THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pobruery 7, 1959 The Oshawa Harness Horse Club held Ms organization meeting for the 1060 season at the Hotel Genosha this week and {|plans were formulated for the {coming season of harness racing in Oshawa and district, The race circuit is to start in Uxbridge on May 18 and wi 47% | close in Colborne on June 29, with d(meets to be held in Oshawa, ./|Orono, Brooklin, Cobourg and | Peterborough, prior to the open- ing of "Woodbine on July 1, The election of officers was P (held with Garnet Wetherup being wd [returned president for a third time with Dr. John Phillips as vice-president, E, J, Brown was named secretary-treasurer and the following directors will con- trol the club's policies: Ted Local Harmess Horse Club Returns Pres. 'Tay-Pay' Gorman In Good Standing Now, Paid, Apologized OTTAWA (CP) ~ Hugh Proud. | foot of Fort Coillonge, Que., pres- ident of the Canadian Trotting| Association, said Friday T, P, (Tommy) Gorman, owner and {general manager of Cognaught Park Raceway in nea Hull, Que,, has been fined $200 for a "verbal altercation" with a CTA employe, Proudfoot sald Gorman was fined last January and ordered to submit « written apology con- cerning the dispute last fall with C. R. Bradley, CTA supervisor of racing for Eastern Canada, Gor: man paid the fine and wrote a letter of apology. | Gorman also has applied for' G. Wetherup |Hooey and Bill Reid of Orono; Dr. R, J, Cowie, Bowmanville; |R. H, Brillinger, Markham and IM, Brethour, Sunderland, | Other items of interest at the meeting included the announce {ment for the group's second an- nual banquet, to be held this year on Saturday, April 4, at Hotel Genosha, Vice-president Dr, J, Phillips outlined the plans for this event, Grant Underhay offered a sug- gestion, of holding an auction sale of horses and equipment, prior to the race vig jo a held | in Oshawa. Tis vil we discuss {100 racing days, compared with Jack Hayes, Col harness- 58 in 1956, \ racing enthusiast, outlined a new type of insurance policy to be ine so to vanes re Heavy Program Plan Organization C.» Oshawa 'Rugger' Cli. 184 Bond St, West, the Oshawa Rugger Club will be inaugurated, The meeting Is open to anyone interested, All are welcome at watch the game, Technicaly speaking, essential 7:00 p.m, difference = between | accident, On Thursday, February 12th, sequently, a large proportion of) It is not uncommon in R at the Knights of Columbus Hall (the interested people .are able for an ordinary forward to to play, and do play, rather than a goal, a feat which is impo for most of the Canadiar th e|wards except through a fre Wale Kicks may go Ig this meeting, which is called for| Canadian football and rugger is/direction and usually the jy ! 4 Like many North American n-| stitutions, the game of foothall came from England, Rugby football as it Is played through. complex, Rugger does not have a forward pass or prearranged plays, but a quick examination of Rugger's technical character. out the British Commonwealth, |istics will show that there is Ireland and France, contains! just as much opportunity for most of the ingredients from|team play as there Is in Cana. which the Canadian and Ameri- dian football, as well as a great-| can games have been developed er variety of activity for each -such as running with the ball, |player. passing, kicking and tackling " but in the North American game EVERYONE GETS CHANCE |that the Canadian game is more| SICks the ball while runni ed, for this extraordinary f¢ il made possible by the lighs | of the Rugger uniform. Be® | of the blocking and mass, ling which are peculiar to | American football, crash hehe: and a cumbersome assortme® * pads and bracing appliances . essential parts of the unifd This extra weight is not ne sary In Rugger. The agility rec i The unifq these ingredients have been| In Canadian football more than complicated, padded "andhall of the team either never changed through with specialized touch the ball or handle it but