William Levine, manager of T4. furs to meet the customers' de. paid top prices of $38 for white BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | monn Pur Auction Sales Lim Fur Production To Be Increased EDMONTON (CP)~A grealer umber of Canada's wild animals rill find their furs on sacks If people in the fur indus ry have it their way Demand for wild furs has been leclining for some time because { Increasing varieties of ranch nink which make up roughly 70 ¥, women's HF] FURNITURE ited, says people. in the fur in dustry are seeking a greater variety of furs to place on the market [SHOT IN THE ARM | They. are therefore trying fo give the wild fur industry a "shot in the arm" as well ag encour age the stability of the fur \ , rancher per cent of the value of the fur The original wild brown mink trade has been transformed over the The trend this year Is back to years through cross-hreeding on the original standard dark brown fur farms into a variety of new niink, and toward the wild mink shares--pasiels, greys. sapphires buffs and whites as well as such wild furs as white "pu 'the fur rancher apparently 10%, lynx and otter. This was in- is running out of new shades, and dicated at recent fur auction the fur industry looks toward the vdles trapper to provide the varieties or' BIG 15- buoyant flake foam pillow vinyl-covered headboard Included \ with this includes tress, of pillow ma set lec 'S59 Fleetwood 21" Console TV Powerful chassis gi and area [ back pr limed oak 8.07 Off Unpainted Big Bookcase-Buffet centre shelf adjusts Use as a room divider cabinet thiy justable Each « MIMO sanded wood with ad- helf, sliding doors. Reg. 24.95! buffet or storage 6 Size 36" x 16" x 32" high. Paint, stain or varnish it quoise, beige or green. Req Matching Lounge Chair. Reg. 69.95! EACH 59.95 You have no und fr trust mand The success of the ranch mink tended to force down prices of wild furs, and in the last four or five years demand for wild furs declined severely The number of white trappers responsible for practically all the wild furs in the last 26 years declined by about two-thirds, The fur industry therefore decided to encourage the trapper hy offer ing hetler prices Mr. Levine sald wild mink this year hrought a top price of $30 a pelt, about 25 per cent above last year's top price. Higher prices were also paid for white fox, lynx and otter furs Buyers from Canadian, United States and Furopean markets on our part," Donner sald a 3 [TTT TT 30" Continental Complete Unit extras to buy continental spring « filled mat tching box spring, 15, headboard and Reg. 58.95! UNIT , p ' Fringemaster ves you top picture m even fringe No Inut or Each reen y 21 fini SIT on zip foam rubber cushions, SLEEP on spring-filled mattress Today's homes call for more living in less space and 9 f this bee chesterfield will give you double service. Moth- proof nylon cover is in rich shades of red, brown, tur- I -- -- W-- W-- WW WW W-- -- -- ------ ---- fox, about 20 per cent higher than last year, and for lynx, about 10 per cent above last year's price Buyers meanwhile paid a top price of $36 for the standard dark| 2 The Oshawa Times about 35 per cent above last Years return, TOE Savaard darklyey ug... NO, 30 OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1959 now makes up about 20 per cenl - -- GIVER MEDAL Against U.S. General Motors sented the National Geographic | Society's Hubbard Medal to Sir| Vivian Fuchs, British explorer who made the first overland crossing of Antarctica DETROIT (AP) General and General Motors Acceplance wt Motors Corporation Wednesday | Corporation, We financing affill. night confirmed, reports that ils ate : AAA " ' huge automotive operation is be GM combined production aes Ls i ing Investigated by the US, Just: counted for 51.1 per cent of the ice department industry's 4,244,065 passenger car Prederie G, Donner, GM hoard output in 1958 chairman, said the company was In Washington, & justice des served Wednesday with a. sub: partment spokesmna sald the ine poena by the Justice department [vestigation had been under way Yealling for a tremendous amount |"quite some times" of information, records, and re-- "We are going in a little deeper ports going hack to 1946 and in now," sald