Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Jan 1959, p. 12

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121 owas viv, sense, sone 34, 19 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Increase Seen Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity Prices Stay Up | a Car Output. TORONTO WERELY STOOK QUOTES rl RL -- BT LT T--TTTT] RI a -- B7 The Consdisn Press le Oloss Change ner ; FH Sook Seles Wigh Low Close Ohangs ah Low Sales Wigh Lew Close Change mn ow Lew : * week Is estimated at 8,442 ve- Advances outnumbered declines by. 381 to 344 on the 10% 10% Majirans ba 4a "9 4 " Of 1 e © {hicles compared with 8,163 last Toronto Biock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged keland 3 10 WV 9 Marigold i 1 " 1B + W "4 week, says the Canadian Auto. totalled 84 Lakeld debs " 72h + W Wh Meda) Hit] "m vr MW $0 m0 4 8B +3% L] | bil 1, Woods pr 120% 12214 ~ 14h oon W130 80 76 1 Ow 3008 19% 19 10h + WB 124 mobile Chamber of Commerce. , # bed P8400 58 50 MB +1 By GERRY MARTIN Gypsum rose to $45, a 1958-59) Production consisted of 7,207 Canadian Press Staff Writer |peak for the Issue on the strength cars. compared with 7,008 and Volume for the week was 20.190,000, 4p from the Laura Se #5 $28 26 2M +3 a previous week's 24,929,000. Total 1 GT 1 wh a BN Bi Nat Pe A Hea ww 9 8 9 n% #000 " 116 | Canadian stock prices retained of the offer, recommended by its 1,145 trucks compared with 1,095. as fie DAW, (ual Lob G apr 100 Ba Wa iva wo pe wo ne wh +4 + be 0 Wve Bh Aith -- MAW 300 40h Jevels this week despi'e the|directors. It later softened under| Production fo date this year Is #154 13609 860% ] Mh ' " 30 fact sellers appeared to outnum-|profit - taking and closed at estimated at 27,016 vehicles com- Stoek Ya a #700 20 " +3 15 ber buyers, |$41,87%, up 37% cents on the pared with 18.619 In the corres' As Inspiration io Film w | One market observer said: week. {ponding period last year--made Abitint om Me Mr cw Wo Int Nickel v os "Canadian stock prices continue] Dominion Tar moved to $186. 1247 up of 23,408 cars compared with Andad Me "a 3 4 - fir M ou win 120 ; 1] 19% high, sustained by the persistent the day the offer was announced|16,117, and 3,608 trucks compared Agnew § 7s 48° lam 15 Mass ¥ 131373 $13% " im 8878 RET eR 2 8 4 |demand for equities as hedges|hut slipped to close at $15.50, off with 2,502, Alta Dist 26020 hm Maud or 13154 91th 218 hy J : " against inflation and as a means 2's cents on the week, - ar Production by companies ' 114 12 13 4 ' " " of sharing in the profits of 5 week a lor year , J ;| PIPELINES AHEAD date, with figures for last week Alla on id iri me ih Mere Ohi 10 ad ig 4 Ul ' Ls Agomar "sn swe : Mersey pF $0 ng " 3 Hu bt 950 31. 2 x in sharply-rising Industrial produc: | Alg Cen wi __i00 921 ; Mex LP i Pad . : 5 [tivity," | Pipelines received a hoost atiang the corresponding period Jast Amin iL Bi 4 M West » 4 rh ! 