Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Feb 1959, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monady, Februery 9, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM, to 5PM, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURUAY 8 T0 12 Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column; Births, Memorloms, Cords Thanks ~ 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS = 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 of INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | == Accountants 2-Barristers 3~Chiropractor 4=Dantists BIRTHS COULTER --~ Mr. and Mrs, A. G Coulter are happy lo announce the ar rival of a daughter February 6, 1999, | #t the Oshawa General Hospital Frederick Patton), Kingston, HOAG =~ Mr, and Mrs Hoag (nee Frances Ontario, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Valerie Anne, Feb. ruary 6, 1959, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston PERRY ~ 1, Kent Douglas, son of Bud and Joan (nee Connell) arrived at the Oshawa General Hospital, Thurs day, Feb, 5, weighing in st 6 124 ozs, Everyone fine ibs Mr. and Mrs, John nee Brown) are happy to an nounce the birth of a son, David John, # Ibs, 3 ozs, on Feb, 3, 1959, at the Belleville General Hospital SCRIVER -- Mr, and Mrs, Donald Scriver (nee Joyce Logeman) wish to snnounce the birth of thelr daughter, Ruth Eileen, 7 Ibs, 8 ozs, on Wednes day, Feb, 4, 1050, at Oshawa General Hospital, A sister for Jennifer, Lionel! and Joan, a Ruth, 8 Ibs, 10 ozs, at the Memorial los A sister for John TILLEY -To daughter, Susan on February 8, pital, Bowmancille S==Nursing Services b6~Optometrists T==Surveyors Ta Veterinarions B8--Building Traces 9-=Building Material 10==5harpening Service || ==Business Opportunities I1o~Business Opportunities Wanted | 2==Dressmaking || 13--~Gardening & Supplies || 14=~Household Repairs | 18 Instruction | 16=~Insurance | 17==Money to Loan | B=Loan Wante" | Ba~--Mortgogw | 9==Parsonal 20==Cart age 21 =~Personal Service Li==Radio Repairs 23~=Women's Column 24==Market Basket 25=Fets and Livestock 26~Farmer's Column 27=~Fuel, Wood §8~Summer Resorts 2Ba~~Hunting 29~=Summer Properties For Sole or Wanted 30-=Lost and Found Jl ==Articles For Rent J2==Articles Wanted J4~Auction Sales 3ommEmp it Wanted DEATHS CONLIN ~~ Entered into rest in the family residence, 86 Wood Street, Osh awa, on Sunday, February 8, 195, Louis Conlin, beloved husband of Mabel Bry ant, in his 74th year, Funeral from the Armstrong - Funeral Home, Oshawa, Wednesday, February 11, with High Requim Mass in St. Gregory's Church 10 a.m. Interment Gregory's Cem elery 33h st - At the Commun Perry, on Sunday, John H, Davey of loved husband of beloved son of Mr Davey and dear Fossey (Dorothy) Sist year. Resting MeDermott.Pana DAVEY, John H ity Hospital, Port February 8, 1059, Whitby, Ont, Dearly Olive May Gerrow, and Mrs. George brother of Mrs of Toronto, in his at the chapel of baker, Port Perry, nesday, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery 3b R H FERRELL Entered Into rest in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, on Sun day, Feb, 8, 1950, Norman Ferrell, be loved husband of Edith Green Janes and father of Betty Ferrell, Oshawa, and Mrs, M. Holmen (Anne) of Toron to, Rexdale, in his 67th' year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh awa, with Memorial Chapel on Wednesday pm. Interment Mount Law y The casket will remain closed but the family will be at the Funeral Home Tuesday evening 7 « § pm, to receive 33h RIORDAN Entered into rest on Saturday, February 7, 1059, Daniel J Riordan, beloved son of the late Mr and Mrs, Daniel Riordan, and brother of Thomas and Joseph, In his 7ist year Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with high requiem mass in Holy Cross Church, Tuesday February 10 at 9 am, Interment St Gregory's Cemetery VARTY In Oshawa Hospital on Saturday, Februar , 1050, Ethel Maude Tharhy, beloved wife of James W. Varty and loving mother of Mrs, E Greenley (Eileen), Mrs. A Hadle (Shirley), Ruth, Lillian, George, Ross Gordon and Frederick, in her 58th year The late Mrs. Varty is resting- at Me Intosh Funeral Home. Ser in ehapel on Tuesday, February 10 at +'pm. Interment Union Cemetery 2 tee GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices, RA 8-6226 390 King Street West For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone RA B.6211 RA 8.6212 24 King St. East, Oshawa (2 doors from Karns Drug Store) IN MEMORIAM FLINTOFF = In loving memory 8 dear mother, Gertrude Flintoff, Passed away one year ago today, ruary 9, 1958 i I had all the world to give I'd give it, yes, and more, Te hear her voice, see her And greet her at the door But all I can do, dear mother, Is go and tend your grave, And leave behind tokens of love To the best mother God ever made 1 like to think when life is done herever Heaven may be, ell be standing at the door tele to welcome. me - early