Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1959, p. 3

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" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonvery 28, 1959 § Notable Achievements In Planning Reviewed Motor City Choir | Buffer Area Problem Scores Success | Will Be Given Study tot, le, tts At Th, uh, te abr, gf Shr 0 Ls hare ok, Was . 8 r ' . is tL yesr prov f 4 tie approval, the Motor Citymond Taylor, violinists, lending aby the nl ne Da sur iio: Pd de Whip Sula], siiy und, Sa. some 4 our other restrictions In OSHAWA CURLERS WIN ONTARIO LADIES' TANKARD Oshawa's representatives captured the Ontario Ladies' Tankard curling honors here yesterday, in a thrill-packed fi nal over Toronto Royal Cana MARCH OF DIMES Kinette Club To Blitz Members Oshawa Mon. Feb. 2 |ArePraised [1 ue du imi ud Again this year, as has been the case for the past more than 300 mothers will blitz ~the City of Oshawa for one night on Monday, Feb, 2, to raise funds for the March of Dimes, As in previous years the Oshawa Kin. dians the to-right, are trophy Mrs three Years, p HW ee) The above informal shot caught as the local ladies | yg gathered on the presentation ice Left Hex ry Jack Smith, i strong, Mrs Mrs Camphell, Mrs, C, H Shmuck, of welwood Mrs, A, Robins, Gorrie, Mrs, G Mrs, ¥, Fordham, Jenkin, Mrs, C Stone, Jr.; Mrs Mrs, Harold Arm James Clements Mrs, G. H, Kerry, Mrs, J, R Grieve, Mrs, H: C, Jackman Mrs, K, K, Fielding, Mrs, T, ( Russell, Mrs, Oakley Crawford Mrs. Russell MeNell, Mr Hart ley Morrison, Mrs, F., H, Webster Mrs. Steve Dyl, Mrs, A, D, Ci Mrs, Arthur Chair, under its director, Regin-most sympathetic obligato, thelaccioiation, in the field of plan: + ald G, Geen, gave its annuslwomen's volcel were heerd in El- ning, es outlined hy C, Me. Way uy Ha adoption of the concer, on Monday evening Ingar's "The Bnow", by far one of Giphon, QC, at a recent meet-\he zoning hylsws prepared by Simeone Bireot " Lnited i Shireh. the ost effective offerings of [ino of the Oshawa Planning| the pin honing all Assisting the choir In this occa-the evening, | Be : 8 I report to " y sion was contralto Margaret Su. Board, In his annusl rep therefore, expect in the future well of Toronto, who was making choir pr ted Parry's exq also the progress made by the! her first local' appearance and eising of Miton's (amous ode, haw Board, DE oa Waa the was given a warm reception fori Rlest Pair of Sirens", in which| Mr, McGibbon noted that In! uation in 1056, Thus In two short her excellent contribution to theeyery member of the chorus rose (1656 Oshawa was concerned with years the principle objective for program, In his usual post, Kel-to meet the full challenge of this/the uncontrolled mushroom which the association was formed vin James. provided reliable e-compelling score, making It thel growth which was taking place|nas, in an large measure, been companiment for the choir highlight of the program, "0 Ca-\heyond its boundaries; As & re: achieved," ; The Motor City Choir has longada', sung to the original words sult the Oshawa Regions) Plan | During. is ationtion. to: i since established itself as a 1ead-py the Honorable Judge Rothier, ning Association was formed on ay Ri . the Osha n ing choral group hy virtue of Ish ought the evening to a stirring a voluntary basis with equal re Planning Bonrd In 1058 Mr We. | thorough training and attention tofinale, presentation, 1t was feared hy iim k CORE FE oy ey (musical detail, Throughout the srargaret Stilwell possesses alsome that the association would by the Ontario Municipal hrove {evening, In & program of old fy ice of great beauty to which Is(not be effective as it had no ac: 5 Be Ontario Municipal Board F|vorites and some less (amIIATaGaeq mygicnl intelligence of a|tual authority, Results, Mr, Mei iv, ESSERE SERRE project t te en § mers, the