19%» pooh 23 u i | Industrials scored their best ad. mid - week as Prime Minister|year in brackets; Alum 2 pr Mo H Mill Brick 1550 310 30 1 ii' jd 4 1m 8 i NE my 4" |vance in a year Inst week, but Diefenbaker announced in the!" Chrysler 447. (731); 2.640 (3,188), Ansing | on 3 Cont A . ; Prairie Off me 2 "4 yisathis week light profit-taking set| House of Commons that the gov-\pord 2,073 (1,506); 5,552 (4.314), youn mp gr HY i] i 2 Molson B 1 hove Gas ris 2" 300 M6 ~| ho " , ¢ " " 4 the section back, igi a wider fo Ohiigation General Motors 4 nm "ay Arcan W221 170 » Molson pr ' " , " 14,704 (8.509), Studebaker-Pack- Arkur 20 fii Hi h Mont Toor 4 AT f Hoel Tart A By Bt Pier id ) siml7 79 i [MASSEY MOVES UP | Borden energy commission's rec ard 160 (160): $12 (112), Argis 230 A AEE al ud Moore v 4 Richwll 102807 148 + 1 1300 ' Several corporate news items ommendations, Truck production by com. Ashdown B 390 $134 : Nat Drug f : Rocky Pete 35458 Me 124 14 h Lite W had a telling effect on issues con-| * 'erprovincial pipe line gained| {panies: Ash Temple 100 8 8 0 N St Cor . 7 ' rind "4 "" ) 4 sons 148 cerned, Massey-Ferguson was the $2.50 at $54.25. Trans -Canada ™ Chrysler 56 (150); 356 (281), Atlan Are 1000 84 3 y #apph debs 2 4 6 " 12113 118° +4 1m #0 most active Industrial, tradingimoved up $1.12% cents but fell ord 319 (160); 704 (548); General Rourry 45400 wh 188 ip Nn.» "4 (136, 273 shares, up 87% cents at|hack In the face of profit- faking. Motors 770 (785); 2,546 (1,32). (812,87'%. Massey preferred added(lt closed off 37% cents Atlas Hieel 6309 924 400 H Auto Klee 325 $19 v Becur' Free 1140 728 0 700 15 . ou "ao » 18 Bank Mont 4800 965% B34 BIL ~1lh 1 by 3300 | 4400 ' " 3 Rank NS, (D0 Sin Sir, SH ? Noth Siar br VA A 1 Boum yu aie Nm a A "io 025 0 $6.50 at $127.50. The company an-|$20.37%, Barcelona 170 435 438 18 NS wis 87 1218 42 Spoonat 1344 d h I Ld ws a (nounced it had made an offer to Refining oils gained as Alberta Ww t 335 220 |purchase the entire {(ssued or- er de oll nominations for Febru. ay se a er 19 \dinary stock of F. Perkins Co., [ary were report xd up 2.4 per cent NO NGas #508 Y 1 " |diesel - engine manufacturers, of from January. Profit - taking 3% | England again reduced gains 0 ip utos Bath Pow A 475 $504 40% AO +1 ! } U4 1% Bath Pow B 1353 #22) Remit +718 Sie Nor Phone shan 300 30 ' 970 +3 0 Ta sal Beav Lmbr 470 $294 » til pr BA THA THA + IA ed y Hell Phone 19932 HIN why Oh Jane Sn ind 3 hi MM 4 Leaxindin Tidal 521 176 144 LL Lae 1 | The widest price changes went Uraniums showed sone of their| to Gypsum, Lime amd Alabastine|best strength in a number of] yArIFAX (CP) -- Maritime Bowater pr 430 4 " 0 Jockey 240 215 5 +10 1 Wayne 1 following an offering from Do- months as