Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Januery 24, 1959 | AT ROTARY 1 Tells Role Of Zi i 7 | City M BOWMANVILLE (Staff) the routine operation," he added. Members of Bowmanville town| Mr. Needham stated many mu- council and other civie officials nicipalities in Ontario are now|? heard the functions of a town|employing the town manager sys- v manager described by K. C.|tem, In the recent election in the fr | Needham, city manager of Oak-| city of Windsor, the Board of ville, Ont, ata Rotary club meet-| Control, was voted out in favor (ing Friday. | of a city manager system he sald | "It is the responsibility of the| "The manager sits in all coun- city manager to ensure all the|cil meetings with the mayor, and bylaws of the municipality are|on request will comment on any enforced, to maintain control over business on the agenda," said the ? all municipal departments and, - to recommend to council the ap-| Mr. Needham said that one big @ | pointments or removal of munici- 8dvantage of the system bene- |g pal employes. He also is required|fitted all members of council, In- to make recommendations to|stead of gaining a specialized |council concerning affairs he knowledge of the workings of one {deems to he of sufficient import-|department, they became famil- lance," said Mr, Neddham, far with all operations of the mu- | "It i of the utmost importance nicipal administration. |that he keep the public informed Over the years, the trend has | | | Ray Dilling, secretary-treasur- | er, and Mrs. Bruce Mutton, women's auxiliary representa- tive. Absent when photo was taken: L. M, Dewell, Mrs. A: L, Hooey and Mrs, C. Warren, ~Oshawa Times Photo BABYSITTER BECOMES TOO ATTACHED TO HER JOB chairman; Mrs. Lawrence Ma- son, Stanley Wilkins, admini- | strator; Mrs. W. Dippell, H. V, Cryderman and H. Jose, Front row: Mrs. W, H, Gibson, Glenholme Hughes, vice-chair- man; Ivan Hobbs, chairman; CONDI- | the needs of the district, Shown above at the first meeting of | the new board, are (left to right), Back row: Dave Higgon, property committee chairman; J. H, Stutt, grounds committee | OVERCROWDED TIONS are among major prob- lems facing Bowmanville Me- morial Hospital board in 1959. Board members learned pres- ent facilities are inadequate for Ivan Hobbs Will Head of the affairs of the community bee 10 owe Souncilior to bandle ) through council, and keep council Oy aout (ho department, but was not too clear { about what went on elsewhere, Ken Morris, Bowmanville indus-| trial commissioner, introduced the speaker. Rotarian Morley Vanstone, a former mayor of the {town, expressed the club's appre- ciation for the enlightening talk, Rotarian president Rex Walters presented the speaker with a copy of the History of Bowmanville, L. ladvised of the financial state of {the municipality, He must also | know requirements of the various Idepartments. This is all part of| owmanville Hospital BOWMANVILLE was chosen as chairman of the 238, 1540 patient days were spent Hospital in BMH 1217 first 1959 meeting Forty-five patient succeeds Glenholme in residence, an making an average Bowmanville Memorial as compared to Board at its Friday, He Hughes in the post of mncrease of 40.4, The December was a busy month previous year's average was 39.2./is made up of L. M A total of 80 operations were members Mrs, L the Mrs, The grounds committee consists stated report, performed in December in Stanley hospital, 30 of which were classed elected as major at the hospital, it was Submitting his monthly hospital administrator Wilkins told the newly board there were 201 admissions per .day were rence Mason, H 11, Dewell The public relations committee Officers elected at the meeling" A Ivan Hobbs were discharged as compared to Cryderman and Dr. Keith Slemon Dave Higgon is property com- mittee chairman with Mrs, Law Jose and L. M as members, Dewell and Ww H. Gibson. Mrs War chairman, Mrs, C of J. L. H. Stutt, Hooey and during the month, This Is two léss were chairman Ivan Hobbs, vice- ren, than in the same month the prev: chairman Glenholme Hughes fous year. All other statistics| Ray Dilling was were up with the exception