ie Os hata dimes Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 57 Simcoe 5t, 5, Oshawa, Ont RY "Thursday, January 23, 1 Another Effort To End Capital Punishment A pital trensor bill ealling for the abolition of es punishment except In cases of and of piracy on the high seas sponsored by Frank McGee, member of Parliament for Toronto-8earborough At the last session a gimilar bill was Introduced hy Harold Winch (CCF, Vancouver Esst) and was talked out by supporters, We hope that McGee's bill has a better fate wernment should be introduces not & private member, par« of the government's ing towards the life sen id of the death penalty as murder, Since the Con office on June 21 had to deal with death sentences, but jeted murderers have gallows, Commutations te onment have been gramed in WAS No Juy recoms and where no ap» woe fram the vei asl, 407 persons were sen death between 1030 and Ad of these 220 were ultimately he 'onsorvative government M view 7 have 21 Col life impri there for mere taken clearly dis ip has avold= tatement of policy about it, It is at government made Its and polley known te the ele¢~ f government punishment, it ed & time th the opinion torate It been suggested that the mats again by a Commons committee. This would be Just another of dodging the issue, A Commons committee studied It between 1063 and 1050 and somewhat reluctantly deeided that the penalty should be retained but that legal and penal eondition affects ing it should be amended, Since that time, at least one member of the com» nittee, Margaret Altken, has changed For mind ("I believe the time has now come when we should abelish capital punishment") and successive surveys of Canadian public epinien have indi= cated 8 strong and growing objection to the death penalty jupport for the abolition of the pens alts expressed in all sectors of the Canadian community, Arthur Martin, QC, has appeared as counsel In 88 murder incidentally none of has {# he studied Wal CAMBS the accused was sentenced to death and gives this opinion: "Since the purpose of the eriminal law. is to prevent conduet on the part of the individual which is injurious to society, and punishment Is sn instru ment of the eriminal law to that end, it follows that the only justitieation for the retention of the death penilty Is that It more effectively promotes the uitimate objectives of the eriminal law than any other form of punishment that might be substituted for it , , . To those who say that capital punishment fs nec essary in the interest of society, 1 say thdt history refutes it, the experience of othe' countries refutes it and reason refutes it, 1 am further of the opinion that capital punishment operates uns equally as It claims most of its victims from the poor, the uneducated and the mentally 111" Another legal opinion is that of Judge ¥. A, E, Hamilton, Winnipeg: "I am un~ alterably opposed to capital punishment for the following reasons: Tt is not res formatory: it 1s vindictive and 1s a rel ie of barbarism; it is brutalizing and at times Is eruelly unjust as innocent per« sons have been hanged; it is not a de« terrent: It Is unchristianj it cuts off » man's time to repent or reform." Still another legal opinion, that of Arthur Maloney, QC, snd MP for To« ronto Parkdale; "The ineldence of hom {eide bears no relationship to the press ence or absence of capital punishment, I am distressed by the inequality In its administration, So_muech depends on the attitude of the trial judge, the skill of the counsel for the defence, the prose- eutor's concept of his duty, the atmos phere in which the trial takes place and other equally variable things." The General Council of the United Chureh affirmed "our belief that eapital punishment is contrary to the spirit and teaching of Chirst" and the Anglican Church's Council for Social Bervice last year resolved to "petition the federal government to initiate proceedings leading to the abolition of capital puns {shment in Canada" The federal government would not be taking too great a political risk if it gave firm expression to Ita, preference for life Imprisonment over the death penalty, Minor Hockey Activities informing you that minor hockey Is do Ing Ita share to develop better citizens and better Canadians "Minor hockey Is a game of skill to teach our youth true sportsmanship, to Week in Canada bes 24. Communi» will be taking minor hockey officials ar» week of varied activities, In example, there will be pee« chureh hockey on Satur at B30 am, and finishing On Sunday there will be ireh services, on Monday bans and so on throughout the he 1 evening there ninor hockey jamboree at Arena, with three games ie of all teams and players leagues, Similar pro= staged In other distriet Minar Hockey this Saturday, Jan 11 all acro Canada pa with EINE A 0 va. for hursday hockey he tl in best ex Lrea As 6 of 6 week WwW. Cotie Oshawa Miner pecrelary Hockey SAVES whey is the very foundation ind to help bays