Eldorado Mining and ,.onohile dealers. alarmed at Lyndhst (minfon Tar and Chemical to pur- Refining Lid. the federal uran- io. railway freight costs, may Biltmore pr 185 » Blue Rib pr 175 1 0M Ocean Cem 1198 815% 18 i -¥% U Can 1 f Lorado Bowater B00 4 Office Spec $16 16 18 42% Un oi y -) 1 Lorado wis fet Bowsl #4 "i 4 LU 0 Jockey pr 5 #10 10 p [] Wespae joa 3 0 Jock B 1000 #4 9) 1 ] 0 Jock wis 47700 09 © "' » 4 54,00 it = or rl 5 chase its assets for two common|ium purchasing agent, said fon- shift to water or highway trans- Ont Loan $0 Vi 14 W Dacaita 20903 7" 1 shares and $14.50 for each com- nage and values 'or 1958 nearly nor to hring fn car shipments "Hh BY , Dec wis 6200 ! Hig ~ mon share of .Gypsum 'doubled those In 1957 | ol, 1 i» -t y OEE Ans. A from central Canada, The Nova Scotia Automobile "in WM 924 9 W Nace 7078 1 v1 42 600 400 7 400 Windfall ! A 1 -3 1 3 Tow hd ! 4 Dealers Association discussed ' Mas 811% Ry / 100 f A Malartie BOE 8 pr 98 $4614 Photo Eng n 1075 [3 Dalhousie 2030 » 1 Manesst U 00 9-8 # [ these alternatives Friday and de. ' 3 BW Pete 5025 1m 103 Maralgo EY 1 4 ed er ur S [cided to investigate them further, iH - Some dealers said the opening A 4 Powell R 218 BCE bla pr 622 #50 Pow Corp £13 BAAS AS Marcon r 1414 Maritime 110 {of the St. Lawrence Seaway may BC Forest - 3085 $14 1 3 P Pips Mig 11540 480 . y Sepak a 2a Min M4 Uy Premium M85 $5% hhh Martin ao." wh BC Pow 7500 8404 be 40W + 1M pros beer 4 120 "w Muiateh . Li {make it economical to ship from Be Joong 48 Win nn a a4 ) RBIK A 10 $11 Acad Uren tom 8° 77 1 4 be fritid 2s i Ontario ports by water during the ong 1 Ti Me eu XB Roberteon 230 #18 18 18 7 Alvacs pA " ; MeKen f M3 o {summer. Foreign cars landed at Bruck A ne Wr eh v4 Jb Hl vr BMI Iw 11% Aknitche 0162 MeMary W '2 ii By WALTER BREEDE JR. (business and labor to forgo ex- Halifax for central Canada could Brisk B03 a ae " Roe AV Can 27197 813% 1204 12% Alba Eno) pA 4 entor NEW YORK (AP)--Storms and |travagant price and wage in- provide a return carg Hii 3 10 : Roe AV 8% BI5 $100 99 100 h Merril - creas y Burlinglon 108 $16 ibe 18 ) A aN Aliom deh 3000 VN wi 90g Harlan floods dented U.S. industrial pro- creases. He also added a new A Yarmouth Sealer sald bp, oh Bums 2186 $124 12% 13M Royal Oak A 100 $1014 1014 1014 gom wis 7460 Midrim y duction this week, living costs p ar- studying a pian to ship Burrard A 200 7% Th TW = 2 i » Milliken 1 5 251 200 ' Ishowed a downward trend and senal--a watchdog Soramilise of | transport to Bar Harbor, Me,, and d Minds linterest rates tightened, In Wash-|economic experts who will keep|then by aute ferry to western 3 aeSusues: SETTER ewn3 a a =a +1 Braz Br Tok ank pr 7 Tnk wis 12% Bright "i BA Oil W737 Mak BCE 4% pr 118 838% BOE 4 pr 230 $4144 BCE 4% pr 225 Wily ES FTEE 5 5 FF IF OE 1 , Mn Corp a [ington, the