loved ever to he forgot ten, daughter Betty, Ernie and Bobbie of who Feb smile, | "FLINTOFF = In loving memory of a ¥ wife and preclous mother, 8. Ger Flintoff, who passed away Feb rary 9, 1958, one year ago today | T lost a wife with a heart of gold, Who, was more to me than wealth untold, Without farewell she fell asleep, With only happy memories for us to keep I have lost but God has gained One of the best wives the world eon tained Te those who have a wife, Cherish her. with care You'll never know .the heartache Mil you see her vacant chair, Sadly missed and lovingly remem bered 'by husband Roy FLINTOFF -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Gertrude Flintoff, who passed away February 9, 1058, one year ago today We do not need a To bring you to our For the diys we do 1 Are very hard to find If all the world We'd give it, yes Tn see the face of mothe Come smiling at the do ~ Teo dearly loved to ever ten, daughter Beverley, son-n and grandchildren Nancy and Bi special day mind tL think of you were ours to give and more dear be. forgot Bi Jr FRASER loving memory ol Charles Arthur Fraser, who passe a Away at Sunnybrook Hospits al February 9, 1956 Sadly missed In The Fraser Family for service on Wed." !| Women's Institute mot y do=~Female Help Wanted 3/==Male Help Wanted 38~Maie or Female Help Wanted 39-~Agents Wanted 40-=C'pportunities 4! =~Room ond Board 42--~Room and Boord Wanted 43=Wantea To Rent 44=For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--~Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 4/==Automobiles For Scle 4B8-=Automobiies Wanted 49==Automobile Repairs S0-=Articles For Sole 3 Swap and Barter 5 Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words of less Cash Charge CONSECUTIVE INSERT ONS 6 CONSELUTIV Nae ons ars 4.13 it not pag within 7 days the Charge rate will epply, 2.2% 248 Above rates apply only to ot. ginal orders for consecutive In 1 JDseauent Insertions orc rd of later dote constitute o new original order Professional and Business listings nth for 3 lines d month Each Initial $ and _¢ sign word, Box charged All Classified MUST be in by 9 am publication Office hours 8-5, Soturdoy 8-12. REGULA 1 HONS The Daily Times shall not be onsible tor errors in advertise s submitted otherwise t n nor for more than ene insertion of ony - 0d- nd ne price charged 0 a insertion of the advertisements which "error rs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification letter, abbreviation, gure, count as © 15¢ eaditional Advertisements the day of Daily In the case of display advertise ts The Times will not be held for more space than 1 which the actual error oe. The publishers endeavour te juce all advertising matter rrectly but assumes no liability if y inaccuracies any form of advertisement ore contained there. in ar in |CARD OF THANKS 1---Accountants POR CLANCY'S Services offer complete bookkeepin, services for small business, 184 Bon a , Room 1, Office RA 5.0397 RA 3.7605, Friedinnder, | Accounts, and | Trustee in East, Oshawa; Friediander, B, Comm, CPA, 8. T. HOPKINS "and Company, Public Accountants Kast, Oshawa, Ontario, RA ® FRANKEL AND CO, and auditors, 18% King Street Fast RA 3-022) MONTEITH, Monteith, Chartered Atdouniants tees, Ajax, L] Hon. J. W teith, B Comm CAL G HK. ¥, Lightfoot, CA; ewey, North, Oshawa, LEO GOODMAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 8 College View Avenus, Toronto HUdson 5-6121 Riehl and Co, licensed Tru: Monteith, FCA; AB Riehl, CA Ontario Accounting | ixwBWoo L] id I 172 King * treet | ac tratford, Toronto; Mon. 4 Cage WwW, Treth. CA. RA 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street ' ROCKWOOL Tv -|DO that "Rec" room now (8--Building Trades ed, also refinished, Free estimates Call RA 8.1628 rae CARPENTER work, (ra trim Alterations and repairs, No jobs too big or 4d small. Work guaranteed RA 3-3579. PB on, blowing meth ods. all and workmanship fully guaranteed Frees estimates | Phone 642 Alax after 6. = (ALL d+ # dwelling repairs, "roofing, | sid! plastering and repairs. Chim [neve new and repaired. Dial RA 8.0304 ordon May ES -- Fre piastering, Waterprouli 8, Il building repairs RA 59168, umbing and heating "supplies. A 5.3521, Harold mates plastering and ire. Phone RA 58702, ERE DECORATIN Gand sign painting or al terations, Disl RA 80225 or RA I, HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts, Old floors made like new, Hardwood 2--Barristers THOMAS M, RUNDLE, B citor and Notary Public, 26 Street East, Phone RA 81763, | JOWN"A. CAMERON, Barrister, Bolici- tor and Notary Public, gages arranged JOSEPH P, Mangan, QC, Solicitor, Money to loan, Office King Street East, Residence, RA 53405, DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and solicitor, 264 King Street Telephone: Busin RA 5-550; dence, 8.5373 MANNING ¥, SWARTZ, | Solicitor, Notary, ciate, Bruce V, ) Block, 26% King Street F residence, Dial RA 3.4029 CREIGHTON, Drynan