choir displayed Anji order, With her husband at| Gibbon stated, have proved these| i " oc seven Years in prepar: L} admirable halance of volees, re. o piano, Mrs, Stilwell offered fears were unfounded, (ation, Several amendments have markable fidelity to pitch, andy, groupe of songs that allowed| To filustrate his point he com: since heen recommended 10 coun: unmistakably understanding of ample scope to display the lovely mented that as a result of dis 2 the musical values in the varied bre of her voice as well as| cussions, initiated hy the associs:| compositions , her admirable interpretative gifts, tion, the engineering staffs of ADJUSTMENT COMMITTEE After opening with Stanford's "ses group included classical Oshawa, Whithy and the Town:| In Mareh eity council appointed [1 | Kitchener, Ontario Ladies' Cur ling Assoc., president, Mrs, A, Lawrence and Mrs, 1, Oke, Staff Photo, Oshawa Times [stirring Arrangement of "God ompositions by Handel and Du-|ghip of Whithy made a study ofa committee of adjustment to Save the Queen", the cholr pre. ee ™ warps" "Yerhorgenheil" | the major streets that will he ré| deal with applications from relief quired In the future to connect (from hardship under the zoning Saint-Saens' "Mon coer 'ouvre Oshawa and Whithy, These streets bylaw, This had the effect of have been Incorporated in the of: (freeing the board from this work ficial plan for the Township of yt was also noted that the hithy, hoard had appointed a committee to prepare a parks plan under {the chairmanship of Mr, Wood: | cock, The department of planning {and development has evidenced 8, G, Saywell, the lay pastor|dieces Tsehalkowsky's motet, and members of the congrega.| Hear, Lord, Our God" was fol ta voix" from his opera "Sam tion of St Stephen's United lowed hy Stanford's The Bluea ta voix ot hr es of he Church, North Oshawa, were Bird" and Thiman's modern set-son and I (A » ito reper:| warmly congratulated, at their|ting of the English folk song, "No, finest gems in ret. Bi ell 8 CE ROADS annual meeting recently hy Rey,|7ohn, No!" completed this Inter-tolre and Margar Jl: the hg AD Dr, Ge Telford on a year esting group, The first half ofing her artistie powers 3 ®| The association, he continued, marked by successful progress, |the program concluded with Thi full, gave It a most fn NE| brought up the question of service Both church membership and Man's beautiful Impression of interpretation, Two Eng Ish ' ngs roads north and south of Highway Lo, interest as no other municls sunday School enrolment were|' Gi, Lovely Rose'! and Healeybhy Soon and Pt 401 and, as a result of ity recom |pality has vino) ch wl increased, the latter hy 50 per|Willan's fine work, "In The NameCounty Donegal ballad, 1¢ i mendations, the councils of the P vf such a plan, municipalities eonceried hav e004 progress was made during For their finsl number, the|ihe board, My, MeGibhon cited that the growth of these munici-|d0 parts of the city also should be improved upon, To dale, we haye not had time to reconsider this bylaw but 1 hope we will be able to find time during 199% do 80, BUFFER AREA PROBLEM "The study of the buffer ares in our Land Use Plan previods. ly mentioned will occupy a good eal of our time during 1059, It may be that as a result of opr study, 8 readjustment of our politieal boundaries will be indi cated, "In this eonnection, 1 might mention that at the first meeting of the Oshawa Regional Planning Association this year we were presented, hy two experts In thelr field, with estimates of the cost of an serial survey snd map of the region and an engineering study of the sanitary and storm sewage system which will events uslly be required in the region, The cost of these two studies was estimated to be more than $100, 000 and Oshawa would he expects ed to hear a major portion of the cost of