first blows were ex-|am eye on government spending, 'Nova Scotia, 45 Cand Pp f J » LILY " 4 Cal Pow jon " IU $0 Maurice #8500 12 : 3 7 ARSON Mo 77.7 A f Miniore 2 | Can Cem #7 iW % - Sa § 8401 $3584 34) 2 b - ly 7 ' 47 "si changed in the annual battle of Can Cem pr 173 821 Salada B 1440 ; W 7 ANE Rourn n i 11 am 7 gee ot. And Russian bid OCC Stone #0 813 13 1 [] Salada wis 2290 9204 1814 2004 + ' nh Mone 10200 #7 [J] {the budget. And a CI Fndry 145 837 37 M24 B34 AI ITN ~1i4 Absx Re 700 - y 004008 104 for a larger slice of U.S, trade CF 44 150 0100 904 B04 | ny 0 40 an A Arcadia 06! ER A500 81 was turned down Can Life 10 9218 TI (TR a | read wis wd 1 A ! 194350 92 MB L) Th highlights of " Can Malt wo a1 3 BoM » Wh M4 + W ! Area " Nat E 193000 14 11 1 8 | ese were highlights of a wee) can Malt, pr 3 ® ® ou $i6l4 My 64 Atl vi : 1 M7500 2 44 | that found investors, businessmen . Pack 3 pr f 700 18 11 offie bett C Pack B Mw Sliverwd A s 1% Lim + W Atiin Rut 1308 Hf 17600 - 33 and Washington Wi ah yet ing Can Perm 40 861 804 Simpaons TTP TR Aubetls 2 7: 4 New Alger 17600 § y ¢ |even more heavily than before on CSL Wie» 300 an dite A SKI) Mig 4790 is 1 1 ] Aulnache H New Ath 15075 #8 Le 19 [Operation Upturn, Can ire 178 S164 ba Slater 110 9274 274 274 + WH New Bid #100 Ld A 4 4 ry C Bk Com 4920. #56 Bd% Southam 160 $09 6814 641A 4104 y Aun Ld LO New Cal 54630 39 in | Jee-clogged rivers overflowing C Bk Cm rt 30072 480 448 47 Spartan 205 7% TW Tie = A Avila New Delhi 18500 32 24 (thelr banks closed steel mills, Can Brew 9955 8304 30% + } Spartan wis 2500 250 240 240 ' Bahiano Wn Bn 2 1h N Dicken 17075 340 ! flooded coal mines and stalled Cdn Brew pr M1 00% Ma WH St Pav IRIE SARL 47% Mig + M 3 4 4 N Goldvue 10526 1] 4, [3 Se Alum' 5200 813% 131 19 H 1 St Pav rie 13334 165 158 160 +5 Barnat : 1 " " N "I 14% {shipments of steel, coal sand and CRAL A wis 3430 805 810 B80 St Radio B00 14% 14M 14% + 2 Jars api 0 New Hoseo 330650 150 bi H gravel on Inland waterways, CHAL B wis 655 #8 5 ' [] 4 Stedman 2045 84) MM 2% | y . New Jason 19700 10'4 [J] uto producti slowed a bit, Can Can A 1865 81444 14 144 = Steel Can SIR $75% 724 73 Base Met + N Kelore #6110 1) ' Wop p reek' oy tal timated Can Celan 1608 $19} 18% 18% + 1 Bleinbg A 6750 524% 23% 244 5 Baska - Newlund 30000 32 12 (but the week's total--estimale C Cel $178 ' io 0h ON MW - ovel pr 145 Ma 64 9 ! Ja te fd aa N Man 1100 36 4 In [by Automotive News at 130,190 Chem 08 Shy Propane 250 #li% 11M 3 4 N Mylama 808139 184 owe . cent rise Collleries 3463 8817 § Propane pr 200 $2314 24 2944 y Belcher } } Newnor 3500 84 " Be ears pi wed a 21pers ent ris Coll pr 18600 80 " 0 8 Prop wis 1070 350 r Blterre 120 N Senator 3800 6i4 1 4 1 4 (Over the same week inst year, Curt W 115315 390 330 Kuptest ord 1635 $18 Bothim " 1 New Taku 1000 18 - 1 | EEL BUYING UP