Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 26 Jan 1959, p. 2

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} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jenvery 16, 1959 NO NEED FOR PANIC | : Is Disappointed With Anti-Rabies Clinic v bitterly disappointed SUGGESTED RULES | ea, for the poirpmih yaskipe diiervaned by lava Pas | The rules which Dr, Woolsey tour, 1indes tario| REQUIRE 14 SHOTS | recommends are as follows: Re gly 8 Sis 8, 0% J.| Dr, Woolsey said that those peo- port all suspiclous-looking anl- Noolwey of the department of ple undergoing treatment for ra- mals; eliminate all stray dogs; ture health of animals|bies most (ake 14 Hidks. How: |e up and Soul oll otis Soh } lever, If & is bitten severe- enforce & dog © ; do! powmantie. He ol fv the oo face, the treat- not destroy a dog which has bit- the ment Is 21 whots, [ten © human, #t must be tied up| He spoke of the "ecrasy fox' |for 14 days; call a veterinarian disease in the Arctic and that it for all fiinesses in livestock; re-| was definitely proved to be ra duce the wildlife population; vac-| bies, cinate all pets; and do not han-| "This is the malin source of In dle stray animals, wild or tame. | fection in our area," he sald, "It) Dr, Woolsey explained that if has slowly come down from the a dog bites a human end is tied| Arctic into our ares by way of up for 14 days, the dog will die,| the fox," of 7200 Ontario County during August, "1 would think hart are fat n just in Oshawa,' he Peasy Psa rion gave a brief history of rabies, "It Is not a new have rables, This would save a School Ice | Carnival Is Big Success ' The Adelaide McLaughlin School carnival was 8 huge suc. leens. It proved to a real father (son, and mother-daughter night, {Parents and thelr children swarmed to the Childrens' Me. morial Arenas last Thursday for a | night of skating, races, broom. {ball and hockey, | Sharp at 7.90 p.m, hundreds of parents and children from kinder. garten to Grade 3 level skated [to the music provided by the PA system, At 8 pm. all grades took to the ice, | An exciting 15-minute hockey game, between the fathers and {the school's senlor hockey team, ptoved to be a real sea-saw bat. tlc all the way ending with the score of 1 to 0 In favor of the A TO PRESENT CONCERT HERE When the Canadian Concert | Plerretie Le Page, pianist, both Association of Oshawa presents | of whom have had distinguishes another in its series of concerts | ed careers on the concert stage, this Weinesday night the artiste | James Cook will play Mr, Crov will be Alan Crofoot, tenor and | fool's plano accompaniments, but if the dog lives, it does not Dr, Woolsey stated that there have been some rumors which! person from going through need. have become distorted and 'as a less treatment, There Is no result, have made some people known eure for humans once they, become panic-stricken, get the disease, 4; Mhere 18 no need to become A film entitled "Rabies in Your ken ¥ they use their| Community' wes shown by or few simple Woolsey, with a question and Batnett Taylor, concert man aver period following, re ter of the Oshawa Symphony | Motor City Choir in its rendi- { . To | Orchestra and director of music | tion of Sir Edward Elgar's African Youths disease, but 16 one of the oldest on record, There was an actus! deseription of rables in 500 B.C, In 1821 it was recognized that the control of dogs would eontrol ra. bles, It 1s the saliva of rables in dogs that transmits the disease panie-stric to humans and other animals, In head and follow a 1686 the first man was saved by rules," he stated. CAPSULE NEWS use when they sccompany the PLAY AT CHOIR CONCERT and two violins, The