THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Jenvery 23, 1999 § WHITBY and DISTRICT Barrie Club Meets Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas 8t, West Manager: Lloyd Robertson I |stalled and other Wems of Im tention; Cooke's Esso, 18 points; portance will be brought before whithy Cleaners, 12; Bassett's WHITBY PERSONALS | Aeon sommes Jewelers, 10. Mr, and Mrs, Man Martin Cll revised terms of the JWEh (riples; Bert Mewet, wo. bn \RThitby Rotary motor trip to Florida | . voter B35 (338); Doc Dafoe, #23 (312 reference governing the Peter uy) Manny Swariz, 8 819); left on a where they vill spend Myrie Reeson, 806 (920); Jack Perry Award, Councillors Vote Selves Pay Hike Members of Ontario County take up a great portion of the Council voted themselves a pay day, increase at the January sessions) Heeve william A, Heron, of of the council held in Whithy on Whitby Twp., stated that he was Wednesday, They voted to in-[not In favor of a pay Increase erense thelr rate. of pay for| "If 'we pass this there will be ecounell meetings from $14 to $15 criticism " he sak : and to raise the pay for eom.| Reeve William Beard, of Can mittee meetings from $10 per ninglon, suggested that the coun day to $15 cil rate of $14 be left at that and At the same meeting, they also commitiee meeting ales he rals voted tn Incresse the warden's ed to that figure also y oy ony Reeve James J, Gibson, of orig from Y0 ver yesr to Port Perry, sald that couneillors Mills, of Reeve John Afax, | need not be ashamed of Fecely | y p! BA { he speaking to the motion made hy! Ing $15 per day He sald hat, Reeve Rae Ferguson, of Ux had two or three men working bridge, and Reeve Anson Gerrow for him who made that much and of Seugog Twp., sald that as a fhat he oak worth more an member of the county road Bd ne. A Wewitan. of board, some meetings had begun He ony 0 Joward, Meda ot at B am, and had lasted until each P. # . ghould be left as It is 6 p.m, He sald that other com: SHOW Ti role! mittees had meetings which were None of us are going broke, he sald, He claimed that the nger than the dust a» long, ne Yn h he. council had opposed a mation to A J g residents of alrview ¢ os nt|BIve the re iden py at 10 a.m, and concludes a Lodge an extra dollar Hii weve John MeCrorle of ave y Scott, of Piek-| Reeve Joh ' a vy ie I ay if os new Beaverton, pointed out that Mi / ; Ww y e ald 1 rate of pay would apply to com extra dollar had been paid to them p J retings lasted mites whore mbating fe was A council members Indicated ry fel p en's salary y snged to point out A, meet that they felt the warden's sa , Shatlenid R14 an lasted that of $2600 was no more than suf ficient considering the amount of long work he has to do in his capacity TRAVELLING TIME as head of the county Reeve Gerrow pointed out that! The pay hikes were hoth ap many committee members lived proved with Reeve Sherman at considerable distance from Moore, of Pickering Twp,, calling Whithy and a trip here wouldifor a recorded vole Announce WDHS Honor Students The following students of Whit-| Grade HF Linda MacRae by Distriet High School obtained| (90.5), Teresa Steffler, Milton an average of First Class Honors| Van der Veen, June Scott, David (78 per cent or over) on the| Rivers, Christmas examinations, Names| Grade 9G Robert Orton are arranged In. order of merit, (g59), Edward Winacott, Gall with the percentage obtained by Stevenson, Derek Betty, David the highest-ranking pupll given Houston, after the name Grade 13 (79.9), Lucille Tutt Fleanor Yates Grade 12A Susan Cuddy (88.9), Helen Lamory, Patricia George, Grade 11A Carole Farquhar (88,3), Gary Maldlow, Fay Moss, Lynn Manson, Margaret Tweedy, Nigel Schilling, Grade 11B -- Marilyn Tripp 7.9), | Grade 10A ~ Helen MeKnight | or ne, Harding, AH melt, ho Hermann, Catherine Newton, Cur. tis Bradley, Elizabeth King, Karl Gross, Dianne Graham, Madell hd Ward, Patrick Carman, Karen McMahon, LI Grade 108 Johanna Flim . i (8.1), John Cuddy, Stephen f Fluke, John Bell, Nancy | Andrews, Marion Price, Jean : Falrman, Dianne Speers, Bonnie \ Dilling, John Miller and Gary \ i Tweedle, equal, Bonnie Agg and \ #43 Douglas Davidson and Cato Van. | derhorst, 'equal, Randy Scott, Michael Tavener, John Mudrey To Celebrate Grade. 