THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls . RA 8.3474 Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy VOL. 88 -- NO. 18 The Osha x Jes WEATHER REPORT Much Colder Friday partly cloudy and cold with snowflurries, winds diminishing ton.ght, OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Moll Post Office Department, Ottawe TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES 2 UNMASKED MEN ROB DANCE HALL IN OSHAWA Winds Snap Power In Bowmanville Area Winds reaching as high as 35 mph caused a power blackout for one hour in the Bowmanville area during the night George Shreve, secretary of the 10s hawa Public Utilities Commis-| | sion, said the winds "caused rela- [tively little damage considerin their velocity." He said some lines were down in the Pickering Beach area but only for a short while, The main damage * seemed to have been caused by branches and limbs of trees being blown off by the wind! lend becoming entangled in the wires The area north of the city in the vicinity of the National Stud affected but to "yu Farm was also length of time, In the city itself only one house in the vicinity of King street and Ritson road, was affected w hen a falling branch short circuited the wires leading into it The Bell Telephone reported| damage to its lines as negligible Most of Eastern Canada was awash Wednesday in a January | thaw, the latest quirk in winter s| | | | weather. It was bitterly cold in Plunged To Death CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) -- Scientists at. Smithgonian Astro: physical Observatory say they| expired are inclined to believe that the Vas 3 4 to re to be borne out in a statement by a U.S, treasury spokesman in Washington that the department in no way acted to discourage the shipment HOUSE QUESTIONS | The question was raised Wed nesday by Opposition Leader Pearson and Harold Winch (CCF Vancouver East) who asked Trade Minister Churchill in the Commons for assurance U.S pressures were not brought to bear on Alcan, Mr. Churchill promised an investigation, The situation reflected a sim ilar controversy a year ago when Ford of Canada was reported to have refused, on orders from its parent American company, to se)! Communist China 1,000 cars, The Canadian government at the time charged this was an in- fringement of Canadian sover eignty LATE NEWS FLASHES Cornwall Boat Firm Destroyed CORNWALL through a boat apartment house at move than $7 Omer Page boat plant oil heater expleded Fire Damages Montreal Hotel MONTREAL (CP A heavily damaged the roof Montrealer in doivntown Some 125 firemen fought before brin ying it under ¢ "The facts do not support the charge," the brief sald "Real wage rates since the war have just about kept pace with increases in productivity," We are much more concerned about the slowness of recovery and the persistence of unemployment than about the risk of a new in flation ¥ . "We are legislative sub concessions on and depre to stimulate the government, impressed hy (government) exhortations to hold the line.' In our opinion 'here is no line to bs Leld ° not 2 in unemploymen' government-paid boost purchasing went two ways » 3 Federal initiative in promat & subsidized low-rental housing projects 4. Compilation of more infor mation to increase the effective ACCOP ness of measures to combat un ernments employment face ol congre al the fe unem brief ASKS PUBLIC PROBE Another proposal im mediate public inve into] the wage-profit relationship in the mpliement and ndustrie the industries he believe their nricin policies exert a decisive influence on the Canadian economy," the |congress Flames fanned by high winds roared plant here and a three-storey Firemen estimated damage fire broke out in the apartment house when an op SS manufac neaghy 3,000 uring today Firemen was an tigation" said © gover nt tonal behind the aufo, steel farm basie cite we other We cause posses o early today the Hotel injured hour fire stories of No one more than an three-alarm and upper Montreal the blaze for mntrol nn Red C en ¢ 000,000 worth of said Was It also proposed a "world eco nomic conference of free nation ind rested t ( in go ke the initiative in NO Pressure See confere \WA (Cp { sn he Deal | said today that erted from outside Can Canadian alumi. ih Anne and Princess Margaret East tour. Princess Anne held | Britain's royal family all braved windy, rainy weath- | the hand of her father whose | India won independence in 1947 0 WINDSOR (CP)--Tired com- strike action "completely irre . 