Toronto, Montreal Stocks . 2 3 iii a > = > NY Sa iE ERE HE ; : i Ss ioe iii JS = Ra ANO[E>~ = > # i Sts¥BEee deal : Ss 3 { Baal SENT NNSn 35 3 303 a «SEIT £3 aw ag B33 - > 13 - = Imp Ol) Sicks pr Simpsons KD Mig Somville pr ec! Can BSteinhg A Buptest ord Tor Dom Bk 130 Un Stee! 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Industrials Can Mog Nid 1% © Mareont B00 Catelll A LU O Paper Crain 00 Dom Eng 00 Lambert A 200 nore LL] 165 1 Q Pow Pow Corp po Que Phone Neltmans Shop Bave T Fina Trans Mt 25 #0 Ho 50 905 hed Bren Ahitibt Algoma Alumin Alum Agus Argus 240 pr Asbestos Alas Steel Alta Mines Ameranm Ansegn Aull Augustus 8500 0 20200 1000 2200 1000 30500 pr 15 25 Bi Raker Tale 7s Bateman Bank Mont an 9 Bellechane 1000 Bank NB 200 d Bonnyvle 12600 Bank NB re 1505 Burn' THIN 3000 Banque PC 50 Cal Xd 200 Boaue PC rt 875 Canalask 500 Both Pow A 78 Canorama Beil Phone 823 Canuba Bwir CP 54 p BO Cartier Que 2500 Boa) 180 Canslar BA OU 135 3) Ch'h Jae BCE 4% pr 10 C Halliwell BCE 8 pr 10 Dolsan BC Power 10 BC Phone 100 BC Phone rt 450 150 100 100 4000 []] 78 100 800 as 200 LU 2 85 WB 130 818% 18% 100 $2214 33 100 $65 0% 100 slow low y= -- Mogedor Molyh 1600 Energy Office Highlight Of Throne Speech TORONTO (OP)---Highlights of | the speech from the throme today in the Ontario legislature: A pew Ontario government de- partment to supervise all forms of energy, A study of Ontario agriculture aimed at meeting cha pat: terns of consumer demand, Free rables vaccine, More camping and plenie sites. Large new areas to be set aside for forest propagation and con: servation fish and wildlife, highways, welfare, municipalities and hospital construction, An improved mental health program Including reduction in segregation and isolation, Expanded facilities for re search, treatment and rehabllita- tion of alcoholics. ---- Publie investment provides 236,000 jobs, Alrport planned for Moosonee Encouragement for driver edu. cation in schools, Higher pay for jury duty, Increased exemption from sue: cession duties for widows and their dependents, Changes in prospeet for elvil More money for education, service, YELLOW PAGES SuLeTIy "NEW FASHION" PRINTING PRESS OF MID-IT™CENTURY AS DEVELOPRD BY WILLIAM J, BLABY, AMSTERDAM, INCOR. PORATING T™E FIRST MAJOR RENNEMENTS SINCE GUTENBERG INVENTED THR PRIN. TING PRESS ABOUT 1400. | | : ! = 5 SESECE! " 2 i, 3 id i 0 8 SE S bau 3 NS a : alt 3 ES =», * SeNpNY ERD Encarta FE NS a a tied ol pa) sn > »> LJ : SS ta pi Ei steed » $3 1+ 13» SEE EFE FE OF OS a5 Eas RERE p33 «1 SEETHER S Sues EES 3 1 = +? + ie LJ + - - FF adian Vid TH LL] t o ¥ 7" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonvery 27, 1999 § BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT MONTREAL (CP) -- The Bank of Montreal describes as rlarydy 1% bank study | ertibility on porters says this Is strictions on the kmportation of from Canadas still are in in many eountries, countries, even before Jimited con- ty, already were provid- s or convertible curren ment for goods and Dermitted from Canads. EXCHANGE But their moves as 1968 drew close were "an important tone on the road to easier tional exchange of money and thus to easier exchange of goods," says the bank's monthly business review, In recent years the only fully convertible currencies have been Canadian and United States dol- lars and Bwiss francs. On Jan, 12 the West German mark joined thelr ranks, Late in December the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Bel um, The Netherlands, Luxem- "|have all along been able to international current and area must as before surrender to or seek from the suthorities any