of tary-treasurer stillbirths, of which there were A striking committee none, and deaths of which there ed of the chairman and were four each year chairman suggested four There was a total of 51 births mittees of wh in the hospital in December as'proved finance compared to 39 the previous year. consists halrma compos vice all Vere Tt of ap appointed secre- cluded committee ber expenditures Glenholme committee was authorized to pur Other business decided upon in the appointment of Dr W. G. Grant, of Oshawa, to the consulting staff, on the recom mendation of the medical com- and payment of $6,424.16 was au-| Decem property thorized for the hosnital's The Two hundred and fifty patients Hughes, Mrs. Bruce Mutton, H. V. chase new beds and equipment ALONG THE LAKESHORE Dippell and staff,| By DOROTHY LEWIS St. Paul Dispatch Writer ST. PAUL, Minn, (AP)8This is the story of a babysitter who really stuck sat, and sat, and sat--far be. yond the actual call of duty, She was hired by a young couple in the Minneapolis sub- urb of Edina to watch children while the couple at- tended a party, The lady of the house, In instructing the 16-year-old, for- got one thing--that she had sprayed some of the bathroom equipment with a white plastic paint, the kind that "won't rub off " Early in the evening the sit- ter visited the bathroom. And when the young couple returned 3 a.m. they found the per- | plexed, red-eye sitter still sit ting ther Firstt he mather tried turpen- tine in an effort to unseat the unhappy girl, but she became convinced the paint was 100 per cent as advertised DOCTORS FAILS Then she had call the family I 1 hushand who her doctor to her job--and | their | He applied alcohol with no re- su But," he assured the sitter, | "we'll tind a way." | As the doctor was trying to figure one out he tripped over the sitier's foot, fell against the bathtub and knocked himself cold. The husband called the hospi- tal and within minutes an am- bulance was on the way. The driver and attendant scooped up the doctor, who suffered a concussion, Then, with a hearty "ally- oop" the ambulance crew fore the sitter from her sitting place and trundled her and the doc- tor to the hospital Both recovered Lawyers later drew up (wo lawsuits against the young cou- ple--one for the sitter and one for the doctor. But the suits won't be filed, an Insurance company executive said Friday. 'They'll be settled out of court, "We'd love the advertising we would get." the Insurance man said. "But our concern for the parties involved Is stronger "It's just too embarrassing all around." New Warden Is Man came to the ef i am. Appoint Farm Because next Wednesday night is Ladies' Night, there will be, no regular meeting Friday. | Nixons Still ' Hold The Lead | PORT HOPE -- By taking four points for the second successive week, Nixon's are enjoying a full week lead in the Down Town {Men's Bowling League with a total of 46 points, In contention are the Central] = Market with 42, Haggis Bowlers | 5 at 40% and Happy's Surplus with! #7 39. The others, in order, are: Brad-| | ford Hoshal 37'%2, King Motors and' ¥ Royal Grill 35 each, Branch No.| 20 Legion, 30, Queen's Hotel 27,| {Heard's Head Pins 22, New Ser-| {vice Cleaners 16 and in the cellar | Murray's Taxi at 14 Nixon's Vern Huffman threaten-| ed teammate Bob Smith's high| {double and triple honors during the week, but fell short due to bad breaks. Huffman rolled a 775 |trinle | Smith has high double of 562 land triple of 782. Nick Bulkowski has top singles at 341, High individual scores for men and women In the 50-50 Bowling League are: high single, ladies Helen Fulfords 336; men, How- Imogene, owned by | James T. Brown, Newcastle, one of six four-year-old Hol stein heifers nominated for All- Canadian consideration. She Jost out in the final balloting, the All - Canadian award going to Denfield Fond Hope Pansy, Veeman Top picture shows Browview | George, Hv Ont. Imogene was Grand Champlon at the Dur ham County Black and White Day, second at Peterborough Champion show and third a the Royal Winter Fair. Bottom pie- ture shows another Bowman- ville animal, Bar M. Tensen Walker, owned