THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendey, Jonsery M8, 1959 J ------ Election Blueprint Given City PC's «| IAPR Holds House Needs More Farmers Heeting Here. Toronto MPP Tells Meet and publicity department of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, A "blueprint" on how to win an| finest ideas in the world, but un. He also stated that the prove 14d, was the guest speaker al 8 election was presented to the less you get elected, they aren't|ince of Ontario attracts 60 per meeting of the Central Ontario members of Men's section of the worth very much," {cent of Canada's tourist revenus, Division of the industrial Acclr|Oshawa Progressive Conserva:| "We are not concerned with He spoke of the new demerit sys dent Prevention Association, Osh-|iive Association by Alfred H,|getting everyone out to vole, but|lem and thought that it will go a awa + Ajax section, Wednesday Cowling, MPP for Toronto High with getting those out who we Jong way in cutting down night tn the Hotel Genosha, Park Riding, who was guest know will vole Conservative,"|Pumber of accidents on Ontario Mr, McBhane's (heme WAS soeaker, This was the regular said Mr, Cowling, (highways, "Accident prevention through oni meeting of the associa] He said that the eandidate "Bill Newman is a farmer," he proper training," Approximately| on reid in the Hotel Genosha should have a good eampaign Md, "and we need more farmers 250 nitended the meeting Wednesday night, manager and also a good pub In the provineial house," gy Tohted at the ead table were! Mr, Cowling was Introduced by Neily chairman to he successful, ou: Cowling sated that Fy | y William Newman, provincial ean:| "It Isn't always a good policy fe Age 14 Approx:matety Wi. hourg: Join Morris, Yi wee didate for Oshawa Riding, He to criticize your opponent," he "IL am proud of the fact that I ' sentative, Norwood \ {am a Conservative and that | ad- Branch, Fittings Lid; Tom stated that Mr. Cowling Is one of od here to the Frost administra. Davidson, Field Representative, the youngest members of the Pro cONSIDER PLANT tion," Toronto; Ken Cowan, Dunlop of vincial legislature, | 1t was mentioned hy Mr, Cowl:| Mr, Cowling was (hanked by {Canada, Whithy; William Fileh-| "The CCF party is becoming & ing that the Hydro Electric Power Hayden Macdonald, |er, General Motors of Canada, |thing of the past," sald Mr, Cowl: | company is considering establish-| Seated at the head table were Oshawa; A, Roach, General Mor ing, "We should have "Bill"! New: jug 4 plant near Pickering, He Norman Down; Willlam New- : | [tors of Canada, Oshawa; Mr. man down there to give the peo-|giated that Ontario's population is| man, provincial candidate for 4 Vi 4, ie "a McShane; Jack Emerson, Good-\ple of Oshawa and Ontario Riding nearly 6,000,000 now. and that the| Oshawa Riding; Mr, Cowling; " year Tire, Bowmanville; D, New«\the representation that they de: new Ontario Hospital Insurance|Ald, Gordon Attersley; N ' " id IN THIS GROUP Ina, Cametola Yau sg] i" wre," |plan has approximately 4 per| Fraser, QC, president of the One MISS CENTR | Mulligan, Douty Raul "8. He quoted Premier Leslie Frost cent of the population taking ad [fare Riding Association; and fer Thomas, Myrna Ross, Suz. | mey, Karen Baines, and Emily |Leather Co.; Frank Taylor, Du: Be saying, "You ean have the vantage, Le : Hayden Macdonald, Ha vi i i iE an ' 1 Calle | + 2 _| anne Smith, Cathy Gibhens, | Mitchell; front row, Deanna plate 14d; and Jack George, title of "Miss Central for 1959 at the Oshawa Central Collegl- | basis of popularity and scho Lynn Shaw, Bandra Shaw and | Buldyke Barbara Olinyk, Mar. | pedlar People | : §_. * pose for an Oshawa Times | ate Institute, It 1s to be held | lastle achievements, The cane | yoo moody. second row, Di- | ilyn Matthews and Eheila Pol | 1t was announced at the meet Uk Advent st He d photographer during a warm | Friday night in the school au- | didates are, hack row, left to | ane Mitchell, Kay Steward, | lock ing that the judging of the Pub rainians 1 ( | pss for the Planet {itorium, The "Queen" is se- | right, Barbara Rankin, Jenni Dorothy Kellett, Donna Jar- | Oshawa Times Photo, ||je Speaking Contest with the w semon 9 ) A iid topics heing aceldent prevention, [1%] 1) mm . | ™ A will he held at Adelaide House, (0) £ (0) Executive Downtown Business Area ™*""™ Of Territo CBMC 1 w 1 hap irs, y ry G, Erie Jones, president of the For 1959 Elected Undergoing Great Changes | | ir set marking the 40th anniversary of| the Ukrainian declaration of in. Seventh-day Adventists for the dependence issued Jan, 22, 1010, |Past nine years, has accepted a recent executive meeting of the Christian Business Men's Committee of Oshawa and dis Eighteen candidates for the | Prom, an annual social event | lected by the students on the The declaration reads in part; | An appointment as president of "As of today the Ukrainian Na-|the denomination's Greater New tional Republic becomes the in.| York Conference, Pastor and dependent, free and sovereign) M's. Jones who have heen resid. | During the past year the Osh Several downtown businesses; The following husinesses moved awa downtown business area has have heen redecorated hecause/to new or larger locations: Bond been expanded and dressed up to of fires, including Stroud's Fruit, Clothes, Ross Vills Ltd,, Thomp \ iret, Walter Ty Pog +4 provide better shoppin les Victor ds, Viola MeDoug-! son and Kernaghan Co., Goodrich Mate of the Ukrainian people Jug 11 alia Will icave hovu lot Other officers of the executive for residents of Oshaw sure all nnin Id, Wool Tire, Consumers Ga Hannan | The new state was short lived take up their new duties > e-chairman, Richard P rounding districts orths are rebuilding on the Marine and Ch er Furniture however, as shortly after a mili-|'# uj 28, re: Vice Ji . One of the greatest improve ime location which was de I'he remodelling of the old On tary expedition organized by the) Pastor H, D, Henriksen, for. Matthews of Whith secret) 4 ments, which 1s ole asin shi troved hy fire, Chow's, Central tario Motor Bales properly to Polish General Halley in France merly of Oshawa, has accepted William A. Camphell of Ohad; ers "in the area Ji heen the Hotel, Elliott's and Hotel Gen. house Cherney's and The Oshawa moved against the infant repub- the invitation of the Ontario Reamer, JMR. Liven. of Oa Dor 2 of the ate ndant-super- 0sha have all remodelled their Times, and the new Lakas Build lie, overran it and annexed part! Quebec Conference hoard of dis "a I vised parking lot on Athol street restaurants ing have added to the downtown of it to Poland and the other rectors to fill the vacancy made Directors are; J Addo Lan west, The lot makes it possible, In addition new fronts have area part to Russia which had supplied by the resignation of Pastor ava; J, March, Oshawa; prvi i: for shoppers to park and pay only been added on the following, Another hoon to the motoring troops to the expedition Jones, Pastor and Mrs, Henrik. Nelson, Oshawa; John A. Baun. for the time they are parked with- buildings: Holden Bros, Furnl- public is the curb side mall hox The Oshawa chapter of the Uk-| sen have resided iu Calgary, ders, Alay: O. Shusrard, Osh out fear of receiving a parking ture, Dolahoods and Aldsworth placed at the rear of the Post rainian Canadian Committee has| Alberta, for the past two years awa; and W, L, Smith, Pickering ticket. Cleaners Office issued a proclamation calling on where Mr, Henriksen has heen Members retiring from the board are William Reimer, pust chair man, and directors Walter Ro- manuk and Mansell Kennedy, 117 YEARS OLD * The Oshawa committee was s formed 17 years ago under the airostion