Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3.3493 AN other ealls ...... RA 3.8474 ah i}; hy '~~ WEATHER REPORT Bnowflurries tonight; thursday 4 5 ann 1NEeS cloudy with periods of snow, eolder, by evening. VOL, 88 -- NO, 23 Price Mot. Over Sia om OSHAWA-WHI 1 57, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1959 AYont Off boparrman, Eris TWENTY-FOUR PAGES AROUT marched Starr Advises CBC Strikers To Negotiate OTTAWA (CP) The govern ment under attack in Parlin ment for refusing to intervene in the strike of 74 CBC television producers In Montreal--has ad vised the strikers to attempt to 1500 on Parliament Hill CRC strike | waved placards, TRADE WITH CHINA | demonstrators | in support of prouute.s In the | and presented The demonstrators ANE $250,000,000 GRANT FOR HOUSING IN 1959 Changes Asked In Housing Act OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-|attributed fo the expansion fa ment gave notice today it will|federal housing loans. ask Parliament to provide an-| CMHC's capacity to make loans other $250,000,000 for federal was boosted to $400,000,000 from housing loans this year, boosting $150,000,000 in 1957 and last year the 1057-50 total to $1,000,000,000. (this was Increased by another Works Minister Green set par.|$350,000,000 to $750,000,00, llamentary machinery into action| Informants estimated that of with notice of a resolution to pre.|this amount, CMHC has loaned cede' Introduction of legislation, |About $65,000,000, - leaving the The notice on the Commons or.|COrporation with only $100,000, der paper sald also Mr, Green| will seek 'certain changes" In|GIVE IT MORE the National Housing Act, The plan apparently 1s to pro This seemed to be In line with|vide the corporation with another speculation that the government|$260,000,000, giving it a total of plans to take steps designed to|$350,000,000, roughly the amount keep the rate of housing bufiding|it had a year ago. high and pep up trade In govern:| But In addition to providing ment-insured mortgages. CMHC with more funds, the gov. ' {ernment is reported also drivin POSSIBLE DECISIONS to boost the market for insur The "certain changes' may In- joans, CMHC is understood te volve these decisions: have a stockpile of some $500. 1. Boosting of the payment 000,000 of these loans which guarantee under government-in-|would like to sell, using the pro. | sured loans to a full 100 per cent ceeds to increase its ability te 110 CANDIDATES U.S. Picks Space Man For Satellite Flight By BARRY SCHWEID nan gave these qualifications of moved. But before the U.S. sends NEW YORK (AP)--Belection of the man who will finally be se- a man into space, he added, the {America's first human space lected risk will be reduced to the point traveller Is under way 1. A university degree In physi-(n pilot faces In testing a new | 71. Keith Glennan, U.8, space|cal science or engineering | plane, chief, startled a dinner meeting 2. A graduate of an air force or] He refused to predict when of the Institute of Aeronautical navy test-pllot training school America's human space flight | Sciences with his disclosure Tues. with at least 1,500 flying hours. |will take place, The expectation) Iday night, 3, Superb condition, with the is, however, that such a flight is | The new federsl space agency, physical And psychological at-labout two years away Ihe sald, has picked 110 men as| tributes sulted for space flight as| The national Satoraytics For 3 |eandidates for the first U.S determined by sero-medical scl [space administration, whie ' i {manned satellite to orbit the entists Glennan heads, announced two FRANK RONCARELLI earth 4, Younger than 40 and no|veeks ago the selection of Mc-| They will assemble in Washing. taller than five feet 11. No restric-| Donnell Alreraft Corporation, St, Battle For Job Marred Life i petitions to Michael Star: CP Wirephoto Labor Minister songs | OTTAWA mons member Harold Winch says| tipped to the need of the city of Canadian Firm In U.S. Squeeze cp of the mortgage value from the make new loans. present 98, Purchasers usually are trust 2. The possibility of granting|and pension funds and other in. the government's Central Mort-|vestors