by R. B, Glas- v " LRG A of the six four-year-old Holstein heifers nominated. The Glas pell heifer was first prize fours year-old and Reserve Grand Champion at the Durham Couns ty Black and White Day and first at Peterborough cham- Of Many, Varied Parts By ANGUS GORDON District Editor Port Hope has been signally honored as the lakeshore muni- cipality to receive Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in June, There is considerable disappointment among larger municipalities, but it is obvious that the considerable itinerary could not be enlarged or crowded any more, Most peo le's first reaction on viewing the ist of places to be visited was one of commiseration for the royal party. Such a tour will en tall considerable fatigue So that it is possible that Port Hope and the Massey residence will be more or less a haven, or rest camp for the royal visitors In that case, it is likely that pub He functions at Port Hope will be evt to a minimum. Undoubtedly, the town will attract big crowds If only for this reason, the coun. ell, chamber of commerce and Yother public bodies will be bugy in the next two or three months Uning up some sort of a program The United Counties council and neighboring municipal coun ells will probably be invited to some of the functions to be ar ranged. It is generally under stood that Port Hope will actually be regarded as host to represent all the lakeshore municipalities NEW WARDEN Garnet Rickard, the new ward v. en of the United Counties, as- sumed his new office with as. WARDEN GARNET RICKARD surance of a good measure of support. However, it was freely United Counties engineer was get records and details of every rumored for some time before direct in his answers to the crit- single farm accident, no matter the December elections that he ics. He pointed out that over how slight, as soon as possible would not seek a seat on the $60,000 was spent in keeping after it occurs, Yarli vouneil. | uted. a creel { Darlington township council, roads ploughed, and sanded in FLOOD CONTROL PROGRAM ard Sanders, 340; high double -- |1adies, Dorothy Austin, 607; men, | Doug Ferguson, 601; high triple- ladies, Dorothy Austin, 788; men, owned by Sheffield Farms, St. | pell, Bowmanville, another one | Plonship Show. Haggis Leads MOH Stresses In Basketball 'Rabies Danger PORT HOPE--Haggis Bowlers increased their hold on the top Tow cantile BE a Lat on High COBOURG -- More than 360|ner showed council members a School with a 61-52 win over cases of rables have been re- flim produced in the United States Turck's Basketeers in a free sco- ported in the United Counties of by the U.S, Health Services. The ring tilt Northumberland and Durham, Dr, film showed children in the early Claud r bk wd his Charlotte Horner, counties medi- (and final agonizing stages of the aude itzgibbon A DIST eal officer of health, told United disease charges » vigiory With 28 Zoints Counties council Friday Dr. Horner urged council to in- yulle carl AO Ae River While there is an increase introduce the necessary bylaw to of Gold boys with 27 the number of pets, particularily [control dogs and the Jorma ka In the second game O'Neill's dogs and cats, being vaccinated py Pounds where stray dogs an Jets earned a tight 5149 victory|it was noted that vacination is logs Suffering from Suspected in Tegulation time over the Ei. not 100 per cent sure in its effec Sages 0 bas hies could be kept for dos for their second triumph of she sald. Six animals which were|© ages val op, the season. vaccinated later developed rabies, b Or Sal ad They were led Dick Rob. she added jue ork, Ken Symons, read A erts who tallied 14 points, and So far, more than 200 people a li, me Seal met a Jerry Kelly with 12, Bob Mec- have received treatment for Con: |p aneh Reh yond 2 copy Clure once again led the losers'tact with 'rabid animals. Dr.| of a controlled dog DYlaw The with 14 also. |Horner warned that there is dan- | citer also urged mass vacein- Just as Improved farming prac: bridge. RR 3: and George Gowan-| |ger in giving a human such a. § u Inaning . 