3 jo/p.m. Wednesday and announced ment Issued shortly after the just shovelled itself out from un # freckle-faced, wide-eyed movie that "by mutual agreement' ne- strike began Tuesday claimed der heavy snow when the mer shooting occurred during an ar- Canada workers had been aio that formed the basis of gument with another man over| 0 until 2 p.m. today. agreements recently signed with but United Auto| The union replied that the of Switzer was a favorite of movie-| Workers union officials still ex-/for hy Chrysler was pot Identical| . "there was no retroactivity, The! gE» ogu- h It is assumed the 18-hour ad. old Chrysler contract known again with reissue of the| | #ilms to television under the title A%reed upon so that both sides| Chrysler's 1,600 salaried and of- to its death "|could meet privately to study fice employees reported for work! They sald Wednesday night But in recent years his movie, Wednesday's negotiations went erhouse, plant protection and Guam which would Indicate the parts had been minor and helon without interruption, save for maintainence staffs 1'4-ton earth moon plunged earth ing guide when not acting. Hela.m, until 10:40 p.m Wednesday occurred when an day earned nothing from reissue of) The company has termed the Essex Terminal Railway "train. The Atlas, which broadcast Police sald Switzer went to the . . yards. Two strikers lay on the mas message of peace to the home of a friend, M. 8. Stiltz, 33 Racing Champion tracks In an attempt to stop the world launched from Cape collect a $50 loan Killed In Crash - GUN, KNIFE INVOLVED U S PRESSURE ? . Mike Hawthorn, world champion| dod : est Johnson sald Stiltz told them|car racing driver. was killed In| An argument developed and! The death of the 29-year old | 100 0 Switzer hit him on the head with bachelor was one of the most y fired harmlessly while they| After facing death a thousand struggled. Switzer drew a knife. [times on race tracks throughout Jack Plott, 37, who accompanied only a few weeks after he retired] OTTAWA oop A Canadian ject the sale was made at ils Switzer to Stiltz's home, and Mrs from racing company children, who were there wi prix championship last season in/from Communist Ch na, ¢ y y a Shildre WD "hele wheni, tian Ferrari ars DErenlly bcos ie A Lae Aluminium Limited, a Canadian bh 2 arril hg hp company the majority of whose Switzer began his movie career city southwest of London pio . § Wes 4 . says it turned. down the order so ,, In 1933, but after 1942 his carcer| Hawthorn was driving to Lon-as not to lose other Er Chinese mainland, but the Cana dian government does not object went on to success as an actor.'volved with a truck Alcan said the decision Labor Seeks Red ti reducing unemployment we re activity' placed before the federal cabinet The 11.500-word brief called for In Hs annual 1. Introduction of special ingen. tives such as mission to ployment should not he accepted winter work as "an inevitable feature of the Increases Prime Minister Diefenhaker and power other ministers alter 440,000, a post-war high for period are helpless int} plovment," the "We believe that tl n ment and the Parliament of Can stall, at least to remedy, the re ( ing 1] 1 FIRE DEI'T. RA 5-6574 The er at London airport to sce ! arrival in New Delhi marked AP Wirephoto SAN FERNANDO, Calif. (AP) pany and union negotiators left sponsible' and says there is no the West star as a boy--was shot to death) ooiiaiiong for an end to the two-|Chrysler's offer was identical to Both sides declined to comment the UAW, money. {on progress, an. early. those of Tord and GM, since lar Fellers comedies, He became, iment of negotiations was Aug. 15. Att Ss. t The Little Rascals their positions, as usupl Wednesday, as did pow- they received two reports from worked as a bartender and hunt-|a one-hour lunch break, from 10. The only picketing incident ward at 9:08 a.m. EST Wednes the old films tried to pull out of the Chrysler President Eisenhower's Christ Wednesday night in an effort to train, Canaveral, Fla., last Dec. 18, GUILDFORD, England (AP) Detectives Louis Bell and Ern this story an automobile accident today a clock. Stiltz got a gun and it|ironic in sports history . Stiltz shot him in the abdomen. [the world, he was killed on a To Chinese Lost | has turned down ay , , Rita Jane Corrigan and her three Hawthorn won the world grand!