these, "At first glance, you might won. der why this should be so but a look at the drainage map of the region will provide the answer, A large portion of the Township of Darlington, all of the Town. ship of East Whithy and part of the Township of Whithy can only be serviced through the City MRS, T, D, THOMAS were Tea: -- SNOW BLOWERS 1 LAWN BOY == Used only a few 0h 00 L times UEEN--3 h.p, tratton motor, good financial position the meet were sery Fikiid gy 1 SNOW of the congrega efre ladies explained who tween WHEEL HORSE 4- WHEEL RIDING TRACTOR Demonstrator, with vide ..... 995.00 ve . blade . , . A. W. Rundle GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING EAST RA 5-1764 I thanks | master, for tion made hy choir to the spoke at DID YOU KNOW women's that for enly 98 , , | enjoy a Full:Course Business Men's Luncheon from 11,30. pm, In the Main oid | you ean should Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M, at ST, GEORGE'S (Albert and Ja Games $ May be doubled anytime Door prize $45 NEARLY NEW SHOP Thursday and Friday 2:9 pm Famous. Personality Homes of. Supmnins, Diakineti FUNCTIONAL HOMES CUSTOM BUILT FOR THE DISCRIMINATING AND DISCERNING H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED -- RA 5.9121 GRANDVIEW GARDENS, 2 miles from Downtown Oshawa, East on King St. Gertrude's 690 King St. E | Re aL: a i | Nae > us FOX HUNTING POPULAR SPORT Shown astride the inetrnation. | ette Club is sponsoring this Mothers' March acting as a district supervisor Woe, Mrs Norman Balke, Loy i Pres beats The general chairman post 18 held 5 8 YRAMIng, Is inerease reflected the improved an especially notable compositionfully sung, completed her seco by Mrs, R. Donald, Chairman frich, Mrs, T, Adair, Mrs, W facifition ddiin a by one of Canada's leading musi-group, Mrs, Stilwell, rec 'ed bylownment assurance that these | Plan will be presented to the Qoriion of the existing City of of canvassers is Mrs, F., South Bargent, Mrs, Owen Machonald, |" ne, ie ™ Badition te the clans the appreciative applause of the|woqde wit he huilt hoard for approval this year, (Oshawa can only he serviced \ rm J y . \ ' | ern and publicity chairman, Mrs Mrs, G, Thaczuk, Mrs, W. Arm-| 5 © building, housing H and The male voices of the Motordelighted audience, returned to" me oreation of the Centrall MI: McGibbon noted that dur-|through the township of Whithy, HW, Armitage strong, Mrs, 8 G, Bargeant, Mrs. lyon og 0aiion centre parlor | City Cholr combined in a lovelyoffer three charming encores, (rape Ontario Conservation Au.|!NE 1966 It became apparent that, wry, EVENTUALLY MEET Last year more than $10,000 Donald Skitch and Mrs, Carl|p ler meeting ( oll. | - thority was also the direct result|!n certain parts of the eity, new| | | Grenier {for smaller meetings and a well home building was pressing I think It Is inevitable that was raised by the Mothers March, appointed kitchen . . of an association recommenda: against Gon Bulk defined |Ohawa and the Town of Whithy This year the Polio Foundation Mrs, L. Nelson, Mrs. A, O, Pol| "Pho church's many organiza neers 1 Nn tion, Afainat Iu Lf area e hed are KING to row west And. east, not only plays a large part in 4 y lard Mrs, John MacLean, Mrs. tions had a busy year, The over ngi A street name register has heen, ii 8 Lan a ih an, Ada respectively ahd eventually meet the rehabilitation of post-polio G, H, Bell, Mrs, Douglas Wart, ai funds raised amounted to ap set up to prevent duplication of| Buy ee d oy "th % h , therefore, the time to make paralytics but, under its expanded Mrs, V. Kalynko, Mrs, J, B, Har- [proximately $4,000 po . strest names In the six muniel:|™ ry Rowe 1 Ph ere | hd ak these studies is now so that we program, all possible assistance vey, Mrs, R, 1. Wotton, Mrs.