'lation accompanied by a strict i i , lev. RR 2 vaccine, and three people already |, intenance of the bylaw. The tices are the result of scientifie looks Athey ov, a " Cobour u developed post-vacelnal enceph-|) iio. (was ordered sent to the research anplied on actual farm- further information on the pro-| DOUGLAS EDINBOROUGH g alitis [letter wai ed se ing conditions, so can a sound posed farm accident survey may 5 4 . legislative and bylaw committee. farm safety program result only (be secured from Lynn Fair, agri-| T Aid C d t ort Perry Boy 10 Ald Ladets . PORT HOPE Three Port Will Be Page Hope Kiwanians will be guests) At Queens Pk. | Greatest concern of the health fy i i t is possible that such a bylaw unit, is for the household pets. | i ih from research on actual farm ac-/cultural representative, Depart will be introduc ed this session. cldents. Once the 'survey and ment of Agriculture, Uxbridge, | Tuesday night of the Cobourg Kiwanis Club, dedicated to the | PORT PERRY-Douglas Fdin- and Bruce Smart, * president, borough, son of Mr. and Mrs, past president and secretary of If these should be bitten by rabid summary has heen completed,' Ont promotion of sea cadets In Co (Harry Edinborough is planning the Port Hope-Cobourg branch animals, is probable they! would bring the disease Into the home f any change is observed in| the behavior of the family pet, oud, it should be taken to a veter- A.J ] \p F " jlo me coming trip to Toranto of the Navy League of Canada |where he will act as a page dur-|., ssis rogram pl | where he has heen a member 10568 money which in ordinary| UXBRIDGE -- Dales of excep-| Thursday, Jan, 29, 2 pm. = ing the coming session Pane yn gules in 3 Program Rlansed for the past elght years circumstances would be used tol The townships within the orbit tional interest to Ontario county Winning Ontario County Plow|ment, This Is the first time in!Skeena, in Port Hope He leads an extremely busy pave. Undoubtedly in these days,|0f the Metropolitan Toronto and farmers are contained in this team meeting, Ontario Plowmen's the history of Port Perry that a| Ten of the Skcena cadets are life and Is never far away from'it costs a. little more to keep Regional Conservation Authority calendar issied by Lynn Fair,| Association, Toronto. [local boy has been chosen as a | : Accident Body A farm accident farm safety programs can be de. Doug Ferguson, 823; high aver actual farming age ladies, Dorothy Austin, 189; men, Harold Churchley, 217. oe UXBRIDGE survey will be conducted In On- vised based on tario County as part of the pro- conditions, vincial scheme during the period) The farm accident survey is March 1, 1060 0 Feb. 29, 1960. heing organized by the Ontario states Lynn Fair agricultural department of agriculture with representative for Ontario Coun the co-oneration of the Ontario ty County Federation of Agriculture "Every day somewhere in On naka 4 - tario a member of some farm ACCIDENT REPORTERS family suffers death, injury or fi In most townships, accident re-| nancial loss from accidents." he porters will be selected for small sald. "One member of every well defined areas such as a fourth farm family in Ontario will school section. The county farm he an accident vietim this vear, if accident committee is as follows: accidents on the farm and in the Larry Doble, Uxbridge, RR 3 home continue at the present (Chairman); C hes. Oldham, | rate." |Zeohvr: Gordon Corner, Oshawa, | Improper usé of farm machin RR 2; Wallace McLean, Udney;| ery. working when hamnered hy {Anson Gerrow, Port Perry, RR 31 fatigue, trying to up the Cecil Disney, Brooklin, RR eh working program beyond a sen- Morrison Colville, Sunderland, sible rate, ignoring manufactur- RR 2; Mrs, Glen Hill, Port Perry| er's directions, lack of respect for| (secretary) Tom Harrison, high speed machinery are only| Beaverton, RR 2; Gordon Hunter, some of the prime factors in the Brooklin, RR 1; Don St. John, present accident rate, he added, |Uxbridge: Norman Smith, Ux- | speed Horner's address, by Ontario County SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 D. Johnson, F. be overemphasized, she declared Once the disease attacks humans, a general paralysis and death