become Far that reason, we in Osh holding special eventa week, It's eur way of | ne develop competitive spirit, te teach them how to give and take, to cosoper= ate with others, play with others, work with others, to respect those in auths ority As parents, we encourage you to take a greater Interest in your son's participation in Canada's national game by encouraging your bey te play hock ey and attend the hockey games arvan ged during this week particularly for you "There are four separate organizas tlons operating minor hockey In Osh» awa the Oshawa Minor Hockey Ane sociation, the Catholle Youth Organiza« tion, the Inter-Chureh Hockey league and the Neighborhood Parks Associa= tion This association knows that minor hockey builds better eitizens, and we hope you will agree and support the games this week and the special ehureh services" Cruel Treatment Of Pets as joined Whithy g a han on dogs premitted to run at the city and hours will be » rabies threat possi» in impos Pleked up in i] of the this was the only eity couneil and Ald, Hopkins were drawing attention to the is also represent a danger, View Tye Osharoa Times \d General Manager wng The Oshawa Times the Whithy Gazette ond Aé + published daily (Sun yh Saceptea ally Newspapers Publishes Pros, Audit Bureau of \ Pravingial Dailies Pros 8 exclusively ene epublication of all news pe edited ta it or ta The puters, and alse the eeal news pghts of special despatehes Wa f ve, Ontaria RATES hawn, Whithy, Ajax es B kin, Port Parry, Princes b Frenchman's Bay, waren, Enniakilien, vrkaten, Claremont, wood, Kinsale, Rags a. Port Hope, ver 40g per week ide carne year PAID ol SUBS RIPTION wa elewhere | AV.RAGE DAILY NET 16,166 Ald, Brady produced some Interests Ing figures In praising the work of the three-man city dog control department, Since last June, 603 dogs had been pick= ed up; 350 were claimed by their owns ers and the "est destroyed, In the same period 404 cata were collected and 419 of them destroyed, There are 2100 dog licences iasued in the city, These figures indicate that there are many people in the city who acquire pets and then either abandon them er do not care what happens to them when they stray, The 343 dogs that were dea troyed must have had homes of some sort, an did the 418 cata that no ane wanted These figures are a testimonial te the eruelty and theughtlessness of some hus man beings, When they tired of their pets they were too lazy or indifferent to make any effort to dispose of them with decency, And there are others, just as stupidly who go to eurs ious lerigths to dispose af their animals Instead of calling the pound and havs Ing the matter handled with humane efficiency, they drive to same spol, toss out the anima! they don't want, and quickly drive More often than they drive out into the cauntry and their and cats on some sideroad, but it seems that a few of them can't be bothered to go that far and the area for their disposal job. Pos the latter hope that some Kind soul will take pity on the abandoned animal and logk after Iv, eruel, away not, abandon dogs use downtown aibly READERS' VIEWS LUNAR LEAPFROG Great Teamwork In Town Growth Dear Bir In each of the past few Years the Town of Whithy has enjoyed great and healthy growth and eould confidently forecast yel further new developments lead ing to a greater Whithy Last year was no exception, We forecast then the greatest ad vancement ever for the year 1068 which then still lay ahead Having enjoyed unparalleled growth In the previous years, i seemed optimistic indeed to sug gest that 1068 would he better still , but so It turned out to be! Not only did the population in crease hy almost a full 26 per cent (to Just over 10.5000. 1n A single year and the tax rate de crease for the fourth consecutive year, hut elvie pride reached a new high, This sple sndid spirit of Yesprit de corps' or teamwork Is #0 vital to all groups he they small teams or municipalities large or small if they hope lo reach their worthwhile goal It was (his magnificent team anirit whieh enabled the Whithy Dun lops to surpass the hest teams itted against them and In dane ing and pride-evoking displays of hockey hy the team on (he lee and sportsmantike behaviour al all times, hring hack the world championship to Canada and lo this town and distriet It Is often necessary for us to strengthen our 'team' In var fous ways in the work of Indus trial or other development of the town, Usually we readily obtain this ald from Lloyd Robertson and those others of your staff here In Whithy, When we sought funds to support the Whithy Dun lops on their steep road to Or lo and the warld championship your own ready assistance and that of all of your organization made sure the success of the so OTTAWA REPORT Ministers F Loaded Questions By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA With Parliament assembled here once more, MPa will he seratehing thelr heads to find pithy questions to fire at