In long-term securities. gage and Housing Corporation] CMHC also finds that existing full powers as an approved mort- legislation restricts the corpora gage lender, {tion's operations in buying and Canada last year made a rec-|selling mortgages on the open ord 163,000 starts on new houses market. Thess curbs also may be and 146,000 completions, also allifted under proposed amend. record. Much of this boom was! ments. ton for further tests, Glennan tion was put on the man's weight. |Louls, to design and bulld a cap sald, and be asked to volunteer WILL NARROW RISK sule capable of carrying a man for space flight, Within three (Hemnan said the element of into flight around the earth and months, thelr ranks will be re risk cannot be completely re. snfely back to earth again duced to about 12 ' " He sald he does not know whe ther the U.8, will get a man into UAW At Ch 1 Of Roncarelli orbit before the Russians 2 er v The 110 potential space ploneers Y MONTREAL (CP) -- Relatives were not listed by name. Glen and friends of former restaurant. | {owner Frank Roncarelll say the {notoriety he gained during his 11- WRONG WAY (®) (®) e n ac [year court battle with Premier Duplessis kept him from getting EVERY WAY WINDSOR (CP) -- Members of on the subject of retirement, a Jobs even In the United States. Local 44, United Automobileluestion - which was reported to The 54-year-old Roncarelll him- CHICAGO (AP)--Things are [Workers (CLL), vote today on|be the main issue during the lat. sell refused to comment on the seldom what they seem | whether to accept a new contract ter part of negotiations and which Supreme Court of Canada deci: this motorist slon Wednesday which ordered CCF Com: (Canada) Limited had been Ask | reopen negotiations with the pub Hely-owned corporation Labor Minister Starr suggested the producers: take this course after Lionel Chevrier (L---Mont real Laurier) accused Revenye Minister Nowlan in the Commons another Canadian company, sub: Chungking for conveyor helting| pdiary of a United States firm, [to unload ships in the harbor (has been caught in the conflict|there | between policies of the two coun:| But he sald that the parent tries on trading with Communist Goodrich firm at Akron, Ohlo, China {had replied It could not atlemp Mr, Winch, member for Van-/to make a sale, or even supply of preventing setiiement of the .ouver Fast, told the Commons|calalogues and price quotations, | mr oh wa Seite! d th |Tuesday that B. F. Goodrich/because of the U.S, law against F. VAGVEISE OF Liai208 the Sov.) any business dealings with Red ent as About 1,600 sirikers : " . T However the fosidont ot he demonntr ] v opin rm, Rol the od back u union Ge sald Tuesday night at anda nt x Rrotuese opposes Kitchener his company was never | this on ground that the produc: asked to sell belting to Red China| ors are part of management (and that "the Canadian plant| A delegation representing the [docan't make that kind of helting strikers, who arrived in Ottawa "A purchase order from a from Montreal on a 14 . coach He drove north on Grenview Avenue Tuesday when a police man stopped him and wrote out a tieket for going the wrong way down a one-way street An hour and a half later the same motorist headed south on Greenview: A second policeman halled him and wrote another ticket for the same offence, The Irate and oni were against him, Street workers had goofed They had posted Grenview the wrong direction just before the first arrest Told of thelr mistake, they switched signs while the hap less driver was In a super market, There was no imme diate word on what will happen ta the tiekets | a strike against the company. striking workers that they ac- cept the contract and thought and union announced they reached an agreament ¥ up de tract, of three-year-<uration, cor responds to similar goniracts signed recently between the UAW {and Canada's other two big auto mobile producers, General Mot ors Corporation and Ford of Can. ada, MAN ISSUE One point where 'the Chrysler contract differs from the others Is ROUGH AND TUMBLE Opposition Fires At Throne Speech TORONTO (CP)-~A rough-and. termoyer and CCF Leader Don tumble session of the Ontario ald MacDonald accused the Pro- legislature seems in prospect gressive Conservative govern The session. opened Tuesday Mow of using thelr ideas with the speech from the throne] Mr, Wintermeyer called it 'a and opposition leaders Immediat- hold-the-fort speech," oly opened fire on the government EXPECT ELECTION Ready For China Trade. ier document in press releases . Criticism of the government two after the opening but the op the Cobourg {an election campaign expected iled For | Ja {Conservatives, In power since | Both Liberal Leader John Win.