Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1959, p. 7

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AT COBOURG Describes Poles To Holy Name Society THE OSHAWA TIMPS, Mundey, Pobrusry 9, 1989 7 here Saturday night. Nine schools to Gravenhurst High School's entered, ; production of Norman Williams' The Hon, Charles D., Stewart|Protest, Best visual presentation {Trophy for the best direction went to Barrie North Collegiate's {went to Mrs, Elleen Peters who|This Way to Heaven, by Douglas vor | Birected the Camp Borden young | Parkhurst, VENHURST (CP)-C Bois Distriet High. School na|*€™% 1t was her fourth in four| Elanor Simmons of Orfiis Die | years, Previously she had won|triet Collegiate won the best sect been in existence only since last|yith Midland High School entries, |ress award, George Hay of Barrie High School | Leading In Drama Field COBOURG (Staff) "The Poles, unlike their German neighbors, are not gifted with any industrial know how and they lack the ability io organize big indus tries, They are too romantic for that sort of thing," Col, T, F, Slater of the 26 Central Ordnance) Depot, speaking to. the Bt, Mi chael's Holy Name Society at a Communion breakfnst Sunday morning. 4 A military attache for the past three years at the Canadian em: | bassy at Warsaw, Col, Slaler sald | Poland is roughly 600 miles wide in an assessment of the country land 600 miles deep, Ilr present | popilation of 26,000,000 is mainly | agricultural, p , but already it's mak ing a name for itself in the theat rical field Camp Borden youngsters, who presented the fifth act of Shakes sales personnel are generally dis interested, There are many He sald the Poles are fond of small shops located in old bomb- sports and outdoor life and make good use of their sporis stadia, led out bulldings, In cellars or which are invariably crowded, |any other available space, There nonre's A Midsummer Night's Although Poland does manufac. Are also open markets where one!yream, walked off with the ture some cars and trucks of Rus-|may 'get anything from antique award for the best play in the sian pattern, some vallway and sliver to old clothes, he concluded. |grama festival which wound up rolling stock, and some construc. | = tion equipment, little of this is exported Housing is still a great problem The average Polish working man must live with his family in one or two rooms and share cooking and washing facilities with one other family at least, Very few people have a car or even a bi ¢ycle and the few care and trucks Interesting work for Port Hope and District Residents SELLING OVER PHONE Desk space and phone provided, work Best Canadian play award went North was Judged best actor, " olish le are mostly seen are ancient, unreliable and as Pola organo Ap to| invariably overloaded, The horse living a hard, simple life and cart is still the basic means / ' Jit : of transportation, George leetham, Cobourg | has finally vacated to take ugto relieve much of the pressure = They are Slavic and are © athe ; post OLR in an as he locks | new quarters In the newly fin which resulted from over. generally friendly and kindly but The AVerage man in the street | the door of the old Post Office | ished Cobourg federal building crowded and outmoded quar: |jnslined to he stubborn and head. \may earn 2,000 zlotys » month -- the hours you wish, Experience not nec» essary, we show you how in 20 minutes, Age no barrier if you are over 21, Phone MR. STELZ FOR THE LAST T $50 fo $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bonkeble Security Lite Insurance Avelloble building which his department | The new building is expecte ters Oshawa Times Photo girong. They have, however, a the present value of the zloty is , -- w-- - ------ w---- i - . good sense of humor, They have 26 to a dollar, Hence the average {had for generations, a sad and man "earns about $80 a month THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Hope Approves | WE Zoning Bylaw FR. 2.5349 often discouraging time, but the This gives him a roof oyer his [Pole is a brave warrior and at head and enough to eat of such his best when his back is to the simple foods as bread sausage wall and milk, / In Warsaw there are three! " op an ae souniry Ja lacgely Rowan large department stores, hut TU 5-5737, PORT HOPE Monday, February 9th after 11.00 a.m. For an Appointment &= ypERIOR FF. NANCE OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON RA 5-654) endeavored to discourage Cath. [these are ll-equipped, poorly 17 Simcoe St. N, o t e [olicism, but with little success laid out, poorly lighted and the G, McAuliffe PORT HOPE (Staff) -- A by-(included in the registereqian Iain Macdonald TU, 5-5737 