No Good Coflee Liberal Criticizes PCs Jo Sto col For 'Wild Overspending' | zoom crs somes OTTAWA (CP) ~ Dr. W, H., Dr, McMillan also spoke of un-|Shakespearean Festival has pro- MeMillan (L---Welland) sald Wed- employment in Welland, |vided Canada wiht culture but no . Vleet Jan. Mee ing nesday that "wild overspending"| He said that last March Prime|place in the southwestern On by the Progressive Conservative Minister Diefenbaker "promised|tario town can you buy a good By MRS, CHARLES REESOR|'Sheets", and Mrs, W, Mosse government will cost more than|ihe unemployed thet mo one Up of coffee, PORT PERRY -- The January read a paper on the growing of |$1,000,000,000 in revenue this fis-lyould suffer as a result of unem-| Mrs, Jehane Benoit, a lecturer meeting of the Honeydale Wo- basanas ln South America, cal year or "one $10,000 farm)ployment as long as he was prime|on food preparation, spoke to the § 1, " | N men's Institute was held in the ACHIEVEME DAY dow, the drain every 4% min miditar.! an nem ianlo Notch Avaoctation conven parish hail i. the Anglican The Junior Homemakers Achle-| Speaking In the Commons 0 Bed to ied 2 01. "You can get culture at Birst pig pli! the rogram, |vement Day will be held in Port|throne shéech depate; be soi hel Now it stood around 4,400, ford," she said, "but you ean' | government has hudge phi pat Mrs, Paul Dismond, the Perry High School February 7\ deficit $700,000,000 but that the) 'Some of the peovle hii at get a good sup of coffee in the president. read a poem, {and the Insti¥ute members are|drain on the unemployment insur-|'ended the (March) meeting Aud ile Yon vt. Sula tive | lance they would provide him i ibiing Ag Rg id ng Diamond thanked the mes fog sl otlier $spenscs wii Diefenbaker) with a theme song|tourist service is offered by Nova secretary, Mrs, Nelson Willams / and RT ottaar, Mrs, W, Chap. J. 2 who worked so hard, The conversion loan program ~Oh Promise Me, "Beotla, man presented the financial "or stitute float for the an. had been a "costly mistake, fl statement, nun) Banta Claus parade, namely, dermining confidence in Cana ian Mrs, George Bell reported tint Mes, ¥, Fines, Mrs, A, Brunton #overnment honds He ad Dever 10 boxes of Christmas Cheer had and Mrs, N, Williams, Thanks|®€en 80 few oy " on : been packed and sent to shut-ins. were sent to G, M, Williams for|iraded in New York as In recen Members who hase been 111 have|the use of his truck, Two pew Months $6 TH SSAWA TIS, Teunter, Seusery Wh, 1799 Teenagers or mature women... Dorothy Gray Has what you need for a beautiful skin ! See these aot EATON'S A. New "Outline" Scientific help for aging skin , , , helps you achieve that cherished, beautiful look of youth! Helps reduce puffiness, double chin, (1) INTERESTING CAREERS IN CANADIAN OFFICES ABROAD FOR 'age spots', blemishes, Ask about "Outline" ot EATON'S, BOR) 1. sive isirivisvrnnsvrariiis been remembered with frull or members were welcomed and BRINK OF CATASTROPHE money-raising projects were dis Mrs, Louise Patterson read a cussed, It was decided to hold led us to the brink of financial plants letter from the department con- te'ephone euchres in 'he homes cerning the rug course, The rugs with a wind-up euchre to be held that Conadians don't want any are to be completed by April 8, in the Parish Hall in Februar The class will commence under the leadership of Mrs, Pat-| i torical terson and Mrs, Bell, soon Research Mrs, Irving Boyd, convener of brought | | "Finance Minister Fleming has STENOGRAPHERS There are positions In the Departments of External Affairs, Trode and. Commerce (Trade Commissioner Service), end Citizenship and Immigration catastrophe and I ean assure him more of this Brinkmanship." $3,150 