10C ms, DR, M, B, DYMOND Grade 10D -- Beverley Horack | B Bi hd a. ' Burns Birthday Grade WB Eleanore Hall 5 The 200th anniversary of the Burns, Scot Mary Loulse Cuddy Dirth of Bobble poet, will he land's immortal Moorhouse 48) celebrated at St re ap ( . Margaret Pre hyterian Church in Whithy Grade 0C (M2), Lynda Paul Staley, equal son, William Hall Coutts, James Paterson, Joan F Yiday ic Reb. tor the ; Calder, David Lehman, Cheryl 'HOH SPEAKS 0 heen Smith, Patricia. Watkins, - Beryl Hon will be the Hon, Dr. M, B Dauncey, Anna Mary Mellwain Dymond." Minister of Health for Gregory n anel the Province of Ontario, He will in address entitled Im PY "" Richard Switzer oval Memory" which will Grade OF Yaphia Terlecki cover the life of the beloved (M.A), Kees Stolk, Wilma Me. Poet Ive hagels will be piped In hy | the Finlay brothers in tradi tional fashion, Miss Beverley Rodman will entertain with a Scottish dance, Other highlights (CPJ, G. Robson, former in: of the evening will he two solos dustrialist, has donated $200,000 hy Miss Pegg Gordon, and an to the local YMCA hocause "it's accordion selection hy Miss fun to give money away when Heather Harvey you have it, and too many worth Scotch songs, poems and in while things are starving. His dividual stars will all make the donations to various fields have evening an enjoyable one, The totalled $630,000 in the last two|customary address to the haggis years will be given by Matthew Kerr BROCK "7" Phone MO 8.3618 NOW pave EVENING SHOWS 7.8:30 Donnell HAPPY DONOR NEW WESTMINSTER, B,C LATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 Schulberg s INE EVERGLADES Techmicolor Py I ' bY Ne Introd ue ng onana EDEN FA A ANDREWS Exposes Spy yoo FEARMAKERS N DICK FORMN MARLEE EARLE 2, MELTORME owt i int i n Get More Out Of Life {| orowd , , , The Macs were here last Saturday night and the Andrew's . GO TO A MOVIE LJ doing this @ a mater of health." ae Whithy Rotary Club provided the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Winter months, While in Day: tons Beach they will visit Mr,| members of the Barrie Rotary from Feb, 19 to 21, " | Club with &n example of Whit! A briat resume " the igo and Mis, rurey, former ih bles [os i. Yole. Woe, ith \by's hospitality and Rotary"s fel-|Club's history was given one ' ollowing were Wp seores @ n , A; / st, | Tuesday's Duplicate Bridge; 741; Doug Rowden, 741; pill ' » Attersley Continues {lowship Tuesday when they lay-|of the club's past presidents, py, Philipp Gagnon, Mg A Geos iin, Sweet, 700, 4 led host to them st an inter-club|The club formed in 1046 hes 8 pens Quebec, Is visiting at the North and Mr, a To Lead Scorin Race {meeting held at Whitby Arena, [current membership of 56, It Ison 0 0 se and Arig Robert Mes, Thomas 92; Mrs, spratt| 707; George The visiting Rotarians arrived|quite active in community serv: co non" of Euclid street, (and Mrs, Wilson 87%; Mr, and] Top averages to date for 60 in Whitby early in the afternoon|ice work and also sponsors a stu-| ' Mrs, Patterson 79; Mrs, Free. games: Gord Brown, 249; Mwrle | By CLIFF GORDON (second place In the points race and enjoyed a conducted tour of (dent loan fund for students wish-| The many friends of Mr, mon and Mrs, Bowman 69, Reson, 246; Dick Adams, 20; ey. the "little with 52 points each, followed by|ihe Dunlop Tire and Rubber|ing to enter a profession or trade, Walter Brown, of the 3d Con: ast and West: Mr, Goodwin Ernie White, 236; Manny Fwastz, Bobby Attersley, the 4 Pp a » Br ny Ta blond bomb shell" of the world|Pmith with 61, {Company plant, after which they| Hugh Gibson of Barrie brought cession, are sorry to learn tha! and Mr, Heron 96%; Mr, and 236; George , 2; y I" Geo, Bamolenko is in the top 10 sitended the regular meeting of official greetings to the Whithy he is In the Oshawa General Mps, Baker 78; Mes, Odum Jordan, 233; Mickey McMaster {champion Whithy Dunlops, €on: for