Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1959, p. 13

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OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS M CITY INDUSTRIAL | High triples -- M, Gutsole §73, 1.! PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES The seciion is now completed |Redko 562, L. Genge 547, M. Mailette| Dot's Do-Littles are alone in first and we must congratulate the Genosha|547, S. Newsome 539, H. Welsh 532, O.|place now with 18 points followed by | Club on 'their superb' performunces in|Duifield 523, G. Berwick 515, M. Cor- Starters and B-Bobs with 17, Taylor's | Inarching 30. 156, IsieEs circle, The neal 508, E. Stone 505, F. Knox 502. Sailors & High alls Wu, U ._204 le ie hig ple 3 to smother --- .| Downs, Boomerangs a Ernies Burn- tg. Jockwoods 3-0 and finish awAy out in an singles L L Jodo id Fi Wet: jes 13, Sputriks and Jumpers 12, Lucky front of the pack. B."Wilson and R, Mc- sole 226, L. Genge 216, M. Wells 214, 13" and Gray Beards 11, Bills Pills Gills were exceptionally good for Gen-|B Rutherford 210, G. Berwick 208, O |2nd The O.K.'s 10, Smoochers 9, Rings | _9sha while N. Olesuk topped the pussield 200. yo * 7 |8, Zeroes 7 and The Oscars 6. a Movers. Lemon League --L. Doyle 99, 77. V.| We have a very nice honor roll this Westmount had a good chance to.take Genge 98, H. Johnson 98, J, Gaskell 92.| week led by Mavis Taylor with © *l the section but they ran into a ved hot|M. Whiting ¥2, M. Bannon 80, J. Mec-'(247, 227, 299); Bert Harding 760 (308, Acadian Club and were shutout 3-0| Cormack 71, J. Faulkner 67. . 1216, 236); Alan Hill 755 (248, 283, 224); wh Mn a dong battle. R. Jay came| Team standings -- Cuckoos 16, Canar-(Léy Rae 736 (233, 217, 286); and Stan 'Sut of his slump to lead Acadians while|ies 16, Crows 12, Robins 10, Bluejays Johnson 707 (273, 247). "mone of Westmounts could get *hat e: Seagulls 7, Whipporwills Chicka:| Over 600 triples were -- Tom Cor- " break which means so much. dess 4 | neal 681 (219, 286); Don Brockman 681 Motor City pulled off the third shut- 3 I¢ ; ; out of the night when they tangled with) MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE | stan coon £79 (300, 230); Henry 'Bickle "Clarks. C. Bowman rolled a gigantic] Crowell's took three from Nu-Way sq (323, 258); Ernie Hale 638 (251, 827 (342) to help Motor City to the high|and all other teams shared points. ogg). Helen Fisher 654 (273), Ed Smith single of 1284, Gold Medal, Jury & Lovell, Motor|gg (320, 223, 206); Blanche Norton 644 Clarks were without their ace Jack City and Jordan's took two, leaving| ggs); Air Brisebois 644 (245, 200); How- © Dunn, whose father passed away this|one for People's, Fred's, Kinloc and|. qa Read 641 (283), Jim Morrison | # week. Gillards grabbed a 2-1 win from Spring's. 635 (213, 2307; Alex Alexander 630 (301); | Dunns as A. Goguen impressed. A, Gar-| Over 400 scores: Nelda Thompson p,q Hopps 629 (270); Elsie Smith 624 m. rard had a 318 first game io aid the 479 (253-226), Helen Gourlie 424 (234- (219, 214); Ev Harding 622 (222, 243); | Ta'lor-men. 190), Mae Jamieson 422 (202-2200, M.|Autump Shaw 618 (262); Frank Taylor | Final Standing of Second Section: Foot 402 (207-195), Mabel Moss 400 c17 (271); -Stan Paradise 617 - (286): | Genosha 15 (9), Westmount 12 (10),](194-206). Harry Fayle 612 (213, 236);" Gren Wil Motor City 12 (7), Acadlans 11 (12),| Over 200 singles: Ethel Freman 238, ),,.5 610 (217); Oscar Morrison 610 ; Gillards 11 (11), Dunns 9 (11), Clarks/ Nancy Blore 234, Laura McKinley 330.| (333, 212); Bob Corneal 609 (239, 311); 8 (8), Lockwoods 6 (16). Ada Tonkin 222, Eiste Riley 22, Cy yo. Gray 607 (216, 225); George Tay. Triples -- C. Bowman 827 (343, 351,|McFeeters 220, Dorothy Huzar 310, 1, 60s (239) and Jack Brightman 601 "7834); R. Jay 738 (277, 45, 216); B. Wil- [Cella Wigg 208, M, McNeill 216, M.