Murdoch, Barri: Fraser, Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3440; Creighton, QC; N, C. Fraser, QC; G, Drynan, G, L, Murdoch, NHA mor gages arranged GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, risters, fi King Street East, RA 54717, Russ J, Murphy and James A. MacDonald Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Sol citor, ete, 13'4-Simeoe Street north Dial office RA 53741; residence, 5-5542 BOWMAN David L., Barrister, itor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5.0502, Res! dence RA 8.0264 MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Solicitors, Clients' first mortgages North. RA 5.3566 bon, QC; Edgar F 20 Simcoe Charles ( Bastedo, QC DD, Humphreys; WwW. A Solleitors: R G, E. Boychyn, BA; LLB, King Street West, Phones Office, RA 5.1177; Res, RA 5.4604; Whitby, MO 8.2761, Money to loan W. BRUCE Affleck, BA, Barrister ani Solicitor, 425 Park Road. South, B6704 GREER 0 and Kelly, Barristers, tors.e tc, 7h Simcoe Street South HA 32278, Residence phones: J. M Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5368 ference V Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5832; Phillips, B. Comm,, RA 8.1074 JONIN A. MaeDONALD, and Solicitor, Phone RA B-8511 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, risters, Solicitors and A King Street East, RA 54717. Husse| J. Murphy and James A, Macbonaid Greer, Associate Barristers and Solie tors Mortgage loans avallable 18% King Street East, RA 35-2260, NHA and private mort , Barrister, 14% Oshawa, RA 88232; Barrister t and Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Bank of Commerce Building, § T. K K, t Bar. Solicitors and Notaries Public, RA Solle | Barristers, funds available for Sireet MeGib. HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barristers, Qc, Hillman, r id RA Solel: | Dial | Duncan R BA, Barrister 101 Simcoe Street North Rar Notaries Publie, |] RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H, | 4---Dentists DR T. SCIUK Open evenings by Simcoe Street South G appaintment Phone RA 5.2 Office hours 9 to # 259 S5--Nursing Services ANDEN NURSING HOME Hos now instclled a. modern fire detection ond alarm sys. tem, for the added protection of its patients ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and neigh bors for flowers, cards and thelr many acts of kindness during our recent sad bereavement =Mr, and Mrs, Allan Nickerson Kinsale W.I. Meeting --~ The Kinsale| Wednes- | day at the home of Mrs. Charles MacTaggart. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap-| proved. The Christmas cheer com- mittee reported having sent boxes to shut-ins, A letter from Mrs Hagerty, the Provineial president af Women's Institutes, was read and it was decided to send a don ation towards the purchase of physio-theropy canes for Fairview | Lodge. Rev, T. Fleetham gave a talk on citizenship The hostess served lunch at the! close of the meeting. WMS MEETS The Evening Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society held its January meeting at the home Mrs. Schram, with the presi dent, Edith Ormerod, in the chair | After the business session, the | of North Group took charge of the __ worship service and study During .the evening, Bea atrice McLean was presented with a life | membership in the WMS The hoste assisted by Ormerod, served lunch PERSONALS Mrs. W wmber I) ss, Miss Thomas entertained a her daughter Linda's the occasion of Lin-| birt} hd { M larke and Edith Ormerod at-| wi] the executive meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial WMS in Northminister Church Wednes- day NETHERCOTT In ory of Alfred Nethercott Port Whithy, February 4, 80th voar Uni) the foe wBYer emembered by his 1 Robert Meshes and family loving mem who died at 1934, in h J day break and the si Linda Eastwood celebrated her eighth birthday with a party Mon day afternoon I'he Farm Forum Group met at ¢ home of C, Maclazgart Mon n |day evenng. convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men ond Women), Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Troy service, radio, T.V, lounge, 6--Optometrists (€. N, TUCK, Optometrist, speciaiiiing [in muscle anomalties, eyesight glasses, Eveings, Mon, Wed, Fri, Invalids examined at home, RA bin Disney Bldg., 31 King East 7-----Surveyors HONALD WH. TROLLOPE, Oniario Land | Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5.6881 HORTON and Associates, On fl, Land Surveyors, Professional En {gineering, 70 Harwood Avenus South, Ajax, Phone RA 8.0121, F. J. DONEVAN Surveying and ls 5esa East, 632 5 Buiiding Trades PLUMBING and heating pip fixtures, new and used, chang septic tanks to sewer specially stallations at reasonable rat mation and estimates free on any ri (of plumbing. Dial RA San, J, Foley, | PLASTERING and re Pairs, cement | plastering, waterproofing basements alterations, archways, tiling floors, Nurkmansutp guaranteed, A. Woods IRA DRYERS "wanted, PAINTING AND DECORATING Specialists in flooring. Hard. wood, Sanding, and Finishing, Wall and Floor Tiling, Free estimates RA 3-9206 JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex Estimates Guaranteed RA 3.7080 ---- THAR 8383 Free Work St All 50 Nassau 15--Instruction or tiling, Carpenter work -al- terations, Kitchen cabinets our specialty CALL RA 3- 7196 DODD & SOUTER PAINTS -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call Days MO 8-5231 Evenings RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. 