Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1959, p. 5

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UKRAINIAN BUSINESS AND PROFESSION [4 Standing, from left: G. S. Boy-, chyn, director; M. Sworik, treasurer) J. Bondaruk, diree¢- | tor and M, Kuchma, director. the ensuing year.' Seated, from left, are: Dr. P. Zakarow, sec- Men's Association, at their | retary; J. Wacko, vice-presi- meeting in Hotel Genosha Mon- | dent; J. Olinyk, president; day night, installed officers for | S. D. Mandryk, past president. The members of the Ukrain- ian Busi and Professional /~ THRE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Pebruery 1. wy 3 » Hang School Doors Re- Meet Fire Regulations L MEN INSTALL OFFICERS" Absent when the picture was taken was A. M. Shestowsky and M. Kupnicki, directors. --Oshawa Times Photo 3 Persons Hurt In 8 Accidents collision with a car driven by Dalton Fickes, 67 Gragsmere Ave. Damage totalled $275. A tractor-trailer, driven by Al- fred Geroux of Hamilton and a truck driven by Melvin Anderson, 71 Alma street, collided on Went- worth street, resulting in | Board Members Argue Defect Responsibility - debate on the subject until Feb, 23, In the meantime the three llegiate principals present were asked to submit a list of vices principals and department heads |together with time given to teach- Three persons were injured, and more than $1000 damage re- sulted frem eight traffic accidents on slippery Oshawa streets Mon- day. * . John Humenny, of Thornton's road south, is in Oshawa General | should. not censure the fire Classroom doors at Adelaide] ent unless we find whe- McLaughlin Public School will be re-hung to swing inwards on re- commendation from the Oshawa Fire Department. | | doors should be {Hospital suffering from a frac- {tured left leg, and multiple | bruises and lacerations, sustained !when his north-bound car struck damage. A car driven by Filip Mayer, 68 McMillan drive, collided with a fence on Park road south. Dam- The hoard of education meet- ing Monday night, approved a motion to have its maintenance isor see that corrective ac- R JUST RETURN Separate school representative, ev. P, Coffey introduced the {tion be taken. Osh-| A fire department report point- led out that the corridors at Ade- laide McLaughlin School were {fhe centre abutment of the CNR {bridge over Simcoe. street south. On Annapolis Ave., two eight- age was $40. Patrick Lamonde, RR 2, awa and Edwin R. Higgins, 809 year-old girls were slightly in- Masson street, were the drivers question of whether or not the board was getting a just return for its money spent on admini- strative staff in secondary schols. "We have 600 students and a ing, administration and clerical {work. a |VICE PRINCIPAL RESIGNS os Board members stressed regret in accepting the resignation of Dr. G. Maher, vice-principal Jat OCVI} Dr. Maher tendered his resignation in order to accept an involved in an accident on Went-|too narrow to permit easy evac- ured when they were struck by a x i worth street which caused $225|uation in case of fire. Since class- |car driven by Donald Burns, RR non-teaching vice-principal at [offer to be principal at Don Mills 3, Oshawa. Karen Wiley, 344|gamage. room doors are currently hung s0/ Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti-|Collegiate Institute next Sep: Nipigon street and Nancy Breen,| At the intersection of Division they swing out into the coridors, (ute he said. "When Mr. O'Neill tember. 368 Nipigon street, both sustain-|cireet and Rosedale Blvd., an ac-|a recommendation they be re-|(retired OCVI Principal A. E.| The board approved a motion to ed head injuries. Burns, who took|cident occurred? involving cars hung to swing into the class- O'Neill) was principal he had as make the availability of the posi- the children to their homes in his! driven by Willard Spencer, 362/rooms was made as & COITeC- many as 1500 students at OCVI|tion known to teachers at the Regimental Band Gives Excellent Pop Concert The band of the Ontario Regi- ment last Friday night staged one of its most successful con- certs in recent years. TF. J. Francis the band performed |was accompanied by his wife,| A {Pearl h- hats and costumes and clowned A note of humor was interject-| Was vited dh ed when the members of the band| Which it did and 'enjoy Under the