foreign currencies acquired or |needed in the course of current capital transactions, other extreme, resi denis of the dollar 'ares , , . vert any sterling earned from current transactions into dollars, and this into or any other currency," sald the review, "Their ability to sell in the sterling ares has been , , , and fs limited by tariffs and quantitative import restrictions im in the ares." dents of count: outside the sterling have been free! by British authori] to transfer sterling to each other and to res. {dents of the sterling area, Both [J transactions could be settled in this way, "Transferable" sterling could also be sold in markets outside the sterling areas and, in fact, Convertibility Seen "Largely Potential" and dollar aress| 4, Stock Market Net Eamings Chartered Trust Company. your | British exchange authorities since 1955 operated in these mar- kets to ensure that rates for |transferable sterling did not fall below the official London rates by more than a slight discount of about one per cent, urg, Denmark, Norway and Sweden announced thelr curren. cles had been made externally convertible, This external convertibility is limited in scope In that it applies ents and does not extend to capital transactions, e bank review used British sterling, in which almost half the world's trade Is conducted, as an example, only to currency acquired by non-| resid *, . + Insofar as sterling pro- {vides a typical example, the new external convertibility does little more than take offielal cogniz- ance of a degree of convertibil- lity that to all intents and pur- poses prevailed before," sald the review, "The recent proclamation of |external convertibility by the United Kingdom and three Scan. |danavian countries as well as by six members of the Furopean Bre df Po ie nn, ht -- Tue ANNUAL RKP 1h a Vo \ did . en A hl i rl TE {ended Dee, 31: 1958, 1 $3.76 » share; 1067, $272,958, 3, Crown Trust Company, "year! {ended Dec, 31; 1058, $315,881, 210 a8 share; 1907, TT, | Ontario Loan and Debenture| Company, year ended 'Dec, 31: 058, $438,970, $1.75 a share; 1087, $410,338, $1.08, PM CONVENTION SPEAKER PORT ARTHUR (CP)~Prime Minister Diefenbaker will speak st the convention of the Ontario Public School Trustees Assocls- tion here Oct, 6, It was announced Monday by Rev. G. Morgan, | chairman of the Port Arthur Residents of the United King. Common Market was evidence of hoard of education and president dom and the rest of the sterling/the desire and the willingness tolof the association, O87, / DECEMBER 31st, 1958 DOOR TO SECURITY $386,927,185 With confidence that their plans for the future will become realities, the public owns a new record of $2,170,998,362 More than ever, the public's desire for a guaranteed income when it is needed most, resulted in CROWN LIFE'S NEW BUSINESS RECORD CROWN LIFE POLICIES THE MAN WITH THE AXE KAU nwa w nim --232N JAN. 29th Paid or Credited to CROWN LIFE POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES $46,909,067 to so many, living insurance EMPLOY MANY PROCISSES, AS WELL AS CREATIVE STAFFS TO INTERPRET TODAY'S VASY DE: | MANDY FOR INFORMATION soil. AND ENTERTAWN MENT, Waich Thursday's Paper What a difference money in the bank can make IMPERIAL # BAN KK 7% wv bit C. CHURCHLEY, Manager C. Dewhirst--R, K. Topping, Assistant Managers Oshawa Agency--100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawe Crown LIFE wae" INSURANCE COMPANY Jumone GVIR 5,000 TONG OF PAPER "Te WEIGHTY OF M4 GIANT STEAM 0+ COMOTIVES 8 FID INTO CANADIAN PRESSES ANNUALLY TO PRINT TBEL" TELAPMONS S\nBCTORWS ORF. SEN. CO. "T Join the happy people whe save regularly at ----