Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1959, p. 13

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a or Rent ind JE oom yo oo apariment, WF por) (i "a hy da EE als" YOUR wil a i ation, a "i $695 FULL DOWN PAYMENT $69 MONTHLY Six full size rooms, new solid brick bungalows, excellent lo- cation, sewers, schools, buses, ole hk ie pu or Lo For Sele px wom Wick veneer bungalow brett, Immedistely. west of with bulitdn venity and ba wi ule n batho, from rail ang hier ob por , smartly divide oll modern construction wih of eolors throughout. Only five wned (or early spring poh of thane LL] ygtion, They will he taken u hp fuiek iy i, Sov Sovmen, LL hake peed ® eam home for able, ~u = TEAL) CALL MRS WANDSON a RA 8.5075 0, Inndacaped, ox Juha b hped, Mx Rode Jo Lath ha gy & - Phone i Ah Aidt 10 hick ranch sivle or' RA 5-8831 W, T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, FOR sls ~ nodern, Tive-renm Wings low, low mon ly payments, RA 57 " io #000 DOWN, LL Worey home, RA Th aller 1.00 p oe 16 LOTE on Vein oad Wasi, 600 A LAL feet off Bimeoe North SEE DIFFERENT CUSTOM BUILT SEE THE NEWEST IN LUXURY HOMES CUSTOM-DESIGNED INDIVIDUAL HOMES VISIT EXCITING ROSSLYNN ESTATES THIS WEEKEND RA 5-6588 Vickery & Goyne RA 8.5158 RA 5.6165 Schofield Realtor RA 3.226% Bolahood Realtor RA 85-6544 BROOKLIN $9785 DOWN. Beautifully appointed ranch style bungalow, 4:pee bath, living-dining reem, J large bedrooms, terraced garden, 758 lot, NH. A, merigage, An abselute bargain buy at $11,875 Owner transferred to USA, Mis sacrifice your gain § Real Estate Lid, Brooklin 291, A BROOKLIN $1,750 DOWN. Qutstanding comer location, Close te school and shopping. An extremely well kept home. 3 large bedrooms Fully decorated, beautifully tiled flooring throughout Including hasement, tiled 4 pee, bathroom, aluminum storms, screens and doors, fully sodded lor with full grown trees, A truly exceptional buy at $12,750 or near offer SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. BROOKLIN 291 Wilsen Realtor Ristow & Olsen LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR OLD HOUSES ~NEW HOUSES - FARM PROPERTY WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE + RA 5.6588 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH Ideally located. 5 room brick and stone bungalow. Vacant new and ready for immediate possession, Low down payment will handle balance on terms. For further injoration call Jack Sheriff at RA 5.6588 or after hours RA 3.37 GOOD LOOKING--GOOD ol Located on Mary Street near Connaught 24" living room and dining room combination cheery brick fires place ih iy Kitchen, hat air oil heat. Nicely decorated inside and out Beautifully landscaped lot BO x 144. Full price $16,000 Call Bill Norris at RA 5.64588 Wi Bee § 9 THE BEST IN LOW-COST HOUSING NH A mortgages carry for anly $62.67 per month. Full down payment only $1 275 Look for these outstanding features Modern kitehen Copper plumbing end laundry tubs Dining room Tiled bathrooms Large living reem Forced alr oil heating Conveniently lovated elose ta the Oshawa Shopping Contre. Plan now ta see these hargains. Call Stan Skea at RA Row 10 Me thew ) [) 30500; alter Five charming rooms, COMPLETE AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,700 brick hungalows drives and garages 4 room private complete with storms and reens, Carry for $72 monthly 22 . | "ONE MORTGAGE, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL INCOME HOME Located on Oshawa Blvd, 5, Closs to King 51, E, Home hes § rooms on mein floor comprised of living room, dining roem, kitchen, 2 large bedrooms end 4 yor. bath, This portion would rent for at least $75 per month fairs has 3 room apartment comprised of bedroom, living