lead in their OMHA playoffs with Lindsay Saturday as they wal- WHITBY MIDGET All-Stars .have three goals to gain before they will tie their OMHA home and home total goal playoffs with Lindsay at Lindsay next om loped the visitors 5-1 in a thrill- ing hockey exhibition at Whitby Arena. Members of the team are shown here following their victory. They are from the left front row Scotty Lindsey Don-- ald Dair, Ray Reeson, Clayton Mackay, Dennis Stevens and left front row, George Tran, Bob Ing, Lorne Campbell, Ron Moore. Second row: George Allan, manager; Bruce Clair- mont, Mike Tavener, Ricky Saturday in the final game. Lindsay edged the locals 4-1 here Saturday afternoon to gain the edge in the series. Mem- bers of the team are from the WHITBY and DISTRICT Meadowecr a SRR est Ratepayers Approach Twp. Council Brooklin Meadowcrest Rate- payers Association Monday eriti referring the matter to the Water system if the townsliip was econ- sidering charging users. clzed Whitby Township Council{ and the Township Planning Board for "keefing secret' the zoning proposals of the township's offi- cial plan. In a brief presented to council by a three-man delegation, the Ratepayers Association also| offered to assist council in find- ing an answer to the water short- age problems in Brooklin. E. Holwell, spokesman for the delegation, told council these were things that required discus- sion between council and mem- bers of the association. Councillor Myrtle Lovelock told Mr. Holwell that the water com- mittee, under the chairmanship of Dr. J. H. McKinney, MOH, would have more Information concerning the supplying of water to Brooklin than council has. WATER PROBLEM Reeve William Heron said the township was at the crossroads | concerning water, "Either we get | the services or wait for annexa- tion," he said. | Councillor Gordon McMahon told the delegation the plan would be presented to the public at a | Dr. J. H. McKinney, MOH, in| It seems peculiar that, in view to questions from the of the decided weakness in indus- DO said he had nothing trial development, the council and further to report concerning the planning board should sée fit to matter. "I am glad-to see the keep secret their zoning pro- ratepayers taking an interest in posals. The question arises now this. I feel they will learn a lot," much of the land fronting High- he said. way 12 is being considered for Commenting on the cost of pip- commercial and industrial pur- 4 ti d Greg Heffering. Second row: Tod .Litner, coach; George Clarke, Bob Campbell, Skippy Toy, Murray Beadle, manager. Switzer, Doug Law, Mike Mor- rison, Dave Love, Bud Bragg, coach, Back row: Doug Allan, Ron Bremner, Roland Mackay, George Ashby, Brian Hall and An Ontario County grand jury has recommended that fees for jurors be reviewed. The jury made the recommendation in a eport to Mr. Justice King, who is)presiding at the winter assizes Whitby. | The jury had no criminal ca to deal with and spent the mor ing inspecting the public bui ings including the jail. To mark the occasion of no criminal cases on the docket, Deputy Sheriff Morley Bain presented a pair of white gloves to his Lord- ship, In their report, filed after the - [noon adjournment, the jury stated "We recommend that the fees for jurors be reviewed as the present scale is not adequate to cover lost time at work." At present, jurors receive $6 per day. His Lordship said that copies of the report would be given to the appropriate officials, including the warden of the county, and the press and radio. Their entire report, as present- ed by jury foreman Alex. Scott, of Whitby, is as follows" In accordance with your in- Back row: Bruce Bourne, David Lawrence, Gerrit Hamer, Brian Grand Jury Suggests Review Juror's Fees THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februery 10, 1959 | structions, we have visited and examined the new County Gaol. We find it to be very adequate as to cleanliness, security and staff. We wish to commend Mr. Sutherland, Governor, and his staff on the very efficient man- in which the Gaol is being . The building itself has very well planned for easy and efficient control of prisoners. |Conditions of the Gaol meet with all standards for the welfare of the prisoners. May we take this opportunity to thank Your Lordship for your favorable comments towards the County of Ontario. We, also, are pleased with the fact that there are no criminal cases to be tried at this Session. We hope this healthy condition will continue. We recommend that fees for the Jurors be reviewed as the present scale is not adequate to) cover lost time at work. In submitting this report we wish to take this opportunity to express our thanks to your Lord- ship