recital will be given In Bimeoe Street Unit | ed Church under the direction of | Reginald G, Geen tonight, «Oshawa Times Photo more experienced but less condi. tioned hockey-playing fathers, The lone goal was scored by John Winning and the only visible eas ualty was a father, ben Mon. aghan, who required four stitches, The broom-ball game was no (less exciting than the hockey Combines Defeat Newmarket 3 To 1 PORT PERRY (Staff) -- Brook-| The game started at a fast pace game, The mothers were gamellin Combines strengthened their and kept it up throughout the en. but outmatched by the girls, who! first place lead in the OHA Sub. |tire 60 minutes, Tonight the Com- literally swarmed down the ice urban Junior League here Batur- hines meet the Whitby Hillerests and potted the lone tally of the day night when they edged the|in the county town and Baturday eee game, the scorer being Busanne Newmarket Smoke Rings by al night they tangle with the Orillia Barr, The game ended one toi score of 3 to 1, Bulldozers in the Port Perry | for Oshawa's Public Schools { op era) | and his son, Raymond, here chorale, I'he Snow', which was written for cholr, organ Rioting In S---- Belgian Congo Toboggan Ride OBITUARIES demonstrate the form they will BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) ALBERT ELLIS SAWDON Current Events | At Port Perry Saviril hintsed Are, yess By MRS, CHARLES REESOR ment-sponsored political meeting, PORT PERRY -- Following Is Oshawa General rioled Bunday in the Belglan a list of forthcoming events In Congo city of Matadl, | Port Perry, The Service Club ol A Belgian police officer and port Perry United Church will ome Africans were Injured be: oot at the home of Mrs, Harold Ends In Death y y . ing to ORONTO (CP)--James Bran-|freight train here expect Mb 11, died Sunday from head get off at the nearby Callander injuries suffered Friday when his| station Cold and shivering: the new toboggan smashed Into A boys got off hours later at Gra- tree, He was the son of Mr, and | venhurst, 15 miles farther south ls Hospital, don, Bist year, Oshawa An employe. of Church Jean Gracie John, of of Pontypool twa son James Mrs, J. '| (Elizabeth), of Whithy W. Richard (Mary), of Oshawa: a brother, Fred, of six grandchildren, The funeral service will be held from the W, C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, at 2.30 p.m, Tues- day, Jan, 27, Rey minister of Whithy Baptist Church, will conduct the services Interment will Union Cemelery poor health for several months William Alfred Rahme died at the family residence, 39 Burke street, Sunday, Jan, 25, He was In his 63rd year son of the late Mr, and his Ufe, Mr Skating cated, Ho was a member of Sim coe Street United Church, Mr LOL and of the Royal TRAIN Knights, WRONG NORTH BAY, Ont, (CP) Four|The old contract North Bay youths hopped a Sept, 14, REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK (vective, when the boat, not bullt an abrupt launching, | the olly dock Marie Reeson; a daughter, Mrs awa and a son, William, of To ronto Also surviving are a sister, Mrs |brothers, Mervyn, land Elwood, of Oshawa and Rus By GEORGE MACKENZIE } , Talty, of course, was a Welch. for mic man. He was also the most lucky sank slowly In man I have known, water, grandson, Alan McPhee. Chapel at 2 p.m, Wednesday, Jan the Hs wae a nie Yomywpo, and hounds. a good -one, He was one few boatswalns who went ashore BAD LUCK 'on the town" with the sailors who worked for him, NEWCASTLE -- eyes that burned when he wan TCG wre Seta trip to the. Forelgn clubs looking for a wayinot to be outdone, told Whitby: Church, will conduct ly got him into trouble. A erucliy qn "the nerve. Big