5, Whitby Aming. | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved, | |15--Instruction. | experience Appointment only, Call RA 65-1054 OIL PAINTING Evening Classes Radio Park Clubhouse M, J. KIRKPATRICK Artist Teacher RA 5.3138 AFTER 7 1 Music Studio for all Instruments 27--Personal Service D finors Iaid, sanded, finish. TUTOR, student ( counsellor, 13 years (BABY sitting bureny ean supply | ve. zl liable experienced women for baby sit Disney, ' pm. 0 pm. to 7 pm. Closed Thursday | afternoons, JANE BLACK Slenderizing Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- ing, Steam Bath ond Mas- sage. 45] Simcoe St. South, RA 5-9602 for Appointment, Open 10 a.m 10 pm, Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pionos (New ond Used) Full selection of all instruments 477 Simcoe Street South For Fun, Popularity end Success TRY DANCING You Can Actual! GO DANCIN After Ona Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS 11% Simcoe St. 5, RA 8-1681 | LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S Driving School 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont, RA 8-5315 {16--Insurance [ALCATATE Aufo Insurance. Save up to] |2 per cent, nine months to pay For| personal service at your home, eall RA | |10--Sharpening Service SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete automatic Osh- Hand- (metal = grinding equipment in awa for sharpening saws, Bandsaws and d), Lawnmowers, Skates, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE King & Burke RA 3-3224 11--Business Opportunities | wo cor DELIVERY WORK $300 monthly me part-time deliverys and ¢ tions. Must have car or light truck, Must have $1,600 cosh Reply giving name Jdress, and phone number tc BOX 504, OSHAWA inc for llec« ac TIMES 10¢ BUSINESS COUPLE WANTED Business couple to purchase ond toke over IGA Food Store business. Well estab. lished with net profit Owner retiring, Box No, 506 Oshawa Times gh 65 Simeoe Street South. RA 85.3525 | START IMMEDIATELY PART TIME STEADY. DELIVERY WORK IN THIS AREA No selling. Age or experience not important, Car light truck ond $950.00 cash re- quired, Could be handled by someone presently employed Write Box 443, The Oshawa Times, or 29 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING and alterations, RA 8-8701, 13--Gardening & Suppli 1) lawns seeded tilized, gardens and roto-tilled, Sidewalk | Everything for your | sodden, for lawns ploughed, bs, patio slabs en RA hati WINTER SUPPLIES ICE SALT WILD BIRD FEED NO, | SUNFLOWER SEED CROWN DIAMOND PAINT BIRD FEEDING STATIONS PIGEON FEEDS PET FEEDS COOPER SMITH COQ. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 14--Household Repairs CALL J RA 5.8018 Painting handyman, YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. neys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti. mates, RA 3.2007, ROOMS papered, roc applied, | RA 57207 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new. Why pay more? Our Are reasonable, Satisfaction teed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa holstering Co, 10 Bond Street | Dial RA 5.0011, |FURNITURE stered. § ing. Rru {RA 3.7212. 15--Instruction PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 18 years' experience. Appointment only Call RA 5.1054 {HARVEY Dance Academy | Royal Academy ballet, Highland Regi {ater now A424 King West RA 56122 [1 TLLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre school acrobatie Friday and Saturday "Masonte lemple, RA 3.7253 . for carpentry, 11} up. Painting, gvp- sealed seamless. "hone rates Aran Up repaired and our materials for recover "Baton, tap, \ Pegg, Mrs. Perey OSHAWA. COLLEGIATE of MUSIC 31 BUCKINGHAM AVE, Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Accordian, Guit- ar; Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet, Results Guuranteed landscaping and garden | recovered | West re-uphol. | R. Dalton, 75 Charles East. | 159413 17--Money to Loan | CLIENTS' money to loan on fi ort | kage. Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur doch |FIRST and second agreements purchased nick and Hennick, Barristers, Street East, RA 3.7232 CLIENTS "monies available for f rat and second mortgages, Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased, Apply (M k. Swartz, Barrister and Notary |Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA {3.4697 MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS Up to $3,000 fcr ony good purpose, including down pay- meut on home, payment of evisting mertgage, consolida- tion of debts or purchuses of any kind. No penalty for pre. payment, no bonus, | For fast friendly service call SEABOARD QUNT CANADIAN LTD, 2 Simcoe Street South kA 5-112] (Formerly Bellvue anle Hen King mortgage, and sold, i | [ | | [ DI5 29 MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS OF SALE First and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sole bough sold and arranged on City and Farm property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 and up CSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. N., Oshawa 5.3568 112 St RA Simcoe Phone 18a--Maortgages [3 WE HAVE clients munies for loans on! first and second mortgages and pur chase of agreements of sale, Louis § [Hyman, QC, 47 King Street East, Osh lawa, RA 3.4043, |T19--Personel SEWING machine repair and [to all makes, Elna, RA 5.2591 [my GIENIC supplies (rubber goods), Mailed post paid In plain sealed en |velopes with price list. 6 samples 28 cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order | Dept,, A-11, Nov Rubber Co » Box 91, | Hamilton, Ont Feb, 28 liv YOU are not living a full and happy life because of Tension, Fear, Frus tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help |Also reduce weight, stop smoking, re. lieve nervous pains, gain confidence ete, Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of Ethnical Hypnosis, Professional Bulld ing, 304 Dundas West, Whitby, Daily 11 + p.m, Saturday 10 am, 1 pm, [Phone MO 8.4632 Whitby, - |FASTEST service in town odorless dry cleaning, Shirts skilfu laundered, Special rates for hotels, in. stitutions and clubs, Funeral orders our | {specialty Maple Cleaners, 504 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.0643; after hours, RA 5.7824, W.-BAR-L RANCH, Sleigh riding pi Will accommodate large or small groups, For information, telephone A 1:7330 or RA 5.4304 nt WAVE you a drinking problem? Write | Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 249, Osh awa Times, service ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Feb, 10-11, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED | Repaired Free new cords, topes, delivery, window measure, CANADIAN WINDOW SHADE | 68 KING ST. WEST RA 8-0151 | [37 Articles For Rent pick-up and blinds and t Venetian shades made sn | Myrtle | DACHSHUND pups, registered, | WOOD cutting by 22--Radio & TV Repairs TV TOWE Sompleialy" installed, | year guarantee, $64.50; no bolts, no rivets, sll welded, All channel serials 9.95; easy terms, Kelly TV, RA SPECIALIZED fadio and television service, All makes. Fred ompson, 187 Elliot Street, Call RA 3.0792, T.V. AERIALS Sold end Installed Moved and Repaired 20-11, aerial, $29 end up. ROLLAND T.V, RA 3-4849 [3 T.V, AERIALS = T.V REPAIRS All-channel antenna, rust. proof material 20 ft, $24.00; 30 ft, $34.00; Rotor antenna $65.00; Towers $54.00, LEN & LOU'S TV, RA 5.7844 Bowmanville MA 3.3942 PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROMOME, RCA, VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television end service 918 Simcoe N.~~RA 3.3043 FAST T.V. SERVICE From A to Z Guaranteed expert job CALL RA 8-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS |23--Women's Column [SPECIAL = heat |cold waves, $5.50 396 Pine Avenue permanents, Page Hairdressing. A 55363 24--Market Basket FOR sale nips at 13587 5-2020, J, 25--Pets and Livestock REGISTERED Samoyed Apply Mel's Potatoes, apples and tur Ritson Road North, RA St, Thomas puppies Service for Station, 1c BEAUTIFUL training, talking strain Broad, 114 Elgin Street BOARDING, trimming, bathing fleeing, Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321 baby hudgies, for Mrs ready Apply East de plonship stock, four months view Boulevard, Pickering | Phone Ajax 1057J 131 La |26--Former s Column WwW 28f 400, per bale, RA 5.8288 HAY for sale, Eyemann, Courtice, {WELL service, Wells cleaned out and | WwW deepened; well tiles [RA 8.0304 Oshawa DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect, Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone 27 Fuel Wood supplied, Phone buz saw and chain saw, Snow plowing. Phone RA $0727 31--Articles For Rent "rentals, RA 5.2001 LL] h and Zig RENT A FLOOR SANDER and FINISHER FROM DO-IT-YOURSELF HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St, S., RA 3.4425 DO IT YOURSELF! tools end with the power equipment you can rent ot Stan's Sharpening Service (corner King & Burke) RA 3.3224, Chain Saws; Floor, Belt, Disc and Oscillating Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric Hammers end many other tools, ) 32--Articles Wanted LING furniture your basement? You a Kel your highest price when you RA ABINL The Oshawa Trading Post, 46 Simeoe Street South, COMBINATION TV radio and record player: furniture, tools, plumbing fix iss What have you! RA _3-700 