Dredge 380 Maw WW "i Suptest pr 25 908 . Baveon BO n Nickel Ms 4760 78 s (STEEL NG U G Rec 1000 9 194 wl ! Switson 7 } J " p y Niek Rim 4186 120 | a Li y " y 8 Hyd Car 3741 #4 # 3 : Tor Fley M0 $38 ATW ' / Bicroft 2 no" ¢ Nipissing 11000 25) Mm - 1" Steel buying from Wiruhoy IL 2338 Bl6k 16 15 T Gen Tr 100 $437 43% 43) RE Bicroft wt 3 ' 3 Nis 16000 7% s [has picked up substantially, an iL pr wl Us 14 " . Tortiron A 108 830% 3014 : Bideop say au ln Nor Aeme 20000 17 8 warehouse shipments for the first an On Tor Mort , Norand 14256 955% Me 3h op noi 8p 40 $0 " ' Tor MAF pr H y 1 HM Bonville 1 Norands 124 quarter may top the year. ago 3 990 SLOW 10W T Fin A Mt a% IW Bordulae 000 [] [] Norlartie ' YI by 25 per cent, Some buyers 077 40h WA 0 0M » . ah 0 io0 &4 LA Normetal 1950 » reported stocking up in an- ay Pot pr 62) $13% 134 - 1 n 3 . . $ Norpax 00 2 . un 18 Iticipation of a steel strike In dan Tire 6 8148 14) wis 36 7490 y y ; Rralorne 4 y Norsyne } $3 Y Tuly Bronest N olden br I 'Liv | ts inched lower last A | ving coals 8 IGRID BERGMAN, as a White | opens next Wednesday at the an Wall B 100 a% 2% Hi L] 87 wis 8083 ) Broul | 900 : "dota 3 4 a1 |month.. The December decline 1 J Missionary in China, shares her | Regent Theatre, Curt Jurgens: WN Gas pr 408 815 Can PL 18508 Wasting 275 3 . ow Trans Min 17180 roams Northgate hard Trust 100 $38 PPL 1005 $26% 254 264 = 1 a ' - r Northsp y Hr 516600 23 Norn"A wis $300 Bigg to only two-tenths of Do Do iron : one per cent in the government's| food Ww group and the late Robert Donat als hateGal 2:45 920 . T™ 50 455 450 450 9 Ne am un : am 100 li - Bit AL aime wa Noth Cm hon she is trying to lead to safety oc kahutt 0% 44 3 : toa3s $164 N u 4 Norvalie 21128 17 consumer price index, hut it was e is trying to lead to 500 1 y 0 28 Bunk Hil l Nudul $300; H 1 Ir Trt dip since August. during the China-Japan con. | Are starred with Ingrid Berg flict prior to World War 11, | man in this Cinemascope, Tech- Comb Ent FIC TRL y Conchita 410 #11 14 8 U Corp | - $28 Nov Beaus 370 160 3 | Factory workers' pay ad. " Average take-home pay| in this scene from "I'm Of | nicolor Production of "Inn of The Sixth Happiness" which | The Sixth Happiness" a Ay wis ( « ( ( [} ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( [! « ( « ( Cont Life O 2 8 Un Steel 1352 811M ) Cable 19858 Con Hake 100 1) b Un Telef 3500 118 8 H "ab 3 vanced con Fire 200 310 200 - ! Univ Cont 100 461A J A b Cadamet 26000 ] Obaska 00 A " 4 Con Gas a9 TM : v Voadicn 1000 350 480 480 2 Camp Chih 10792 A O'Brien 14600 7) 84 8 3 4% for a worker with three depend. 2 Con Gas A 43 8103 . Viceroy A 100 7 7 1 7 amp AL 1 Ogama 16050 64 dj vw ents hit a high of $79.60 a week, | ------------ . 