room end kitchen, rents for $60 par month, Basement apartment with kitchen facilities, stool and shower, rants for $50 per month, Home is heated by forced hot air oil, Owner is leaving city, Must sell, A real money maker, Down payment $3,200, For further details, pleases call Bill McFeeters, RA 5:1726 evenings, OFF SIMCOE ST, NORTH Large 8 room brick bungalow with stone trim, Situated on Jot 4% x 166° with fenced In back yard, Home Is comprised of 19 living room, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, 4-pc, bath with tiled walls, completely decorated, oil heating, asphalt drive, Close to public and separate schools, excellent terms, Early possession, hor 3 ahr details, please call Henry Stinson, evenings of, 024 STRICTLY RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT Very modern § room brick bungalow, Located In Apple Hill Subs division. Fegvuring 19' living room, lerge kitchen, 3 bedrooms, large bathroom has bullt in vanity and ceramic tiled walls and coloured fixtures, Exhaust fan in kitchen, plerson sashless win. dows with storms and screens, Take time to see this home, It Is 0 real beauty, Low down payment, balance N.H.A, financing Immediate possession, Please call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 50494, BEFORE 8.00 PM, RA 3.2248 BETWEEN 5:00 AND 6:00 PM, RA 8.1624 HIGHLAND AVE, $1,000 DOWN Here Is @ select home In a select district offering immediate possession, A modern 5-room brick bungalow, 7 years old, nicely decorated throughout, ell heat, laundry tubs, paved driveway, fully landscaped with rear yard fenced in, Close to schools, bus at door. Balance carries ot $80.00 a month ingluding principal, interest and taxes, EULALIE AV, $1,500 DOWN Two-storey brick home for the growing family er Ideal for sub letting, Censisting of 6 large ropms all In well kept condition, Centrally located on paved street with oll heating, Garage WINDSOR AVE, FULL PRICE $12,500 A one vear old modern 8:-room brick bungalow, handy to school and bus. This home should be seen, Immaculate condition from top to bottom and complete with aluminum sterms and screens Oil heating, fully landscaped, Owner will accept a low payment Full price $12,000 down CONANT ST. NEAR RITSON RD $600 DOWN Just give us a call and we will be glod taste oil Is this a Joke? Neo Sir to arrange for you to inspect this eosy S.reom bungalow, fully decorated, modern kitehen, J:.pe. bath, full basement, heating, garage. Possession 30 days TOWN LINE SOUTH $1,500 DOWN stuceo bungalow featuring a madern tiled kitchen full basement, oil he®ting and in well kept a Aoem winterized cottage renting at Full price only $11,500 5 vear old A:piece bathroom condition, All this $35.00 a month Early possession plu Lot is BO x 525 deep RITSON RD, NORTH INCOME HOME Just south of Rossland Rd, We have value plus an Investment in a modern brick bungalow with attached garage, Approx, twe years old the home is in lovely condition and consists of 8 rooms with a large well planned kitchen, dpe. bathroom, two large bedrooms, Also a modern J.room hasement apartment with private entrance now renting at $75.00 per month, Early pos: session, If you desire to buy or sell & home, try our persenal, prompt and most courteous service ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR Representative v4.4 Res. 5.6382 OSHAWA i ivvvi i OFFICE 5.236) KELLY BOLAMHOOD 204 KING ST, EAST, 220 IL.S. SNELGROVE COLD: 43 PARK RD, §. OSHAWA N.HA, RESALE 6 rooms, brick bungalow, just eld enough for the work to he completed, fully decorated ond landscaped, L shape living room and dining room, plaster moulding, fully modern kitehen with extra cupboards and exhaust fan, 3 bedrooms, 4.plece ceramie tile bathroom, full size basement, automatic heating, laundry tubs, your chance now es ne profit nected a low down pays ment considered. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810 SIMCOE ST, NORTH For light business and residential, §:reom brick 184. storey home, large rooms, modern kitchen, large den suitable for office, oil heating, attached garage, large lot, are Just a few of the features of thiy Simcoe St, home, Asking $1,000 down, halance on epen LAY Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or evenings RA CENTRAL BUNGALOW § rooms, solid brick N.H.A, resale, large modern kitchen with dining area, modern size living room, 3 hedrooms, 4-piece ceramie tle hathroom, full high basement, forced air oil heat Ing, garage partially built, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3.9810, $888 NO SECOND MORTGAGE NO EXTRAS $686 MONTHLY SIX-ROOM BUNGALOWS ALL SERVICES Price $11,738 CALL MR, McMULLAN RA 5-0104 RA 5-8831 W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, . 2 H. GOLDSTEIN REAL FS Al PROKER 13 BOND ST, EAST RA 8-516] $500---DOWN---$500 600m Insul briek, V4. storey home, situated on a nice quiet street, | block to bus, 4 blocks te school; Easy monthly payments of $60, (Pringlpal and Interest), CALL TONIGHT TO SEE IT $800----DOWN--$800 A-0om frame bungelow, 2 finished rooms in the bases ment, 3-piece bath, oll heats ing, electric hot water tank, extra large lot 98 x 150, low taxes of $85, IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION $1,000--DQWN Aroom frame bungalow with a beautiful stone front, off Stevenson Road North, tip top condition, A-piece tiled hath, extra high basement, oll heating, ultra modern kitchen, magnificent view from living room, SEE THIS NOW $1,000--DOWN (N.H.A, RESALE) Soom brick bungalow, close 10 the school, 4 years eld, 3 slee bedrooms, ample closet space tubs inn #00 onant good laundry heavy wir $10, oil heating A BARGAIN AT After A pm Glen MacKinnon Sam Goldstein Sol Myman $300 PAYMENT FULL DOWN SIX-ROOM SOLID BUNGALOW, AIR TIONED HEATING BASEMENT, LARGE LOT, PRIVATE DRIVE EXCEL» LENT AREA WITH SCHOOLS, SEWERS, BUSES, ETC CALL JIM KELLY RA 8.6114 RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE. LTD call RA B.4750 RA 5.4782 RA 5.8854 220 [goad condition, #79 Albert [19 FORD ouslomilne sedan, no down BRICK CONDI DIVIDED 22 LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS Open Evenings INCOME HOME $9,200 AS~--Rool Rotate For Bole [45 --~Resl Estate For Bole 45 --Rool Estote For Sele (43 ~Reol Estate Por Sale [48 Real Estate Vor ONE MORTGAGE $1,000 $1,000 (; Twe meters, two bathrooms, - 4 rooms downstairs ond 3 rooms upstaire, A real good Income with Investment of only $2,000.00, Easy months ly payments, low taxes, Very central, just off Mary St, Don't miss this one! Call DOUG GOWER, RA 8.512), [09 CHEVY, deluxe sedan [Clean 1h pm { id CHEVROLET deluxe, TRY "HONEST ED" i004 PONTIAC sedan, Ti [ean id Thoren Weert 1h BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 87, == OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson, Read) 46---Reol Estate Wonted RA 3:4494, Res RA 5.5574 hor wanied Tor (aia; some "With | 48-Automobiles Wonted an be Do ator, 98 eh ae | AR ANORE Ate Wreckers wani ea Firont, Onna, BA 908) Whit Ho for wrecking, Highest prices paid (2 i or HA y ., ---- 10-ROOM DUPLEX ' $1,900 DOWN Live rent-free, Call Mrs, Mandson RA 8-5075 or RA 5-883) | WwW, T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, HOUSE FOR SALE? Before listing, coll us for on appraisal and free advice, RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS RA 5-6165 19 ATHOL 87, W, CAN YOU HELP? Urgently required for a bank expcitive a 6-r00m brick bungalow with. or without garage, In nice