operations, Jaseld. h In Rogge, everyone as a chance to handle the ball, RUGGER 18 RUGGED There are fifteen men on a side, Both Ruggér and Canadian roughly divided tnto the back- Rugger and a time out occurs Rugby football have large fol-/field and the forwards, Thelonly when a player is shaken lowings, and both games may be|forwards put the ball in play by|up. If a man is put out of com. looked upon as good mirrors of first packing themselves Into a mission during the game, which the attitude toward sport of the|three-deep phalanx, the "scrum",|does not often happen, his team people concerned, In Northland then shove shoulder to/simply plays without him. America there is a strong em. shoulder, against a similarly or-| To date there are some twenty phasis upon spectacle and upon|ganized group of opposing for-|five Rugger Clubs in Ontario, ex- watching rather than playing wards, While the scrums strainitending from Sarnia to Deep the game. In Rugger, the em-|against each other the ball is|River, and more are forming phasis Is exactly the opposite. thrust between them. The more|every year, Part of the reason for this dif- vigorous shover gains control,| Last season, a very fine rug. ference can be traced directly and "heels" the ball to the back|ger team from Ajax won the to the nature of the games them- of the scrum, The ball may then(honors in the "Lakeshore" » selves, North American foot-lbe thrown to the backfield--|léague, Now this attempt Is ball ls violent, expensive, and|which is strung out across the being made to have a team or- time-consuming; and the number field, ready to begin a series of ganized in Oshawa and it's hoped of people who are able to play forward runs, lateral passes, and|that the initial meeting will draw under these conditions "Is ex-|(cross kicks--or it may be keptlan enthusiastic attendance, tremely limited. Rugger, on the/in a "loose" scrum and carried| Anyone desiring additional in. other hand, is more rough than/down the field through a com. formation, should contact Jim violent and the expenditure of bination of running, passing and Stéphenson (RA 51042) -- phone time and money is small. Con- kicking. lon evenings only, Doesn't Remember His Third Fight MIAMI (AP)---The Miami Box Ing Commission is going to ash {Billy Hall and his manager te consisting of jersey, she stockings and cleated bow cause less fatigue than the Cv adlan armor and allows. grea\ maneuverability and speed, There are no substitutions | Houck, Uxbridge; Gi Under-| United H Horsemen A . ig Myrtle: Dave ly Port hie The Canadian Trotting Harness Races Planned In ')9 : Pm ec FULL SPEED AHEAD ON STADIUM FOR DODGERS Walter O'Malley, president of | over an artist's conception of | ed Chavez Ravine Dodger con- the Los Angeles Dodgers, | the proposed Dodger stadium, | tract with the city of Los An. 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' | HOCKEY SCORES | Staff Smythe END STANDINGS | Accuses Habs By THE CANADIAN PRESS Flout Rules American League ! WELT F APs] {appear Tuesday to explain why 3 180 134 63! TORONTO (CP) Manager the Norwood, Ga., fighter had sg| Stafford Smythe of Toronto Mar]. three bouts in 10 days, 30 16 27 18 26 21 Expect Chan Blocking Rule with snow depth in since on paper, ou get a look FABULOUS FIA O'Brien acquire Wash CP) of the best hockey ref lost both his one ional has Ql! "INCLUDING FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL TAX OUR FREE i ESTIMATE NOW COSTS $3.50" Nothing like this ever happens here, nor ever will. When we say our estimates are FREE, we mean exactly that. There's ho obligation on your part either. We welcome the opportunity to give a firm estimate on any brake job, servicing or repair, YOU then decide if you want us to do the work. rives u n 1 1 in the leg we have 0 boys 4 CHENIER LEADS fo which VANCOUVER (CP) -- George potty las ampu mas Yoh to five. Large rear luggage compart. | ho was ac ment, Heater, windshield wiper been able Don't learn about 'bad brakes' by accident! ® BRAKE