and any other officials who have assisted us .in the above connections. Fletcher, Doug Ing. Times Staff Photo | WHITBY P ERSONALS terrier trapped for 20 days foxhole in READY FOR Captain Harry Sinden, left, and defenceman Alf Treen, right, shown above. are two members of the Whitby Dun- lops who will play a big part in tonight's Eastern Senior "A" game at the Whitby arena, against the Kingston Mer- chants. These clubs engaged in TERRIER'S ORDEAL TETBURY, England (CP) -- * this Gloucestersnue h A stork shower in honor of Mrs. William Cassady was held at the home of Mrs. D. Ormiston of Brock street south. Mrs. Cas- sady was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. The guests were: Mrs. Rena Brown, Mrs. Alice Bradley, Mrs. Jean King, Mrs. Eileen Humphreys, Mrs. Ann Stanlick, Mrs. Irene Simms, Mrs. Bessie Beckley, Mrs. Dorothy Howard, Mrs. Ann Clark, Mrs, Dorothy Archer, Mrs. Mabel Lindley, Mrs. Vi. Parkin- son, Mrs. Florence Adams, Mrs. Agnes Ashton, Mrs. Nora Kyle, Mrs. Lola Brown and Mrs. Alice Carr. The hostess served dainty refreshments assisted 'by Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. King, Mrs. Kyle. The door prizes were won by (Mrs. Beckley, Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Cowx, of Dundas street west is opening her home this evening to the members of the fc y | able to wriggle out. so thin it was Co-op Guild, KINGSTON | and Treen did yeoman work in taming some of the more ag- gress Limestone city bate tlerd, Sinden said today "Our club doesn't go looking for trouble, but it appears some- body on the Kingston club thinks we can be pushed around. Clean hockey is pre- ferred by ui it has to be some other way, 1 think it's a mistake to think 'Dun- nies will back down'. FEMALE Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Partington were weekend guests in Picton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Partington and Mrs. J. Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs, Steve Peleshok, of Perry street, celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary on Monday. Their friends wish them many more happy anniversaries. Mrs. Cecil. Bush, of Henry street, s. Russell Bradley, of Byron 'street south, attended the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto. Miss Marjorie Newton, RN, on MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 If you nave not recelved your Times by 7 p.m., Call: BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between 7 end 7:30 p.m. |§ sembly work. HELP WANTED Small parts production fine as- Apply to -- W. GARRY WRIGHT ELECTRONICS OF CANADA 628 KENT ST., WHITBY the staff of St, Joseph's Hospital, Toronto,. has returned to her duties at the hospital after at- tending her mother, Mrs. George Newton, who was in Oshawa General Hospital. Happy to re- port that Mrs. Newton is at] home, convalescing. : Stanley Sharman. Standing in the back is Midget League con- vener Jake Bryant. WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR | The Whitby Dunlops again have a chance to take first place ASSIZE DOCKET Reach Settlement In Many Actions It appears that no more than| Also settled was the suit of four of the scheduled 14 jury Holder vs Goralczyk and Oliver. cases on the winter assize docket Representing the plaintiff was {of the Supreme Court of On-|Erhest Marks, QC, and repre- tario, at Whitby, will go to the|senting Goralezyk were Hum- jury. On Monday in Whitby, Mr. [phreys and Boychyn and repre- Justice King was advised that|senting Oliver was McGarry and {four cases would be traversed McKeon, to future sittings and --settlement| John Greer, of Greer and Kelly, had been reached in the re-speaking for the plaintiff Lague, mainder. reported that the action of Lague Still left on the docket for the|vs Garton Coach Lines and jury are the following. Mowat had been settled. The de- Carpenter vs Grand Union-Car-|fendants- are represented by Ed- ing water from Whitby the doctor poses, the brief stated. said it was financially prohibitive The brief suggested "this land roll's Ltd., Garvey, Ferris and| Murphy appearing for the plain-| ward Laxton, QC. Mr. Greer reported .that the in the Eastern Senior "A" circuit, tonight, when they entertain the Kingston Merchants at the arena. Top spot has evaded the local squad all week, when they were held to a tie here last Tues- day night by Kingston and then by dropping a 4-3 decision to the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens in Hull Sunday. Saturday night the '"Dun- nies" won a 74 victory oevr the Cornwall Chevies after a slow start. Cornwall again skated with the Whitby squad throughout most of the night and trailed only 54 with less than 10 minutes