per annum plus aporopricte living and rental allow U.8, CAN DESTROY FOE 3 OE et or 0 T2775 Pet The B. New. Scrub Set for teenagers Helps clean, heal, clear up problem complexions Just 3 eosy steps; A--Medicated Scrub Soap goes down deep to rout out clogging dust, oils and make-up, B--Medicated Refining Lotion gets of one of the biggest causes of troubled skin ~~ bacteria HAL SR in SR | members up-to-date on work on| WASHINGTON (AP) A letter was received from the!the Tweedsmuir History, and United States has forces ready provincial president, Mrs, A. Hag- asked the co-operation of the "to destroy any vation attacking gerty announcing that a contest| WI in getting the history of our country," Defence Becretary will be discontinued, Miss Ethel farms, schools and chirches, in Nell McElroy Tuesday told re- Chapman, editor of the Home and! Reach Township, Members join- porters after a three-hour secret Country, is to be a delesate 'ol ed In a sing-song, after which conference with the Senate armed the ACWW in Edinburgh next! Mrs, Boyd conducted a contest. services committee at which he August, Five voting delegates The winner was Mrs, Alfred presented comparisons of US were elected to represent Can. Prentice Soviet military strength, McFEl- ada, Refreshments were served by roy added he is confident there Mrs. Diamond reported on the Mrs. Boyd "rd her group, M will not be a general war becanse sale of cards by the members. Brunton. Mrs, Honey, Mrs, Wil- of U.S, abllity to "destroy anyone Mrs, Bell gave an article onliams and Mrs, Irwin, 'starting it." | onnum. dccording to qualifications for initial service ot Ottawa A tour of duty abroad will be from 2 to 34 years, Posting usually occurs during the first year of service, C--Medicated Blemish Cream gives healing action all night long, COMPLETE SEY 3.50 PHONE RA 5.7373 Candidates must be between 21 and 40 years of gge ond be prepared to serve in any Canadien mission abroed, For detcils, write to CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, OTTAWA Please quote competition 58-420, Manufacturer's clearance brings savings on ". Everyone's Saving Dollars at... Windbreakers Va usual price... Ordinarily 22.50! Here's a fine group of windbreakers at a really noteworthy saving! Made of hard-wearing wool-and-'fibrene' fleece that resists wind and rain, they're expertly tailored with fine detailing you'll appreciate! Styled with zipper front, knit insert at waist; and with cosy "Insulfoam" lining for warmth without weight, PHONE RA 5.7373 In various shades of medium grey, green and brown, Sizes 36 to 44 in the group, EATON Special Price, saeh .,......... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 229 During Our Gigantic JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! PRICES SMASHED TO ROCK-BOTTOM! Childs' and Girls' Wool and Cotton 5/8 HOSE Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Size 7-9, Reg. 98¢c a ; Quality at a moderate price... Men's SHERWOOD SPORT SHIRTS In the Men's Budget Furnishings Department Imported Pinwale Corduroy Tank Crawlers Regular $1.98. Size 12-24 Mths, Smart, well-tailored, comfortable shirts In eye-catching plaid designs, Colours Include reds, blues, greens , , , sizes small, medium and large 59 in the group, Note the saving on two! Ld 2 for 5.00 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Price, each. . CHECKED RAYON TABLE CLOTHS Very colorful cheaked Dobble Clath In a rib satiny finished rayon, Various colors com binations, Approx, 50 x 50, Reg, 1.00, ON SALE ald Bt tl Rl re ! GIRLS' 8 TO 14 YEARS LINED CORDUROY SLIMS Flannel lining. Matching selfs straight or turned up cuffs, A. A90, 3:02 Girls' SPLIT HOOD Men's Flannel Pants Black, Grey, A 22 a