Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Feb 1959, p. 7

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(that of Harrison Biggs, 36, last THE OpHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Vebruary 7, 1959 7 | weekend, Police sald they recov. - | ALONG THE LAKESHORE By ANGUS GORDON District Editor Darlington township has clear- ed is z01ing bylaw except for |the formal approval from the de- |partment of planning and devel- {opment, It is not likely that this Iwill not be forthcoming as usu- lally the department sends out |a couple of experts to look over |the area and offer advice, Many of the older school of {municipal officials are a little Darlington Approves Zoning Master Plan Martin; plants and flowers, Mrs, the time in helping veterans gain pensions and treatment for them- selves and their dependents, AGRICULTURAL BOCIETY Donald Budd was named chair- man of the Port Hope Agricultur- al Society at its annual meeting, and various committees for the year have been named, Possibly the most interesting from the point of view of many exhibirors in the area is the committee to set up a new draught horse class D. Keeler; ladies' work, Mrs, E, Martin; arts and crafts, Mrs, L, Marvin; domestic science, Mrs, H. Groome, Other members of the execu- tive are: Fred Bamsey, immediate past president; William Moore, first vice-president; Gordon Macklin, Youth Charged With Uttering | a 15 - year - old hoy has been charged with uttering four CNR epress orders stolen iv a saefe-| cracking at the CNR station at| New Hamburg, 20 miles south west of Kitchener, Dee, 22, | Police said the youth carried a| sald the orders stolen from New| Hamburg also have heen cashed Kitchener and centres, ered a book of epress orders "| National cate giving his age ax 19, They opment. Robert- A, B Rodney, Ont,, has been. appointed a staff officer of a new unit in in Ottawa, Brockville, Caledonia, |the economics branch, Thomas J, other Ontario! Openshaw of Kenora staff assistant to the vice-presi- stolen from New Hamburg, John Dykstra, 24, is being held by Brockville police on charges HAMILTON (CP)~Police said|of possessing some of the stolen Money Scattered KENTVILLE, N.8, (CP)~Rela- CNR APPOINTMENTS tives of Mrs, William Bowlby, 96, asked RCMP here to search her MONTREAL (CP) -- Canadian|deserted home at Lockhartville, Railways driving licence and birth certifi- partment of research and devel- 14 miles from here, because there Friday an-| chi be "a little money in it." {Openshaw of Kenora is to become ih . f Police discovered a ttle in Throughout House each of six rooms, It added up to $3,217, The money, ranging from: $50 bills to coins was found in tin cans, under piles of newspapers, in trunks, a sewing machine, bu- reau drawers and tucked away behind ornaments, Mrs, Bowlby was taken to how ital Dec, 18 with a broken hip, Her son, Crossley Bowlby, 61, who lived with her, was killed in p highway accident Dec, 23, is to become of second vice-president; Elmore Scott, fair manager; and William Marvin, secretary-treasurer, The juvenile's arrest followed dent of the department, | Take advantage of our LOW, LOW [poriurbes ai {he Way fn which at the fair. many of their functions are grad- , hy Bei wpe. ah, TH commie, head by Sader ne Queen's I ark anc Clarke and F, Bamsey, Other yonder. where 8 all. going | committees chosen are; Jend Heavy horses, P. Clarke, H, . | Worry Sailors | | ETSY. functun of municipal | , LLY F. Bamsey; light horses, Ty government nowadays seems to "| CLEVELAND (AP) -- A pro! L, Marvin, M., Lacey, C. Wilson: fome Whier the supervision of, In drawing horses, R. Lazier, F, posal to keep nuclear - Jowered frany a of t. Plan. Bamsey; pony classes, H.