| MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Mother Concerned When Son ' Vows Aversion to Marriage Dear Mary Haworth: | would and spinsterhood have come to be (Minister's Talk |On Face of Jesus Moves Many Hearts The Teverend W. N, Aitken of Infinitely more so when done to|Archer spent a couple of was Jesus, They were saying without|in Sution, |Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, guest speaker m the WMS of Cal THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Februery 5, 1959 § that He went farth.r than we will ever be called to go. | "Matthew 26:67 ', , . then did | they spit in His face.' Such an) ret is detestable to any man, but words their determination not to MANCHESTER MANCHESTER -- Mrs, Watts Ruby Roach entertained the ex. appreciate your comment on the designated, hall facetiously, as|vary Baptist Church on Thurs following, about which I do some the condition of "single blessed-|day, Veb, 5, Speaking on the top-| ipuzzied worrying I have & son, 28, a college graduate, holding quite a good job | {for his age--with- no home nancial obligations thoiigh he| pays his. own way, of course) who persistently maintains that {he will not" marry, He says that the ides of "'shar.| ing his privacy" (that is his ex- pression) is abhorrent to him; that he doesn't wish to account have this Man reign over them, ecutive of the Young Peoples Today hy their attitude of indif-| Association on Monday evening, ness." And, as you know, folkic "The Face of Jesus", Mr, Ait:|ference people are doing the same| Mrs, Betty Young and ? v i ter, Margaret, of Toronto were sayings represent a distillation of (ken read as his scripture portion hing ; , human wisdom, intuitively ar: Psalm 14 referring especially to Psalm 80:3 ', , , cause Thy guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Ps { h on in ¢ " " Tp w from Ace to shine and we shall be Crosier Sunday. Ha Ly anded on In cap Yersy 7, "hide not Try face from er Te omen We were, Thy Infant danghter of Mr. all Thus perhaps your son bs truly oy 0 we said must face, 8 Hving fase. He Is nek Men Jack Warmanichol is in Sick on the beam of the way ol Mie (;ys been a face of Sirona char: | fv 0, ry face to us h J, aL Chilren's Hospital, Toronto, Wherein he Ail J; 7 in. Acter for how could one without | pining face, God has shown forth ie 4 ; » i of When hi "| eharacter in his face take a whip, | jy glory in the face of Jésus mals that, marrage ls 7 rr Christ did, and drive ou' the choiet (4 Cor, 4:6) What Is our! ON THE BEAM money-changers, and gel AWAY | Launonge to the face of Jesus to) In declaring for bachelorhood, [With it. In Luke 9:51 we read "He qqy7 1t should he our dafly prae- to, or be responsible for, anyone: and spelling out the logle of this stedfastly set Mis face to go Joltice to behold His face tn righte 5 At the Polish National Hall, Banting avenue on, night Miss Irene Wolek 19, was chosen queen of the Polish com munity, More than 250 attended Saturday | WOLEK CROWNED MISS POLONIA the dance sponsored by the Pol- | arranged by Miss Adela Labus, ish Youth Club and elected the | publicity chairman. The queen, | queen by ballot from the five | centre, Is seen with her ladies in lovely finalists in the contest | Waiting who are, left to right and that he realizes that his kind choice, perhaps he is showing Jerusalem.' That is, He set ousness, until the day when we of person is totally unsuited 10! ore sense and character than|face as a flint, he was a deter: poo Him face to face and are marriage, and therefore he in: the average" fellow who tends tends to avoid it {to let himself be pressured into y g fr HE'S ALOOFY TYPE {social roles that others deem sui |" Oddly enough, he Is 8 very ofd.| Able In short, your son's set of the will on this point may mean, [seientious, hard-working person 8 P y not that he is lamentably peculiar (with a keen sense of responsi-\,,i yather that he is commend bility to his job, though he works {ably alert and responsive to the best when not under pressure. |inyand voice of personal destiny, 1 He is well liked, or perhaps Ilin spending his allotment of should say "respected"--as he years, does not permit people to gel On the other hand, there is a [close enough to him for warmth. chance that he is simply talking i [His personality is totally differ: through his hat, because he hasn't ent from his father's or my own. yet met the girl who ean change We enjoy close contacts with his intentions and swing him into numbers of people, and are con: a brand-new vision of life, as Roma Panas, 10; Mary Kotyn- [cerned lest our on. may be stor: radically as Saul's outlook _and a x 4 {Ing up an old age of lonesomeness purpose were transformed, by a wid, 16; Teresn Michno, 18; and for himself, What do you think? lightning encounter on the road Sophia Deperasinska 18., Thanks for your views PN. [to Damascus, So that Saul be Oshawa Times Photo lsoME ARE CALLED {came Paul, a deeply chastened YY p . and better man Deir PN: 1 think It Is reason: gy soonking of your worries EE ------ a ow GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES GOLDEN JUBILEE able to assume that Mmarringe, a5 10's suppose your son is to be a LACHUTE, Que, (CP) Rev.