condition and In the neighborhood of Sunset Heights, Grierson Street or HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good eleon cars, Trade up or down, Lisms peld off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, PA A 3 942) MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars, Pay off lens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcos's Drive-in RA 5-5743 ----rr ole [47--Automoblles For Sale -- HE 5 0--Articles For Sele I firmlburel Fridges, TV's, wa ole, THE OSHAWA TIME, Tosser, Joweary ", "we 13 Lm vianos, sloves, 001 Th Yathers, Janos, waves, Prince Street, Phone RA #1191 URED Wres, most ali' Tha" Ww iy Goodrich Bore, RA VACUUM clenner A Sor "Wl makes, Paris, milachments, brushes, Hunan {leed rebuilt machines, Estimates free [Hen | vies wt Vaccum Clasner Repair Ber 1081 anytime FikEwonn w 8 and 010 Toads, de: livered within jo he radius, For in # formation phone RA 51526 17 A CONTINENTAL hea hex springs, hed: new, = | ha17, DOUWLE Ved With #leeirie space hanler, a y new; laun: any the and fittings in Al wondivion a Mary Street, Please conteet Kelly Bolghood ai |49~--~Automobile Repairs Test-Drive The 6 | ERNIE HOLMES | isu ond the new FIAT For economy and performance, REAL ESTATE | 204 KING ST, EAST RA 5.2363 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP L408 King 51, W., RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3.4675 PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists In Ford service end parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune up equipment, 47 --Automobiles For Sale 'BUICK Buper fordor, fully power equipped, low mileage, Immadiiste. | One owner, Finance terms, RA B803) after § CUNTOM built ear radios, elecirohome | and automatie, Dominion Tire "lore ih Bond Street West ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Bave up (n| 20 per pent. Nine months to pay ror | personal aervies at your home oall RA hang radio, very private, Phone RA 85044 after nm "windwhield sher, riding shade lite glass, and fox IN Phone RA 36081 8 Rhy] a Lown Draven y ai, fo TA Eo " Bhatt Gi oe ["Waronw' for gun inch, Relat" iL "malirens; one Furniture oo awning out Your haseme i it The a Hast South [13 No 1 You wi emi ho Wr i Lo or 444 Wimeos "Toshawa's "un whatey Jaruont Aten asd Wet, § "i R fre? o1ang for "oi makes wa Jn TV'S, radios, washers wien, Hi FI and small Siarony Radio and Blsotrie a, na Simoes Bi, §, PORTABLE machine, # 860 A WE pay highesl price In ya oly "Tor used furniture, ture Sore, HA 83071, 444 Bimeoe Bouth SELL applinnces you don't some other family with & low cost Classified ad, Dial RA 33402 now to pines It MEREO, Vapor prasent HEFL or "Wi; addin, typewriter, " (otal, hangs, with vishls Both like new, HA A Pretly's Used Furnl need Ao "eonversion of your tape recorder to stereo, Hales and service on sll Ger man and Domestie HLF and sere |aquipment, For information phone Osh Fy representative, Heine Rovtsehaifer, RA BH 1400 mornings or avenings, Vern | leotronios, 423 Yonge Street, Toronto Mi NASK Ambassador, tudor, WaFdlon, | 50mm rhiclon For Sale autamatio, radi, heater, hack up and fog lights, one owner, excellent oondi- ONE 17.ineh Motorola TV sel, Hon, RA #:b001 1 1080 ix eylinder Chrysler motor, som pletely overhauled, all new parts Phone RA 3.0477 i "Mh PONTIAC deliine," folirdoor, 8000 niles, Must sell, Can finance, RA B:A150 [ "M0 PONTIAC conch, excellent pondition, S1980 onsh for auiok sale, Call Bpeoial ty Paper Frodueis Lid, Bowmanville [iualiens MAPKet 3.4381 if [Whit after b p.m #40 (a 8150 allowance for wity . Television, N orth FRIGIDAIRE eleotirie condition range, MOR WK i DREW Hardiop, custom radio, wh oavomoy ny onrringe, Taree "te p.m 4 AANA after 6 orb, RA 