Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Jan 1959, p. 6

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{ In regard to housing the as 6TH OONAVA TIA, Thontr, Joe 1, 190 ___ [INTERPRETING THE NEWS Winter Job Aid Fh um mu made to reduce housing costs by productivity, Europe's Socialists Asked From Labor "= By FORBES RHUDE in a trade unions a condition of » LJ * Canadian Press Business Editor employment or of continuing em Praise Pietro Ne1 L { 11 MONTREAL (CP) = Labor is ployment,' The statement #lso FOR MISSED asked to make contributions' to said By ED BIMON nuclear tests, But Is leader, and possibly the member of his Winter omployment ina relly ry Jalmonance BL PAPERS ' 4 (Hugh Gaitskell, is adamant in re- party best qualified to draw a!"" "A%€0 BY th p J Canadian Press Star Writer | gl nn Assneint hon of living In Canada depend on A month ago, Fuvopesn social sisting Any wave oud Bb Hains hatp distinction hutweh his vik The nature of the "contribu: productive efficianey, Increased yitiulrave 'rom and ve ideclogy and thal of | i wan't spelled out, despite productivity on Job sites and ink iy you have not recsived your Isls were blaming Guy Mollet, ; ak rh A { other alliances that bind her to Khrushehev, He, along with West| Tong discussion at the closing plants will continue to require Tol! p07 Jol rate the Vrench party leader, for his ' her Western partners German leader Erich Ollenhaver, p Ww Y ¢ 8 00 refusal to collahorale with the has no iusions About the inten. Session Wednesday of the assoel- (the maximum possible co {4 ib Communists in fighting the grow: BRANDT DEFIANT - . 4 atlon's annugl meeting tion between management, labor AJAX TAXI ing power of Gen. de Gaulle, While similar differences trou Hone of his Russian neighbors Some delegates suggested thal and government," Now they aie expressing relief ble socialists in Belgium, the venni has yel to prove himself age vale might he modified and LITTLE DISCUSSION HONE because Italy's Pietro Nennl has Netherlands and Scandinavia, capable of setting a similarly In- others said (his was unrealistic. A long series of statements and finally led his party oul of is|their importance diminishes in dependent course for his party, Bul most seemed to think some resolutions expressing well-known 10-year alliance with the Commu: countries close to the horders of If he succeeds in restoring 80: concessions might be made in re- association attitudes passed with AJAX 333 nisis x Fastern Vurope claliet morale, he stands an ex: gard Lo working conditions little discussion The two developments neatly, There is no sign of soul-search- cellent chance of cutting heavily In a statement of policy on Ia. The association chose J. 1, | AW calls must be placed before outline the horns of the dilemma|ing in the allitude of Willy into the ranks of the [Italian ation skid "it eon Harrington of Montreal as presi 7:30 pom, [that impales the non-Communist,| Brandt, Socialist mayor of Com: Communist party the stronges' noite abhor agrees dent, succeeding Harold J, Ball {left - wing politician in Europe, |MUnist - surroundea West Berlin'in Western Europe ments which make membershipol Kitchener If he devoles his energies lo fighting Communists, he is in danger of hecoming virtually In distinguishable from the CONSer: [mum mum as im Smog' ous Soames vative on his right, If he Joins|& farees with them, he becomes the prisoner of Moscow i Mollet's stubborn rejection of | 5% Communist hids to make com mon cause against de Gaulle was| oo rewarded hy rebellion within his own party and its sound heating al the polls, Nenni, also weakened by party splits because of his