|a vocation, isn't for everyone, (po hoior all his life, If so, # Superior Gabriel-Marie of La-| The unmarried way of Ie qoeen't follow necessarily that PILOT CLUB The regular meeting of the|Pake sale was palnned for March tee, Mrs 6 Pilot Club was held at_Simcoe Hall, February 6, with Mrs Madge Lindsay, president pre-, (awa Naval Veterans' club Is hold-|a white elephant sale would be . Miss Jean Hunter read the/ing a Valentine dance at wil-| Knights of Columbus hall on Feb. freshments were served by the '|TURLY 14. The Auxiliary decided to) social minutes and Miss Muriel son read the correspondence, The fovitation to the club to he rep resented at the Safety League Banquet was accepted, and Mrs Barbara O'Neil was asked fo at tend on hehall of the Pilots. Sev oral members Indicated their in tention of attending the dinner! A few games of card bingo, A brownie telephone Harold Mri Haines, Murs D. A It was announced that the Osh the held at the March meeting, Re convener, Mrs, dongte the door prize for the Thompson » dance LOUIE HOGARTH EVE, The Louie Hogarth Auxiliary WME of Albert Stree The draw prize was won b) AUX Mrs, Harold Harmer END GROUP COMMITTEE | | The February meeting of the €Vening; Mrs. Wilbur Down pre commit Jackson and Jamieson announced that wo " . wg Henry Fv ening | United Chureh met on We Inesday | chute's Providence Hospital WAS seems also to have its recogniz (loneliness will oppress his old honored by the staff on her B0th place and validity in God's fran age. anniversary since taking re-design for the human family, | . y 3 Yee ONE MAN'S CHOICE Through the ages, bachelorhood | For one thing, he may not live to be old, For another thing, he [may he absorbed In loved work {o the end, finding sufficient con solation and companionship in his {liglous vows, - |vestment of Interest and energy In work that satisfies him can be {a very acceptable substitute in his {| } » ¢ life, for those close personal re | § v ; lations that occupy and emotion ferent type {ally support other folks of a dif: mined man, This was God's time {and nothing could turn Him aside {rom accomplishing God's will, 1s (there such determination in us to do our Heavenly Father's bid-| ding" | "The wuffering of physical agony of the cross was shown on [His face, Isaiah 52:14 -- his vis age was so marred more than any man, No face was so Lrans formed by suffering than His When we are called to go through suffering, it is a comfort to know {that Jesus went this way, and HOUSEHOLD HINT A fiber broom will be revital ined with a bath of ammonia water (2 quarts warm walter to 4 tablespoons household ammo nia), Let bristles soak In this so lution for half sn hour, then rinse and hang broom up in a cool place to dry, satisfied with His likeness," J Mr. Altken closed his message with prayer and the hymn Face to Face was sung. The memory for next week will be Psalm 66:9-15, { on RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be In Oshawa af the Geneshe Hotel, Feb, 10. RA 3-464) Phone for appointment dates on those NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 KING STREET EAST |work-associations, A person's In. 10 PAY by Roneld Bilsky, D.C, Chiropractor Specialist in Polmer Specific Upper Corvicol Method VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION The term Vertebral Subluxation meons that one of the twenty small bones or vertebrae which moke up the spine or "Backbone" is out of ploce with its fellow vertebrae with the result that the large nerve trunk possing between it ond the vertebroe immediately above or below it Is pinched This pinching results either, in poin somewhere along the course of the nerve or in the organs or muscles served by it, or in failure of the parts it serves to function properly bes couse of failure to receive In sufficient degree the necessary directing impulses from the six brain, When your foot "goes to sleep' from sitting with the knees crossed, thus pinching the large nerve under one knee with the bony khee cop on the other, vou hove on example of some of the minor effects of nerve pinching or impingement. If als lowed tc continue day ofter ot the invitation of the Business 2nd Group Committee was held 5/ding. Miss Cora Harvey opened and Professional Womens Club on at Guide House with the presi. With prayer, It was announced Monday February 16, The nom: dent, Mrs, ¥. M. Jamieson, pre. that the World's Day of Prayer| foating committee, Mrs Orpha| siding The secretary. Mrs, C. |. would be held in Christ Memorial | Goyne, Mrs, Grace Clairmount,| Cornelius, read the minutes and Church on February 13; alco the and Mrs, Barbara O'Neil presen-| thank you notes from the leaders Annual meeting of the