Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Jan 1959, p. 3

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iii gt in sien A Red Cross Speaker §| Hits Hospital Act New Vaccine No Provision Made For Great Boon | Children'sDental Care ; A sharply critical attack was these children, he pointed out, ment which looks after the denta . D4 0 fa levelled at the newly formed On-|are suffering from Cerebral|needs of the handicapped at fh i ? . tario Hospital Services Commis- Palsy or are mentally retarded Hospital for Sick Children ma) # 7, a bd / A new vaccine providing Im- sion Thursday evening by Dr.lor spastics, etc., ahd cannot be have to discontinue its impor L RT munization against pollo, diph- Stuart A, MacGregor * before an| treated in a dental office, tant work, 0CVI STUDENTS L y theria, whooping cough and te| estimated 40 members of the Osh- "DREADFUL Low al NO MEDICAL PROOF "w tanus is being made availableawa Red Cross Society at their] e doctor sald that this news Thirty members of the Osh | p.m. M, Hofstetter and Miss A. | and various points of Interest, | bor at luncheon today, The | home to Oshawa, Cost of the |(aa to physicians by the Ontario annual meeting held at Adelaide|came as a "dreadful blow" to The doctor stated that it ha Collegiate and Vocational | Hall are faculty advisers ac- | including the Experimental | group is staying at the Chateau | trip for individaul students has |department of health, | House, {his efforts over the past few over Been Joven that tonsil or gate companying the group on its | Farm, National Art Gallery | Laurier and will attend a sup- | been worked out at $9.05 with | The vaccine -- a product of the] Dr. MacGregor, who Is chair. flare, wilieh had Just Bogen lo have any, medica Mon ion Tita Putts Spesiing esd one day vislt lo the nation's | and War Museum, They ate | per dance and the Chatews | tho balance paid by a gram \Cownaughi Medical Beparc Lab nan of I Ib Suiviace the pub removed his parents may receiv Debating Club boarded a train | ,.00001 "The students will spend | scheduled to be guests of Hon, | Grill tonight prior to boarding | from OCVI Student's Congress, |oTories -- combines polio pro- ' 1 od Y mi tion under the Hospita hl fon with the familiar triple/Red Cross, called the new. legis-| Blue Cross, etc, to cover patients remunera for Ottawa Thursday at 458 siting Parliament Hill | Michael Starr, Minister of La- | a train for the overnight trip | Oshawa Times Photo, |! v " th lation "stupid" because under the requiring dental surgery in their Services Act while those of ehi) today visiting ; : _|toxold protecting against the . |terms of the act children who re- policies. |dren requiring dental surgery ye other three diseases. el He sald it was a "sad state of celvé no consideration whalso ving . reside od | quire dental surgery are not PY being their president and pointed Because of the presence of TE IIe To yn b | i AH ever. i , 4 v P / p y benefits, affairs" when a 'child has to out 40 He m Pg / fey Bd a ce. ame Whooping cough. vaceine, Bil He pointed out that the par- suffer" because of legislation| Mrs. F. J. Rundle In proposin | heavy schedule of work ahead of| be restricted in use to Infants h hia | [them for 1959 but felt sure that and pre-school children, Polio ents of 90 per cent of the chil- which refuses to admit that|the vote of thanks to Dr. Mac lthey were capable. of aceom . v WL not combined with the dren, whose dental needs re- dental surgery even when per. Gregor, urged the other membe [pli hing this work and acquitting| 2 Acc d nt va oducts. will continue to duire them to enter hospital, can- formed on physically handicap-|of the association to write to thi . ol " 1 e S Ener rogues, . not afford to pay the large bills|ped children has 'any medical provincial government asking . ; | | Hhernseive y polly in thelr service be used among school-age chili ond yelv on government spon-| significance," | them to change the act to includ: es "Mr, fiowe haroduced the guest Slippery road conditions appear dren and adults, (sored or public medical schemes He stated that because of this patients requiring dental opera