Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Jan 1959, p. 2

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4 ' fl # go TENSE "WITNESS Patrick Patterson, far right, | "Witness For the Prosecution" | points the finger of mecusation | which Is to he presented to- | at a witness -- Marion McLeod | night and Friday night at | who plays the part of Romaine | Christ Memorial Chureh, Mary | in a dramatic scene from | and Hillcroft streets, by the Pil- | FOR THE hig 4, Ee A esa i grim Players of Oshawa. Wil. llam Grey Is the judge and Donald Dodds, the court usher, The production, which will be presented later at out-of-town | | | | Air Cadet Rifle Team Plans Meet By F-8 BHATTERLESS ( Next Tuesday, the squadron There were 41 on parade Tues-|will be inspected by S.L Pattie day, The turnout has not been as|from the Trenton RCAF Station, good lately as It should be, but/Cadets are reminded to put on a we hope that the recruiting con-|good show for him. SL Pattie test will bring the squadron up/atehes things a little closer than| to strength. Let's get with it, fel-|""The Hawk" so let's really try lows, and start bringing those our best. | new cadets in, Remember, the It was announced Tuesda first prize Is an hour's flying preparations are being made fo time, : a trip to.a radar centre on April Mr, Gilbank was accompanied!5, Only 25 cadets can go, so these on his inspection by F. Brooks of cadets will be judg the Rotary Club, Later in the|attendance, general evening another Rotary member, and behavior | K. Coulter, came down to be with| There will be an NCO meeting| Mr. Brooks in a complete in-|Feb, 1 at Cpl, spection of the hall, | Wilson. road, If you cannot come, |I During the first period of the contact Mr. Gilbank, F night the Junior's had a class inj A group of the NCO's are go- F service familiarization. The In- ing roller skating in Toronto this|( termediates had drill seniors had navigation, were shown to the visiting Rotary|did not the last time, members the second period of the] Cadets are reminded mot ton plght, {wear multi-colored or bright col. fr. Houston was not present ored sox on parade, Black sox|F but the Slides back without any Injuries as they ( |Sunday, was red at Oshawa Union Cemetery mausoleum, Wednesday at 2 p.m, He was 64 years old, street, Oshawa, I that| family plot at Newtouville Ceme- r|tery later, ed as to their|W appearance Was held at the Armstrong Fu neral Home, OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF HARRISON R, PEACOCK Harrison R, Peacock, who died in Oshawa General Hospital last temporarily inter. He has resided at 207 Mary but permanent nterment will be held In | | | i | } ness, I am here to ON" SCENE points, 1s under the direction of Mr. Harry Chapman, The cast includes 17 members, Oshawa Times Photo f f I the | I Rev. J. K. Moffat, of Simcoe § Street United Church, conducted ednesday's service, The funeral' Mr, Peacock was a former Seeley"s house, 92 member of the Oshawa Fire dept, Honorary pallbearers were "ire Chief H, R, Hobbs; former 'ire Chief Wesley Elliott; Milton )ster; Deputy Fire Chief Ernest| and the|Saturday, We' hope they come Stacey; George Wilson and Wm, ulling. Archdeacon H, D, |Cleverdon assisted with the com-| nittal service at the cemetery. Active pallbearers were Arthur Rowden, Wm, Logeman, Thomas rifle team practised only are to be worn, Also hall- Pollitt, Jack Crawford, Harold under the direction of ¥-8 Boman, Wellingtons are not to be worn Taylor and Wm, Murray. They The team will show what it can with the uniform, Cadet shoes are all captains in the Fire do on Jan. 30 when it fires are Issued to wear to cadets, not || egainst the Sea Cadets. We hope|to school we can retain the trophy which] A rumble in the distance tells we won from the Sea Cadets the us that plans are being worked | Jast time on for another cadet dance Tey Roads Cost County $60,000 Replying to eritl-|81.7 are paved, This compared roads main- well with the average of paved| tenance, Counties Engineer roads in counties throughout the George L. Totten declared In his province, which was listed as report to United Counties council,[47.03 per cent at the end of 1954, | tn session here Wednesday that] He sald that paving programs) what money is spent in keeping are being carried out every year, | county roads ice-free would beland that many of the older roads deducted from amounts available of 18 ft, width are being widened | for road improvement to 20 feet | He sald that during proximately $60,000 was spent by the department of highways that his department on winter main: it would approve a normal ex tenance penditure bylaw of $530,000 for "This provides a lot of winter county roads in 1060, made up of| driving convenience, This satis-($230,000 for maintenance and COBOURG elsm of winter | fied the public a few years ago.