hearted Brassard's goaltending brilll- Allan Cup, emblem of Canadian atches, , perfu l safely past the excise blood:(2,104 thrilled Hull fans, up' for the world title hunt, Fire gutted (with the $5 music-box, and was puck « stopping acrobatics of Belleville the matching goal mid the Antwerp waterfront, quietly football pool coupon ever ¥iin close, Brassard kicked out 23 Smith, Fred Etcher the material handling department at General Violet Stratford and a daughter, | Motors for 18 years, Mr, Sawdon Mrs. G, Kelly (Joyce), of Oshawa, son Hayter, Bonnie Sullivan wins a member of Whithy Baptist Whitby and Whithy; Mrs. J, Wood (Dorothy), |Cemetery, Rev, R, E A of Oshawa; Mrs, W. Hammond minister of the Oshawa Free Me-| Mrs, McIntosh's room -- Boys: and Mrs. thodist Church, will conduct the Cerald Gould, Randy Huehner. be In Oshawa * Robert Rahme, the deceas: | A resident of Oshawa most of Ho leaves his wife, the former Talmadge | sell, of Bowmanville and one The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral 28, Rev. John K, Moffat, minis- United sors At Newcastle the two « storey frame home of s and their six children, | vices, Interment will be in Osh The desth occurred suddenly, awa Union Cemetery, following a heart attack, at the) Bun | day, Jan, 25, of Albert Ellis Saw: The deceased was in his| JOSEPH CHARLES H, CYR The death occurred ruddenly a ronto, Saturday, Jan, 24, of Jo A son of the late Thomas and yopls aries omen Cyr. He was grand. Timily Sawdon, the deceased wWas| Born in 8t , Boniface, Manitoba, | Gordon Boyd, Peter Blake, David!four to the Smoke Rings, Bob horn in Whithy Aug. 9, 1908, Mr. (he deceased was a son of the Inte! Lander, | Sawdon had lived in Whithy for Mr, and Mrs, John Cyr, A truck five months and previously In dejver, Mr, Cyr had lived In To-\Norman Dobney, Scott Painter; |ronto for a number of years, He leaves his wife, the forme Also surviving are a Miss Laura Cyr, of Winnipeg He leaves his wife, the former two brothers, Allan, of Walklkl,| a daughter, Miss Hawall; Frederick, «f Winnipeg|Douglas Dobney, John Hamilton; Isabella Sawdon, of Whitby and and two grandchildren The funeral service will be held|nle Bovd, at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel a Also surviving are four sisters, 2 p.m, Wednesday, Jan, 28, In. Bou Ingram (Marjorie), of terment will be in Oshawa Union court: girls: Lynne Romanchuk, Dargan, | Jacqueline Powell, services, FUNERAL OF MRS. DEMERISE BOVIN High requiem muss for Mrs Demerise Bovin, 311 Rossland Whithy and ohn Ward, road east, who died last Thursday,| Mr, | ou 8 sung in St, Mary's of the!David Skinner, John Eimhurst:| was 'eople Roman Catholle it 9 a.m, today Rey, N, J. Gignac mas Temporary entombmen Churel WILLIAM: ALFRED RAHME was In Oshawa Union Comlery WEATHER | Mausoleum, Interment will be In| {8t, Vincent de Paul Cemetery Deseronto, In the spring. The pallbearers were John Gil [lelan, Hugh Hicks, Sr., Hugh Hicks, Jr, Alphonse Levaseur Sr., Alphonse lLevaseur, John Calrns, FUNERAL OF OSCAR V, SHAW The funeral service for Osca Rahme was operator|V, Shaw, 60 La Salle avenue, Who! ihe Windsor area hovered slightly | of Nahme's Garage which was 10-{djed at the Oshawa General HOB: | above zero, cated on Athol street west, where pita) last Thursday, was held at| the city parking lot Is now lo- the McIntosh Funeral Chapel at ranged from 20 to 30 below in the| 2 p.m, Saturday, Jan, 24, Rev, D, A, T. Allen, minister of Rahme was also a mem: 8, Paul's Presbyterian Church, her of Enterprise Lodge, No, 2167 conducted the services, Interment Black was In | Brooklin, The pallbearers |French, Arthur Brown, Lew Joseph McPhee (June), of