PROGRAM said Bunasy, MacIns- f ' AWAIT (atpiomat : a Says Crimina 1 MOSCOW (Reuters) ~ Prime!lan has left it to the Russians to | Minister Macmillan's visit to|arrange the program for his "re: 10 © | fi | 1 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Pebrusry 9, 1959 | Moscow starting Feb, 21 prob-|connalssance" trip -- the first C B C ed ably will last a full 10 days al puch peacetime visit by a British an e ur though the Russians have not yet|prime minister since the Russian BOWNANYILLE oe ADAYA N00 the program, a_Britiipirevolution. - 7:30 P.M. Col. Wallace Bunton, of the Sal- \vation Army, Toronto, speaking + Station CBLT [stated if he were given a erim-| Channel 6 at the Rotary luncheon Friday, RUDI INVITES YOU: inal for 12 months, he could be Oalentine. Dance. flsure the criminal would never | |again appear in police court SATURDAY FEB. 14 aot 8 p.m, SEE HEAR He eecribyd yividis 4 gh Hotel Genosha -- Piccadilly Room and {ency as a e FULL COURSE MEAL INCLUDED » | nd stated 90 [We of crime asd sie] po $3.00 A PERSON--DRESS OPTIONAL Hon. from broken homes. f ® ALL KINDS OF REFRE*HMENTS | "We must obtain the key to that FOR RESERVATIONS : Ellen Fairclough inency aia 14. Co. Bani. CALL RUDI ~ RA 5.9931 | MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP Capt, Norman Cole, of the Salva- Tickets Available ot Door. 4 AND IMMIGRATION [tion Army in Bowmanville intro- duced the speaker and Rotarian | ------------ RR Dave Higgon thanked him, | a | Margaret Aitken | Wednesday night the elub will MP, (visit Ajax club, Members were reminded of the Oshawa club's urling bonaplel 4 to De held March J C I 4, It was sta rl . {manville club would like at least ean Lasseiman three rinks in the competition, MP, | Anyone interested is Teguasted to ' onl contact Rotarian Al, Strike, JB | Vor the balance of the year, ; in the television series 3 Keith Billett will be club treasur-| "The Nation's Business" er due to the Nesigtiation of pre: "- sent treasurer B, Miller, Progrewive Comervative Porty : DON'T GO TOGETHER! A ) 7 ra on Florida's Fabulous West Coast | 4... -s | Recalled To Nw Q NO by Get Cholce Accommodation MR. AND MRS, L. KOENDERMAN x Nn | ==Plolo by Jobin YB Fire Scene == incnuAsH reserve Now! | § N C di BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow. -- __To Win Private pom 3 ew ana 1401S manville fire brigade were called +~ZFEB 1st | 4 Transfers to end from out early Sunday morning to the Motel 7 N ! | : i . scene of Wednesday's disastrous 7) \ Entertainment Wed At Whitb ot the i of A, Muir and 7 Mima Nightly Dancing cr Y Sons, Courtice, High winds had Tha month of Hie veer means Vhole Srobn | SC h------ rekindled ruins of the barn which nothing of The Desert Ranch, Large Swimming Pool THEY'RE CHANGING GUARD AT BUCKINOHAM PALACH w roved in the fire whichll You will pay the some low By GRACE MILLS (Mrs, Henk Visser, Courtice; Mr, Wo dest ) j " ' coumed an estimated $30,000 dam- | rate from how on, Only at Outdoor Borbecuss a oe FILL-A-CARD land Mrs, Peter Roessell, Brook: the DESERT RANCH, You WHITBY -- A wedding of wide lin, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ro age, Florida's beautiful Gulf Coast, Toit Tomiie ; ce amon con you enjoy Fall and Wine fuareitin 1 dane ook Thro | cil, Sstave. oe air Tro 1.4. dering tor Tnury nen all other Surt Costing holiday in Britain? Make up your mind Europe, than any other airline, serve the el ' ' y J ar ' f resorts raise thelr prices) - ¥ Christian Reformed Chureh|/Mrs, Andrew Walinga, came to| stacks which had oon gavel Joi He ho Rb hae to £0 this year. Atk Jeu Tiave Agent or most destinations -- London, Glasgow, I » Patriola|Canada from Sneek Holland, for from the Wedne ay, fire a 2 TCA Office ree literature, and start Shannon, Paris, Dusseldorf, Brussels and Walings, and Leonard Koender.|the wedding, and will visit several Wad seared i ot dama ) planning the t wonderful holiday of Zurich, Leave when it suits you best -- man were united in marriage by of thelr family, They will return might result, dv ESERT R C your life, right away! TCA's Atlantic TCA flies to Europe every day. Rev. J. van Harmelen, The bride|to Holland next October They| The new blaze was quickly ex- Tomorrow's Nos woot! - 4s the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, |brought with them tape-recorded|tinguished, and earth was piled Jor Information == See Your od A trow Walinga of Sneek, Hol messages from other members of [over the ruins to prevent any Yravel Agent = or write direst | 17 N 36 ON N T0 ITAIN ndr d ' the family, and friends at home. further outbreak. | Chisager ANdover 3.5737, - - land the groom, now ine, in} Shin a, i aon Wg! - GAME NO. 1 +47 DOWN GETS YOU ON YOUR WAY Koenderman and the late 1, Ko-| » Soo your Travel Agent, Rallwey Ticket OMce or enderman of Dordrecht Holand I GIRL S | | y ' bored on