direction of WOl|donned a collection of different| thoroughly. comprised of songs. popular over the past 50 years. The audience was invited to join in and sing itself The concert reached its doli- a program that was as varied as around while playing the selec- max when the band played the it was interesting. tion in a Persian Market by A.lever.popular "William Tell Over- The concert started out on ajKetelby. |ture," which is widely known as serious note with the playing of The band then returned to a the theme song of the radio and the introduction tothe third acti ome serious note and played a television hero, "The Lone Rang- of Lohengrin and the overture to group of Operatic Arias. A Tancredi. ? jer. : This was followed by a group, The audience had a chance to] The concert ended with the participated in the show, next, as playing . of .the stirring march, of Negro spirituals after which i: the audience was entertained by|the band played a medley en-|"John Peel", followed by The titled "Fifty Years of Song' |Queen. Oshawa Squires | Driver Jailed | For 20 Days Form New Circle awa Columbian Squires invested a new Circle of Squires -sponsor-|éryone present, ed by the Toronto Kingsway candidates being initiated. |trate F. S. Ebbs, Monday. Council of Knights of Columbus.| Following the investiture, the Lougheed pleaded guilty to especially the two driving charges by Magis-| 'the first U.S. atomic - 88 YEARS IN ONE LOCATION That's their record Yor paint- ing fhe town. It belongs to Fatte's Paint and "Wallpaper whose slogan is over 85 years at 85 Simcoe St, N. ; Look for other historical facts about the past commercial life of Oshawa in the Feb. 27 edi- tion of The Oshawa Times which this year marks the 35th anniversary of the City of Oshawa. car, told police that they had pjvision street and Lambertus tive measure. |and still taught." |three Oshawa collegiates prior to stepped out in front of his ve-yalks, 318 Gibbon street. Damage, Probing into the reason for an| He added, "The vice-principal placing newspaper ads for the hicle. The girls were no* taken to|was $200. oversight in design, Trustee M. at OCVI is one of the top French position Feb. 14. hospital. | A car driven by William Free- Brown said: "'Surely this is a re-|teachers in Ontario and he's| From now on applicants for | On Wentworth street, near Park man, 613 Grierson street, collided |fjection on the board rather than|teaching Latin." It was Father teaching jobs in Oshawa will not road, a car driven by Michael with a hydro pole on Bond street|ihe architects. The plans could Coffey's opinion that better use have to state their religion when |have been passed too hurriedly." |could be made of the talent filling out application forms, The Kettela, 937 Glen street, was inleast, resulting in $200 damage. Teamsters Head Not Suspended NOT AT FAULT | Trustee S. G. Saywell disagreed | s. If there was an error I during construction inspections." on hand in some cases. OCCI principal, H. E. Murphy, said his "Viceprincipal taught [noted his vice-principal taught "Il was sorry he could not teach more French this year but we |board decided to dispense with /the practice officially in keeping with provincial statutes. and felt, "We can't take two OT | about 60 per cent of the time and| The board will meet tonight to three meetings to pass school|G 1. Roberts, OCVI principal, [open tenders on six-room addi- tions to Gertrude Colpus and Dr. feel the fire department should | yer half his time. -He continued, |C. F. Cannon schools and the pro- have noticed it and mentioned posed 10-room school at Harmony {road north, "I feel it is the duty of our needed strength in Latin." The annual budget meeting will Park Group Holds Supper | Members of the Valleyview {Park Neighborhood Association|>%" {gathered at the club house, off)! {Gladstone Ave., on Saturday eve-| ning for an old-fashioned pot luck supper. During the evening, music was | provided by William Lynde, with| _ |his violin and Jim Jenkinson and|TePLY X Ernest W. Lougheed, 305 Mit- his gujtar for square and round Suspended Sunday, February 8, the Osh- Hroncich, put on a very inspir- shel Aves Oshawa, Was senten dancing. Callers off for square fot be going ing performance to impress ev- ced to ays in jail on eac dancing were L. G. Brown and| The charges, he said, alleged investigate alleged irregularities Ken Zufelt. Other groups enjoyed a game of euchre or criquinole. Another get-tdgether is planned j- for the near future, details will be | di the Neighborhood PC John Jenkins of the Osh-|Association meeting on Thursday awa Police Department. told the|evening in the club house. Men: ing in two offices Al "tee. discussed at bers are urged to be present. It was decided to defer further |be held Feb. 26. Stole Cheese And Oysters Three "free" jars of oysters| In temperatures of 37 degrees the best cross country 'men in and a package of cheese cos Frederick Preston. 37. 66 K i n » ersifared well in the all Ontario capable of giving the best 'a -run in senior championships, i the for the money when he finished F S h l Preston | weekend, at the Onaping Ski Run- second in the C class 15 kilometer rom C. 00 { $10 and costs Monday street west, police , court, pleaded guilty before Magistrate ners F. S. Ebbs to a theft charge. Ken Ogden, manacer of Loblaw. supermarket on Athol street, told the court that. on Feb store. "I saw 'him with jars of oysters \in his basket,' he said, "and I thought that was ond separating the two, runners. funny, so I decided to watch him. | He put the oysters and the cheese same bad luck as he had in the in his pocket, and did not pay for Southern Ontario races held here! the local club. This, it is expect- them," "I had been drinking," was flag on the course to lose valuable all over Ontario and it's possible Preston's excuse, FIRE ON NEW SHIP QUINCY, Mass. (AP)--A minor Cjup. fire broke out Monday night be- tween decks of the Loig Beach, cruiser now under construction at the Bethlehem Steel Fore River shipyard. It was quickly extin- guished with no damage to equip-(same event. ment. the 7. Preston was shopping in his|tion. Eder himself finished second|a third in the C class jump. three|to Joe Sharp in the A class down. | ~-------------------------- run his time was seven seconds|the jumping powered pine combine when he was third Monday paid £1,500 for a piece Kenneth McDougall, of Oshawa,|room at a cost of $371. Com- fe présidenf of Local 938, Inter-|plainants insisted he should have architects to let us know about | national Brotherhood of Team- sought a membership. vote before any subject during construction sters, today denied a Canadian! spendin jhe Toney: he said. ee which building codes pi Press story which stated he had| Mr Hoffa ha up a panel provincial statutes govern," | |been suspended by a member-to try him on the charges, he Trustee G. A. Fletcher. | } leart Research ship meeting in Toronto Sunday. |said. . |" He added, "I feel the fire de-| The story Sppeared in Mon-|" Mr. McDougall Suid he ol t, builders or architects . day's issue of The Oshawa Times. story was ccurate in' other re-| op 14 have told us about these He said members decided to|spects. ota We. cannot all be qualified 2S rogressing |send a telegram to James Hoffa, Thats were not 450 Fen es 31 building inspectors." i ski at he the Sunday meeting -- y | lag . | ! be Deh a Ih claimed. i "The Tespusitily 3p Siaar ul "The time is long since past touted against subsequent attacks [ticn of three charges laid against] Gordon Newman, the CP story obvious, said Trustee Brown. when research can be done on|by the use of penicillin over a him. said, introduced a motion to put|is ours. The board agreed to those|an individual 'basis by the phy- period of years. "Up to now," said Mr. Mec- the local into trusteeship. plans, | sician. The situation as regards! It is possible by surgery, the Dougall, "I haven't heard of any| Mr. McDougall said Mr. New-| Trustee Saywell added: "It is heart surgery, as far as the in- speaker said, to treat damage to from Hoffa. If I had been man was not a member of the not likely the position of the doors | dividual doctor is concerned, is|the main chamber of the heart. ded as CP stated I would|contract bargaining committee, | would have been noticed in the|getting out of hand due to the Ome of the main problems is the fo work this morr-|as stated by CP, but was @ mem-|pjans, But, the fire department high cost of specialized instru-|replacement of damaged heart . ber of the committee set up to(should have caught the error dur- ments," declared Dr. A. J. Ker-|valves which has not been done to PP construction." win, assistant professor of cardio- date, he used abusive language to one in a vote of ratification of & new| A motion by Trustee Mrs. M.|logy, University of Toronto, in an|CORONARY THROMBOSIS |member, mishandled two griev- working contract. tion of the, SHAW. to send a letter to the fire address at the luncheon meeting| Regarding coronary thrombosis ances and misused union funds. Neither was in a motion |department stressing the doors of the Rotary Club of Oshawa in| Dr, Kerwin commented that one Mr. McDougall claimed the|contract bargaining committee, | 15 be changed and noting the Hotel Genosha on Monday. of the main difficnities . misuse of funds charge arose he said. It was a recommenda- oq would appreciate carefull The doctor was speaking on the ing the medical He eouffont, after he had-installed new light-|tion of the investigating commit-| ecg in the future, was de- subject Your Heart and You".|that it does not know why fatty feated, , The meeting was arranged by the deposits occur in the arteriés. : . | Trustee Saywell pointed out: club's special events [The ement of the fat con- Dr. Kerwin was introduced by Al tent of the blood is difficult. The ® 1ers (0) . Reed while the thanks of the large relationship between the fat in i gathering was voiced by Dr. the blood of animals and man is | up1 S {Claude Vipond. |being intensively investigated. EE The speaker said that heart dis-| Commenting on the question of evac | N Ab ease must be considered ber of on Dr, Kerwin voiced the opin- ever sent in view of the large number of jon that no large body of experts |deaths. It must be rememberd, could agree on any one diet. For |he emphasized, that many infec: |that reason individuals should tious diseases have been brought continue with their normal diet under control. These caused more until a decision is reached. deaths than heart ailments in the] While the incidence of heart |past. |disease 'among the usérs of to- |CONGENITAL CASES |bacco is higher than normal, - it t below zero, Oshawa Ski Club ski-| the north, again proved that he is over Club on "the slopes at race. Levack, just outside Sudbury. Monthly attendance reports pre- In the jumping events the locals! 4 Led by Hans Eder, the local di not do as well as was expect. Sol hefore Bg Dh peaking of congenital heart had not been proven that tobacco 1 group proved -that they are fastled." However, Hubert Shawnig|q paws Collegiate and Vi ion. | diseases, Dr. Kerwin commented |W2$ definitely a cause of heart tdking their places .in competi {kept the locals on the map with Institute indicated slight de. | that little is known about its |di The r le use of g |creases in December. |causes." The only cause which|tobacco, when it is enjoyed, The next competition for these| High percentages were record./can be definitely pinned down is should not be cut off. men will be the club champion-|aq through the fall but with the| German Measles when it oceurs| He doubted also whether there £ [ships slated for Feb. 21-22, and| advent of winter small decreases| during pr y. Tf dous/Was any way of measuring the in the slalom Eder ran into the|then on March 1, the first invita- pave been noted. advances had been made during impact of emotional upsets tion jumping meet Will be held by| At the public school level the|the past 15 years in this field and among executives. average attendance for 20 schools many mechanical defects of the," was 94.05. Of 8257 pupils 4405 heart, if taken in time, can be PARKING METERS DAMAGED : { \ ; | were never absent and 7767 never rem ' |. CHICAGO (AP)--Vandals dam. time and the race. In his second that some of Jie ig Dames In'\ate. Rheumatic heart disease; it was aged some 22, parking m wo J | The January figures showed an stated, is related to streptoccis.|last year so thé city has been |ircrease in enrolment of 41 over|This disease may cause trouble offered new and heavier ones-- |the previous month. Of this num-|for 30 to 40 years after the orig-|described as vandal resistant by ber 16 are attending 'Gertrude|inal attack as it scars the heart.