Vietor BR, Hansen, an some cases, to 1020 assistant atlormey-general, Hane "In view of the complexity of sen emphasized, however, that ne this réquest it obviously requires conclusions have heen reached, Hansen told of the investigation while testifying bhefove a Renate have not had an oppor. House of Representatives econos to examine the subpoena mic committee, He nlso sald an In any event it would investigation of the steel industry was under way, No Goldmine In Ottawa Ford Boss Says FORT WILLIAM (CP) Rhys M. Bale said Wednesday night many Canadian must rid them. selves of the impression that [there is a secret gold mine on ET PAGE TWENTY-ONE Sno err RSI AIT study and analysis "We Lumity in detail not he appropriate for me to com ment further upon this matter while in the investigative phase.' suite in Sienna Walnut finish | comfortable bedding vith eo NEWT equipment even the Posh Mii Ly accessories included ment is preparing its long rum features double dresser ored anti-trust sult against the corpovation, and will seek to force GM to drop al least one, possibly of ils five motor divisions two 'Canadian Red ii." Blasts US. |, Soe, mouse, tr Military Plans meeting of the Fort William |Chamber of Commerce on the LONDON Tim Buck danger of inflation to Canada's Canadians realize economy would undoubtedly fall vietim to He sald the government must any niclear war unleashed in the A1empt to reduce spending hal I Arctic hy "imperialist madmen,' [ance the budget and restore con The leader of Canada's Lahor fidence in the dollar as a slep f Progressive (Communist) Party lowards reducing inflation fold the 21st Roviet party Con Many Canadians seem fo i gress In Moscow Wednesday that think there is a secret gold mine a " ar ar [| opposition to the military plans [Under the Parliament Jlidinia of American imperialism is grow: [In OUawa, and that all the fi ling among Canadians. His re. Nance minister has to do is to [marks were quoted hy the offi. telephone downstairs for another lcial Saviet news agency Tasse hundred million dollars every [Phe U.8. is trying to subjugate 'ime someone thinks up a new ¥ | N " " | Canada and its policy to U8 mil: way to spend money," he said | He suggested that Canadians i itary plans VK sider J 4 f a He said Premier Khrushehey's consider the desirability Only 18 Monthly Payments of 10.21 revert hd Russia's new seven. NEh-level committee to explore year plan had greatly contributed And expose the problems of in (yea! | K flation such as the one President to the strengthening of the inter Fisenhower set up last week, 4 Unions Join On Waterfront lions of people to Communism He added that the keynote of| He sald a considerable number( TORONTO (CP)--Four trans. of Canadians, Including eapital- [port unions have combined forces { Khrus hehev's report was the firm 4% fi | ists, now agree that an expansion in a drive to organize workers on ; of economic contacts with the So-| Toronto's waterfront and improve : | ; viet Unios and the world social- what they term 'deplorable W 3 / | £ i |1st market is precisely the wav wages and working eonditions." i / i [through which Canada can get rid f » i of Its economic dependence on said Wednesday Toronto's waters Group buying is the modern, thrifty way to furnish your rooms and a decorator-planned look, This 3-piece bedroom suite is new finished in a glowing Sienna Walnut accented with brass pulls. 6 drawers in double dress and 4 more in chest, Book case bed has sliding panels, Figure out what you'd pay separately for just the mattress, springs and a pair of pillows with cases, Also a o-pce, ashtray set and a pair of boudoir lamps and shades achieve and exclusive er (Cp) they Reg. 209.95! 