remaining. Gordie Myles led the scoring with a hat trick, and the speedy red head is setting a torrid pace of late, after getting off to a slow start earlier this season. Sid Smith clicked for his 30th and 31st goals to move into the loop lead in this department. "Ike" Hildebrand led previously with 30, but "Ike" (now in Eu- rope) notched his fine season's total in 48 games. "Smitty" pas- sed the 30 marks in his 42nd contest. Sunday the Hull Canadiens again got the locals' number and they have caused over 80% _pf Whitby's defeats this year. For some unexplainable reason, Pol- lock's charges play inspired hockey against the Dunmlops, and the result: has seen the "'Dunnies' defeat the Habs on only three oc- casions during nine meetings so far this season. Tonight's game promises plenty of excitement with the rival Kingston club in town. Last Tuesday's game betw Whitby and the Merchants was about as good an attraction as there has been here this winter. One mighty good fight devel- oped between Alf Treen and Red Olson, while several others threatened during the night. Tommy O'Connor and Ted Top- with the present population. "We |frontage was largest potential for are pressing negotiations with the {immediate development. It called Ontario Water Resources Com-|for planned expansion as speed mission to increase the capacity |ily as possible for industrial de-| \and further develop the present |velopment. wells," he said. | It called for consideration of Mr. Holwell said the Rate-|sewage disposal, and asked for a payers Association was holding a|joint committee of council and special meeting Thurgday, Feb. ratepayers to be established to 19, for the purpose of discussing discuss suitable action concerning the issue. the issues. . IN BRIEF The official plan of Whitby Highlights of the brief were: {Township is being prepared by tiff and Richardson, MacMillan, |action of Oattes vs Novak and A suggestion that twe og A wb Bg ficial plans for East Whitby and Darlington Townships. | Together the three plans form |a co-ordinated and balanced land |use in the whole area. The plans |were described as '"'only basic policy and program' when pre- were open concerning the Brook- lin water problem: 1. Taking over the existing Meadowcrest system and establishing addition- al sources of water supply to satisfy the needs of a growing community; or, 2. Investigating the problem of purchasing water public meeting. Councillor Love- lock added that council could not give a definite date for its re-| lease since it was still in the hands of the planners { The council passed a motion| from the town of Whitby and pip- ing it to Brooklin, The suggestion for construction of a water filtration and treat- ment plant to eliminate existing conditions in the Meadowcrest BROC 'NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7:00 PM. WHITBY Phone MO8-3618 sented to the: Oshawa Regional | Planning . Association by Derek | Little of Planning Consultants in November 1958. Details concerning the plans were not released at the meet- ing because the three municipal- ities wished to release them at public meetings first. DAY-BY-DAY WORLD DAY OF. PRAYER The Women's World Day of | Prayer will be held in the United Rooke and MacLennan appearing for the defendant. | Johnson vs Szalay, McGarry and McKeon for the plaintiffs and J. M. Marsh, for the defendant. Goslin vs Felchow and Atlantic Coal Company Limited, W. H. J. Thompson, for the plaintiff and Richardson, MacMillan, Rooke and MacLennan, for the defend- ant coal company. Kulik vs Wyville, Jones and Greer for the plaintiff and E. H. Silk, for the defendant. SETTLEMENTS The first case to be \ealled on Monday, Bosko vs the City of Oshawa and Gordon Brick, was settled after a jury was sworn in and evidence: was about to be heard. According to the terms of settlement, Bosko receives $2500 and costs. Representing Bosko was Ter-/ | ence V. Kelly, of Greer and Kelly.| {who told the jury that the action |arose out of an. accident on Highway 401, near the Pickering- Whitby Townline, on the morning of Feb. 26, 1957. He said that Peter Bosko, 44, of Ajax, the plaintiff, had been pro- ceeding west on 401 and had come upon an accident. He told the jury that Bosko had parked his car on the north shoulder of {the plaintiff and Haines, Thom- Dykstra had been settled. His firm represented the plaintiff and Novak was represented by Thompson, Tooze and Muir; Dyk- stra was represented by Greer, Murphy and Macdonald. R. D. Humphreys, QC; repre- senting the plaintiff, reported that Ford vs Mraz had been set- |tled. Representing the plaintiff |were Haines, Thomson, Rogers, | Howie and Freeman. | TRAVERSED Four sults were traversed to the