4 - 100 MW MWA 2 storia Oha Rare 10300 13 A n ) Dyno " Oh Rare JOO Ww 1a 104 + % iii) President Eisenhower sub-| - 15 LTE) pitted a $77,000,000,000 budget Copp Clark 140 6% Viceroy B Corby vi 2140 S10 - 0 W Walnwr ASO 238 235 a E " orby B 150 #19 1 i Walk GW PRA RIAN MAG TAG i . Malart Opem 19621 960 #15 95S " Cosmos 4050 8124 I War Equip AGO ADA ABA 48S I! N Inea ' Orenada i J; i + W 0 J predicated on a general business CIVIL SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES ; J 0 M0 378 o 8 183 Webh Knp 1025 30 38 7 Mj 18 A : } Ormaty Ma ni a --1h os [rise It calls for higher federal ] 41 [taxes on railways, life insurance for Cresthrk #00 Credthirk wt 3200 34 » West C Brew 305 832% 3214 MM andore (t Pamour i ' * companies, co - operatives, gaso- t is FF +4344 Lier =F 1 x Davia 150 43% "un "a Dist Seay TOUS BD OM id - West (Giroe pr 128 ! Met wis Aridge SA60 IIA, 1 W Plywd BR 1 aptain Pater : » ¥ DI 263 7 pid - tie ah % Patino M_ 982 823 473 ! 1 | The president's economic re: Don Han nn b+ "w 1) " p . ont Pat Patine: wie 1410 70 250 | port, geared to the theme of pros- | ARCHITECTS ent Pore Pus mast 12000 20 14 D Fads 6a9 HIN 2 - \ b 1 pr "n Desk ou L A 3 IK) | r we \ Nester 3 20000 24 - Magnes - hao : ! Hos 7s Perlon 1a 00 34 a 3 ' Chrysler Cuttin ASSISTANT CHIEF ARCHITECT, Construction Neol pr 't 1 260 $054 PALA BA 118 108 - | '2 1005 $304 25% 23% 2 hb 11300 156 Jon tor 2770 rysier g | Branch, Alr Services, Transport Department, V7 '1 Woodward A 2000 819% 104 104 hime + Piteh Ore 20300 7 A 104 - W hi 3 t ti Wood A wis 1418 810% 104 104 + ; - Placer 540 #11 10) Ru 0 Produc on 1 och Will w7608 3 : » tow Rt Woo 4) ni 3 50 9 ho Card TY ody [Rec 181243 iL] 3 frow Rou 24000 114 10 10 = BIL) « DETROIT (AP) Chrysler ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (to sudy mail 3 4130 130 Nd SM TH TW 'oin Lake N Y yA 4 Angio Nia met iM TH TM Coln Lake 9100 ol : Presto ' 3 | handling equipment), Operations Branch, Post Pros Aly " . Lh 3 [three assembly plants, all in the Office Department, Ottawa, $7,500---$8 5P0, Kwik Can Ving 50 43 oh Comb " Conlagas 25200 Que Ascot 3 i a J : Econ Inv 80 337% ATM 3 «© Cottons 2 to build no Plymouth or Dodge Edy ©G Inv MY MG MM + M Con Key 0" Qua Cop ! : 1 C Ingerso LL 1 hikene, ni Que Lab 20500 A 7 " 7 ol wn ¥ Chrvaler production was ofr $6.84 $7 860. C p 59.1283 Que Lith 2278 460 30 A 7 L v . Emp Life «ra Hi N 0 ) 10 gharply curtailed this week be- ava, 840 ' . Competition kquit Life Y Glass 135 ! Dupont 000 920 10 Den wis 11063 Qunston 24367 1A 17 Discovery 9060 a p ' 71% shields and windows caused by a ¥ is Quemont 2020 012% 11% ] Fin 1200 Int Unt 2/05 S30M 29 M0 i) ong | Ries 43 "wo 8 month-long strike against Pitfs-| expe ence), Government Departments, various ' Jah ine GBR he et i Arrow 12260 Rainville 200 8 4 1 ss burgh Plate Glass, Company, on centres, $4,740--$7,320 Competition 59-1251 ¥ mig 7020 3 Ne A Ford US 4a 8 3 Ogilvie pr 3 un m 