Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Hillcrests Score Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Win In Orillia Manager: Lloyd Robertson ' Blood Donor Reports 'On His Reactions ER RL th TTS pl By DOUG GLYNN The third desk was where they lawyer, optometrist, chiroprac- calendars in the name of theltie the count at 2.all, after Times Staff , Reporter listed the donors, It was being|tor and Insurance salesman. I\Salvation Army. He state: that Orillia had gained a 2-0 edge on The room was large. It had operated by a volunteer worker knew them, Some were notno one is presently canvassing £oa's by Keast and Nelson, Brooklin ........ 15 a clean, neat appearance, and a member of the Red Cross|young men, Yet they were for fuss on behalf of the Army| Orillia regained the lead on Newmarket ..... 14 Is Exposed fe their hold on , Robert Zwicker, of the Seven Junior C hockey loop. Salvation Army, at. Wh ports that unidentified children twice to earn the victory, Gord Brooklin Combines It resembled what I PO pein They Just sat there typing|giving their blood, he citizens who are|Burich's goal in the first minute/ Orillia -.. 12 red an army field hospital | as the line moved along. | One of the vol $ ren d| approached either to notify him|of the final stanza, Elmer Tran \ . 2 might look like. The large red) 1'walked into the room with the gauze. In its place she putior the Whitby Police Depart-|started Hhicrests on a spree afGeorgetown ... 7 | 'cross on the uniforms of the the beds and the bare walls, Ala bandaid. I got uw, By now ment immediately, ithe midway mark when he tied Ricttond 3 nurses' aids added an authentic nurse's ald noticed the sloeve|most of the beds on my side of| Lieut, Zwicker stated that re- the score again, | Whitby Hillcrest downed their| Paul Tran tallied the winning C le da Hoax + 53 at Orillia Wednesday|goal less than a minute after a n I night to post their third suc-|brother Paul's and reliable Ken |ces ive win in eight days and Roberts added the Insurance League appearance here Satur- Ty. special presentation (the fourth with two seconds remaining. place in the OHA Suburban| Hillerests are keyed up to re- ithy, re- Hillcrests came from behind|their home jee again Suburban Seven Junior C League Sianflings SiSevanm cazvened flavor, rolled up and G...cted me to athe room were full. While on|ports reaching "im indicate that| All it lacked was the drama nearby bed It was a high bed.|the other side nurses were chat-|the children approach the house-| ™ of a real field hospital, The|At the foot was a plece of paper ting "with the people giving holder, claiming to be selling] Whitb 10 nurses did not wear tense ¢x- to put your shoes on. blood. calendars for the Salvation essions--but' they were there, ¢ Miss Ellis od a mine | king efficient (as nurses a oars stood beside me Hal of ao ore, oid she|t0 pay for the calendar which Is| Army and soliciting a donation| | testing. It would then be dis. appears because no such calen- tributed to the hospitals. She dar exists, me the travelling clinic ton, Pp) | On the left side of the room, "ss "piith Szego, were 12 low army cot type beds. | Thes A woman in a white dress ie, 1 was told, ete Jor the! ame over and swabbed my! room were 10 hospital beds, ~a|8rm with alcohol, Then the Mal OU do some 0 person 4 beside each bed wi placed a white cloth over It The Or V5, 38 is 3 nah hot In the poi | blood given by the donors, |centre, The woman In the white COFFEE T00 I went to the registration desk dress gave me a round plece| A glance at my watch showed in the outer room, It was al. of wood and told me to grip 1 had only been sbout 30 min- | most as big as the other room, Ushtly. utes, On the way out the nurse There were three derks,. At the ALMOST PAINLESS sald they were serving coffee ' patients to rest on, hed, Hall, Whitby, with Noble Grand| | Brother Crawford in the chair, | BRASS BAND DINNER to be € On Saturday evening, the next few weeks, Three members| and 30-12. first were two volunteer w. kers| cu. oonotured the veils with|ID the cafeteria. 1 had a cup. It Whitby Bras; Band will hold its will receive their first degree| This is a game that is becom-| annual dinner and dance In the|iy Oghawa on Tuesday Jan, 27 |ing more popular and very keenly of the WhitLy Red Cross, They! 