$1,000,000 fontreal head office and not dolice si 3 " b i ' Stiltz was held for questioning Police said the accident was on pressure (rom the United States shares are held in the U.S. went Into eclipse. Jackie Cooper don in his Jaguar and the Royal|not "favorably disposed to Com today by the 1,1350,000-member these measures on unemploy- the taxc interest rates Canadian economy.' insurance and government figures indicated in "We cannot and will not sald ada ample power and ernment HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 [hae Queen Elizabeth II, Princess | Prince Philip off on his Far | the first visit of a member of Hollywood journe Ex-Holly Talks Adjour Actor Carl (Alfalfa) Switzer, 33--(their bargaining tables at 10:40/reason for it. A company state-| The country east of Ontario had | Wednesday night, Police said the day strike of 3,600 Chrysler of those of Ford and General Mo The shooting was witnessed hy|quiet road in southern England order for aluminum elsewhere, Alcan is owned by a high-speed road bypassing this Aluminum Company of ( 1 hu ompany { Hadad! ne U.S, bans trade with was one member of the gang who Automobile Club, said it was In-|munist China." to such a sale, OTTAWA (CP)--Proposals for sult of any decrease In economic! Canadian Labor Congress. ment congress said mass winter unem- ciation allowances Top CLC officer: hefore pensions to mid-December unemployment the ddetrine that REMEDY AVAILABLE enough knowledge, if not to fore POLICE RA 5-1133 al Ihave contributed to. inflatio hina \ ( 0 congre no 18 ada th: pre appears to have he K sale of §! bum to Red China, b that hiv ! to the U.S. Satellite | the cury soared and everything melted, | At Liverpool, N.8., 1.02 inches of rain the equivalent of 10 inches of snow-fell, All airline flights from Halifax were can- celled Wednesday, Power lines g/ were coated with ice but only a Southern Ontario few service interruptions were re- portd The Halifax temperature was 34 last night and on the way up Rain was heavy At Montreal the mercury hov-| ered around 40 and provided an unexpected boost to the public) works department nearing the end of its snow-removal budget, For the first time this winter streets are completely bare Ottawa's thaw was in its sec since (a lesser degree and for a shorter nq day with Wednesday night's Southern Ontario COBOURG TRIAL Wife S Witness Says | COBOURG Harold Curtis Scarlett stabbed his wife in the back at the front door of her home, testified Mrs. Aline Webb at Cobourg assizes yesterday, for the prosecution to appear in |the three-day-old trial of Scarlett | for the murder of hig wife, Julia, December 29, Witness said Mrs. Scarlett took U.S. Atlas satellite has plunged about three steps, then fell, Scar. his back door, he found Mrs. raced through their frame home lett dropped to his knees beside that|her, said "Judy, I didn't mean {oof his back porch, do it, I love you!" When Mrs. Scaflett muttered something to her husband, Scar lett straightened up, kicked her, and said "You and Ernie Per- row!' Mrs, Webb said her husband, Leonard, had helped Mr lett downstairs to the front door She was suffering (rom numer ous stab wounds She was leaning against the doorframe when Scarlett came downstairs and stabbed her in the back, said. witne CROCODILE TEARS FOR SCHOOL PET NORWICH (CP) Stu | dents of Norwich District High School are shedding "erocodile' tears | A baby crocodile, brought | back from Florida at Christ mas by D. 8S. Strachan, a teacher, and adopted by the student Yody as a school pet, has died apparently from | homesickness. heat The Alcan explanation seemed | | pe CALLING ALL this foxes in ould be alent s little wa mi ell ad to be today Fen" mem of the | Oshawa Poli Department olr ganized a fox bunt in that « ad on tl wel Mrs, Webb was the 21st witness | Lindsay Firm Wiped Out In $300,000 Fire temperature around 35 degrees. LINDSAY, Ont, (CP) The eastward march of a cold|early-morning fire wiped out alo, 0 "and (jad the owner-mana-| The two men tied him hand and wave