4H 13230 Texap: v} plies. The strike started Oct i | Price Rr 15K) 880 1) | A 1 A) ' , " \ p ? , } LO) » Rollie Sid NW 3 na Division, Public Works, various centres. $4,74 Braset | " WRECK TOY SHOP ~--$7,860. Competition 59-1270 r 'le pr LU Fruehaul CR (10 H 3 WN A : Cc Ne us 1d [twisting crowd, mostly of pretty M8 Iyoung girls, wrecked a toy shop ond other centres. $4,740---$7,320, Competi- | Crown Zell 149 847 bd W Copper B30 81014 10M 104 1 LY Crows N 100 SRW 23% BIW y W Cop wis $00 413 305 AA an kin 64 Yaramag iid] West (iroe A 110 #37 7 7 i an Me ; : Parties ars (line, Jet fuel and diesel oll dur DR | ing the fiscal year starting July 1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS an D Dales 8 788 M1 7 9 i Wanan A 302 el AMAIAT fu M3 ] : Palo 4370 345 30 D Efect wis 1573 A wis BOS perity without Inflation, called on D Fodry pr \ »n heskirk 38000 7 I Foe Expl 10072 194 19 ) Fadiy p 0 » od Alex AA0 450 42% 480 nih Jae 3 hh Kay 13300 Pickle Crow 28458 NX 3 on 40--$9,420 Competition 59-1001 . - rom awa. $8.3 $9, ompetition 4 Ang Cdn 0 M0 bw $700 Preston Dow Rrew LU TUR Ashestos 625 300 Corporation will operate only oD Sug 2008 827 Mia M4 ~~ W Colomar, ' $100 » " p Purdex 23200 Bary Wash p 100 $17W 170 C Prone 30 MM 2M MM = W 7 # |Detroit area, next week, It plans] Competition 59-1202 100 $0 PW Nl Conlaurum 7500 » BD A Que Chih 1948 #) » . 4 ) Fea A » 0518 LER . % i automobiles ROADS ENGINEER, National Defence, R.C.A.F., dy ) ddy 7 C Mares 2nd M6 dW - Kddy Maton : : € Nahar 204 ar au Callinan 22700 iA \ 0 Que Man 2700 17 | i enlson 4 L Q Metal 2384 92 m2 AY bY ' hort t wind: : 4 NM 800 3 ' 1} [Shue of a shorlage of wind IVIL ENGINEE (with aot least ar of Fam (Play I 0 Dupont ob 430° itn Ww ---N CiviL G RS at least one year © 1h 21% Fen 161d Radiore 11800 80 Fed Grain § 100 $37 - L ph MA 3 IH 3 ¥ 19190 70 64 68 Fittings 100 #3 : 10 Paper Ho $13 ' ¢ "w { Rayroeh 'hich Chrysler depends for Ogilvie INS SM All AN WU Hiwell 1119330 8 12 123 116 (which Chrysler depends for sup y 18800 2 ] HIGHWAY . ENGINEERS, Trans-Canada Highwa Ford A 1792 $113 Rio Rup Fodin A360 810 : . ™ CG Inv J 3 Frasef WA S12 a 42 Nn Zellers ! a 2% M0 a 1 Roche RL : 00 700 : 3 Rockwin 14 3 4 A 25000 20 ; yd] Rowan Con $0000 a WARSAW (AP) -- A twirling, ARCHITECTS, Government Departments, Ottawe Gatineau Ww "Ww rr "- A n Gat Aw pr 10 5105 LL Con Niehol 3 0 ' Aatellite ) ' Northind A Nn ho Sheep Cr 08 108 on [in the university town of Torun tion 59-1000 Gen Nake 1300 SAY LI vd Gas 20000 WN Khervitt " sas (Friday in fighting for a limited G Dey 17004 00% A . \ #0430 108 ! Porah Bynam $6018 LL] A 3 AP Cons 15626 80 A Rd Pop 190634 0 10 Sigma 200 43 28 : N Regcourt 97000 RAMS or 16100 a An {supply of hula hoops. Surveying For Details, Write 10 1 LE LAN 1 , All Rox 2000 n GI MIE A 0 $33 " - 000 33 \ y A Ledu anto0 