p™ OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Jonnory ", "9 Co-operative Bank Syster Plans Made WOODSLER, Ont, (CP)---Pres. ident Ralph 8, Staples of the Co [to establish thelr own coopers tive banking system, He told the annusl meeting of (the Woodsles credit union Wed. |nesday night that the ides re- "quite 8 boost" recently cleties when the Canadian Bankers As sociation proposed to Incresse substantially charges for clear: ing house privileges enjoyed by credit unions, aihs SAEks Watt Tour Métifies central credit union orgenize tions of planned increases in the (charges ranging up to 500 per leent, They modified the proposs! in the face of unfavorsble publi city snd opposition from the credit unions and co-operative so-| but the threst still re mains," 2000,000 MEMBERS Mr, Staples said Canadas had 4,300 eredit unions in addition to |the Federation des Calsses Popu Operative Union.of Canada says| Chartered hanks, he seid, now |laires, thé Quebec equivalent, many gfficinls of and eredit unirn movements want | deposits in eredit unions, eo ative handle cheques made out against! Their membership totalled nearly vs wn 12,000,000, Lovers Club Terms SAVE $55 NO DOWN PAYMENT Re- quired on Simpson's Home ORIGINALLY 25 glves you the matically, eye on your | KENMORE 30-INCH RANGE 199.95 30" Kenmore Electric Range, 25 or 60 Cycle, January Sale, SIMPSON'S OSHAWA STORE RAndolph 3.7543 4.95 pleasure, Here are some of the features: heat you want, 3-year warranty on all elements, aking, You get this huge saving because the range Is a 1958 mode! and has to be cleared from our floors, Deluxe in styling and features, it was a top of the line range and Is a wonderful buy at this sale price! Fully automatic, the Kenmore has all the timing features that make cooking and baking such a 7-heat push-button control of the four surface elements Clock control of the oven turns heat on and off auto- v Minute minder operates for 60 minutes, freeing you from pot watching, ® Oven is a huge 24-inch size for family baking Oven light and oven window makes it easy to keep an Full-length storage drawer keeps utensils handy, : NO DOWN PAYMENT and Just $10 monthly (including carrying charge) on Simpson's Home Lovers Club Terms. So ~ ~ VINGS{AYLMER [SAVINGS eK SPECIAL! ) ; 3 55: FL, OF TING 0 cHoicn PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN, 22,23, 24 LOBLAW GROCETERIAS €O, LIMITED SPECIALI : | 5 for 79: 14FL OF, TINS AREY SPECIALI 16-FL, OX, TINS CT0OT -- AVINGS{AYLMI Hel: 19.\ 4 SPECIAL) VELVETY FLOUR Le, iw 3s FOR CAKES AND PASTRY SPECIAL) ROSE MARGARINE a x 99: SPECIAL! 4 for 69: 16FL, OX, TINS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! . 1} b . SLLI ES AL i L899 E ~~ 5 wh OF TINS ANCY SPECIAL! (4 w 49. 10:FL, OF, TINS FANCY SPECIAL! 2m 33: 1LFL, OF, BTLS, 243: 16FL, OF, TINS CHOICE HALVES b! AYLMER 0 Aylmer Fancy Strawberries ./". 35¢ Aylmer Fancy Tomato Juice . 2.7 19s Aylmer Chili Sauce .............. ."%. 27¢ Fancy Special Process Peas Ria 1. 71 27: Aylmer Choice Diced Carrols . 2 .:%, Aylmer Fancy Sauerkraut 2 i, 27¢ Ryimer Choice Sliced Peaches 2.17, 37¢ Aylmer Fancy Asparagus Tips .. 2% 37 ® STORE HOURS o MON., TUES, WED., SAT, 8:30 - 6 P.M, OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Speciall Loblaws Kitchen Pride APPLE PIE REO. PRICE 48¢ "PRCA 39: SERVE WITH LOBLAWS TANGY OLD WHITE CHEESE SPECIAL | WESTON'S PIZZA CRACKERS =i 23¢ HOSTESS MOCHA CREAMS .. usu 20 LOBLAWS SOTTAGR DRAND - DATED RAYS us 18 WHITE + WHOLE AT CRACKED WHEA Kaabii 9: ARTON LOBLAWS FRESH BREAD SLICED OR UNSLICED LOBLAWS TASTY TREAT . ICE CREAM . uv 25¢ X ® FRUITS and VEGETABLES © GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA TENDER AND DELICIOUS! TASTY BROCCOLI... un 20 GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA GRISP, SOLID NEADS! HEAD LETTUCE. . 2 ~ 25 GARDEN FRESH CRISP ANP CRUNCHY! TOP QUALITY EATING CELERY) CELERY STALKS :. . 2 0G BC's FINEST! EXTRA PANCY GRADE! ROSY RED ARAUTIRNI DELICIOUS APPLES .... B§ uv ONTARIO GROWN! FANCY GRADE! CRISP AND JUICYI McINTOSH 29- OUTSTANDING OFFERI THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE wi. 90. NOW ON SALH "CORIOLANUS" "TITUS ANDRONICUS" New Low Price! LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED Pride of Arabia COFFEE 67 = 1.95 AR J BAG APPLES atta LD DT UOTO OOD PC OOU SOUPS OU0 AL] POLY BAG 25: ® LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS © ® EXCEPTIONAL VALUE!e® SPECIAL! SKINLESS == MINIMUM FAT BONELESS FRESH HAM ROASTS Ib. uw 33¢ u @3¢ PORK SHOULDER ROASTS Le, 39: w 37¢ PORK BUTT ROASTS 63¢ 69: PECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS Pre-Dressed BOILING FOWL AINDLESS 'SIDE BACON Finest Quality Select Oysters *°* ® FRESH FROZEN FISH == PAN READY o IPECIAL! BOOTH BRAND 1-08, HOICE HADDOCK FILLETS io PECIALL SWIMS GOLDEN PRAND-=-AVAILABLE IN MOST M/ YMOKED COD FILLETS wo. PKG, ane SL dh had 1:08, PKG, 39 i eRe e