|" Phe following officers were palities forming the associationAWa land Use Plan shou ean be prepared for that eventuals will he extended to include adults W, L. Baldwin, Mrs, R, D. 8hor-|glanted for 1059; secretary, J, 8, 1 111 ¥ 1S and, now in use, Is serving a use from an point ity, Tt would seem to me to be handicapped by orthopaedically ten, Mrs, Clare Hardsand, Mrs.|willis; treasurer, ¥', Crawford: ful purpose, of view, considering such factors ulterly impossible for the Towns dianvling conditions. da Ke ar onroran. Mire, [Riditors, A, C. and Mrs, For Local 796, International Union of| Off shift premiums are five and|LAND USE PLANS eves. riiporiatien. ghd stip of Whithy, (whose nssess: In 1968 the foundation spon horn, Mrs, JB Henderson, | FSries; M, and M, Fund treasurer, pi a a neinaers has entered|10 per cent, Triple time will be #Probanly the wont sensational ib Ho a Tat gry ith ment is almost entirely farm and sored citizens committees to eo & Fol tet: Mis J Be wil aon, Mrs, F. Huryid; representative ag To agreement withipaid for nine statuory holidays PRLib Mr. MeGibhon ok boundaries POUL | vosidentia!, and practically no ine | 1errow RA "ite rash iam " 1 p ll ' Ld tablish rehabilitation centres in re Mid TOW, Mee: J Jjl0 presbytery, Mrs, C. Rundle; B00 Cros firms during the) when worked, Jury duly pay Was(giated 'was the adoption by the|Continuing Mr, MeGibbon said; |dustry) to provide the serviees Ottawa, _ Kingston, Hamilton, perapiagio Association, Canadian [oye Pigden, Mrs. Li. Ripley, nearer, of the building fund, JUL ohh set at $5.00 townships of Whithy, East Whithy|"In my report 1ast year, 1 men.|that Will be needed, let alone the . ro ation, Joyde igder I's J ley ay Bm 8 4 N, » . Windsor and Port Arthur, March pyiiriiis™ and" Rheumatism 80- sire. Arthur Holdsworth, Mrs.| sir} Craw i | reements with General Mo:| Second class shift engineers nnd" Darlingion of Land Use|tioned that our off-street parking|008t of the engineering survey, of Dimes Funds helped to finance' Bo div Vir Arthur ; | Mrs, ¥', Crawford was re-elec-| Agreements | {fered ployment on a which must come first, these establishments which are| CY, and the Society for Crippled pc Burnett, Mrs, i; Hutcheon, ted an elder for & second five-/tors of Canada Ltd, Duplate were offered empoy Plans, as the first step ih the bylaw requires further study, The "ii Se™is sorters understood now in operation, The sixth such| "Vans: (Mrs, R, 3. Brook, Mrs, H, G. vear term, Robert Lang, Gerald|Canada Ltd, and Fittings Ltd, salaty Basle bus have not mecepl-iafficial plan for each of these|present bylaw, as you know, ex: that TH rly ac etatand oe will built in Toronte|. The Ontario Chapter for the Roughley and Mrs, J. RN, Rise:|Lang, Hohert Heaslip and F.|were ratified recently hy the com: |@ a8 yel, municipalities, As a result of the empis a large area in the centre mending that we annex & portion rg Lhe March of Dimse March of Dimes boasts over 40 hrough, Crawford, whose terms of office|pany's stationary engineers fol: 40. HOUR WEEK advice and encouragement con-|of the city and at the hearing of the township but I do strongly as the major contributor, centres, of which Oshawa Is one,| Mys, G, G, Garrison, Mra, BR, J. [expired this year, were re-elect-[lowing negotiations marked bY puniate stationary engineers auiianis to prepare ihe Plans. Alllwhere the bylaw was i|recommend that these studies he AID MANY GROUPS re, iat id Marel-lmowers, Mrs, W. Wight, Mrs, od rife hound of towards for| cordial eo operation on both) i ree.year contract called for a|%f them are now In being and the municipal board comme ted proceeded with now so that when Other organizations with which| In Oshawa, for the march, the Bruce Sharrard, Mrs, Douglas|\yaoi was Yhreo { years Bruce sides, 40-hour week, premium of time the time does come when sueh a the Rehabilitation Foundation for|city has heen divided into dis-|Lowe, Mrs, R. Larmer, Mrs 4 id al Re oH od Largest union Jota with GM and one hat for Sundays a oh BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Prapasel mud be Sonsidered, we Poliomyelitis and the Orthopaedi-\tricts, each under a lleutenant.