and now seem to be ying to law to curb haphazard land de. |©f sub-division ve with the Catholic church 4s "While Poland has some won | Passing of the bylaw féved| opposed to trying to stamp it out velopment in Hope township was | a recommendation of th@wn passed Friday at a meeting of [ship planning board at Dec township council ' 9 meeting 1ast year, At thhee! The subdivision + control bylaw will prevent the conveyance gf land units of less than 10 acres in area, The bylaw also states that the remnants left after land has been sold must be more than 10 acres, unless the remainder is ing township planners heg John Pearson, field liaison [ficer community planning bfh of the Ontario department plan such a bylaw as a deterft to ir- responsible developmen Lived 98 Years ning and development fucate In P ort Hope derful schools and universities," Col, Slater said, "the vast major ity of '#¢ people have little for mal education, Educational stan | dards before the war was low and (while the situation is improving, [it is one which is difficult to re- | medy quickly, Mrs! "The financial situation, the Mrs. E. Massey PORT HOPE (Staff) Test-run a big new 58 DODGE now! DRIVE:-A-DODGE Comparathon === Wwe urge you to join our exciting Drive-A-Dodge Comparathon, See for yourself how extraordinary a car can bel Has your foot tried 8 Dodge? Just nudge the brake dal . , . see how quickly Dodge Total-Contact rakes respond. Unlike ordinary brakes, the For example: Have your knees tried a Dodge lately? A new Dodge---with swivel seats that swing out to meet you as you enter , , , glide you gently into your ear , , , and lock into position automatically, Extra kneeroom and headroom let you get in and out of your Dodge gracefully, tool oe 7] 7] 5.7" wider than both DOoDON CAR 7 Bur C, F; 1.8" higher than Car F, 20" higher than Car CI CAR © | Have your arms tried a Dodge! With push-button heating to control in-the-car climate at the touch of a finger . . . and push-button drive to take the exercise out of gearshifting, DODGE CARP CAR ¢ ed Visitors will be Lindsey Mites, Toronto Ted Reeve Pee Wees Trenton Bantams and Port Hope Midget Spitfires Sunday's meeting laid further entire lining makes contact with the drum, Result: Easier stop. Less wear, Less frequent adjustment, Arrows show how a Dodge Total-Contact ' J brakes exert oven . 4 \'4 pressure all around ' - unlike conventional DODGE CARP CAR GC types. : Has your lap tried a Dodge? You'll find no steering wheel in your mid-section when you drive a Dodge. Dodge gives you more laproom--more driving comfort--than others in its class. (One Dodgeletsyouchioss more reason why Dodge is easier to get intol) driving range at the Dodge gives you 6%" = push of a button, Car from whee! & F, Car C still use fo seat. Car F only ek shift, Santo ConlyS2, Toouar CARP CARE Have your eyes tried a Dodge? With its dazzling new brand of Forward Look styling. Facts and figures can't tell you which ear looks nicest to you, Bus we think your own good taste will point you to a Dodge. Dodge style does Nts Has your back tried 8 Dodge? Dodge front-wheel torsion-har suspension keeps you comfortably cushioned on the roughest roads, . , comfortably upright on the snakiest turns, Car C and Car F still use conventional coil springs. = Has your luggage tried a Dodge? Your Dodge trunk is 5.6 cu, ft, larger than Car C's; 1.7 cu, ft. larger than Car F's. You've that much extra room for big-family cargo! More usable width In Dodge trunk, too, Spare tire lies flat, Spares in Car C, Car F stand up, reduce ldth, Soo how Dodge Torslon-AIRE Ride keeps you level on the corners, level on quick starts or stops. own talking! Have you tried a Dodge? This year? You ean . . . this very week, during our special Drive-A. Dodge Comparathon, You'll receive a free, factual Auto Comparison Guide. And we'll prove to you just how a modern car should really look . . , and feel , . . and hehave. After all, isn't that a discovery you owe yourself? FREE Auto Comparison Guide! Got yours from your Dodge dealer! & bobos 74" usable width CAR P 48° viable width 89° vaable Fila Massey, 98, one of Port shortage of accommodation and | Hope's oldest citizens, died here books as well as the shortage of Lib 1 St d | Saturday at 31 Bedford street. She qualified teachers all present ser 1 era S u Y Vite While there is a lack of formal , { illiteracy, There are no surv _|education and a lot of b tives here, She we yiving Luis, the people have a great love of ful costumes, and never hasliate (Mildred) Smith, of Bowmanville, |t0 take part in any Joviul festiv- PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Central electoral ridings # Ontario "C000 nephews ps ae: ty Ontario South Liberal Association County to Kingston Peterhor- discussed means of supporting ough, Seven riding/ere repre Funeral services will be con. HO" their music and their art fy land this is an important factor oronto offices at an executive] Among those pret were Dr gue hg h fale to be Anciineat w--- meeting held Saturday afternon D. McVicar, Desert. president | : : er al George ot the St, Lawrence Hotel, Port of the associationjeorge Dry. NHL St T To lead Liberal ars 10 Under the new leadership of awa Riding, Tom /rris, Libera John Wintermeyer, the meeting candidate for rio Riding; TAXES TOO HIGH was called to study ways and Russell C. Honeyprt Hope; El ON "SPLIT" FARM es. The association represents 10.Campbell, Northberland PORT HOPE -- A white. | COBOURG -- Bob Pulford and - 5 - -- --- mm / Billy Harris of the Toronto Maple Hope township council that |leafs will be special guests at - tars a ( to be done about his taxes, |Feb. 18, Church Leagie oficials Mr, F, Sexsmith, 78, whose {announced Sunday, B y EB ti farm on lots 28 and 29, con. | Pulford, who was here two a ea 1g way 401 right of way, said he [much at that time that he asked had heen unable to move a [to come back again, Harris is vehicle from one part of his [next to Dick Duff in the scoring All-Stars suffered thelr worst de. | branch, Meechuck, Redmond, 44 ) Each | trom) a AcPy and Nichols and months | Lach year two plavers rom feat in five years under coach Grady combi) to register the Nearest crossings of 401, it the professional team attend the Art Jones Friday night at Co. was learned, are 1.5 and 1.78 local Church Hockey League's an- Three pe were assessed Church All-Stars took a\opsided by referees | Briand and Bob spectively bration, Last year, Ed. Chadwick 160 win. The locals wefe mis: Oliver, the prs getting two Mr, Sexsmith paid his |and Bob Baun were special taxes, but said that councll [guests being too powerful for the Co-|Gordon, Loigton, Labranche, borg boys McCormuckM. Turner, Hilley, about next year All-Star clubs have been confirm- Peterborough opened up a 70|Davies, Replls, Collins, Self, [ 90 heading into the third, when! Hoperoft, Ipr, Lacey, Graly Ww H k Shey popped in seven more goals. COBOUR Sayers, Riberi ages 1 e Turner paced the classy Hill, B. Mor, Lang, Chagman, Peterborough club with the three Kelly, Ry4 Ravenrdale, Spven For Ho é plans for the gala night, It was goal hat trick, Dyer, Davies, Hop. son, FEway Brett, Godfrey, Gad decided that If the area has the proposed heating installed and {Nlght, the Church League is pre- » {pared to pay from a $25 mini. coring pre mum to a $50 maximum above roads employes were voted a convenience . {raise in pay Friday at a regular Plans for the church parades Y t 1kes monthly meeting of township next Sunday are now complete . Tate men are affected by the were requested to turn In all 0 Ry y wi : I raise: C. Gifford, A, Meadows money and unsold tickets hy COBOURG St. Mike's A's, (unbeatp by #ring threejecond nq McQuaid have a total of | Thursday. capturing the Mite league title, [A's 3) leipality 1 TPE went on a wild scoring spree] Ray*hapman was in lig SIX PROVINCES COMPETE Saturday to maul St. Mike's B's!for Hfvey's edi A two Tee new yay Avstem gives dif-| COLLINGWOOD (CP) -- Six: erent hourly schedules for dif: member teams from six prov- Cobourg Arena homg the clincher, Gori Kelly Gehry Dambeidge took , a|ansyered for the Iris) Seating carve 31.5% per hous; shed the Lanading Junior aid shan stranglehold on the Mite scoring ara A on 8100/7 00SNIPS Feb. 13-15 here, The BANTAMS and day laborers will earn $1.00| Canadian Amateur Ski Associa Selping on another Runner-up, " row' 7 Paul Berthelot chipped in. with |S" |*aBue leading St. pdrew's| The hoost was made retroactive pacted from British Columbia, YUL marion whee. fa A hn for thelr mond before to Jan. 1 of this year. In a|Alherta, Manitoba, Saskateh i While Paul Gutter: \qrgping a tough 3-2 letter to council, the men ex ewan, Ontario and Quebee Torry we Jim Oulahen getting Mfundrell's men but Milne |they were getting was helow [it Bi singles and Mike Kelly the shut came through with twinning ed Counties $1.30 schedule, They out 1dly ! asked a flat 15 cents per hour 1} [i hi . period to shade St. Peter's 43. qinted for St Mike! scoring. The raise is described as a our ( ing Piles Reg. Stevenson was fhe big gun "Trinity trounced wigs Graf. step in the right direction" forl OR NO COST a for Trinity with three goals on 11:1, Ed Campbq led the the roads employes who do | yy Hem:Roid, an Internal pile other sion, or overtime sche soreness and hurning pain of your pil B \ zav h me oh p your piles Robert Lucas triggered two Soundy Aid