Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonvery 27, 1959 7 'Crashed Into Police Cruiser | COBOURG Eimer Ellis, 3. Police found Ellis sitting on the year-old truck driver from Baltl- right side of the seat with blood more, Ont, appeared hefore running from his (ace, - He re-| |Magistrate BR. B, Baxter In Co- fused aid from police and re | bourg Court Monday morning to fused to get oul of the truck face a charge of drunk driving,| When the smbidance arrived to Inter reduced to a charge of im- remove him to hospital, he had paired driving to be tied to the stretcher, On| Vvidence given by four Provin- arrival st the hospital, Fllis indicated again refused to allow the doc tor to_ stitch the cut in his face Vinally he yielded to persuasion consliahles that Dec, 27, Klis' vehicle was proceeding north on Division street in the centre of the road, by Bgl, Kugene Butler of the Co.| land almost eollided with a car' bourg police department, Accused | learrying the four constables, pro- smelled strongly of mleohol ceeding south Vis told the court that he had The police gave chase to the only three pints of draft beer Vis truck, and obsecved that he Asked why he refused treatment | lgwerved from one side of the at the hospital, he told the eourt rod to the other, Before. they he had no use for doctors could overinke him, he swerved! He was fined $50 and costs and sharply to the left and ran into his livence was suspended for a the ditch, period of six months, | | | "1 G.E. Swamps Port Hope Harwood |Loses3At |: Te 1 wet cone" a moni e. Baghkethall | ' | | | vent Ince Harwood 156-2 in . 3 sid seventh - place Hurwood 1 PORT HOPE -- Three teams ane Cen con 3. asm, Suns a sa ro "INSIDE THE WALLS OF A CANADIAN PRISON Mercantile League action at Co A I A hourg Avenn, It was the fourth the Peterborough Collegiate Voca 4 or hu work [victory for Plastics in 11 outings tonal Institute invaded the high! Federal and provincial gov to great reforms In Canada's here are two glimses Inside a | right a prisoner at work on a ""'Ischool gym here for regular sche. ernments have agreed in princi | penitentiary system," The prob. | prison wall, Left is a row of | hobby In his cell al the New ple on a plan that Justice Min. | lem 1s one of outdated huild- | cells in 'the Stony Mountain = Westminster, B.C, Institution, | ap p ; GE led 4 Jr i) fi pe duled games and wént hack home k riod, upped Jt to 10:2 in the Bec: yi res victories ister Fultom says should lead | Ings and overcrowding, $hown | penitentiary near Winnipeg and (CP Photo) ond and then proceeded to pump home five unanswered third pe. PCYS took the Bantam game handily with a 44:18 vietory, heing cial Police a MOVING DAY FOR ESKIMOS The young V.skimo In the fore. | paré to board an RCAF plane | Ing and other means of living ground Is taking a close look st | to fly to thelr new home, Gov The move was dictated by dwin loading operations as natives | ernment officials moved 24 na dling of caribou herds on which from the Baker Lake area of | tives to the shore of Hudson | they formerly depended for the Northwest Territories pre. | Bay where they will learn fish- | living 'PUC Renews Don Budd Will ( Is riod goals up 82 at the. quarter, 20-8 at the Head Plowmen COROURG Don Budd, RR 1, (Winslow, Millbrook Port Hope, was elected president Gooding, Hilton of the Durham and Northumber Delegates elected to attend the Iand Plowmen's Association at{Oniario Plowmen's Association COROURG the anousl general meeting of aonual meeting are Don Tudd 4 ' the association held in Cobourg, LR 1, Port Hope, and Wesley Ing of the Cobourg Public Utilities | Monday He mucceeds Wesley Downs, RR 1, Hilton held Downs, Hilton, who became pas! president Other and Perey The regular meet Commission was tional Plowing mateh held at Cry: members of the commission pre ler, Ontario, district director ent Howard Henry sald that while 1t was announced at this meet the Crysler area is somewhat re: ing that Fdmund Kelly, superin moved from the larger agricul: tendant of the Water Works will tural centres and that farming In have his eontract ved, Mi the area was not so highly meeh: Kelly who was due (o retire three anized, it was generally felt that vears ago, has had his contract win Wilson, Gardenhill; 