( $300,000 for new construction, Mr. died at the Oshawa General Hos Now they want something more. Totten sald that he had allowed This council and the 1959 road for this amount commission will have to study, This broken down would allow| the problem and decide how for an expenditure by the United | much winter mainténance they Counties of $242,575, and a grant wish to provide. {from the department of highways| "They should remember thelof $287,245, Money spent to melt ice this win:| Mr, Totten pointed out that al ter can't be spent to pave roads study would be made of roads| pext summeér," he added, |designated as "development He referred to money spent on roads' with a view to getting a dust-laying and sald that asphalt|/larger contribution of costs from prime was being used on someithe province roads to replace calclum treat-| He said that a development ment which only lasted at best for road was a communication road two months, The prime usually made to open up a new area, lasted a summer but was not to For such roads, the department be regarded as paving. lof highways would contribute as He said that the counties have much as 100 per cent of the cost, 168.05 miles of roads, of which! scording to its view of the road, CAPSULE NEWS Brewery Workers Get Pay Increase | | residence, 287 Nassau | Sunday, Lawn cemetery on Wednesday, | brothers and two sisters, | are: 1958 ap-| In view of a notification from KusSon, dept, over president of the Ontario Hotel As: hacause sociation last! of Kirkland Lake CLARK SLACK Clark Slack, who died at hs St at was buried Mount He was in his 60th year. He Is survived by his wife, the former Ethel J Farle; a daughter, Mrs White, and a son, Borden, all of Oshawa, He is also survived by threo They in Roy, Lyndhurst; The funeral was held at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel! The service was conducted hy Rev R, E. Dargan, assisted by Rev, | R. H, Wighton, The pall bearers were: A, Fer A. Foote, RB. Andrews, C Gill, G. Thompson and F. Roche OSCAR V, SHAW Oscar V, Shaw, husband of the former Miss Bernice Harrison, | | lat 11 am pital today at the age of 58, Fu neral services will be held at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel, where the body is resting, Saturday, Jan, 24 at 2 pm, Interment will follow at Groveside cemetery, Brooklin, | | should retain custody of their three children on condition he Is allowed to see them whenever he visits France, their lawyers an nounced Wednesday. PUT ON PROBATION KITCHENER (CP)--Mrs, The. odore Kohl, 31, was given a sus. pended sentence Wednesday and placed on probation for two years on charges of abandoning her small children. A policeman testi fied last week that the six small Koh! children were found alone huddled around a stove in their home, The children are in cus. tody of the Children's Ald So clety, SURVIVE BOMBER CRASH PLATTSBURGH, N.Y, (AP)= A B47 Jet bomber crashed and burned Wednesday night while attempting a landing at Platts. ents, Joe, [coe] Lansdown; John, Hamilton; Lep- bert Arthur, Port Arthur; Fred ha, Lansdown; and Vera in Mal lorytown, MONTREAL (CPi~--An hourly wage increase of 42 cents spread over a three-year period is pro- vided in a new labor contract covering 180 Carling Brewery (Quebec) Limited employes, The workers are members of the United Brewery Workers (CLC), The Increase amounts to 20 cents the first year, 10 the second and 12 the third, PASTERNAK MAY TOUR LONDON (AP)-Soviet .writer Boris Pasternak has agreed to National Railways and the Brotherhood of Locomotive En. gineers (CLC) have signed three-year agreement governing more than 1,000 engineers in the {rallway's western reglon, It was |announced Wednesday, The an. Inouncement said the contract, af- [fecting engineers employed west of the Lakehead, provides for wage Increases and rule changes, but gave no further detalls. ACTRESS ILL AGAIN HOLLYWOOD (AP) Actress burgh alr force base, Four men survived, although one was rushed to hospital. | | REGINALD LANCASTER Oshawa Man New Secretary | Of Association TORONTO (CP)--J. N. Yan:| of Belleville Is the new J. Miron | Others elected to the executive] Wednesday Included: vice-presid Ever Rice, St Thomas and John Chaput, Sutrgeon Falls; and secretary, R, G Lancaster, | Oshawa Directors include Nick Kaneh, Comwall, and Roy Hicks, Sim. 8, R, Amey, Kingston; Wi. micceeding T { | Welland; C, J. Lafon.