SPECIALIST o W. L. HOUSTON SERVICE STATION and GARAGE 67 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7822 hy 4 | Western Hockey League, and for offering $15,000 to anybody," The strong point the last fewifour seasons in the National Kennedy Friday. "In the second Thursday it is prepared to begin years has been pitching and that peague hofore closing out 30 place, Smith's name appears on telecasts of major league base should be our long suit again. We voars in the game in' 1042 the negotiation list of another Ca. ball on the West Coast early this have a number of With, A native Brantford; he nadian team and we can't even summer. Skiatron TV Incorpor good arms who have a chance 10 plaved hls hockey in high talk to him or approach him in ated said it expects to cable be good pitchers Majors. ischool there. However, he was a any way, let alone sign him. Fur. games of the Los Audeles Dodgy Robin Roberts made hig name in lacrosse and was on thermore, he's still a junior at ers and San Francisco Giants into back last season and looked es: the Vancouver team that won the Auburn University and has an: homes in the two cities by ap- pecially good in the second half. Minto Cup in 1910, other year in school." proximately July 1. y Perry; Jack Dwyer, Oshawa; H.| Assoc, both participating, SPORT FROM BRITAIN BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP)--The Hamess Tracks of America 4 (HTA) have announced plans for wears a broad smile while The California state Ha hrm geies, paving the way for con- dana 1an my enera a series of 20 races at 15 tracks ) dodgers' contract | court upheld the much-protest- | struction of the new stadium, waving the Dodgers' contract | court upheld the much-protest | struct . Canada with total purses estim- ated at about $250,000, R h n I 1 ons 0 f 0ogs Restricted to four-year-olds, the 1 SPORTS MENU | J€Poris show Face, formery the Transamerica wl | , | Canadian Press Staff Writer |vard track offers its inducement Pace, Ten races ing the spring LONDON (CP) -- Almost since!'® the spectator, who can keep series will be climaxed by a $50, By Geo. H. Campbell the dawn of history the English. an €ve on his investment all the |000 finale at Yonkers (N.Y) SPORTS EDITOR Means Money man ls loved his dog, and asl" Around. Even with binoc Racewny July 9. Tue lo ruces In B . , 2 wager {sight of the runncrs as they/event at Roosevelt Raceway, ' y LORNE BRUCE (Had vanish "into the country" on the Westbury, N.Y. Horses qualify for Canadian Press Staff Writer In 1926 a Canadian general who|rar side of the course, {both finals through a point sys- The Western Interprovincial!became a cement manufacturer| Since nobody has figured out|tem in the earlier ucch, 8 s Blue TWO LOCAL sports groups, one of which we have never heard operation last season, {an opportunity to perpetuate lations to a dog, the basis of Bonnets Raceway at Montreal before and another which doesn't hog the ink by any means, The 1958 financial reports glven| both traditions at the same time determining a winner is simple. where two races in the fall series are in today s news and should be of interest to local sports ans. lout by the five non-profit, com. |11e opened a greyhound racing The payoff is on the first runner will be run Aug. 20 and Sept, 5, This Thursday evening, at the K. of C, Hall, on Bond Bt. West, |p nity owned clubs showed ag. | track. [past the finishing post, regard.