the administration; questions loaded for hear or loaded for dears according to the political stripe of the questioner, Among the questions which will probably he asked hy MPs who have done thelr homework, we may expect the following "Since the government eansld era that ita available supply of ublie funds 1s at present subjeot o calls of greater urgency than the purchase of works of ant with which most Canadians agree will the Minister responsible for the CRC assure the House that his already expensive charge will not at this time he permitted to increase its eostliness hy build Ing the proposed elaborate head office on the extravagant river side site at Ottawa recently pur chased hy the CRC" High an the list ix sure ta he "Can the minister of finance tell the House what was the cost to Canadian taxpayers, for transpor tation, accommodation, meals, ete, in respect of My. Elmer Diefenbaker, when the Prime Minister invited his brother to ae company him on his official tour around the warld*" And for purposes of comparison there may he Can the minister of finance give the same infor mation in respect of Mes, Hugh O'Donnell and My. Jean Paul Sit Laurent, when the then Prime Minister in 195 invited his son and his danehier eeampany hm on his official tour around the world JORS FOR THE ROVS As patronage (x getting a good Alring, we may expect this: "Will the secretary of state say whether alter Liberal government of Nova Seotia at the polls In 1958 a defeated cabinet minister was put on the publie the defeat of the culled Oslo Fund, Once again, your help in projects for the het terment of the whole distriet you serve was readily fortheoming and you hecame a part of an active and successful team fo such a goal, It Is good to he ahle to-count on your help and under standing In so many of the tasks we undertake especially so since we helleve that the next few years ahead will show ever increasing development to the good of the Town and, Indeed the whole distriet We know that we speak for many when we say a very cor dial "Thank You" once more and wish yeu, too, continued growth and success during 1060 and the Years to eome CHARLES If Industrial Commiss Whithy CHAYTOR loner THE FLAG Dear Sir It 18 time the Canadian publie was Informed that the Union Jack Is more than just a flag, It Is a symbol of pride and achleve: ment of a nation whieh has done more for humanity than any nas tion In history Politielans Inent people and a few prom would have us he lieve 'that we Canadians mean scmething ta the world, but a country whieh has 78 per cent of ita economy In the hands of the USA, its defences and (ta labor forces In the hands of the USA and Its industrial skitia controlled hy the USN, and the British ean only he regarded hy the outside world as a "satellite" It would seem, therefore, that the appropriate flag for us should he a white one, as we have sur rendered everything else a long time ago Oshawa H, STAPLES i" |} ) ¥ payroll as a federal elvil servant, either at the suggestion of then federal cabinet minister or others wise? If so, was that person ap pointed an the result of the uaual advertising and competitive ex. amination for the vacancy to he filled, or did that person receive unusual preference In the elreums stances of his appointment?" No opposition MP ix likely to fall into the trap of asking the same questions about defeated Conservative provincial ministers hut we may hear: "Will the secs retary of state, as the minister through whom the Civil Service Commission reports ta the House, say how many officials now hold. Ing posts as deputy ministers were appointed newly to the eivil service hy order-in-counell of Libs eral governments, and how many were similarly appointed hy Con. servative governments? We may expect Mp, J W Murphy, Conservative MP for Lambton West, to ask a question along these lines: "Has the sees retary of state for external ab fairs received a satisfactory ex. planation fram the auditorgen eral in respect of the apparent disappearance of $30,500 of the taxpayers' money In connection with the purchase of our ambas sador's residence in Bragil®" This Information was sought in vain hy Mr Murphy several times last seasion Same MP consclons of the un economical operations af the CRC may ask the minister of national revenue What was the cost of the recent CRC television pro gram on which Blair Fraser. of Ottawa interviewed the Jailed New York columnist Mave Porre® How much travelling was necessary by each of the pae ticipants, and does not the CRC retain a representative in New York City who econld have eat od oul that interview withewt travel and hence at a mueh lower coal to the taxpayers" acing REPORT FROM U.K. Mental Health Bill Praised By M, MeINTYRY, ond Special Correspondent for The Oshawa Times LONDON The government's new Mental Health Bill is being hailed as a courageous and wel come measure of reform. It res peals all previous lunacy acts, In eluding some of