1000 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan hy [FURNITURE Fale be financed, 8380, Phone RA 6.8508, 41f| of por 0ent! 4 wo. chesteriields, $00 1 A pe, bedroom sullen, S80 up! § po, k M PONTIAC twa door hardtop Lauren tan; radio Vi, automate, extras, Can he finanosd. BA 5.4400 after pm LLU 8 CONEY, pola (rick, new (ies and new paint Joh perfect running order Phone HA B6074 after 6 pm awl 'MOCHEY, deluxe, reasonable, "A" oondition, B56 Loriaine Btrest after 8 pm me 108 CHEVROLET "aedan, IN ash rent, at 87 pl Bpringfilled mattresses Maen, 810 up! per oent off! Bunk beds, ean, ny Chests, luggage, smokers, hassoe All drastically reduced! Easy to money Mi, h mAtbrons, Like payment, only 850 per month, 'M Ford Customiine sedan, take aver payments, only S48 per month, King West Motors opposite Khopping Centre 10 CRANFIELD MOTORS An 4 J31 PARK ROAD SOUTH Ohl, two Hr hair RA 3.2204 Ley Aa, Chair: USED CARS Hog rad Oa B.A, SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES . & SERVICE, SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER « VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAndolph 3.346) ONE Frigiioirs. ohrome Wiichen vel lime: green, threeplece hed settee, also washing machine Havine Road Al bed, MAKON "and Wise plane, ly new, Phone RA 58080 nao, complete with pipes, #50 Iand Avenue, RA 5088 beams. Nireots ALENDERIEING (Fentmants, TI: toln Honlth Foods, Steam Bathe, Master vegelahle and frail Homewood Health Studio, 20 Nireol Bast 0811 TEL BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO ture, also sell and exchange | Community Furniture Store [Nuresl, Phone RA 8.113) up. ere, Guaranteed recond| Paddy's Market, Bowmanville Repairs to all whine! ype in town ses Dominion Tire Bond Street Weal, RA Hall RADON, record players, NH OR "IRISH STEW" ® LOW, LOW PRICES EASY TERMS ® FRIENDLY SERVICE ® WRITTEN GUARANTEE METEOR 1498 Radio, sound elean ear CHEV, $698 Deluxe, A nies one FORD Deluxe, radio, two-tone, ; FORD $1098 you to shop at 1 will pay treat North Television, #18 Simoes PAINT SALE Entire stock at great redue: tion In price, Gliddon's Spred Satin, Spred Lustre, ete, Re. member the location; 12 Richmond St, Fost, RA 8.2881, '8 i} radio, NOW |S THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER $908 custom Reduetlons up to then wets, $44 up! Many table and floor MANY lamps, W priee! Coftes and end (ables all Hookers, hostess, swivel and recliner ehnirs, 50 per cent to 40 L] Arvanged! Barons' Home Furnishings, Ad Simeone Breet South, "Wheres prices Are lower An, Quality higher «= of your nol WLUR and "White Lioyd ALK oar a hodroom wll LI LL NTUDIO couch, washing machine, kit ehen (ahle and four ohhire, Junior hed high rangeite, ondition North or phone RA He new sondi: Hon, Also eleeirio radiant heater, near LI FURNACE, all steel, gravity eon) fur Reing [replaced by oll heater, Apply 208 ihe USED lumber, window glans, 18 x 18 Call vorner King and Chureh fh Pro oalth uioers King HIGHENT prices pald for used firni | Contaet 19 Prince USED washer parts, 4 HF motors, " Mh oned PY Hampton, MA 3.0088, AUNA, ammunition and hanting sup plies new and used, For the best deal Alors, and stereo are all here At the lowest prices Parkway [KNITTING machine In perfect (8160 oF nearest offer condition, Apply 134 Park Road South | (riy Kroehler fone} tt ohalr; e576, Phone HA 3470. [1] our old Tele Bf vision on any new KEiselrohome, Ad miral, Vietor or Westinghouse at Park Ul "ne Simeos Stren 108, Kelvinator refrigerators, television Thrifty bud, ot Inn Wind | ih Yin | | [WARY enrringe, 810, Phone WA 0-105 52-Legal Notices and older barrels available, Bl) priee you North, HA 3043 radio re, Ranges and all nl Barons' Hadio and Eleotrie 