| =r . club In Oshawa and present Indications are ay ® wil be 3 au 457,998, Revenue was $2,305,490, (A. C. Critchley, a Calgary-born|the way. cess, Quite a few newcomers to our city are keenly interested in| = Cb officer who settled In England . this robust team sport and want to have a team of their own here| , Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Grey fer serving with the Canadian "OPIN PROBLEM To Participate u en CXpenditure, $557,939, a club rec n " ROR come at the meeting, And the other group, the local harness horse|"XPenaditure, 307,030, WD TOC AL a result of his venture, 20,- problem with thelr horse-racing al club (Standardbred--to the puritans) has announced the election i) we Sxpendinie, Was 000,000 Britons now go fo the brethren the use of narcotics Within Ten Days of its officers for the coming season and plans for a series of dare. by: Saskalchewan Rough. dogs annually, Several years ago, gamblers) sonmppar (CP)--Blue Bon by doping five of the six entries| Buf WEEK-END REVIEW: -- Ted Sellers and his Unionville rink|$561 011, Edmonton Eskimos Today the National Greyhound in a London race, and similar| ont. Mt ol participate. in the Butlalo 4 160 144 defeated Fred Stenson's Peterborough squad 11-6 on Wednesday $452,725, Calgary Stampeders Racing Club has 65 tracks under|offences result in periodic ar-| oq ™ oi ™ oer 00 ™0 program |Cleveland 2 189 189 54|Poros sald Friday the Montreal] Hall, defeated in all three night in the Liftlock City, to win the District 5 honors and right|$448,300, licence in England, Scotland and rests [featuring a total of $250,000 in Rochester 2 179 166 44/Canadlens' farm system took six!fights, lost by a technical knocks r p A 42 players out of Ontarlo before they out Thursday night to FEddie when the round robin is held at Sarnia next week , . . MICKEY profit-$15,002, B.C. made $12,955, (under their own rules. Noon ed: hound racing as "animated roul- tracks Springfield 20 31 1 181 221 TON, one of the best and certainly one of the most colorful refer-|Calgary, $5,200 with $6,000 still to|itions of London newspapers de-|ette,'" the dogs. pay the rent for The announcement said Blue! Friday's Result Hockey Association draft, |fourth round of a scheduled sixe BO DE Ey oa] othe aks, tip oth \optleome lrmt, vaca a antring "and. prognostic | athletic. arenas, © 0" \MPOTtan! Bonnets "is "the first "Canadian Providence 1 Rochester 9 aA n meeting of the OHA Junior| Pounder. He sald afterwards he A . , ) "dmonton los! KX | eres 7 * i 4 'es 8 il § " 3 emembere and now he has lost the other . , , THE BLOCKING RULE is ex- loss deducted from accumulated|tions at The 20-odd tracks in the| Wembley Stadium, the mecca wack Beis TR tie octane Fabs Came {Pollock of pe hy Son He fight, 0 Dorhieg fe Bem: pected to be revamped when the Canadian 'Football League rules surplus left the surplus at $118.. metropolitan area. of British soccer, and White eity, | ' : e anadlens' farm) 1 divis v | / ) "fie! orn 0 ent Robinson has stated he'd rather meet Archie Moore in his next|contributoins from booster and two-shilling minimum bet, which international track - and - field 01 Jyslaione, each culminated by Providence i Springlield ern ng player transfers. [DiVincen: sala the, TRO means bout than Carmen Basilio, which could mean two things, certainly patrons' clubs and gate equaliza- (was doubled by horse . racing competitions, rely on their inp." '(n" he preliminary races, Hersh y oll t ' I'm not going to sit by and for Hall y pension no money for Basillo and perhaps more for Sugar Ray? . . ./tion cut the net loss to $18,211, |authorities two years ago, grey-icome from regular greyhound pi. Bonnets is to participate in cory ey ht oc on o watch players go to Montreal," |" : MONDAY NIGHT, the Wimijey sy Souacil will De asked to en-| Largest expenditures tal - tio meet J oo | Springfield at Buffalo Smythe sali, "Our league needs A -- dorse an expenditure of two-and-a-half millions, for a swimming|salaries with Winnipeg reporting mat £120,000,000 a year on the Park, scene of last year's British f pool, track and addition to 'heir stadium, all with the idea of a club record of $423,936 for sal-|animals of thelr choice, | Empire Games, added event Aug. 2. -- OHA-NOHA Senior A side it should come up with a rule bidding for the Pan-Am Games, in 1063 . , . RUSSIA Invited Belle: aries, travelling expenses, bo ------ -- ---- M t ] M Chatham a Tn Su. that heiby ua | For Your Convenience ol Ii . ie council approved Smythe's over but they already have other games arranged and CAHA'other clubs: Lions $357,081, Fd | on rea an ' secreta v George Dudley intimates that it is unlikely that the monton $365,683, Calgary $208,000, ge RCGA Prex Sudbury ol 24 ia n i player transfers by professional STOVE OIL 8, §. Marie {clubs has been violated." Windsor 16 26 2 167 177 | It als , MORE OF SAME: -- Harold "Baldy" Cotton, chief scout of . s0 approved another mo-|f ty available in any quentity at Boston Bruins, addressing a Rotary Club meeting in Barrie this Most Ski Resorts Baxter Taylor of Montreal, long Friday's Result lock's Hull-Ottawa Junior Cana- week, told them that today parents have money, can afford to prominent in amateur golf as a Chatham 7 Sudbury 2 diens, which will go before the| VIGOR OIL Re ort Good Snow player and executive, Friday was| Tonight's Games OHA and then to the Canadian' cated to the game, he usually decides on an education rather than p SERVICE STATIONS a hockey career. He pointed out that although there are far more] moRONTO (CP) Thirty Aliree | TORONTO: (CP) Amo! {nadian Golf Association, He suc. Windsor at Kitchener read: boys In minor hockey today, there are fewer staying with the onianin ski resorts report condi.| |CRONTO (CP)--Another re- ens the Job of officials by making ceeds John M. Blair of Winnipeg Sunday's Game "It 1s also the strong feeling ® OSHAWA eo ii : Ji agus | ue ; vamping of the blocking rule is/!t unnecessary for them to watch| Taylor sald prospects are Kitchener at Windsor that any team which plays in the! port all their 1959 contracts signec . OSLO FANS saw Belleville 5, soot ind ped no a ol ie ke . \ whip a Norwegian all-star team 5.2 on Thursday night and then Bud pts of clear hes ava cvanidered de ate 0 ax Li petition in this year's Canadian LT F AP registered, fully eligible players| SIMCOE ST. SOUTH voiced the opinion that the 1959 "Canada team Was maybe nq 'Snow depth ranges from six! nad pa ; : high? The Big Four teams are gen- open championship, te be held Belleville 2713 8215 160 62'y4 all g ' ther * I 8 nadian Football League rules ' ' n all games, exhibition or other. Lakevi Park Dunl MONDAY NIGHT I I erally agreed on unlimited block-|June 18-21 .at the Montreal Isles. Whitby 21 7 6193 116 60 wise Council also would like to aot Lakeview Par yunlops ONDAY +HT, at Ravina Rink in Toronto, Joe \ . ) Bll Primeau will be honored, at the Marlboro-St. Mike's OHA sche Sundin ' A number of other revislonsisome western clubs, British Col-| The $25.000 tournament for the Kingston 12 24 4 148 177 28/y1u11 roster." KING ST. EAST dule game, The former NHL great and later coach -of several P chod YER Y kod may be adopted but only the ymbia Lions favor the present first time this year is part of the Cornwall 926 4107 162 22 ------ eS eked or TIRNWELY Packed: blocking rule change will make pyle. with the addition that all Top Ten Tournament players Friday's Result | couldn't happen to 8 nicer guy |, +. OSHAWA MINOR hockey COUT Springs, 7; Cobourg, 0 ) 'REMEMBER WHEN ? S WHITEY teams, in Ontario Minor playoffs, have pretty much the same in Yn Valley dy Etzani players and game officlals block up to the third yard stripe'extra $2,000, The TTT system Tonight's Games .. 500 BROCK ST. NORTH pauern as In recent years. Bantams and Midgets are drawn gq." piacherton « Markdale, 12; In its final perusal of the ruleipast the line of scrimmage, the awards appearance money 10/ ull. Ottawa at Kingston | Jack Sharkey' ) ' against Peterhorought JDpatents , fe Au elias raw boo": the committee will consider same distance as the linemen, plavers on the pro tournament | oo Loll at Whitby ba K Mp A) second ing on| ® AJAX ® JUNIOR OHA COUNCIL met last night in To. | em Riehatior. @ y h | bac i en n his losing on ronto and not only "whitewashed Coach 'Hap Emms but gave Kifer ake ou! Jucheper § League and Western Interprovin: change in this rule are sugges. presence of big-name players. |. oo SU a LL Voy Poins x Rony Shieso 2 years, 4 pL " "0 elal Football Union clubs tions that downfield blocking be! -- ' ago lomght ston, and Joe Harry Watson of making a farce