which have heen on the statue hooks for over 70 years, It proposes a complete re form of the law on mental health, reflecting the advance in medical and paychiatrio knowledge, Its central objective is to ensure that wherever mental patients are treated, the primary alm will be amelioration and, If possible, a cure All the old concep's of mental Iliness have heen (hrown over board, Even the former terms which placed a stigma on persons suffering from menial iliness are eliminated, phrases and terms sich as "ldot", "imbecile, "foeble-minded", "moral defec: tive' and "person of unsound mind', All now come under the broad classification of 'person miffering from mental {liness." BROAD PRINCIPLES The broad principles of the bill Ale 1, To give the maximum en couragement to patients suffering from any form of mental lliness or disability to seek treatment promptly and voluntarily 2 To ensure adequate restraints and safeguards where patients, in the ndevests of safely must be compulsorily treated and de. tained" An Important step provides for treatment in all types of hos phtals, and not only in mental in stitutions, The press has whole-heartedly commended the new bill, with one reservation, The Dally Telegraph says that to bring the standard of treat. ment of mental Hliness up to that physical iliness, more money is needed, for hospital bullding, for pursing for medical attention and research SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT Negotiations which have been going on quietly behind the scenes are believed to be bringing Brits ain and Egypt closer to a settle ment of thelr Mnanclal differ ences, Kugene Nlack, president of the World Bank, has been aot ing as a sort of unofficial gos between In talks which have brought very close a settlenient of accounts arising from the Sues origls, On the one hand, there are Britain's claims for compensation for British assets seized at the time of the Sues incident, On the other hand, there are claims hy Egypt for the damuge she in. curred during the Rritish and French Intervention In Suer, The two sides are now close enough to agreement on principles and on the amounts of money involved for direct negotiations to be un. dortaken between Hritaln and Egypt in the very near future It Ia believed in informed oles eles in London that (mpetus has heen given to a settlomtn hy the recent deterioration of relations between President Nasser and Russia. The arrest of over 300 Communists in Egypt and Syria, It 1s felt, clearly indicates a new fear of Russia, and has built up a desire for closer relations with the West, Hence the anxiety to reach an agreement whieh would result Wm a renewal of friendly diplomatic relations between Reitaln and Egypt MAY HELP TOURISTS There (x every reason to helieve that the next step towards fall convertibility of the pound ste ling with dollars will he an in crease (n the 100 ponds foreign holiday allowance Reitishers wishing to spend holidays in Can acta and the United States, A treasury official was somewhat guarded when questioned about this, but admitted there was a "hare possiblity" that It would happen. As a matter of fact, there 8 even a possibdlity that the limit on travelling funds will be abal hed altogether, v fn QUEEN'S PARK Reaction To Flag Action By Frost By DON O'HEARN Bpecinl Correspondent (8 The Oshaws Times TORONTO-~Should we fly the Red Ensign? Vor some of us it Is hard to get excited shout the fag ques tion, There are questions that seem more vital than the symbols we show to the world, However It Is a matter that Is impor, and It certainly Is ex eiting to a good section of the publie, There was smple proof of that to the reaction when we started flying the ensign on the main flagpole here, USED BEFORE Premier Frost pointed out that this wasn't the first time the ensign had been used. In fact, he said, It had been used as long ago as 1073, But, of course, the Union Jack has always heen the main flag, And when the ensign appeared on the flag-pole there was an im- mediate tempest, PROTECT UNITY Mr, Frost Headly that the flag was being his personal order, And though he didn't say o directly, It would seem his main purpose probably was to protect national unity, The Native Bons of Canada has heen doing considerable howling in the Toronto area re- admitted flows at when ap organization that ight otherwive bes on the fringe of the eracks pot gos an Issue like the fag ean gel inside » lot of people, In countering the Sons demands by fying the ensign, he probably had In mind giving a lead lo ( paris of the country In heaving this clamor under con. trol, CANADIAN FIRST There Is no Suastion, B flowever ta he romier w wevicus Sbost the propriety of the ensign as » Canadian fag, He Is not against the UK, but dominantly he is a Canadian, And he agrees we should have our own flag, But also he Is well aware that the. Union Jack figured prom- inently In the founding and growth of Canada and therefore has a