|vessels off the Great Lakes un $e depuraent govt. Pion Currelly; bee f|more is known about their op- {| Boughen, R, n p Jule 850 Joning 0 Wom MUD oe: E. Gray, M, Wilson, E. erations Is under study for pres. "dh : entation at the International " Tarious| Rosevear, E, Symons; dairy(eh i nal Foe, f Suioh SS Sim. Sow ito Lie, Sea crv this can be|G. Macklin, P, McKinley, ti. w HW lod in a wa rm ty eo Won, W, Crookes, SHS. ya" ni ier mesg 1h 's Park, ' slo ATI July Ne 3 ti pon Fine tone people Fon siop any |ruthers; grain and "farm pre| SEER, Abt ee En change in the bylaw at some fu. duce, C, Williams, L Oughtred; gineers 4 ' ture date, (junior farmers, BR, McHolm, A. David A, Groh, of Cleveland's In fact any bylaw, with the ex.|Linton, A. Morton, D. Hoskin, Interlake steamship division, said ception of minor matters dealing|B. Gray; concessions, Fi Feoit, many marine ai ghd concerned Dorothy Austin, Port Hope town hall where she |yih such things as licenses, dog |W. Marvin; parking, wv, [og TE was top prize-winner at bridge, pounds, election dates and early year, G Dundas, J, Campbell, I involving an atomic-powered ves Yop "" |closing hours, requires permission Morton; races, F. Bamsey v sel on the lakes, ~Oshawa Times Photo gm Queen's Park before it can Drumm; tickets and gates, public school FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL | Winter LU SERVICE | ALUMINUM World Wide | and Travel WIN DOWS Never Have Our Arrangements Aluminum « Air - Rail - Holels Prices Been Lower Tours - Documents (ALL FREE OF CHARGE) Nuclear Ships Call Now! Ask for Les or Bill Les Eveniss Sales Lid. 15 Prince St. Oshawe RA 5.4632 Mrs. 212 Hope St. North, smiles at a good hand at Kinette Bridge tourney Thursday night at the 57 King Street East, Oshawa PHONE RA 8-6201 become town law, Marvin; exnibits He sald operations of nuclear » Jordan; rural schools, tely whether lake water would he contaminated with nuclear ma adian Legion, BESL offers a terials if such an accident occur A single sheet bulletin for the in- T t communities rely on the lakes for Annual Tourney [ormation of ts members. Tow.| & TQINSPOIY, LAT | communities rly on the lakes lhe 'same lush appearance of C 11i , EL Tm -- AY PORT HOPE -- Kinettes Club, For euchre, winners were: La- some branch bulletins, it is one of n 0 sion if -_ annual dies' high, Mrs. Carla Brown;|the most informative we've come PORT HOPE A twisting bridge and euchre Thursday man, Paul Duchesne;; and low In addition to branch news : an, é 8 H LL aha Pp iar night, and Kinette president Mrs.!;nan' Bernice Brown; lone hand there's a lot of facts about Le. way 2 penis heals a FR ya Joyce Lingard said it was one held by Gwen Newtou, gion work generally which should cuct, was the sc oe naport and 2 | Thursday. ents of recent years, 9 D, ' , bership car "wel over 100 Jo players iin Pack Hopes. av. 14 For instance, it notes that the| Apout $400 damages _resikiad [1 [] [] 1 : - jeen A played in the competition which rack. |Legion contributes more that $20,-' from the collision w inest ssels in ur ity "re fo ssure f e esi [ ment of young athletes, A total of py john Beauchamp, 29, of 13 Door prize was won by Mrs, ets P ow $65,000 a year goes towards schol: a Gee St, Toronto, and a car, . T. A. Brandon, and lucky draw arships. Legion housing develop: riven by Walter Sloan, RR 1,! prize-winners were Mrs. Nancy ments costing over $2 millions Castleton, Micks, Mrs, C, Walton and Mrs, L M k ttle eague ar for hundreds of older veterans, A ned 3 to! LI BN This in addition to many other damage. Damage was PORT HOPE -- In the nightcap |i, qividual branch projects design. the left side of the Sloan car, The of Wednesday night's doublehead: oq to improve life in over 2,000|accident occurred about 4.15 pm (o [] ] -Operaiion ana unaersianaing Are urgeniy neeae . hd {w Mrs. | Ships are too new to know defini Kinettes (0) NEWSY BULLETIN K, Symons; high school, Mrs, E Cobourg branch 133 of the Can- re -- -- 7 red, He pointed out that many ever, while it has not perhaps of Port Hope held its : ' ladies' low, Roberta MeNell: Dighiacros fo date curve in Port Hope where High Th 0 h 1] | H if | | ] f th of the club's most successfull rhe club's latest project is to Prove enlightening to the mem. between a car p 4 / velop-| g \ ok, driven lasted from 8.30 to 11 p.m, 000 a year towards the develop: gmith's Transport truck | are providing low rental dwellings The transport suffered INFORMATION EVERY CITIZEN Estelle Babbitt, Top prize-winners were: Bridge er in the Town Basketball League, Canadian communities, Then of | Police indicated no charges Claude Fitzgibbon, manager of | course, the Legion is engaged all would be laid ladies' high, Mrs, Joyce Brown; the league-leading Haggis Bowl ladies' low, Mrs, Mary Collins; ers racked up a new scoring rec- men's high, W, C. Austin; and men's low, W. §. Duncan lord for the league. He made 36 points, half of his club's ROLLS 400 GAME total In their 72.58 triumph OVERCROWDING IN THE OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL AT PORT HOPE the cellar dwelling O'Neill's Jets Carl Carlson was next best for the winners with 16 points, while | [Bill Roberts led O'Neill's with a 23 point spread, In the opener, a last minute {rally by the Eldos fell one point [short as they were edged by Bowling in the 50-50" Mixed Bowling League at Pinecrest Bow! Wednesday night, Ray Bee the yah eS last fall, when he picked up a 404 single. He started with two strikes, took the four and two, spared it * up, rolled eight straight strikes and finished up with the five and three on his last ball for his total. | Turck's Basketeers 35-34 in a free ! |scoring fray. Don Kelly led Turck's with nine | points, while Bill Bullen scored seven, Bob McClure of the losing Fidos led all scorers by hooping i111, CLEARANCE Fromes end Leatherette frame seses. 314 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH | Va PRICE ifs fi thats HORNSBY STUDIO RA 5.015) The public, generally, are asked to co-operate with their physician and the hospital in their efforts to see that citizens who are in urgent need may be given immediate "attention. As a result of pressures on our facilities an admitting and discharge committee of doctors has been set up. of the admitting and discharge committee of the hospital, is to give the more seriously ill people in the community the most efficient care, This can only be accomplished by the co-operation of the doctors, the hospital, and the patient, With the help of the V.O.N,, the Homemaker Service and the Can- adian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, many of the less seriously ill Purpose ond one-half of urine, SHOULD HAVE . Children boing admitted for removal of tonsils should net have enything te eel or drink and must arrive of least one hours prior te the operation, Please bring in @ clean morning specimen . To simplify the admitting procedure you ere requested to aveld bringing meney patients can be treated at home, ond valuables te the hospital, The hes. pital authorities do not accept the re- sponsibility for loss of veluablgs or money kept ot the bedside. The patient should only be admitted to hospital as an Emergency when seriously or critically ill. However, the more urgent cases should be admitted within a few days even if the halls have to be used, All other patients who do not come in these two categories should be admitted when beds are available, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct, es local improvements, cement concrete side walks on the following streets between the points mentioned: NAME OF STREET FROM Alice St, Roxborough Ave. Annapolis Ave. Nipigon St, Baldwin St. Olive Ave, Beurling Ave. Stevenson Rd. N, Cadillec Ave. N, Beverly St. Colborne St. E, Eastmount St, Conant St, Sylvie St. Crerar Ave. Central Park Blvd, §. Cromwell Ave, Frontenac Ave. Eastbourne Ave. Riverside Dr, Eastglen Dr, Colborne St. E, Eosthaven St, Colborne St. E. Eosthaoven St, Colborne St. E. Eastmount St, Eastbourne Ave, Elgin St. W, Arena St. 3.