communist ties, now is attempt ing to close his ranks GAITAKELL FIRM 4 The same problem exists ing 8 less spectacular form In A num her of other countries varying | in degree with the comparative strength of the two left wing |g |parties | In Rritain, where Communial } trenglh is negligible, the ques: tion stWl arises al the Interna: '{ tional level, Only a handful of / J . Lahor party members unreserv $e Ca . | edly oad the Moscow line but |: a far greater numher want their !! A SNIFF OF FREEDOM [lender to take A More independ i] | y . ! ; '" ' vy Messall Had), veleran Alger ide Paris, from Bell-lle-En es de Gaulle is making a new The party Is unanimes in Ie | f 1 * TUES. JAN. 27 IS CLERK S DAY lan nationalist freed recently Mer, off coast of Brittany. A effort to gel a cense-fire in the SUPPOF! of such policies as dis: k engagement in Central Furope | after vears detention in general amnesty for thousands f ' North Af France, sniffs flowers sent him | of Algerian rebels gave impetus MHI YEATWAT In NOFHh ATTICA. {ond an early agreement (0 end |; ! on his arrival at Chantilly, out- * to reports that President Charl AP Wirephoto i UR § * a Wi { | ter Work P la i J I § H 4 Persons Killed N A Next Tuesday is "Clerk's Day" at your GRAND UNION SUPERMARKET, In every market and office of this Canadian Supermarket Chain, young man, chosen by their fellow workers, take over supervisory . ° LEXINGTON, Ky, (AP) All ' ) 4 positions, These "Executives for a Day" are young peeple of intelligence and ability, Same may be 000-foot television tower toppled AI your own neighbours, Many will grew with GRAND UNION until they reach and even exceed these c 1011 OoOwin an V1 onto WLEXTV station Wednes J Cay" goslilem / day killing a receptionist and In i ; 8 Clerk's Day" p . juring two other persons kg From office boy to executive , , that's the dream of avery young Canadian entering inte business, d Bow M A VV in E ali Tol Yo " Inter York assistance plan, (be carried on, the men are em: yred Cregg, owner of. radio f And at GRAND UNION this dream can come true. The GRAND UNION pelicy Is te promote from within ate eight firms have received This, said Mr. Quinton, will as. ployed inside constructing pienic station WLAP in Lexington, sald 2 fo give every young man and woman the chance le go as far and fast as his talents and energies plans and specifications to tender sure employment for Bowman: [tables and benches the steel tower almost eut the . § ; called for construction of the ville citizens now unemployed Mr. Quinton stated Wednesday huilding in. two. The tower col can carry him new 1 ner Mail Jouth, mat a Ih fo are Bob Jyesent II Row that the eral publi will i all lapsed when an old %00-foot tower | We believe that If business In this country Is to grow and prosper, employees must have the Lloyd Quinton sald Wednesday the town work A under Ross iA ale Pl " any fell, cutting the guide lines Lo the opportunity to become more and more a part of it's operations, We believe that all whe werk for that work on the new sewer sys: the scheme introduced hy thelpark area early in the summer. 