proper piace in any Cana dian flag, He also is » great believer in the British Commonwealth and fools It Is proper our member: ship in It should be recognized, As the Red Ensign includes recognition of both, as well as the Maple Leal for Canada he feels It Is the most suitable flag we have at present, If someone comes up with a better one he will gladly accept it, But for the present the ensign will do, FOR BETTER HEALTH Some Helpful Tips On Diet Substitution HERMAN N. BUNDENEN, MD The secret of almost any sue cessful diet Is substitution A foothall coach can't expect to win many games If he ean't sub: stitute players when he thinks it advisahle It's Just as tough to try to main. tain a reducing diet if you have to stick to the same foods day In and day oul HARD TO KNOW Most doctors, In prescribing a reducing diet, will mention the foods you can eat and then add. BYGONE DAYS 8 YEARS AGO Twelve Ontario cities were re. presented by over 250 Kiwanians at the presentation of the charter to the Oshawa Kiwanis Club at a banquet, It was the frst social function held In the new Gen. osha Hotel Thomas Hawkes returned home to Oshawa for a three-months holiday after having spent the previous five months In Australia for GMC, Alex W, Bell was elected chalr man of the Board of Education, HM Black, manager of the Bell Tel Co. a that Oshawa's switchboard would have to he enlarged because of the installation of BOO new phones during the previous year od Phillip Willow's general alore al Greenwood was completely destroyed by fire of an unknown origin, Broken gas mains on Albert street restilted In the elty's bes ing without gas for 40 hours, which In turn, resulted In an ex: ploslon at GMC when the gas was turned on again, A meter exploded A house which had been on the corner of King street west and Gladstone avenue was being moved to make place for a pro. posed new service station M. Melntyre Hood took over the duties of editor of the Osh. awa Daily Times, A, R, Alloway, who had ocoupled the dual posal tion of editor and business man: ager, relinquished the former duties to Mr, Hood and kept the latter, Mr, Hood came from the stall of the Woodstock Sentinel Review, "or a substitution", Very often, however, you do not know just what you ean substitute, fio I'd like to give you a few tips about this right now, Let's say your diet calls for 2 ounces of lean meat per meal, That would be 2 thin slices about 4 Inches square, In most diets you could safely substitute one of the following: Two ounces of meat patty about 2 Inches In diameter and %-ineh thick, Two ounces of whitefish about 4 Inches square and Y-inch thick, Two eggs Two ounces of poultry, about 1 leg, or 1 thigh, or 2 slices of breast, Two ounces of Cheddar cheese, about 2 thin slices, 4 Inches square, Two ounces of cottage cheese, % oup. Fat exchanges Mw re impor. tant to most diets, In this respect, each of the following Is equal to ] teaspoonful of butter or margar ne: Bacon, erisp, 1 slice, Cream, light, 2 tablespoons, Cream, heavy, 1 tablespoon, I"'rench dressing, 1 tablespoon, Mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon, OI or cooking fat, 1 teaspoon, Peanut butter, 1 teaspoon, The American Dietetic Asso clation of Chicago, to which we are indebted for this breakdown of substitutes, emphasizes that these are substitutions, not addi. tions to your diet, STEREOPHONIC HEARING AID! - Ey QUALITY "Challenger" EYEGLASS | HEARING AID" ® Ideal for use in both temple bars, to give the greater depth and real ism of both-ear hearing. ® Lightweight... no cloth. Ing noise or dangling cords | ® 2 complete hearing aids to give you stereophonic realism, Only $300, Check and compare, ® Variety of colors! | 10-DAY MONEY BACK OUARANTER 1YEAR WARRANTY 8-YBAR PROTECTIVE SERVICE PLAN Complete line of Zenith Quality Hearing Alds priced from $50, SY ou purchase lenses and frame of your choles from your own Eyeglass Specialist, CALL YOUR ZENITH NEARING AID DEALER TODAY FOR A HOME DEMONSTRATION He's Nisted In the "Yollow Pages." The Women's Welfare League Of Oshawa invites you to attend their ANNUAL MEETING SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE 10 Fisher Street, Oshawa on Monday, Jan. 26, at 2:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: : HAROLD V,. CRANFIELD, M.D, Medical Director, Ontario Society for Crippled Children AN ADVISORY SERVICE ON ESTATE PLANNING . Estate Planning is a scientific and orderly approach to setting up a plan to make the most of your estate and protect your beneficiaries, Our planning service will help you to review your assets, make an approximate estimate of your estate tax and other liabilities and will give particular consideration to your special problems, It is part of our policy to co-operate with your solicitor and other advisers, welcomed, Write Your inquiries will be cordially F. 8. CLIFT, Trust Officer 253 Bay Street, Toronto 1 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION