Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Jan 1959, p. 17

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SAVE $50 ON THIS SUITE 14 storey, WAVE & Took ai this spesious sn-room, | Apoly Hb two « storey home Joy (43.-Rau Batete -------- i room brick house, ished, : i or uniure TZ | oo 1] {Drew 1 mthersens-------- feet" Joe lor hown down payment required, i Bil Bwar | brick at RA 58544, John A. J Adlabood | Limited, Tesitors, ie] BANCRATYLE brik bn i, ink § (88 Arn ivooms, only $1499, Cail Mary Hobbs, RA 20008. J. Wa oho, | | Realtor e % | JOHN A. J, r. | BOLAHOOD nge- | LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE ST. 5. id ---- way. us GRANDVIEW GARDENS RA RA 5.6544 Built by Lowe ond Naylor for pr 7A the present owner, this six $500 DOWN $500 ond a half room split fevel je $6,500 FULL PRICE % Extra Wide Arms % Big Long 84" Sofa With Deep Foam Reversi of yellow clay brick ond pido siding hos ottached two $500 will move you Into this garage. sors, Viraples, to 8-room Insul brick home wit 90 semi-modern kitchen, heavy duty stove coble, full bose Just $7,100 down and as sume the N.H.A, mortgage. ment, For further detolls coll Howard McCabe of SHERWOOD at MOHAWK RA 5-6544, A popular, centre hall, six room, red rug brick bunge- $8,800 FULL PRICE WILSON ROAD 5, low, completely londsgoped ond decorated, Lorge, dry Sroom brick, 1 Va-storey home, located Just a few basement, divided for regreo- doors from King Street, feo- tion room, Only $5,100 down In this LL foca~ tures 4-plece bath, large kit- chen, Carries for 7s ° tion one block from school, month, Shown exclusively by IMMEDIATE appointment only, Call Bill POSSESSION Swarbrick of RA 5.6544, New three-bedroom brick N.H.A. bungalow en large, suburban lot, has large dining area, Enjoy low taxes in this pleas- NEW NEW NEW ent setting for only $3,000 Situated on Elizabeth Street; down West of Stevenson's Roed are these S.room brick bungo- INCOME HOME lows, featuring all the eons p' veniences of modern day liv« $2,000 down, Ing You con have your payment on the balance, cholce of colors of arborite roory brigh, oll heated, ine and tile. Different designs come of $99 iy SECON ovollable, Buy now while floor apartment good ine there Is still @ choice. Close vestment In o central locas to schools, shopping end bus, tion Call now for Bill Retcliffe at NEAT AS A PIN RA 35-4344 Four-room bungalow, 'Just @ $500 DOWN $500 few years old, en bus line, $6,000 FULL PRICE Paved street and sidewalk In Here 1s @ neot, J.room bun handy location te both downs town and ploza shopping. alow; perfect for a small amily er newly married Can be financed at low down payment couple, modern kitchen, nice living room, bedroom and one monthly Six 2.PCE. CH Built to sell for 229.00, This sulte Is well worth your taking I to see It It Is an exciting New 19 ored In on attractive boucle fabric Toast or Green, the sofa Is B4" cushions COULDNT HELP BUT LIKE IT! 3-PIECE SILVER SERVICE INCLUDED $10 DOWN DELIVERS EVERYTHING Your New Chesterfield And Your Silver Servic 59 contemporary style by Sklar des | The arms are completely wrapped in fecam and w RA 5-6165 RA 5.3412 bathroom, easy monthly pay ments, Call Pat O'Donnell at Alter x EM Rides ol RA 5.6544 BY Avy 4 Poul Ristow 5.8182 1 ONLY 1 Roy Lothangue 6165 y Hilda Ristow 5.360% NEW NEW. NEW A low down payment for this Jean Peacock RA 5.4330 Carl Olsen RA B.5146 | é-room brick bungalow, Con. tains all the conveniences of modern living. close to school, Ristow & Olsen This is the lost of the many homes we have sold In this REALTORS | 19 Athol St, West subdivision, Hurry and call Ontario the in prettiest long end, the chair, | 180 | Eugene Putterson ot RA | 5.6544, i Oshawe, | 180 $2,900 down == New S-room brick bungalow, privately built, for Immediate possession, Has 4.pc. tiled bathroom, forced alr oll heating, large roms, Apple Hill district. $12,900 full price "® $13,500 -- b-room bungalow, east end Oshawa. Brick construes oll heating, cok end tile floors, large rooms, landscaped, pd screens M# o" In Popu w N.H.A, brick bungalow In Whitby, 2 bed: | SPRING- FILLS: "vd own rm aewglh, ferge Immediate possession, e 6-room bungalow with goroge and land. Included At No Bed alr oll heating, stone fireplace, alums "s.. $11,000 full price, m---- EST, WHITBY \355 MO 8-4135 18a] | | INSURANCE | | in Jood virion {after had 0 ym ose to pg Shires hediooml, 8.3 / ROOMS DETACHED SOLID BRICK PRIVATE DRIVE AND GARAGE $12,500 THIS SPACIOUS, WELL KEPT HOME HAS 7 SPOTLESS LARGE ROOMS, SOLID BRICK CONSTRUCTION, GLEAMING OAK FLOORS, OIL HEAT, LARGE VERANDAH, PRIVATE DRIVE AND GARAGE, GOOD BIG LOT AND: EXCELLENT LOCATION, ASKING $2,500 DOWN CALL MR. McMULLAN RA 5.0104 OR RA 5-8831 A. J. SCHATZ General Insurance 7. Ww CMEY, fas sch Realtor WHITBY MO 8-3337 OSHAWA RA 5.8461 PICKERING 590 HOW ABOUT IT! Large 3-bedroom brick bun- galow, big living room with nature! fireplace, full base- ment, carport and only 2 mins, walk to school, situ ated In Whitby's lovely northwest section, Only $13,- 950 full price, low down pay- ment, N.H.A, Mortgage AND LOOK AT THIS! Bron d new 6-room bungalow sy brand new location In high end dr over the Whithy lid lay stained ing Town brick contruetion all trim work, divided basement, For Information call Bill Schatzmann A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP {Phone Alex 1 CHEY, deliie "Sedan, radio, very| private, Phone RA 5.5044 after 7 --Automonfies For Bele | owner, on mileage, eerifice for » 5 PONTIAC deluxe, two door, ia | Elsotronies, 423 rida tranemiseion, heater, radio, owner, low mileage, sserifice for phriok if sold by Saturdsy, HA 32874. 6 BUICK Buper fordor, Re na oe fully" power One After 5, and automatic, Dominion Tire "4 Bord Brest West, ¥ 8 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, mower ass condit) TR Tn good condition, Call 85221 dally; R, Sowers PONTIAC ( 95h CHEVROLET, tw best offer and clesn, 5pm LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS STEVENSON RD. N, ONLY $11,500.00 S.room brick bungalow In Oshawa's best area, Only 4 years old, decorated, aluminum storms and screens, roughed-in recs room, T.V. entenna, Don't miss this one! Coll DOUG HURST RA 8.5123, $12,300 - $12,300 NH.A, Only 1 left at this low price, Beautiful ranch-style bunga« low, 3 bedrooms, large kite chen with breakfast' nook, tiled bath, Low monthly pay ments, large lot Only $1,000.00 down If you con qualify For appointment, call DOUG GOWER «= RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty Ltd 101 Simcoe St. N,, RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Nice cleon | { | lights, Phone RA 3 'deliine, four-door, 2000 niles, Must sell, Can y finance, a om CHEV Bel-Alr, sede, P stom radio owner, Finance terms, BA 58021 asim ------ A] CUNTOM illii oar radian, 4. dlacirofiame oh, 7 "0 VORD, best offer, WA S540, 10 fully oar Is in first , Phone MO 84517, Whit. [money back!" 3 