|the company holding the contract Colpus School and 14. Woodcrest,| However, a child can be pro-for servicing the meters. Conference | * hill with only a fraction of a sec- a week ago, when he split the last ed, will bring jumpers in from faster than the winner who was hand. Jim Steen of the Toronto Alpine BUYS 'RARE STAMPS In the.C class events Walter| Dae awa won the All LONDON (AP) -- A collector Ostheimer,. Oshawa, won, the Al- in the downhill and first in the of paper 22 by. 4 inches. The |slalom. His team mate, Bucky|piece of paper was a block of 12 | Richards was a close third in the Indian stamps, issued in 1854. |The blue and red stamps had a |. Bud Pipher, running againstiface value of 63 cents. That evening, these newly in- Squires were addressed by Jim drunk driving, and failing to re- vested Squires were guests at a'power, chief counsellor of the main at the scene of an acc Mail Rev. 1 . i oon, at the Osh-(prior of the Kingsway Circle, Al. hall 25 Bodogh, chief lor of the court that he had investigated an the Charter Class of the Kings-| ster, Grand Knight of the Kings. William streets. The officer said way Circle of Squires, along with way Council. that his investigation revealed Sunday evening visiting | say Circle and four from Osha- " y " ed had struck a car, and had wa, were invested by the Osha- Squires from Toronto and Lind driven off. u ' % Mari Gras and Valen- The Oshawa degree team, led combined he arrested Lougheed behind the by Acting Chief. Squire Ken tine Catholic-Teen Dance held at o : .o home. He said that Lougheed rence, Jim Dulny, Wes Masiasek, the Oshawa Squires. The dance was intoxicated. g Stan Dalidowitze Frank Czyczka, Ss a grea success wit over * were served and there were spe- °" each charge, consecutive. w | cial prizes for spot-dances as dh . - " 5 | Had Liquor In Special thanks was extended Five Jailed In oY Ito Rev. Father Berriault for his > Illegal Place dance so enjoyable, and one empty -- were lined up Five young Hungarian immi- in front of Frank Koezun, of Tim-| CELEBRATING grants, from Toronto, stood si-| Magistrate F. S. Ebbs on two sentenced them to jail Monday, liquor charges, Monday | on two car theft charges Congratulations and best ing liquor in his car and of being| wishes to the following resi- der order of deportation, was drunk in a public piace. He was sentenced to eight months, defi- who are celebrating _birth- charge. days today: nate, The other four, Tibor J.| Constable Tom Helmes, of Pap, Agoston Ficsor, Istan Kato- Plive avenue; Morley Carno- * ; the court that on Feb. 8 he had| /chan, 92 Elgin stroel east; |tenced to six months each. found Koezun besi@® his . can The five previously admitted street south; Sharon Nichol, : added that the car was stuck inl 117 Stacey avenue: Mrs. D. |@Wa and one in Toronto, saying snow by the roadside. The three {that they were trying to return Teddy Olenyez, * 593 Oxford from the vehicle. street; MrS. John Vivash, 650 . « Bustralia Official Duffield, 76 Colborne street east; Mary Ellen Barrett, 44 ards, 28 LaSalle Court; LONDON (Reuters) Aus. + George Hood, 568 Front tralia's new high con.missioner son street, Cawthorn, had £1,50° worth of The first five persons to jewels stolen from his hotel room their birthdays each day will Monday. receive douhle tickefs to The Sir Walter, who received his . four-week period. The cur- honors list, is scheduled to leave rent attraction is 'Inn of the here March 4 t~ take up his new -- A. EUCHRE, Valley View Club House Catholic-Teen Dance sponsored Oshawa Circle, as well as by s } Father Father now form Kingsway Circle and W. Lein- accident, Feb, 8, at Simcoe and| eight candidates from the Lind- the {that a truck driven by the accus- wa Circle's initiation team. |say 'were special guests at a The officer told the court that (wheel of his truck outside" his Dowie. aod including Paul Law-|the K. of C. hall, sponsored by SIGE \ (U5 e en i Lougheed was given 10 days Leo Morin, and Josliand Tony 150. in attendance. Refreshments y |well as a number of door prizes kind assistance in making ' the| A 3 Th ft Three liquor bottles -- two full mins, when'ge appesred before lent as Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Koezun was convicted of hav" Gergely Sarkozi, already un- dents of Oshawa and district, fined $10 or 10 days on each nite and four months indetermi- Mrs. A. Macdonald. 608 Pickering township police, told |na and Alexander Stadi, were sen- Ralph "Adams, 552 Simcoe 'very intoxicated." The officer stealing two cars, one in Osh- : Manning, 370 Jarvis street: : liquor bottles were recoyered to Hungary, via Montreal. , Simcoe street north; Jennifer Ch s street; W. | . Robbed In Hotel arles street: W J. Rich street; Alex C. Hail, 485 Mas- to Canada, Maj.