Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Jan 1959, p. 8

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omen Women's Editor Jo Aldwinckle, January meeting of # Gerirude's subdivision of the Catholic Women's League was held in the parish hall, At the completion of the bysi- ness meeting, the president, Mrs Patrick Roberts, Introduced the speaker, Mrs, Doris Holliday, who spoke on mental health, The Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, January 32, 1959 Mrs, Holliday Is a graduate of Kingston General Hospital and took # post graduate course In Toronto, She has heen on the staff of the Ontario Hospital at Whithy for 28 years, In speaking of her work with GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES worn, He also answered ques the| tons CHRIST CHURCH W.A, The annual of evening branch of the Woman's, - One new member was Intro Auxiliary of Christ Memorial duced, Mrs, John Cotter, The Carnival Dance Chireh was held at the home of minutes were read and roll call his, 3h Cui. ooo gto ate gy Me bop, 1c) Designed. to Bring Groups Together Mrs. Claire McCullough pre-| read the correspondence includ: sided and reports were given hy!ing many thank you notes from An Innovation In Oshawa's pre- Lent festivities is being Intro the secretary, Mrs, James How. leaders and assistants for Christ ard. The enrolment has now mas gifts, Mrs, ¥, J, Hastings! reached 36 The Junior Auxillary started by Mrs, Donald Wilson has 17 enrolled and meets on the Tuesday of the month, The financial report by Mrs William Locke was very gratify ing. The doreas report was given hy Mrs, Donald Souch, Members were reminded of the play, "Wit ness for the Prosecution' put on hy the Pilgrim Players on Thurs day, January 22 and Friday, Jan uary 23, in the Parish Hall at 8,15 p.m On Sunday, January 25, the of ficers will be installed by the Venerable 1, D, Cleverdon at the 11 o'clock service, Including the Junlor auxiliary officers The annual vestry meeting is to be held on January 26 at 8 o'clock in the parish hall, Members were urged to attend, The members were also reminded of the pan cake supper to he held on Thes day, Pebruary 10 Refreshments were served hy Mrs, William Broadbent and Mrs Murdie MacLeod Thanks were extended to Mrs Culp for her hospitality, The next meeting Is to be held on Tuesday, February 10 TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, he regular meeting of the Bth Bea Beout Mothers' Auxiliary was held in the Hillcroft Street iris! marized by Mrs, R, J, Ross con frst vener for the Card Party being |one wanting tickets were asked he © gave the treasurer's report Vinal arrangements were sum. duced this year in an European syle earnival dance at the Hotel Genosha, The gala evening has been planned by Rudi Maeder, who has had the idea in mind for he y " _|past two years, His hope Is that {ported on the ticket sales, any.|} arnival dance will bring Canadians, old and new, closer together in a social understand ing "There is too much separation among the ethnie groups,' he says, "and 1 hope the music and dancing will mix us all up a bit If this is successful we will try {held in Christ Memorial Church! hall Wednesday February 4, Mes, | ¥., J. Reed, ticket convener re [to eall RA B50, | Mrs, Ernest * anson and Mrs, | James Thompson offered to he! conveners of the Knitted Good at the fall bazaar, It was an nounced the father and son ban quet will be held pril 4, The next meeting will be held yore parties and a formal dane ' on February 16 In the Hilleroft tater in the season," --=Nehru 8 Daughter @ o'clock | Street Scout hall and will be in| On Saturday from # charge of Mrs, J. R, Ross of the (wo orchestras will provide con Wild-goose patrol tinuous musie for all kinds of Refreshments were served by dances, waltz, rhumba, tango, Mrs, A, 8, Evans of the Musk: foxtrot, square dancing and rock rat patrol, and roll for the young at heart There will be novelty dances and CHRIST CAURCH EVE, GUILD|4 fancy dress parade with three The first meeting of the New| judges to pick the winners of the Your of the Evening Guild of most original, the funniest and Christ Memorial Church was held prettiest costumes and to award recently, prizes The president, Mrs, W, @G.