was indicated by Sudbury's prosperous antenna Industry niger Theodore Lapine, and rob-|foot and left him lying on the 16-degre reeading shortly after|inic town 18 miles west of Peter-|bed his canteen of between $200 couch while they ransacked the | Manager Tied, $300 Stolen Two unmasked men broke into hardly walk, He Is also suffering Anl|the Avalon Dance Hall, 424 King|from two cut elbows, caused by street west, at 5 a.m. today, as-|/the ropes, Owner tabbed Death Sentences 7 May Be Abolished be ot) OTTAWA (CP)--Two bills to be able to carry passengers, say, abolish virtually all sentences of between Vancouver and Montreal : [to hook up with CPA overseas death by hanging and of corporal Madrid and punishment were introduced Weds nesday in the Commons by Frank McGee (PC York Scar This would be on a one-flight.a- day basis and the arrangement [would be reviewed in two years. The decision means CPA will flights between Tokyo or down into South Amer |ica or the South Pacific, | It could carry them also be. borough. [tween Montreal and Toronto to| One bill would abolish capi(él |link up with CPA's T'oronto-Mex- punishment for all crimes excopt The reason so many people [ico City run, treason, levying war and piracy. aren't satisfied with their lot | And on runs such as these it|The penalty for murder would Is that they don't have a lot, cculd carry domestic passengers, become life Imprisonment. midnight and the 43 degre é # a i land $300, remises, he said, North Bay, 70 miles to the east, | "rOU&h inday cavaing lowes ea.) said the men tried win Phe men used a flashlight in Fog, freezing rain and snow hit|timated at $300,000, dows in both the men's room and their search for money, It was Then strong; The fire, fanned by 40-mile-an-|(he |adies' room before they|too dark for Lapine to get a good winds swept in, reaching between pour wifids, swept through the!could get in. {look at them, He thought one 40 and 60 miles an hour during Lindsay Antenna and He was sleeping on a couch in/was a very big man, Most of the the night. 2 il ' forecast Specialty Products Limited Fac- the dance hall when the men stolen money was In silver The weather office forecast "0 ion oninioved 50 men and! awakened him. He said they kick-| Patrol Sgt. David Wood investls some snow and much lower tem- women ed him so that today he can gated, peratures for Southern and Cen ' -- - -- . tral Ontario today Fire Chief Arnold Watson said Heavy snow and drifting, with damage would be at least $300, temperatures near zero, were re 000° The bullding was burned to onopo Y ported in Northern Ontario areas, the ground The weather caused a rash of John Thomas, 36, traffic accidents and forced can- started the business In a back: cellation of airline flights in'yard shed six years ago and built| B PA it into a thriving $1,000,000-a-year TO en Y C operation, ae fire Barted dom olll OTTAWA (CP)--~A multi-mill- This would mean Shat on 8 sched. urnace explosion at d am, y an. uled run, say, from Montreal to Fire Chief Watson sald loudoliat Satie vets pa Vancouver to catch a flight head- Firemen stopped the blaze geitled by the federal government|ing for the - Orient, passengers from spreading to a new $140,000) yiih each winning something, [could be carried strictly between {United Church of Canada and a Canadian Paeitic Airlines| Montreal and Vancouver, (nearby lumber yard, They had tol, J ine jong time monopoly of|NO MARITIMES SERVICE [play water on the church which publicly-owned Trans-Canada Air| CPA has made it clear that it suffered water damage and the y'o,o "0, "om asic trans ontinen- does not intend to try to move red-brick exterior was blackened tal service, but the privately-|into the Atlantic Provinces, npw by smoke [owned company does not get all|the operating ground of TCA and {of what it sought, private operators. | 4 hild TCA still holds most of its mon-| On the money side of the gov- A total of 22 witnesses in two 1 ren, |opoly. ernment action, there was no ime days of testimony completed | It's a tossup as to who wins in mediate estimate of what it (Crown Attorney Harry R. Dey the big stakes game, might mean to either of the big man's evidence for the prosecu Grandmother But M any Son CPA will be companies involved, tion at 4.30 p.m, Wednesday. |allowed a limited amount of com-!