| Cl Martin, Roy| Stephen, Sault Ste. Marie; Pat Versage, St, Catherines and Gordon Wilson, Fort William, | | WEATHER = | | TORONTO (CP)--Official fore casts Issued by the weather office today Synopsis: Skies are partly cloudy and snowflurries wide. spread In the wake of the win ter's worst storm, High west to Kilgour taine, Guelph; {northwest winds will continue to) bring colder air masses to On. tario today and Friday, While snowflurries will be light in most regions a few heavy snow squalls and considerable drifting must be expected near the eastern and northeastern shores of the Great Lakes and Georglan Bay this aft. ernoon and again Friday after. noon, Reglonal forecasts wvalld until midnight Friday: Western Lake Frie, Western Lake Ontario, Haliburton, Wind. sor, Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy with clear periods and a few snowflurries today and Friday, clearing Friday evening. Contin. ulng cold, Winds southwest to west 25 with gusts to 40 today, light tonight and westerly 15 with gusts to 25 Friday. Lake Huron, Eastern Lake Erie, Eastern Lake Ontarlo, Ni- agara, Georglan Bay, London: Mainly cloudy with scattered snowflurries today and Fridav, a few snow squalls and drifting snow this afternoon and again Friday afternoon. Continuing cold, Winds westerly 25 with gusts of 40 today, diminishing to west 18 with gusts to 25 Friday, # | polls on three occasions, This GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN Alderman Christine Thomas has again served notice that she will not be "bullied or gmothered" by City Council, Mrs. Thomas, who headed the polls in the last two municipal elections, engaged in another heat. ed exchange in Council Monday night with Mayor Lyman Gifford. COUNCIL V8 CHRISTINE Looking #t the Council, Laid: "I am not going to enter intd any of your intrigues or petti serve the {people of Oshawa and 1 will con. |tinue to give them my best." | This latest episode in the stir {ring municipal drama (City Coun- lel vs, Christine Thomas) was un. | folded when Mayor Gifford tried § Idesperately to write "finis" to § thé entire affair (after presenting ¥ Mayor Gifford's side of the case), © | His Worship did 8 most con vineing Job of telling the tax toayers how City Council, and City | {Council alone, made the decision _* {of ordering a secret hallot to § select committee members for | 1954), There was need for such a statement because many (AXpAY- ers were disturbed by Council's recent treatment of Mrs, | Thoma; , former chairman of ; finance, who was left without an 4 aww important post this year [ ALDERMAN ATTERSILEY Wp Iv Noting wing ith unlgue method of teaching com. {the secret ballot in sow tases, merelal law: but His Worship did the right] He takes his students to police] thing i i Juanes by Fo | Court ns spectators so they can| (smvoclating. Wienseit from _tnlobusrve iscnasd" the workings |solid ground in explaining his| This week he took 72 students Da on, oso, They, haird 4 fiom. ¢ 0 . . a h soon became evident His Worship ¥, 8, Ebbs on "Law" Aiaste was talking too long, that he was|was followed by a 90-minute talk digging up ton many old sores in by Crown Attorney Alex Hall on eptnplete Wilkewush. Wa sale gush mplevts as "The Different nstead o \ «Types of Charges" " Iment to about one-quarter it | Rt hts an aries, Has" What length, he wandered on and on."| "Court Procedure," The latter half sounded too self Know where the righteous and smug; this was going next? 