results, . To emphasize the seriousness of the spread of rabies, Dr. Hor- ari y Or L. Barr inarian immediately, sald Dr Horner anything of public moment in roads open, Most people either the township or the coun- drive cars. Cars are not, unfor Danger of this disease cannot] ties. In fact, it was recently tunately, as mobile as the old now were given a peek ai flood con trol measures for the area. The program which would cost principal events covering a per-tive meeting, Uxbridge Depart-| {from Cobourg, and Gordon Dun- agricultural representative of the | Thursday, Jan. 20, 8.30 p.m. -- page for the Legislative Assem-|lop of Cobourg, vice-president of county. The calendar stated that he was the most con- sleighs when snow and ice cover $34,607,600 to complete Is design- jod of the next two weeks. sistent attender at council and the roads committee meetings in both town-'old Dobbin of yester.year ship and council For the privilege of winter driv With all this, he is regarded as ing, we've to pay a little more one of the foremost farmers in It would be interesting to know Ontario, evidenced by the fact'{f the critics include those con that he is a member of the ad- siderate people who dump the visory board of the OA( past pre:ident of the Soil sand Crop Improvement As sociation; a director of the On. they did not wait until the snow tario Seed Growers Association: plow or grader had passed be and a member of the advisory fore obstructing the road for un board on the Canada Seeds Act | wary drivers The practice is He can still find time to act as!fairly widespread, but seems a director of Durham county particularly bad in the Taunton agricultural society, of which he road area fs past president; and the Dur. FARM SAFETY SURVEY hain County Soils and Crop Im: "(0 ous provement Association ® ur nm county men are He won one of the most covet pot o ing the grass get a chance od awards m Canadian agricul 30 Dou hid through he ci i Al ture when he was presented with OR. eh jos pat ne nt of agri the Robertson Fellowship lest', TG pal \eme for a farm safe year, which brings him member Ol he Am haut had ship of one of the most exclusive county " 3 rYInp)e bodies interested in the produc! epresenia Hon of seed wp cha In passing, it might also be ownship mentioned that none of these ti Hes are honorary. They all mean work, vet the new warden has n found time to be actively inter Like mted in junior farmer projects od with fhroughout the country aspect: of He is stated by county officials'to be one of the keenest commit men on counties council, and jas headed finance, roads and yuilding committees, possibly the ree most important ts touncil COUNTY ROADS Apropos of county roads Ontario the middle of the highway w only A \ Oliver agricultural hi already sel men for the He : of to groups vill names he announce the men who have eed Wp most n 1 0 ganize the hin a day variou or two I connect h this is on 1B ( naustry mi he He l ° inxious mprove mvineed too that 0" | most n ac aK hid onable re wound po on rve the partment 5 The ¢ is ap This might work out alright if efit studies, will ne Creek Not as dependable as ed to permanently eliminate the threat of flood disasters such as reated by Hurricane Hazel four vears ago, in the 950-square mile region. The 92-page brief, containing maps and charts, plus a thor is a snow from their driveways into Oughly detailed explanation of the projects, problems and cost-ben be tabled in Iraft form Tuesday by Dr. G Ross Lord, chairman of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, at a spe clal meeting. Construction of 13. multi-pur pose dams and reservoirs for flood control, summer flow regu lation, recreational purposes water conservation and as a civil defence 'measure is proposed Purchase of 7600 acres of vulner able flood plain lands for develop ment as conservation area and parkland is recommended Cost of the project, to be car led out a 10-year would be borne by ind provincial governments naving 37% per cent and MTRCA, which will pay 25 cent Amounts spent' on atersheds would be as Humber, $16,179 600 the Don 10,555,000; Duffin Creek, $1,979 0: Etobicoke Creek. $2,522.000 Highland $1,447,000; the R and Mimic over period the federal each the the seven follows Creel $1,325,000 $600,000 Mundie 199 ied 1 Pl ld palitic Autl LL) portion lo bene parently keen to ceived. Monday, Jan. 26, 1.30 p.m ort Perry Agricultural Society annual meeting, Monday, Jan, 26-8:00 pm Agricultural Institute of Canada Meeting, Toronto Tuesday, Jan, 27. 