peaker of the evening who was to have been responsible for one| BOON TO HEALTH to pay for their bills, Most of new turn of events the depart-'tions in hospitals, | ' , , ro seelve » attentl J] Sug MacGregor, chair. of two accidents which occurred! Its introduction, according to : J the Ca-Iney; welfare, Mrs. T. K. Crelgh- receive «all the attention to the Dr, Stuart A MacGregor, chair 0 id 7 By herd itn Mey WW Ee ; chairman, Mrs, exclusion of other, less glamor- man of the dental division of the in Oshawa Thursday evening, [the health department, will be 3 1 5 LJ peting Thursday evening ' iw oa? ous Jobs which were equally as Ontario Division of the Canadian] A late model sedan: driven by (boon to local health authorities, | C ] TV Pla ers Pred ct phi gp os for|J: J: Young; women's work, Ms, yy, opp, Red Cross, Mr. It, Lace, of 480 Milton street, practising physicians and moth- ommuna | 1 1959 was elected, (C. 8. Lee and vice - chalrman,| The fncoming president, Mr. After Dr, MacGregor's talk the was in collislen with an auto|ers because it will reduce the! These officers are: Past presi- Mrs, R, Crook; loan cupboard,| Howe, thanked the members for meeting was adjourned and Hght driven by 1. W. Wilson, of 471|number of shots necessary to Suggested dent, W. Powers; president, D, H,|Mrs, F. J. Rundle and vice-|bestowing upon him the honor of refreshments were served Lossland road west. The accident|protect the very young against | nox (0) eturn Howe; first vice - president, Dr |chalrman, Mrs, J. Burns; first occurred in front of 293 Mary the four aliments, , J. Kimmerly; second vice-|aid, P. Kennedy and vice-chair-| | street | The number of shots required B Pl Se ly ho ; Ro D. H, Lander; third man, C. Anderson; shipping, | . The second mishap took place and the interval of time between) Y anners Football and the Toronto Ar-|on the game of football and fa vice - president, Rev. C. D. Mrs, T, H, Robinson; publicity,| 0 e [al the Intersection of Ritson road them will be identical to the| gonauts were discussed at the mous players, Cross; secretary, Mrs, E, Hoy:|W. F. Lindsay; home nursing, | y [north and Alice street when a|schedule previously carried out] Oshawa may soon have com. meeting of the Oshawa Kinsmen ED LINEMEN " 8 ne 4 "QR oe | P Jey T 'ity Club at Hotel Genosha Thursday!' pr, 8. A. Cross; corre- Miss T, MacDougal and finance, car driven by F. 8. Farmer, of|for the triple toxoid -- four doses,|munal television, That is if City, } 1 : iid Ba y, Mrs, C. C.IMr. J, G. Gelkle Fi 2, Frankford, collided with athe first three a month apart with Council will go along with the re-|night. Dick Shatto, halfback and| What do the Argonauts need te lor 1 n 3 {make them a tter team? urty In his closing address the out [station wagon driven by L. E.|the fourth being given six or sev- commendations of - the planning Norm Sione burn, Senise of the Jake ih no belle ok ih Committee chairmen are: dis- going president, Mr, Powers, re |'Trull, of Hampton 'en months later, A booster shot board, [AEgonauts, accresse je Ime finite appointment of & quarter 1 aster, Mr, Welr and vice-chair pinded tne Menbers that te Police estimated damage in|one year after tim initial four; The way the boards Teton. ing. Shatto gave a running com.| Pack", said Mr. Shatto . shaw: © . , the Red Cross was a f AT, , rin exon : » req main: mendat re worde will be! Mr, Sha ave g co Sod ied Co man, Mi. M. Shaw; cll de Tr ne fob in peace - time asl Reorganization to provide bet- assoclation through active parti. both cases to be slightly in excess|doses will he required to mena ons #78 worded | o mentary to a movie of the 1957 Mr. Stoneburgh's favorits fence, H, Bohaker; Fairview! full time job ¥ ! y A i of $200 to the cars Involved, Itain protection, possible for commercia groups | ar) le choice for quarterback was Mr Lodge, Mrs, W. L. Baldwin; well as war - time and that it ter service to the public and at- cipation to service all or part of the city|game between the Toronto Argo-|Gho Ce [0% SINAVIEEREC ag Homemakers Service, Mrs, E. was Important they remember tract a vigorou , working mem Vv. Johnston Interje ed Wi with one TV