the third week In a row and ihe Whithy Club [Club from Canada's newest ity. Hospital, They wish him 8nd Mrs, Hunter 76; Mr, and|29%; Lloyd Bubins, 230; ill [tinues to show the way In the is making a desperate hid to hold| "Afier a delicious dinner and|He discussed Barrie's grow th prompt recovery, es. MaCann 10%. Jordan, 230, (Eastern Ontario Br, A scorinkion to his rating nour of fellowship, during whichduring the past four years and i - race as he has ince the start of| he Dunnies have three men inline Rotarians became acquainted|told of its tremendous Industrial Peter John, son of Mr , And {the season, Blatistics released ihe charmed circle, while the Me.| t nother. members of expansion, Mrs, Bari Evans, of 1504 Duf-| is Week now a clammy ig Farlands have five, The Kingston wih Pubs. pr lB the Senior] Les Boucher, of Huntsville, who jorin street, soltbrated his 6th) BOWLING NEWS | N play maker with goals and 8 Merchants have two, and the|ipn " of attended the Barrie Club's char birthday, or [] Ww A" hockey fixture at the arena Tasty re WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR | 0 : LEAGUE, 4 il ble loop leading 43 assists, Hull-Ottawa Canadiens have one.| 'whithy Club President Te dlter night, reminisced about the parly was arranged He Is tied with playing conch) John Henderson, the stalwart|giwe welcomed the visitors and|occasion recalling many of its freshments were served by his Bid Smith, of the local team, for goalie of the Dunnies, still holds|saia it was a definite and great|highlights, Bob Collins thanked mother assisted by Lorraine, his) One more night to go in this tops in gonls at 24, Smith, how-|the best goals against average for |ponor (hat they had chosen Whit-| members of the Catholic Women's sister, A nicely decorated cake section with three teams In eon. . " Two lines to the Whitby DLT CATE BRIDGE Brown, 796 (313); Gord Brown, With nine (ables playing the!776 (318); Ernie White. 757; -- ever, saw his standings drop forthe Jaga, Gordie pl, » by for their annual inter-club League for the delicious supper, (Was 8lso served, the first time this season as heithe Allan cup champs, Is cutting meeting, GUESTS AT MEETING slipped to third spot, Tke Hilde-|his lead down every week, Mar IMAKE PRESENTATION Guests at the meeting, In add | iis hogs ne brand, of the Belleville McFar- cel Goyette is the had man of the President Jack Back. tion to members of the Barrie Lo Thwaites, i" Pr | (i Barrie lands, and Moe Savard of the league with a total of B7 minutes sone said it was a pleasure to|Club, were introduced by Terry ' Kingston Merchants, are tied for'in the eooler be here and thanked the local|Moore, They were: Wren Blair, |#reet, underwent surgery at the Created To ' Oshawa General Hospital, Individuel club for its hospitality, He pre-\manager of the World Champion | ' . 107 TEN oth, 1950 sented President Ted Sims with|Whithy Dunlops; Bobby After. Happy to report that wh pro] Requirements Police Dept. | Including games to Monday, January 10th, 1956, a clock to commemorate the|sley, star forward of the Dun. gressed nicely and expects the meeting, Gifts|lops; Les Boucher, Huntsville; be home today, oceasion of Henderson and Bill Me GOALS ASSISTS POINTS : U 43 7 Bobby Attersley, Whithy ! H 9 y re also presented to Bill MeL, A tke Hildebrand, Belleville .......... 2% 2" Ba [Wate 8 pe y ; p by g {Millan and L. A, "Bud" Hender- Millan of Dunlop Tire, Toronto; | " doe Savard, Rigson ' 2 3 » son of the Dunlop Tire and Rub: Norm Irwin, president of the DAY-BY-DAY | STAFFORD BROS oe in I, uf Press : 2 21 44 |ber Company by the Barrie Dunlop Booster Club: Mike Bulli [] 4 Bus Gagnon. Kingston an % i" president wn. .of. toh o Yon, Tetos, and xd Supe, CHAMBER MEETING (| Monumental Works an or 0" Raltovilla ...... 9 29 1 / uggles, of Cohourg, the district governor, Cobourg, " er ORAL fo Lou Bore, Dellevitie 3 : Bi 2 # District Governor of District 707,) Edwin Heath, hypnotherapist wy Chambe i 18 Dundes on Mb 8-5858 Pau i ie Belleville het bd | 2% 41 [said it was an excellent idea to|from Whithy, was the guest 0 To doy Industrial o Bart Reade ay Belleville hb 18 7" 40 [hold such inter-club meetings and speaker, He was Jntroduced DY | Commission at a meeting of the An yy . 