18-Piece Group --- | would triumph within a histor! cally short space of time eonfidence that Communism Spokesmen for the four unions front industry Is "a Jungle for | workers where they ean only hope to survive--never to prospect on enjoy the conditions thal other Canadians take for granted." The unions are the Interna. tional Longshoremen's Associa tion (Ind) and the Teamsters, the Seafarers' International, and {people's court cheered and ap: Brotherhood of Railway and (Planded Wednesday as three Steamship Clerks and Freight | mare leaders of the former Iraqi |Handlers, the latter three affilis | [regime were sentenced to be han: ated with the Canadian Labor i ged Congress i They were 8ald Quuzaz, former, Hen Doherty, TLA. representa- i interior minister; Ahdul Jabbar tive, was elected president of the | | Fehmi, former governor of Bagh: |[four-union committee, He said the |} f J the United States | Iraq Ex-Leaders | Sent To Gallows BAGHDAD, Iraq (Reuters) {Men and woman packing dad, and Bahjat Aftiah, former | first target will he employees of [director general of security unorganized trucking firms | OCVI Students Plan Yearbook Students at Oshawa Collegiate their parliamentary visit and in and Vocational Institute have [troduced them to Mr, Halridge started preparations for publica: [and Mr. Pearson prior to taking tion of this vear's version of the [them to Mr. Diefenbaker's pris Acta Ludi, the schoal year book, [vale office A stall has been chosen and Ihe students were entertained Hwork is well underway towards [at lunch by Mr, Starr and visited gatheving information for various [the Nation] Art Gallery and Na sections of the hook. An adequate [tonal Museum before hoarding sales staff has been lined up and an 11.30 p.m. train for Oshawa hopes ave high for a successful [CENTRAL PRESENTS vear, The year book is brought{ A preview of this year's pro- out annually towards the end of [duction of "Central Presents" the school year was presented at Oshawa Central Committees have been set up Collegiate Insittute Wednesday hy OCVI Student's Congress to afternoon in assembly period [prepare for the annual Junior | Plans for this year's public pres | Prom, The Junior Prom is one of sentation the evenings of Feh, 18, [the big social events of the [13 and 14 are all but completed [school year and efforts are be: with a dress rehearsal scheduled ing made to make this year's the [for next Tuesday night bes yet, I will be held sometime | On the program this year will in March be, "Jinx from Alabama', a play A visit with Prime Minister Die: [about a southern belle who comes fenbaker and interviews with [to a bridesmaid at a friend's wed. | Opposition Leader Lester HR [ding and steals the bridegroom on | Pearson and H.W, Haividge, [drama, 'Stand Still the House" MP, CCF member for Kootenay [involves a man apd his wife on = West, B.C highlighted the vecent [their farm in the wild west dure Visit to Ottawa by members of £ing winter the OCVIE Public Speaking and he Pampered Darling" will Debating Club round out the program and tells I'he students of a spoiled boy who tries to ruin Liiva hy H. 1 the life of his two sisters. A al OCVE and taken to their re- [comedy sketeh will be presented served rooms at the Chateau [in addition to the plays. {| Laurier Thursday night. Up at [RASKETRALL 715 am, they had breakfast and | Senior, junior and bantam bas | hoarded a bus for a tour of the 'kethall games will be played at . i City OCCE Friday night with OCVI |] ! J EXPERIMENTAL FARM A dance will follow | A stop at - the Experimental | OCVIEs bantam team with | Farm proved interesting with [victories over Whithy Distviet [the farm museum, barns and [High School, Bowmanville High grounds all on the itinerary. Stu- [School and Dy. 1, 1 Danevan Cal were given literature on leglate Institute, will he shooting for is fourth straight win Hill |" OCVE seniors have deteated group cwas in time to [Donevan and Rowmanville and Reg. 369.95, so you save $110! were mel on av | Roberts, principal 259 Q5 | 1 dents farming Next where WS W-- W-- ---- -- stop was Pavliament the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Daily 9.30 to 6 p.m. except Wednesday to procession of the Sars [the have sutfered three CAPM bearing the Mace [straight losses al the hands of to watching parliamentary |Whithy, Donevan and Bowman debate ville The students were thrilled with | ait Friday's games at OCV] {the process. of government and [were followed by the annual Roy's saw some of the Athletic Association dance whieh see the Juniors goant prioy RA 5-3519 12.30 p.m.--Friday to 9 p.m, recent debate on the CRC featured square dancing the Hon, Mi gymnasium and round danes of Labor, school auditorium n Alin the group I Stam ter (hoy s atler{ing wn the Val me