tower and charge| Huts and the Montreal Alouettes a afro I Mounce: sewing, Mrs, H, Luke|the little things as all too often ber hip wa nga ted i 1 desire an organization lo include . subscribers for the service {Cif T get mixed up please ex- you have been playing halfback | ER We f wnlo ocla- 1, pre vho i r ' a i; ' wleuse y ardly 'me: ar | . hb Je and vice . chairman, Mrs. J. A jone Phase of igh ig ho! hy te tion ih OD port | om ts pol ' d eo ht ; ko | Hh Heron E ndin Amazes | This would eliminate "forests What ad Tn oer al season', he commented, Swindells; water safety, E. Dob-'the blood donors' clinie tended dina) Thursday ht at Thougt to ale pil 4 i of TV antennas, it would also rising Ave Hu "won 41.31.| Both players expected stm - T E oy NO LONG-TIME LOYALTY eliminate the cost of erecting aer Bott, Tire Fonatis Wi aueries|uarterback Ronnie Knox to re lals on the part of the Yomeowry) "01 'players ans 1 "lturn to the Argos this year. It 4 : het 1) the lst of cot {te I'he report pointed out that to ' [] yen $21 60 Raise Lnpeciarot dations was develop. day's mobile "customer owed ne Pl A dience fers as well as make It possible | Ronnle an oddball? "Yer, ac a a Chine andllong = term loyalty to any prod a V 11 for subscribers to receive as| cording to both Mr, Shatto a ' mi le of : hi and ! 4 } wl [many as five channels and more | CLASSIFIED ENDS Mr, Stoneburgh, el Genosha it of a ¢ of « in + \ uel, store or community Hi bi Ry pho ¢ loyalty w msell and eg t revious! 08 i B Mi : n W ork the public's rights and privileges. ) [ ia oy N ; lim if on The shock ending in the play move all the scenery themselves, Slearly than was previously 'po LONG SEPARATION "AYE WELL LMF Shao (®) O This would includ better cus. B18 HOU old and 1 ) 'With ww The Prosecution' [between acts, And sila a 4) But", continue r. ha r 1SS1 tomer service, shopping. with(it would be up to the association For i 4 on ik The recommendations were Mary Lambert, 72, saw a |"he played marvellous games fof ynd| to combine individual energles in drew gasps from the audience atipopyipn IN 1956 made at the January meeting of | complete confidence, prompt Classified notice thanking [us and he really has tremendous Simcoe Street United church $1000 bequest from the will of the satisfactory adjustments regard. a Joint effort to provide the best ie on Memoria Augean Craven The Pilgrim Players were for.|the board Wednesday evening. Bo IDLER ARM IE Ny raised $21,600 during 1658 for mis-/late Miss May Mitchell was not ing exchanges or eash Fefunds,| service possible downtown I" ; a ia, ght: |oed in 1056 to encourage drama ESTIMATED BUDGET | IES Ce nang, er "We yust mad him tor a few sionary work in Canada and over. Included in the figure. There was| "8 (0 0000 0" costem and! An alm to form a group within!, This was the Pilgrim P avers in the church, They are Inter | © C. McGibbon. OC. chalrman| brother Henry from whom she {games and even then you could seas and for the establishment of (a membership of 374 during the better transportation and park- the organization to promote, fi fr "Jy tation, 4 y tha 'Chrd ,.| denominational and this play Is op the hoard. ad out that the| hed been separated 62 years, [see the kind of player he was" new congregations locally, It was| year. [ing facilities nance and develop services of bon 4 oe Agathd 8 (thelr secular presentatin for the estimated budzet for 1950 was| To locate buyers for the interjected Mr. Stoneburgh, Teported at the annual meetingiya RAISED $3589 | "The suggestion that a commit. special Interest to members and, season, lsome $2000 higher than last year| tools, sporting equipment and |, Poth stars reminisced aboul Wednesday. The nine groups of the tee be formed to Investigate the/the shopping publle was recom.| Larger audiences deserve to. myare fs another performance due to an increase In salarles.