| | program usually gets under way + [in throne speech debate a day or Oshawa Ma position parties apparently are (eager to lay the groundwork for this spring or fall, Premler Frost's Progressive 1943, hold 84 of the 98 seats." Lib. 12 Months [eras have 11 and the CCF three The throne speech forecast a ew energy department and an n | MILTON (Staff) Fred Moth | Inquiry into Ontario agriculture, ersill, 87, of Oshawa, Tuesday plus a string of dev was sentenced to 12 months' de: (grams, Mr Wintermeyer sald it finite and three months' determin {offered 'nothing for the 200.000 ate for eriminal negligence which unemployed workers in Ontario, [caused the death of a St, Cathar: pinancially pressed municipali ines man In a highway accident pie or "the shocking po of. Near Oakville Sept. 16, | shoriaxe.. Maothersill, an Ontario depart ment of highways Inspector, LIRERALS' IDEA pleaded guilty Monday. His pen:| The Libera! leader sald the new ally also Included a five-year sus. energy department was proposed pension of his licence by his party six months ago, Killed was Edwin Curtis, 37, a while the agricultural passenger In a car struck head-on meant that 'farm marketing leg elopment pro. TORONTO (CP pew system of "qua bad motorists start Three « month salons will he ers on the demerits for It marks a bid to continue re west-bound lane on the Elizabeth Way Queen alive uns year's election. {with Chrysler Corporation of Can-|the union sald was the chief rea {ada and make certain the end of Union officials sald Tuesday pe given the sole right to retire a they will recommend to the 3,600 over after 60 years of age in is likely the membership will go along with the proposal. At noon Tuesday the company which the strika, begun at| woul EN n 'most respects the new eon- Inquiry in statecowned Industrial plants Steak-Knife Death Trial Continues 3 ¥ OTTAWA (CP)-~The story ofjthuck, in turn, grabbed McDery 20 - year-old Robert O'Leary's molt's hale' por "being se death in a midtown gang fight|ated, a waitress ord will continue to unfold today «% mott and his friends to leave. the Crown resumes Its case] Ouiside, Miss Halehuck sald, against five Ottawa teen-agers McDermott and the others waited charged with his slaying. for O'Leary to leave, then Me- One of the five accused, 17. Dermott told him: "You're dead year-old James McDermott, was Man, you're dead." (named by his lawyer in Ontario] Taxi driver Michael Sweeney, Supreme Court Tuesday as the among an estimated 65 persons youth who wielded the steak knife|in the restaurant at the time, tes- t killed O'Leary in the Nov.|tifled he spoke to O'Leary a few ; minutes later and O'Leary sald "I'm going to kick the s--- out of {him (McDermott), {Premier Duplessis to pay him personal damages of $33,123.53 and Interest for revoking his restaurant's liquor permit, | ' "As far as I am concerned, stead of 65 if It considered that yp, sald, "the case is still before the worker had ceased to main-|ihe courts, It would not be ethical iain production standards, The for me to comment at this time. union objected |The decision will have to speak In the pending contract, the|for itsell."" company agreed to the Incluslon| His lawyers took the same of a rider thal no man would he stand on, the grounds the jer. retired at age" aby for (hay oi appeal the decision to age alone, the British Privy Council since | Wage Increases of six cents an|court proceedings began before [hour for each of the three years Dee, 7, 1040 when the Canadian {of the contract were granted, The Supreme Court became the final [first will be retroactive to Sept.'court of appeal. | 18, one month after the expiry RELATIVES TALK of the old contract. The new con . 4 friend tract expires Nov, 185, 1081, Basic! But his relatives and friends ore willing to talk, | wage rate under the old contract W {wag " ; . "What cancellation of the per {was $2.05 an hour, old." | tha | Other benefits include an im. mit did war sever fully 3 HH clash Involving 14 youths. |son for a prolonged strike. The company had asked that it OW " oy Ang ald, [proved formula of cost-of living one suid certain of Important] Arthur Maloney, counsel for allowances, continuance hy the pA " J y jobs, Then, when his eredentials| McDermott and Progressive Con A company of paying fui cost of wore checked In Montreal, the servative MP for Toronto Park:| medical, hospital, sickness and answer suddenly was 'No.' dale, said the admission will bef » accident Insurance, and a new ALL FOTN Hind he was chal: [explained later. Mr. Maloney in M ngineers clause in production standards, longing the attorney-general of [dicated McDermott's defence willl Quebec. Tt sounded big for a per: | be that he was Intoxicated and St ' E Wif [son to go against a man of this stabbed O'Leary In defence, | et ay oost ar s Lx-viie [stature, People always got the Also charged with murder are . |wrong perspective." James M. Post, 16; and William s A (C - Fires Legal Salvo | "rie: ihe pormi war revoked Rubert Post, Thomas John Drain mat inclotes a. icant smmmey : NE Be Roncarelll closed the restaurant and Henry Dupuls, all 19. All the wage increase has been signed LOS ANGELES (AP) Sterl: hig family had begun In 1910 and'accused are from Ottawa and|hy General Motors of Canada (Ing Hayden's former wife has for four years lived oft his sav:-leach has his own defence coun:|Limited. and Local 796 of the Ine [fired a new legal nly 0 seeking ings and sale of real estate hold: gel, [ternational Union of Operating {io have hs actor. Talthbound Ings | Crown prosecutor Raoul Mer-| Engineers (CLC), [With their four children on A 68-; 'He was a very wealthy id [cler sald he Intends to call 44) The agreement runs to Janus year-old windjammer held in by any standards," a friend sald.|\ nesses In the trial, which Isary, 1962, and provides for a 1% contempt of court, Then five years ago he and his|aypected to continue Into next|cent cost-of-living bonus to be ine | Her new petition, fled In Su. family--his wife, two grown-up week. | corporated into the basic wage. perior Court, asked that Hayden sons and a five-year-old daugh: | One of the first witnesses Tues-|A maximum of eight cents can be found guilty of seven counts of ter--moved from thelr expensive day, Anne Halchuck, testified be added as the cost of living ine contempt, punishable by five days house Into a walk-up apartmeliihat' ghe and the victim, Eddie|creases over the period of the {In Jall or a $500 fine or both for and he began looking for a Job, Champagne and another girl{contract, {each count, "any kind of Job, were In a booth In an all-night] Other benefits Include a six- A hearing was " ho onder, igi when several maraberh cent FoproVement factor, five Superior Judge Em iumper of the. MeDermott group entered, cents an "our in lieu of premium recently denied Mrs. Hayden, 36 THOUGHT FOR TODAY | She sald McDermott, Drain and{pay on weekends, and an eight. custody of the children, aged 6 James Post were using foul lan</cent-an-hour increase for skilled The average person doesn't helieve In signs unless they point the way he wants to go guage to which she verbally ob: | trades, [jocted. Then, she continued, Mc-| The new rates range from $2.50 Dermott reached into the booth|an hour for second class shift en. and grabbed her hair, Miss Hal. 'gineers to $2.08 for coal passers. _ to 10, and forbade Hayden to take {them on a proposed round-the world cruise, | INDUSTRIES SOLD Wealth - Sharing In West Germany By GEORGE BOULTWOOD many's famous Volkswagen BONN (AP)--In a novel share: works in the hands of small in- the-wealth experiment, the West " vestors, Shares in steel plants, German government is going fo coal mines 1 well i offer §130,000,000 worth of shares © nes, oll wells, gas stations, a newsreel company and a ship: yard will also go on sale, -- ¥ to the public by Mothersill driving east in the Islation is to be shelved until] This ix the start of a program| Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's that may eventually place Ger. Christian Democrats came up with the plan as a counter to Maothersill was the inspector for an overpass being built on the| Fourth Line two miles west of [Oakville "James Paris, engineer nix on the job, sald he, Mothersill LATE NEWS FLASHES claims hy the opposition Socials {ists that the government favored big business at the expense of the individual they official {and Gordon Jenkins, an account ant, drank three-quarters of a 26 ounce bottle of whisky in a con Tstriction shack transit! Paris said he ix to pro. Mothersill to his today of 30 Ing house when the ac PIC manage. Plained of feeling i cold lead VALPARAISO, Chile (AP) next to last, in the team in the was one of the favored teams week to decide eighth place th Man On Moon Seen In WASHINGTON (AP) wpension loss \ ( Allan Lam Wir above the ¢ came RE A hj w offered to drive Oakville board sed com hut was re nt former EXPECT Dep 1 la KICHINER Pal i F. broker for a Chinese purchaser or ) Star Soljef. | roodrie 'anada Lim AD: lany other foreign purchaser Alt at Wir, Starr_and Sotict | Pears ready to do business\ with would be treated in exactly the utes, No promise of federal ac.|CoOmmunist China. although Its same manner as an order from a tion was made parent company In the United| Canadian customer," Mr, Yohe After the meeting Mr. Stary|™ates Is forbidden to by Ameri: yaid sald he had advised the delega ean Jaw ng 'a-COF attack in thelr Mr, Wineh, In his Speech re * hest het was to ollow ek In the ferred to two other Instances in Son uhag thelr, hast, met Wea an Commons Tuesday on export eon volving Canadian uveos Hoy attempt to get negotiaions going|!rols exercised by U.S, firms over whose American connections agAIn subsidiaries in Canada, Goodrich|were reported affected by the U.S {Canada President Robert V, Yohe jaw prohibiting business dealings issued two statements, the sec. with mainland China | V L ond an elaboration of the first Early last vear it was reported | em ees The second one sald In part: that Red China was interested In . "A purchase order from a broker {buying 1,000 vehicles In Canada Heads Police for a Chinese purchaser or any but that Ford of Canada was pre foreign purchaser would be/vented from seeking the sale hy . . treated in exactly the same ity USK, parent firm Association manner as an order from a Cana. | dian customer." | . . NEWCASTLE (Stath New There was. no Immediate com Atlas Missile officers for 1030 were elected at/ment from Akron, Ohlo, head the regular meeting here of the quan of the lent 5 F. Good Test Successful rio arthumheriane rich Corporation which Is pre Ontario, Northumberiafd and| ied by the U.S: Trading with] WASHINGTON (AP)--An Atl Constable Vern Lees of the/the Enemy Act. from selling Intercontinental ballistie missile, Port Hope Police Department #00ds to the Red . held China|launched Tuesday night from was elected president of the as. Mainland Cape Canaveral, Ma, flew the sociation Vice president Con-|CANADIAN SURSIDIARY |intended range over the Atlantic stable is Paul Crakenburg of the! Goodrich Canada, which turns Ocean and produced most of the Cobotirg Police Department and out 33,000 products ranging from results desired, the defence de #BCTOLATY trea Sergeant children's ~ sneakers to tractor [partment sald today Gene Butler of Po. tires, Is a wholly-owned subsidi It was understood the hig mis lee Department ary, It ranks roughly third--in a|sile travelled slightly more than The association holds monthly tie with the Dominion Rubber 4,000 nautical miles meetings In diferent towns. Company--among the Canadian! The defence department did not Next meeting will he held in Co. [rubber manufacturers he hind explain ita reference to the Atlas bourg, Feh, 23 [Goodyear and Firestone, |achieving most of the objectives Bad Motorists F 'Q tine' System Ontario's But of he collects another 12 de Suspensions for 12.demerit tines' for merita within the following year fences already are