| Supper will be served at 11.30 Jackson, opened the meeting Reservations may be made by with a few words of welecome|lelephoning TIA 50081 or tlekets followed by prayer, The minutes may be hought at the door, Mr, were read by Mrs, Fred Porter,|Mneder hopes that the dancers secretary, The treasurer's report|W/ll Arrive In costume to help was read by Mrs, G, E, Pitches, [create the carnival spirit, Mrs, Garnet White gave the par -- hall on Thursday and Friday Scout hall, The president Mrs, Douglas Redpath presided Mr, Donald Thompson Scout. master of the port section was Introduced and gave a talk on the various types of winter ¢ mp. ng. He stressed the . inh il report, also remind. | ing the members of the annual | evenings, January 22 and 28 at Elliott, the sewing vestry meeting on January 26, (8,15, Confirmation service will be at| Mrs, G. H the evening service on Sunday, convener, gave out material for aprons for the spring sale The next meeting will be on February 1, The play "Witness for the Pros- of very warm clothing being! scution" will be in the perish'February § in the parish hall. [faklonts at the hospital, Mrs {Holliday sald "There are four leornerstones on which Is based [rehabilitation religion, recrea tion, occupation and making {friends | Mrs. Holliday fact that menial patients are people who have at one. time led 8 normal life but, due to pres sures surrounding them, they feel they cannot go on, This happens psychiatry at the University ofito people in sll walks of life, 7 | In speaking of mental health in| regard to ehildren, Mrs, Holliday sald, "Childhood Is the golden| (age, and children should be taught discipline in the home, ond at the same time should know that they are wanted, need-| (ed, and loved, This helps them to| facet he world adequately when they are grown, Mental health is the adjustment of oneself to inner and outer demands In a way that is satisfactory to the society in| {which we live," Mrs, Holliday works primarily with foster homes for patients who are ready to leave the hos | pital, She pointed with pride to) 11 of the original foster homes who are still taking outgoing patients | In closing, Mrs, Holliday stated {that the Ontario Hospital at Whit | St. Gertrude's CWL Hears Talk |B On Mental Rehabilitation ointed out the 225 br # {by has the highest percentage of | released patients who have never again had a breakdown Mrs, Roy Bligden thanked Mrs Holliday, A buffet lunch , was served hy Mrs, Gerald Merkley land Mrs, | Named President | Of India's Congress NEW DELHI (AP) «= Mrs, In- dirs Gandhi, daughter of Prime {Minister Nehru, says she is thrilled but. a bit frighténed by the prospect of becoming presi dent of the Congress party, In. dia's biggest "It will be the biggest chal: {lenge T have faced," sald Mrs, |Gandhl, "I hope to be able to live up to what is expected of me. Mrs, Gandhi, a slim, striking brunette of 41, has been nomin ated by half a dozen state con ress committees to head her ather's party, which has gov |erned India since Independence Although the nominations re main open until Feb, 1, it Is ex- pected she will be named by ac- John Adams | i A BIRTHDAY Two years old today is Pat ricis Jayne, daughter of Mr and Mrs, M, E, Luke, La Salle, avenue, Patty-Jayne Is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Connor apd Mr, and Mrs, Has Lived 64 Years "*¢.% x KITCHENER, Ont, (CP)--Mr George Paxtan Mr, and Mrs, James Janetos, Wr nf Mrs, Roy Lunn, Me, and Mrs, MN Brigas, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Weeds, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Skiteh, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Vice, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Parry, Mr, and Mrs, KE. Lang, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wotton Mr, and Mrs, 8, J, Hennlck, and MIs. Connaught street, are entertain ing st 8 cockiail and coffee party PERSONALS whose Roy Bligdon, Refreshments were served by Mrs, John Donghie and Miss FKvelyn Farrow, marriage to Mr... William Thor: Hor commitice. Fathsr Mahone darson will take place on Vib sips Sidney Sheridan and Mrs i day, January 23, In the parson-\Govald Merkley drew the price Age nf Northminster United bers Door prizes were wom Chureh, has been honored at prep sive 1° 0) Donell nuptial showers, Henry € : f y Cardinal Miss Marilyn Salmon, whe will he bridesmaid, was hostess at : prior {o attending the Hospiial vellancous | shower, Games. 