| other things pom, to sell |their favorite players of the The total raised for all pur- Woman's Association with a total/feasibility of a central, unified mended, ind this group. Every mente of Friday night and they will per-| Norman Millman, the "Father --ise a fast holo Oshawa |¥ame, soon traded or forgotien s was $01,042, membership of 330 raed $3589, | credit shoppers' plan" for th A much larger group than one Te i at Is lo - congr fe it form at King Street: United of town nlanning in Oshawa", in. Times Classified ad, Dial RA ("If you want security in a job i actual tion to the |A new group was formed -- the downtown arem was met with|including retailers only would be... go ' Justice to a difficu Church Centennial Hall Feb, 4. formed the board that he wished 3.3402 no A 0 st 't 1 don't pick football", sald Mr mig<ionary and maintenance!" astra' group {warm vesponse from members needed to best serve the public and powerful play, Anyone who enjoys readinglio decline the honorarium of $500] expe How ti art an In- lghatto,) fund of $6,205 greatly exceeded| myo feiping Hand Auxiliary re. present, Such a group would be open to| The most difficult and clever-Iagatha Christie tories will de.|which was awarded to him again | Leusive. 30. -| Both Mr. Shatto and Mr, Stone any previous amount orted a membership of 32 and GRADUATED ASSESSMENT theatres, 'barber, hate « drossing|€®t roll created in the play Is finitely not be disappointed in| this year by the city for his ser. [tors expect to be back In ac 'yr ¥ , 4 "0 of! " shop anal: al tole | lomaine, the heroine, She had to] hy oR ' Commented the annual report: un averaue attendance of 23, Re Also pitt. tortls Was: »: wlan. 40 ind shoe « repair shops, hotels, this presentation, ; [work out a gradusiéd monthly "This is an Indication of what! in "00" (he vear t-talled $328; can be done when the member expend ture $246 ship of a church catches a vision] "piaht meetings were held by of its missionary privilege a dhe 14 members of the Ever surance offlees essment for association mem. | jorving the down. "Ne had to be likable, admirable aypepience, city in the fleld of town planning Auto Interior Elders elected to the session 1 contribution to the WMS. Re A break-in was discovered this " bers In order to provide a moreltown aren. It was felt an or id deserving of pity Marion The verdict of Thursday night's he felt it only just that the hon « witressing audience, shown inlorarium be awarded to him as as a en al K 2 mp! zing thi od, general the street lghting scorat] j ) id " ' A | | Y 1 wera Donald Black, Keith ceipts were $064; disbursements The J Ti id RI fool iS reat a fn Yon ave The character part, played by, It was nointed out at this point morning at a service station lo. I . 8 { { i re L} OR y y v " tion during the coming season, make the audience first dislike] (vices but Maylor Lyman Gifford unifor I effective m f Ran ( I, who played the part Rida 4 . s miform and effective: means of uation Including this type VeClen vho playe ¢ part, responsibility, and responds In A Ready Auxiliary, who give flow deriving fudy necosIRtY to CAITY fo ; ( le ig of } s an unquestionable SUCCESS. |their ' 4 J 3 membership would be Interested [their spontaneous response, was usual, This was unanimously car- Buchanan, Earl Campbell, Rob-|gs, If we can got 100 retallors to alan] mtoret to the aay lo a Eileen Chapman, also deserves) . |by Mr, McGinhon that Mr, Mis cated at 1180 Simcoe street north, | 1] e Sp! y 9 v F . i J I he vntown ares rable ¢ Py one g! $0 re ¥ ert Giles, Russell Hayward, Jack!" re choir reported another suc a contract for a fixed assessment 1: [honorable mention, It was done ew 1g way {man had established a scholar A cash register, a smal] The inside of an automobile, | w estaurants and lezal, real estate, hd Those who haven't read any,|moved that In view of Mr, Mill Gas Station "see you at the exhibition [dental, medical, financial and In Lp rand look down on her. Theniwil" find" it a new and moving man's outstanding serviee to the |grounds", concluded Mr. Shatto sh | | mmc imas ---- | | tangible way to the challenge op y slek a ake 1 > 4 ers to the sick and make an an-igut group policies in traffle, parking, bus service, SMOOTH PERFORMANCE |""wonderful," {ried by the board Murdoch, Stanley Sargeant, Will oocciul year, Membership Is now for cach year, a promotion man| NAME POLICY COMMITTER, smoothly and naturally and was shin at the