'cic tached to a long tube. tasted good. There were other asked your na i. One of tom The tube ran to the top of the Sonors Sire, Tie talked abet! Canadian Legion Hall, Invita- and thelr second degree in Whit searched through a smell fil hottle on the floor, There was ng sgl on ih us- for my card, the one I filled out |. pain than when someone!!! Was not (as some people # when I volunteered to make th» mills a hair from. your hend pect) an unpleasant experience. donation, MAKE BLOOD CHECK At the next desk was a young woman in a neat white uniform, ° ~ T, She asked everyone the same' cPtern Hospital, Toronto, questions: 1, hate you heer As 1 stayed there I watched | contested each year Kaye Ellis, She was a regls: teers to meet Whitby's alloca-|magters' Association, who tered. Of the total enly about giver Band, Toronto. Attending 150 were able to give blood. The gion will be members of the next clinic, 1 learned, Is bel latter mentioned being active in bases and fouls, ete. the past year; 2, ever had took about seven minutes to fill nearly 500 donors them to meet malaria or jaundice? If you the bottle, The took two-thirds the annual atiota. answered with a NO you © a pint of blood. I never felt| aq {report on overall activities thisithe oyster supper. County Asks Ban On Sound Barrier Blasts were allowed to continue, woozy {DISTRIBUTED FREE pricked it. She squeezed ngain the puncture and di.ected me to/the new Ontario Hospital Plan and then put it on a sheet of for 10 minutes, to 'old thelof work, One thing for certain, From Dance | (like those you get at an arena), The two women in charge here| 1 felt refreshed after drinking meen Dance decided this week to further dances if they are She was a Red Cross staff ot the beds across the room, She took my hand, Soueezed| The ald took the needle ul The pion Sten 4 Swtpuiad of t fin, and then She placed a plece of gauze over free to tarlo hospitals under B k t one he gers hen She placed a pl ( | ar ac e Q until the blood .overed the tip. a hed on the other side of the The Red Cross has been chosen She smudged some of tha blood room. 1 was told to lie there|to conduct this Important phase glnss to test It gauze tight n my arm. Every-| They cannot do it without your By MARNIE GRANT I was handed a blue ticket one lies down for 10 minutes, help, The executive of the Whitby It said group "0'., The girl's were also volunteer workers name was Miss Kruusimagl ~~ While lying there I looked over back into the room member, Among the donors were alclean. neat appearance, black leather jackets." The sound barrier over inhabited said ny Tm. ww |decision was made at the regu. lar weekly meeting. 2 | Committee |, She Lserelion of ihe Dersone Talbot River crea had caused by, urged that it not Members of the Ontario casion was occurring County roads and bridges com. This week's dance, which |mittee, the board of manage. begins at 8.30 p.m, Friday, Is . Challenges Mayo et 4 ment of Fairview Lodge and the featuring a special attraction. ' iL county's representatives the| The executive would not disclose | & Whithy's Mayor Harty Jermyn bu Sus haughy ly one nn {own Children's *PAld Soclety gh what it was but sald everyone a- jet had passed over a home at least 15 miles, has been taken to task for § Wou e glad to have. Most of oo at Wednesda's meeting) Would undoubtedly enjoy = the|on the Talbot I. in his in al ad: those people live here and all do|of the county council in Whitby, |added treat. jend of Thorah Twp., on Tu ress Sopmty Omtarie County | tome business in Whitby." Named for a five-year term | A request and dedication box day of this week. As it pass Council, in Whitby on Thursday, "Does the mayor know that|on the road board was Reeve for th fit of ""ose|the sound barrier and the r Reeve Cyril Morley, of Picker. Whitby has more residents in &atrick Dulty. Halas no. hls oak op al. bene Prize sulting explosion cracked | north Ontario, least one resident In bed with out over Lake Ontario. a heart condtion " . ways do), They looked pleasant, 5 bi made her sald, would be taken to the|l0 be delivered at a later date, | t p G appear rey Her name main blood bank at Toronto for|He says that the calendar pever| n er ains roup In an effort to stop the hoax, The regular weekly mee: g term will favorably impress an/he o asking Householders 0 of the 100F was held in Tues-| the Sn Th in t tie { they are | mem . hour, In their first hour they | 0 roa authorities y day, Jan. 20, in the Oddfellows jorers GxPecied 6 08, | and ovster supper to follow. " Jpon concluding business | DAY-BY-DAY Regular - business consisted of | phoenix Lodge were entetained| {communications, Grand Lodge in a double header dart basebal! data, Dart Baseball and degrees game, the home lodge winning cmplified during the|hoth games to scores of 45-15 tions for the event have already nv on Feb. 3, at which time the Lodge circult and is played| jpeen Revi, Sve o the! District Deputy Grand Master|ynder rules ery similar |evening w he an Woods: will also make his official visit.