3 4 the Idea should be encouraged, Karl Falrman and thanked by| a a mee ' George Samolenko, Whithy y 16 u 0 (He reminded members of the George Anderson, His address Boned ot Dirgctoss Juing eid to m-- ------ | GOALIES [District convention being held at'appears elsewhere, Mga Paid if hoy " GAMES G, AGN, AVE, 8.0, - ----- de John Henderson, Whithy vires iA joz pu 2 k Gordie Bell, Belleville 2 ¢ 3.2 Gerry Devaney, Cornwail @ i am 1 Rubber Wor ers BUTT RADIO ete P site. I V4 i oe Piausin Thi iig EH) 132 4.26 2 ~ 118 Brock 51, 5, Whithy MO 8.3707 Claude Cyr, Hull rere 2 114 4.50 0 A 4 W ! Ho eeting BCA Victor TELEVISION Gerry Brassa Local 404, United Rubber Work union finances were In a healthy | condition, He commended Bro, | ) ers, held its January meeting in [the town hail Sunday morning|(Banks on the accuracy and clar EL : {with Bro Banks, the president, |ity of the records | in the chalr In the Political Action Com By WREN A, BLAIR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-3111 If you mave not reselved your Times by 7 pm, Coll BELL TAXI All galls. must be plased between 7 ond 796 A letter of resignation from mittee report given hy Bro Tom| chief steward Bro, George Me: Elwood it was commented that [Clure was read Bro, Banks sald|party politics were now a blatant it was with great reluctance that factor in local government, In Ihe brought the letter to the municipal councils in this area an membership, attempt is being made to | ' He sald how great a contribu. (stifle the voice of our scanty Since Mr, Blair is down in Clinton taking a look at the Com: (on Bro, McClure has made to| labor representation hy the over: ets this week, this spot will be looked after by Cliff Gordon for|the local, About 20 years ago he| helio conservative element, ' y THE OLD KINGSTON-WHITBY RIVALRY formed a sister local in Toronto ' bongs po, 4 evid ee ol p was ite on Tuesday night ug AIMORL single - handedly, ahd hos we sald people In publie office VA, never mor /lae / h p enrtie JQ y wer usin aly the Dunlops downed the Gagnon-Coached crew 6-3, It was another held PLACEERD pied that ibe prior yoda fo ion heir tremendous game that had all the earmarkings of playoff hock i J commercial interests, "We h ev . . . The Dunnies, after getting off to a rather slow start as The resignation was lendared locally, 3 kid oF ne [they fed 10 at the end of the first, came to life with four goals because Bro, McClure an Tow pipeline scandal going on," he in the second period and built up a 50 lead before the Merchants advised by his doctor to slo sald, "and this will cortinge uni] could get themselves untracked , , , When Kingston did get roil-|down his acitvities, lwe get away from the wide and ing they made it mighty rough for the Dunnies for a while as NAMED TO VACANCY | vested Interest hy increasing our they hemmed the locals in and scored {hive tities vi Mid locals Bro, Vie Ayling was elected (labor representation," Lk mnhuged io Joa pl pry: Rg A ood these pon fo fill the vacancy loft om the Bro, Bll Currie moved that the I 0a as there appeears to be no love between them. By this we bargaining commitiee, Socrotary local endorse an effort by To. ienme uy te Bp a donde William loers reported he ronto lawyers to have compensa- hard checking affair, The Merchants, who have been knocking ! unlop Sampany i I Ke hn tion and insurance laws amend. |over the opposition in fine style of late, will bear a lot of watch. 