| (309 998), #5 om 706 (258, 2373, 211); N. Olesuk 695|McKnight 203, M. Lesenko 201, Ada ' -0 (257, 241); R. McGillis 689 (271 217,|Floody 200, L. Hayward 200. Over 220 scores were Ralph Shemilt .7" 201); N, O'Rellly 666 (259, 234); D.| Team: Standing: Gold Medal' Clean- 266. Bob Clover 252, Ben Fisher 249. "1 "golomon 651 (322); H. Doyle 645 (269); ers 13, Jordan's Florist 12, Crowell's Tom Ree 247, 207; Marg. Howell and «<r R. Doyle 642 (285, 221); M. Kalynko|Shell Station 12, People's Clothing 10, Bruce Hynss 247, Ron Howell Gide 3 , 205); , 210); -W Thomas 236, 633 (262, 205); J White 631 (247, 210); [Motor City Bowling 9, Nu-Way Rug Blekle 232, Ted 'McComb and Ron R. Buzminski 621 (209, 209, 203); W.|Cleaners 9, Spring Bros. 'Furniture 8, Smith 617 (234 213); D. Wotton 614 Kinloch's Ltd. 7 Jury & Lovell 6, Adamson 231, Maudie Cook and Doug | 4 <.4250); A. smart 613 (239); A. Goguen Fred's Drive-in 4. arnes 226 and Wyn Turner 3M, 811 (225, 221); A. Craig 6068 (245) and """R. Howard 604 (253), OPUC LEAGUE RADIATOR DEPT, : Singles -- A. Garrard 318, G. 3tick-| Team Standings: Spooks Jesup; Sout am, a | "10 'wood 256, D. Read! , D. WI niks 35,788 Duds 35,666 leys a s 6, D. Reading 152, D. Wilson nlks 35,7007 The Duds, 35.506 DNSIETS v9, 'Witfers 31, King Pins 30, Lucky E133 000s [trikes 30, Pin' Busters 3. | ® ry .| Men's High Triple: H. Hutton 238-| There was an awful racket from al- : 217-213-868, leys 3 and 4 but with Doug Taylor, .- , 3 igh Single: J Nels "Big Daddy" Wilson and Bob * . Bell 208, 8. Weeks 205, O. Goguen| La 8 -| Dove bowling on' the same alleys, we d 3 : "'302 and C. Winnacott 202. 214-172-564. can hardly say we were surprised. 8 Ladies' High Single: M. .| Jack Dawson took the honors with a WEDNESDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL 201) | . Please note -- Bowling time for night{ White 207-220; B. Tkac: | 22), | workers is 12.30 and 4.30 and at no|Hartshorn 219-216; G. Bull 204-201; D.|Doug Taylor 703. (269, 219, 215), Mel 4 © 3gther times, unless special permission, Sager 264; L. Ferencz 246; G. Greig Wotton 669 (262, 229), Jack Milne 656 . 242; J. Collins 241; L. Shaw 232; W. (253, 235) Bill Smith 6268 (237, 201); | 'When you go in to bowl for the league, M. Dawson 225; T.!Al Mosler 613 (250) Connie Sermo ~you will notity the before ' 29; you bowl. If it is for the league do not Ronn 222; S. Koltucki Zo! G, Cook 606 (207, 202), 4 go ahead and bowl about five games'216; B. Colvin 214; B. Jenkins 204. ood single games we! e- | , 9 "and plek out the best three. This rule] Lemon League 84-97; H. Turner he] 80 Pu le syne nb 2) She SUPER SEDAN "is to be strictly enforced, and if not ad-|94; M. Blears 98 and D, Boivin 81. 228, Eddy '""The Fly" Jones 226, Bob| 2 OR SEDAN + hered to, scores will be thrown out, Hanna 224, Bill Newell 222, Ross Steven -DO - The management says you fellows are DUPLATE OFFICE LEAGUE son 217, Howie Vann 216, Ernie Chere- Sharp. - coming 1 at all hours to bowl snd| Wednesday night saw the top-spot garyi 210, Bob Dove 209, Jim Poot 207, : pever tell him. Thank you, Super Sixes maintain the lead -- but|spn4y van de Valk 204, Frank O'Donnel Team Standings -- C.P.I. 8, Sarnov- only by the slim margin of one point. 999 * Nels "Big Daddy" Wilson 203. *s 8, Jackson 7, Jury and Lovell 5,|The fighting Bobcats just failed by 43} Foner Agregates 5, Morris Berg's 8, pins, to take all three points from the| Wes Bright tost his Lemon league " i unlops 4, Firefighters 4, Town T.V. 4, |faltering league leaders, and credit for title after just one week of reign. The |B Bennett Paving 4, Kinlochs 3, Hill-|this performance is in no small way new king 1s Bob Carswell, who, after . due to R. B ki] 7 blows, managed to stagger through] Cornish 3, Tony's Barber Shop 1 Ruddy ug owe, the ppet, ios with a lovely 35 game. Bob is now the | Electric 1, C Tire 1 . ; §- Triples -- Bob Gallagher 861 (296, |under extreme duress! HE oh vp of un Pin boss. Qthec) Ax. 1) Dun Henning 19 ig ll pandering up in second place, the go Norris Dawe 63 and Ernie Chere. | SEDAN DELIVERY SEDAN rok 71 (x73, 365); Hank Sarnovky|Steamers. again took ihree points. o.|0°K 85. ' z . 3 3 : =] | $73 (278, 329); Stan Tutak 764 (253, | Incidentally before closing, Bill "The this must be. some sort of record this| tod Automatic. ; LIKE NEW - H "7% 311); Johm Ford 754 (305); Rube Gay|geason, ft fs the fourth week in a Ostrich" Butler was unable to 4948 (285, 257); Zolt Biglin 745 (288,/row that this amazing team has ut.|Present for last night's bowling and es- 384); Ron Keeler 736 (319); Norm O'-|terly For the caped "Lemon League honors, 718 (318); Don Patterson 714 Stanley Steamers, mention must be CEE ER 1957 OLDSMOBILE- 1953 OLDSMOBILE - ga. 262); Jack Smith 685 (259); How-| The Teddybears, in taking three] 68; 1 les 681 (272); Bill Hayward 679 points from the Roll-a-Ways moved! g Cm s (268); Moe MacKenzie 674 (256); Shor-|from bottom to third position and in sof SWEET- da : by Gedge 673, Norm Treem 671, Dave doing, moved the 1l-a-Ways from | i, . | SEDAN = Dowald 688 (373), Bob Gardian 665, Jack : {lf HEART ' : y © Peeling 663 and Paul Shody 665 (19). : : id 3 "Singles = Ross Law 235, Norm Shortt | female top single and double scores § WILL n Loaded. Black, with white walls--automatiec and =, I Jeu ent to the same two Individuals --| LOVE RK 7 «Vince ney , Hu [Anne Gutt with 232 (384) and W. An.! radio. Reduced for #70, Harry Keyes 363, Jack Parker 262. /thony 323 (363). Both bowlers being op | Bill Barta 261, Everett DeHart 260, Carl (the same team, it was quite under- | "AUNTIE EEL ep [eA 1957 BUICK 1953 BUICK. The men's high triples were A. Glad-| on 346, - 204; 7 4 N z+ wes 871, J. Thomson K. Mardon|chuk 213, W. Anthony 242, N. R y : hg $30, D. Cole 8516, D. Thomson 516, W, 3s5 A DD. WW. LA LER RE RC A HARDTOP 2-DOOR SEDAN £4 Sinsper] od Collins 501 and 223 §. Johnson 210 and R. Aline 20) . x a . f ---W. ony % v ; hE: mers ben eagles were -- Ar We always sell for less. adio, two-tone blue and ivory. - Collins 319, Hugh Gorin 208, Ken Mar- Onl a Y.- i den 198, Al Goguen 197, Jim Thomson 187, Teny Harrison 195, Trevor Meek A 1952 BUICK "© 1951 CHEVROLET, Janet Peel 448, Bunny Ambrose 436, Stroud Loti For Savery by aioe) Trucks Mlack=tadio. or; 5 h45 Licence A10407. Look, look, ad $3 95 ==! IGOR OIL C0. | 1956 PLYMOUTH 1954 OLDSMOBILE Nicholson 481 (308) 0 Rss LIMITED | 2-DOOR SEDAN $ 2-DOOR SEDAN S$ o- Mae OSHAWA WHITBY | Really sharp, look at this price. 1 1 ; Black, radio and automatic. HH h RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 Licence C87748 : "BROOKLIN wax fl 1953 CHEVROLET 1955 CHEVROLET men 2 2 mm STOR | ni $1395 1955 BUICK 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR HARDTOP 9 2-DOOR SEDAN $ Immaculate in every way. Turquoise and ivory, radio, very, very 5 . chic. Licence A12054. Reduced to 1953 OLDSMOBILE 1955 PONTIAC HOLIDAY HARDTOP PERN . Turquoise and white, i 095 Licence A2210. 0) 1 26 5 1956 STUDEBAKER 1951 PONTIAC me $1295 || mn SATH| 1957 DODGE | OPEN EVENINGS ms 51645 UNTIL 9 P.M. acapian cLeaners| ONTARID MOTOR SALES LTD. ¢ "299 BLOOR ST. WEST RA 8-5141 131 BLOOR ST. EAST 140 BOND ST. wd. @SHAWA RA. 5-6504 as RA. 5-6507 0 TH ur gd Reotly o custom, shirtmaker's fin

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