Oshawa Collegiate amount of silver, some credit °¥ned by R. Cooper, of 651 Som: lam Thaxter, Douglas Wales, 47, hte den of what he hasl The policy committee. made up| Pelievable | and Vocational Institute to be|n,rq slips and assorted pa vers Crville Ave., was completely Everett Warne A balance of $3856 wound up the is a ' Tis : , hi hat i Ja of Mr Johnston, P. Swartz M The combination of Agatha| Route Has awarded to the student who, each ere reported missing "i Fern | Butted by fire shortly after mid Stewards elected were Ben yen for the 50-50 Club after $2013 a sound operating basis for the Wyman and A. Dancey, was set Christie's ingenious. plot and the year, wrote the most outstanding| gv qarman, the proprietor, [night today Balley, Frank Turney, Hayward yas paid out from receipts total vear." up to establish facts and trends convincing presentation of it by| essay or thesis on town nlanning) "yy, Hyderman discovered the, Fire fighting equipment was Murdoch, =~ Stanley Lovell andj, ga399 A proposal to provide means regarding merchandising and re.[the players make this play more] Been Pl tt d and that last year he had ple. break-in" at 8 a.m, today when/disPatched fo the scene but the Rupert Edwards were elected yyy 1g GrowING for training sales staff to he bhot-|1ate them to the present local sit-|0f a personal experience than otie mented this scholarship with his ine opened the station for the|flames spread too quickly to save trustees The year opened for the Young ter equipped to serve the public uation with emphasis on retail-|Just a night's entertainment, | The exact line honorarium, [day. (he, inside 3 the awe Is are MEMBERSHIP UP People's Unlon with 30 members was read in the report, Better Ing | The scenery Is terrific and the lane highway py SR do. A police constable had checked © I Ie ei A Total membership of the|and closed with a net increase of Working conditions would be an-| Coples of the committee report actors made it all themselves It| the northern Fu of Vk CELEBRATING the front door, the glass of but pointed out that in many church at the end of the year elght newcomers Activities [other alm will be mailed to all association|ls effective and at the same meicounty, has been plotted accord. aula dis : Nich had been smasfied by the cages of this nature, a lighted was 1331, a net gain of 25 ranged from Bible study to fae revised ai itlon would members for suggestions and or Various parts of the seonery are| ing to W. J, Fulton, deputy minis- BIRTHDAYS ae 10 2 nS utance, M cigaret or faulty wiring is often The Sunday School reported an|sports, A balance of $165 'was re jo yy 0 J 4 finer, hich approval lly converted to some other|top of highways. secure "®to blame Ny 8 od ¢ ' {would attract only those Indivic The Downtown Merchants' use " p : . - a ------------ snm-- enrolment of 124 pus 182 children ported. nd of 1058 ss 18 Scouts "als who were willing to better sociation will hold fet ante 2 This play gr d t have The di Proposed expressway Congrasilations, aud : best g -- T on the "cradle roll". There were he end of 1938 saw 18 Scouts LAN WHO Wo 4 : | Sociation: Wi Dis play group does not have will provide access to the Mus-| wishes to the following resi . 47 teachers and officers, Average and 32 Cubs in the Third Oshawa 'e community and theiing Feb, 26, (extras for stage hands. They koka area and will run on the| dents of Oshawa and district OFFER REWARD WOOL attendance was 233. The depart. troop and pack look back on Br -------- ------------------ EE ------ " east side of Lake Simcoe, Work| who are celebrating birthdays LONDON, Ont, (CP)--The Lon. ment: closed the year with a bal: [successful year. The group com-| f a Tor aa | wit begin as soon as the Don| today: don board of education has of: Scatter Rugs ance of $101, mittee raised $209 through sales *| [Valley parkways Is near com.