next jury sitting by consent of both parties involved in each action. Traversed were: Lott vs Branch; Humphreys and Boy- chyn for the plaintiff, and Greer, Murphy and Macdonald for the defendant. . West vs - Chariton Transport and Halik; Greer and Kelly for son, Rogers, Howie and Freeman for the .defendant. Vaillancourt vs Victor and On-| tario Motor Sales: Greer andl Kelly for the plaintiff and Haines, Thomson, Rogers, Howie and Freeman for Victor and Bell. Keith, Ganong and Griffiths for Ontario Motor Sales. O'Donnell vs Beare; Greer and Kelly for the plaintiff and Rich- ardson, MacMillan, Rooke and pazzinni swung sticks and these two guys always seem to be at each other. Bus Gagnon carried his stick at high port on a couple of occasions and he and "Dunnie" captain Harry Sinden exchanged several unpleasant remarks during the game. The hockey was plenty exciting also ending in a 2-2 stalemate highlighted by some excellent goaltending by both Henderson and Lynn Davis. The Merchants held the Hull Ca- nadiens to a 4-4 tie on Saturday night in Kingston, and then doubled the count over Cornwall Sunday by hammering out an 8-4 win over the "Chevies." Good tickets for tonight's encounter are available at the arena box-office, and let's hope that when the smoke has cleared the Dunlops will be back on top of the Eastern Senior '""A" race. This certainly will not be achieved however, by any mediocre hockey on the part of the local stalwarts, so it's to be hoped that every performer on the "Dunnies" comes into the arena tonight "up" for this important battle. It's also hoped that the cheering forces of local fandom will be in high gear because the sooner Whitby is back atop the Eastern Senior race the sooner these writers will quit bemoaning the fact that Whitby could be back on top now that the McFarlands are overseas. After all, how far were the Dunlops ever ové of top spot. Nevertheless, the quicker we get back the better. "Go Dunnies Go." TONIGHT! THE_TOWN AND COUNTRY . .. Attendance at Senior "A" games in Whitby this year, shows a 14% increase over last season it this time, However, there is one thing we'd like to clear up. At mid-week games the arena can fortably an- other 500 fans, possibly more, and most Saturday nights more can be accommodated as well. Mid-week games average about 1,200 to 1,300 and the arena will hold more than 2,100 so certainly more can be handled, We throw this out because many people have told us recently, "Gee, I've wanted to get out and see the "Dunnies" all year, but I hear they are always sold out." This isn't so. Tonight is a good night to make it the ome you've in- tended coming out to. You'll enjoy the attraction and you'll also see the game comfortably . . . Belleville McFarlands won 14-1 and 11-1 decisions in Sweden during the week-end as they tune Last Complete Show 8:20 p.im. |Church Assembly Hall on Fri- 2 ToM EWELL: MICKEY ROONEY MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY DINAMERRILL 4 day, Feb. 13 at 3 p.m, Hillcrests Score ' 13-1 Win Here Whitby Hillcrests ended .their OHA Junior C league schedule | play Monday night in triumphant| fashion with a towering 13-1 'vic- tory over. Penetang at Whithy |Arena, Hillerests will sit idle until Sat urday when they venture to Port| Perry to meet the first place| THE ef ed three more in the fi /:] iL PATRICK ALLEN Bob Mucley scored the 65 ! Brooklin Combines in the first| game of the playoffs. Whitby is| host to Combines in =a return| match here Monday. | Captain Ken Roberts starred] for Hillcrests with a three - goal| performance. 'Herb. Tran, Elmer| Tran and Thompson each count-| ed two apiece, while Bob Tripp, Gord Platt and Bill Toda added singles. | Whitby gained an early threg-| corumen | Zoal lead in the first period. Th picture added seven goals. in sive second period rally ENTERTAINMENT VICTOR DIANA MATURE DORS A 0, za etang goal midway through the second period, ; - the highway and shortly after it had been struck by a dump |truck owned by the city of Osh- {awa and driven by Gordon Brock. Damage to the Bosko car had been agreed upon at $400. In [fur accident, Bosko suffered in- MacLennan for the defendant. "Mr. Justice King Commends County furies) | A winter assize docket in the The cify was represented by Supreme Court of Ontario, - at W. S. Wigle, of Hughes, Agar, | Whitby, brought words of com- Amys and Stein. mendation from Mr. Justice i RD Humphreys, QC, report- King. Also, His Lordship received led settlement of the suit of Smith|the traditional white gloves to lvs Hyman. The plaintiff was rep./mark the occasion resented by Mr. Humphreys and Surveying the docket, which the defendant by Richardson, |has 14 jury civil actions and 