1, W. [the match, with the added attrac Larmer, Millbrook, Mervin ton of the Seaway, was a suc Heard, RR 2, Port Hope; Will cess Allin, Newcastle: Howard Henry;,| The possibility of having the RR 2, Camphelleroft; Howard International Match take place officers elected for 1060 are: Stanley Macklin, Cobourg first vieepresident; Manley Allin RR 1, Ovono, second vieepres dent; Ralph €. Banbury, Brigh ton, secretary freasirer Directors for 1050 include: Fd renewed for the past three years Confusion arose at the meeting concerning the various insurance policies on equipment, held by the "we Supervisor's |Feter lapiece, Singles went to Nell Wes! Contract dohn Nir anaugh West and Brockarelly scored for Harwood | Monday | Forbes handed out four penalties, Reporting on the 1958 Interna. evening at the PUC office with all two to each elub Perrow, singer, Kerr, | relly, Fire Causes $8000 Damage | COBOURG Fire which broke out at the Donald J, MacDonald! ting two Construction Company. at noon Murray Smith led the Ports Monday, caused an estimated | with six, while Viug, Wakely and #000 damage [ Pragnell got four each The fire started in a transport TIGHT GAME traller used to house machinery | The Junior game was the tight parts and equipment est of the night, and the visitors had to come from behind a seven 1 point deficit to eke out a one hasket victory, 86-34. Peterhor ough were up hy a single point 11:10 at the quarter and 18:17 0 y nr works . Leading the scoring, fren his hall and ahead 36-8 going into the yaugh, Ted Goody, Carl Carlson, final quarter ' Perrow with two goals| Yor the winners Tom Caldwell and Barry Godsen garnered 12 Jim Cay. points each, Dave Pilley and Boh fvan Kent got eight each with Murray Woodcock and David Fpstin gel suinger, Harold and Don Pascoe Ileferees Jim Dawe and Herb GENERAL ELECTRIC Lov oft Taylor, Thompson, Melis Beatty, B. Cavanaugh Gallagher, Bas Pascoe, Carlson oven Cavanaugh in the N. West Firemen fought the | vim inodv HARWOOD Thompson, 1 lanahan, Taylor J feet from two gas pumps Ie Cobourg Vire Department Johnson West, B Kerr West, 1 Chase well hehind 30-23 as the teams ¢rvision of headed into the final quarter Fitzgibbons, Dave Moxin and Sam Kennedy led the winners with 12 each The cause ana (CP) of the blaze is believed to be an mission has asked British Guiana jg 1, eave Wednesday for Bridge Canada sold 10,000,000 pounds of hemed space heater kept businessmen to help Canada re blaze for over half an hour only ket here and regain equally im portant flour marke! Brocka: a1 the half, However, they were Answered the call under the sup. day before the conclusion of for Deputy Chief Bob mal talks between members of giv patrick Renison, governor of 10 #n embargo," sald Mr, Hill Potato, Flour Market In British Guiana Seen the 87-man Canadian mission and chased more cheaply as a result Canadian Press Staff Writer [thelr British Guiana counter- of a subsidy pald by the Ameri GEORGE b. Gal parts can government to flour produes y IOWA , ; ' FORGET Al Ni British Gul-|"moi0y the mission was to visit ers. A Canadian economic various industries in the area, It! , Mr By D'ARCY O'DONNELL Hill algo sald that in 1968 town, Barbados, where (t will potatoes, mainly from the Marl. wind up Saturday its 17-day tour times to British Guiana, But a aimed at finding ways of increas. recent budget hoosted the tariff ing trade with the Caribbean on potatoes to $1.00 per 100 The requests were made Mon: area pounds from 24 cents At a plenary session Monday,| 'That increase is Aln the important potalo mar tantamount [British Guiana, and Dr, Cheddi He asked British Guiana busi | Jagan, leader of the majority Nessmen fo try and have the tar | y iff reduced, {party in the legislature, invited Canadians to establish branch! He was told the revision of the 2 Men, Woman Induct New plants here and invest In the de. Ariff was aimed at encournging velopment of this British colony, People here to grow more of thelr {own vegetables, ASKS LOWER TARIFF . - KINGSTON (CP) Two men| C. Bruce Hill of Kt, Catharines, (and a woman from Quebec prov: reporting for a commitiee on ex ince were convicted Monday on ports frome Canada, asked that Cryderman, RR 3, Bowmanville; in the United Counties was sug: | Howard