of 'tw five chairman, the late A, R, Alloway, Other chairmen were the late H, B, Wil. son, George Humphries, W, lL. leaders of the western world to president of the Alberta Confer facilities have been added in the » ; agitate for the return of this ter- ence of Beventh-day Adventists, n ' " i M | of past year. These include Cher 1 ague Planning J Pag Ag Ba, Poland 10 NATivE OF QUEBEC ney's, Irvine Appliances, Helen's ' " --_-- T'shions, Betty: Haydl, Kimbrook CONCERT SOLOIST In a statement issued today. §,| Born and educated in Waterloo, G, ERIC JONES rar ower Food Market, Tex i 4 Zadovony, chairman of the Osh.| Quebec, Mr, Jones attended Osh: Farms, Power Food Mark b Margaret Stilwell, Canadian | awa Missionary College in 1016,/to Oshawa, the headquarters of . tile Mills Limited, Toy Corner, awa committee, pointed out that Clreus Store, Oshawa Discount ( 3 ] 11 C } l Ser Vi( es contralto, who will be the guest | (here has always been a strong/@nd entered the ministry in 1019 the Beventh-day Adventist church House and Niagara Health Appl soloist when the Motor City nationalistic feeling on the part In 1920 he and Mrs, Jones went!in Canada, and for two years was ances, The third annual "Minor Hock: | gether', eitizens are invited to at-| Choir presents its concert in |of the Ukrainian people to India where they served for [educational superintendent of the ropr nts | | ¢ n seven years as missionaries, [denominations 47 elementary and Many new slores and service | To provide belter and more ser ey Week In Canada' will he held tend special church services In! gimeoe Street United Church | Mr, Zadorozny said: "In nego Smith, H, J, Gascoigne and J WALTER LANE [vices to the community the fol: yur 04 to Teb. 1. Youll 4/the various churches on Sunday, ar g " Iiating this important element From 1027 to 1036 he held the'four secondary schools located in Baunder x [lowing businesses were added to "00: #4 10 Teh Lo YOU Ap, "a5 when the residing min:| next Monday, Miss Stilwell has (the issue of German re-unifica- Canada, In 10 he assumed the The Hret Christian Business the Salvation Army a group visits ie "0 ihawa downtown area: Pdults across Canada will eeles|jsion "priest and rabbi will con. Just completed a successful |tion) in a peace treaty with a re presidency of the Ontario-Quehes Men's Committee was organized the Army's Harbor Lights Mite oe Seasons Travel Agency, Ar. hrate this week, Minor Hockey duct fhe service, 'Don't send --| concert tour of the east and is [united Germany, the west should Conference, During his admini in Chicago, Ulinols, in 103) AL Slon in wont and the SoUnLY thur Murray Dance Studio, Ime Week 1s proclaimed b ise Ca: hut take your hoy to church' esl well known for her many ap. [Start by accepting the existing] stration, Mr, Jones also served the present time Christian Busi: Jali In Whilhy once a month 101,604) Ban) Modella = Beauty nadians are prond of hockey, it pecially on this dated Sunday, is 4 th. tha 4 to |Oder-Nalsse frontier between as viceschalrman of the Oshawa ness Men's Committee Interna. present the Gospel lo word and gaion, Barbara's Beauty Salon gives a chance to learn morelthe slogan, | pearanced WEN The TOTONO past Germany and Poland | Missionary College Board; and tional is composed of over 400 50nd. Tract racks are placed also, and Vincent's Halr Styling ihout the game, and to APPIe-| parents are encouraged to take| SYMPHONY Orchestra "There ave virtually no Ger: was a member of the board of commitiees representing many In public places | wate what it ean do and is doing A greater interest in their son's [mans left east of this line 1 directors for Kingsway Publishing ! Company, As president of the thousands of laymen in the UK, The next monthly men's dinner for the youth of Canada, A sp the Poles accept certain® western J . board of North York