Osh- jones, Bernard Jamicson, Elmer Southern Ontarlo late tonight and "| Wilson and J. E. Seymour, (his home, 786 Jarvis wtreet, To-|payl Carroll, Christopher Bal. ed sister, | sang the Jr., and Southern Ontario Sunday night as| Groveside Cemetery, Superior, were Cyril| continue today and Tuesday, al: nothing In favor of the girls, The| ombine markers were scored arena, one casualty, Mrs, Hue pegant Vern Fer, rv Nell red yoceived 8 Diseding pi 0 i. 800 Lucky. Wilts Newmarket's) st of «xaces and the win-i,., 1, tally came from the stick of (Pascoe. Fairey) - ners in each grade follows: (Watson ; THITey Kindergarten -- BOY: Rayne All the Combines' goals eame| : ry aaron J . [} » wv! 3 Jy | Painter. oho Shaw} Jide: D r (within the first four minutes of | 3. Brooklin, Wills [re Wards room, = Thay 1h fia prio, Meprmarkel fo) (Make, Cota -ldry: girls; Naney Gardner, Cathy point of the second sian. Gray, 19.26. vei ' we | 2nd Period Miss Beneco's room -- Boys: 0ut, four to the Combines end| 4 Newmarket, Watson (Goodfellow), vivre 30n Carnegie was assessed a five:| Penman indy, 10.27: 14 Boys; [Minute penalty in the last min- jen 14,24, lute of the game when he struck |girls: Coleen Lawrence, Diane Rutledge in the face, knocking out r|Shaw, Miss Bell's room. -- Girls: 1st Period 1, Brooklin, Ferguson 4,08 Penalties: 18.12 Miss Clark's room rd Period , | No scoring, two teeth, | Penalties: Million, 4.58; Gray, CELEBRATING, | roe ~~ BIRTHDAYS | Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi. dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays today: Su-| Miss Little's room Boys: i|Larry Sullivan, Ronald Kurells, Miss Daneey's room -- Boys: AID TO RPEECH MONTREAL (CP) -- Walter Whittaker, the prime minister at the annual mock parliament of St, James' Literary Society realy made an off-the-cuff speech, He removed the euffs from his dress Norval Crossman, 54 Ar. |shirt and read from notes written lington avenue; Joan Suppel- {on the backs of them, sa, 1200 Cedar street; Mrs, |= SAE Judy Valllaneourt,| C. B, Foster, 321 Centre | | street, Whitby: John Lindsey, 683 Hortop street: Randolph Scott Sr,, 802 Muriel avenue; Janet Tiling, 830 French girls: Susan Huehnergard, Bon- Boys: Vaillan. { » ioldman's room nompson, L WINTER SYMBOL ST. CATHARINES, Ont, (CP) The Lincoln County bullding here i flying 1% favs, Part of the id fi to th 1 street; Charles Adams, 225 J The 200 aut Sow Oshawa boulevard south; new flag, I will be removed Cathy Bertrand, Lawlor av. 'hea AT " . enue; Mabel Burr, 227 Court When warmer weather comes, street; Marlene McAdam, 21 Eastwood avenue; Stan ¥, Lovell, 101 Lauder road; 8, E, Goodfellow, 58 Cadillac south, The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The current attraction Is "Underwater Warrior also "The High Cost of Loving", Ee Tuesday and Wednesday Only (gard; girls: Carol Huehnergard, Mr, Harper's room - Boys: [Jerry Abbott, Danny Cann airls: Beverley March, Mary Hen- | klrman, | Pascoe's room Boys: h irls: ten Susanne Barr, Janlce ro WHITBY LICENCE BUREAV ot Harry Donald Limited Open 5 Days Each Week and Saturday Until Noon | TORONTO (CP)~Forecasts is [sued by the public weather office 'lat 4:30 am: [ | Synopsis: Temperatures took a dive to below zero readings in| colder alr from the north brought clearing skies. Early « morning temperatures ranged from 10 fo} 15 degrees below zero from Lon." ¥Idon to Trenton, while readings in| Farther north temperatures [Muskoka and Haliburton dis. tricts, while a light moderating trend held readings from zero to 10 below in the area north of Lake The cold wave is expected to cloud over s though Increasing Tuesday will result in some slight moderation, [Queenie Mackin, of Oshawa; four | WANT AD GOT NAVY SECRETARY | Classified ads in New York Chinese language newspapers secured oriental dancers for | the famous musical writers for "Flower Drum Song", Oshawa Times "help want. ed' ads pet the workers you want whether unusual or rou- tine, Dial RA 33482 now to start yours. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Tuesday. Lake Erle, Lake Huron, Lake Ontarlo, Niagara, Georgian Bay, Halliburton regions, Windsor, Lon- don, Toronto, Hamilton: Mainly sunny and cold today. Tuesday, cloudy with sunny intervals and a few snowflurries. Not quite so cold Tuesday, Winds light, Kirkland Lake, Timmins-Kapus- kasing reglons, North Bay, Sud. bury: Mainly cloudy with a few light snowflurries today and Tues: day. Continulng cold, Winds light. | Sensational Meat Features + 49° FRESH BUTT PORK CHOPS THIN SLICED PORK LIVER Hospital Local Names Officers of Public Service Employes se lng, in the UAW hall, Jan, 21, The new executive ls: Presl- garlton ., vice-pres!- [Sudbury recording . secretary, Mrs, Kathleen D, Mil. dent, Colin Mainds; (dent, Ernest Briggs; Local 46 of the National Union lected officers for 1059 at a meet: Forecast Temperatures | Low tonight high Tuesday | Windsor 10 25 St, Thomas ' London ... Wingham Toronto .. Trenton St. Catharines Hamilton .,, Muskoka .. Killaloe .... SHOULDER uw 21° LAMB CHOPS uw 39° FRESH LAMB PATTIES » 19° Mrs, J. H, Brannigan, MUST BE CITIZENS {fore order was restored, The o RAPID INCREASE 87, THOMAS, Ont, (CP)--Ciy courthouse and other government Martyn Tuesday evening enrolment here, up 65| endorsed a policy of hiring only man Catholic mission was dam-|ihe Guide and Brownie Mothers Huh schoo) 10 yeors, Is 'almost | persons who live within the city aged. {will be held Tuesday, Jan, 27, at | 8.15 pom, at the home of the of the school hoard, a predic d payroll, Belgian authorities had called president, ' a pew high school would hae to WARMER *.IME the meeting to explain the Brus spoon, Manchester, 'Transporta be bullt each year for the next) oie "ove, (CP) -- Lor. sels government's long-term plan tion will be arranged for mem g 4 ! |ohand of Lachute have left for independence for the big Central the executive for a ride, ANE ARM iayor Haiti, to serve for three years as African colony, The Junior Farmers Club for Tom Alsbur has arranged with| Catholic lny missionaries , Boys and Girls will be held In . em+| ROSEMERE, Que, (CP) A | Y day, Jan, 27, at 8.30 p.m, for the bedding when reqvised for uner| RO rubber ball was removed Cl AND election and installation of ofl). A on short notice " downtown | from five-year-old Gerry Cara-| cers. building as needed, i |The hos stomach in hospital here. | Minor Hockey Week is being CALS SRERIAE, BATTS PATE CHITIN ACIENCE SUBAiot f Sree, wat, i pissed fo culls were blamed when a few of The vital Importance of having Community Memorial Recreation Calgary's air-rald warning sirens | UAW Masse A strong, spiritual foundation was|a| Centre when three games will emitted several unscheduled ' [mressed at Christian Bclence ser: |, played, Two house league . ficlala and the public by surprise. ] H d 0 [tween Uxbridge and Port Perr GOING ANEAD oin fianads un STREETS CLOSED Sieh Laordae an Ton MELVILLE, Sask. (CP)---Build:| 200 Issues thie following Sirois wil ber Ec va oink. 4 lane plan n ing 4 for 100 In this tow 3ifuction: Ritson road south from |, Friday. evening, Jan 80 / oor street east to Wolfe street; 0 . . a record of closs lob 230.1 ppp non-wage issues in the dispute |Glencastle avenue from pet: Honeydale Women's Institute, "ja The re for 1958 was Detween the United Auto Workers will hold a euchre