THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, February 9, 1939 15 Instal Officers Columbus W.A. MRS. FRANK T. SMITH were named as a soclal activity COLUMBUS -- The January|commiitee, 47 Automobiles For Sale | 50--Articles For Sale GHEY, motor, will fit "40 to "83, good |VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, condition; also "50 Ford motor, other parts, attachments, brushes, guaran parts for Chev. Brooklin 602R12, 333c |leed rebuilt machines. Estimates fres, $505, FORD "53" ri neh wagon, abso. Rentals, Vaccum Cleaner Repair Ser. Tately beyond ariticiom, Jus in' and |vics: RA_8:1081 anytime. , | priced for quick sale, King West Motors 'SLENDERIZING treatments, Hi-Pro- Shopping Centre. tein Health Foods, Steam Baths, Health Ly Master and fruit julcers. Homewood Health nate, King 45--Roel Estate Por Sale FOOD eome heme for sala, 3 rooms, Es Th LA TY, ade 10 RA 56101, 46--Reol Estate Wanted 45---Real Estate Por Selo "NEW- $500 DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY BRICK BUNGALOWS WITH FINISHED REC.-ROOMS decorated, a Jorge lot, itn trees, iImmedis ssession Du vor. $13,700 wih terms. "A M011, sou, a A _Doauty, buy how, av Street East, KA 8.051 high » ices. King West |" er gal I _-- Motors gh ih to Shonpin . Centre, 3B, v GOODRICH Sores, Hires, Datla. 38 PREVECT sedi les, 1 refrigerators, 3 ow PREPECT sedan, original finish Thrifty budget plan. RA 54343, EXTRA wagon, ation flow, radio, twodone, $1393; 'I # 545, Small down pe an "88 Buick hard ype~ { Mm teor, Sires wife, Wianifred A. written consent, on er JOHN A. J. this date, February 6, 1950. -- John 8, Finley, Sle all eash 32513; Whitby MO | RA 34431, ie we, LZ BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE SS, RA 5-6544 ARE YOU MR. X? THE BARGAIN HUNTER These Mr. X'. like bargains. 1 you're like these Mr, X's you'll inspect these accessible 4 homes we huve to offer oll with low down payments rangi from $500 to $l, of, Three - bedroom homes, many extras, Full price only ? 7 7 Coll Bill Swore brick at RA 5.6544 THE WALL KNOCKER This Mr. X likes good con- struction If are like Mr. X you will like this new solid brick bungalow, featuring S$ rooms, large modern kitchen, stippled ceiling, aluminum front door, sliding closet doors, sodded front und more, Only $2,000 down payment Call Bill Rotcliffe ot RA 5.6544, THE SCEPTIC This Mr. X wants porof, Show him he's getting his money's worth, If you ore like Mr. X you will be convinced this newly remodelled 10-room home Is the most for the east Feotures 2 bathrooms, 2 kit chens, 2 div meters, "2-cor garage, im nediote possession and must bs sold ot once for a sacrifice nrice of $12,950 Coll Jock Appleby at RA 5.6544, THE INVESTOR This Mr. X hos extra cash, he likes to spend money to moke money, If you are like Mr, X you will inspect this 3-family home, 2 apartments | have separate entrances | room, |-4 room aportments, 2 baths, 2 meters, full price Is only $10,500 ond the down payment will convince this house Is worth hav- 0 look et, Call Bill Ret- eliffe ot RA 5-6544 THE ENTERTAINER This Mr. X Is olways enter. toining. If you are like Mr, X you will love this impres- sive brick home In cholce location; accessible, 4 bedrooms, goroge, naturel fireplace. Shown by apoint- ment only, Call Bertha Apple. by ot RA 3.3398 3% 2-3 BOLT brick ranch style home, Targe lot, Iandscaped, six rooms, bath, Loeat od on quiet residential street. 9 Freder ik yo Phone Bowmanville MA EVERY DAY good tenants chock Oh. awe Times "For Rent" Classified ads, Dial RA 3.3493 to offer your vacancy at low oont, -NEW- | SRK BUNGALOW | ALICE ST, ot MARY $12,900 LOOK AT THESE\ FEATURES: AMAZING VALUE ts, some or Soy. For quick sale |g) payment or trade, us. Ww. tauley tor, 96 Prince two years on balance, At Wellman's, Osha 31 y FORD, sacrifice, Only w= 12,900 FULL PRICE ments, Phone RA 58576. s BUICK Buper, steering, power brake, Just 539 King Street East, ALLSTATE Aufo Insurance. WANTED 2-50 acres with lake front. eo between Whitby and Port ig Private buyer. Write: ve up 2802. take over Pay: 3 3 | motor, excellent tires, Sale price $695, sitomatle power to pay. Vor 2 per cent, [Nine masint 1b 3%, BA Box 433 The Oshawa Times 1. Rolled arborife kitchen counter with hopping block Exhaust fan Vagetoble spray , Stained cupboards , Colored bathroom , Chrome fixtures . 