| Neither President Grant George Beedham, who lives Di I Bl petition on some runs now held McConachie of CPA nor Presi. ° eat dovs 0 the hotise vhese the) 1e in aze exclusively by the government dent Gordon McGregor of TCA [Neurd a ois lke inch rouhin DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CI) {COPAY 18 Lowi of wi, Bo was AHTRBC IE comment, upstairs' abou 0 pm, Later, Four children and an elderly), "wednesday by Transport air te ore \ i ay ansport board iu: Novem when he answered knocking at|woman died today in a five that Minister = Heos, ber, 1007, for a licence to 'opers Scarlett lying injured on the floor in the congested Negro commu. CPA GETS START ate one flight a day on these five nity of Preston near here, Two| Canadian Pacific got its foot in Soutes: Vancouver yo lgary. A call from the Beedham home others are In hospital with Injur (he door on the lucrative trans. Saskatoon . Ottawa « Montreal; we 80 ' |{o | Vancouver-Edmonton - Montreal; to town police sent Const, R. H.l|les continental business over the ob-|y, i Pla y oll. i of - , : { ancouver . Winnipeg Toronto Caldwell and Sgt. Gene Butler to Pire officials identified the jections of the government air Montreal: Fd t Regi the scene. Then they called an dead as Marguerite Grant, 9:|line that has heen free of such Tre) we non on oie ambulance for Mrs, Scarlett, = Mina, 3, Marlow, 4, and Carol competition since 1935 Joromo} innipeg Jia rested Scarlett, and recovered a Ann Williams, 18 months, and . . . h butcher knife from a snowbank Mrs. Annie Willlams, 53, grand: gn age auneubeed he soit Late last year, afier TCA had outside the house. {mother of the Williams children [transport board that CPA, a sub- started Calgary + Saskatoon and ASKED AFTER WIFE Reuben: Williams, father of sidiary of Canadian Pacific Rail- inoniou.Tofoste yarvices Which Const. Paul Pearse testified to three of the victims and a CNR|way, should operate a scheduled hi NaC J roposed 0 operate, phe! . é om . y 4 anadian Pacific suggested lo the statements made by' Scarlett employe, was at work when the service between Vancouver-Win- |, " § : > 4 Hem . sp +4 hoard that the government line after he had been lodged in a cell/fire broke out In the two-storey nipeg . Toronto - Moutreal, con- bo ordered to. disc the in the town hall, home, There were no telephones necting with CPA's existing Inter-| "Creed to discontinue these "How Is my wife?" he asked./in the immediate area and alnational operations, Domestic as "How is the girl? I stabbed her, bucket brigade was formed by well as international passengers How is she? Const, Pearse re. residents. They were unable to/.ould be carried plied, 'She'll be okay." He said save the house or the trapped that he had been told to watch occupanis | Scaglett, but had not known untill James Williams, 12, a grandson later that Mrs, Scarlett had died. of Mrs. Annie Williams, and her "When do they hang me?" |15.year-old son Sinclair jumped to asked Scarlett later, "I'll get 10/the ground from a second-floor years and she'll be happy. Where window, Both were taken to hos- will they send me; Kingston?" pital with undetermined injuries Although previous testimony| A pnather girl, identified as showed Scarlett had been drink: prances Glasgow, also escaped ing during the day. of the slaying Dr. F. N. Blackwell said that {when he examined accused next THOUGHT FOR TODAY {morning he found no evidence of | "hangover", (Continued on page 2.) WIFE STABBED EE A SAA Sa m------ Fitasaaxy A > - Es id a a ad FOXES -- BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR... Thompson, PC, M. Baker, PC ed hunts, especially since the | C. Gallogley, PC R Ross; cause of the terrain and slip | rabies menace has Increased: bottom line, PC A. Lavender pery underfooting. The winter | Special permission must be abe taking off for the soggy marsh PC R. Jemison, PC John Col fox population there is reported | tained from city police to hunt lands. They are tanding left | lins and: PC D. Dillabough be heayy and the area is | foxes in this area | to right, Sgt. P. White, PC Cleo | The Oshawa marshes provide | a target for organiz- | --Oshawa Times Photo 5 of the group a stiff test for fox hunters be 'morning In police station before today piet of the | area are front red Io