|John Craggd, Mrs. Everette Har- commendation was given the re lized in a 30-month pac od [eents an ou angus mprove will have all the facts and fig- cally Disabled works closely|The chief marching mother is mer, Mrs. K, McCuaig, Mrs tiring building eommittee. con. The agreement, which runs ment factor, An eigh cent an ures before us to enable 1s to and assists are: Ontario Society Mrs. T. DD. Thomas C; B, Heard, Mrs, J, Hickey and!sisting of M. Knipe chairman; through January, 1062, called for| hour premium for, Afternoon . . . reach a sound conclusion," Mr, for Crippled Children, Canadian' The district lieutenants are:'Mrs, 1, Entwhistle Ray Smith secretary: B Craw. an overall increase of 19 cents|shift workers and 10 cents an MeGibbon sald, " ford, Wm. Alexander. Gerald an hour, This would Include a six hour for night shift was agreed 1 al a O85 - .| i IW pa ovement factor, five upon, The cost of Ontario Health R t G i Y try clerk, wardens, lay delegates Ang and Fave saan, upon CON impae of weekends and|Plan, Pysician Services Inc,, and and representatives from the|Suecessiul completion of an ar. /C¢ : 4 4 ) ne ) epor 00 ear vorious organizations duous task which had called for|elght cents for skilled trades, Biel beetle will be pald by the WwW Alf Turton was appointed te foresignh Judgment, courage LIVING COST BONUS ' 1 The rate for second class en: orr Y u (o) enn. ' chairman of the auditing eom- hie A cost of living bonus of [gineers is now $2.97 an hour and At St Matthew S | mittee [cents was incorporated In hasie for third class, $2.20, cal Bt BL CAUPDELL to a wholesale shift from rail to A ox OAV 4 e al: p : ' b Encouraging hg ofts were To Celebrate [Wakes leaviig olgnt semis TWO-YEAR AGREEMENT HALIFAX (CP)--Prompted hy oi Faruport The annual vestry meeting of homes, respectively, The total petie FO the Srgan zations. |The company offered the union| At Fittings Ltd, stationary en/prospects of still-higher railway ars are shipped into the prov. St, Matthew's Anglican Church number of church services held oli i RR M jiserest five cents an hour in lew of prem-|gineers signed a two-year agree:|freight rates, a three-man com:|ince from five points In Ontario was held on Monday night, Jan. was 173, Services of Holy Com. 0% HH60 EVER BY WS Donald Hocke Week lium time on Saturday and Sun ment with increases of 15 cents mittee of the Nova Scola Auto:|=Oshawa, Oakville, Windsor, Tor. 26, when the past year's accom: munion, totalled 76, Four candi 1 Yu ' on igh wi te : ue 0 of day and the union accepted an hour the first year and elght|mobile Dealers' Association is/onto and Chatham, plishments were reviewed and dates were prepared for confirm oe 0a | A 4 Hed PORT PERIY (Staff) --In con-| The company awarded elght|cents the second year, Bome studying alternate methods of Mr, Trainor sald his firm's list discussed ation, and a period of nine weeks = (i dapia wel ail nection with Minor Hockey Week ents an hour for all engineers|retroactive pay was involved, [bringing ears here from Ontario price on a half-ton plek-up truck In his report to the vestry, Rev. |instruction for this year's con-| (NC oi il ond A eon Bh in Canada, the Port Perry Minor|in recognition of their skilled olas:/| The union reported certain Committee chairman Thomas/is §2,525, In Toronto the same ve R. A, Sharp pointed out each in-|firmation, to be held next Sun: io S00 J 0 hide Association has lined up'sifications, There was a small|changes in the wording of its rainor, association president, hicle llsts at about $100 less--the dividual's responsibility, Growth