480 Mimeoe Bi, Routh complete with spring hone Ww Phone RA Junior see, blonde, vangette; reasonable wood eond| HA BH6RH ih 00d po ndiion, TiN8, 2 wey, good vondidion, 1] FF G0ODRICH Alores, (res, i RA AM, BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough beats, Evinrude Motors budget terms, Free winter storage on motors, Boat storage, Factory ope proved, Service centre for motar repairs, Open avenings ond weekends MARINE TORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED _Phone 87 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Doorn, dows, Railings Po oklin, Ont, Storms, Screens, Win. NOBODY BUT NOBODY can heat our quality prices and guarantees installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5.2431 _ Anytime ti 9 pm BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is easy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 24', See Alax Marine, No, PHONE 1266 AJAX COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Manufactured In Whith\ COLONIAL ALUMINUM 2 Highway, §1--Swap and Barter CIERTRR FIELD, olonirle onon 001A N | sles, Oshawa Hardware and Kleeirie, § Chureh Street. KA 27004, WILLIAMS pianos, now at ry oan afford, at Parkway Television, 910 Blimeos Kirest REPLACEMENT parts for all mies and models for washers, refriger appliane Id, WALNUT hed, and Inatirom, 8 see, Raerifios! HA HAT71N NEMIdelune Qurney Rrebahe [LL] range nl extra's LL] |nED, {Hon Awnings end Porch SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed TENDER FOR ADDI- TION AND ALTERA- TIONS, FEDERAL BUILDING, STOUFF. VILLE, ONT, Will be received In the of. fica of the Secretary, until 3:00 pm, (EST), Wednes day, Merch 4, 1959, Plans ond specifications ean be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, On« toro, yh District Architect, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, and the Post Offices of Oshowu and Stouffville, Ont, To be considered each tender must be accomponied by a security In the form of o cere tified cheque or bonds os specified In the farms of tender, Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department ond In accordance with the conditions set forth therein The Department, through the Chief Architect's office, or through the undersigned, or through the office of the Dis« trict Architect at Toronto, Ont, will supply blueprints ond 'specification of the work, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services, and Secretary, Department of Public We rks, Ottawa, January 23, 1959 22a IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT RS.0, 1950, CHAPTER 166 AND IN THE THE PUBLIC RSO 1950, MATTER OF WORKS ACT CHAPTER 323 AND IN THE MATTER Of THE EXPROPRIATION BY THE MINISTER OF MIGH« WAYS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FROM JOWN MUDREY AND LILLIAN MUDREY OF THE WHOLE OF LOT 1, BLOCK B, ON THE EAST SIDE OF BYRON STREET AS SHOWN ON TINCOMBE'S AND RADEN HURST'S PLAN IN THE TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Mine Ister of Mighweys for the Province of Ontario expros priated for public purposes the above mentioned lands on tha 2nd October 1956; that by an order dated 25th April, 1987, The Ontarie Municipal Board fixed the compensation for taking the sald lands end premises end that the sald Minister of Highways has paid Inte the office of the Accountant for the Supreme Court of One tario the sald compensation with Interest at 5% per on« num for six months AND FURTHER TAKE NO. TICE that all persons entitled to the sald compensation or ony part thereof must file claims with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of One tarlo at Osgoode Mall en or before the 20th day of Febs rvary, 1959, and that all such claims shall be adjudis cated