Pancho hs Bovis Overtime rates are no differ. Orn an Hom Rold_at 'ole ) N ' 9 goals for St, Pete's, Bob Thomp- Grey, Dennis Burnhajand John ent from regular rates, it was re b lw. ou wil 4 ) trouble is reli St. Andrew's remained in sec Jim Davis spoiledfe shutout 47% hour. week but in the last Plonsed oe ing Hem Roms holy 10% ond place by turning back Trai: pq of Doug D ng for the | Month have had to work as much 4 a test, mak for your money back, {Ke ug ay, sung as 22 extra hours a week had lived in Port Hope all her ious problems : Office Costs by her husband, James, in 1941, Polish poetry, of music, of color [She has a niece, Mrs. Aubrey living In St. Paul, Minnesota "They are proud of their tradi rty administration expenses at sented at the meet Funeral Chapel, Port Hope, nan, Liberal candtv for Osh Visit Cob 151t Cobourg means of contributing to expens- more Scott, Durl: and Harry haired old man yesterday told something was going to have |Cobourg's Young Canada Night, cession 2, is crossed by High. |vears ago, enjoyed himself so COBOURG ~-- Cobourg Pee Wee goals apiece. /gler went to L- | farm to the other for the past {race for the Toronto club shutout bourg Arena as Pel ugh | miles away, east and west-re- nual Young Canada Night cele matched in this one, the visitors) PETERBOUGH -- Nichols, would have to do something Opposing teams for Cobhourg's frst period margin, stretched it|Redmond, lckey, I Tuner, good measure son, Medhst, Willlams, Weeks, nD evoft and Collins chimed with two hols ---- - RIO E pl ready for use by Young Canada PORT HOPE, Hope township | the regular rink rentals for the council in Port Hope Also, all Pee-Wees and Bantams playing out the schedule after period goals to defeat StMike's 35 years service with the mun 160 in Church League action at county's. Gordie Stevensadrilled | Fa. tr ferent types of work, Machine op: (inces are expected to compete in| erown by tallying seven goals and . : eSgond + place St. Jchael's per hour. tion sald team entries are ex- li 3 od fon, Ke netted a pair, Mike O'Grady, ruce Harp netted twdoals for plained that the $1.15 an hour REAL HELP FOR 4 y Trinity scored twice in each Jim Hill and John Pheau ac. Crease David St. Charles notched the share in a hospital henefit .| ment, d parade with the hat t Harold | pi 1 8, pen nt, does not quickly ease the itehing drug store and use as directed, son firing one [ported. The men work a usual o%¢ uickly your Brett, | efund agreement by all drug stores, Ing School 5:1. John Mclvor pot ted a pair for the winners, while Pail Massey, Mike Caine Ray Bowen connected Peter's with bss Quigley apiece! {chalk 4 tout. Gary ; Don Lepage spoiled Danny Mc [ending eh N ho vor's shutout bid | two goals, the othejo Bob Hixt PEE WEES fo MIDGETS Ontario Training School blan.| In the only Midg game, Trin. | ked Baltimore O.P.P. 40, Ward|ity laced cellar dwelling St | had two goals to lead the way, Peter's 7.1, singles to Larry Henhawke and| Carl West bagy three goals Fyfe. Heinema recorded the shut- [With Pancho Bad, Grant Wil out In the nets son, Paul King pd Ron Par St. Peter's kept on winning by [nall snarving one ch swamping Trinity R's 840 Hixt triggeredthe Frank Godfrey was leading Peter's score sharpshooter for St Pete's with freee a quartet, Rill Ryan, Robbie Wil. | st FIRING liam Dennis CCESSE) FIRING lenkins and Larry CHURC HILL, fan. (CP) = A Training The slipping Ont Ad iSchool Bantams weiblanked 3.0 once 'ailing Doug ro thy St There's An Easier Way! ~A BETTER WAY! Why not come in out of the cold Start drying your clothes the safe, clean, modern way with an auto- only St Dobkin contributed a goal each Doug Mouncey got the shutout Trinity A's made it three shut. outs out of four games in the Pee Wee section as they trounced St, Mike's B's 40. Ken Brown bagged a brace to lead the win ners Bob Weeks and Bradley Kelly kngcked in one each. Blaire Bayers got credit for the shutout In the only game in which both elube scored. St. Andrew's staved {Nike-Hercules gled missile was successfully firf here Saturday in the first grotl-to-ground test shoot by the fanadian Army. | Army spokesn) sald the giant rocket thund away south- wards to a sfted target zone | 90 miles awaflt was the third] suceesstul fief of the Hercules Previous grfito-ground tests by etvilian efneers were made to determings sanahilities | matic clothes dryer, Priced From 149.00 374 RITSON RD., OSHAWA ROBINSON MOTORS Watch Lawrence Welk Saturday night on TV. Check your local program listing for time ond channel, == McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 401 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY

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