00-000 StPUCHYe i GRAND UNION should have a voice in management, should share in ewnership and profits, The dead woman was identified as Mrs. Busan Grazie) tem Is expected to start some: federal and provinelal govern Te area will cover approxi time early In February, Tende ment mately 30 acres and it intend will official] we Janua Ma Those employed by Mr. Quin: ed to eonstruet a children vad Karl Royles, station manager fpm Lor lepartment caring brush ing pool in the cree hieh runs estimated damage al helween Mr. Quinton said as much a nd trimming trees in the new through the new park £300,000 and $400,000 ft ak al 4 ny i x i 4 "Clark's Day" Is GRAND UNION'S proudest tradition, You, the people we serve and the people whe help us serve you helter are our prime concern, And this will continue fo be our oblective possible of the labor required on Vanstone Park area In the west the projec under the MB Lin ™ path ot oa on gays Men We Steady Growth GRADE HAY OVEN READY Family Absent goon For Canada | As Home Blazes uu. mn a ve we § MAPLE GROVE (Staff iH Firemen took approximately what Canada has in prospect for boom is in prospect hut a steady manville volunieer fire brigade two hours to extinguish the 1950 upward growth, and that is pre was galled to Maple Grove Wed: flames which completely gutted a Gat ke ha of the informa. Clsely what is good for the eco nesday afternoon to extinguish a bedroom in the house. Accordin tion which has heen assembled nomy of this country i \ blaze which started in a stove to 'ehief W. Hackney, the fire . William Henidiekson (1 Ken: § AA VA A he sald during Wednesday's Com oy \ pipe In the home of Mr. and M started in a stove pipe whieh! hrane speech debate, 'we Ora Rainy River) noted that Mr, £1 fy = nor ) i : Edward Holmes. RR 8, Bowman: he said was too close to the \ J oe . . Churchill's department had an [74 " Hy ville, on Maple Grove road north. lin It then spread tH the bed face a future In which e. fan y % BACKED AVG, WT, 2% 0 3 LBS, x nee nounced a decline in wheat ex ot No one was at home when the room and the attie, setting off hake Sorin : I e ports during the first four months g BY BOND! fire started mattresses stored (here 16 talk we heard TOM of (he opop year that started last < S the. blue-ruin boys can be dis: XG) 2 YOUR MONEY - DELICIOUS FRIED, BROILED Mrs. E. Cox, next-loor neigh | y a Irefighters were hampered hy \ bar, first noticed smoke coming vater supply and difficulty missed he added in one of Me. Churchill said that up to <BACK GUARANTEE > hs 001 from the Holmes house around 2 |, \ , many digs aimed at Opposition yan 7 wheat exports weré "very p.m Another nelghbor, Mra, K. dere hg 10 the mil ied" maLeader Pearson's statements vavy clase" to the same rate As aan OR BARBECUED Mavherr iwrned in the alarm wouse. they had to chop &. hole opening the debate Monday a vear earlier--down "only 10 ' A/ -- LB the roof to reach the flames. RAPS PEARSON 000,000 bushels. He did not give § oO T&D : . Water hid to he pumped from Mp. Churchill at one point took the total figure but sald this fn) Pret \ 1 Damages v small wells, each containing Mp, Pearson to task for vefepp. YEAS OVE all exports WHI o only about three feet of water. ing to Brig. James A. Roberts [come close' lo last year's J16 A d d | Holme ell was pumped associate deputy trade minister|000,000 bushels VAC PAK w dry, and according to chief Haek-|appointed by the Progressive ¢ ar e n ney, there Is only a trickle left In Conservative governmeni, as he . BONELESS, SMOKED LA : e Cox family well ing "friendly to the govern N Court Action ines an employe at ment » . res General Motor has just return YA i \ N . dh \ " k re we to infer that there are | s . LONDON. Ont. (CP) Damages ed from Mount Sinai Hospital in civil servants hot appointed by es roy PRESH CUT MOM FRESH DRESSED, TOP QUALITY FRYERS EREXLARGE ANY 878 ¢ 5 1] 35 totalling § 0 \ hay aronto } ind costs have Toron this government who "are un PORK HOCKS iadiing » % od J \ Riiiliy BA friendly toward N1*" asked My Homes Lives | ; | OONONS-GUICK HMOIINIOIMON PAR BREASTS ¢ BOLOGNA MECE i n Hy 4b y y a bl Churehill | . 