| Barbara Buldyke, 211 Hib. (fered a reward of $500 for in| Sale 1.50 each A total of $3310 was raised by|and spent $260 for equipment and | [pletion, bert street; Marion Willlams, [formation leading to the arrest . the Woman's Missionary Society, camping expenses. Conslderable| | || The new road will duplicate] 100 Warren avenue; Mrs, A, [And conviction of the hit and runff - NU-WAY RUG It included a $500 donation from help was given by the Ladies'| | ! E A { [Highway 400 as a tourlst-traffle| Carswell, 133 Gladstone ave- [driver who killed high school SALES D. C. Wigg, of Gravenhurst, AlAuxiliary. y h wy (artery, It will link up with the| nue; Bruce Witherly, Apt, 4, Jeacher Waldo Ryerson, 24, of 174 MARY ST. RA 5.1202 . : | Don Valley parkway, north of] Craydon road, Whitby; Peter London, In Stratford last Satur ' ' , 3 | {Woodbine avenue and Steele's av:| Cox, 80 Rossland road east; |98Y: COMING EVENTS I 2 y : 4 REY yg [enue in Toronto and will run Into| Karen Havward, 340 Jasper i id | 3 ' » : Xia Highway 12 near the junction of| avenue; Mrs. Yvonne Rudyk, Highways 2 and 7, just north of| 897 Olive avenue; Mrs, J. B. Sunderland. Nelll, 66 Harmony road The exact route to be followed| south; Bernard McQuald, RR Kinsmen Bingo | s7. cHrisTopHEr's by te highway is a closely| 4, Oshawa; Judy Nichol, 117 " 5 Second Annual guarded secret to prevent land| Stacey avenue; Mrs, Shirley : TUESDAY, JAN. 27 NIGHT OF CARDS speculation, Blencowe, 102 Sherwood ave- le A Jubilee Pavilion At St. Marys of the People EL rm---- m--- nue; Mrs, Lorna Haves, Har- Ed FREE ADMISSION Parish Hall WINS ACQUITTAL mony road north; Mrs. Rob- --~ Jan. 22, 23, 26, 27| Wed, Jan, 28, 1959, 8 pm, SOREL, Que. (CP)--Roger GiIl,| Tt Colby, 743 Gaspe avenue; Tender EAT'N A. 5 ---------- Tickets 75¢ per person 190 50, was acquitted Thursday of a Mrs. fon Turner, 434 Eu. meena | fe E D i A § manslaughter charge arising from the shotgun deaths of his| , Lhe first five persons to in. form The Oshawa Times of wife and 14.year-old son last summer In the family's summer| thelr birthdays each day will home outside Plerreville Que. receive double tickets to the Both died as a result of a single Regent Theatre good for a blast from a 12-gauge shotgun. At our-week period. The current the inquest Gill testified the gun Sitraction Is Walt Disney's went off after he had taken it Onka out to clean it, ATTENTION . . . ENGAGED COUPLES ! =--and All those contemplating Marriage within the year . , . PREPARE NOW FOR HAPPINESS LATER! For any state in life, preparation is essential, For happiness In Marriage, preparation is even more vitally important and necessary, TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 KING ST. E, -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Sat. Only! - BNG0. ion O Temp! HARMAN PARK Getenation rane Tore]. ASSOCIATION oh Aik Games FRIDAY 8 P.M. Share the Wealth ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloo: and Simcoe 4-340 Jackpots to go 20 Games $6 - $8. 5--$40 1==$150 Special to go | jackpots, 19h! 18h MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, JAN. 24 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIU. | SIMCOE STREET NORTH Fresh Killed Boiling Fowl = 29: Tender RIB STEAKS = 7/9 Lean, Sliced Cooked HAM = 89: PLAN TO FOLLOW . . . "THE COURSE OF PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE" 15 Lessons covering every aspect of married life, IT'S INTERESTING! . , IT'S UNIQUE! , , IT'S COMPLETE! . . AIR FORCE VETERANS PRESENT WHEELCHAIR TIME: --8:00 PM. every Sunday commencing Jan. Members of the 'Royal Ca-'| dren's Ald residence was pre. | presenting the chair to CAS 25th (next Sun.) nadian Air Foree Association sented to the society in-a spe Director Barney Lewis, At left | PLACE: --St yf i Wing 420, presented a wheel clal fund the RCAFA have put | is Stanley Mason, assistant di- y J Mary's Roman Cathelie Chase ADMISSION: 50 CENTS | Sha Thursday, to the Chil- | aside for such' worthwhile | rector of the Children's Aid. Auditorium, Stevenson's Rd. N. at Marion den's Ald Society. The chair causes. Phato shows Jim | At right is Wavne Paterson, ¢ EVERYONE WELCOME o y EXTRA GAMES AT $25 made especially for one of the | Humphries, president of the secretary, RCAFA | children Lviog in the Chil | 420 Wing, second from left, | Oshawa Times Photo. | For further information call Rev. N. J, Gignac, RA 8.5073 i

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