8:30 pm Port Perry Junior Farmers' Jan. uary meeting Wednesday, Jan, 28, 10 am, - Holstein Friesian Association an. nual meeting, Toronto. Thursday, Jan, 29, 10 am, - Annual Soil and Crop Improve- ment annual meeting, Toronto. Swindled Woman Of Burial Money (CP) Gor was sentenced vear for swindling woman out of $410 P ST. CATHARINES don Young 17 Friday to one a Thyear-old "burial money Young was found guilty Thurs day defrauding Mrs. M.D Taggart by getting 1 sign a blank cheque, then cashing it for $410. Mrs Taggart ald the money came from a bank account of $610 which he saving cover her funeral expenses Young will be taken to Well to be tried for breach of He serving sentence lalse \ to was and probation Vas a su ended for pre UAL My de tence I'n ntence on ton. yhen he art and n ible for the original convic contains Uxbridge Junior Farmer Execu- bly. iment of Agricultural office. | Thursday, Jan. 29, 8 pm. -- South Ontario Agricultural So- ciety annual meeting, Oshawa. {4H Homemaking Club Achieve- {ment Day Beaverton. 2.00 p.m. - Beaverton Falr Society an "nual meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1.30 pm. {North Ontario D.H.I.A. Members barn tour. Wednesday, Feb. 4, 12.15 p.m. Project committee meeting to plan projects for 1959, Soil and Crop Improvement program Thursday, Feb, 5, 830 p.m ruary Saturday, meeting, Feb. 7, 10 am 4-H Homemaking Club Achieve: ment Day, Port Perry. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have Wot received your Times by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All colls must he placed before 7 pm. \ + tan Son, Beaverton Junior Farmers' Feb: -- the Navy League, will be guest The boys, from the ages of 12 speaker at the meeting. {to 15, in Grades 7 or 8, are| The Port Hope |chosen for one session only. {has helped and supported dent Kiwanis Club nounced the is breaking diplomatic relations BREAK OFF RELATIONS MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Presi: Adolfo Lopez Mateos an- Friday night Mexico They must be outstanding stu- sea cadet movement since its in-|with neighboring Guatemala, He {dents and be personally recom: ception and the Cobourg club in-made the announcement a few | Saturday, Jan, 31, 10.30 am, -- mended by the principal of the tends to devote some time to the hours after Guatemala refused tol |school, Dring the stay in Toronto they will receive educational instruc . (tion at the parliament buildings MORTSON TO BUFFALO each morning to enable them to! NEW YORK (AP)-The New| (keep up their standing during the York Rangers of the National 'eight to ten weeks' absence from! Hockey League Friday sent Gus {home | Mortson, 13-year NHL It is understood that there is'man, to their American League keen competition for this position|Buffalo farm club. Mortson, 34, as there are comparatively few obtained from Detroit on waiv page hoys needed during the ses- ers earlier this week, also saw project, | The Women's Welfare League Of Oshawa invites you to attend their ANNUAL MEETING SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE 10 Fisher Street, Oshawa on Monday, Jan. 26, at 2:00 p.m. Guest Speaker HAROLD V. CRANFIELD, M.D. Medical Director, Ontario Society for Crippled Children |service with Chicago and Toronto. | defense- | take a dispute over fishing rights {to the international court of just: | ice If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first, If you are unable to con. tact him by 7:00 p.m, TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m, Only One SUIT or DRES 51 BURK SPECIAL HALF PRICE SALE SECOND SUIT or DRESS .. 75¢ YOU SAVE . . . LIMITED TIME ONLY RINKER'S CLEANERS 23 ATHOL W. PHONE RA 5-1191 S$ . . . Reg. 1.60 i 75¢ 4 RITSON N.

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