day morning, Feb, 1, given a full commencing at|amount of retroactive pay, contract, Songideved to be to its sald Twesday [] rapon will be sub: difference in freight costs, and advance could only come 23 BAPTISMS ing light 6:30 pm . W advantage, and time and one mitted to the Atlantic automo-| Dealers have a hopeful about as the member lived up| As well as 23 baptisms, five i hn the I'wo "house league' games NEW RATES half for Sundays as other gains, bile dealers' annual convention|fixed on the St, yop! oe their committments, and did alll weddings, eight funerals and 45 (jon vill be played and. at 8:80 pm,| New rates are: second elass Off shift premium was set atihere June 20-80, The committee way, Ships could bring vehicles fn their power to witness and parochial meetings attended, Mr AL the conclusion of the meet. there will he a midget game he. Shift engineer, $2.60; third olass |g cents an hour on afternoons will investigate the feasibility of (from Ontario to Halifax even win others to Christianity, Sharp further that a'ing, Mr, Sharp acted as Uxbridge. Midgets and /fhift fireman, $2.48; fourth class ang nights, shipping vehicles by water and|cheaper than highway car « car: The total number of parochial great deal of his time had been chairman, expressed warm and Port Perry Midgets, John Chase shift helper, 4 second Slass| Second class engineers at Fit. highway, |riers, Halifax 1s equipped to visits, which included a survey|used in 0 hours of religious in| sincere to all those who zewskl, of the Whithy Dunlops, utility engineer 66; third class tines Ltd, new rates are: second| Mr, Trainor sald railway freight| handle automobile shipments and Gardens, and part of the Apple van Collegiate and OCVI, andthe church during the past year There will also he a presenta: utility helper, $2.30 and coal pass third class, $2.17, Fifty per cent/cent 17-per-cent rate Increase able fill « In for the usually-slow Hill District, was 197 and 100 Harmony and South Simcoe Pub:|Spocial thanks were extended fo tion of autographed hockey stioks| © $2.08 of hospitalization plan payments averaged more than #130, The as:| summer port season, Most ship: {lie Schools, Sick and hospital vis-|Alf, Turton, organist and ehoir-|from the Toronto Maple Leafs, | wil Be Dold Ly Ue eo bany ne sociation woul drek. hd ments o Rutappan - made cars . . i now enter Canada here, [ Referring to Mr, Sharp's ear himself and the Minor Hockey Association will] AE COMING EVENTS fer remarks, Murray Sparkes A id Jy Mg ay yo ngineers contracts was carried out in alalong to the buyer, ) rector's warden some . {most cordial apd friendly manner,| Some dealers in the Maritimes | EUCHRE, Valley View Clubhouse. langth regarding each member's| F% win i 4 id The union wishes to extend its already use road transport to| Giaa tone Wiig Wednesday Tan contribution In time and effort if \ cs 4 A am appreciation for the respect and being in cars, Rigger dealers oan| growth 5 2 Re a | fi . sincerity shown by the companies have cars delivered about $10] 2 po { regular ames, Bpeois of the church was to be the end Y Beaton J & 7 ; / 3 Jackpots, 818 . 810 #9 'vesult, He praised the . ' A hard-fought game was put up| roca 708 meetings will be held(transport companies a certain| groups for the contribution they * ; ? ' \ (by the OCVI seniors againat althe second Tuesday of each|volume, RUMMAGE SALE had made superior and more experienced month heginning at 7.30 pm, in ASK TRUCKING SUBSIDY members of the congrega team from the University of To: [Adelaide House, Truckers have heen pressing| Saturday, Jan, 31, 2:30 pm tion that they hack up \ . their work one-hundred fold Tuesday evening In an exhibition . ventions and an informed source + Whithy Mr, Sparkes was returned as game played at the OCVI gym, | B-A 0il Co here indicated that Ottawa may