Allin, Newcastle, Harry gested in a resolution submitted 2 He Camphel], South Monaghan; Tari by Howard Allin and Edwin Wil McCullagh Insurance Service of Drope, Harwood; Brie Fagle:| son but in view of the fact that Cobourg investigate and evaluate [it will be held In 1061 at Hastings, he policies, and to present a re port to the commission at the next regular meeting The electric account for $2008 and the water account for $1,343 were approved for payment | eonouna | The existing bank balance is: Bull, former chaplain to Trinity and Gord Kelly was tops with ten while Merri and Cameron each had eight | For Port Hope, Dennis O'Brien It was decided to have the J, F | | » Prostitute La | SENIOR GAME Protested In UK, The Senior game saw the pcys| LONDON (Reuters) British lelub pull out a handy B8-38 women's organizations protested (triumph, In a rugged game, they to the government Monday that a Minister At t P t led 11-5, 26:13 and 88-50 ending the NeW bill designed to rid the coun S Ld e ers feat, second and third quarters, |'Ty of street prostitutes will place 43 charges of theft in connection|Rritish Guiana give Canada the Nev, Edgar 8.| However, Warren Pemberion| # Kreat temptation for eorrup-|with what police described as a same preferential treatment with of the Ports each|ton" on the police, "shoplifting spree." {respect to tariffs on flour as Can leleotric department 865,078 and College, University of Toronto, fouled out and Peterborough ran| Twenty women representatives) Kdward Fernand Pelletier, 80,'ada extends this country on su-| water department $3,506, was . formally inducted Friday Wid met Home Secretary R. A, Butleriof Montreal, was given 15 months gar, | An Jopanumen: § received hy Night, A tor of Bt, Peter's Port Hope had 21 of the 88 (0 lodge objections to the streetiin yeformatory and Jeanette Le. British Guiana sugar enters Beats Orono the commission from the on. Anglican Chureh, Cobourg. Offi.|fouls called, The losers potted 12]offences bill, which comes up for may, 37, of Montreal and Marl Canada at a tariff §1 per 100 0 Bf { Blastatim "elating at the induction ceremony of them while Peterborough second reading in the House of jude LeJeune, 23, of Bellechasse pounds lower: than sugar from At Port Hope a LE a Senriag in the Larlo Municipul Jlvowien, Aso gating 8 nt ig a [] Snell, grabbed off {Commons Thursday |were sentenced to one week In elsewhere, Canadian flour enjoys newly formed Port Hope High! {ng al the Moval York Hotel Suffragan Bishop of Toronto,| Bob Gatfield led the winners| The women objected that the jail, a preference here of only 20 cents PORT HOPE - Colons continue School Juvenile hockey elub March 16, 17 and 18 under whom Mr. Bull served as WIth 15 points, while Borrie and pill eliminates the need for police| police sald clothing, radios and (per 100 pounds . : A curate at Christ Church Cath. Lang had 10 each, fn prove prostitutes are annoying other goods valued at about! Mr, Hill said that fn 1088 Can fo lead the Wednesday Ladies'|eked out A tight 84 victory over five In pin bowling leaue with 73 the home side |edral, Calgary | Mae Burness of the losers turn ipagsers « hy, They further pro-|g1000 were shoplified from stores ada held 90 per cent of the British Get Jail Terms -- ---- - Outer Space -- What's Out There? Once, we thought, we were the centre of the universe, Now radio waves indicate that one star in ten may possess a planet on whieh life could exist! Februs ary Reader's Digest suggests what we might discover in outer space, tells why "the universe in more miraculous than any miracle", Get your Reader's Digest today: 42 articles of lasting interest, aon, RR 4, Cobourg; Gordon Me Gee, RR 1, Brighton; Frank Tin. The association deferred action ney, RR 6, Cobourg; Farl Linton, RR 1, Cobourg; Don Carruthers, | RR 6, Cobourg; Howard Quan:| trill, RR 1, Campbelleroft; 1, H Ladies Bowl points, four ahead of Commas Preacher for th ons! vas 04 In a grand effort, hooping 4, {ested against the od DO T . i sha . vknt.. Now : ; J It was { ] reacher for the accasion was : ested Again 10 proposed pen: hetween Trenton and Gananoque Guiana flour market, Now she Bh have 00. The others are Dots po bi an uphill a ta Jor The Stresses Need the Rev, T. A, Cosgrave, former €IBht of which came on free airies of up to £25 (870) and three! jan, 15 and 16, The (hree were held only 25 per cent because ' Jig i 02, Spots 43 and Dashes) "(yo opening period of play {provost of Trinity College, and a throws. Marston had eight, {months imprisonment for a third grrested in Gananoque Jan, 19, United States flour could be pur-' ne eel iY, win , ah ». Ve SooriiE: wan: avely: diated Church Unit IV time friend of Mr, Bull | offence, The present fine Is £2 - . , sanders rolied a hot P 4 din Visiting members of the clergy A I . 