\ Patients are reminded thet eur admit ting entrance is located to the west of the main entrance to the hospital on Patients are sometimes using pressure on the doctors to have them sent Ame Stren into hospital when they could be treated at home with the aid of a practical nurse, and when in hospital their stay is sometimes prolonged because to go home is less convenient and necessitates getting help in the house. Also patients who have no home to go to or friend with whom they could stay are being kept in the hospital, It is impossible to run a hospital efficiently when emergency) are requested to report te it is being used as a nursing home and a place for the chronically disabled the Admitting Office between 4 p.m, people and those who are well able to convalesce elsewhere, Another member ond 6 p.m, of the committee, says that beds in the corridors are a common sight these days in the Oshawa General Hospital as each night sees from six to ten emergencies arrive at the hospital without any room or accommodation for them, Emergencies are never turned away, so they are nursed in a makeshift bed in the hospital corridors usually surrounded by screens, Such a situation seriously strains the nursing facilities of the hospital as the nursing staff is adjusted to a normal bed capacity and these extra patients, usually serious. ly ill, are an added burden on an already overloaded staff, SIDE South North West South West North North South West North North East West East TO 322.94' East of Central Park Blvd. N. Park Rd, N, Crerar Ave, Fernhill Blvd, 14.87 North of South Limit Lot 79, Plan 306 Harmony Rd. N, East Limit Lot 1, Plan 599 East Limit Lot 10, Plan 621 (House No, 509) North Limit Lot 519, Pilon 178 (House No. 182) Harmony Rd. N, Harmony Rd. N, Eastbourne Ave. Eastwood Ave, Colborne St. E, 30° West of East Limit Lot C.22, Plan 335 House No, 236) Ridgeway Ave. Cedar St, Chadburn St, West Limit Lot 45, Plan 202 (House No. 89) South Limit lot 314, Plan 310, North Limit of Park (House No. 168) Llewellyn Ave, Marion Ave, Marion Ave, Montrave Ave, Annapolis Ave. North Limit Lot 1, Plan 673 (House No, 621) 83.7' South of South Limit Lot 42, Plen 619 House No. 440) 10' North of South Limit Lot 492, Plan 178 (House No, 223) South Limit Lot 8, Plan 568 (Mouse No. 564) Sunset Dr, | 4, Patients arriving efter five p.m, should have their evening meal at home. do. Adult patients being admitted (except $5. IMPORTANT: Please bring your Ontarie Hospital Service Commission end Sup. plementary Certificates with you es they ore required for processing your insure ence claim, If you do not have ine surance, please contact the business office or have o relative do so either before or following admission, North East South North South Louise St. Oxford St. Verdun Rd, Centre St. Creighton Ave. Elizabeth St. Emerald Ave. Eulalie Ave. Fairbanks St. Fernhill Blvd. Fernhill Blvd. Finucane St. Finucane St. Frontenac Ave. Gibbons St. Gibbons St. Gibbons St. West Kost West East North Fost Eost Creighton Ave. Beurling Ave. Beurling Ave. Grenfell St, Marion Ave. Welland Ave. Marion Ave, 6. Personal radio or television sets are pore mitted in the hospital ONLY if they ere equipped with "under pillow speaken', Rodio or television sets equipped with "under pillow speakers" may be obtained by telephoning RA 5.4142, Each day brings a number of accident, maternity and acutely ill patients who must be admitted to the limited number of beds vacated daily, Usually these emergencies fill all available beds and even overflow them, This leaves many ill patients suffering from many conditions such as arthritis, cardiac disease, diabetes, etc., who are not actually emergencies, on a waiting list which grows longer and longer, There are several reasons why bed accom. modation at the Oshawa General Hospital cannot keep pace with the demand, The population of Oshawa and the surrounding districts is ever on the increase and our Hospital serves Whitby, which is also expanding rapidly. More and better facilities for the treatment of a wider variety of illnesses are now available and patients are now admitted for treatment who were formerly sent to Toronto, West Grenfell St, Frontenac Ave, 7. Visiting hours daily: Private