REPLACEMENT paris RA 50013 after 1 pm. 14 a CHEVROLET vedan. Hin Ainatieed with 8 oh, 16 i, Sutgmatie --- tone, |B, ¥. "4600 ies, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele, Asian fone deluxe ti over vets 171 8 CHEVROLET daline, windshield washer, radio, shade. ie glass, and os green with signals, washers and visor, Good body, motor and tires, $205, Phone Prookiin 1M, SABYAN "MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAGEN SALES an. SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT TEL: RAnduiph 3-3461 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 807 KING ST, = OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Roed) RA 3:4494, Res. RA 5 5574 CRANFIELD MOTORS PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3.2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE, 48--Automobiles Wanted EUROPEAN Type car, Around '81, sonvertible model. Cash, RA 331 Highest prices paid 81181 or RA HIBS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens pald off, DODD MQTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, _RA 39421 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars, Pay off liens, -Sell en consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 SU--~Articies For dole . | WTERED, Expert conversion of your HLF ar tape :|50--~Articles For Sole LU up, Buringlilied matiresses Rockers, hostess, swivel por cent off! are 1490 50 81466 mori FURNITURE fale -- pe. ohen seis, $44 up! Many table and yo i L, lamps, % price! Colles and end #19 up! ls oF ie okt Mars onge Brest, Toronts, Feb, 10{ per sent off, All tow motors, "nd Tecliner chairs, 30 per cont 0 is Bunk beds, desks, Sodas id ugguge, smokers, Dastodhs, sie tm canawA TMB, Thandey, Jenvery 22, 1959 19 [BLACK Persian Lamb, site "| ewllent condition, Lg a ¢ 1418, on Phone R. ioe only " $460; 7% Imrsepower Beott outhosrd $228; 60 horsepower, regular sa » make - room for 'HW Mn fow loft, Murry! Alex Marine, Adan, | Ontario. Phone 1266 Aux. 18¢ BINGLE beds, springs, spring filled matiiesses and dresser, Phone RA B-4033 15s WINE and I idan barreis reia available, L ano 24 Intos Bireet Bouth, for A radios, Manges and and ref " Barons' 426 Mimeos 08 Bh, South. I Barons' Wopne. Fur nngs, here prices and yulty bighet =~ of your Feb, J a for all makes sll 'wmslj Radio and Hlading , 7 $50 to $150 sllowsnes for your id E+ Oshaw # Church Breet RA 37604 | WILLIAMS, pianos now at 8 Price you oan afford, of Parkway Tetevision, LL Simeos Blreet North. RA 33043. SELLING furniture! Well buy 0 Vridges, TV's, washers, vianos, stoves ole. For top eash ofier contact, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131, Feb, § Bond Brest 50---Articles For Sale hE a ERE pd lore, $5271, 444 Simeon lash, RA 56011, FEA # USED tres, most 4H sizes wn', Goodrich Blore, 54543 own see onsming string kis 5 ly Largs noes Ju ad CALL Barons' for gus vision on any new mirsl, Vietor or i ---- at Park way Telavition, vis oi Simeone Breet WICH Wlores, tires, baller Thrifty budget plan. RA + FOR sale -- used iusmbar, two 70 sq. #1, piste Klass wi ply corner of King Street snd Chareh Wireet or phone | HA 37083, SENSATIONAL January sale, End tab) "during 0 "om "savings our wal nut finished desk, $19 80; spring filled mattresses, $14.08; bunk beds, com pl ote, #86; portable radios teries, B19.99; floor coverings 3g foot; modern trilites, 56.99, Wilson niture, » Chureh, RADIOR, "record pinyers, hil with bat ur Jan, 20.22 and ~. [stereo are