WME Pres: ted the slate of officers for the for gifts presented at Christmas, byterial will be held in 8t, An. psuing year and the full results The treasurer, Mrs, Roland Craw. drew's United Church on Febru: the election of officers will %® ond gave the treasurer's report, [Ary 17 n at the next meeting which will be held on Thursday Feb ruary 19 NAVAL VETERANS' AUX, The Oshawa Naval Veterans' Ladies' Auxiliary held its business meeting recently in the Oshawa Naval Veterans' club rooms, Mra. Arthur Bilton was elected injof I, A, as ways and means convener and 8, W, J, Scott as co-convener, 4% slek list committee convener @ Mrs, Edward Quinn and oharge of memberships Is Mrs, George Smith, "The next meeting on February 11 will be a social evening with ------ ¥ . X i ; ' 1 ; SWIRL OF CREPE Willow green Genoa crepe is swirled into cowl panel In back, he walsted in front, for an er-filve charmer, ---------- ~ | for the Brownles on Monday, Feb: Olive Harrison and Mrs Annual reports were read hy the secretary, the teasurer, and the Guide Company. The care convener, Mrs Gordon Barker reported having sent out 14 gel well cards and one sympathy card during the year, Mrs, Henry Thompson read portions of the annual report of the Central Dis missionary hale from Miss Muriel Bamford of Ra Jasthan, I.dia Mrs, Lawson Parks was theme was, 'He who finds Discussion took place on the his life for my sake will find it," | annual Mother and Daughter ban. Matthew 10:30, {quel with tentative date set for| "Mrs, Cresswell Bassinger con Wednesday, April 22, Mrs, Jamie: tinued the mission |son announced Thinking Day 'Know your Nelghbor", Health coremonies for the Guides on and welfare panelists assisting | Wednesday, February 25th and were Mrs, "Samuel (iibbs, Mrs James During the discussion It {rary 2rd, to which all mothers Gordon are invited, The annual Church was disclosed that Parade for the central district needed in the various church will be held at King Street United hospitals and welfare homes, Church on Sunday, February 22 need full time church workers Report was given on the recent! The literature secretary report rummage sale and other fund raising projects were discussed. this year, 'Concerns for our Con It was decided last November Lineni that Installation of officers In fu., Mrs, Samuel Gibbs presented ture would take place in June. Mrs. Arthur Howard, the retiring With changes only in the tele: president, with a gift of appreci. phone committee, the present ation for her services during her group of executive officers volun. two -year term as president nf teered to remain in office until the auxiliary Jung, These interim executive The Evening Auxiliary closed members will be President, | with the watchword Mrs, F. M, Jamieson; vice-presi. ments were served and a soclal dent, Mrs, Frank Ball; secretary, hour followed Mrs, C, E, Cornelius; treasurer, -- Mrs, Roland Crawford; card con CAREFUL CUSTOMER vener, Mrs, Gordon Barker; so] HAMILTON (CPy -- Oldest de clal convener, Mrs, Henry poyitor at a local bank, 9-year Thompson; telephone committee old Mrs, Leander Slaughter vis- chairman, Mrs, G. MacKay; its the bank in person to handle Ruldes telephone committee, Mrs, her business. Native of Brant. D., A. Henesey, Mrs. P. G. Bo- ford, ville and Mrs, J, Callison; ' 1885, [ol [e] 0] OF THIS | ESCAPED FROM DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD : ) Ww "I'm free as the breezefres to do just what | please-~no more tension. ridden days ==No more restless, wakeful nights!" Nore and more people are discovering Dr, Chase's Nerve Food-- Th on the sunny side walking outside the shadows of Nerve Fatigue, They've escaped from such feels Ings as "restless", "irritable", "jumpy' GUARANT We're sure you'll i to E FEEL BETTY A ---------- ED. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3.321) where A DEAL IS A DEAL cc ----------G------------. "tense", and you 100 can help your nerves Pst with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Dr €hase's Nerve | ol He your nerves and build up your general good health helps you forget you ever h t troubles. Remember to gat Dr e1's Nerve Food and escape from Nerve Fatigue fast! In ten days od. Otharwi d s1arts right in to § | starts right in te wi) DR.CHASE OINTMENT Acts fast on Pimples and An Interesting letter was read| in| charge of the devotions and her his life will lose It, and he who Wd studv on nurses were ed on the mission study hook for Refresh | Members of the auxiliary were asked to help on Monday with the finishing of thme quilts for the LET'S FORGET To Canadians it's just wish ful thinking, but California de signers have their minds on swimsuits for '59, Wool knits an interesting example in hig, | bold blocks with a brushed sur WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT she came to Hamilton in | d are again popular and here Is | | THE WEATHER face. The suit Is a simple mall lot cut with neckline scooped "law