404 HA HD an Mio Jxplaing that provent ! ald of th ekering- aws forbld appeal and that the ng from here in an they make their bid for a champlonship team. ey iigren's Fund, It will be done| compensation board's ruling id HARRY / WAH he] . i SE STL "NO, LADY=+1 NEVER SAID T WAS NO PLUMBER, 1 SAID I MET YOUR HUSBAND ON THE STREET AN' HE AST ME IF T WANTED A JOB UNCLOGGING NOUR BASEMENT FLOOR DRAIN" Woe Selll We Installl We Service! We Guarantees! Always Call This PLUMBING CONTRACTOR WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING LIMITED 409 BROCK ST, SOUTH PHONE: MO 8.3652 | DOR-MAR | BEAUTY SALON 121 Byron St, N, MO 8-3992 | | We Specialize In Hair Coloring Prop: Mrs, Dorothy M, Switzer ON SATURDAY NIGHT the Belleville McFarlands will [by payroll deductions and it 1s final, The motion was adopted, make their final appearance of the season at the local arena [felt that the 1064 total raised and it is highly expected that this one will draw a sell-out |would be repeated, Bro, Banks was directed to en-| SPECIAL PURCHASE | two teams battled to a 3a) tie in what many of the fans re [quire Into a place to hold the [J CASHWAY LUMBER LIMITED FIRST QUALITY ALUMINUM Storm Doors STANDARD THICKNESS, COMPLETE 28.15 BUY - 2 for 56.00 INSULATION Granulated 1.38 2" Thick (70 sq. ft.) 3.12 on 3" Thick (50 sq, ft.) 298 C€TN, gard as the hest game of hockey seen In Whithy In a number annual plenie, He pointed out of years, We can surely agree, as we know from where we [that a dance was being held at sal In the press hox that It was a dandy and had yours truly (UAW Hall, Oshawa, on Jan, 81, FAMOUS ARISTROCRAT MAIL BOXES VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 9x9" 13%¢ Pray ae Et FROM DELUX BRASS FINISH ONLY 4.39 <OMPLETE ALL METAL DULL FINISH ONLY 1.00 COMPLETE To receive our complete price list FILL IN AND RETURN COUPON NAME ....oovinnnnnans ADDRESS ..... Jan/59 0 Redifit Cashway AJAX, ONT, PHONE AJAX 1450 SPECIAL PRICE MAHOGANY %" x4 x7 . . . Only 3.89 Sheet Va" x 4' x 8' | . Only 4.45 Sheet Cashway . Brooklin NO. 7 & 12 HWYS. BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE BROOKLIN 209 and a few more of the Newsies on their feet more than once. [to raise funds for the pienie, The Macs have added a number of new faces over the sea. Members were urged to publicize son and they are showing extremely well, We also understand and support the event that there may he two more new faces In their lineup for the | Bro, Dick Sevenick gave an one on Saturday night, They will be new faces to the Belles | 0 report which Indicated the ville line-up, but not altogether new to the Whithy fans, A SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING SATURDAY NIGHT'S GAME 1S THAT IT WILL START 15 MINUTES EARLIER OR IN . OTHER WORDS AT 8,15 ; , , The reason for the advance In 1 crests the time Is that there will be a number of presentations to the Belleville team after the game , , . The game Saturday night "LT | | will also be a must for the Dunnies If they want to stay on a | par basis with the Maes In the standings , . , So no matter ge Il 1d | | how you look at it, the one here on Saturday will be a natural | It there ever was one, Whithy Hillerest edged Orillia] THERE WILL BE A BIG EXHIBITION GAME HERE To. 43 In OHA Suburban Seven NIGHT at the local arena starting at 8.80. It will bring together Junior ( hockey wetion Monday Dowlty's of Ajax and Macko's Lumber of Oshawa, both champions night at Whitby Arena, to retain of their respective industrial leagues last year: This one has all their hold on fourth place the signs of being a real thriller and is for a most worthy cause,| Former Junior B player Ken {as ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE RETARDED CHIL. Roberts counted the winning DREN'S PROGRAM Robby Attersley, the blond bomb shell goal for Hillcrest after Orillia of the Dunnies had hoped to referee this game but it was found had rallied from behind a 30 |that he had previous commitments and will be unable to do so, deficit, {However, Harry Sinden, the very colorful captain of the world) gimer Tran opened the scor champion Dunnies, will do the refereeing with the O'Connor bro ing In the first period to give thers, Tommy and Ted, handling the linesmen work, Remember whithy an early lead. Brother this Is for a very worthy cause and deserves your support, Paul and Ken Roberts were redite 3 TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Gordie Myles filled in on wiht po Vitti dhe yeast wing for the Dunnies on Tuesday night in Samolenko's place