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON : i METALS PAPERS : : RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP or cleaning oul CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Scrap iron and metals bought. Call SHAW RAG % FA RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Fleer Sanders; Belt, Vibrating an complete line of sealers and waxes); Staplers; Blow Torches, Soldering Wrenches; Power Trowel, d Circular Sanders; (we have a Electric Drills; Irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe Circular Saws; and many other Tools, 'WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN 282 KING ST, W. of g ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8-6321 | RA 3-4873 32--Articles Wanted PIANOS suitable for Will pay cash, Blate make and price, {tings also to eare for children or elderly Write Box 501, Oshawa Times Dachls by dey er 30 periods, res | BELLING furniture, Well nay 0 A | trigerators, [Fa "ofiice hour, stoves, ete For top cash offer, contact Y [19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131 | | Straight | perience to W |ness ition W680 | $100 hari |37=] Male Help Wanted iii | [war KINS' 20 time, MA 3.2670, | } | Road West -- CLERK 37--Male Help Wanted MAN 0 operas or lease service sia: tion, opportunity for right person to he in business for himsel{, Apply Lambert'C Oil Co, 2145 Dundas Street West, To. ronto, Phone Toronto LEnnox 12272 3% 38--Male or Female Help Wante OPPORTUNITY for (wo sales repre. sentatives with initiative for nationally advertised product, Sales experience preferred but not essential, Call RA 86711 before 530 or MOhawk B8:4055 after hour EXPERIENCED telephone solicitor for appointment, Phone Mr, Fulton st RA 8.0351 0 ___INEATLY dressed, reliable men or women with references and preferably some experience for delivery, Full or Aime, Apply In person only "church or hail, Re pianos, TV's, washers, Webbing' . Rental Service TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 282 King St RA 5-4873 Ample Parking West North, 57 p.m, (44--For Rent FIVE room brick bungalow Foil heats ed. 599 King Street. West, $80 monthly, Call RA 39515 El TWO single rooms gent Phone RA 5.0130 after or pm, wm THREE room apartment and bath, self- contained, private entrance, Apply 508 Richmond Hireet East, w with AVAILABLE, March 1 kitchen stove and 'frig, dining aren, Inrge live ing room, large bedroom with twin closets, four-piece bath, centre hols TV outlet and washing facilities, RA 33467 or RA 53815 ATTRACTIVE, furnished rooms able in private home. #2 Park Road RA 8.8671, UNFURNISHED two roo chenetie, built-in cupbosr reasonable, Phone RA 5-644 WANTED SCRAP AND POULTRY I, TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) 35---Employment Wanted YOUNG man, aged 24, desires part: time employment In store, service station or delivery work; has chauf. | feurs licence and owns car. Phone | RA B-6753 a | YOUNG German woman desires house. | cleaning five days per week, Call RA 3,3000, aw BOOKKEEPER - accountant desires part - time employment, Fully experi: and GM, Good European meals, enced in preparing financial statements and In ta A W B | 8-5160 or 20 Elgin Street East, come X returns Oshawa Timer. + 7 the Box yi] ROOM and bosrd for gentleman, Close [to all south plants, home privileges, RA | LADY n (3.3101 her 30 - ; - ROOM and board for gentlemen, con tinuous hot water, home Hi 31 King Street East, Suite 5, 20f 41--Room and Board ROOM and board, seven d washing done, Apply 253 Quebec Breet off Park Road Bouth, ROOM and board for gent meals, single beds, 252 Arthur HA 8-0723, rooms for gent without children, C i ng py to south GM, Board optional. RA 85-0283, Apply | 21 Gladstone, 0 ROOM and hoard, "ApPly 25 Bruce | Street, RA 1129, ONE single room, $6 & week, 356 Park | Road South 0¢ conveniences, close to south GM, RA 5.4420, Apply 536 Lorraine Street, ROOM and board, close to four corners offers day care {n children own home, Phone RA 59843 36--Female Help Wanted [Apply 241 Ritson Road South Apply 345 Rit: ROOM and board with Duteh family, | af (single beds, 371 Elizabeth Street or Write phone RA 51632 au 1 43--Wanted to Rent GIRL for lunch counter son Road South GIRL for general office duties, Box 411 Oshawa Times MARRIED woman, age 25 - 45, to work n snack bar, part-time, evenings and [FIVE sekends, Must be neat in appearance, |tion, by April 1, Couple with teen-age bi Wayside Snack Bar, Kingston |girl, Call RA 58609 after 5 p.m He . 