7% Norman Briggs, Fernhill Auxiliary dance, Covricors Cj hi gr. 8 | houlevard, held 8 meeting In her, pe xt Wednesday, » were played and prizes were Wol pome (asl week to arrange. pers, next Wednesday, Robert Witkon, ie. Natsie ht, of ober. ha patos, dre luviled by the sod ' | [ . Blasko and Mrs, Kenneth Far iioiq, MeLsughlin Sehool, Devarument @. send. in any the row, Assisting the hostess were her mother, Mrs, E, C, Salmon, Miss Blasko, Mrs, W; J, R, Ben- nett and Mrs, Miss Varrow's friends and asso. ¥avilion are Mr, and Mrs, Don- for which there is no surprise parties, showsrs, sn Among those reserving tables yorguries and comings and goings Herbert Wilson, Tor Capricorn Capers at Jubllee!are always very acceptable a charge, ciates at Chain-Belt Company, |[#ld Cranfield, Mr, and Mrs, Gar-|Please write or telephones Willowdale, held a miscellaneous diner Williams, Mr, and Mrs, |5:3474, local 18, shower at the home of Mrs, Shel don Brooks, Wilfred street, To oe en an an we ww on on om ww on a a ronto, The hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs, Ernest West The Federation des Femmes § Conndiennes Prancalses held is ¥ first eard party in the new parish hall of Saint Mary of the People, Ne! other fociol R M. Greentree, Oshawa, and Mr, [Gregory's auditorium George Cann, Paris, Ontario Love At First Sight couple. He Is 91 and she 1 Stevenson road north, on Tues g day evening, Approximately two hundred and twenty five persons 4 attended this gay afalr, and en 1 joyed an evening of bridge and 5 ouchre, More than thirty prizes were won, These were donated by business firms and many others were given hy the Federn thon members and thelr friends At the close of play refreshments were enjoyed, Mrs, John Car dinal, president, welcomed the J visitors cleanser leaves cleans your skin your skin up to 3 TIMES CLEANER than any soap... any cream CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY £2 754. 4|28 PICTURE J. Luke, Oshawa, reat-granddaughter of §t, Gertrude's subdivision of the Catholic Women's League held its annual card party on Monday, January 19, In St Mrs, Wil- [liam Clancy was the convener Pp assisted hy Mrs, John Adams In Photo by Ireland {charge of tickets, The Reverend Francis 8, Mahoney assisted the president, Mrs, Patrick J. Rob- erty in receiving, Candy was sold hy Mrs, Frank Markey and Mrs, and | Mrs 90, and they have been mar! and Mrs, John 8, Geisel of nearby Fimira helleve in the old saying about love at first sight, Back In 1660, when the roads) were narrow, Mr, Gelsel was hauling logs on a road lined by | snowbanks when he saw a girl approaching, She jumped off the sath to let him pass but while | e was slowing the horses they shied, and he also landed on foot "I thought right then that | had met the girl I would marry," he says, "After all, she got off the road for me." clamation when the votes are counted March 1, J 4 ee This Weekend SHAWA PPLIANCES | ITTY 6 3 at Fabulous Savings! MODEL RLB130 WASHERS @ Automatic WASHERS and DRYERS DRYERS FASHION CLEARANCE! Blacks LADIES WEAR LTD, DRASTIC REDUCTIONS! Prices have been further reduced on Coats, Suits, Dresses 'and Sportswear , . . Everything must be sold to make room for our Spring Merchandise ... SAVE Va to V2 and MORE, COATS and SUITS Fur trimmed and plain, in Camel Malr, Kilgornock. Elysian and Twist , Sealskin, Velours, Blin & Blin end Broadcloth, Reg. 79.95 & 85.00 Reg. 49.95 & 59.95 Reg. 69.95 4.00 44.00 57.00 ¢ SPECIAL RACK °* DRESSES and SWEATERS REG. 9.95 TO 16.95 DRESSES Misses, Juniors, and Va Sizes Further Reduced REG. 16.95 to 29.95 REG, TO 39.95 SKIRTS ™ ie: ™ 15.00 v0 15.00 Luxurious Fur Pile Fabric REG. 8.95 TO 25.00 COATS iNet LENGTH BORG CLOUD NO. 9 2 VALUE PACKED FLOORS ! BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER! FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL! General Electric Washers noted for labor saving fea- tures are being offered at money saving prices, See them today, 13 Cu.Ft:Refrigerator See this G, E. Beauty at this fabulous low price. It has all the ® Revolving Shelves @ Twin ® Magnetic Safety Door e fgg @® Ice Cube Storage @ Cheese You must see this to appreciate the price! AFTER TRADE famous G. E. features: Vegetable Crispers Racks @ Butter Keeper Compartment SPECIAL! 27 SPECIAL PRICES 199" 229:90.299.00-329.00 There's new freedom in your laundering schedule when you own a G.E Clothes Dry, er. See them now. There's one priced just right for you, SPECIAL PRICES 179° 199% 249% EASY 1 78 SIMCOE ST, N. OSHAWA OSHAWA APPLIANCES RA 3.2815 SLACKS 5.00 REG, 79.98 REG. 85.00 50.95 : 55.00 2.991 5.99 All Sales Final -- Alterations Extra Famous makes in Brown, Grey and Blue. Sizes 10 to 18. Reg: ular 10.98 FURTHER REDUCED BLOUSE TO CLEAR REG, 5,95 TO 10.00 LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 ® OPEN FRILEVE. TILL9PM. @

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