and Reliable Mel Brown scored [came up with a pair of timely goals , , . Playing-conch Sid Smith, [the only goal of the middle although bumped from his second spot in the league scoring race, Mansa as Whithy went ahead made a big bid to regain his spot as he claimed a trio of goals| #0: Paul Tran opened the scor- + «+ Minor hockey week will start on Saturday night, Jan, 24th, ing in the final frame when he and run through to Jan. 81, The local minor set-up will start off | Soored In the first minute of the week with a minor league game starting at 7.00 p.m, this Sat lay, urday night before the 'Big' one hetween the Dunnies and the Hank Neal sparked the attack Macs, Sa if you get down early you could easily see some fu. for Orillia as he fired two goals ture Dunnies in action Once again we would like to remind 0 a minute and 30 seconds tal you the BIG GAME STARTS AT 815 ON SATURDAY NIGHT move them within a goal of the INSTEAD OF THE REGULAR STARTING TIME , , , Maurice!locals, Tom Kerr fired the, 'the Rockel' Richard will be lost te the Canadiens for at least six tying goal at the 13.43 mark, weeks as It was found that the Rocket had a broken hone in his Hillerests are host to the ankle as a result of a shot by Geoffrion , , , The half-way mark league leading Brooklin. Com: balloting In the NHL for the different trophies has heen announ bines here Monday at 8.30 pm, ced and It came as no surprise to many to see Ralph Backstrom, RBrooklin will be trying for their who played in the Eastern league last year with Hull, leading in first win on Whithy fee this the Rookie award division . , , However, another Eastern league season and it promises to he fellow Is right In there too. He Is our own Charlie Burns who now 4 thrilling contest. performs for the Detroit Red Wings , Charlle was second In or -- line, but Backstrom had a lead of 74-23 in points Alex Del ! vecehio, a former Oshawa General leads in the Lady Byng race, Killed Tuesday by a member of «+ + Andy Bathgate leads in the Hart trophy race with Tom & party, Johnson taking over in the Norris trophy race for the best de. FOX RELIEVED RARID fenceman Toronto Marlies are having their troubles with A fox that was killed while coaches, They are now seeking Teeder Kennedy to handle the fghting with a dog at the farm| reins, He will be the fourth coach this year if he takes the job of John T. Ishell, RR1, Whithy,! «+ Monday night In Jr, "C" action the Brooklin team will invade early Monday, may have been the local arena to seek their first win on Whitby fee this season. rabid, Dr, I. J, Woolsey, who Is The Hrooklin team leads the league and it should be a dandy on'in charge of the Health of the Hillerests attempt to keep their win string intact over the Animals Branch at Bowmanville classy team from north of town ald today Dr. Woolsey said the depart . ment veterinarian who in own e otiates veitigated the incident helleved Jthe: fox to be sulfering - from [rabies It smelled of skunk and . |attacked the dog. It was ordered For Joint Pound "i | oun "Red", the dog which killed i the fox, had to be destroyed wo Town of Whith is in He asked all citizens to give The department. gave its vestigating the possibility of their full support by keeping owner the option of having the Jointly establishing a dog pound their dogs and cats tied up and dog placa! under quarantine or With Whithy Township to curb indoors. "This is a very serious destroyed," Dr, Woolsey sald the current rabies crisis, Mayor problem," he said He chose the latter y Harry Jermyn announced today Police Chief George Rankine] Dr, Woolsey has urged all a awit ald the pi Wor, aig hee hunting Jaltion Wd elitizens Ps reper a a A WEEK DAYS 8 A TO 6 P.M EEKD STORE HOURS ' i | he icked resu \ eir search for foxes in cases of rabies to his depar WM, WM, WEEKDAYS 8 AM. TO6 PM Poand destroyer I don ke the Port Whithy swamps today et at one Public cosapers STORE HOURS M. = 1 love dogs, but it in an effort to kill ot any that ivy a vitally ay SATURDAYS 8 AM. TOS P.M, SATURDAYS 8 A.M. TO 3PM, there. One fox waalsaud, | To WS