of a game in St. Kitts by playing 1s 4 . a 1 Whitby at Hull-Ottawa the last minute with only three players. Emms had sent his men Midland, Wi Rewmarkst, 1 by some clubs for unlimited Punt returns and on pass plays Toronto Varsity WL T F APs He, put inal to Sharkey's hopes 3 BRODKLIN » ay, { ang : . a ' 'la few months later. Sharkey had| . . But he admitigd he was wrong they didn't fine him or even pu.ey sould, 30: Palgrave-Alblon plays from scrimmage. Peterboro AEE reprimand him, a couple even sald the league needed the "color" yin" 6: Peterborough-Bethany,| The as linemen. However, none of) TORONTO (CP)--University of)... " 5 i any, » present rule on running, 0 : versity of). ein) 19 13 12 181 167 50) arner bse suggestions are likely to) to B pip .|Gueiph LE . |Carnera the following year. suitable location, if they want to move next year and endorsed his vy, 4 or { |meet with approval, o Toronto Blues extended their un-| 16 19 5126 132 43 -- y ' . Valley, 18; Sudbury-Levack, 25: mage permits blocking to the the Senior Intercollegiate Hockey Barrie © Senic mercolleglate ockey " s y STAFF , ) n . | Marlboros 1324 7 118102 33 game suspensions . , . STAFF SMYTHE, who on the Emms case, 7. Teeswater, 12: Woodstock, 8. [by the seven linemen and iwo League with a 4-1 victory Friday MM " ei . . ' "iy Tees v 143 ' 3 seve PIN e! Y Liond favor blockin, . h x pointed out that the referee should have given him a two-minute| Soft: Bancroft, 22; Brace: "privileged" halfbacks flanked a rr a gun. inten ght over. the includes three four-point wins] suspension for the coach, suggested a fine of one dollar . eee - ' a 0 "The win leaves Toronto on top Friday's Result | STAFFORD wasn't nearly as easy on Sammy Pollock, head 'of |Lroposed change oe and ane given down punt or field goal attempt, the Canadiens' farm system, 'whom he accused of taking six 10 EH ance OF R ne Ping|At present a blocked third-down after eight games. Montreal is Tonight's Games [ ! > would allow unlimited blocking kick brings only a 25-yard pen- third. Barrie at Hamilton " - : : : ' 'entr 'ar-| Peterborough at St. Catharines 'Winnipeg Council only witht he halfbacks confined|if the kicking toam recovers thel Centre Bill Kennedy led Var-|Peterboroug S Philli H Add d F P i G tc a yard in front of the scrim-|hall, Lions have proposed that many games, Victor Bedard got Barrie at St. Michael's | - mage | ne, {the Kicking side lose the ball in|Carabins' oni Hamilton at Marlboros ays 1i11es Iiave ed ForPan-Am. ames essrus TRYOUT such a case if it hasn't made| ovine Only goal. or eee . | WINNIPEG (CP) -- Proposals : : . Under the present rule if the Defensive Stren th a But? Winnipeg: at a cost of $250,000 wok tried with suceess In Ahe|yick should happen to be from a| ® if the city is named as host to astern Intercollegiate Senior eir- kicking team's 10-yard line, and| WAYNE, Pa. (AP) ~1 think the Ray Semproch was a fine rookie the 1663 Pan-American Games Ch RS ortuitios. Tange pro. the kicking team subsequently re-| Philadelphia Phillies VF will be presented to city council ¥ covers on its own eight-yard line, the of wer notential stap the penalty would be only four| Jume Jiogiess ie end o Ja k me r potential i % an A citizefis' committee formed pe ¢ asor at ani 0 i tuber ; 3 J last sibdaihye Wok 3 by Mavor Stephen Jub ore SPORT BRIEFS team's goal line. | ee y "sen § report w a list of Im rer------ - The 1959 squad will be youn cher we purchased from Min yrovements counell has to sup! . and faster. Several weak spots p / ) n TWO NEW TICATS 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. merican Games committee wi " rv in the infield and hehind the Micke I lapprove Winnipez as the site for El wa is Hamilton plate 1 the 196% competitions iger-Cats Thursday announce A IMCOE ST N We purchased Johnny Y on : 25 § 0 A for infield insurand Winnipeg committee, said Tues-'Wood of Oklahoma State Univer: ho dav expansion plans include a co ¢ " , ip a x | RICHMOND CITIES SERVICE shortstop Ruben Amaro from § oses 3] S £700,000 Olympic-standard swim bpd and aid SiR. Tugeer, anol Hi 24 RICHMOND ST. Louis Carflinals and second base ming poal, an additional - 20,000 US: college star, for (he 1950 Big ' Loris Cortitals svst movutel B06: oor py, Four football season. Coach Jim HOUSTON'S TEXACO STATION Angeles : seats for the now 20,000-seat Win.