Friday, Feb extension, flgu (CLC) and Massey « Ferguson Simcoe street north from Non." QUICK THINKER |nolved in weekend bargaining. [Glenbrae street at Glencastle av-| The next regular meeting of the i (CP) -- Flames, The report gave rise to hopes enue; Byng avenue at Bimcoe Rod and Gun Club will be held WINNIPEG reached to the oelling of the|a settlement can he reached be. street north; Tecumseh avenue ation Keb, 2 In the Brock Build tank on a truck caught fire from deadline announced by the union|he kept open wherever possible.! At the Port Perry Recreal Mrs, 2 RIB ia torch, The me-|Baturday, Negotiations began 10 Emergency conditions such as Tage SL po yitiok ed was born at Purple Hill, Cart chanle quickly drove the trick days ago, {bad weather may require the are taking place this coming wright township, July 25, 1806 and the tlaze, pressed hope Friday that a strike list, ht - Haquisvel could be averted by continuous ; | Tuesday, Jan, 27 Oshawa GRAVES COST MORE bargaining, The 200 non-wage ls- TO ATTEND CONVENTION (Plumbers, 7 to 8 pm; GM WINNIPEG (CP) -- Costs Lloyd G. Corson, a representa. Stamping Plant, 8 to 9 p.m od os In Toronto, Woodstock and tive of the Manufacturers Life In Cemetery are being Inereased by noid had been regarded as surance Company in Oshawa, has| Wednesday, Jan, 20 nearly 10 pe cole bh he aad Critic. heen selected to represent the Club, 4 to 6 p.m Jos. paris Vd ; Jan, 2 age issues today. The union|At the 82nd annual general meet Mf wore said reasons for the nr CAE ICS 4 or on baste wage| ni of the Life Underwriters Aeon SKOLIg. 3 lob pin UM A crease. increase of 31 cents an hour to|clation of Canada in Toronto, Jan. p.oouiin § to § pm. GM Sales ax Dir sents 0,800 life underwriters in 76 expired last) vontres across Canada, He wil! Friday, Jan, 30 Skating Club, he accompanied by Wolfe M, Mil. [4 to 6 p.m.; hockey, 6.30 to 7 30 pany, Oshawa, p.m, Goalie Th t * toa He was & small, dynamic man,| Most seamen smuggle, Jus Bellville | eam little, and Taffy was no excep: with the stocky bulld and Diack tion. Like many others, he had excited, which was often, Every: | : " l ui far east, he was approached by to beat Belleville McF arlands in|"We are handing you the Allan thing he did hi 4d wih an a nervous cabin-hoy, who wanted | the world hockey champlonships Cup. We know you will win It| amazing Intensity, {to all] st the customs with an|at Prague might do well to check again for the best Senlor A league! al | omeiess fate geomed intent on Weaklea Taffy volunteered the services of| ance just about stopped Belleville senior hockey supremacy, last . ha perpetual happy disposition. |," giq hand, He had, he boasted, (cold Sunday as Hull - Ottawa season, ter ire Accidents happened to Taffy that|y oy ght vast quantities of Canadiens downed the OHA East: Blair sald he thought the Belle: | ApS. tab McFarlands, who leave on the) Belleville Jumped Into a 3-1 lead| world title hunt Feb, 1, had the in the first period but Whitby edge In play most of the game scored three without reply In the fined about $30, Brassard, way through the third, his thira|Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lees, Man. 1 Ry "oo 008 uch Jesu Shot His bad luck reached to every: Hull's forwards had only 18 of the ght v his thirdly street, here Saturday after- ugly head. thing he did. An ardent #0CCeT hots on Belleville netminder| Lou Smrke rounded out the noon, The blaze started when the veek (a sort of sweepstake oni gelleville shots speculating on the origin of Bel. ii Sal dors, & fveep elleville shots, of th games). | poOR WEEKEND glan beer, when some Scandina.