|goft ball with the players throw-| She left. Her name was Miss| The clinic needed 250 oa president of the Canadian Band-| mw, visiting committee re-|ing the darts and from | 8 | per . ported Improvement in Brothers(15 feet, or more, to a bulls-eye| tered nurse, a graduate of tion. Only 200 sons volun Bandmaster of the Metropolitan Northam and Towne, with theltarget numbered with respective y | Ng town council and other clyie Pusiness again. The membership; The Lodge requested all mem. | under a doctor's care during the light bulbs in the ceiling, It] ", p ' committee reported some good bers, as well as visitors, to| ; heid in August Toy wilt need gitictals, [results from their dues and at-|attend all' meetings especia!'y| |tendance campaign during the the one on Feb. 3, to help en- |past week and expect their tertain the DDGM and enjoy ™ Dunlop Boosters THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jonsery 23, 1959 To Honor Macs [sue same at Whitby Arena Sat urday. Whitby Dunlop Booster Club Is| po, Ballard, Booster Ciub planning a special surprise pre-| president, sald one of the things sentation for members of the|the club plans Is to take a col- Belleville McFarlands when the/lection from the crowd and "Macs" 'make their final Eastern present it to the McFarlands to ' |help with the expenses «f their {Ontario Senior "A" Hockey trip to Europe. day night, Booster Club would not say what McFarlands, who leave early it ix) will he made at the end in February to defend the World of the game. The ceremony will Hockey, crown won by Dunlops take abou: 15 minutes, Mr. MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 83111 If you nave not received your Times by 7 pm. Coll BELL TAXI All colls just, be placed. betwam 7 ond 7:30 p.m. in 1958, will play their final lea- Ballard said, for the following: pounded by the dog control officer. favorably considered. TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY DOG CONTROL Applications will be received by the undersigned, up to 5 p.m. Jan, 26, 1959, DOG CONTROL OFFICER Duties to commence upon appointment and to include the enforcement of the provisions of the Township of Whitby's dog control bylaw. DOG POUND OFFICER Duties to provide suitable accommodation for, and the care of, onimals im- These two positions may be combined and application in this manner will be MURRAY ROBINSON Clerk Township of Whitby the coffee. As I left 1 glanced avid oe 4 Ontario County Council has had been shaken off the wall in that no one would be admitted passed a resolution calling for one Beaverton garage. | It was a large room, with a wearing 'jeans, dungarees or ® halt in planes crashing the| "I felt it shakes the earth," he areas of the country, At a meet., In speaking to the motion ing of the council In Whitby on calling for an end to Thursday. reeves of severa'| jets through the sound barrier| - v - ---- : in County N | un Y ames It wos agreed, however, that! a, ' ' 1C erl | V | dress should remain ca-ual and municipalities reported that jets! in the Trent.Conal area, Dennta \ crgshing the sound barrier in the reeve Everett Quantrill, of Whit. |nlaster to crack and had put at gested that such test be carried that both shores of the lake are Reeve Patrick Duffy, of Mara heavily poprlated areas and the Twn., sald that he learned that harrier blast would be heard for + in the north) The resolution calls for the| es- tests to be carried out over un. ed, inhabited areas, It will be sent h id, it had broken t [to the Hon, Michael Starr and being placed on. the stage je a ad broken through! ,l Clayion Hodgson. MP for He was special songs, village, Shallenged Hie Fairview Lodge than any other! ballot over Reeve Willlam A, winners x Friday's dance|the plaster in one home and had i od WAR 100 municipality in the ? Heron, of 1 sostly for t! town to belong tol tually, hitby has 8 Sounty on bh Earl abr Jw. Ux-| Stonehouse (pyjama bar), The had been since confined to bed.| the county system, at the expense of the other mu- bridge Twp. oor His remarks, he sald, would nicipalities,"" he sald. "The After five ballots were called, watch, |Thorah Twp., reported that hel bear no reflection on Whitby'smayor does not consider it| Reeve Dowswell was ncmed for, We now have the top 50 had been called about the same Deborah Power two months and | seven days after the actor's death | |board, He won out over Reeve dent was annoyed because of of a heart attack while on movie location in Madrid, Mrs. Power |and the actor were wed last May | eo Butery of the fouity ¥Oulk, worthwhile to acknowledge this." a four-year term on the road records on the hit parade. Incident, More than one resi Deputy-reeve Everett Quantrill, [PAY XAXES, full Russell Francis, of Thorah| WHITBY " " s he know we pay fu 4 a) ap " te oy Me hot Yesjonsible: fo) taxes ON county + owned apart: 5 i and Reev Heron, of Whit | OCCURRED BEFORE : : | YO: ments in the various county| Nn Ni to th Deputy-reeve Erwin Cowle, of % ait e sald buildings?" he: asked. "D h am e board