'especially so when he told how, To City Counell, In his councillor days, three . [Counells overlooked him for im [MUNICIPAL POLINGS " | kell ew To- portant posts after he headed the! onto councillor who likes to ki 4 planation was too slick, It will off occasionally and speak the nol satisfy people who feel that, truth as he sees It, (Mrs. Thomas is being discriml-| eh tactics do not always get [nated against for one reason -- io e po the top of the popular. because she refuses to follow thei : ut they frequently clear dletates of an inner-councll group, Oth r and make for good copy. [because she speaks out fearlessly on municipalities could do on major issues, [arse un heed some of Harold's Another enlightening quote "po via: h from Mr. Gifford's text ran some-| % GF ice, : 6 says if people "thing ke this: i ill to vote at municipal "What 1 have stated above is § cctions were disfranchised or accurate, but unfortunately the ned, toe pg would improve, general public are not at oir inn ere were too many times informed of the true facts apat ie Decple with too many ol as a result, CODLTOVErsy . 4 ie Then non fo get out One of Mayor Gifford's eardl nal sins is that he frequently| fails to inform the public of the tacts In important matters, How many times in 1058 did he re.| main mum in open counell when| a word of explanation would have elenred the alr? Controversy arose in 10568 because City Coun: ell frequently cut off the public from a reasonable flow of news| Council went meeting after meeting without holding open discussion or debate, | . ? City Councll has been alerted His Council Is studying ways of |Improving voter turnouts, Osh. Ime or time that such prac. 4 . 8 Osh id Ee hut Trae |awa City Council would be well sists in following them (advised to follow suit, Occasion: | ' ally, the Home and School ™ ho p56 Counell|4Ys ane hehool . OF The record of the 1§ . op sor |BANIZAtlons send large delega whe a and Jetond ecatse Laveeions to Council, but the prac- ifford and too tice should be more pEPre. constantly refused to Indulge nj ""p oo the nf Midempresa. open debate or Siscunsion so bs service club group that works so to give taxpayers an opportunityj, .... encourage public particl to more accurately appraise the situation (pation In municipal affairs Whether His Worship kes the sould give this problem some term or not, too many meetings ration. were "cut and dried." | Mayor Gifford was rightly eon DIES AT 101 | cerned that the Thomas story had| TORONTO (CP)-Mrs, Eleanor alarmed many people and that Ross, 101, whose family were some kind of explanation was pioneer settlers of Ontario, died forthcoming. (Wednesday, She was born atl Alderman Attersley may not be Hillier, near Belleville, Christmas! convinced, but the case had Day, 1857 | \e she I | students are going to wake up. And when hey do they may find themselves on the wrong side of the fence, Mayor Donald Russell would like to invite one room of high school students to each Council meeting: | "We're not going to get the older people out on their own," he sald, "They're watching TV, But If we can get young people to attend, they would soon get the older people out," "But one of these days they're| Wife Stabbed In Back By Husband -- Witness (Continued from Page 1) [ninth zibs to bruise the underside Jewry J, Vunk, Wologist wht of the skin on the other side, Gener, art 2 ment in Toronto, identified DIOOG cara a Pig a stains on different articles of the right lung collapsed, and loss clothing sent him by town police.| of blood through bleeding inte the or M Demorest, sister chest eavity, woman, stand and gave her address ns! One Wiliiess stpeated ov the 810 John street, saying she had of Bearlett She said her brother' lived with her father and sister, | ou ekaround ned seen very iriend. (ting on well with friends, going Leonard , #& 'Trenton (rend of the Scgrietls, sald he had been 8 ens urryin, 4 south on Divislan direst. Ab a Pol 10 Bum y singing In the "| JUDGE WARNS PRESS sult of a conversation with him he ran to 310 John street, Mr, Justice Gale, presiding st the trial, warned VIGHZ, ¥OR KNIFE . spapermen present about taking pp in Upstairs In the bathroom he saw Mrs, Scarlett lying on the the courthouse, He referred floor, Scarlett stood to one side, holding a long knife pointin down from his hand, witness said, "What are you doing?" asked! Webb, "Get away, Len," answer: 3 riett, Webb sald Mrs, Scar. lett asked him twice to take the knife from her husband before Scarlett answered her, A fight for the knife ensued, Webb being cut across the fingers, The knife dropped out of For Manslaughter sight, and Scarlett went into one " peatad, and warned that he would shyone for contempt