all here al the lowest prices It will pay you to shop al Parkway | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars | for wrecking, RA |49--Automobile Repairs RENT | Plant 3 Immediate possess South larg NINGALOW DOWN Comfortable Spring -Fileld Mattress Included At No Extra Cost 1 } new home to CREDIT TERMS a) tomfert at Liberal Terms 180 New Hi-Low Viscose BROADLOOM Complete With Mothproof RUG CUSHION INGLUDED exceptional beauty Ivs Large compiui.l ow You'll be proud te €0l Reg. Aker, even, me the There's 100% viscose living room and let It be orating scheme. It ix easily cleaned ¢ with its non.slip lastex backing STREET g It will Wo is avail abl le in 9 ft, and 12 ft nost desired lec ation, "WALL-T0-WALL INSTALL" m with fireploc Large en. | dining room and floor | furnace, nice fenced lot, Pri ¥ cupt new | yment required ¢ evening A 243 | {#6--Real Estate Wanted MOUNKES wanied for clients, some with all oash or your equity, Mor quick sale us, W. MoAuley Realtor, 38 Pringe eel, Oshawa, RA 3.3513; Whitby MO 21, Feh, 31 For law firm, Legal experience preferred but not essential, Applications fully confidential, Write Box 422, Oshawa Times 17d HOUSE FOR SALE? Before listing, call us for an appraisal and free advice, RISTOW and OLSEN REALTORS RA 5-6165 19 ATHOL ST. W. pu Test-Drive The DKW. 3-6 ond the new FIAT For economy and performance, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W,, RA 3.7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists In Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balonce, with lotest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, 30--Articles For Sale . Will welll "And prices guards, 84 teething ralls, half price 124.50 high ohairs, $808 Wilson Furniture, Church Sureet visor, mu full panel, Street. Phone RA 81131, SKATES, No, 1 Skate Exchange" Used #1 up. New skates 8408 up, , baby prams, sun baby oribs, adjustable Chrome | 20| Jan 20,22 MIGREAT prices pald for used furnl | tare, also sell and exchange. Contact | Community Purniture Store, 18 Prince | "new and used, FOshawa's skates Largest selection In town, Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East, USED washer parts, Wwe motors, LUN up, Repairs to all wringer type wash ers. Guaranteed reconditioned washers Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.8088, Bowmanville. Feb, 21 Feb, 22 FIREWOOD -- #3 and 810 loads, de CLIENT WITH UP TO $2,500 DOWN WOULD WE TO PURCHASE ROOM BUNGALOW H BASEMENT RTMENT OR 6 OM TWO STOREY RICK SUITABLE" FOR SUB «LETTING. CEN. TRALLY LOCATED, IF YOU CAN HELP CALL RA 3.2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR, 17 RANSFERRED urchased or 4 years aQo, t and except ge / tertaining, All storm hroom, modem ng Centre and buses, For an aps n Zokarow, evenings, RA 5.0494, / YOUR BONUS Vy ally | IN¢ minum throughout, Close |47--Automebiles For Sale | '88 PONWIAC § cylinder Laurentian, 4 doar, radio, Jehite walls, 34 Windsor 'Street RAS power glide, power steering, 18¢ M PONTIAC two door hardtop Lauren Han | extras, Can be financed, RA 54400 after radio, VB, automatio. many 8 pom DOWN Immediate Possession located in o residential areq. Close Cll heated Storms and screens ote Full y 800 A 5.1726 Ba § 6.00 PA |'M CHEV { radio, | and white Motors ih SE y PRIVATE fod Aja ALEATATE 0 pei Biscayne sedan, custom mileage, tutone turquoise | Only $2085. King West opposite Shapping Centre, 13 radio, | Ming | ! id low M DODGE Crusader ton, #00. No offer Auto Insurance. Save up bo veil. Niue upiontha te pay |Sersonal sarvies at your home eall RA | "Ra oem I livered within 10 mile radius, foriwsilon phone RA 8.1394 PAIR of ladies' harness, also aluminum telescoplo poles, never used, reasonable, RA thus BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is easy with a molded hull or boat kit, from B' to 24°. S Alax Marine, No. 2 Highway PHONE 1266 AJAX Fel ce For J i" laminated skis, with aki | PRONG | semen ---- 1c | Television, 918 Simcoe Street North LARGE size oll space hester HA B5774 17 b PIANG, in excellent eondition, suitable ¥ for ehureh, sehool, RA 50304 | WRECKING 1050 Ford, good mechanic and equipment 16¢ ally, wiso coffoe urn Phone RA B6064 or private home 160 | SILVEK blue Thistle baby carringe, ex LU callent condition. BA B-4734, | KENWOOD mixer with six atic h | ments, In perfect condition, RA 19160 AULOMATIC Laundro-mat, Bend! Be %, | good condition, $75, Phone RA 51644 SELL J appliances you don't need family with » low Dial RA 33492 now same other Classified ad place It BELLING your basement? You will get furniture or Ho 0 cont to cleaning out your Meh | est price when you phone RA 5413 RA 8771 Wo lol 37800. | 19) | | | | | fhe Oshawa Trading Post Slmen Hiren [BABY carringe, grey 1810 Also Bridesmaid's dress green, worn once, Ressonable fon th wire GUNS, plies new and used in town ses Dominion Tire Store [Bond Street West, HA 5.6011 EXTRA FOR THE VERY BEST ALUMINUM Coos, dows, Railings NOBODY BUT NOBODY con beot our quality prices and guarantee Installations, CALL HOLODY ALUMINUM RA 5-243] Anytime till 9 p.m, $AVE -- $AVE MacFadyen's Real Seal Win- Porch Screens, ond Storms, Awnings ALUMINUM PRODUCTS COMBINATION. ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS $16.95 EACH For any double hung window regardless of size. Instolla« tion included FULL FACTORY GUARANTEE PHONE RA 8-1547 ANYTIME LARSON FIBRE.GLASS BOATS 7 + 28 Open Evenings and Wekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. Phone 87. PAINT SALE Entire stock at great reduce tion in price. Gliddon's Spred Satin, Spred Lustre, etc, Re. the location: 12 St East, RA member Richmond 5.2851, » good condition, | cooler, roto-tiller, tle machine 12, eabin Phone | supplies. Wanted combination TV, tools ITH 16 | motors or whet have you, Chinn's, Hill ammunition and hunting sup: side and F For the hest des) a" Jon, 15 16,17,22, 29,24,26,27.28 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory cone structed oluminum storm windows ond doors Installed to your satisfaction at lows est prices, UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL 1ODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WCODWORKING SHOP RA 3-9851 14 Ra record Electric motors, 4 to hp. New. Half price dio ond aut metic playre cons sor, 114 hp, ¢ arplecs unit Electric grease machine, with grease gun. Car radio, fit Ford, late models. Portable oir compressor. Vary reason able, for quick sale. OSH AWA MACHINERY CO, oF m St RA £.9216 Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS 'AND DOOKS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplaces Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES | 13 PRINCE S&T RA 3.2707 pl Les € 148 TD i | | | | | T=Newn) | | | | | 3-26 Men for sll makes snd models for TV'S, radios, washers refrigerntors, dryers, Wi na and small appliances, Barony' Radio snd Fleetric 14d, 48 Himes W. 8. Feb, 7 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boots, Evinrude Motors == budget terms. Free winter storoge on motors, | Boat storage. Factory opr | proved. Service centre for . motor repairs, Open evenings ond weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS CALL RA 8.8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby | COLONIAL ALUMINUM | Phlne 87 | {rence Beaway, James C 31- ~-Swap and Barter { | EATER IRLY, coon coin | hox and plumbing eleetric tratler, all kinds of ark Road South, RA 3.7088 | Feb, 14 |52--Legal Notices ot NOTICE T0 CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK CUTHBERT LARMOUTH, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, RETIRED TOOL & DIE MAKER, DE- CEASED, All persons having claims against the Estate of FRED- ERICK CUTHBERT LAR. MOUTH, Retired Tool & Die Maker, who died at the City of Oshowa on or about the 8th doy of Jonuary, AD, 1959, are notified to send full particulars to the under. signed on or before the 7th day of February, A.D. 1959, after which the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the under signed shall then have had notice DATED ot Oshawa, this 13th day of January, AD, 1959 DONALD CHAS, LARMOUTH,| Executor, By his Solicitor: JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 1414 King Street E, QOshawo, Ontario Jon, 15, 22, 29| NEWS BRIEFS CHIEFY IN KINGSTON KINGSTON (CP)~R. W,. Nes bitt, 39, inspector of uniformed police and a member of the Kingston force since 1940, was | appointed chiéf of Kingston's city police Wednesday. The position had been vacant since the death {late last year of John T, Trualisch, TO MEET ON BORDER WASHINGTON (AP) Presi |dent Efsenhower plans to meet Queen Elizabeth in June, probe {ably on the U.S. Canadian border when she inspects the St, Law Hagerty, White House press secretary, {sald In reply to questions Tues {day that details regarding the meeting have not heen worked jout, , GUERNSEY OFFICERS GUELPH (CP)--Ernest Cross land of Newmarket was elected vresident of the Ontario Guern- sey Cattle Breeders' Association Wednerday, He succeeds Blare |Eanford of Kipgsville. Robert |Wede of Ancaster was na vice-president, Directors include Malcolm MeGregor, Crysler; {James M. Brown, Almonte; Gor don King, Oakville, Lyle Stokes, Allsa Craig: Harold Royce, Guelnh; George Dawson, Stoney Creek; "Edwin Wilson, Garden Bruee Butcher, Cobourg; Bruce Marshall, Innerkip and Garnett Stevenson of Ruthven, COMPLAINTS IN B.C. VICTORIA (CP)--Premier W. [A. C, Bennett sald Wednesday he [in disappointed with the B.C, tin. erary of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philin, The premier sald he has recelved numerous com- alaints because communities had been left out, He added: "The goverpment of British Columbia was not consulted by the federal government as to the itiner ary." TRIP DELAYED TORONTO (CP)--Alrline offi clals at Malton Airport were con. fronted with a new baby-sitting problem Tuesday. A basset hotnd waiting for a flight to Winnipeg gave birth to three little bassets, A veterinarian pronounced the Ntter 'fn good condition but' fg. gested postponing the flight, He suspected more pups might be arriving. RUSS A-SUB LIKELY. .. | SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Rjls- [sia probably has an atomic ered submarine in her big feet, Rear-Admiral E. W, Grenfell, commander of the Pacific fleet submarine force for the past two years, sald Tuesday, "We know the Russians have an atomjes powered Icebreaker and the chances