Branson Hoss . ) participation 'in Canada's National : : Canada, England, Australia and meeting will be held on Monday, | CELEBRATING {eal celebration Is heing planned Game hy encouraging their hoy Timmins Man Gets rectifications such as return rr many other countrie Feb, 2, at 6.30 p.m, in the South by the officials of the Oshawalia play hockey and attend the in Stretten to Germany we! pital, Mr, Jones assumed a major The membership is made up of Knd Restaurant, The speaker will BIRTHDAYS Hnor Hoek Association for poekey games arranged during Additional Term [should have more reason to de | role in the construction and opers *men from various denominations he Evangelist Henry Adams from Minor Hockey Week this week, There are four sepa mand that the Russians return] | / ation of one of Toronto's newest and many walks of life, who have the Evangelical Mission in Stouff Congratulations and hest 'Minor Hoekey' Is the founda: rate organizations In Oshawa, the, GUELPH (CM) Donald the Polish cities of Wilno and| ed hospitals, srong convictions vile, Men are cordially invited, wishes to the following resi tion of all hockey, to help hoys Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa: Briand, 21, of Timmin now | Lwiw (to the Ukrainian people), ACTIVE ROTARIAN to attend dents of Oshawa and district [hecome better men, For that rea: tion, Catholic Youth Organiza-'serving a term in reformatory| "They have overlooked the i ---- f : : LOYAL TO CHURCHES While living in Oshawa, Mr, who, are celebrating birth mn, Oshawa will he 'holding spe tion, Inter-Chureh Hockey League here for vassing counterfeit facts. wii The following figures gathered days today clal events throughout the week, and the Neighborhood Parks As: money, has Hen glven an ad Jacl J aid aig fet bey « Jones was an active member of from a recent poll made among f . Carol Pearce, 108 Wlgin This Is one way of Informing the sociation A host of fellows, [ditional term on a similar charge. ecated on Polish ethnographic ter the Rotary Club serving as the members of one of the most ew 1Cers street east; Janice Peter people that minor hockey 18 do-|young and old, are spending con:| Briand was charged with pass: pitory, but were annexed by a chairman of Rotary's Internation: active committees, are indicative 368 Highland avenue; Ruth [ing its share to develop better siderable time and money or Ing & hogus $20 hill in a St [Polish military force, Wilno 1s al Dal service committee for two of the men of this movement, | Hurst, 268 Montrave avenue citizens and thus, better Cana ganizing, coaching, managing, [Catharines restaurant last Octo Lithuanian and Lwiw a Ukeainian| years, He Is also a fellow of the The poll shows that 100 per cent| Temple Lodge Gordon Love, 468 FEulalie |dians refereeing and providing the op-|ber, Presently serving two years pi " : g Royal Geographical Society, and are church members, 92 per cent| street; Charles Anderson, 143 Hockey 1s a game of skill to portunity to learn the funda:|definite and six months indefinite| On this the 40th anniversary of a member of the Royal Astron attend either morning or even: | | Colborne street east; Merlyn [{each youtli true sportsmanship, mentals of minor hockey, to com [for conviction of similar Charges the first organized attempl {0 amical Association of Canada, ing service, 67 per cent are| Are Installed { Wilson, 849 Ritson raad lig develop competitive spirit and pete In good, clean recreation'in Guelph last November, Briand|foom an autonomous Ukrainian Pastor and Mrs, Jones have teachers, Juve otand Ma - Ls arth Valerie Wright, Ju to teach them how to 'give and|and have fun at the same time, |was sentenced Wednesday to SIX | Nation, Ukrainians all over Can H, D, HENRIKSEN |four married sons and six grand. cers of bdunday Beiools, pe ) . Te » Lodge, AF Ighland avenue I'S, Jean