of court used pletures takes within ithe eourthouse building, 20-Year Sentence of the bedrooms, TORONTO (CP)~Robert John. He sald he helped Mrs. Scarlett ston, 34, of nearby Brampton has donators, Where his wife met been sentenced to 20 years for m, ey laid Mrs, Bearlett on the sidewalk, then Bearlett came] Manslaughter # ihe budgeon outside with the knife in his|fcath of Wilfred Wilson, 70, of hand, Albion, He struck Mrs, Scarlett In the o side above the right hip with the] week oon svi B knife, Webb sald they had spoken|ne had heen accused of murder to each other, but he did not know Mp, Justice D. P, J, Kelly passed what was sald, oDetence Atiorney Richardson wag. one of the most brutal 'ebb wha new about " |the Scarlett marriage, "Oh, th ings" to appear before him. (used to fight a bit," he sald,| Wilson was battered to death |"Just another average family, I|With a hammer in a farmhouse, to pictures which had already ap. | Community | TV Antenna ' Runs Into Snag | HAILEYBURY (CP) ~~ Mavor | Arthur H. Cooke withdrew Wed. |nesday an appleation to fown [eo for a franchise to oper. {ate a community television an. tenng, The mayor's pariner, David {McLaughlin, will seek the fran |¢hise for the $25,000 projec' | Mayor Cooke's action followed criticism by y Munieipal Affairs Minister J, W. P. Carter, (Who said the Ontario Municipal Act forbids members of council accepting franchises from thelr councils, Mr, Carter sald council's (award of the franchise to Mayor Cooke Monday night was null and void and the mayor could be dis qualified from office If a rate payer launched proceedings, Mayor Cooke and members of the town eouncfl sald Wednesday they did not know their aetion was {llegal, The proposed antenna would provide the Hall 6. °8 with five television channels and even tually, eolor television, Alta. University Gets New Chief EDMONTON (CP)--Dr, Walter H. Johns, 50, has been appointed president of the Univesity of Al- berta, Premier E. C. Manning announced Wednesday, He wsuc- ceeds Dr, Andrew Btewart, now chairman of the federal Board of Broadcast Governors, Born in Exeter, Ont, Dr, Johns ned the staff of Waterloo Col. , Waterloo, in 1934 and came here in 1038, I guess, Asked if Scarlett had ever tora him he belleved his wife was run. ning around with other men, Webb answered "Yes, 15 WOUNDS [ | Final witness for the erown was Dr, ¥, L. Lawson, reglonal | pathologist, who described 15 | wounds he found on the body of| 'the dead woman, { | One wound started at a % Inch | skin pincture, ran 4% to B Inches deep from the right front chest | {over the lower portion of the breastbone, to pass into the chest cavity, The wound punctured the | pericardial sac, a membrane {about the heart, but did not in {jure that organ, The aorta, largest blood vessel of the body, had been nicked with some resultant hemorrhaging. A second wound entered the right side of the back, passed forward through the lower part of the right lung, the diaphragm, | (the liver, between the eighth and' PREPARE NOW FOR For ony state in life, prepare necessary, 15 Lessons covering eve IT'S INTERESTING! , , ITS VU TIME: --8:00 PM. every 25th (next Sun.) | | Auditorium, Stevenson's ATTENTION . . . ENGAGED COUPLES ! weand All those contemplating Marriage within the yeer , , HAPPINESS LATER! tion Is essential, For happiness In Marriage, preparation Is even more vitally Important end PLAN TO FOLLOW , , , "THE COURSE OF PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE" ry ospect of married life NIQUE! , , IT'S COMPLETE! , , Sunday commencing Jan, PLACE:--5t, Mary's Roman Catholic Church Rd. N, et Marion ¢ EVERYONE WILCOME » For further Information soll Rev, N, J, Gignes, RA 8.5073 | WHEREAS the week of Jenuary 24th te Vebruery Mig 1959, LL phy CITY OF OSHAWA PROCLAMATION MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA observed throughout In being h building end other Canada es o period te fesus public d benefits of minor hockey for our youth, end WHEREAS the of hockey In recognized oo our our youth te slop titive it, respect for authority, end Lg t Co ll inh adien sport which teaches others, body-building end ond WHEREAS miner hockey Is the foundation from which better citizens develop, January 24th te Februery Int " NOW, THEREFORE, |, as Mayer of the City of Oshewe, do hereby proclaim the week of "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA" Nshed hockey ploy 7] in the City of Oshawe end wrge oll pe ied Canadian game end support the el MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN OSHAWA, to 9 ime end objectives of DATED ot Oshaws, Onterle, this 22nd day of January, 1959, ANADA through active participation In the activities plenned for the observance of to participate In this MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN "LYMAN A, GIFFORD" Meyer, reverberations far beyond confines of the Local 27 of the| UAW's Ladies' Auxillary, and heyond the lettersto-the edi tor column of The Oshawa Times | he Thomas case, despite what [Mayor Gifford would have us be- |Meve, smacks blatantly of small {town party politics with sharp |overtones of Inner Council pres: |sure play. | The taxpayers of Oshawa will 'not tolerate such treatment of » | popular candidate who has much| in the way of municipal experi:| ence and knowledge to offer the| Council, UNIQUE COURSE | Principal M, C. Burnett of the Oshawa Business College has an 2 Accidents | Are Reported | Two accidents occurred Wed: nesday night, The first occurred on King street west around 10.45 .m., when an auto driven by Mr H. F. Stephen, 47, of 242 Quebec street, was in collision with a de: livery truck driven by Mr, P, R.| McQueen of 13 John street, LEG OF LAMB LAME IN 'A BASKET GOLDEN BAN 'Shoulder .37° BUTT .49 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH . High Quality Meats Government Graded --- Red ond Blue Brand Beef uw 49° 23" RIPE ANAS . 19° 33 19° NO, 1 PLL Potatoes KERR'S -- RIG. 29 TOFFEE 10.48, BAG 7.0L, PKG. Police estimated damage to the [two cars to be in excess of $300. The second mishap took place, Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Xap: when a car driven by Mr, D, 8. VOTE IN VAIN tuskasing, North Bay, Sudbury:|Noakes, 30, of 304 Simcoe streot LONDON (AP) -- Fifty-nine/Cloudy with sunny Intervals and 4 rive ked Wed Rh 3 ) a Wd south, collided with a ear driven peers asked Wednesday that here: a few snow flurries foday and ¥ri-|py Mr, J. IH. Snelgrove of 13 Wil Blan. Doutesses Bind Jive thelday Very cold. Winds westerly|ljam street east, Roth vehicles LE o Mit In he House o Lore 8.(18 to 25 were proceeding east on Willlam | y oa on the government | street. {in excess of $200, 4 Forecast tem t [to introduce the necessary legis. peratures Police estimated damage to be lation, outvoting 51 other peers.| Lowst onight, Highs Friday {Viscount Hailsham sald the gov Windsor 10 20 {ernment would entertain no such|St. Thomas legislation at this time, | London 10 10 IS SCENT COFFEE WERE? make a lecture tour of the United Gene Tierney, 37, has re-entered Wingham 10 | Return of a nickel cup of cof LOIN LAMB CHOPS SHOULDER LAME CHOPS STEWING LAMB «99° uw 39" vw 19° FRESH PORK -- END CUTS LOIN 49 PEAMEALED COTTAGH ROLLS .45° RINDLESS DEVON ¥ w99 BACON DOG FOOD ~~ REG, 2 for 21¢ ZIP DOG FOOD ~ REG. 2 for 27¢ CHUM TIN YORK PEANUT -- REG, 29¢ BUTTER TUMB, 16.02, TIN 23° States and Britain, Spanish au.(a@ mental Inslitution, 20th Century NEW LONG-LIFE TUBE {Toronto ... thor Jose Vilallonga sald Wednes-| Fox studio sald Wednesday night.| WASHINGTON (AP) The | Trenton : dav. He added there were excel She has withdrawn from her{army reports the development of [St. Catharines lent prospects Soviet authorities comeback role in the movie Holl-[a tube which It says may outlast! Muskoka would permit Pasternak to leave day for Lovers, which will beginlany radio or TV set it serves. Killaloe the country, Pasternak won then shooting in 30 days The new tube Is cold, as con: Farlton renounced a Nobel prize for liter trasted with the hot cathode Sudbury 15 10 15 8 fee was predicted by Leon Wein stein of Power Supermarkets this week when he announced a four cent reduction in the price of his [chain brand of coffee to 63 cents a pound, The same brand was selling for $1.00 a vear ago and MEATY PORK MAPLE LEAF CELLO \ \ ature WESTERN AGREEMENT Roberto Rosselind has agreed standard hot tbe and comes to! White River i AGREE ON CUSTODY PARIS (Reuters) - Producer tube, The army sald it uses less {than one-tenth the power of a Noth Bay Kapuskasin & | | the new price ix the lowest in 10 years. Mr, Weinstein sald he hoped that eventually coffee Spare Ribs i. Ir 3 Qc Wiener 45

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