Wands: 10 em. == 12 noon 2pm ~-- 5pm 7pm = 9pm, Semi-Private & Public Wards: Spm = 4pm 7pm = 8pm, Children's Ward: Spm -- 4pm (afternoons only) Kost West West Tennyson Ave. Sherwood Ave. 73'0" North of South Limit Lot 10, Sheet 11 D, Plan 357 (Mouse No. 765) West Limit Lot 12, Sheet 3 C (4), Plan 357. Olive Ave, Elizabeth St, Gibbons St, Baldwin St. Glencairn St. Gibbons St. Bessborough Dr. West Limit Lot 1, (House No. 333), Rideau St, Hortop St, Hortop St. Kawartha Court Ridgeway Ave. King St. Ww, Simcoe St. WN, 336.06' Kost of East Limit Douglas St. Rowena St, Harmony Rd. §. Hortop St, Hortop St. North Limit Lot 7, Plan 695 (House No, 773) Eost King St. E South LaSalle Ave. Louhe St, Marion Ave. Olive Ave. Rossland Rd. Rossland Rd. Rossland Rd. W, Saguenay Ave. Keewatin St. S, (Proposed) 504" East of West Limit Lot 12, Sheet 3 C (4), Plan 357 North Limit Lot 12, Plan 502 (House No. 331) Stevenson Rd. N. Nipigon St. Farewell St, Gibbons St. Stevenson Rd. N. . West Limit Lot 39, Plan 293 (Mouse No, 70) Pork Rd. N, > East North North South North South North South The advent of the Ontario Hospital Plan now makes the Hospital care available to many people who stayed away from hospital previously, This new insurance plan gives wider and longer coverage than was previously available and thus patients are inclined to remain longer in the hospital. Patients and Doctors are being urged to limit their demands on the hospital until more accommodation is available. All Doctors on the staff of the O.G.H. have been requested to treat those patients at home who do not absolutely need hospital facilities. Many investigations in the laboratory and X-ray dept. can be pers formed on an out-patient basis. The public is therefore urged to co - oper- ate with their physician in accepting treatment on an out patient basis, A co-operative attitude on the part of the patients and doctors in these respects will insure that when you become the victim of an accident or a serious and sudden illness there will be a bed in a comfortable room avail. able for you and you will not be a corridor case, Plan 630 8. Maternity patients == Husband end Saguenay Ave, mother only visitors, Sherwood Ave, Sherwood Ave, Simcoe St. S. Stevenson Rd. N, Stevenson Rd. N, Tecumseh Ave, Wolfe St. Wolfe St. and intends to specially assess @ part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. All the said sidewalks ore te have a width of four (4) feet. Park Rd. N, Somerville St, West Limit Lot 30, Plan 453 (House No. 106) 80' South of South Limit Lot 134, Plan 486 Annapolis Ave. Madison Ave. Algonquin St. North South North West West East North 9. Children under 14 years of age are only allowed to visit patients in private reams, ion is published by the Os tal as @ guide for patients i.1uiving hospital treatment, If you heave ony other questions, please phone RA 3.221) Admitting Dept. between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Ritson Rd. §. Dougles St, North North \ The Oshawa General Hospital W. A. Holland, Administrator . The estimated cost of the work is $95,765.61 of which $32,865.09 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated owner's cost per foot frontage is $2.55. The special assessment is to be paid in ten (10) equal annual instalments and the estimated owner's annual rate per foot frontage is 34.6 cents. > . Application will be made by the Corporation te The Ontaric Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the seid work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the Board his objection «0 the said work being undertaken, 4. The said Board may approve of the sshd work being undertaken but, bef d it ay 2uptuve ot the 3d work be 9 unde ut, before doing so, it may appoint a time and place when R. J. Kimmerly, A. E. McGilvray Chief of Medical Staff DATED ot Oshowa this 7th doy of February, 1939 Pp id resident X's L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa.

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