take." It teaches them to co-oper The assoclation knows that|months concurrent | y y OLE ohildren, Seat tend ih) poy & Mwy * Tahple Lids Ai Blooks, a Qahawe howl ite with others, play with others, |i inop hokey 'builds better eitl:| a op My yi of Thon gv 01 0h 3 Inn Ning) Pastor. Henriksen lived in Osh. pr cent are church officers and 0 Cn OVARY vard north, work with others, to respect those 4 ' kav: Was! Vv fie : Hag 8 o| 100 Missionary Lollege 100 wor 'he ; 4 % per cent sing In choirs Were installed al a ceremony in The first five persons to In- in authority, such oy referees] "ens' And it Is hoped parents will Minor Hockey Week In Oshawa' friends and relatives behind the washington, D.C, He then served ro 0A let be os 4 the Oshawa Masonle Temple] The local committee is made 1 uedday Right I form The Oshawa Times of land team officials: and to re. agree and support 'Minor Hockey up of members from nine var | their birthdays each day will [spect other folks' property. In Week In Canada' by attending k y 4 NBA Shell pin Q { fous churches in the .district,| Wor. Bro, John J, Pugh was! paceive double tickets fo the i aie i is 9 a ads Bitlve member, coach, manager, Canada |sachusetts, from 109 to 1048, | anada, In addition to his ad . the Installing master, He Wwas| Regent 5 [other wore 1 ably o 9 the games and the special churchireferee and hockey enthusiast, | ' ministrative duties in Eastern They hold monthly dinner meet tegent Theatre good for a [game to act as an antidote for services of their faith, The sue: young and old: and parents of In 1040, Pastor Jones returned Canada, Mr, Henriksen has also either, [Iron Curtain as conivasted with \ ) as president of Atlantic Unlon N | They expect that every execu:|the freedom they enjoy here in ne at South Lancaster, Mas. teventh<ay Adventist church in 0 at | ' , Mas assisted by the past masters of - a he Y 1 J four-week period, The current |ihe poison that has heen named ess depends on everyone, and the hockey players in Oshawa {been appointed president of the ings to which members bring 7 A 4 [] emple Lodge; Wor, Bro, A. ( tha i) yi A | 4 aliraction Is Walt Disney's | 'Teenage Delinquency the committee is certain that will attend the special echureh| u orl North York Branson Hospital in Realizing that 'The Family that 'Minor Hockey Week in Canada' services that have been arranged World Economy Toronto, and vice-chairman of ' | rat X their friends, In co-operation with Hall, master of Lebanon Lodge and Wor, Bro, A, C, Pritchard, {Oshawa Missionary College, COMING EVENTS [master of evar Lodge. % Yee. : : Prays Together Stays to. will not go Ab andifor this otenay. : 0 Bi d T S M The Henriksen's will arrive in NUCHRE = Soot Hall. Gibbon ana ro. Kitson Thompson, of Fron) § NE pr | n 1 S 0 f een ore Oshawa Feb, 1, i} : 3 1 - " 'E . gq | Speak Here | Lncouraging = I™yaqg oprioaL Buena Vista, Friday, January 323, 8 tenac Lodge, of Arden, Ont, un LONDON (Reuters) - Derlek | | p.m. Six prises, refreshments, Admis.|cle of Wor, Bro, John Carey; v.| slon 80¢ 18a Wor, Bro, Carman Tripp, al LADIES" Auxillary of the Tannery cousin of Rro, Carey and Hro Local 208, Wingo al the Avalon, Thurs [3 a» Carey. Sever oN \"h | (leorge Carey, Several brethren N Dr, Richard M, Saunders, pro: Heatheoat Amory, chancellor of JOHN A OVENS {fessor of history, University ofthe exchequer, says the world . , 8 pm, Six Jackpot 7 day 8 pm. Bix Jackpots from the lodges in Ontario dis triet, Toornto and other points Tr b ? NOVEL BINGO aro also in Ande ¥ (Toronto, will be the speaker at|ecanomie soene 1s "definitely Optometrist THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M fhe .alficers installed and' in the dinner meeting of the Osh: more encouraging." | L awa Naturalists Club being held | "There are grounds for hellev:| 8 BOND ST, EAST