are 10 to | they have an A-sub somewhere," he told a press conference, jam H-TV Channel 11--Hamilton | wkpw.TV Channel T--Butfalo WGR-TV Channel 3--Buffale TELEVISION LOG CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronte WROC-TV Channel 5----Rochester WBEN-TV Cuanpel é---Bauffale THURS EVENING { thm PM 11=Theatre; Sports ~Whistletown | Playhouse | Fun To Learn Three Stooges bide PB, ~Disney Time 6-~Woody Woodpecker $-Huokleberry Hound 4=Dinner Date LAL Theatre; Weather | T=Eatly Show &-Metrop, News ell 3 ole 1 [ 5 4 ' 8.3-Toduy Capt, " t--Popeyes La oy 2=Dr, Chri 10.00 8,2--Dough 61 Merried oan | B=Early News 60 1M, | 3 The Rifleman | ¢8=Newsy Weather { PM | 43-News 1. Le | tl=Family Theatre 6~Tublold 8=The Lawman State " 8,2 Troasur 1014 Y=For "he 8,8--Priee | = Love I'rooper Patrol &=Top Doll M, 1h 83-Tie 4 News: Dial 900 Colonel Flack «1 Love Lucy 7 [} 11=News L} T=Play You 4 8.31 could | 9-Jefferson Drum | hw PM | 11.6=Musie Makers T=Zorro 5:2--8teve Canyon &~Decamber Bridy LIL) 11,6~The Unforspen | T=Real McCoy's | 88-1t Could Be You &-Yaney Derringer COL 11-0OHA Hockey 7-Pat Boone 6 Wyatt Earp $-3--Hehind Closed Doors Zang Grey Theatre wan Rough Riders Loretta Young Ford Show T=Musle; B Pla Avhouse » 6 Nows t1=All Star T! 6--~Matines v heatire 4=~Meet the Mid Day T=Our a} Mtitonatre Explorations 2-You iat, Jour Lite wis Norm Marana u.00 Wa Pm, 11.6 Hiram Playbill 7~Beat The he Hip ¥ 4=House Pa o a 11 T==John Daly 4 5 Patti Page ma rm Weather) Sports Wen PM VAS 4&3 News Sports Playhouse 4 The Verd| UR] T- American PN 3.5 Queen § Serial Dy Be Viewpoint Feature Movie $~-8ports Reel wil PM | 11=Papeye Theatre val Ce ) AM, + Paris "a not | iri daar, Kangaroo m AM. S~Burns and Allan " Ba Toul wid Father 4=You and Your Family &=For Love or Money AM d-Arthur Godfrey YeMaruing Devotions Luey Han AM YPeter Lind Mayeg §,3--Concontration NOON Tae Weather «Leave It To Beaver th PM, Search for tomorrow Wied P i Light ru, Liberace His +» Uwmpovie M i TF Pevo ke & he nd Turns [LL] Day" Wn Court Jimmy Dean Helen Neville S~=Home Cooking = Hasgls Baul LILLIAN. A 11,6<Nursery Ld §3-Dr, Malone wa FN 11,6. Open House Y~Who Do You Trust §2-JFrom hese Roots fn PN 11 Bugs Bunny Party &-Ndge of Night Jot Jackson FRIDAY EVENING or PM, 11=Thentre Sports 6~Hidden Pages \avhouse to Fun to Lears 3~Three Stooges Play: aM PM, 76-Mighty Mouse é=Dinner Date Theafre Wid Bill Hickoek LL H=Theatre; News: Alory stlan Re ho . 6=Nows 3-Colone] Bleep LAL 8-News 8--Captain glia 8--Na ne Thal i Tuse AM mn a Ladies 4.3~News; Sports 0ds PM, 8 RIM | gi -Nows i 10 1h Theatre ¢ Labia 8=Real MoCoys 4=Colonel Flack Rescue 8 TPM, Tews) Weather LJ T=Rin Tin Tin Leave It To Beaver S=Nin Tin Tin 4=Hit Parade 3-Northwst ung r 1146-0 ountry Hoedown V=Disney Presents B3-Kllory Queen +~Rawhide LL XN 116=Ploutfe Family LL] 11=8kating Pa. 7=Man With a 6~Phil Silvers $3-M Squad 4=Phil Silvers ie PM, 1l-Stories of the tury 88. Thin Man 7-77 Sunset Strip We PM, 116 Basketball 83 Cavalcade of Sports oe Hunt AM, ar Dough r Hunoh be You heatre ovie lllere Matinee ative ameta Cen. Ingo "y Sohool ™M T=John Daly Holliday Porson to Person Clock TEE ayo T-Newai Weathers 8 orts 83 Fight Beat CRE 7 Plovhouse HES 12 Newas » ot a Youn " ) & Viewpoint §~ Movie new reM Wreatling Premiere ance StU Stack Bandstand ' or A Day | & amas Carton. Feature Paar a S~Rewdy Doody 1:00 AM, wi ny Fale Moston Rineki® gy =

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