2 Sannorm 10500 R - h oO! v rg us Whres Bi RI . , | § A Fa 200 00 3 : Cond aM } \ Kit Siang Jose f st (Nis wrecked counters and it 9 8 A Anchor MN B ba ' 1: Conwe A050 428 5 229 Slocan: VR ANTRT " 4s smashed toys, the manager of CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, OTTAWA G Mackiy 5 " § Auaimers hh 2 708 Son Corp Jo OX 3 -a a A Stdcona 33000 3" 5 12 The House of the Child said the PI i titi b al. Power IN TIRE TR Bailey § pr 070 $4 Coprand 20032 Ragieigh 43083 J 1 [next time he got a shipment of ease quote appropriate competition number. aL. Pawer or : [PE Jul 8 op Ri iii in un 4 Soules Huis ! - Atanrck 21600 TAI | ! a " hula hoops he would demand po-| 1 an - i 1) Lh ¢ a 2] J 3 SN On 20 pe \ Bata "00 64 Lai Cowich 4400 : Maar M0 1 lice protection. GN hs WE © 688 90 3 Aral AS 00 TR Cralgmt 3000 . Steep R bt 3 3 --- & Gan B owt 900 30 Rrtalta 24401 310 WS LIE Crestaur $500 . 3 Rep A " ( A \ , Croinor 2000 GW Coal b 00 Hie \ } ' Cand Crowpat Just ! So Gr: West THR A Calalta 100680 113 " Cuneo 3 ; 3 nd G Wer G 1606 $10% 10 \ A (CPL AL) ) 1 Rasnng fei 3 3 A - A or hie 17000 . 3 » | \ 1 ALE) | 9 Syn Wn ) 3 10130 n De Cour A623 » Sylvanite 26020 107 ree ob 42a 2 2 aus Grovhnd M6 SIN | i + : A500 100 2 Deer Horn 13600 ( T ® { Guar Tr 130 A324 , : 2900 " 1 p Kldona on 1 A : Taurean 17400 Pp N I " 1140 M0 30 nme 1 " ' ran vt 1500 ' Gurney. pr 200 S18 1 Jl Mo a0 i " 17458 $48 ¢ ' o Hard J IRAE ARS ATS A Duvan 00 iS oy 24380 Them L 12980 Mard Carpet 700 $94 ; ' I Harte A I. | + A118 3 " 2 3 8 Hees WAY NN TW i vr 18130 3 Rs K Tiara 03 - 8 in Homestd - 7375 1 ™m p E Amph 18800 4 Tombill LO . 14% East Mal RLU 3 2 Tarhit " 1 p Hendshot IMAL H Smith PHONE THI 2 : Husky 18, 0 H Smith pro 100 840 n Husky wt 1700 1 " aa 480 East Sull A078 g Towak Hur Erie 130 330\y 3 a Cdn WO ATs 2 1 3 260 " East Met MOO , ! Trans Res Imp Rank 1006 S65 Cent Del 206219 80% AsO Ms slo Elder 410022 ? Tribag Imp Inv A 206% 312 1 \ Charter Ol 4000 180 170 ? 208 18 Jauch Hu \ Trin Chb 3 3 pL 7 \ : Commoll 00 JT 14 ' 178 La No! 314 Ult Shaw 5 - 3 A jn ou ? \ Com Pete 16 dan 325 a%0 0168 Kiireka wen x h ; 0" FUNCTIONAL HOMES imp Tob : $1 \ C Allenhes 5100 9 H 10 . an All 108300 14 4 U Asbestos 50 8 : ! ! i JILT FOR THE Imp Tab 16500 \ EY ' \ C Dragon 107966 0 "" Nn aleon Ald L 3 Un Ken L L 3 A C Mie Mac 20852 450 410 "0 0 Faraday uw on 3 A! CUSTOM BUIL 0 3 [ ara wis A as Fwest Tun 16300 3 | Yip Can 4 " DISCRIMINATING AND DISCERNING Ind Acoep 4083 an ¢ Con Peak ROO West Pet 4100 : 750 | 3 Fatima RORY 10M i 21 hp 200 ] ne » Francoeur 13500 Wy Niolam n 1, \ i» " 1 3 \ \J ? AJ It i 1 ? 1 Y ad oR \ ' W \ a a } Frohisher 190403 210 2? TI Waite Am \ y ) 3 3 8 Inland Gas 21% W ; A \ h 1 Froh debs J sae 4 b Whedan 1000 2 n 3 ? Gen Mines 4930 $194 bts on ri KA . 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