at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 1 ' vested were | Wor, Bro. John Carey, worship-| ful master; Wor, Bro, John R {at Northminster United Chureh joo "wa oan look forward to a ig BULLS Jubject will lyenewed growth in world trade," w= HOURS w= May be h tripled y he told the Overseas Bankers g ny tim DeCo mmediate past master; Dr, Saunders has been pres oyun Wednesday night ? AM~--8 PM, I 8 4 iro, Ben Stredwick, senior war dent of the Toronte Field Natu | AMON \ bute ta Canad Wed, Until 12:30 PM, Yan & 7 R14 1591 y ng dont Bra. Tom Grosart, junior ralists' Club and the Taranto Orni mory paid tribute to Canada Sob, Until 2:30 PM, . warden: Bro. 1. Harrell, chap for playing a full part in the thological Club, a director of the \ | Federation of Ontario Natural: f00N0MIC recovery of Furope PHONE RA 3.4811 ists and editor of the Toronto both hy a generous provision of For an appointment material ald and hy her activity lain: V, Wor Aro Arthur 8 Cshawa Naturalists' Club Clark, treasurer: V, War, Bro. 0 Nn, Friend retary; Wor. Bro Field Naturalist hlicati Banquet Northminister eld Naturalists _pubiieation | \ ps, ; | David R. Coulson, director of It is not for these accomplish: international affairs Church, Monday, January |eeremonies; Bro, Jack Cornish, ments that he 1s highly regarded 26 -- 6:30 P.M, senior ag on; Bro. James A (love hut Shiher, for his hook| wrron, junio arde [Flashing Wings Mis 1s a fine $ Or. R. M. Saunders ) 3 3 : i | Speaker: Dr i . H. Campbell, tyler; Bro, Gordon {Journal which the author kept Birds Are Queer Crewford, inner guard; Bro, Ju a period of years to root. Bruce V, Mackey, B.A. Tickets $1.50, Ph, 3.2500 A Rathe senior Yarden (bird and other natural history ' » on! BN ro (ieorge arron hasry hs So m0 Re n 17.22 {observations in Southern Ontario Barrister and Solicitor {Including the Oshawa territory {Oshawa naturalists constantly {refer to "Flashing Wings" to see it they could have seen what they think they saw Dr, Saunders writes well and, {simply and colors his diary with] humor and personal comments He has also written "Carolina junior steward wishes to announce the | opening of his Law Office Kinsmen Bingo | ap thanks voTERs TUESDAY, JAN. 27 | IN IOWA VOTE | Jubilee Pavilion | An lowan who made an uns | FREE AUDMISSICN necessful biel for County In association with M. F, Swartz 6 27 Sunervisor ran an ad thank | Quest " at those who votod for him, | TE terest a ~ eB "i 2614 King St, E, Osh \ | vife placed an ad thank 2 ng >t, £, Oshawa HARMAN PARK Wile placed, 4a, ' AARMAN PARK | fg the whut PC's HEAR TORONTO HIGH PARK MEMBER SPEAK [Wool ih , Pu roe $ sma se Members of the men's sec: | ture for High Park Riding, T0- | awa city alderman; Mr. New: | Progressive Conservative As: | catter Rugs ) P.M. agree that it's smart to sell § Awa ( riderman; ¢ i v ervative As y Wound FRIDAY 8 ALL things 'you aren't using, Osh tion of the Oshawa Progressive | roto, who endorsed the cams | man; Mr, Cowling; Gordon At- | sociation; and Hayden Mae Sale 1.50 each RA 3:4697--Ohave ST JOHN S HAL | awa Times Classified ads Conservative Association held a | paign of Willlam Newman, par tersley, president of the asso. | donald, PC candidate in Osh Ww I YU 5:2127-=Part Parry Corner BI and . Simcoe find buyers quickly at low meeting in the Hotel Genosha | ty candidate for Oshawa riding ctation and also an Oshawa riding in the last provi NU- [AY RUG 10 Gomes $6 - $8, 5--3$40 | cost! Dial RA $3492 now to | Wednesday night, Guest speak: | in the next provincial election tle ft 280 A Ava | Awa nding 0 ast pravin Evenings and Sat, am, ackpats place yours er was Alfred H. Cowling, | Shown at the meeting, left to | alderman; Nell Fraser, QC, l.cial election 174 MARY $V RA 3.1202 18h { (PC) member of the Legisla: ' right, are Norman Down, Osh: ' president of the Outario riding | Oshawa Times Photo