The score at the end of the ' soon grant the request, If applied year, as also was Arthur first quarter was 30-13 in favor | to car shipments, this could lead | [Forsythe as people's warden, | of the college men, Ag the game Reduces Fuels a -- -- Yom Anderson. Sr. Sas returned) progressed the league - leading TORONTO (CP) -- Aritigh- as a na ) ; aesmen, avall as the scores at the half f-oent a gallon reduction in ladded to his present list and {he third period were no het LR tank AE price of domestic ATES NAMED [id if han n Reis DEVIOUS SAME heating fuels, diesel fuel and envelope focrotary Jr Se} with the same team, stove oll in Kastern Canada, coming year wi e Hitam \ i The reduction will also be in quarter thme hy scores of hid ) |will be Arthur Bellingham, Ves and 43:90, the "engineers wero| 011! In the Fort Willlam dis: try Clerk, Mrs, Walter Reach, held almost to a standstill hy the \ : land W. A, Dawson as alternate, Ocavite team as CVI gained al.| Last week B.A. announced a Iw iditional me A ara Same ponents in the fourth period ob.|Canada and the west coast and Arthur Davey and William Clark. | taining 18 points to their | 1:10 of a cent for the Prairie Twa mare men will he appointed 16, making the final score 2.43" hog SNe We ho thangs later hy w Sharp, The advisory in favor of the Torontonians [made in the west coast and counell includes the rector, ves Gretes 10; Barry Appleby, Phil| Brown, Doug Boyd, and Forrest | Gullet f | OCVI-Ted McLean, 18; Carl HARE OPTICAL AVALON DANCE HALL | avis Te Graham MacMillan, Ray Soro JOHN A, OVENS d |ehan, Clint Newmann, Ted Bathe, | 2:30 BA John Ryan, Dave Gray and Dave) Optometrist 83 12 PA Te | 8 BOND ST, EAST i" oy AUSIC BY "THE LINCOLNAIRES" ; bs ? AM ~~ PM, Starring Sonny King Aylesworth Wed, Until 12030 PM, Set, Untll 2130 PM, PHONE RA 3.4811 Each of the Oshawa Kinettes is ber] C "all three heauth 1nd! or ' ' ¢ p " cent from 124 to 166 pupils, This|of Our God", the latter numherlaover s Lurse , p J ' HE Dupl 8 heen able to secure from the gov.(198 and it is hoped the final of Oshawa, Likewise, & #ood Hoekey During of Harmony Heights, Grandview! struction at the Dr, F, J. Done: had contributed to the work of will referee the game utility fireman, 82.45; fourth class| ass engineers, $2.45 an hour and costs per vehicle: hefore the re [the traffic could provide a profits {iting totalled 132 call the great contril A representative of the Ontario ef contribu epresentative of te aria day, "All bargaining In the three/the saving "definitely" passed Seven prizes 45 cents by i ar " ay ant suet in 18 wor BINGO Bathe Park, Th involved," aplece. cheaper by guaranteeing and reminded the male ronto Faculty of Engineering = [for a share of federal freight sub. Salvation Army, 211 Brock 23c|rector's warden for the coming Oshawans Improved but to no 4 with the name of Arthur Pavey American Oil Co. has atiouneed Loading at the half and three: | {Witham. Lay delegates to synod were, gg most as many points as their op: One = cent increase for Kastern added to the advisory council --| U-OF T--Jim Harley, 20; Jim|Praivie provinces price Tuesday, WEDNESDAY NIGHT DANCE Cook; Bill Dalgleish, Rob Haines, | Delong | w= HOURS wm For an appointment ATTENTION MOTHERS OF TWINS Those interested in forming o self-help club , , , call RA 8.5069 or RA 5.0676 during the past season despite the recent outbreak of rabies among the foxes in the rural | I'he during Member of the Oshawa Builders Association and the National Home Builders Association season Mrs | al jumper "Kingsway" the recent fall hunting is My WwW, G Tamkin | nooactive mem ber of the Eglinton Hunt Club | Wo G 23a which reported great success | husband, of RR 1, Uxbridge, l'omkin Is. owned hy hey red horse ADMISSION 75¢ PER PERSON Fommy" Tomkins

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