upon by The Monours able Mr, Justice McLennan in his Chambers at Osgoode Hall on Merday the 2nd day of Murch, 1959, at the hour of 10:30 In the forenoon DATED ot Toronto this 13th day of January, 1959 PARKINSON GARDINER, ROBERTS, ANDERSON and CONLIN, Bari sters and Solicitor, 330 Pay Street ENTERED OB No Page No 15.0 Toronte, 244 534 NEWS BRIEFS STATE DOCTORS BELGRADE (Reuters) The Yugoslav government |s moving gradually private tors In the Slovenian republic al ready private practice If they state hospitals or health centres, and all able-bodied Yugoslav doe tors are required to work for the state, towards medical of Doe. olition practice been barred have from work in For the finest factory eon structed aluminum storm Deluxe, custom radio windows ond doors Installed BUICK $1398 to your satisfaction at low: "), flow, | op. est prices Dituatiew on A UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY Fairlane, eustom radio CHEV $1298 | copter, ratostiller, tie machine, box and RIG BUMP | oabin italien, ail Aa of Nan SALISBURY, Rhodesia (Reut supplies, Wanted combination 0018 | apg) ) motors or what have you, Chinn's, Hl | hh ray P leterse was sitting In side and Park Road South, RA drone ME parked car when he was suds | denly thrown vielently forward. By SI1y8 CALL IODAY FOR FREE 52--Legal Notices S1t felt as IF I had been hit by ESTIMA TE 3 steamraller, " he sald. He had principal and taxes at $33 a ALEX VAIDA NOTICE TO CREDITORS | The steamroller's deliver was moving in reverse and slipped as Call BILL MILLAR, RA AhKING , : 512) MODERN WOODWORKING In the Estate of FRANCIS he applied the brakes HOP RA Pas JOSEPH MeINTYRE SWIMMER'S ORDEAL All pérsons having claims NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ ('M \ against the estate of Francis | Swimming in the munieipal hath HLLMAN SAMBLIR LARSON Joseph Metntyre late of the while they were being emptied Mis ph FIBRE GL ASS BOATS Town of Whitby in the Coun: 12 + year « old Cushla Coley was NONQUON ROAD | ty of Ontario, retired hard sucked into the outlet pipe, swep! RA 3.443) ware merchant who died on 100 feet through it and Nang on : . or about the, 37th day of (0 rocks at the sea shore, She Open Until 9 pm Qet 1958, are suffered only cuts and bruises send to the SHIPS FOR JORDAN REIRUT, Lebanon (Rewters) Jordan is considering the crea tion of its own merchant fleet An Arab news agency report from Aminan sald the goverm ment is understood to be willing to contribute funds for the pro Jet WARREN AVE, $1,000 DOWN 614 room Income home, brick, 2 floors, 2 bathrooms, 2 kh eheny, oil heating, stormy and screens, landscaped lot with amilies, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8 § ONLY $9,500 ON GIBBON ST, Neat bungalow with tile and hardwood floors, Véry good basement, Lot size 44' x IR, Present mortgage ears rien for 11.00 interest, 6 roomy hungal oom, 1 hedior ment with heavy w new | red wowith large modern kitchen ms and 4.piece hath on main tons hah eco bath uble gar age A ing $12.900 with v evenings RA 5.4162 $1,500 DOWN men's] ment drapery alterations 101 Contre Naulh Poh at 04 Lal Ke ing, kitchen reed alr with | fun ¢ Opping re th Peters, RA S R74) Open Fyenings and Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd PHONE 87 Nk required 10 undersigned, on 20th day of Febru ary, 1959 full particulars in writing of their claims, On and after the said date the executors will distribute the assets of the said estate hoy ing regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice and will not be liable for any claim of which they shall not then have notice Dated at Whitby this 15th | day of January. 