| ' mbie saic or, an pound ! nown profe nipeg Stadium, and construction Jikiogter, wold Te See on ol ree istory of 4 ( trac t pont Ferry thaaugall, This Ji bist ' at of a dymple track at the while Tucker probably will see! epee ® WHITE ROSE STATION wt le isn't worrying t intisld that didn be What use have 1 got for legs. | tH SIMCOE ST. N. (ot Limits) fore, Some these were anyway? he asked. "I've been! We ' minor leaguers last year but rate everywhere," ® ANDY NAGI S TEXACO STATION 408 KING ST. Ww. Our catching wa cost him one leg a vear ago has . ' . Ss onien npc my vibar - i Ho a deal with San claimed the second, It was Smith S Claim |€ henier of Vancouver has a suc Franc y for Valmy The ang tated this weel | ING i | oiteher Ruben Gomes. We had to Interviewed from his hospitall MONTREAL (CP)2Managing Not unavicun sinker Sham, 4 cyl. O.H.V. front engine. Seats fout | 8% SIMCOR 37. 3. od over his director Gorman Kennedy | . if A OR y ' Sanford. Jim Hegan win troubles to emnhasise that Montreal Alouettes has categorie. | Montreal B11 in the first 25 FOOTE S SHELL STATION aired from Detroit ncar the end M7 Wife games of a 125-game champion. 97 KING ST. E. h Carts who id «0 help family Mrs. Jon, related to football club has offered a con i : Ad 3 ] i Ja i a n, should also help (Conny department - store own. tract to Zeke Smith, all-Ameri 106-11 victory for Chenier The washer, duotone finish and many SABYAN S TEXACO STATION Sy ar ers. has been bedridden at a pri- can guard at Auburn University |!Wo open a five-day series at Ed-| yay standard equipment. We haven't to add | x go | quip any power to speak of Perhaps € nursing home for many in Alabama monton Feb, 16. Other matches WHITEFIELD'S SUNOCO STATION oI. Wo Tet added uneed 10 Dor "We'll get along just fine," saying in Auburn that he had ronto, From $1398 $31 RITSON RD. §. ' CRANFIELD'S B-A STATION 331 PARK RD, §. DKW at 813 SIMCOE ST. §. ' CLARKE"S SUPERTEST STATION 272 KING ST Ww, ' VIVIAN'S B.A. STATION in the United States and one in P F th | By ROGER STONEBANKS The compact layout of the 440- Pace, formerly the Transamerica also shown a fondness for making V8" the horse-player may lose|the fall series end with a $50,000 Football Union was a $2,500,000 gave the residents of Manchester|s method of teaching racing reg:| The Canadian track an attempt will be made to organize a "'rugger" (rugby football)|grarate expenditures were $2..| The ploneer was Brig. . Gen. less of what happens along on : Blue Bonnets Is in Oshawa, If you are interested, we're quite sure you'll be wel.[CUP champions, had the largestio "0 00 aol Bo oad war. | track officials share one ves here and in neighboring communities, all before July Ist, . . cleaned up a reported £100,000 ih races here ghboring coi y | British Columbia Lions spent NUMEROUS TRACKS nets Raceway announced Friday to move Into the Ontario "eights" for singlerink curling honors,| winnipeg also had the biggest| Wales and another 200 operate| Although purists frown on Brey: nurses at 16 North American Providence 20 30 2 154 189 | 41|were eligible for the Ontario!Beattie of Hamilton, Ont., in the t 2 $0 ng , committee convenes this week-end in Toronto , . . SUGAR RAY (049 Saskatchewan lost $76,249 but| Encouraged by retention of the the site » the country's major|S 8 ara split into spring and Buffalo at Hershey system of flouting the rules gov- I Commission secretary Arthur involved hound patrons wager an esti- meetings, So does Cardiff Arms| po fall series with a $10,000. Cleveland at Providence help and if the OHA is on our ville McFarlands to visit there, alter the world's tournament is/nuses and other items, For the Kitchener 28 14 2 202 150 B58 motion that "the rule re | garding Macs" will be able to accept the Russian invite, | Riders $360,800 MONTREAL (CP) -- Gordon North Bay 1428 1140 205 29 tion, apparently aimed at Pel. || the following . send their boys to college and ds a result, unless a boy is dedi elected president of the Royal Ca.