| "goon did he forget to mall The loss made it a poor week: VANCOUVER (CP) Potential counell by a vote of six to one hulldings were looted and a Ro-| The regular monthly meeting of frightening," said Dr, 8, A, Miller| limits for jobs on the municipal! No arrests were reported, Mrs, Jack Wither six years, raine Lemay and Fernande Mar. for local elections and eventual bers wishing to attend, Contact army officials for 800 beds and EXCITED YOUNGSTER | the Port Perry High School Tues The boy had swallowed it while {held In Port Perry untll Feb SURPRISE BLASTS od of blasts, catching Civil Defence of: (vices on Sunday, January 26, games are scheduled with one be closed to traffic Tuesday for con: y (he Port Perry Public School 90 miles northeast of Reging MAY| po my (Op) --. More than grove strest to Glonbrae treet; |} in the parish hall of the Church! yg, down to $160,319. [were reported ta have been re-|quon road to Taunton road east; ©f Ascension. garage when an auxiliary gas fore a Thursday midnight strike Simcoe street north, Streets will ing. A into the street, where firemen ex-| Unlon and management ex-| closing of streets not on the above ook was married at Plekering In 1028 J 6,000 loy- maintaining graves at Brookside sues affecting about ) ample Brooklin, 9 to 10 pan Negotiators were to tackle local life underwriters association | Thursday, Sehiool flower costs and raises for staff en raise the minimum rate to $1 85,129 + 30, This organization repre. Department, 9 to 10 p.m ler, Crown Life Insurance Com: |p.m and public skating, 8 to 10 | hair of a true Celt, He had brown FOV TCC TALE, | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Belleville coach Ike Hildebrand, ler of Simcoe Street And everything he did general: oi oni0i™ musie « box, but ju at with Gerry Brassard, In Canada," Belleville won the a out to happen to me, eto. lern Senior A leaders 4-1 before|ville club was "hot, hungry and He was caught at the dock gate| hut couldn't do much against the|second, Ike Hildebrand gave Wo were seated in a bistro on fan, he religiously filled out his Gordie Bell but they were deadly Belleville scoring. Sandy Alr, Sid consisting of Mr, and vian seamen nearby started fight. | {his coupon, but on one of these 44 tle , We all kn.» the hest thing end for Belleville after a i In such a situation to sit [occasions, he compared the ne:|yith Whitby Dunlops Saturday Kane clicked for a Jick all under 12 years, were absent, Lat] troayuter, Mis) Dorls Li; COME FROM BEHIND | Nelghbors turned In the alarm) 84¢ tors, Josep and and al Kingston had to come from be-|About 8.30 pm. but the efforts of lw Dixon; Sens, Vic tor Fudge, hind twice to put down Hull Sat.|the 12:man volunteer fire bri. oseplt Baird; grievance commit. gade and neighbors to save the|lee, Firnest Briggs, Walter Dixon, ht 4 Ne went In front 240 in home were unavailing, Only fur R. Phillips; negotiating commit. % 0 glected coupon with the results, ther weekend action in still and they won't bother you.| "era oot he would have won night, In othe © We hadn't reckoned with Taffy. | coor thousand pounds had he {the OHA Eastern the fifth-place [Kingston Merchants edged Hull the first and it took Kingston unti [the early minutes of the third to 5 | niture from the kitchen aved nk, Violet Bennett; Newcastle Lions Club has un.|committee, Colin was tee, Colin Mainds, Albert Winter | executive Mainds, kK, Famous. Personality Homes. a EEE EE ---- h Eo i THROWN INTO DRUM [mitied it. [4-3 and Cornwall Chevies, last injtie, Hull bounced back into the The brawl had barely become| Bad luck dogged Taffy to thel(q Jeague, hung a 52 loss onjlead but the determined Mer il Tt ae D. Law. Miss B. Martindale, J interesting, when a huge Swede th | Kingston. |chants had a decided edge In play| i (TEE CACC PIE oan ROU po NC Winterisik, Mrs, V. Ben: strode across the floor, holsted | At the end of a voyage, the| Hull spurted to a 30 lead inland a pair of late goals by Nobby|"'{}' a organized. ; {nett und Miss C. Litile.. The the unoffending Taffy from his ship docked at Cardiff, Wales, |the second period before Belle:/Clarke gave them the decision . exp anation of the blaze Is ne Ro : i ed e. The seat. took careful aim, and just a few miles from his home ville's Moe Benoit tipped in| Rags Raglan and Moe Savard orthcoming as yet, No estimate Weinb rs of . loca are em: launched him through a bass/town of Carnaervon, Everyone! Wayne Brown's slapshot during a/were the other Kingston goal-| °F the damage has been arrived ployes of the Oshawa General drum on a small platform at the packed their bags and around|goalmouth scramble, gotters, Mike Legace, Guy Black|™! end of the room, (noon boarded trains for home. Guy Black, Johnnie Longarinl,'and Johnny Annable scored for Taffy crawled from the wreck. except Taffy, His replacement Mike Legace and Bobby Boucher Hull, ig age, and the restaurant, with a had not arrived on time, so he were Hull scorers, Playing coach| Hull's Bobby Boucher struck a whipped - spaniel look in his eye had to wait, {Connie Broden, who asked to Join spectator with his stick late in which was to betome familiar. | Finally, about midnight, the re./the Belleville jaunt but isn't ex:/the game and the unidentified Less than a month later, we lief boatswaln arrived, Taffy pected to go, collected two as: man was treated for a head cut were testing lifeboats, an opera: sprinted to the railway station, sists Kingston lost a lot of its steam tion which merely involvesito find he had Just missed the LAST BEFORE EUROPE Sunday when the home ice Corn launching and Inspecting the|last train, He decided to take al The game was Belleville's last wall skaters put them through boats. Taffy stood in one of the hotel room for the night, and go before leaving for Europe and to the ropes boats as we lowered it from the'home the following day mark the occasion the Whithy, Aggie Kukulowi davits They found him dead In his club made a symbolic presenta: for Cornwall Halfway to the water, a gear|room In the morning. An Inquest tion of the world title It won at scored bv Dennls Boucher an slipped in the lowering mechan: discovered that a gas fire had Otlo last year one by Rav Laplunte. Playin fam, and the boat plummeted to been turned on, unlit. in a vacnnt This is symbolic of handing coach Bus Gagnon got both King the water. Taffy fell on his face roum below his The dendly over the world title to Belleville," ston markers tn the boat. cutting his head. He fumes had filtered through a ven [sald Whithy manager Wren Blair.| Cornwall now trails had regained his feet, and com: tilator Into his room, which had|"We know it is in safe hands. |by three points and ag og ® feacinating Gow of nine mas fixtures, (They will bring # back." {games In hand, dertaken the Job of looking after| Briggs, Mrs. K. D. Milner, Mrs, of. Superior, Distinct FUNCTIONAL HOMES seem CUSTOM BUILT FOR THE DISCRIMINATING AND ST. JOHN AMBULANCE 1 DISCERNING HOME NURSING COURSE H. KASSINGER Commencing Wednesday Jan, 28th 1959 CONSTRUCTION LIMITED -- RA 5-9121 AT "130 PM. isted on two School of Nursing Alexandra St. for information GRANDVIEW GARDENS, 2 miles from Downtown Oshawa, East on King and registry. Aembe CALL RA 3-4024 FEE $2.00 Hospital, scored two nel as t the Oshawa Builders As at and the National Home Builders Association Kihgsto has two

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