12a) W A hute f i Y hare 4 mong the organizations repre ginkle. Others over 0 Chris huted amont_ the visitors with ' were Archdeacon ¥. Ongley and Unemployment sented were the 600,000-member Malka Nita C : i COBOURG The St, Peter's Ne aurica Pon erho Mothers Unlon, the National y L] Chuek Jone » ' ) : i ' [] a Je Dushvios 3, 2: Ris Tn TR, RE ahd branch of the Anglican Youn g 0ughi Ttev, E, 0, Herhert, Rural Fund Shrinks Council of Women Teachers, the and Fva W ol or -- uy turn game will go in Port Hope People's Association entertained | De an, Bowmanville fev. D. R | OTT fir Suffrageite Fellowship, the Na. In the Th Sos iy ties' 1 the end of this week young people from all religious Owen, Trinity College; Rey TTAWA (CP)«The unemploy: ional Council of Women and the he Thursday Ladies' League groups in Cobourg at an Inter. €0 1. Fielding, DD, Trinity Col: ment Insurance fund shrank by poman Cathoelle Women's Robins are ahead at #0 even denominational Fireside to close 1086; Rev, C, Moffat, Port Hope; $67,780,533 in the last elght League, EE a I, os Ravens have 87 along with Oriol on, Sparrows at 44, Jays with 43 and Wrens on the hottom with 81 Olive Ledbury threw two good games of 368, 250; Helen Mae Cavish had a 260, Joan HI 224 and Win Rell 204 Revenge For Junior A's PORT HOPF Results of | games played in the Reaver Ath lotic Association Thursday are as follows Port Hope 6, Bowmanville | Port Nope Jr, A's had little | trouble disposing of the visitin Bowmanville Atoms Mbition fray, scoring three in the first, splitting two goals In the second, and netting two more in the third, Recently, the team tied two all In Bowmanville Ray Eymons started the Ports off followed by Dennis O'Brien Roth goals were unassisted. Mike Rradshaw notched the third goal with help from Symons In the middle canto, Tom Car ter averted a shutout for the visi tors assisted by Jeff Gilhooley This was offset by Symons' sec ond goal from Bradshaw In the third Peter Fitzsimmons scored the first from Rradshaw and then set O'Rrien up for the final counter, Port Hope had two of the three penalties RARONS 8, KNIGHTS 0 Pee Wee All Stars proved ten much for the older Nantams In this fray, and had little trouble They were led by Johnson who tallied three goals. Rowden had A pair with singletons going to Lauzon, O'Brien, John = Rogers and Jay O'Brien led in the assist column with three, Rowden and Davis each had two with singles being picked up by Lauzon Etcher and Johnson Only one penalty te Kelly of the winners for hooking in the fret period Rears &, Hornets 0 Wayne Stephens picked up hi third straight shutout in this a Bantam game The lirst period Was scoreless, but the Rears got three In each of the last two stansas, They were led by Cooper who tallied four of their goals, with the others going to Robert Berry and Bateman Rerry had Christie one two assists and pen nly ene Pe losers, in this ex: ook o club sages to The game was close all the way, { Peter's holding a slim 1413 lead at the hall Keams starred for homesters with a great 20 point splurge, Dot Ryan having eight Mary Keyes hooped losers Farmer Regains Reeve's Post Rudolph seat with &t Sener ireeve of Carrick Township Mon day after a nip-and-tuek battle at the Alfred William, Kitchener Walter out Air third received A cial by Mr nm December Mather During the alty for slashing to Horsefield of 1a be received in Pope, Trinity Loses To De La Salle "ci. In Toronto the De La Salle College junior and senior teams defeated the visiting a Trinity College school elubs La Salle had PORT HOPE M33 the PLIT GAMES The Junior an dsentor girls' high school Meh! action teams AlAaInst St Port Hope eased pulled away in post a 32.31 Janet MILDMAY (CP) regained his polls who with Alphonse originally A farmer, Mr. Siogner Hh voles to Milton al election aspirant vole Mr Siegner asked for engul following PLANS ROME VISIT Queen CHU LONDON (Reuters) Elizabeth wil x da tng A anced MM little trouble dis posing of T.C.8 Seniors In de elsive fashion also humbled the visitors by omesided 64-19 count, Juniors swung Into Peter's Peterhorough and split the two | games through Bi victory In the Junior fray as they lose 22-20 victory aver 8 I' § Heather Phillips was best for service the Ports with ten points, Rar | bara Keyes had eight and Susan Armstrong four Ann Tobin tallied seven for the losers, Anne Collinge had six and Tess Guerin five | . In the Senior game the home Rad S ks the late 10 ee victory 1 13 for defeated him for the post (h the Decem ber general election nosed quency Walter in Monday's spe. and CFPL, London, Ont Fils ingey his dele Walter, 411 to 410 votes, has 5 ex] audience by the hal and Oshawa; Rev, months of 1958 as benefit Assistant Rec: ments ran ahead of receipts In {all hut three months, Labor Min Starr reported Monday [the Universal Week of Prayer for Rev. C. Malnhy, T. A. Nind, Hon Church Unity, The service was h held in St, Peter's Church on|lo% St. Peter's, Cobourg After the induction ceremony, a lster reception was held for the con for the evening grepation in St. Peter's Parish was $625,363,960, was Rev, J C. Jacks of St yal "Commons reply, Andrew's Church who addressed ---- , the congregation om the need for better understanding between | all religious denominations, The service was organized bY Ray) Palmer, President of the AYPA,| Henediction was given by Rev FE. C, Kelloway of Trinity United [Chureh, Among the elergy present were Rev, C, Lohnes, Calvary Baptist Church, Rey, J, D, €, Jacks of St, Andrew's Presbyterian {Church and Rev, E, C, Kelloway of Trinity United Church, Most Cobourg churches representatives attending OLD BAGHDAD Baghdad, he maid older settlements, De tn had the Port Hope More Power OTTAWA (CP) ~The 15mem ber Hoard of Rroadeast Govern org was scheduled to hold a closed meeting today In prepar ation for public hearings that start Wednesday on hroadeasting station applications, the the | The closed meeting was ealled a 3 to deal with some organizational " PRIEST PERS. | problems still facing hoard set up almost three months ago, and to decide on procedure at the public hearings oy y A Reat eure for poatiChristmas headache a ENS Christmas Gilt Account Guess who wishes he'd opened a BNS Christmas Gift Account last year! There's nothing like a thick layer of hills to The earlier you start, the more you'll smother post-Christmas joy! Yet it's one have on hand come Christmas , , , 80, visit money worry that's easily avoided. How? your nearest Bank of Nova Seotia branch «+ by opening a Christmas Gift Account at and open a 1959 Christmas Gift Account, The Rank of Nova Seotia now, Now is the time to do it, The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA More than 300 branches across Canada. Londen, New York, Chicago, the Caribbean, the as Applications for new radio sta Hons include one each from Fort and Hamil ton | Stations asking for power in| without changes in fre] CIOS, Stratford, | Creases mehle A Stations seekin power In ereases With frequency change CON Gurl) CK and CIC mmin tation. CHUC, Part Hope applied for in fre | quency without power inerease | The Hamilton radio. stations (JOY n ile di- 1 i! Radio wronto A change Manager--Oshawa Branch, Kingsley M. Hume. application and CKFH and pay -- the historle Moslem| | Balance In the fund on Dec, 81 city In Iraq, was founded in the | in a eighth eentury on the alte of even | relatively close together ty 0 on the SOLVE THEM WITHA power to | ted Peterhay ont boosted ita "Yes, Doctor...Wednesday will be fine!" When it's time to have the dentist check daughter's teeth, Mrs, Smith naturally reaches for the telephone, that helpful *member-of-the-family® with the habit of getting things done, When you look back over your day, it's sometimes sure prising to realize in just how many little ways the telephone has helped you. how it adds so much convenience and comfort to everyday living. A000 watia,

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