33 | CL ABSIFICATION FORTY-FOUR Typist required for inter! FoUR room apartment, priva esting position, Must be able to meet| trance, the public apd handle cash efficiently. | month Apply Apply In own handwriting to Box BED-SITTING room in young couple's Oshawa Times ay couple 9 | home, young girl preferre entrally EXPERIENCED [located, RA 60104 33h quired, For appointment, 28( | UNFURNISHED for general office | Cupboards, sink i entrance, One AD experien t si Perlenced YDISLI5iensr, 331 La Apply In own hand qualifications and ex: | FURNISHED bedroom two willing to share, Central Gordon Bunker, Busi: Administrator, Board of Eduea:| cna ies Street, RA 5.7036 ad ~Tovely ¥ furnished 'frig, stove, etc, Gladstone Avenue, room for gentleman, central Street oF six-room house, Central loca 178 Centre Street legal secretary RA 5.5501 re two-room Apartment heavy wiring, separate child welcome, RA Salle Avenue aw single beds for YOUNG woman work, Must be and stenographer writing, stating MONTHLY for dresses given you as bonus, Just show North American Fashion Frocks to friends. No canvassing, investment or | SINGLE experience necessary, North Ameriean| Apply 38 Nassau Fashion Frocks, Lid, 5425 Industrial Blvd, Dept. 8559, Montreal ATTRACTIVE ed apartment, private entrance, AVON CALLING | service, stove and refrigerator | desired, Ideal for working couple, Earn $20 to $30 o week In |56624 your time. Avon Cos. YOUNG couple require one "bedroom | etics opening for cope apartment, by March 1. Within walk. meties paning 10 F ing distance of four corners, Write able ombitious women, Nrite or phone between [Box 510 Oshawa Times a TWO contained, un 8-9 am, Miss E, Outerbridge, [furnished for occupancy RU 2.7567, 42 Soranoc Blvd, Toronto 19, Ont, wearing central, Apply self-contain bus if RA a three.room spare hos hedroom, self « apartment frigerator, Must be within walking distance of new C |bullding, King Street KE { 446, The Oshaw i Times, hawa Times routes available, full or part Phone RA 58580, {CAN "earn $35 a week for "part-time work, Vacancies for two full time men also, Car necessary, RA 8.6484, at OULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING? UNIQUE APAKTMENT « STUDIO ACCOMMODATION DESIRED Must be unusuol or offer de- possibility, Inter- ested long term lease. Have dog, Please write Box 447, Oshawa Times, velopment in 29 [families | phone Whithy Mo [] BENT in town, single beds, all "modern | privileges | 3M | ol 80 a) two children welcomed, WH on ling fachities Apply 08 3 THREE rooms or apartment, | {260 Thomas Street LEI] [MoE RN, Ma le [April 1, Preferably with stove and re: | ished basement, immediate [$18,000 FIX rooms, heated, hot water, sill we Apply 248, Toronto Avi |BINGLE furnished bedroom for ness man, in quiet homes, Apply 38 Col. borne Street West, ROOM in private home spring mattr Elgin Street w = Central Oshawa, completely pris ate bed sitting room, kitchen, toilet, andl only, Apply 149 Celina Street or 3606 wt Isimcor North, four and apartment, all conveniences 5 fam 5 pm SPACIOUS and bright three room, un. furnished apartment, Private entrance, bath and built in cupboards, Plenty A | Parking, RA 3-963 mm A owe furnished room, €ookl |e ges. Apply 624 Olive Avenue, RA 85-6003 dle furnished or in apartment house, close adults preferred, RA ot "tive-room Call RA Foun room apartment, unfurnished to down town BAL69 THREY. lovely rooms and bath, newly decorated, on King Street East, big lawn, perking space, near bus stop, Ideal for couple, $60 a month, every. |thing Included, RA 5.3353 at FOUR room newly decorated, or, iwo-ehild "family 13:2 pls . | ment, [ refrige apartment, upstairs, south end of city, one, acceptable, RA ile "room (Iarge), furnished "apart for couple, complete with stove, rator, use of phone, good wash. Between hospital and (town. 25 Brock Street West, RA 85.2874 Ia room hungalow, available for immediate occupancy near separate and public school, east end of city, Call Whithy, MO 8.3656 ie TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, use of washing machine, Apply 48 Drew Street, RA 34152 after 4pm of {FIVE ~yoom TV outlet, "apartment, built-in |euphoards, private entrance, ne four: room rte |ment and bath, second floor, stove, re |frigerator, automatic washer and drys er, TV aerial, Metro Apartments, RA 13.9471 ant | MoDERN we three rooms, with pris vate bath, suitable for single or double | occupancy, $55 a month, 23 Temperance { Sireet, Bowmanville wm ™O0 room unfurnished apartment, | private bath, kitchen eupboards, sink, See to appreciate, 242 Elizabeth Street |off Louisa, RA B5.8106 1 | SIX. room ranch style hungafow with {attached garage, double driveway, f'n. natural finish wood, $10,000 down, 1734 aot large full price, Somerville Street, WANTED responsible busin share our home, TWO or ' Apply 645 Oxford Street, UPPER Supe, "contrally" Oshawa, RA 5.4221 of Brooklin 143 b CLASSIFICATION FORTY FOUR 3 ALMOST new, 3bedroom briek bun. galow with finished rec.room, can be vented on month to month basis at $100 monthly. Call John A. J. Bolahood Ltd, Realtors at RA 5.6044, a NEW seven-room house, suitable for two families, no small children, #118 a month, NA 5.1038 RL f LIGHT housekeeping room, use » of re: frigerator, Centrally located, Phone RA If you have previous ad- vertising experience, or retail sales background, there is an opeping now on the Times se ig staff