14 OF CHICKEN n Lh Swirrs . y A ' ni the Adama N od TIMES BUREAUS N Turning to matters economic NYACK, N.Y , (AP) Resident t BY 10 OR LEGS naw ~ to wesday the jury found the o : ) Ir. Churchill said ial fires in suburban Rockland @ . endant, John F Brown of Lon Rjax Ajax 426 "Unemployment and inflation County destroyed a fashionable | PAY RRO TT aA iii 2 fon was the negl party in a ' are not threats In the sense thal apartment house, levelled a hum | § % ; ? WOORI | 10 hway 2 o the Canadian economy is In hle Negro d w | ) { le Negro dwelling and aj Apri} | 1038 v which cai danger of collapse from these two oe! 0 " ot g oy Ri GR BOWMANVILLE rabies haga! claimed five tes Web [0 en I, Vs Fe@ture oF the We@k! ------ 11 CAI IMPERIAL VALLEY, FRESH, NO. \, 2 5 pa HDS, X A | ny n of Chath Hided "They are serious matters that The flames billowed so fast and § ¥ ICERERG Mooney and a passenger in h MARKET 3.7282 have to be dealt with courage: furiously that the best firemen | y LETTUCE ar, Mrs. Gale Stan of London . ously and vigorously and that is'could do was to stop their] were th untifs. The jury ab Rae Hopkins t what this government Is doing." spread to nearby structures. The solved of any blame RX " nt | f he ; : R on WOULD ROOS 'XPORTS apartment house fire was hore; $ s the ac : 1 EXP ah the other in Piermont three miles FROZEN 12 OF, CHIR, TINIR, PRE-WASHID He sald Canada has opportunl: 1a" the south x ¢ PKGS a NO! 10.02 ties to enlarge trade with the One blaze demolished a 2. | PRG United Kingdom, "with the Com it » monwealth generally and with w frame apartment house, in N 'holce south Nyack section the world as a whale" ™ RE any : HUNT'S =MADE FROM ARN ; "We will do our level best fo Jeg 3 vor Re Stren CATSUP RICH, RED TOMATOES 4 Ms ¢ FLORIDA, PASCAL Ww { Fil Ww | Three women were believed J C 03 L E RY TENDER, FRESH BCH : : dead. One body was recovered BE HEARTS } ite riles wnt ! BEANS AYIMER 18 on. 2 WITH ¢ from the ruins A More than 100 men fought the CANS Against Husband «: | o ASE | . it CANADIAN, NO. |, WAXED RAR . The Piermont blaze apparently BE hy 2 or 4 or, $ Rid 4 : OTTAWA (CP) -- A writ wa parent | C ff AND ] oh or aA (Cp S hroke out when Mrs, Carrie Spen 4 nstant 0 114 sal tORN JAR ¢ JAR ° 4 4 TURNIPS YELLOW In Oatario Su 1 cer, 3, was filling a kerosene preme Court hy Mrs. Philippa stove & ¢ her basement apart Monsarrat of Montreal and me _. i Johanneshurg « harging her au h- Jue ied ho He Blaze - § MARGARINE a0 2 53: bl » wp 5k [ d er four-year-old nephew } ' i Oe Eo - a a thar-hushand Nicholas Monsarrat with desertion ps any SYRCRGHRS ff DAVID'S COOKIES MS" 3Q¢ © AS VACATION TINE 15 Just SOdpe'y iy sons, Mare, ¥, and BOWMANVILLE ! BREEZE WHITE Bc OFF : AROUND TNE CORNER! START T0 SAVE NOW FOR MISSED PAPERS AND oat" |X bon 3 (hl gh WITH CASH-EARNING TAX! SERVICE PHONE --- ~ Pr % , STEVEN'S TAXI || Feature! SE ' Ov : ) MA 3.5822 PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE = WITH EC ONOMY aa" \ SAV-4-SEALS CASE FOR MODERN SOLOMON | 4 It you have net received your FREE HAIR BRUSH We 4 DY Sasi, | Sees Ware ithe lcd the Cou TE I ha PRICES EFRCTIVE JAN. 33, 33, 34 TT WE RESERVE TH RIGHT. TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Reach Wo sm H < "Re he ather % abby ; tact him by 7.00 Hy s werd a Ae ans parking a | OPEN THURS. & NORTH DUNDAS neler Boh Rice' THRE | they | d i ra n ohs TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI FRI. UNTIL 9 P.M. { PLAZA AJAX § STREET WHITBY o the « pecially formulated for babies! hat there vinlation o We Dis tar ow ie Ciled IW aes the law, since nickel had double parking." a phlagm SU whisling { Calls Accepted Between F.7:30 pm. Only

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