Melbourne EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 Styled CAR COATS Good looking, Cotton Chine-lined, with quilted rayon-ovei-wool, front buttoning, two patch pockets, Cglors Ned, Caribbean Blue or Beige, Sizes 7 to 12 years, Reg. 9.95. ON SALE 00 Brown, Reg. 7.95 Size 30-40 .., On sale at 6.30 p.m. Friday and while quantities last Please, ne telephone or mall orders Boys' Semi-Boxer Walst Long Trousers Wool-and-cotton flannel and rayon gabardines In the group broken size ond color range, Sizes 1 99 6 to 12 years in the lot, Rach al [] BOYS' 8-14 YEARS SATEEN CHINO LINED PANTS Washable sateen chino, fully lined with warm checked UPPER LEVEL Little Boys' Long Sleeve White Shirts Smartly tapered legs belt, Zipper closing, 94 Colors, Red, Brown, Maroon and Blue, " NOW ONLY ,.,...... a a a flannel Popular semi-draped styling with pleats, Zipper closing, four pockets, ivy league belt In back In black and charcoal, Sizes 8 to 14 years, Reg. 4.95, NOW ONLY Much below usual price! Size 6x only, Only .... EERE EEE FEE T8RPM Records Reduced fo Clear Ad Women's Rayon Tricot Panties Stock up for Spring and Summer! Banded leg many popular melodies, id ndildndtoliiin We LOWER LEVEL Remnants--Reduced to Clear / Pure Bristle 3" Paint Brushes Plains or prints Wools, cottons, rayons; 36 to 54" wide, Bech . 104.60 hi time for Spring decorating! Sturdy ) hardwood handles, Rach MALL LEVEL Clearance of 'Kniteze' Knitting Wool Limited quantities In each colour; stock up at this | unustal saving! 10 Approx, T.ox, boll... . Men's Ties, Greatly Reduced to Clear Tweedy effects; blue, grey, wine, Each Your favourite artists; Boys' Poplin CAR COATS Good quality heavy weight L poplin with heavy quilt line Split hood. Buttoned Children's Split Hood CAR COATS Cotton china = lined quilted rayon over wool front toggle buttoning Two patch pockets, split zipper hood, lined with wool pile, Colors: red, tropical blue, or beige, Men's Corduroy CAR COATS Pull vioper closing, twe zippered slash east pockets, two flap side pockets, Colors: Char coal grey with red trim and scarlet with char coal trim, Sizes S, M, and L; also Extra Large. Reg. 16.95, ON 3AlLR with inside Sizes 8B to 14 years, 1295. NOW ONLY 4.23 zipper, Reg, 12 ONLY Metal Smoking Stands--Reg, 19.95 Green or bronze finish; whirl-a-matic action for easy cleaning; large bowl, End-of-line, Hach ...... 1/2 Price Clearance of Linoleum Remnants REG, 1.50 te 17.30 Sandran, Congoleum, Inlaid Linoleum; various sizes but not every size in each 718 8 65 ] to L) colour or pattern, Rach Attractive Oval Mirrors--18x24" Complete with rosettes and hangers; note the low clearance price! Each BOYS' 8-14 YEARS CORDUROY CAR COATS Extra thick 6-Ib, quilted *"'Eskimo® Full zipper closing. 2 slash pockets, Knitted wool collar. Windproof, Colors of Scarlet and Grey with contrasting trim, Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. 9.95, ON SALE vv. . LADIES' Yearly purchased to add smart. touches of color to you 23 easunl wardrobe, 1.~~OVERBLOUSES with Pilgrim € ' p sleeves, hack fullness culminating in bow, Pres ® don nm oof tb wr red, and blue Sizes 12 to 18, inant ¢ 2.-~BOW.TIE BLOUSE, flattering neck treatment with fish tail bow tie, short sleeves 20 » some reversible; colours include 6 3, 100 '/2 Price Clearance of Flash Guns REG, 3.50 to 8.00 End-of-line; fit most synchro. 1 Each wool interlining Sizes 12 to nized cameras, LADIES' SMARTLY STYLED WATER REPELLENT winkepr na o smart yellow 1 with wed hite F ( ir with matches Chino Cotton CAR COATS jiu a nin Storm cuf Ir Reg. 16.95, NOW ONLY f. water-repellent, insulated with 81h, weal { ar r red satin lining. Foshs Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights Until 9 '