for a man between the ages of 22 and 35. High school education necessary, Cone in and | fill out an application form now, Ask for Mrs, | Kennedy in the advertis- | ing dept, GOOD OPPORTUNITY As local Sales Representative 44--For Rent Halg Street | FURNISHED, [with bath, in new |trance. Phone RA STORE FOR RENT Ajax Shopping Centre, 16 x 80. Two large, modern win- dows. Apply 16 Simcoe § South three room home 34809 after LI Private en FOR RENT Large four-room duplex loca« ted on Athol Street East within two blocks of down town, Comprised of large kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and bath, use of basement, For further infor- mation ¢éall Mill McFeeters, daytime, RA 3.2265, even: ing RA 5.1726. Schofield Insurance Association Ltd, 33b for large company, life group pension insurance ary $4,000 annually to start Future earnings limited only by skill and ability at 65. Thorough training given locally, For appoints ment phone: RA 5.9711, of NO REPLY CALL 5-4553 ~ SALESMEN - Two Reol Estate Solesmen, required. Must have had pre- vious direct selling experi- Top training provided, paid, For personal interview please coll' Bill McFeeters, daytime RA 3.2265 Evenings RA 5.1726, Schotield Insurance Associates Ltd ond Sal. Specializing In ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte possession, elec. trically equipped, best loca- tion, Buckingham Manor, RA 8-8676 BEST APARTMENTS | IN OSHAWA | In new Duplex, design- | ed for family living, 18 | foot living room with Pension | ence, Highest commissions picture window, huge kitchen with - dining area, and door to sunny balcony. Two wonderful bedrooms, lots of closet space, tiled bathroom, This apartment, com- pletely electrically equipped. Convenient to public and separate schools, shopping and transportation. DRIVE NORTH ON WILSON RO/D NOKTH, FIVE BLOCKS NORTH OF KING STREET. LOOK FOR OUR SIGNS ANDREW HAZLETT 3005 Bathurst Street RUssel 3-1733 Toronto or Phone Oshawa Mrs. Wright, RA 8-1521 Apartments now ready for occupancy, " 6 10 19 LARGE CANADIAN FIRM REQUIRES TWO YOUNG MEN TO TRAIN Must be of good appear- ance, ambitious and will- ing to travel. No exper- ience necessary. Apply Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 and 3.30 to 5.30. Kings- way Motel, 695 King St. E. Eastern limits of Qsh- awa Highway No: 2 Mr. Forester, Room 14, apartment au 0 33f mind children by the day, RA 8: ass, 15-4150 or apply 20 Elgin Street East, 28¢ REE room, upsta unfurnished THREE rooms, unfurnished. Apply 30 Li Jy cupboards and stove in kite 4 lights and EL laundry facilities, heat, RA 88130 chen, | water. #55 monthly, ITRREE room Apartment, "priv te {bathroom and entrance, TV aerial, heavy duty wire, Apply 820 Sylvia Street. RA 5.7006. Call anytime, 31f THREE - room apartment and "hath, heavy duty wiring, central Park Bous levard, now available, 865 a month, RA 5.5304 aut ™o0 ground | housekeeping entrance, Toom#, [3 furnished floor, private | | THREE bright boards in k vate driveway, RA 57767 TWO furnished rooms, working couple, RA 1000 FURNISHED housekeeping front ro room, with refrigerator, rangette, sink and cupboards, hot and cold water, clothes closets, TV lead:in, private entrance, 184 Beatty Avenue : a COMFORTABLE room, suitable for {lady or genlteman, close to north eM {reasonable Call RA & 1072, 2 MODERN, three - room self = contained apartment, Available February 15, RA 5.1354 : vi mn Ld TWO unfurnished rooms and kitchen, completely furnished: close to buses, | Apply 266 King Street West Be LOVELY bedroom for gentleman in private home. 444 Fernhill Boulevard, RA 3.7070, as LARGE room for single gentleman or lady, with cooking privileges. Apply 68 Warren Avenue 4 i nt BRICK house, upper flat, may be subs let, oll heat, two hathrooms. central, King Street Kast, Phone RA 8.8379, 3lo THREE room hasement apartment, heated, hot and cold water, three-plece hath. Close to Shopping Centre, Apply 579 King Street West, wnt SMALL store, good busines + corner with three or four rooms living accom. modation, Close to South GM, hus stop at door, Apply 374 Pacific Avenue, FIRST IN OSHAWA Special self-contained new bachelor's apartments in a very good location, available April 1st, Write Box 409, Oshawa Times Jooms , TV outlet nl "dutta preferred, one aot MODERN 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT At 15 Gibbon Street, Imme- diate possession. Adults "or with children over 12, Apply: == 21 GIBBON STREET LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Jur fee is less thon a vas cancy only screened and res liable tenants, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Simcoe St, N, RA 8.5123 45--Real | Estate For Salo 1g STORE ' WX room income homes two baths, large lot, central location, Phone RA 5.0363 SIX «room brick, Rossland and Simcoe area, convenient to schools, churches and bus, Price $13,200. Phone RA sig

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