of man. Mara Twp., reported' that a "Does the mavor of Whithy not|pes woe 0 hy che 008 hel agement of Fairview Lodge| imilar {nid " : - know we pay hydrant and sewer). R s'milar in ident had occurred on| know that If Whithy were not rental? Does he know we pay Davide an Mr Ferguson, 4 Miss M. Ross and Mrs, H, 8./7an. 5. He said that he had| y , 3 ) J A » , anc ecve James | A A, OH es A Po Lwi | BR down local improvement rates for side-| Gibson, of Port Perry. Losing McCann are. attending as dele. . He Home are the Jay 4 walks past county property?" out was Reeve Kenneth Lee, of Hates at the annual Presbyterial ad taken {ll after the explosion support the services they a re 7 x be ro hs dil § Services they sre Ie "It 1s not too many years ago Whitby, [meeting held In Toronto, made bv the jet. for administration of justice In that the county built a new bridge' Annointed by Warden Walter [the incident, he raid, Iota root Whe Mr, Cecil Bradley, of Brock the. sound barrier in their tests," | suffe find jot | this building would he close to 00 Watson street," he said, "The Beath as county repre entatives hore 4 M0 ! | hi sts," | sufferers find a normal diet 4 Baseline was paved in Whith; » - Children's soolety Street south, ls celebrating his he said, "but why do th-y have or! y ie | $1000 sD vion the Children's Ald Society birthday today. His friends wish/to do it over an inhabited area" but rar? Lathes studies show your this year, through the efforts of were Reeve Kenneth Lee BEAR FULL COST the county of Ontario." Whitby, Reeve Willlam : "It Whitby separated from the, "Does His Worship know that Heron, of Whitby Twp, and *Y: Oniatio county, the town would have to/if the town did not belong to the Count' Clerk Willlam Manning.| Mrs, Agnes Corr pay 100 per cent of its costs for county that it would have to sub-| is spending a couple of months inquests, hosoitalization, child scribe to a suburban road com-| 3 ith her daughter | win. protection, TB after care and mission?" he asked. "Does he! Congregational I A ale er nd soln training schools," he said. . hsb an 8 the blast on Jan, § | companion early this month, He said that| and lasting interest. and were: Ed Bell (watch) and Dale 50 startled one resident that she HOE WOOD AT BO one prize this week will be a| Reeve Russell Francis, of | Fon ode Dirt to | Treat Your Stomach With Respect I If you're drinking milk "to give "I realize they have to crash|it a rest", read how even ulcer ; ate db "| stomach thrives on everything A him many happy returns of the They could do it over Lake edible. February Reader's hi: Digest reports that your stom- of 'Myrtle, | He said that he had witnessed! ach is, in fact, a dependable | | | i | and lingerie, Inglis . . . Priced from 102A BYRON ST. §. WHITBY AUTOMATIC DRYER | Economical to buy, economical to operate, | the new Inglis Superb. | With full width console end convenient 2 | control centre, the Superb Dryer has an p } infinite selection of drying temperatures ! ranging from WARM to HOT automatic v.. i WI settings, You can quickly and safely. dry : ; any fabric from heavy work clothes to sheers | ' With the Inglis Superb your clothes will + dry faster, sofer, cleaner with a fresh-air y fragrance. No longer are you dependent on " / the weather but can wash and dry at your \ pe convenience with your new: Inglis Superb a Automatic Dryer, . 189-50 TAKES BETTER CARE OF EVERYTHING YOU WASH AND WEAR Albert Randall & Sona Ii, Phone MO 8-2991 -- _- petulant - emotions permit- Reeve Francis stated that he, ting. Get your Reader's Digest {law, Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Mac. too, hud witnessed the blat| today: 42 articles of personal know that last year the county a Donald, of Euclid street "Last year, this county re. returned $26,700 to the town of Meeting Planned ' it had been so violent that tools bated $3966 to the town of Whitby| Whitby on the road levy against! Regular morning worship was| MI: and Mrs. Robert Stewart, for prepayment of taxes, That the town?" conduct A of Toronto, were weekend guests was pure gravy," sald Reeve "Did the town ever make a sur- Church gid ee ty Dlleed at the home of Ir. and Mrs. Morley, vey to establish whether Whitby John M. Smith, The lesson was HarT¥ McAlonan, of Byron "The mayor knows that if i vine or out of the county?" read from James 1: 1.17 and street north, Whitby did not belong to the/he asked, the sermon theme was '"Testin; ) v county system his town would| "Is this county council prepar- Times". The choir sang the Fig DY fa have to pay 100 per cent of their ed to allow these continual re. anthem "Take My Hand", lon Thursday evening the m' | costs for Civil Defense," he con marks by the mayor, whether. Mises Shirley Skinner and bers of the executive of the TOWN of WHITBY DOG CATCHER tinued. through political expediency or Gina Van Duren assisted the i ) A 3 . Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian "We have a payroll of 121 per. through lack of knowledge, to go minister in conducting the Legion, Tasty refreshments on manent and 35 to 40 casual em. unchallenged?" he concluded, Fvening Hour. Th~ meditation sorved by the hostess. assisted ployes in these county offices,' When Reeve Morley sat down, Wds entitled "Conversion", by members of th iliary sald Reeve Morley. "I have no member of council spoke on| It Was announced that the J Bene ol Te seni [dan. 28. commencing with a pot celebrated her second birthday later than Monday, Janvary 26th, 1959. luck supper at 6,30. On Sunday, on Wednesday. Wishes for many HARRY W. INKPEN, Chairman, People's Union will co-operate) Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Pran, of Now Pla g EVENING SHOWS 7 - 8:30 n broadcasting a service over Claremont. were Sunday guests yin SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 * Health & Welfare Committee, Box 250, WHITBY heard utterances about industry the subject. |annual congregational meeting] Una, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. WHITBY 'Feb, 1, the Whithy Uniled/more birthday are extended to) Church Choir and the 1 January 21st, 1959 |CKLB from Albert Street United|of Mrs, W. E, McBride, of 301 The Town of Whitby requires the services of a Dog Catcher. Applicants who can provide their own Pound and Equipment should so state, but this is not essential. Applications should be addressed to the undersigned and should be received not ene | WOULD be held on Wednesday, James McAvoy, of Green street, B 3B Oo Young unt: C Phone MO 8-3618 Church, Oshawa. High street, | [2 ' uaa Schulberg 's Used Hypnotism WIND ACROSS EVERGLADES | FOR SALE For Extractions "Hypootism, long cloaked in|teeth extracted while under mystery, is fast being recog- hypnosis. "This is especially |nized as a science by the/good for persons who - cannot medical profession" Edwin undergo an anesthetic or for Heath, hypnotherapist who be- heart disease sufferers," he said gan practicing In Whitby last| "Doctors could use hypnotism (year, told the Whitby and/to a great advantage. They are Barrie Rotary Clubs In an ad: the biggest victims of anxiety dress at an interclub meeting and stress and could use hypno- Tuesday night. {tism for -«ell-hypnosis to relax The speaker sald he was in- their minds. terested in the scientific aspect! "Men patients who come to of hypnotism and uses the same me are generally troubled with ethics as a doctor or lawyer business worries, while women when dealing with client's per-[(who Mr. Heath referred to as vo , 4 £ DANA ANDREWS Exposes Spy "rN sonal matters, God's greatest creation) suffer » A "All normal people can be primarily emotional pro"lems. hypnotized," he said. "Only in. "Hypnotism," he concluded, [| BO FOUN MARLEE EARLE ot, MELTORME one an tt vm Techmicolor Building and fully equipped restaur- ant (seating capacity approximately 60) on one of Whitby's main streets. Restaurant business and equipment may be purchased separately. Inquir- ies invited, sane persons or alcoholics can-["is basically psychology and not be. Contrary to the belief can be associated with religion of many, the patient is not Psychology and religion both dominrted by the hypnotist. All are seeking the same thing the hypnotist does is guide the truth." person's thinking In a positive Mr. Heath was introduced at manner," he explained the meeting by Earl Fairman TEETH EXTRACTION He was thanked for his en Mr. Heath said a patient of lightening "address by George his recently had all her "top Anderson. For Information... SUN CAFE 116 DUNDAS ST. WEST wo" ------------------ ------------------------ NOTICE. . . "The Fearmakers" will not be shown - Saturday Matinee. TOWN OF WHITBY "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA" WHEREAS, the week of January 24th is being observed through- out Canada as a period to focus public attention on the physical, character-building and other benefits of hockey for our youth, and WHEREAS the game of hockey is recognized as our truly Cana- dian sport which teaches our youth to develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body-building , and respect for authority and plished hockey players develop, ticipate in this great Canadian game, January 20th 1959 WHITBY WHEREAS Minor Hokey is the foundation from which accom- NOW THEREFORE |, as Mayor of the Town of Whitby do hereby declare the week commencing January 24th be observed as "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA" and request that all parents and others encourage children to par- HARRY W. JERMYN, Mayor TT --

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