Terente: Londen Reonomy fore, $476.60 reund trip Baskets of varicolored gladioll GIRLS ! DOMES I ICS! " : f Baghels ore] setting and wed: | oe ioke'we fe verley LEARN TO BE A i | N G 0 TRANS CANADA AIR LINES TCA OFFICE ding music was played by John A | ? IN TORONTO rey now van Tellingen, f If you're willing, strong and hea thy, 19 Nn 46 62 @ SI. Se WAlnut 4-4611 \ Te You con eam the highest woge Given in marriage by her " | : " father the bride was attired in a 3 hy SO YN OY rd he bus : 20 34-49 65 PAY LATER floor Iv.igth gown of gardenin And make the journey In to us, 25 38 51 67 white alencon lace over nylon 4 ing : ol eo no further need to room, ui pln Rp Roget Wa'll place you In lovey home. 26 55 68 ' | Jined in scallops of lace embrol. | "NO CHARGE TO YOU" ; ¥ 27 42 56 70 | over the wrists, Her three-quar- (DOMESTIC DIVISION) ; 37 60 71 WHITBY ter length vell "Sisco wis 76 CHURCH BT, TORONTO, 8th FLOOR IM mM . 4 33 54 73 heid by @ coronet of shines zoo, | -- ELAN { x Domestic and Foreign Travel Reservations--Airlines, A ee, mateh. ra 12 35 53 61 y Steamships, Bus, Rall, Hotels, Car Rentals fe. oavied & aascade of or- SSRN E------S----------------T----N--. 3 4 15 44 57 on . of ii we BIG FUN & ADVENTURE SHOW! NY w TE ee Tor Ta oa | A She was attended by Jane Koen | : 39 derman, niece 3 the Joon wie J wore a cocktall length gown of ) . : follow) turquoise Wp val short ' | (4 yt \ 3 ig Bring : " ys full card] sleeves and oval nec ' : 4 " t {0 pa Binge (Sundey )» Complate tiny matching vell was caught to / : paving ris appr 8. he beck of See Your Local Travel Agent every Binge serd, rhinestones, ad she Sentied a 1 bhi ascade pink carnations, ; syolisf ' pth Br ete i Aron boreveneni x oy MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE n it girl, wore a frilled dress of Wile Yes, there's a fun way, a really quick way to learn te ARMY, NAVY AND " 4 rh 3 h ripen 04 ae 4 oct TODAY & TUESDAY Bi L T M (0) Rr £ dance, thanks to Arthur Murray's famous "Magic Slap AIR FORCE VETERANS | Thomas Meodows Co. Canada Lig Haven't you always promised yourself a services earry more people, Canada to In your first lesson you learn the key to the Cha C IN CANADA 22 SIMCOE ST, TH . mums white hyacinths and car : Samba, Foxtrot--all the latest dances, Parties are pars sou OSHAWA RA 3 9441 . nations. of your lessons, so you can count on meeting hosts of \ 4 The best man was Paul Koen pew friends --have more invitations than ever before, derman, and the ushers were Come in and have a half-hour $1,00 trial lesson. Harry 6t. Niclaas and Bob Jongs- See for yourself how quickly you learn to dance, ad Ges : ARTHUR MURRAY recelv e gues n e gown with white accessories and ued "AIR CONDITIONED BALLROOM" ore & corsage of pink cara THE INN OF THE '11% SIMCOE ST. S. .. .. RA 8-1681 qLaavng ot 3 v SA - SIXTH HAPPIN €5S , bride donned a grey sult with 7 Crone matching accessories, brown fur ooo ee Sscssssssscssssssbhasssasas coat and an orchid corsage. BERGMAN -. v On their return, Mr, and Mrs What J "ey " : ' Koenderman wil rsdn 1 Dov. Each of us ust find your a i a MAM EB an e 0 : own Among out of town guests were hearts! . BM . " Feature Today . . . ) a) f { oTaAnmING |. Mr, and Mrs, Jukeman, London, | | Y Prices oor &h s &n ent 2-Sinister S ace Thrillers! 4 Ont.; Mr, and Mrs, Bob Song 1:00-3:40. 6:28 MATINEE i ol . , J \ , Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, John Taylor Bowmanville: Mr, and ADULTS. 60s ADULTS, 88¢ s eens s---------- TUDENTS 384 STUDENTS | 50¢ DESTRUCTION \ ( § ' CHILDREN '. 20¢ CHILDREN | 25¢ i FOR MISSED JJ J 200 Be 2k 2k Je 22 2b i weed B ON THE SCREEN | planet IN AJAX DIN Qo \ SU rans Pp oe 1 sou ws sot wand ov | OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE \ ne TR papal foo Tines by 7 pm, coll AJAX TAXI presents | : | I a Ton po" PHONE AJAX 333 HIGH GROUND All cally mit ie dived before SUSPENSE -- DRAMA i By CHARLOTTE HASTINGS DIRECTED BY HARRIET RAPLEY SUBSCRIBERS AV THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND FEB - - - H I A v BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST «1-12-13 14 AT 8:20 PM. | fet Ho) J 8 TECHNTIAW® TAX! SIRVICL PHONE 1] BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE | IEARNRRIENRRASS on LA TECHNICOLOR® STEVEN'S TAXI Re ) I ys ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MA 3.5822 Mon., Tues. Fé. 9 10 5 ( 4:00 P.M, TO 6:00 P.M Ladi hd : : If you have not received your . , : v y . EAVURE iw or re © On nights of performance }- LL wow!!! PRICES: -- DAILY AT:-- nA le dd AT THEATRE 7:00 P.M. : AN | What o wonderful world MATS: ¢ Adults ... 60 1:35, 4:05, 6:30, 9:05 P.M. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAX{ Moke this would be "if every ' . Cate Auared Breen GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 Mot TODAY Seenivtor tod on os Children .. .20 PLAZA | "AUNTIE MAME"