10 MacMillan, Rooke and MacLen-|non-jury civil actions, His Lord- nan. ) « {ship said that this {indicated a happy state of affairs in Ontario Will Host Two | County. "From time to time there is an absence of serious crime and . when that occurs, it is a matter Curlin Clubs |of comment." he said as Deputy g | Sheriff Morley Bain presented the Whitby Curling Club will be|White gloves. host to Woodville and Port Perry| "We can take it to mean that Curling Clubs Wednesday evening|those who might have been tried at an invitation evening being|here are quite satisfied with the held to express the club's appre-|competence and fairness of other s|ciation for stones lent to them|{courts,'"" he said. The evening will be social and|the hope that there will continue Curling will be held eommencing|and serious erime, atom. A an absence of " for the coming world championships in Prague . 7 . And as the} "Macs" move favorably along, out comes Ken Farmer, President of the Canadian Olympic. Assoc. with a statement that the Belle- ville club is only a bunch of "over the hill pro's," and as such, Canadians shouldn't expect too much from them." Well, the real answer to Mr. Farmer's charges shouldn't have to be provided on whether or not Belleville wins in- Europe, but let's analyze his statement. First we agree wholeheartedly with Drury Denyes, Created Teo Individuel Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works | WIRES, 318 Dundas Eost MO 8-3552 Reasonable Rates! Guaranteed Work! All makes fixed! Bi BUTT RADIO 118 BROCK S. Ph. MO 8-3707 Messy dunking drill is can- celled... replaced by the new, clean cartridge method of pen loading. With the Sheaffer Skripsert Cartridge Pen--you Just flip out old cartridge, load with a new cartridge of famous SKRIP writing fluid, No inky manager of Belleville, when he said, "Mr. Farmer probably has never seen the Belleville McFarlands play so how could he pos- Other models of this "no dunk" Skripsert cartridge pen up to $8.75, "Entire Population Should Carry Cartridges" says General If Sheaffer Skripsert Pen" fingers. . No blobs. No blots, And you can carry spare carte ridges in pocket or purse. They're spill-proof. The Sheaffer Skripsert Cartridge Pen comes in 12 beautiful colours, gives you a choice of 6 different points. et $995 When it comes to writing . .. come fo Sheaffer's! W. A SHEAFFER PEN CO. OF CANADA LID, GODERICH, ONTARIO BUY THIS PEN WHERE YOU SEE THESE * DISPLAYS sibly know how good they were." (Sounds something like our sug-| gestion to Billy Reay re his remarks about Whithy last year). | We think Mr. Farmer would do well to remember that the only time Canada has lost ih World hockey play in the last three en-| tries was during the Olympic year of 1956. In 1955 Penticton! (with plenty of reinstated pros.) won, and in 1958 the Whithy| |Dunlops (again with several reinstated pros.) won. In the in| |terim the entry of 1956, the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen (with BASSETT'S King ond Simcoe Streets--RA 3-3332 ® Oshawa Shopping Centre @ JEWELLERY [no reinstated pros) lost. sent no representative to world hoc- |key play in 1957. Any way yot look at it, it doesn't seem like a |fair and just gharge against a club he knows nothing about. | Belleville has been chosen as our representatives for this year, and all Canadians should be pulling for them now. Those remarks | seem a little ill-timed . . . In any case, if Mr. Farmer is seriously | {worried about hockey he might give a little thought to 'getting the | Maritimes (story came out of Moncton, N.B.) back on the Sen-| {for and Junior "A" hockey map. At the moment we are getting| OSHAWA RA 3-2245 JURY & LOVELL LTD. FOR ALL YOUR DRUG AND SUNDRY NEEDS Serving:-- WHITBY MO 8-2338 BOWMANVILEE MA 3-4621 {no Senior and Junior entries out of that part of Canada, and. un-! less they do something about that situation soon, he sure won't] have to worry about world team entries coming from that end| of the 'country . . . Whitby Hillcrest Dairy Juniors won a con- | -'by the two clubs when they first| 'I wish to commend this com- |vincing 13-1 victory over Penatang here at the arena last night. i-l opened their new rink last year. |munity," he said, "and express|It was the local club's final scheduled game, They now meet the | Brooklin Combines in the first round of the play-offs and this) Pen- a buffet luncheon will be served. |to be a presence of law and order series is likely to get underway this eoming Saturday night in| Port Perry... . . Clinton Comets won a sizzlin New Haven Blades in Clinton Saturday night, g 7-1 decision over | 28 KING ST. EAST KARN DRUGS LTD. RA 3-4621

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