-Gen. Sir Walter € inform The Oshawa Times of Sunday night, police reported Regent 'Theatre good f knighthood in the new Year's ge oF Sixth Happiness' duties in Canada. Pp ness Gladstone, Wednesday, February 11, at KINSMEN BINGO Tuesday, Feb. 10 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Extra Buses 8:15 pm, Seven prizes. 35c 3a EUCHRE, Valleyview clubhouse, Glad stone Avepue, Friday, February 6 at 8.15 p.m. Good prizes, 35c. Everyone welcome. SALVATION Army Cheerio Group, Pan cake Tea, Tuesday February 10, § - BINGO Ur WESTMOUNT HOME & SCHOOL ASSN. NIGHT OF CARDS + ien Hal Nednesdo 4 8 pm. ot v4 pm ond $8, six $40 shale tre wealth NOVEL BINGO - = | RADIO PARK BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM. | at "T. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Avalon Hall, 8 p.m Twenty gomes $6 and $10. Share the Games $6, $12, $20 wealth. Seven $40. jackpots. May be doubled or tripled | Three gomes prize money will anytime be doubled, \ In preparation for the presen- | tation of their next play "High Ground" in the McLaughlin Li- | brary Theatre on Wednesday, 34a Thursday, Friday and Satur. | J Door prize $18 ZT OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE day nights of-~this week, the | | members of the Oshawa Little Theatre cast held a dress re- hearsal Monday night. Men bers of the cast of the play, To Discuss Recreation Westmount, Woodcrest and King Street were over 95 per cent. - Woodcrest School had the least A member of the Oshawa Rec-| |reation Committee has been| > (4 hearts and Se {n of pupils late, four dur- |ing the month, Coronation fol- {lowed with eight and Queen Eliz- | Schools each recorded 10. | | At the high school level, Osh-| awa Central Collegiate Institute {had 6.18 per-cént attendance. The average daily attendance of a elected to the executive of the| 3ehood Po0iation of 593 students East Central Ontario Recreation was 97).J0. | Association. R. R. Cornish was Institute followed with 95.34 peF|ence of the Associati | / Ss on held in Nei ttendance of its enrolment [indsay Collegiate Institute next [ Oshawa Collegiate and Voca [Salwday. tional Institute averaged a daily| A group. of nige altended the/ mL of 962 85 t :," (conference from Oshawa Com- attendance ol, 88 out of its] munity Recreafion Association. ' {president of CRA; Ted Sfewart, IRKE COMMUTER chairman of study and publicity; Robert Germond, member of pro- AI - gram committee; James Krae-| G NS SUPPORT mer, art instructor; W. M. Brew. i s ster, director of recreation;! The London Times carried | : an ad by an angry tram James Ward, program staff; | rider asking "those whose patience with British Rail- you really cars, a is exhausted" to con- t 2% The ad put him in |abeth and Adelaide McLaughlin Dr. F, J. Donevan Collegiate olacted at va Workshop Confer- .[1018 students for 94.58 per cent. They are, George , Lofthouse | send her a Flower Valentine touch with other disgruntled We send Valenti, me ; Flowers-By. Wire J enywbers Gerald Gellette, program staff; | W. Ogden, program staff, and] Mr. Cornish. Guest speaker at the confer- ence was George Cummings, riders, and a protest group president of the Ontario Recrea- was organized. tion Association. Group discus-| You don't need patience [SIONS were held dealing with all when you use. an Oshawa |Phases of recreation. John M¢-| Times Classified ad tq rent vour room or apartment. These ads find tenants fast. Just dial RA 3-3492 now to start yours. Neil, District Representative of| the Community Programs Branch, | summarized the conference R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 10%2 KING WEST RA 5-1131 ® OSHAWA o DID YOU KNOW WHAT IS EVERYONE that for only 95¢ . . , you can |f enjoy a Full-Course Business Man's Lunchéon from 11:30- 2 pm. in the Main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL HOLDS 'DRESS REHEARSAL seated from left, are: Marion | Walsh, Evelyn Richards, Aileen Davenport, Janet Stevenson, 'Hall, Arthur Elliott ahd Kevin SAYING Ethel Dyrland, Joyce Overton Standing, from left: Eileen Fal- lows, Darcy Smyth, Mary McManus. ~Oshawa Times Photo ? v |

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