3 bedrooms Cornice ceiling and valance box in living room , Sodded lawns , See the model and be sure RA 5-6544 JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS Feb. 9,11,13 Parcel of lond, suitable for sub-division, opprox, 16 lots, Taunton Rd, W. Full price $11,500 Commerciel lot, Simeos St. N. 37 feet 10 inches x 124 feet. Full price $2,500. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR RA 3-2254 = J :NOOVLAEWN 33 NEW BRICK BUNGALOWS $68 MONTHLY 73 _ Simcoe t _ 'FORD convertible, radio, duals, | 0509 cash, Apply 194 Church Street. 31f '#8 CHEVROL| ly «clean, pi Van Heusen Motors, 149 King West, 20 45--Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale '51 OLDH,, 400d mechanieal condition, clean through. tive Street after five, CAR radios instalied, 5 down, $3.90 » week, L Street West, 49 METEOR conch, Special, #99, WA 37363, 3 "PONTIAC ] condition, $2650, No sum. wi '0 OLDIMOBILE sedan, transmission radio, 1 'Mn vi 219 Ritson Road South after 4 p.m. dlc '8 BUICK century sedan, automatic transmis red and white, with matehing uphol te Vi is GHEY. station wagon, A-1 condition adie, Phone RA 5.1923 9/58 PONTIAC |nedan, radio, trade. Phone RA 53870. . 1'81 G.M.0, half ton pick-up, new paint, [9395 eash, If you are looking for a [$54 truck, don't miss this one. RA [5-91 su 4 VOLKSWAOEN, LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM INSURANCE REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS EXECUTIVE HOME We kiow of no house so come plete and spacious, lending t= self to grocious living for a large family. You will love this large 6-reom home with bullt-In stove und wall oven in kitchen, venity in bath, hardwood end rubber tile floors, spacious lot 75 x 200°, with country atmos- phere. You owe it 10 yourself to see this home, Coll DOUG HURST, RA 8.5123, CHADBURN ST, a $12,900 cellent i' | 6V4-room, storey and a half Prana Hil Noe, Four lorge bedrooms, lovely decoration, This house must be seen, Close to sep- orate and public schools, See it tonight! Call FRANK BAR- NOSKI, RA 8-5123. SACRIFICE Yes, it's true, only $6,200 full price, $1,000 down, Out- side c'ty, Ideal for gardener or kennels. Nicely laid out bungulow. 2 -plece bath, awnings. Heavy duty wiring, lot 100 x 200. Seeing is believing. So call DOUG GOWER ot RA 8-5123 ond get all the details HOUSE FOR SALE? Before listing, coll us for on opproisal ond free edvice, RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS RA 5.6165 19 ATHOL ST. W, ~~Automobiles four door sedan, cash, or nearest offer. 34'4 wl Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond on wa frade, wutom sound body, U9 King Street East, Al eondition, ale $329 n evrolel conch, on, custom radio, two tone Only $1395 0 ry. No down payment an Heusen Motors, 149 King West heats signals, snow tires rato Chi automatic excellent ve, transmiss ote, condition, No Lloyd Realty Ltd 0! Simcoe St. N, RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL home RA 3.2000 after 5 pm. Apply Street North wm Balf-ton pick-up, real: | rioed to sell, Only #595. | $888 FULL DOWN 11,738 FULL PRICE LOOK AT THESE FEATURES: w-S0lld Brick «3 Bedrooms «Sliding Closet Doors --=Sodded Front Lown --Eloctric Light Fixtures wtollywood Kitchens wLolored Ceramic Tiled Bathrooms w=Many Others LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR OLD AND NEW HOUSES--FARMS WE HAVE BUYERS WAITRNG WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~- RA 5-6588 '| ed, 113' fully extended, $250, RA 5-8)72 | » handling, good trunk space, quiet ig West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, a $1405. YORD "57" coach, small mile. age, expert mechanic says it's perfect mechanieally, Terms King West Motors, ¢ opposite Shopping Centre, #105, YOUR choice, '51 Meteor, '53 Van- guard, '50 Ford, 49 Monarch. Let us worry about the down payment. King ost Motors, opposite Shopping nse. | DRYER, '58 General Electric suto- matic, air freshener and sult de wrinkler, Five months old. Value $300, Selling 9200. MO 8.2812 au PIANO accordion, 120 bass, Scandal, In very good condition, $225, Apply 18 Bruce Street, Iu T prices paid for used furni. ture, also sell and exchange, Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131 ELECTRC refrigerators, i loned, all makes, 90-day free 7% DESOTO sedan, automatic trans. mission, radio, thoroughly checked a ready for many miles, Show room £oh- | dition, $595. King West Motors, opposite 1g Centre. | "5 DODGE station wagon, with radio, $498, or best offer. RA 8.0404, a $8 ATUDESAKER champion good run ning condition, $75, take over payments MArket 3-2198, Bowmanville, wu 5 PONTIAC, conch, low mileage, good | condition. Phone RA 3.4113. 33 | | CLASSIFICATION ¥yIVTY . .. MOUTON fur coat, sire 14, worn thies times, Phone RA 57547 or 288 Guel'h Street, a - Ce ------------ Le ------------ LLOYD blue baby earriags, In good condition, converts into a stroller, | sonab) Phone RA 85-2425, 33 f er, In excellent 1" ly re warranty, from $60.50, Irvine Appli- ances, 50 Bond East. 1056 WOODS 15 cu, ft, deep freeze, Call MO 33 (Value $400, Bale price $200. 82812. naa - #1 INCH console TV, $125; baby car. riage and car bed, $12. RA 85-1053, Ed USED tires, most all sizes $3 up, B, ¥. Goodrich Store, RA 5-4543, EASY spin dry washer and floor polish Te condition, 49 Burk Street, RA 5.7743, nl BOATS, motors and trailers, new and used, Terms, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West USED tires, 83, up. Terms, Dominion 4d Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. , automatic defrost, re: nadian Beauty Slactrit G.E. re tar volving shelf, Ca r ot! CE chesterfield set, 6 x 0'| $50 | 3a | TWO.PIE broadloom rug. Trilight, all for Phone HRA 5-1846 . 20.PIECEWedgewood dinner ware, new, $35. Will sell for $15. RA 5.3138, 231] 4% CUBIC McClary refrigerator, five years old, excellent condition, $125, also high chair, $3.50. RA 5.3700 20 WHITE enamel coal or wood annex, | in perfect condition, Phone RA 3.9006 at | round, large] DINING table, antique mahogany carved legs, 84" clo room CRANFIELD MOTORS | 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 | USED CARS | B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.C., WOLSELEY | YOUR MOVER 33 CALL NOW EXCLUSIVE AGEN JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR RA 5-6544 3% EXTRA LARGE, SPACIOUS 3. BEDROOM BUNGALOW, SEE THIS HCME LOCATED ALMOST DOWNTOWN, CHECK THESE FEATURES: . Brick ond stone , Over 1100 sq, #. . Huge kitchen Sliding <loset doors . Stained ond varnished trim . Tiled bathroom 2 olum, storm doors . Sidewalk und paved road « Mony other features Immediote possession THIS TODAY -- CALL RA 5-6544 JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 33 COW NDA WN "w ™ ~ BROOKLIN $975 DOWN, Beautifully appointed ranch style bunge- low, 4-pce. bath, llving-din- Ing room, 3 large bedrooms, terraced garden, 75' lot, N.H.A, mortgage. An abso- lute bargain buy at $11,875, Owner transferred to USA, His sacrifice your gain. Satok Real Estate Ltd, Brooklin 291, $1,750 DOWN, Outstanding corner location, Close to schools and shopping, An ex- tremely well kept home, 3 large bedrooms, Fully decer- ated, beautifully tiled flooring Vickery & Goyne RA 8.5155 Rose Bow! Bldg. 39 Prince St. $1,200 DOWN--5.ROOM BUNGALOW-1.YEAR-OLD. Three big bedrooms (double closets), large modern kitchen, bright roomy living room, natural trim doors and woodwork, aluminum storms and screens, Close to new G. M. C. Owner forced to sacrifice. Balance os rent CUSTOM-BUILT NEW 5V4-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW. Stone trim. Large, modern kitchen-dinette, 19 x 12°4 living room, extra big bedrooms, 4-plece tiled bath with vanity (colored fix- tures) exhaust fan, Plerson aluminum windows, One block from schools and bus. N.H.A. only $1,800 down $71 per month NORTH-END EXECUTIVE, 6-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW----- BREEZEWAY, ATTACHED GARAGE--LARGE CORNER LOT, Attroctively decorated and landscaped. Living room 20 x 14, large ultra-modern kitchen, three big bedrooms, 4.plece tiled bath with built-in vanity, Lighted built-in valance boxes, dropery trocks, aluminum storms ond screens and IV, aerial. Shown by appointment only, Priced to sell, $110 per month Including taxes, After Hours Please Call: J. GOYNE--RA 5.5378 S. MACKO---RA 5.0771 R, VICKERY---RA 5.6342 33f throughout including bose- ment, tiled 4-pce. bathroom, aluminum storms, screens and doors, fully sodded lot with full grown trees. A truly ex. ceptional at $12,750 or near offe tok Real Estate Ltd, Brooklim\291, 32a WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR Rent 385) - - waite § CASH paid for used furniture, appli | ances, pianos, sewing machines and al | C0 Phone Turonte LEnnox 1.2873 N3 Byron South. Phone MO | PANT cuffing and iterations man's Marchi and ladie's wear; drapery alterations most any article. Call Midtown Muni ture, 1 DREASMAKING, alterations, better | ® dresses, wills, ste made to means | MO 8.4308; #83 Byron North Feb. 14 Ber sales, service, Installations your heating cost. Call St that heat from going up Have » Heat Savor Installed Feb, 12 Four-room apartment, MO | MAN to Operate or lease service station Ae (opportunity for right parson to be in business for himself APARTMENT for rent, ~ thres-rooms . 3 rrooms ST. JONN'S Heating Service, ofl bur |*"4 bathroom, Cut [306 Byron North, MO 8.4843 John 0 stop | FOR Rent -- apartment. the chimney |heat and light bid, pg Included. $70 per month, Apply Lambert Of 2145 Dundas Street West, Toronto. 320 I. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. Feb.23 available Mareh 1st, 3 Me MO #2387 "NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MISS CLARA EUGENE POWELL tote of Clara Eugene Powell Spinster tario, of filed with E 2nd day of March, a will be distributed doy of January, 1959, [FOR RENT "Three room unfurnishe Apartment, ground arn Shirase france and bath. Baby welcome, MO AND OTHERS tive "uit sis Fesihers asin LIVE poultry "aise feathers wanted, | Hixhest market prices paid. Phone col. leet MO 8.3488 Whithy, Mareh # NEW Trilevel home, hres bedrooms and dining room, elose to Hillorest |#chool, TV serial, aluminum storms {and screens, newly decorated, includ. INE Arapery track, washer, dryer attachments kitchen, MO 8.473 PAINTING and decorating call and Souter Paint and CURE free ortimate. Specialists in multi-color (Roxat we) work, 107 Byron South MO an, Feb. 3 SEPTIO tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward 304 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8.2563 Feb 26 CHAIN SAW Custom cutting avellable, skill saws, paint sprayers, ce- ment mixer. Wilde Rentel Sevice ond Soles = MO [ELL VERILER All claims ugainst the Es late of Whitby, On. who died on the Bth January, 1959, must be the undersigned xecutors on ur before the 1959; fter wihich dute her Estate in Dated ut Oshawa this 30th CHARLES CAMPBELL McGIBBON and EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, . 20 Simcoe Street North, a, Ontario, Executors Messrs. McGibbon Bostedo, thelr Sallatonm boasaln $1,062 DOWN--HARMONY HEIGHTS Quality homes built by S. Jockson & Son Ltd, In Harmony Helghts = N.H.A, mortgage ---- no second mortgages -- total price $12,395.00, which includes the following: Clay brick, partial stone front, laundry tubs, ceramic tiled bath- room, kitchen fan, hot water heater, electric light fixtures, side- walk, gravel drive, aluminum storm windows, cluminum storm doors, storm sewer, sonitary sewer and water prepaid, and sodded front lawn, Don't settle for less when you can have the best. McLAUGHLIN (OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE) Large 6-room 2.storey brick ond stucco home with attached orage ond fenced-in yord. The ideal family-home, both in location ond size, 22 x 13' living room with natural fireplace, good-sized dining room, modern kitchen, large master bed room, 2 other good-sized bedrooms, new bathroom, Forced air with oll heating. Listed ot $14,900 with approximately $4,000 down oll #8 an appointment this evening, LAW STREET Custorn built home with attached garage om wide lot. Broodloom in large living room and dining room, beautiful hollywood kitchen with Iarge dinette -- tiled bathroom, 2 good« sized bedrooms. Just listed ot $22,000.00 with $14,000.00. COLBORNE ST. E. Ronch-style bungalow, 3 years old, completed in every way on deep landscaped lot, forced air oil heating, tiled bathe room wells, decorated, a neat comfortable home in a very good location. Listed ot $12,900.00 with $4,000.00 down. After 5:30 call Joe Mage at 5.9191 WINONA AVE Very modern 3.bedroom home on Winona Ave completed and ready for occupancy, wall-to-wall carpeting in living room, din. ette and master bedroom, ceramic tiled bathroom, decorated, radiant heating, double garage, sodded lowns. Total price only $19,995.00 which makes it a real good buy in this choice lo- cation, LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 314 Simcoe Street South Dial 3.9329 or 5.6551 AFTER 5:30 DIAL Dick Barriege . 5.6243 Everett Elliott Lloyd Metealt .... 5-4983 | Joe Moga ...u... 3.9290 5.9191 . 33 RILEY SALES & SERVICE SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER « VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | OSHAWA, ONT TEL: KAndolph 3.3461 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | (ust Eost of Wilson, Road) | | RA 3 4494, Res. RA 5-5574 | {48--Automobiles Wanted | | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA| 51181 or RA 511m. | | | MACKIE MOTORS | Will buy good cleen cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consignment, | Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION King Street Eost Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5.5743 HIGHEST PRICES Gocd elean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § RA 3.9421 49-- Automobile Repairs | DKW & FIAT | SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King 5t, W., -- RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, | |COMBINATION heavy duty electric |and czal range, small coal heater. RA 3:7300, 33a USED lumber, 2 x 4, 3 x 4 inch sheet ing and doors. Corner King and Church Streets or Phone RA 3.7882 32b MAN'S overcoat, size 38, as new, rea sonable; ctrie seal coat, size 12, good condition, $30, Phone RA 3.2020 COOK stove, fuel and wood, Phone RA 5.6397, Sot #30 to $150 allowance for your oid tele vislen on any new Electrohome, Ad miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park way Telovision, 918 Simcoe Street North, WINE and cider barrels available, ail sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3.7624. GUNS, ammunition and hunting wup Piles new ad used, For the best deal n town see Dominion Tire Store, #8 Bond Street West, RA 5.6511 USED washer parts, W HP motors, $5 up. Repairs to all wringer typs wash. ers. Guaranteed reconditioned washers Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.2033, Bowmanville STEREO, Expert conversion of your present HI-FI or tape recorder to Stereo. Sales and service on all Ger man and Domestic Hi-Fi and stereo equipment. For Information phone Osh Awa representative, Heinz Rottschaifer, RA 8.1450 mornings or evenings, Fern Electronics, 423 Yonge Street, Toronto. SELLING furniture! We'll buy it | Fridges, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves ete. For top cash offer contact, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131, FURNITURE Sale -- Roductions up to 50 per cent! 2 pe. chesterfields, $89 up! 3 pe. bedroom suites, $89 up! § pe. kit chen sets, $44 up! Many table and floor | lamps, 4 price! Coffee and end tables, 87 up! Springfilled mattresses -- all sizes, 819 up! Rockers, hostess, swivel and recliner chairs, 20 per cent to 40 per cent off! Bunk beds, desks, cedar chests, luggage, smokers, hassocks, ete = all drastically reduced! Easy terms arranged! Barons' 424 Simcoe Street South. "Where prices are lower and quality higher -- or your money back!" LARGEST selection of used TV, many With new guarantees . at Parkway Tels. | vision, 018 Simeoe Street North SELLING furniture or "cleaning out [your basement? You will get your high est price when you phone RA 5.8131 The Oshaws Trading Por UA Rimens PAID FOR | after 8, 283 Drew Street. TWO semi-formal dresses, size 11, and yellow. RA 8.6103, I CHESTERYIELD and chair, wine, $35. RA 81732. 14 Rowe Street, _ WE pay highest price in the elty for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furnl ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South ELECTRC ranges, all makes com: pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty, from $39.50, Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond East gg USED television sets 17 and 21" com: pletely reconditioned, Free 00-day war. biue a f ranty on labor and parts, Irvine Ap ~ |pliances, 50 Bond East is HP motor, new, #60; portable air compressor, $34; Ford car radio '53 '55, push button, $20; electric greasing machines, Alemite, with grease gun, $60; and many other items at very reasonable prices, Come in and look around every evening. Ap ly 507 Sim. con Street South, RA 59216, SKATES. new and used, No, 1 Skate Exchange" $1 up. New skates $4.95 up. sclection in town, Drayton Cycle, Bond Street East 2 AMBITIOUS for a farm of your own? See the interesting offers under Farms for Sale" in the Classified sec "Oshawa's Used skates Largest 204 tion SINGER treadle sewing machine, $15, Phone RA 3.9147 after 6 p.m au COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM RAILINGS Beoutity your home, protect your family -- custom made railings, $1.50 per foot up; aluminum windows $15 up; doors $35 up. Free estimotes Call ¢nllect ATlantic 2.2152 IMETAL CRAFT COMPANY BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' 16 26', See Alox Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX LARSON FIBRE-GLASS BOATS 7" «29 Open Evenings and Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motes = budget terms. Free winter storage on motors. Boat storage Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont. Phone '87 Dollar for Dollar You'll Get A Better Deal on . LJ Aluminum Doors Aluminum Flair-Vent Awnings Aluminum Storm Windows and Screens Pre-Fab Garage Pre-Fab Cottage * - Stone-Tex Insulated Siding (Four different colors). Perch Railing (aluminum and wrought iron) at HOLODY ALUMINUM SALES 30 Grenfel St., RA 5.2431 50--Articles For Sale 16th day of March, ing regard only to Solicitor, 17 King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHE Creditors end others hoving claims against the Estate of MATILDA S. BARTON, late of the City of Oshowe, are required to send full parti- culars of such claims to the undersigned, wlicitor fos the Executors, on or before the 1959, ofter which dote the Estate's assets will be distributed hav- claims thot hove been received, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., are required te claims thot received Solicitor, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of LAURA MATILDA DAVIS, late of the City of Oshawa, send full particulars of such claims te the undersigned, solicitor for the Administrator, on or be- fore the 16th doy of March, 1959, ofter which date the Estate's gssets will be distri- buted having regard only to hove been ERNEST MARKS, Q.C. 17 King Street Eost, OSHAWA, Ontario, Leal Notices BUILDINGS ONTARIO SEALED Tenders Secretary, on Ontario, Specifications with application ed at Room 6527, accepted, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontarlo, February 4th, 1959, Department of Public DEMOLITION OF TOWN OF COBOURG, FIXED SUM TEN- DERS will be received by the Room 6630, until 4 p.m, ES. Time WEDNESDAY MARCH 4th 1959 for the Demolition ond Re- moval from the site, of dise used ouildings on the prop- erty formerly owned by the estate of T. +. Hall and sit- uated on the North side of University Avenue, being port of Town lots nos. 3, 4, 7 ond *, Block | In Cobourg, tender form attached dhd tender en- velope moy be obtuined on to the Depart- ment of Public Works, On. tario, Room 6527 East Block Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be view Any tender Is not necessarily J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Works, Ontarle. 32 IN THE ceased, and Province of | NOTICE, TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF CHARLES CRAWFORD, de- ALL persons having claims against the estate of the soid Charles Crawford, late of the City of Oshawa, In the County Ontario, Gardener, deceased, who died on or about the &th dey of September, A.D, 1958, at the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty ond Province of Ontario, are required to file proof of the some with the under. signed Administratrix of the of the Columbus Wo. Mrs. Walter Beath, ings from the dominion council president, Mrs. Clifford Naylor presided ed by Mrs. Stanley Webber, cers for 1959 as follows: Hom, Pres., Mrs. Allan McKenzie; t, Mrs. George Gilroy; Vice-Pres., Mrs. James Stark: Secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; Webber; Coresponding Snacretary, Mrs. Cyril Shaw: Treasurer, Mrs, Plani-t, Mrs. Allan McKenze: cliffe; Manse Committee, Fimer Powell (corvener) Harold Hayes, Committee, Mrs. Thomas Flett Mrs, Norman Gimblett, Mr-, Meredith Dring, Mrs, E. H. Me. Cormack, Mrs, Thermas Seott: Press Renorter, Mrs. Walter Hol Uday, Bible Secretary, Mrs. Thomas Flett; ship, Mrs, Ray Scott; Represent ative to the Official Board, Mrs. George Gilroy; Committee, Mrs. Mrs, Allan Scott; Committee 1059-60, Mrs, Beath, Mrs. Richard Fowler and Mrs, Grant Webber, RECEIVI:S GIFT Mrs, George Gilroy read a roem and Mr, Love presented Mrs, Stewart Murison with a life membership certificate and John Miller, of her work as president. 13 at 2:3 p.m. when Raglan members will be invited, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Ernest White and Mrs. Arthur Smith Solina Sunday School Meet By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- The annual Sunday School meeting was held Thurs- day evening with Rev. F. J. Reed presiding and Murray Vice act- ing as secretary in the absence of Lloyd Broome, After the re-election of John Knox as superintendent, a review of the highlights was given and new Ideas for 1959 were present- ed and discussed. Mrs. E. Cryderman, Mrs. Mur- were appointed as a committee to prepare music for the Sunday School anniversary in May. The 1959 officers and teachers are: assistant superintendents, Stan Millson, Harvey Yellowlees, Pear] Leach; secretary, Lloyd Broome; treasurer, Murray Vice; Pianists, Helen Knox, Gail Bak- er, Pat Davis, Anne Werry, Pat Knox, Dianne Tiak; committee to prepare special programs, Mrs. Tom Baker, Mrs. Charles Lang: maid, Mrs, Bruce Taylor; Committee for Missionary Edu- cation, Mrs. Murray Vice, Mrs. Stan Millson; committee for Tem. perance Education, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. D. Flett; cradle roll sunerintendent, Mrs, Bruee Tink: Teachers: Nursery -- Mrs. R. Pascoe; assistant, Mrs. Ross Cry- derman; Beginners--Donna Vice; assistant, Mrs. Joe Snowden; Primary -- Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr.; assistant, Gladys Yellowlees; Junior boys -- Don Taylor; assist- ant, Mrs. Wes Werry; Intermedi- ate Girls -- Mrs. Wes Yellowlees: assistant, Mrs, Don Taylor; In- termediate Boys, Bruce Taylor; assistant, Stan Millson; Young People's Class, Wes Hills, assist. ant, Mrs. B. Hooey, STEWARDS AND ELDERS Members on the board of elders estate of the said d February A.D. tice. this AD Joan Gardner, Adminictratrix, Drynan & Murdoch, Oshawa, Ontario. Articles For DATED et Oshawa, Onterle, 2nd doy of February, by Creighton, Fraser, 5 Simcoe Street North, Her Solicitors herein, d on or before the 23rd day of 1959, after which date the sald admin- istratrix will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, having regord only to the claims of which she shall then have no- SELF STORING WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS FREE ESTIMATES | BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP and stewards are: Stewards, Charles Langmaid, Stan Millson, Ewart Leask, Lloyd Broome, Wes Hills, Wes Yellowlees, Gordon Leask, Bruce Tink "apd R: Davis. Fan Fiders: 8. E. Werry,"E. R. Taylor, Gordon Leask, Lloyd meeting man's Association was held in the church basement Wednesday af- ternoon., Music was provided by Mrs. Allan McKenzie, conduct- ed the meeting and read greet- for the Devotional period assist- Rev, Ronald Love Installed offi- Assistant Secretary, Mrs, Stanley Stewart Murison; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. Clifford Naylor: Assistant Planist, Mrs. Roy Rat. Mrs, Mrs, Mrs. Arthur Smith; Flower and Card conven. er, Mrs. Ernest White; Visiting Christian Citizen- Church Flower Nominatin~ Walter The date for the annual bazaar was set for April 20. Mrs, Allan McKenzie was named convener, Mrs, 'Ray Scott, secretary treas- urer for the junior congregation announced the jonlor congnega- tion supper would be held Feb, 21. A:30 p.m, Mrs, Cyril Shaw vresided for the program when Mrs. McKen- zle showed pictures of a trip to Florida, The group In charge served hot soup and a social time followed, Officers and teachers of the Co. lumbus Sunday School were in. «talled by the Rev. Ronald Love Sunday. ! Those in charge for 1950 will be: Hon, Superintendent, William Dyer; Superintendent, Elmer Powell, Assistant Superintend. ents, Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe, Walter Beath: Secretary, Mrs. Wolter Reath; Assi-tant Secretary, Frank Smith; Treasurer, Alan Scott; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs, Alan Sedtt; Missionary Superintendent, Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe, Temperance Superintendent, Mrs, Clifford Navior: Familv Lifa Siverintend- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Seott, Nursery Roll. Mrs, Thomas Firit: Muosle Commi'tee, Imis Heddon, Flizabeth Hayes and Grace Webber; Library, L] Yeddon: Lantern and Pro, y Wayne Beath, Robert Webber and Douglas Scott: Representative to the Official Board, Mrs. Alan Scott, The teachers are, .Jeginners, Mrs, Alan Scott; Assistant, Di. anne Gimblett; Primary vs, Vrs, James McKenzie, Assistant, Mrs. Arthur Grass; Primary Girls, loit Heddon, Assistant, Mrs. Frank Simnson; Junior Boys, Grant Webber; Junior (irls, Mrs, Kenneth Powell, Mrs. ray Vice and Mrs, Don Taylor Mrs. A. McKenzie gave her the Fmer Powell and Mrs, Grant life membership pin. Mrs, Ernest| Webber: Intermediate Boys, Ray White presented Mrs, Allan Me. Scott; Intermediate Girls, Mrs, Kenzie with a gift in recognition) Thomas Flett; Assistant, Mrs, Frank Smith; Live Wires Class, The World Day of Prayer serv-|to be arranged; Adult Class, tobe fee was announced for February| Arranged; Explorers, Mrs, Harry Mountenay, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powell at- tended the funeral of the former's cousin, Norman Stanley at Begv- erton Tueed-v, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Scott and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wylie spent Friday evening at the home' of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Wanamak- er of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and Gary, Oshawa, were Friday even. ing visitors at the home of Mr, and Mr, Frank Smith, Mrs, Thomas Cook visited with her granddaughter and family, Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Wright of Oshawa, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wylle, Susan and Debra, visited Rev, and Mrs, Wyllie of Toronto Sun- day, John Balsdon of Pickering had dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Powell Tuesday. Marion Palmer of Oshawa spent Saturday afternoon and evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fran Smith, : Broome, Mrs. W, Yellowlees, On cil Pascoe and John Knox, ' THREE M"S MEET The Three M's met Monday night with Marg Pellow of Osh awa and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lar mer of Blackstock of the Oshawa Presbytery YPU executive as guests. Also present were a number of young people who are interested in a Hi-C group. Under the supervision of the convenors of the program, Bruce, Jean and Joyce Taylor all took part in a lively recreation period. Following this, Jean and Joyce Taylor led in a worship service. Many helpful sugrestions were offered by Marg and Glenn #ibout the organizing of a group for our young people, It was announced February 19 at 8 p.m, a special meeting be held for young people ofdihe community, During the social -hour, lunch was served. APPROVE CONTRACT WINDSOR (CP)--Office Work. ers at Ford of Canada voted Sun day to accept a new contract re- cently negotiated between the company and the United Automo- bile Workers (CLC), providing three $10.40-a-month increases un- til it expires Feb, 15, 1962, DAILY CROSSWORD DOWN 4, Clam 2. Solicit (rare) earnestly 8.0l1d World 8. Artificial lizard 'god 9. Either \ alloy sky Bear 4. Needlefish 10. Jog 6. Stem of 31, Wiser grain > 12. Part of ( A Pheri o a stair 14. Exclamae 7. Mail , tion (G. B) 18, Room nea 8. Opposite kitchen "bows" 16. Buddha (naut.) ACROSS 1, Wet, miry land OP [EN] [PIAL |E BEHIETAIR] SIT]! LIE SNE ERI LIE] (PILING IA RINIEIR] GIL IETF] Saturday's Answer | 32, Sicilian vols' cano(var.) 85. Greek lotteg 86. Look Home Furnishings, |, VERN GLASS CO. LTD. 1216 SIMCOE ST, N. RA 8.6214 ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK After 6 p.m. call JACK McGRAW MOHAWK 8-4633 WHITBY JOHN REID RA 3-7679 OSHAWA Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS--Interior and Exterior Fireploce Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST RA 5-4632 Les Eveniss, RA 3.2707 Bin Galbraith, RA 5.8832 : 87. Contront 29, English elty 38. French 30. Vex 40. Unhappy 17, Female pig 11. Secure 18, Negative 13, Pensang 19. Wading (Ind.) birds 23. Main point 34. Border flower 20. Sweet potatoes 28. Not so difficult 81. Elizabeth Regina $3. Viper 83. Greek letter $7. "The House of the Seven er 87. Touch 39. Salute 40. Fried lightly 41, Solar disk 42. Measure of land 43. Ancien} Irish l,, copter