heing ordered eh, | he will get a six-month suspen: by the courts cence suspen sion The new system Is expected to handed out to driv The demerit scale be speeded up through a uniform basis of a scale of Impaired driving, erimidal neg: traffic ticket introduced in On traffle convictions. |ligence or obtaining a licence by tario about 18 months ago and fraud--12 demerits {now in use by provincial police ducing the province's accident Leaving an accident scene 'men and munic ipal police forces toll -Ontarie had 1.140 traffic fa. careless driving or speeding more In more than a dozen counties talities 106 compared with than 30 miles an hour above the, The ticket is in quadruplicate 1.279 in 1057 limit--nine demerits and is made out at the scene of Under the demerit program Failing to obey a stop sign or | an alleged aolence warning letters will he sent to Haff Hight, falling 10 Fepon on maotarist with demerits' At accident, failing to yield the right . pine demerits will have to of way or exceeding the speed Lamport To Give appear before for inter limit by madre than 10 miles an . views that to either hour three demerits List Of Charges probation or Automa: Speedin than 10 miles an YORON 4 tie thre \ P nit and all other ORONTO mM : wifi 12 de JR violations twa demeriis ports nission © old, is Wm sie ; STARTS FRESH 1,000 VICTIMS duce a: weltten: Nal A driver will Ansport Mini slate charges against the ! Colliny says he expects about | oa fused 000 of Ontario's 2,200.000 motor He promised Tuesday to pro Mi Justice Walsh, commenting CITY EMERGENCY | 5 Will draw suspensions within quce the list after his fellow com. that there was 'nothing like the the first two years of operations. | missioners pledged loyalty to the|blind leading the blind', asked PHONE NUMBERS The interviews for drivers with|sammission and said they would/Parls If he would lave driven nine demerits will be conducted act independently of outside in| With Mothersill if the latter had by drivers' examination officials fluence. Earlier, the former Tor [offered him a ride. Paris replied POLICE RA 5.1133 al y ap Ph FIRE DEM, RA 5.6374 contres the prov: onto mayor and member of the!neiatively HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Arlt with a clean John after serving a suspension Fifty and Venus three years later throughout ee. Some are already stationed Ontario legislature had re! \ sample Maothepsill hlood London, [submit a list of charges until the showed 28 parts of alcohol per demand was met, 11,000 units, according to police. ed to of HAVANA ap I'he in Torenta Ollawa, {Windsor and Oshawa, holiday. Canada 12th In Basketball Tourney world basketball tournament tournament to defeat ¢ loading sbientists peered inte space today and saw a man on the moon Or man may set foot on the moon in 1945 and room to Mars Cuban Trials Postponed For Holiday third of Batista army officers was postponed today for a national HOW IT WORKS The plan will work lke this: Shaves with face value of 100 marks ($23.80) will he put on| Nobody can buy more than| §8 Nor will anybody with an| B jannual income of more than 16. 8 000 marks ($3,862) be eligible to] | hold them. A purchaser MUSE show his income tax receipts tof -_ Canada finished in 12th place, The only Russia thus far, Canada in the consolation round last rough 13th place in the series 1969 sale lve go he SHCHEV OPENS CONGRESS prove eligibility, The shares may | be resold, but still no individual may own more than five, Nikita Khrushchev | Union has started assembly The government hopes to dis-| speaks at the opening of the | line production of intercontinegs pose gradually of 5,000,000,000) 21st Congress of the Soviet Com- | al ballistic missiles. Delegates marks | ($1,190,000,000) worth of munist Party in the Great Hall | applauded frequently as Khuph industrial property formerly of the Kremlin in Moscow, The | chev delivered a report on 4 party chieftain and premier | new seven,year economic plan, announced that the Soviet] perhaps by 1969, showcase war crimes trial owned by such Nazi organiza-| (tions as the German labor front! --AP Wirephote

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