|Chatham at Sault Ste. Marie Amateur Hockey Association, It| game , CHICAGO CUBS is the first big league ball club to re. tions from fair to excellent with {for blocking over the restricted ppight for a most successful com: | Eastern OHA Senlor A CAHA playoffs should play onlyl] 78 BOND ST. WEST w stronger defensively but didn't have the scoring punch of Whitby inches to 36 committee kK] nc eo } Ing and they expect support from'mere Club (Hull-Ottawa 16 21 2 122 170 341506 a Jan, 1 list of the Ottawa- at the Townline championship teams, will receive gifts, honors, eu and it Tr 1: Cobourg. 8 7 'much difference to the fans, hackfielders be permitted -to|plan, through contribution of an Cornwall 3 Hull-Ottawa 7 By THE CANADIAN PRESS a bye inf 0 af. WT the first round Halleybury, 36; Huntsyille, 20 changes proposed by Big Four Tied in with any proposed trail as a means of guaranteeing Sunday's Games the Barrie mentor everything he asked for. He was charged by an Limberlost. 34: London. 6 HARWOOD AVE. N. dla) TN . '10:| High on the list is the demand Permitted on pass interceptions, OHA Junior A Louls, who had yet to win thel to the dressing room and a late penalty caught him short-handed on: nwa blocking for linemen on running and that all backfielders be al- Owen Sound, 28: Oshawa, 7:00 D 4 lowed to block the same Ve at) Boosts Loop Lead St. Caths, 24 16 5 186 142 53 won the title from Max Schmel. | 2416 5 18 5o/ Ing In 1932 and lost it to Plies that Emma gave it, Then they agreed to let Barrie move to any 7. Sault Ste. Marie, 28: Snow|and passing plays from scrim.| Mike's h beaten streak to five games in/*>' * 4 14 24 6 130 154 -- -_ {dea that misconduct penalties should draw stiffer fines but no Sundridge, 16; Toronto Summit, [third yard stripe ahead of the lino LIONS PROPOSE CHANGES night over the University of Hamilton 925 8127 167 26] warning and that failure to comply means an automatic one-year bridge, 36. [outside of each end. One of the|iphe blocked kick rule on a third: g k S rt of of the standings with 14 points St. Michael's 1 Guelph 2 ; eex Suppo players out of Ontario before they were eligible for the OHA draft.) PP by the linemen on running plays alty and the right to kick again sity, with his eighth goal in as! Sunday's Games yards, to improve sports facilities in Unlimited blocking by linemen have made I also consider Don Cardwell and [arondav (runs and at the same time light. SOME progres v yards--half the distance to the : ; neapolis port before the international Pan. | have been improved. especially ' PRESTON'S SUNOCO STATION Jim Daley, chairman of the (the signing of halfback Duane| third baseman Gene Free and permanent and 10,000 temporary | Four football season. Coach Jim Mickey lon, 67 KING ST. W, NEW DEPTH . . wees | (ULY A8 A pass-receiving special: a real trial A cfrendation ailment Alouettes Deny ! ' copstul start" In defence of nis FIAT 1100 SEDAN ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION give up a good j 0 Jack " Mickey gle "the game one of the [ally denie ¢ Four|®™ A | 16 ime one of the! ally denied that the Big Four| hip series. Highest Seore was 334 RITSON RD. §. t will come from our farm sys. CAS as a result of a stroke Smith was quoted Thursday as dre at Calgary, Montreal and To SEE THE NEW ' GANGEMI'S SERVICE STATION NONQUON RD. nmagsters ineup in almost every deal and| T.ckey says turned down an Als offer of $15) pAQERALL ON PAY-TV Andy Nagy's t should help make up the dif lon Was 2 Teferde in: the de.|000 a year we're not! NEW YORK (AP) A sub BODY SHOP R funct Pacific Coast League, the "In the first place erence said Seription television firm Said 408 King W., RA 3.7132 \ or in the his come