both front and back, Bath- ing: and beach comfort are | bullt right In since wool never | feels clammy to the touch, Bether (ee) For a fascinating sidelight on the whole subject of + man's vo cational choice, read The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton (Far. rar, Straus) Just published, though written more than 20 yoars ago. On the final page of that old account, young Merion, leaving to enter a Trappist mon PUBLIC DISPOSAL SALE day, month after month, and year after year you can easily see how these effects might bes come major ones An internal organ may simi- larly "go to sleep' from nerve Impingement and eventually be. come diseased os a result of the imperfect circulation and func ted NOT to | (When submitting questions, "ane q self-addressed envelopes. Questions er Incorporated In these columns | when possible, | Q, "I am an elderly person and {have hod several attacks of | shingles, What is the cou d whet ean be done?"==Mmn, BK, | A, Shingles Is the common nama for herpes zoster, a virus-coused disease which attacks the roots of cagtam nerves, Blisters form on the skin above the virus in jured nerve. The spaces between [the ribs are very often affected, The blisters break after a time, leaving raw surfaces which scab over and heal slowly. The pain of herpes zoster is especially hothersome In older persons sw less 80 in youngsters. A variety of treatment methods hove heen used, with good results in some cases ~----= not so good in others Persons who suffer repeated herpes are sometimes vaccinated with smallpox vaccine, This stop the attack when things have failed The severs pain and discomfort of herpes zoster can he lessened by use of sedatives and pain relieving drugs prescribed by the physician may other A, By affecting tissue cells, One variety of virus can injure nerve cells, as happens in shingles and in polis, another may the Q Just how do viruses couse disease? Answers do not necemsarily reflect liver, as In hepatitis, The body| probably harbors one or mere viruses all the time. Nothing may | develop until some 'shock' comes along to upset things Then the virus takes over, This happens with the flu virus In hogs. The virus seems to be pres ent in the animals all the time but they develop flu only under certain stress conditions, Give the hogs a shock' and the whole herd comes down with influenzae. | Q. | have purchased two hear ing elds af different makes and neither are satisfactory, Whet should | do? A, Sounds like vou need to start, over again, There is a big dif-| ference between going out and| buying en aid and in purchasing an aid prescribed by a doctor who specializes in hearing problems. | The hard.of hearing person is a poor judge of which aid is best for him He is almost sure to pick that sounds loudest. Aids selected in this way are very likely to give poor understanding of speech sounds, Your best bet Is to consult a hearing. specialist who will the nature and extent of vour hearing dif ficulty and prescribe an aid if one Is indicated one determine the aninion of all doctors, The diagnosis and treatment of disease iv the function of the patient's personal physician Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in these columns when possible, Published as a public service by Kann Drugs RA 3-462) 28 King St I Oshawa NOW GOING ON DRASTIC PRICE CUTS FOR QUICK CLEARANCE BUDGET TERMS STILL AVAILABLE astery, Is saying goodbye to being a writer! Even so, he muses: "If God wants me to write, 1 ean write anywhere! As we know his fume as a writer burgeoned in the monastery, and continues growing, MH, Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mall or personal Interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, tion activity, Chiropractic ad. justments correct the cause, One of a series of articles published In the public Interest to explain and H t sol the p chiropractic, written by Roneld W, Ll oetor of Chiropractic, whose office at 100 King Street Rast (Plo. Building), Tele phone R No other fuel can offer you all these... ATURAL GAS advantages eo Cleanest heat for your home: saves on redecorating costs o Burns silently and Is fuel best suited te automatic control ® Payment after use .., or by 10 equalized monthly payments ® Modern futnace styling is compact and attractive | |} home heating +r 5 ih a | Ae 2A SE 44 o Fastest, most dependable automatic water heating ® 3 times faster recovery than other fuels Lowest cost for most hot water Rent a tank for $1.75 a month: or buy outright walter heating Cooking Is faster -- cleaner -- best controlled Modern gas ranges lead In styling and automation Canada's leading chefs cook with gas OTHER APPLIANCES Gas Clothes Dryers, Refrigerators, Space Heaters, Fireplace Units and Incinerators all lead the way to make living best with natural gas, NATURAL GAS EQUIPMENT COSTS LESS « TO BUY... LESS TO INSTALL AND FAR LESS TO MAINTAIN. 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