THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Pebruery 10, 1959 18 CLASSIFIED | -- g-- -KEDVERTISING Lm 18, the Guides ngs. MOSCOW (AP)--A Soviet scl. been invited to Port Pay 3 see | entist proposes SonIuetion o of 3 the Guide Company action. |atomic power station in {Continued from Page 13) Mrs. MacKenzie, school teach-|lar regions where its heat bypro- ' er for the Foot school is indiapos-| duct would be used jor fruit and ed this week. vegetable grow OT] 32---Legal Notices Grace choir practice will be|Babat visualizes a station rated held at the home of Joan Aldred at 11.000,000 kilowatts. Friday at 8.30 p.m. A 2 FINALLY HARVESTED BLACKMORE, England (CP)-- Toronto Nurses [me last five acres of last ears barley crop were harvested in oenoLivion or - | May Get Pay Hikgliswwsy 's sie Sas lsu, ara | AM BUILDINGS board .eport released Monday TOWN OF COBOURG, [recommended a 10-per-cent sal- ary increase over a two-year ONTARIO period for 1,500 workers = SEALED FIXED SUM TEN- [ployed by Metropolitan Toronto. DERS will be received by the The report also recommended | Tenders Secretary, Room |a five-per-cent boost for 300 6630, until 4 p.m. ES. Time [members of Metro's nursing hi staff, | WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4th H 0 M E for the Demolition and Re- "MY FAIR LADY" moval from the site, of dis- used oulldings on the prop- area rt on se || | OF FILMDOM! FILL-A-CARD uated on the North side of | : University Avenue, being part' | N.Y. TIMES of Jon ours. Ll THIS 1S THE IDENTICAL Ontario. PICTURE NOW IN ITS { | | Specifications with tender SENSATIONAL form attached and tendér en- 4 lope. may be obtained on lication to the Depart- ment of Public Works, On- tof Puls Yona on | an « G-59| FE TE : - Li | .: .q ag >| came no. N= Tweed Covers on 4-Seater Sofa Set ed ot Room 6527, Any tender is not necessarily : ; with a sweeping span of foam-cushioned seating : a accepted, | 4 To make smaller rooms work, you need to untrommel a certéin emount of space . . . and this slim, linear sofe gles to a long Parliament. Buildings, | wall with seating accommodation that leaves traffic areas open and free. Slender in 'proportion, lightly scaled Affet deeply comfort. Toronto 2, Ontario. able . . . both sofa and ¢hair boast reversible foom rubber cushions, upstanding construction features and afspecially attractive * Feb 4th, 1959. Nn 62 5 --- a cotton boucle tweed in soft colourings of brown, beige green, or a more exuberant blue. A ig J. D. Miller, 20 34 ae 65 § gover = sizes. Nlustrated: yor four-seater with yihing chair. EATON SEMI-ANNUAL. SALE 3 hy Deputy Minister, LC. §! . : pes. Department of Public Works, | 25 38 67 | ; : . Ontario. gi = 26 68 Not illustrated: 72" standard sofa with matching chair, 2-pcs. .............. 19% 50° 27 70 8 WATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 478 PHONE RA 57378 we iid 6 29 75 : HS. Meeting | FA: » 7 At Scugog IR =< 5 THli2 22 61 S8CUGOG ISLAND -- Scugog| N 24 Home and School Association £5 i I 17 . Attend-| " NEW YORK LONG RUN] Tomorrow's Nos. .The NEW bi agreed to donate five dollars| Hollywood y to pac! 3 school 'to be used for hot|| "1 sicalin | | Yew hove unt B p.m. the following M COLOR by the Iday te phone If yeu have e full cord Kathleen Juste i ed "My Fair lady" Hl |/Binge (Sundey excepted). Complete] Aldred e £ga f 4 | % of buy a a" wedding gift for el composers! playing rules esppesr on the back » teacher to celebrate his NEXT } joy Binge card. 2a euchre 7b. 12| ATTRACTION | Sensfit 41 Ball to raise money, I ARMY, NAVY AND pewly formed B. » gk ine Brows AIR FORCE VETERANS will take place at| IN CANADA 5 re ; ¢ i'! ' " : ! \ MEET 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE RE LL I : > er ; ) Ready-to-paint Em i A a, Double Dresser and Chest wees OSHAWA & DISTRICT NAVAL VETERANS CLUB $ Heat-and-staln-resistant nutmeg finish on Good simple. lines' with attractive modern. long pulls, these pieces are yd decorative wheréver you need extra storage space. Made of white-wood, Oalentine. 2 Dance. B. Solid Rock Maple Fu a sanded and ready to paint or stain. Approx. sizes. | : Each piece separately priced for your convenience. EATON Semi-Annuel Sdle - | EATON Semi-Annual Sale, each : - @® 6-drawer Double Dresser, 48 x 16 x 32", each 32.95 Knights of Columbus Hall | A. Double Dresser Mirror. C. Chest of 4 drawers. 184 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA 36 x 26" " Son 18 daria e 10D btw Chet x 1x3 eth ........ 21.95 February 14th, 8 to 12 p.m. B. Double Dresser Base; 6 drawers. D. Night Table, $2 PER COUPLE 50 x 18 x 33" ... 99.95 fou IEEE 0 DOOR PRIZES e SPOT DANCES ee REFRESHMENTS E. Panel Bed. 18 95 : 54",48",39" ......i00000 EATON'S LQWER LEVEL, DEPT. 270 PHONE RA 5-7373 SATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 PHONE RA 5-7373 tt) dit dd Millicent Luke will give the message at the World Day of Prayer aves 18 eion Church| ; off (C7 | : BD > Gleam . G. Gibson, Olive Luke and| of Stainless spoke at the| Young Pevjie's service, Sunday evening at Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, form- ed the committee for Commun- ity Centre card tournament Fri- GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! day when high lady was Mrs G. and high man A. Spencer. Low scores were Mrs W. Wood- ward and E. Parks Mrs. N. Wright won the lucky draw. Beverley Burgess, Courtice, was reel gw of Eourer voor. RB A. aa ll THE INN OF THE eden, | SIXTH HAPPINESS COLOR by OE LUXE INGRID ERGMAN What is the "Sixth Happiness'? Each of us must' find it in our Curt Jurgens own hearts! --- Robert Donat 1. Jootue Joday 25. 9.08 Prices For This Engagement ] § 4 4 TONIGHT AT 7:00 MATINEE EVENING 3 ot ; Gaily Coloured! Attractively Styled! RIFLEMAN' | 272m wis LLIN csr BZ Medallion Jewellery SMASH FIRST- RUN THRILL PROGRAM ! he J ; # 4 wo 4 Popular costume jewellery priced et worthwhile savings! Necklets, bracelets and matching earrings in the collection--all set in metal the ADULTS " ; ) 4: eolour of gold with an antique finish. Inserts of pink, yellow, tangerine : or red add an intriguing dash of eolour, EATON Special Price: i I. frend Box, size approx. 104 x 174 x 11", Neckiety. bracelets, each G. Canister Set, largest size 9 x 6 x 5". yA; 49 4 pieces oe @® The Shocker About H. "Tecoware" Egg Poacher, for 5 eggs, fits 10" , Novag the French Quarter! : "Teco" fry pan. Each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 215 PHONE RA 5.7373 TECHNICOLOR® ' - ADULY ENTERTAINMENT AALAZA RH o I ror Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Open Fri. Night until 9 a Earrings, pair