1989 THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUNY CORPORA ION \ ORMA AILEEN Alerationg hetie | made a Wmeanie on North Feb 14 5 hetore the SM -- SO--Articles For Sale Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS Interior and Exterior Wares large living roam finished in \ woms, fe with ail heating y $80.00, Full pice ced a 9.room brick home schools, and downtown three good siae, very apartments and new heating unit Only $2,000 down, T00 MODERN TAPED (AP) Formosa toun ist councillors visiting the Wulal mountaliy resort found tribal dancing divs briet panties American and songs | They creens ate drive 22a 99e, very suitable for 2 or evenings RA 5.4142 WHITBY CL STEVENSON'S RD. DISTRICT &.r0om ranch bungalow, L-shaped living room and dining room, tile floors, forced air with ofl | | ¢ WANTED = Commercial, second hand FOR Ll a ¢ eating, laundry tubs, attached Noor PALIANGE Ih §00d DaRAILIGR. far ani aoa fat Tv Wee we Mebaiae garage. large lot, substantial cash required. Coll Sid Marty, | or service. Phone RA haate a close te shoppin sult wn oF we RA 3.9010 HIGHLAND AVE | 4 FOR wale 1" elestvie wave, good [Mien or couple Ro "Vie ae | . : a ~ | BUNGALOW WITH BASEMENT APARTMENT $.ro0m brick home. Two bed. | his . : ' Ah wan Roar dai PATROLS Available Feb ren hes ro a 1] Fuary 0 8 408% ve \ Real an Je Threw roam phartient Ne Tall driveway, Plus a 3 roe m base MO 8 sa PANT outta and alferations \ \ apartment, steal. in And Indies wear Aeparate entrance, basement. Asking $11.500 andl Bouter Paint and Wallpaper | private drive with $2500 down. Snap tor (ren oallIate. Kpecialists (a mull on term HONORE) waik. 100 Baron South | BRESSMARIN ARNO R 5122 AO BA) Feb 33 dresses a Me BARNOSKL, RA R513 INCOME HOME NOE AAI, service, nstallalions. Cul KIVE peut ne feat J v bungalow, modem k ) Ia Li Rag iy oy ha ahi te ston | Highs Sow aol oy jo Nr, Plywi . p ® hy t on i ie | APART MENTS Ww Ve Chimney 3 \ y nave 8 Hea Saves teh?! TV. antenna, carport, large lot, taxes onl D 11.900 fave 4) TE f arg wes only ONLY §$11,90( WAY, few lanks mstalied Walter Waid WATER SERVIOW «500 gallons or 34 Chostaul West, Phone ) \ ( A C i Shih per load. Phone Hy " nn ue a SOU I HMEAD DISTRIC Tr « Whi MIBY before 830 am. and: atier 3 wANTER Roam 'and hoard in Whit] Seam brick bungalow, beautiful condition throughout large | i i Mm with open Hreploce, hardwood and tle floors, ail hear rae al pe Dali Gr ay ing. LY. Dinter storms and nicely landscaped lot This 1s 0 real monewmaker a iy Anh stantial cash required, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8781 or evens | ) £ HAIN SAW 4 nas RA S:d4ia2 Fueplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enc! pa \ e shill $1,300 DOWN LES EVENISS SALES LTD NO 83 SH f ¢ sant NL i alow. made kite) S51 RA § OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 modern kitchen, 4.pisce tiled bathroom, 3 hedrooms, oak and londtuon, AX rH dntee pote chosterfiold [FOR rent am ---- for gentle | dining. room, living foam. gorge, and paved by 2.2 and decorating call Dida RH Machanald al seile Call FRAN) AY. JOHN'S Heating Service, ail har (MO S08 8a Ry oalleet Nl Installed. Phone i 10 + Whitny . oleaned the sanitary; $9 500. Call Sid Martyn, RA 1.9810 lose to close te a Fb 8 hy or five men, MO ®8101 daviime | living roo hiubbery, priv $12,900 with subs DOUG HURSY RA APRENTION Ww RA 32 RA § {842 YN ng wearing AL singin lapanese popular old the girls to pul on more lelothes and stick to the triba (songs and dances 15 PRINC 4412 sam ena \ x \ al Service | 3 | 1637 ehesteriold Byron ME } rest South, Whithy, MO Rah WA bs 0 $a | Dining or Rill Go Don Hows, RA 5.0313 Les Evening braith, ovnD YOUR MOVER nage J.ei0 LIST WITH | THEN CALL od Martyn, RA Executon Sg 1 IRA 1

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